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The Revenge Fuck, Chapter 1

"After being stood up on her anniversary, Julie looks for someone to take hubby's place!"

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It was Friday evening and I had just gotten home from work when it happened. It was a slow day at work and the boss had let us go home early.

We had gotten all the orders out and he didn't want to pay us for just sitting around, so we got to start our weekend off a couple of hours early. That suited me fine – I didn't have anything major planned for the weekend, but anytime I can be home instead of at work was a plus for me!

I was sitting on the sofa, trying to decide between Chinese takeout or barbeque when all of a sudden I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it and was met with an angry woman in a trenchcoat.

"Fuck me!" She demanded. It was my next door neighbor Julie Martin and she was pissed to high heaven. She stood there with one hand on each side of the doorway and I could tell there was something very wrong going on.

"Come again?" I said, taken aback at her odd hello.

She pushed me into the middle of the room so hard that I nearly fell from the impact and she stepped into my living room and shut the door hard.

"I said I want you to fuck me!" And this time she emphasized her words by throwing open her trenchcoat to reveal she was wearing only her favorite bra/panty/garter belt set with fishnet hose and her leopard-print high heels. She looked amazing, but then Julie always looked amazing even in her regular clothes.

"Hold on, Julie, honey. Sit down and tell me what this is all about," I said. She plopped down on the sofa and I sat down next to her.

"That bastard knew this was our anniversary... I have been asking him all week where he was going to take me today and he would dodge the question one way or another. I just thought he was trying to surprise me.

"Well, he surprised me all right – he left this morning to go out fishing at the lake with the boys! He said he would be gone until late Sunday probably since he doesn't have to work Monday. Some anniversary, leaving me home alone! I'm so pissed at him – our fifth anniversary and he pulls this shit!" She said, still fuming.

"Damn, hon, that isn't right," I said, trying to be sympathetic.

"It sure as fuck isn't right! I went out and bought this lingerie outfit especially for him tonight, but I guess someone else is going to get to enjoy it now! So, Mark, are you going to fuck me, or do I have to take my 'business' elsewhere?" She said, standing up with her hands on her hips.

Now Julie and Chris were my neighbors and we had been friendly towards each other for a couple of years now. Not wife-sharing friendly, just waving hi and "Can I borrow a cup of sugar" friendly. And I'll admit, I have eyed Julie with less than honorable intent on occasion – I'd have to be gay not to admire her. But until now I have been able to keep my lust in check. 

Until now.

I stood up and took Julie in my arms, looking into her face. I saw two things right off – hurt and need. Julie had been hurt by her husband's blatant disregard for the occasion and her attempt to celebrate it with him. She had gotten herself dolled up to entice and please him, and he had ignored her.

I also saw the need she had. She was feeling like she wasn't attractive enough and that he would rather go out fishing with his friends than spend time with her. She needed affirmation that she was still desirable and still had "it". Well, she certainly did have "it", and if she wanted to give "it" up, I would take as much of "it" as she would be willing to part with!

I put my finger under her chin and gently raised her face to mine. "Are you sure you want this Julie? It will change our friendship forever... I will be more than just your next-door neighbor – I will be your lover," I said.

She looked up at me her eyes darting back and forth for a moment. "Yes, Mark, I want this. I need this. I need to know I'm still..." she couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence, but I knew what she meant. 

I leaned in to kiss her and at first, her kiss was soft and timid, like she was still trying to convince herself this was all right. But then she must have made up her mind because she moaned into my mouth and gave herself over to the feeling of my mouth on hers.

Our kiss became deeper and more passionate, she was really kissing me and I was giving as good as I got. Her arms went around my neck and her hands held the back of my head. Mine went around her slim waist, grabbing her asscheeks and giving them a little squeeze as I pulled her hips up to mine.

The idea that this beautiful woman had come over with the intent of fucking me had gotten my cock's attention, and I wanted to show her that he was in complete agreement!

I heard a loud gasp and moan as our hips came together and I knew the message was received and that we were both on the same page here.

