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The Night Of The Storm

"What seemed so simple, became so difficult, but you never know what the results of your actions will be!"

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Author's Notes

"This is a standalone story told to me by a friend on a long phone call a couple of nights ago. I had to write it so here it is. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It is true with a few editorial adjustments. I hope you like it. Read, share, and by all means ENJOY! Rachel"

It was a stormy night in early April. The rain was pounding on the roof and splashing against the windows. Thunder and lightning were creating night fireworks in the sky. The lights flickered occasionally. This had been happening for several hours and may continue through the night.

Suddenly the front door opened, and a soaking-wet Elaine stumbled in. She was drenched, dripping water off everything, holding a useless umbrella that had done no good. The lights flickered off as she shucked off her coat and put the umbrella on the stand. 

"Damnit!" was the first word she spoke.

I was sitting in a chair across the room, my knees crossed and my hands in my lap. I had been sitting like this for over two hours, not moving an inch. It was just before 9:00 pm on Tuesday. 

I was supposed to be in Houston tonight, but the weather had changed my travel, so my trip was canceled. I texted Elaine earlier, about 7:00 pm, telling her I would be home this week, but I had not received a reply. 

Just then, the door opened again, and someone came in. I could not see them in the dark, and they could not see me. As frantic as Elaine had been when she came in, I was sure she had not seen me either. The lights are on a timer and come on every night if we are not home, and she would not think them being on was odd.

"Jesus, the weather, what a mess. I had to park down the block, and I am soaked." A familiar man's voice spoke, and it was a voice I knew very well. 

"Well, you might as well remove your clothes here, so we don't track the water all over the house." 

I heard the rustling of clothes, then, "Unhook my bra." Then, "Stop that. Wait till we get out of these wet things." 

More rustling, "I'll get some towels." Then, "Oh, stop that. Can't you wait?" I heard a slap. 

"No. I want you now!" The man said.

Just then, the lights returned, filling the room with brightness. All our eyes had to adjust, but in a spontaneous movement, everyone looked around the room. 

Elaine screamed, "Oh My God, Nooo!" and ran from the room.

Standing before me was my business partner, Wilson Page. He was naked as the day he was born and was shocked to see me sitting casually on the other side of the room. 

"Good evening, Wil. May I ask what you are doing in my house with my wife, naked at 9:00 pm, on a night I am supposed to be out of town?"

There was no immediate response. 

I stood and walked to the cabinet and opened the drawer. I took out the old 38-caliber Colt revolver that Granddad gave me. He told me, "Jimmy, you never know when you might need a pistol so keep it safe, and where you can get it if you need it." 

I thought that this was one of those times I needed it. 

I opened the box of bullets and the cylinder. I pushed a bullet in each of the six slots. I asked, "Wil, please answer the question." I finished loading the gun, turned, and pointed the gun at him.

What I saw was a little man cowering away, trying to cover his shriveling cock with his hands. He suddenly turned ash white, and a look of fear appeared. That was rewarding to me, and it was clear that I had all his attention. 

"Now Wilson," I never call him that, "You must not have heard my question, so I ask again. Please tell me, what are you doing in my house with my wife, completely naked, at 9:00 pm, on a night I am supposed to be out of town?"

Just then, Elaine returned to the room with a towel, dressed in a robe. She saw me holding the gun and cried out, "Oh God, Timothy, no, don't shoot him. This is not what it looks like."

I smiled and looked at Elaine, "Really, well then, Elaine, please tell me what it does look like. I would like to know what you think I see?"

Elaine looked at Wilson and then back at me as if he would intervene, but she started to sob when he didn't. 

"Now, Elaine, it is a simple question. What do you think I am seeing? You must think quickly and be honest with me. You only have one chance to answer correctly, and I will shoot my former partner if I don't like your answer." 

"Oh No, you can't kill him." Elaine yelped. 

"Oh, I will not kill Wilson. There are six bullets in the cylinder of the gun. Enough bullets to permanently injure Wilson, so every time you lie to me, I will shoot him, up to five times, his arms, legs, and maybe his cock. We will have to see."

Elaine had stopped crying and was on the verge of panic. "What about the sixth bullet?" 

"Oh, that bullet is for me. After I shoot Wilson, he will be disabled for the rest of his life. I will have no wife, no best friend, and no business partner since he has betrayed me by fucking my wife. So, my life is over, and I will have no reason to live any longer. I will use the last bullet on me and kill myself."

Elaine fainted dead away, crumbling to the floor. I picked up my cell phone from the table and walked closer to Wilson. "Come sit down, Wilson."

I paid no attention to Elaine. 

"But Tim, what about Elaine?" He finally spoke.

