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The Threat

"I am just in time to stop her cheating again. We make love but she uses it as a threat."

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Some of you who may have read my first two stories ‘It’s a funny world’ and ‘My cheating wife story’ may wonder how I responded to being treated the way my wife, Sue who I often called S treated me.

Initially for quite a long time I felt a great deal of pain and insecurity. During our courting days my wife and I had some major issues which will be subject for some later stories but for the early years of our married life there appeared to be no problems at all. At least that is what I had thought. To find out that she cheated on me was almost soul destroying. For a long time I put it down to her being carried away in the heat of the moment and making a mistake. But the big question was how many times could I use this as her excuse?

To me marriage means dedication to one person as it had been for all of those around me throughout my life. The thought of deceit or cheating after marriage never once had entered my head. This did not mean that I was so blind that beautiful women did not have an effect on me. When attractive women showed interest then I enjoyed it but the thought of bedding them was not a consideration. Because of my beliefs I expected the same of my wife so I was quite relaxed about my wife enjoying the attentions of others both male and female.

Had I been a jealous untrusting type of person then there may have been less opportunity for her cheating to occur. Of our friends, Lyn and her sister, Marg were the only ones to ever suggest that things could go wrong.

The occasion was Lyn’s husband, Jon’s birthday party about a year after I had witnessed my wife, Sue having sex with Joe. Lyn’s husband was a unique character which some could align with the ‘Aussie bushy’. He was a rough type who told stories which were often exaggerated to the extreme. Many of his stories had him as the ‘hero’ solving the almost unsolvable problems or the great lover with no equal. His normal dress was stubby shorts, a T shirt and thongs.

Some may think that Lyn’s husband would not be liked but in fact the opposite was the case. Most people once they got to know him accepted that few of his stories were in anyway real but they were very entertaining. I always marveled at the fact that he always had another story to tell. All women without exception showed affection for him. My wife appeared to be drawn to him like a magnet attracts steel. He was always the center of attraction no matter where he was, at work, at home, in the pub and especially so at a party. When we were with him then my wife would always be next to him obviously enjoying every moment of every story.

Lyn on the other hand was quiet. She did not like being the center of attraction so you would often find her by herself or with a close friend taking about the family, the last holiday or her plans for the next shopping trip.

Lyn was a worker and parties need workers so she was in and out of the kitchen providing food and drink for all who gathered around her husband listening to his latest exploits.

To be honest parties are not my thing. I enjoy people’s company but preferred to be with small groups where everyone participated in meaningful conversation. So it was that I joined Lyn catering for the guests, keeping their glasses full and handing out tit bits of food but also spending time in quiet conversation in the kitchen with Lyn.

It was during one of these interludes in the kitchen that Lyn asked me, “Don’t you worry about her?”

“Worry about who?”

“About your wife, Sue."

“Why would I worry? She’s healthy, fit and caring. She enjoys her life. She looks after both our kids better than most women would. What is there for me to worry about?”

”Her flirting, the attention she gives to other men. She throws herself at them.”

“I don’t understand what you are saying, Lyn. Is there something that I should know about? Am I missing something?”

“I’m sorry that I raised it. If you can’t see it then I can’t point it out to you.”

“No. If there is something that I should know about then tell me. All I see is a woman enjoying her life. What more could any husband wish for than a wife who loves life, enjoys company and likes to join in conversation and good clean fun.”

“Why are you not out there with her if it is so great?”

“Lyn, I think that you are jealous. Why are you not out there with your husband?”

“I know that I can trust you, Goyse so I can tell you that I love my husband. He’s the father of my kids but he is also a liar, a cheat, a pervert and a scoundrel. You know and I know that he will never miss an opportunity to bed any woman who is willing. I’ve caught him out several times and every time he promises it will be the last but even I know that it won’t be. He is your direct opposite.”

“I accept your compliments, Lyn if they are meant as that. I don’t think that you need to worry about Jon. I’ve never known him to do any more than flirt a little.”

“You bloody men are all the same you cover up for each other every time. I KNOW that he is a cheating son of a bitch because I’ve caught him in bed with women more than once. The last was our tenant in our rental unit. I was supposed to be away but arrived back early to find his utility parked in her driveway so I wandered over. They didn’t even have the good sense to lock the door. Here they were with her legs pointing at the stars and him chock-a-block up her with both of them moaning and whimpering like bitches on heat. Why do you think I evicted the slut?”

“I’m sorry, Lyn. I didn’t know. It must have been terrible for you. How do you cope knowing that?”

“I cope much the same way you do. I avoid it by pushing it to the back of my mind. I focus on other important things like the kids and maintaining a safe home for them.”

“I think you’ve got it wrong. I don’t have to cope with that type of thing.”