I held her tight and kissed her hard and deep–just in case this was a one-time deal, I wanted her to remember this kiss and who gave it to her!

"Oh my, Mark!" she gasped when we finally came up for air. "I didn't realize you were such a good kisser!"

"It's all in the context, hon... it helps to have a beautiful partner!" I said. Julie smiled up at me gratefully.

I took Julie's small hand in my own and walked down the hall toward the bedroom with her beside me, her head on my shoulder.

Just as we got to the bedroom door, she stopped me. "Wait a minute, Mark, please," she said. I thought for a second that she'd had a change of heart and was not going to go through with it. I would understand if she didn't, of course, but I did have a steel-hard cock I would have to deal with!

"There's something I want to tell you about me before we go in there. You see, I'm a bit of a freak in the bed. I mean I don't do the 'make love' kind of thing. I know I look like the type that men want to cuddle and hold and make mad, passionate love to. But I'm not.

"I don't make love, I fuck. Hard and fast and deep. I like my sex hot and sweaty and wild. I am a messy girl – I like giving sloppy, messy blowjobs and I like messy sex. If the room isn't a wreck, then I haven't had a good time!

"Also, I like to fuck until I can't fuck anymore. I am a marathon fuck – if I can walk away from a fuck, there's more fucking to do. Think you can handle a girl like that, baby?"

I turned the doorknob and swung the door open. "Welcome to the jungle, Jane."

Julie stepped into the room and took a look around. That was the break I was looking for. I grabbed her and spun her around pushing her face-first up against the wall. She had just enough time to throw her hands up and cushion the impact before she hit the wall.

I took advantage of that as well grabbing her hands and bringing them around behind her and pinning them with one hand in the small of her back. My other hand moved up and grabbed her hair pulling her head back.

"Now, my cheating little slut, you came here to get fucked, and fucked you shall be. I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk out of this room.

"By the time you leave here, you will have lost count of the number of orgasms you have had. You say like it rough, do you? Well, rough is just the way I like it too. You will be sore when you leave this house, I promise you," I growled in her ear. 

"Ohhh, God..." she moaned and I felt a shudder run through her body. My words were turning her on!

I let go of her wrists but kept hold of her hair as I half-dragged her across the room forcing her to bend over the side of the bed with her legs hanging over the edge.

I gave her a hard swat on her upturned ass. "Now spread those fucking ass cheeks, slut, I want to see pink!"

Julie squealed when I smacked her ass – I don't think she quite expected that – but she quickly reached back and pulled her asscheeks far apart.

I knelt behind her and peered into that heavenly hole, dripping with sweet woman-honey. The fragrance that came from inside made my mouth water.

"You have a very nice pussy, slut... I wonder if it tastes as good as it smells!" I said. 

Before she could answer, I plunged my face between those spread asscheeks, and my tongue thrust into her open hole wanting to get right to work. And it did just that, squirming and wriggling around as if it knew just where to look for her pearls of sweetness.

"Ohhh fuuck!" she squealed again, this time in pleasure as my tongue ignited her pussy. As I devoured her pussy she writhed and squirmed moaning and gasping.

My tongue searched her pussy walls very thoroughly looking for any trace of her delicious pussy juice and Julie wasn't shy about sharing her abundance. I licked and lapped at her fountain like she was the wellspring of life itself.

From time to time I would give her a chance to refill her supply of pussy juice by moving my tongue up a little bit and licking her perineum which she loved. But when I moved a little higher and rimmed her she really went wild!

"Ohhh fuck, Mark! Oh my God, you're licking my asshole! Oh God, it feels incredible! Yes, baby, yes, lick my slutty ass! Ohhh shit!" She cried as my tongue worked over her crinkled star.

Julie raised her ass up and spread her legs wider for me as I teased her little asshole with my tongue. My hand didn't let her pussy cool down any either – I shoved two fingers into that dripping hole and fingerfucked her rapidly as I continued to eat her ass. 

Julie was in seventh heaven, lying there getting both holes serviced. Part of me wished I had something for that third hole too, but the other part of me was loving the moans and cries and whimpers she was giving me back. 