"Oh, she will be fine. She will answer my question in a minute or two."

We sat down across from one another, staring eye-to-eye at each other. Many thoughts ran through my mind. There were flashbacks to all the good times we had had in our business together. When Elaine and I married and when our kids were born. When we had our first million-dollar profit year, Wilson finally married Janice.

I stopped reminiscing and asked, "Wilson, so how is Janice? Does she know you have been fucking Elaine for how long now?" 

His face flushed a bright pink, and it spread down into his chest. I saw him swallow hard, knowing his mouth was dry and must have felt full of cotton. 

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you?" 

"Huh, no, she doesn't know, and it's been about a year."

"Wow, an entire year. So, every time I go away on business, you come over and fuck Elaine?"  

"Not every time you were gone but many of the times. Yes, we would get together and fuck. We were just fuck buddies. I love my wife, and Elaine loves you. We made that clear to each other from the start."

"Oh, so you think it is all right to fuck my wife while I am out of town busting my ass, making sales for the company, generating millions in revenue for the company we are partners in. Somehow that doesn't seem fair to me. Does it seem fair to you? Please explain that to me."

Just then, Elaine came around and crawled up on a chair near her. She looked at me, holding the gun on Wilson, and began to shake. 

"Ah, Elaine, Wilson, and I are so happy to have you back with us. How are you feeling?"  

Elaine looked at me, then Wilson. Her face showed fear, and she was petrified, worried about what would happen. 

"So, Elaine, now that you are back with us, I need you to answer my question. If what I am seeing is not what it looks like, what do you think I am seeing? You must think quickly and be honest with me. You only have one chance to answer correctly. If I don't like your answer, I will shoot my former partner and ask again. If your answer is another lie, I will shoot Wilson again, and so on."

Elaine looked at Wilson and then at me. Her eyes dropped to her lap. "Jimmy, what I did is exactly what it looks like. I am so sorry, and I have been cheating on you with Wil for a year and am so ashamed."

"So, you are ashamed of getting caught or ashamed of cheating on me, betraying me, destroying our family and our marriage, which is it, Elaine?"

Wilson just sat there as a total wimp, not saying anything. I looked back and pointed the gun at Elaine; she cringed away, "Oh No!"

"Maybe I should end this whole fucking thing right now. I have nothing left. You are a lying, cheating slut that I used to love. And you, Wilson, was my best friend, business partner, and the person I trusted more than anyone. Now I find out you have been fucking my wife for a fucking year. Boy, what a fucked situation. 

"I should shoot the two of you and then myself, and it will all be over." 

I stood and walked to the middle of the room. 

"Both of you come here and kneel on the floor before me."

They looked at each other, slowly got up, and approached me. 

"On your knees!"

"Oh God, Jimmy, no, you can't kill us. Please, I am so sorry." 

"On your fucking knees, now." 

They both dropped to their knees. Fear was all over their faces. Elaine started to sob, begging me not to kill them. Wilson told me he had a wife and a baby on the way and begged me not to kill him. 

"Shut the fuck up, both of you. I will shoot Wilson in the knee first if you say another word."

I held my cell phone and shot some pictures of them naked on their knees. I punched in a number and sent the photos. Then I dialed the number. The phone rang several times. It was late, she may have been asleep. She answered. 

"Janice, gosh, I am sorry to call so late. Elaine is not doing well, and I must leave for a trip. The airline just confirmed me on a flight in ninety minutes. Could you come over and watch over Elaine so I can leave? I am sure she will be OK tomorrow."

"Oh, that would be great. I will see you in a few minutes. Thank you so much."

I hung up and sat in my chair.

Wilson was in shock. His wife was on her way to my house, and he was naked on his knees. He said nothing; what could he say? I had a gun.

Elaine gasped, "Oh God, Janice is coming here now. Oh God, what have we done, Wil!"   

I sat smiling. 

"So, how many times have you two gotten together to fuck? I need answers, and I need them now. Do you love each other? How did it start? Were you going to keep on fucking each other forever? 

I looked at each of them; somebody better start talking NOW!"  


Jimmy was holding a gun to us; we were on our knees, and he had called Wil's wife, Janice. She was coming to our house now. 

"Oh God, we were so fucked." I yelped, looking at Wil and then back at Jimmy.

Jimmy was demanding to know a lot of answers to the questions any man would ask in this situation. I didn't want to answer any of them, and the answers would hurt Jimmy even more. 

"Elaine, you have to start talking, or I might have a hair trigger, and Wilson could get hurt." He aimed the gun at Wilson. 

"OK, OK, stop pointing the gun at us," I begged.

"No, I think I will continue to point it at Wilson. I am trying to pick out where I will shoot him first." Jimmy said with an evil smile.