“As I said avoid it and pretend that it isn’t happening. It works for me and it works for you but it is happening. You are just avoiding it. Look..” She hesitated as if thinking of what to say. “Go across and sit with my sister Marg and simply watch for the rest of the night and then tomorrow tell me that it is not happening.”

Another long pause then she continued, “Sue will go to the washroom soon. Watch who follows her. Give them a couple of minutes and then follow. Be prepared because you may be shocked.”

I went inside and took the seat beside Lyn’s sister, Marg. Marg was a good bit taller than Lyn who was only just over 5 feet tall. Where Lyn was slim with not an ounce of fat on her, Marg was of larger build. She was not fat but was carrying a few extra pounds. They were both beautiful in their own way but Lyn was the one who drew the attention of the men. Marg on the other hand was very nice to talk to and could indulge in conversation on almost any subject. Although Marg’s face was beautiful she did not have the physical attributes that her older sister had.

“How’s it going, Marg.”

“I’m okay. How is it with you?”

“I’m fine. Do you mind if I join you. You seem to be missing out on the festivities. Music too loud for you?”

“Nope, it’s not the noise. I’m just keeping an eye on that flaming husband of mine. Leave him alone for two minutes and he is trying to poke someone.”

What have I invited myself to, I thought. Seems tonight everyone is falling to pieces. Perhaps people have had too much to drink. Alcohol does that to some people I’m told.

“Ian’s flirting with someone, is he?”

“Flirting? He’s more than flirting. You should know. She’s your wife.”

“Hold on there, Sue is just enjoying the party. You don’t have the right to make accusations against her like that.”

“Look, Goyse. You’re a good bloke. She doesn’t deserve someone like you. Anyone else would have dumped her years ago. Take a good look at where she is standing and who is behind her.”

“It’s Ian. What’s wrong with that?”

“Where are his hands? Where are her hands?”

“Well, I can’t see from here.”

“Of course you can’t see where their hands are. They don’t want you to see. That’s why they are standing behind Jon and his mates. Look more closely. You can see that she has her hands behind her. Why do you think that is?” Before I could answer she continued. “She is stroking his cock. That’s why?””

This conversation was going somewhere that I didn’t want to go. “You don’t know that?”

“Look at everyone else. You can see clearly that everyone else has their hands where they are visible but not so my husband and your wife.

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I can tell you, he has his hands under her dress and she is stroking him through his shorts.”

Just then Sue pushed her way through towards the wash rooms. Ian remained. Jon watched her go, finished off his story and made his way towards the hallway leading to the washroom.

“Christ!” I muttered while thinking about what Lyn had said. This was becoming too much for me.

“What was that?” Marg said.

I hesitated for a moment then said “Nothing, I’ve got to go to the washroom.”

I made my way towards the hallway leading to the washroom. Several people tried to strike up conversation as I went but I put them off saying, “Must pee.”

The hallway was quite long. There were bedrooms on both sides. At the end of the hall it turned to the left with another bedroom further on the left and the washrooms to the right. Had I been a few seconds later I would have missed what I witnessed.

Jon had Sue lifted off the floor. Her legs were wrapped around his waist. His cock was protruding from the top of his shorts pushing against the fork of her G string panties. Had he pulled her G string to the side he would have impaled her. They initially did not see me because they were kissing. Sue had her eyes closed but Jon was supporting her weight with one hand while trying to find the bedroom door handle with the other.

I watched for the few seconds that it took Jon to find the door handle. He opened the door to the bedroom and laid her on the bed with her rear on the edge. As he reached down to pull her G string to the side I said, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing, you prick.”

Jon bolted upright, pulling his pants up over his cock as he did so. Sue lay on the bed with her legs still spread saying nothing. It was as if she did not know that I was there and nothing had changed. “I’m sorry, mate.” Jon said as he bolted for the door shutting it behind him as he went.

I moved over to Sue who was still half sitting and half lying on the bed. I could see now that her G string was wet in the fork. I leant over her kissing her deeply and at the same time I undid my belt allowing my pants to fall to the floor. My cock was so engorged that it hurt. It had to be satisfied.

I grabbed her G string and ripped it off her. Her lips were swollen. She was slightly open and soaking wet. I slipped my cock head across her slit and over her clit. She responded by hunching her back making the head of my cock enter her. I had never felt anyone as slippery as she was although a few years later I was to experience the same feeling when she returned after being out with her so called ‘friends’. As I pushed into her there was no resistance.

“I love you," she said.

“I love you too," I replied.

“You’re not angry?”

“We’ll talk about that later. For now I just want to make love to you. When we do get home later I want you to explain what happened and why you are so slick. You feel as if you have already been fucked.”