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Julie was scratching and clawing at the bed in a futile attempt to get away from the torment I was putting her through.

But pinned as she was to the bed with me right behind her, she had no other choice but to endure this to the end. And the end came sooner than either of us expected it to.

"Oh God, Mark! Oh, I'm gonna cum! Oh, I'm, gonna cum so hard, baby! Please, please make me cum! Make me cum for you please!" she begged.

I learned a long time ago that making a girl cum good right at the first makes any subsequent orgasms easier and more intense. And I planned on giving Julie as many as she could handle. So I intensified my efforts and pushed her headlong over the edge.

"Ohhh fuuuckkk! I'mmm cuuumminnggg!" She wailed long and loud. And sure enough her pussy exploded as a torrent of hot fresh juice gushed out from between her legs like I had cut a charged firehose with an ax!

I've had a squirter or two in my day – one of my past girls dribbled a bit when she came hard and the other gave me a little water fountain thing for a second. But Julie gushed so hard I was tempted to look for a life jacket! I never realized a woman could hold so much inside her!

Julie bucked and pitched as her orgasm wrung her out. I held her down which only seemed to amplify her orgasm, making it more intense as she struggled against both me and her orgasm.

It seemed like it lasted a good five minutes although to Julie it must have seemed much longer. But at last, she was exhausted and just lay there panting for breath, a beautiful sweat sheen making her glow in the room light.

I watched her as her breathing began to return to normal and just as soon as she stopped panting like a winded dog, I grabbed her and spun her around to sit on her heels with her back to the bed.

"Okay, slut, you got yours now open that mouth and get me hard... we have some fucking to do!" I said. I gave her a little slap to get her attention and she opened her mouth promptly. I pushed my cock in until I felt the back of her throat. She gagged a bit and I pulled back out. 

Grabbing a handful of hair I pulled her head back to face me. "Oh come on! You mean a cheating slut like you can't give a decent fucking blowjob? What kind of whore are you? Now get to it!"

I pushed my cock back into her mouth as she began sucking me in earnest. One hand went behind my leg to hold me up close to her and the other went between my legs to fondle my nuts and playfully scratch my perineum with her long red fingernails.

She licked the underside of my cock as her head bobbed up and down my shaft. Julie was a damned fine cocksucker once she got into it and she had me hard as steel in no time. Of course, I was already erect just having this beauty in my bedroom, but she caused me to get bigger and harder with her oral talents.

The cum in my nuts was at a slow, rolling boil by the time I pulled her to her feet. "Now get on that bed and get ready to be fucked senseless!" I said.

She climbed into bed and spread her legs wide for me. I could see the lust in her eyes and I knew she was ready to feel a hard, thick, cock in her belly.

I crawled up the bed and between her thighs. She reached for me but I slapped her hands away. "Don't get greedy slut, I'll give it to you when I think you deserve it. Now beg for it and make me think you want this cock!"

I began to tease her, running the tip of my cock up and down her wet slit, just deep enough to make her think any moment I was going to fill her hungry hole.

"Please Mark, please fuck me! Oh God, I want your cock in me soo bad! Please, baby, please fuck me like the cheating whore slut I am! Please fuck my cheating pussy hard and deep! You know how I like it, baby!"

"Yeah, I know how you like it... but what will you do for me?" I asked, still teasing her pussy with my cock.

"Oh, I will make you feel so good, baby. Julie will take real good care of you, lover. Let me please and pleasure you. You're gonna love how tight and wet this pussy is, just waiting for your hard, thick cock.

"My little pussy wants to make that big cock feel sooo good... so warm and so wet! Please, baby, let me show you how good I can make you feel," she cooed seductively.

I took hold of both of her wrists, moving her hands up on either side of her head and pinning them there while at the same time moving into position over her. My cock seemed to know it was time to go to work as it was pointed right at her waiting hole.

I watched her face as I slowly pushed into her just enough to nest up against her tunnel entrance. Julie bit her bottom lip as she loved eyes with me waiting apprehensively.

Her expression changed from worry to wonder as I began entering her. Her eyes got big and her mouth opened as she began to understand what she had gotten into.