"Start talking NOW! Jimmy demanded. 

"OK, we have been seeing each other for about a year. It started one night when you were away, and Wil fought with Janice and came here to talk to me about it. When he arrived, he was drunk, and I put him to bed in the guest room. The kids were asleep, so I went to bed.

I am not sure how it happened, but sometime during the night, I felt a naked body beside me, massaging my breasts and playing with my pussy. I woke up when he moved between my legs and started to eat me. I thought I was dreaming, and it felt so good. Jimmy, I thought it was you.

"My eyes shot open. In the low light, I saw it was Wil, not you. I was shocked but Wil was making me feel so good I pulled his head back into my pussy. My legs spread wider, and I moaned, "Oh God Yes, Eat me Wil!" Once he made me cum, he moved up, kissing me as he slid his cock into me. He felt different and fucked me so hard. I loved it and started cumming over and over.

Wil fucked me hard then pulled out and came all over my body. I pushed him off me and sat up. I was pissed at what we had done and started sobbing. The next thing I knew, Will was kissing me and had me on my back again, fucking me hard. God he can fuck, and I didn't stop him. That was how it started." 


I was shocked at Elaine's confession and could see how that might have happened. Even so, it was so wrong, and to continue fucking him was the worst thing of all. 

Wilson surprised me. We have been best friends for twenty-five years and my business partner for most of that time. I thought I knew everything about Wilson, his wife, and his life, and now I find out my trusted best friend has been fucking my wife for a year. Jesus, what a disappointment. 

"So, Wilson, what do you have to say?" 

He had been sitting there saying nothing. He looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but in this case, it was his cock in my wife's pussy, mouth, and probably other places. 

"What's the matter, Wilson? Don't you have anything to say? Are you going to let your side of the story melt away and let me measure what happened by what Elaine has told me? If you are that spineless, maybe I should kill you now, then kill myself. I won't kill Elaine. I will let her suffer the rest of her miserable fucking life morning over the two men in her life that died because of her betrayal. I will leave it up to her to tell the story, lying her way out so she could live with our children as if it was my fault. Oh, and what about Janice? How will she do with a baby on the way and you being dead because you cheated on her for a year? God, what a useless man you are, Wilson. I expected more from you."  

I heard loud sobbing, so I looked at Elaine, and her head was down, tears streaming off her cheeks and puddling on the floor. In a way, I felt sorry for her, and I loved her. 

I looked back at Wilson. He cringed at my words, looked at me, and finally spoke.

"Jimmy, my friend, I am so sorry for all this. It was never supposed to happen; it just did. Then once it started, Elaine was like a magnet. I was drawn to her, and when you were away a month later, the toilet in the kid's bedroom was clogged, and she called me to come to fix it. It was late afternoon, and the kids were all at soccer or basketball, away for a few hours. Once I fixed the toilet, we had coffee and spoke about what had happened that night for the first time."

As we talked, our attraction to each other seemed to grow again. Before we knew it, we were on the sofa, and Elaine was sucking my cock. I don't remember who moved in first or if we both moved simultaneously. All I remember was Elaine sucking my cock and me cumming in her mouth, then I bent her over the sofa and fucked her from behind. I fucked her for a long time, making her cum over and over. Elaine begged me to keep fucking her, and I did. I was like a robot being commanded to do something. Elaine started cumming more, making me want to fuck her harder. I had cum earlier, so I lasted a long time. We fucked for almost an hour before I came again, but I pulled out, pushing into Elaine's mouth, and swallowed cum again. I need to tell you, Jimmy, that I have never cum inside her pussy or ass. I have always cum in her mouth, on her face, back, or breasts."

"God, Jimmy, I am so sorry for all of this. I know you want to know how many times we were together, and I have counted the times that I remember. We started in March last year, and it has been twenty-one times since then."  


I listened to Wil's statement to Jimmy. I remembered the first night when he fucked me so good. My pussy was wet just listening to him. My memory of that night was as vivid as if it had just happened. I loved the way Wil fucked me. He was powerful, driving his cock into me harder and harder. We fucked and fucked. He was so different from Jimmy, who loved me, making love to me, not fucking me. I loved sex with both.

I do not love Wil. I just love the way he fucks me. I love Jimmy and how he makes love to me. I can do without Wil's fucking but could never go without Jimmy in my life. I am concerned about our future. His attitude has me very confused. I don't understand how he talks so hard about killing himself after he shoots Wilson. That scares me even more as he brandishes his gun at Wilson.

Jimmy turned to me. "Elaine, do you agree with Wilson's version of your cheating affair?"

I looked at Wil, then at Jimmy. I swallowed hard, "Yes, I agree he is as correct as I remember."