“What if I have? Does the thought turn you on? You sit and watch me flirting all night and never say a word. You never complain about it. I know that you must know that men try to feel me up when I give them the opportunity but you never chastise me for it. Now when you’ve almost caught Jon with me you just want to push him out of the way and take his place. Does the thought of a big hard cock almost about to penetrate my little quim and squirt its fertile sperm in to meet my eggs get you going?”

I could feel I was about to cum so pulled out of her leaving my cock just at her entrance. She kept pushing forward to try to get it back in but I would allow only the head to enter and then pull back again teasing her. Her fluids where running down her but and onto the bed like a fountain.

The pressure in my balls had eased as my orgasm backed off so I allowed her to take my cock a little deeper as we talked. I had hoped that we would just have sex and enjoy the moment but she was pushing me to talk about things now.

“I don’t know. I love you. I don’t want any other man pushing into my little wife’s fertile pussy but I can’t get too angry about it because the thought turns me on. But you need to think about what you are doing because not only are you hurting me and putting our marriage at risk but the risk of pregnancy with no protection is always there. “

I continued, “don’t you know that Jon will not pull out? He doesn’t respect you and you are only 10 days since the end of your period. I can’t say for sure what I might do but if the risk was not there I may not have stopped you. I get upset because you do it behind my back and without talking to me.“

““I didn’t plan it. I’m just horny all the time around this time in my cycle and when men flirt my little quim gets so juicy and I can’t stop it. I love being touched. Ian had his hands in my panties tonight and it drove me over the top. He has a little short dick but I couldn’t help but touch it when he was fingering me."

"I saw you and Marg watching us. That just drove me to new heights. Just before you came out of the kitchen, Marg watched as he gave me an orgasm by slipping his little cock between my legs and into my G string. He had his body held tightly against me so that no one could see.

When he came he had just the head sliding across my slit and he was trying to get it inside me but he was not long enough. The most exciting thing was to see the look on Marg’s face when she realized what he was doing.”

“I even get this way when women touch me. Lyn helped me try on some dresses and shorts last week. While I was trying on some shorts I almost orgasmed when Lyn reached down and touched my crutch because my panties were showing. She had tried hers on just before me and I had seen her completely nude.

Her pussy is so small and neat looking. She has almost no hair. Just a splattering of blond hairs neatly trimmed and the lips are not open like mine but closed. It looks just like a little camel toe in the flesh. I almost went down on my knees and licked it but I know that she would not let me.”

To this day the description of Lyn’s pussy as Sue described it is like a picture in my mind that simply will not go away. Sue knew what she was doing. She wanted me in her and of all the things that she could do this was the way to drive me over the top. I penetrated her to the limit.

“Oooh, fuck,” I said as I drove hard into her.

“You would love to fuck her wouldn’t you? I see how you look at her and her sister Marg. I know. You’re not the saint that you make yourself out to be." She raised her voice as she continued. "But just you remember that if you try to fuck her she will tell me and then I’ll cut your fucking balls out.”

She had timed the threat perfectly. She knew that I was at my height. I was going to cum and nothing would change that. Her threat took away some of the pleasure that I would have experienced from my orgasm but her perfect timing meant that I was clearly going to get the picture.

She could get away with whatever she wanted but if I did it look out.

Sue stayed that night at Lyn and Jon’s place. I wanted her to come home with me but she simply refused. Lyn and Sue had arranged for her to sleep in the room where this happened in the very bed that we had been on. I spoke quietly to Lyn before I left and she assured me that she would keep an eye on her.

Before I left Lyn told me that she intended sleeping in the bed with Sue for the night to teach that fuckwit husband of hers a lesson. Even though Lyn had not witnessed anything she had already guessed why Sue and Jon had gone to the washroom together and this was to be Jon’s punishment.

When I left and went to my car I found Marg sitting in it waiting for me. I didn’t go home. We parked at the beach and talked until the sun came up. There was nothing sexual about it. At that stage in our lives our belief in the sanctuary of marriage did not permit us to explore that opportunity but that was to change with time. For now we were just two people enjoying each other’s company.

Marg who a few years later was to become my lover told me that Lyn had confided in her that when she had pranced her pussy in front of Sue trying on the clothes she had hoped that Sue would respond and make love to her. Sue had missed her big opportunity. Marg also told me that Lyn was bi and enjoyed sex with women a lot more than with men because she often suffered pain from penetration.

The result of that night was that I knew that one day I was going to lose Sue because her sexual drive was too strong for me to keep her satisfied. Perhaps eventually she would meet someone who could satisfy her. After that night I knew that I was on the verge of falling in love with someone else, someone who one day I would and could satisfy.

Written by goyse
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