I'm no pornstar mind you–there's no foot-long fuckpole between my legs. But according to what I would learn later, I was definitely bigger than anything she'd enjoyed before, and that included hubby. So when she started taking me in, she was in for a whole new experience in fucking fun!

"Oh-my-God! Oh-my-God!" she began saying over and over as I slid deeper and deeper into her. I was about halfway in when her mantra got louder and more urgent.

"Oh-my-God, Mark! Oh! Oh, fuck! Oh, Mark, your cock is so... Oh shit! You are so deep in me... deeper than I've ever... Ohhh fuuck!" she cried.

I continued pushing deeper until finally my balls hit her ass and I knew that was all I had to give her. But apparently, it was more meat than she'd ever had before and she was deliriously full.

"Ohhh, Maaark! Ohhh fuck yesss!" she moaned arching her back as I began moving slowly in and out of her, letting her feel the full length of me inside her tight hole.

I started slowly letting her feel every bump and ridge of my cock shaft. I was sizing her, letting her get accustomed to my cock. But as she started loosening up a bit my thrusts got harder and faster. Within just a few strokes she was loosened up and we were both well-lubed.

"Okay, slut, brace yourself – the shit's about to get serious in here!" I said, looking right at her.

Then I started. My next thrust was hard and deep. I heard our bodies slap together with a wet smack. As fast as I did, I pulled out until I was just outside of her and pushed back in again, re-entering her and thrusting all the way in quickly.

I pistoned in and out of her as fast as I could recycle, not giving her any respite or chance to even catch her breath. She said she liked to fuck... hard, fast, and deep... she liked it hot and sweaty and wild. Those were her words and I was taking her to task on it.

"Fuck me! Oh God, Mark, fuck me hard! Fuck me like you hate me! Punish me with that cock! Punish me for being a lying, cheating whore! Oh God yes! Yes! Make me your dirty, filthy slut, baby! Ohhh..."

I fucked Julie as hard as I have ever fucked any of my partners. Some of the girls I've had were just one-night stands – just convenient cumdumps I picked after a night of drinking... I didn't worry whether they were sore the next day, because I wouldn't ever see them again. I didn't even care to know their names, just that they had a hole I could fill – and I didn't care which hole it was most of the time!

But Julie was different. Maybe because she was my neighbor and we saw each other a lot. I don't know. But I didn't consider her disposable. I wanted to give her what she wanted – the hard fucking and rough treatment that she told me she liked.

And I wanted to show her that she was still very desirable and attractive. I wanted to restore her self-confidence and let her know she had nothing to worry about as far as her sexuality.

It was a bit of a dilemma, to be honest. I wanted to be as hard as she seemed to want me to be, but I also didn't want to go overboard. And since this was the first time we had done anything like this I was naturally conservative about my "enthusiasm".

I did have hopes–maybe misguided, maybe not–that this would not be the only time we got together like this. And if that was the case I didn't want to ruin it by being too hard or too easy on her.

It turned out, however, that my concerns were unfounded as she was thoroughly enjoying my treatment of her. The dirty talk, the hard, almost brutal fucking, she loved it all. In fact, she kept asking for more!

"Yes, baby! Drive that cock all the way through me! Fuck me harder! Ohhh yes, that's what I like! Give me that fat cock, I want it all–give it to me! God, I love your big thick cock! Make me your fucking slut whore! I want to be your cock loving cumslut!" She cried as I banged into her all the harder.

I don't know what it was about this woman, but the harder I fucked her the harder she wanted it! And even though I was giving her everything I had, I still wasn't ready to cum!

Now I'm no teenaged kid that blows his load at the first sight of a pair of tits, but I'm also not superhuman. I have my limits as far as how long I can keep up this pace.

But for some reason, I was lasting longer than I thought I should have–at least it seemed that way to me. Maybe it was because I had secretly dreamed of this day or maybe it was the spontaneity of all this. Whatever the cause, I was pounding away at her pussy like the Energizer Bunny! And she was loving every hard breathtaking thrust!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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