I looked at Jimmy. He was thinking or mulling over what we had told him. He looked at us and smiled. That confused me. I looked at Wil, and he was confused too. 

"Jimmy, what was going on? Why are you smiling?"


Yes, I was smiling. Things could not have worked out better.

I had gotten Elaine and Wilson to confess to their betrayal for the last year, as I had hoped I would when I put my plan in play. Yes, this was a calculated event. When I planned my trip for tonight, I had no idea it would storm so severely, but it made the whole scenario even better when they were caught naked and wet. The blackout was the icing on the cake. 

So, I was not shocked at any of these revelations, and I was pleased to know that Wilson had enough respect for Elaine not to defile her pussy or ass with his cum. That took some self-control though not enough to stop him from fucking her at all. 

I was oddly calm through all of this. I had waited for this moment for over three months now. I was waiting for the perfect time when I would catch them, red-handed, so to speak. The plan didn't fully develop until this afternoon, and I knew I would see them. It was inevitable. Cheaters are careful, but after some time, they get comfortable and make mistakes, and Elaine made a couple.

When my trip was canceled, I knew this was the night. When I called home, I confirmed they were getting together tonight, when no one answered. I called Raylene, our neighbor, and asked to speak to my oldest. Todd told me that the three of them were staying over there tonight because Mom had to work late and would not be home to put them to bed. 

That is when I texted Elaine and told her that my trip was canceled, giving her a chance to get the kids home and be there with me tonight. I also called her office to see if she was there, but there was no answer. Then I called Janice. "Is Wilson home? I called his cell, and he did not answer, and I need to talk with him."

"Jimmy is out with a client tonight and will be home late. I'll give him the message, but he will surely call you before then." 

"OK, Janice, the plan is in play. I will call you later when I need you." I had set the stage with her.

The next thing was to set the stage at home. I moved my chair across the room from the door. I put my Colt 38 Revolver in the drawer in the cabinet near my chair. I put a box of dummy bullets in the drawer, so no live ammunition was near the gun. When I loaded the gun, they looked like real bullets but were dummies, shooting out wads of paper that sting but can't hurt you. 

I activated the phone tracking software I had put on Elaine's iPhone. Things were set. I parked my ass in the chair with a glass of Jim Beam and waited. 

When Elaine left the restaurant heading home, the phone tracker came on, and she would be home in twenty minutes or so. The storm started to kick up now, and it was pouring, and the wind, thunder, and lightning were teaming. 

As I waited, I remembered a month ago when I received an odd cell phone call one evening when I was in Nashville on a business trip. I missed the ring, so there was a message. I was having dinner with a client, so when we finished, and I was riding in an Uber back to my hotel, I listened to it. 

"Jimmy, tonight I went to dinner with my husband and saw Elaine across the restaurant. She was with this cute guy. They were very lovey-dovey. I knew I had seen the guy before, so I asked Tim if he knew him. He was shocked, telling me he was your business partner Wilson. Just a heads up, my friend, I hope it is nothing.” April Stone

I was shocked that Elaine and Wilson had gone to dinner, and I didn't know about it. What was that about? She said they looked lovey-dovey, and that shocked me even more. That made no sense at all. 

When I got to my hotel room, it was just before 10:00 pm at home in Atlanta. First, I stripped down and stroked my cock hard as I did every night. Then I sent a sexy pic to Elaine with a picture of my hard cock. Caption, "Thinking of you!" along with two eggplants. 

Normally I get an immediate response when I send a cock pic, but not that night. 

I got a beer out of the minibar and opened my laptop. I logged into my home security system to see all the rooms in my house. I scanned the kitchen, den, living room, and others on the main floor. I moved to the second floor. I looked in the kids' rooms and saw they were not there. I wondered where they were. It was a weeknight, so they wouldn't be sleeping over. That concerned me. I moved to the master bedroom, and wow, what a shock. It looked like a sleepover was happening there.

Elaine was on her back in the middle of our king bed, and there was a man between her legs with his face buried in her pussy. I didn't have sound, but I knew Elaine, and from the look on her face and her flailing arms, she loved what he was doing and was close to cumming. I watched for a few minutes, then called her cell. She picked it up, said something, and sat it on the bed, but didn’t answer. She waited a few minutes to get her breath and called me back. 


"Hi, sorry, I was in the bathroom. A LIE.

"How was your day?"

"Nothing special; we had spaghetti for dinner, and the kids went off to bed early." A LIE.

"How was yours?"    

"Very good. I closed a new account today and had dinner with the owner tonight. Then came back to the room, and I am talking with you."

While I was talking, I saw the man get up walking to the bathroom. I saw his face. Jesus, it was my business partner, Wilson Page. My shock was overridden by anger. I will kill that motherfucker.  

I had to be careful not to let my anger out. As bad as I wanted to ask about where the kids were and Wilson. I needed to bite my tongue for tonight. I would deal with him later.

I sat back and watched them for an hour. Wilson fucked her so hard, and Elaine loved it. When he finally came, he pulled out, shooting his cum all over her front, breasts, and belly. 

They rolled apart, and Elaine leaned down a sucked his cock cleaning him. He got hard again, and Elaine quickly mounted him. They fucked cowgirl for thirty minutes, with Elaine cumming over and over. Finally, Wilson was ready to cum and flipped Elaine onto her back. He stroked his cock, spraying his cum load all over her belly, making a large puddle. 

Wilson flopped on the bed beside her, and once again, Elaine sucked his cock clean, only this time, his cock did not respond and lay limp on his belly. Elaine laid her head on his chest and played with his limp cock as he stroked her hair. They looked like true lovers.

I was stunned. My heart was broken, and my jealousy and anger were off the charts.

I could not sleep, so I watched the whole night play out again.

After a rest, Wilson fucked Elaine from behind, cumming all over her back. Then he fucked her ass, something she has only let me do twice in all our years together. 

They rested again and were back at it. That went on until after 3:00 am when they fell asleep from exhaustion. 

I closed the laptop and removed a yellow legal pad from my briefcase. It was time to make my plan. 


"Elaine, you ask why I am smiling. Well, all of this is quite amusing. My loving wife and my best friend and business partner have managed to cuckold me for a fucking year, and I knew nothing about it for the first nine months. How fucking blind was I? How could I not have seen it happening?"

"Now I have to decide what to do about it. I have to decide if I want to remain married to a cheating slut wife and remain a business partner with a slimy asshole who fucked my wife over twenty times while he was cheating on his wife, who is carrying a baby."

I stood up, took two steps toward them, and raised the gun, pointing it at Wilson. "That doesn't paint a very pretty picture, does it."

"I think I should kill you now, Wilson, but I can't do that until Janice arrives. It is not my decision to make alone." 

"Oh God, Jimmy, you can't be serious. We were just fucking a few times, and you can't kill Wil for that; it's just not right." 

"Well then, maybe I should kill you then. I can make that decision by myself." I pointed the gun at Elaine. 

Elaine flinched and held her hands before her like she thought I might shoot her. Wow, she didn't know who I was or thought I had lost it completely. 

Just then, the door flew open, and a soaked Janice entered. She looked around as she peeled her soaked coat off, hung it on the hook, and put her wet umbrella on the rack.

Janice finally turned and looked at all of us. "Oh, my, what have we got here, Jimmy? It looks like we have two very naughty people." She walked around and stood beside me. 

Janice looked down at the two naked people kneeling before us. "Jimmy, is this how you found them?" 

No, Janice, I was waiting for them, and they came in as you did. They were soaking wet from the storm. It really couldn't have worked out better. It was quite amusing seeing Elaine come in all flustered, then the lights went out, and Wilson came in, both soaking wet. They began to strip off their clothes. Wilson stripped Elaine and was playing grab ass as he did. Then Elaine stripped Wilson. Then the lights came on, and they saw me sitting there. Of course, they panicked, Janice; it was funny to see."

"So, what is the gun for?" Janice asked as she pulled my arm down, lowering the gun.

"I wanted to add some drama as we went along. Then, as I listened to their confessions, I felt like I might shoot them. Then I thought I couldn't do that until you were here, Janice."  

"Do you really want to shoot them, Jimmy? It would be very messy, and you would go to jail." Janice said.

"No, I wouldn't go to jail." 

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"Yes, you would, for sure." Janice insisted.

"No, I would kill myself, Janice, so no jail."

"What, you would kill yourself over these two cheaters. That is crazy, and they aren't worth dying for Jimmy. What will I do if you die? What about the baby."

I looked at Janice; she had almost made a Freudian slip. I looked at Elaine and Wilson. They were wide-eyed, keeping one eye on the gun and one eye on Janice and me, and they didn't catch it. 


I parked a few doors down and ran to the house. It was pouring, and the wind was howling. The rain was flying sideways. I reached the porch and shook off as much water as possible. I pumped the umbrella and opened the door. 

I stepped in and saw Jimmy standing over a naked Elaine and Wilson, kneeling on the floor before him. Jesus, he was holding a gun on them. 

I walked over by Jimmy and looked down at the naked cheaters. 

Jimmy and I talked. He explained what had happened and what he had seen. Wilson had confessed, and Elaine confirmed our suspicions. They had been cheating on us, fucking each other. The shock was, we had no idea it had been a whole fucking year. 

"Jimmy, what do you want to do?" I smiled at him, knowing what would happen before this night ended, and it would shock our cheaters like nothing else could. 

"I want to see Wilson fuck Elaine right here on the floor in front of us. Are you good with that?" Jimmy asked.

Yes, that could be interesting, and who knows, it might be a real turn-on too. 

"What, Fuck No! We are not doing that." Elaine yelled loudly.

Wilson was sitting there, not saying anything. I had not spoken to him directly since I arrived. He would pay dearly for cheating on me, as Elaine would for cheating on Jimmy. They will both find out tonight, and it will destroy them. 

"Jimmy, you and I need to talk about this before we make them do that; come with me." 

We walked out of ear range and looked at each other. I reached up and pulled Jimmy down to me, kissing him hard and pushing my tongue into his mouth. Jimmy gripped my ass and pulled me tight against him. He pressed his hardening cock against my belly, and I ground my pussy on his thigh. We kissed more passionately, and I moaned, hoping the cheaters couldn't hear us. 

We broke the kiss, and I grabbed Jimmy's cock. He cupped my hot pussy squeezing me, and I almost came in his hand. 

OK, I know you are confused now, so let me explain. 

Jimmy stopped by our house three months ago on Thursday at about 7:30 pm. Wilson told me Jimmy was out of town this week but was back early. I thought he was looking for Wilson, but he was having dinner with a client.

"Janice, I need to talk to you, and you are not going to like it," Jimmy said as he sat at the kitchen island and opened his laptop. 

"What are you talking about, Jimmy?"

He pressed a few keys, and a video started to play. "Watch this, and you will understand."

A man was on the screen with his face between Elaine's legs eating her. Then I saw a small owl tattoo on the man's shoulder and stepped back. "Oh, Fuck that is Wilson between Elaine's legs. What The Fuck, is going on?"

Jimmy stopped the video. "You have seen enough."

"No, play it. I want to see it all!" 

I watched them for two hours. They had all kinds of sex, doing some things Wilson and I had never done. I was so turned on when it was over, I pulled Jimmy into the guest room, stripped him and myself, and sucked his cock. Before he could cum, I pushed him onto the bed and fucked him. I rode him hard, and I came so many times. Then Jimmy came inside me.

We rested, and I got on my knees with my ass high and face buried in the sheets. Jimmy fucked me hard for a long time. I came over and over. His cock was so big it felt incredible. When I sensed that we were both going to cum I gripped his balls, caressing them. He growled like an animal and pounded my pussy harder until he slammed into me and froze. He reached under me and grabbed my breasts. He pinched my nipples hard. I fucking exploded, squirting for the first time. I wet the bed and everything behind me. Then I felt the warm gush of Jimmy's cum as he filled my pussy again. 

He fell off me, lying beside me and kissing me as I kept my pussy high, letting all his cum settle against my cervix. It felt wonderful being so full of Jimmy's cum. 

We showered and changed the sheets, and Jimmy left. Thirty minutes later, Wilson came home lying to me about his night, and Jimmy had a room at the Hampton Inn. 

I decided that if our spouses could fuck each other, so could we. So, the next morning, I went to his room, and we fucked all day long. Jimmy filled my pussy with his cum each time he came. I had five full loads of his fertile cum seeping into my womb. I was more satisfied than ever before. 

That started our affair. We have met ten more times over the past two and a half months. 

But that was not the shocking surprise of the night. 


"OK, Janice, I want to watch them fuck. It will humiliate them before we fuck in front of them and tell them, and it will be the greatest revenge ever."

"Jimmy, are you sure?" 

"How is this going to play out? What will become of all of us?"

"Janice, we discussed this. There are three choices that we will all discuss. Then we all decide as a group what will happen. Once the secret is out, who knows what Elaine and Wilson will want to do? I rubbed her belly. We must consider that as well. What is best for this little one and my three kids." 

"Jimmy, tell me again what the choices are?"

Choice one: We forgive our spouses and stay married. We raise our children, and you will raise your new baby, and we all live happily as if nothing ever happened. 

Choice two: We stay married, open our marriages, move into a big house, and live as a polyamorous family. We will all marry each other and raise our kids together. 

Choice three: We both will get divorced, and I buy Wilson out of the business. You and I get married. They may get married too, who knows. I will demand custody of our kids and the new little one. 

Choice four: We all get divorced and move on, but that won't be easy with the kids. 

As I rolled out the choices, I thought that this would have sounded like the most ridiculous thing in the world four months ago. I was happy in a wonderful family with a loving wife and great kids, and now I am here in this house with four cheaters, me included. 

"Jimmy, which choice do you want?"

I looked at Janice. I was unsure and would have difficulty forgiving a one-year affair and trusting Elaine and Wilson again. I was unsure if I could remain as Wilson's partner, so Choice One seemed off the table.

There were benefits to Choose Two. If we all were together and sleeping with each other in this type of family, I believe I could deal with it. 

Choice Three would not be good and destroy my whole personal and business life, so I wanted nothing to do with that choice. 

Choice Four originally was the first choice, but I love Elaine and our family. I do not want to divorce, though some punishment and retribution are necessary. 

I was deep in thought. Janice gripped my arm and brought me back. "So, Jimmy, what do you want to do?"

"I think the only Choice I am interested in is number two. How about you?"

"I thought of another Choice. We could get divorced, get married, and raise our son. We know he is yours, so I would like you to be his father, and I have fallen in love with you."

I looked into Janice's eyes and saw the love she was referring to, and I, unfortunately, did not feel the same. I love Elaine and have three children I want to be a father for. I would also like to be involved in the new baby's life, but only if everyone agrees on Choice Two.

"Janice, I know how you feel, and yes, I care for you. What happened was a reaction to their cheating, and yes, the sex between us has been wonderful. I do not want to hurt you, but we talked about what we were doing was revenge sex, and the fact that you got pregnant by me was an accident when you were trying to get pregnant by Wilson."

"Choice Two is the best way for everyone to get what they want. You can still be with Wilson and me and Elaine the same. The kids will have a little brother, and we will have exacted our revenge on them by making this baby." I rubbed Janice's belly, which was starting to swell. 

"OK, If I can't have you to myself, I will go with Choice Two."

We had been gone a long time. "OK, we need to strip and shock Elaine and Wilson when we return to the room."

I helped Janice, and she stripped me. We returned to the living room, and Elaine and Wilson were sitting naked, having moved off their knees.

I walked to the cabinet and put the gun away. We sat in a circle like American Indians around a campfire. There was no hiding our bodies, we were all open for everyone to see. 


We heard Jimmy and Janice walk back into the room. Jesus, they were naked. 

"What the fuck? Jimmy, what have you been doing?" Elaine barked out.

"Not what you might think. We have been talking, deciding what we should do about you two and the betrayal you have put on both of us."

While Jimmy was talking, I was looking at Janice. She had a beautiful body, and her baby bump began to show. Her breasts were beautiful, firm, and just beginning to fill out. I remembered the feeling and how horny I was every minute when I was pregnant. The sex was incredible then. Her baby bump was not big enough yet to hide her bare pussy that was open from the way she was sitting. 

I saw Janice eyeing me as well. She was younger and looked better, though I was a hot woman at forty, and I was proud of how I looked. I was still a great fuck and loved sex more now than ever. 

I looked at Wilson. His eyes were on his wife and Jimmy's big cock. I was not sure what was happening, but it was interesting. 

"As I said, Janice and I have been discussing what we should do about your cheating. We have c some Choices. We will go over them in a little while, but right now, as I told you earlier, Janice and I want to watch you fuck each other. It will give us a clear picture of what you have been enjoying and much better than the video images we have been watching."   

Elaine's mouth dropped open, and her eyes snapped over to Wilson. What we saw was that his cock was hard in an instant. She looked back at me, and a deep red flush spread across her face and chest. 

"Janice and I are going to sit on the sofa, and you two lovers can have the entire floor, to play on." 

We moved to the sofa, leaving them sitting there. I went to get a bottle of wine and a few beers, then returned, and neither of them had moved. 

"Well, Wilson, are you going to get it on, or I could go get the gun back out as motivation." 

That motivated them, and quickly Wilson was on Elaine. She was responding, her apprehension was gone, and she was kissing him back. 

Our private sex show was beautiful as they fucked each other. It was odd to me that I was not jealous of Wilson and saw that Elaine did like being fucked hard and Wilson, was a good fuck. He had Elaine cumming as soon as he started licking her pussy and kept her cumming as he fucked her hard, looking into her eyes, then on her knees, drilling her from behind. Elaine's orgasms were hard, her body was shaking, and she was leaking cream down her thighs and making many animal noises. 

My cock hardened, and Janice took me in her hand. She slowly stroked me as she got into it. Her other hand was on her pussy and rubbing her clit. She moved me around so she could suck me while watching her husband fucking my wife. She is a good cock sucker but nowhere as good as Elaine. In any case, she had me primed to cum after a few minutes of sucking, and my fingers were fucking her pussy as she was strumming her clit too.

I didn't realize it at the time, but we were in syncopation with the lovers on the floor, so when Wilson finally came shooting his cum in my wife's pussy, I exploded, unloading into Janice's mouth. At the same moment, both women were cumming. Janice on my fingers and Elaine on Wilson's cock. 

They were in their little sexual world, unaware of us and what we were doing. I have so turned on my cock was still hard, and Janice straddled me and began fucking the hell out of me. She was a woman possessed, bouncing up and down on my eight inches, taking all of me on each plunge, slapping her bottom on my thighs. Janice became louder, and I looked over her shoulder at Elaine. She was looking at us, her eyes full of tears, knowing what a terrible thing she had done to us. She stood and ran from the room. 

Janice came several times, but I did not. Partly from having just cum and partly from the sadness that had overcome me when I saw Elaine's face. 

When Janice calmed down, lying against my chest, she whispered, "What is Wilson doing?"

I whispered, "His eyes are locked on us, and he is crying."


I sobbed as I ran from the room, realizing I had created a monumental disaster. My marriage was over, and my life was ruined. All for what? A little sex that was no better than what I already had. Yes, it was different and somewhat more satisfying. 

Now my husband, the man that I love with my whole heart, was fucking my lover's wife. God, this was so fucked up. How could we ever recover from this?

I went to the shower, trying to wash my cheating off. I douched my pussy, cleaning myself of Wilson. I scrubbed myself, making my skin red. I sobbed as the hot water rained on me. I fell back against the wall sliding down and sitting on the tile floor. I was lost.

Then the shower door opened, and Jimmy stepped in and looked at me. He said nothing at first, pulling me up in his arms and holding me. As the water washed over us, he pushed me back and looked into my eyes. "Are you pleased with yourself, Elaine? You have helped to destroy two families, and for what, sex? What a waste of eight lives, not counting our family and friends. Excellent job!" 

Jimmy let me go and left the shower. He stopped, "Finish your shower and put some clothes on. We all need to talk. Hurry up!"

I walked back into the living room, and it was all cleaned up and arranged normally. 

Janice and Wilson were on the sofa, and Jimmy was sitting in a chair across from them, so I sat beside Jimmy. We all looked at each other, but no one spoke.


I looked at Janice. She gave me a slight nod. 

"OK, tonight was not the night we discovered the two of you were cheaters. We have known about it for three months. We let you keep going so we could get all the evidence we needed to divorce the both of you. We had the evidence all along, but I didn't know it. Every minute you two were together in our house, all twenty-one times, were recorded on my home security system in living color."

That first night when I discovered your cheating, I came to Janice and told her right away. She attacked me, not in anger, in lust, and we fucked like animals that night and at my hotel the next day all day. We have enjoyed each other ever since you two were enjoying each other. Tit for tat, you might say." 

I stopped and Janice began.

"It was wonderful. Jimmy is such a sweet and passionate lover; we were perfect together. Wilson, as you know, I went off my birth control regiment so we could make a baby, and a baby was made. He is right here in my belly, growing every day." Janice rubbed her belly, then pulled up her shirt and took Wilson's hand, placing it on her baby bump.

She looked at me, then at Elaine, and back at Wilson. The axe was about to fall, emasculating Wilson and destroying Elaine. 

"There is only one problem we discovered last week. Wilson, you are not the father of this baby; Jimmy is. You see that you’re fucking around has created an incredible disaster in all our lives, Elaine and Jimmy's kids' lives and our families and our friends. Your inconsiderate betrayal created the reason I fucked Jimmy, and he fucked me so good he gave me a baby, something you did not do. I guess fucking Elaine took all your good swimmers from me."

You could have heard a pin drop in the room. 

Wilson snatched his hand away and moved away from Janice to the end of the sofa. 

"What is the matter, Wilson? You have been fucking my wife for a fucking year, and I only fucked Janice ten times. I never wanted to give her this baby. That was your fucking job, but you were so busy fucking Elaine, you didn't measure up."

"In one way I am sorry this happened. That baby should be yours, not mine. But I am excited to have another child though I wish it were with my wife, not yours."

"As for you, Elaine, I am sorry this has happened, but it all started with you cheating on me for a whole fucking year and with Wilson, of all people. If I didn't love you so much, I would have dumped you weeks ago, and we would be through, but here we are, the four of us, with a huge elephant in the room. What do we do now?"

Everyone was silent, and no one was looking at each other. It was very strained, and the tension was high enough for there to be an explosion.


As I listened to Janice and Jimmy, I truly realized what Wilson and I had done was the route of all of this. None of the other dominoes would have fallen in place if we had never cheated. Everything that had happened started that night and look at how it turned out.

I softly cried, thinking all was lost, my husband, maybe my children, my friends, and Wilson. Because of what we have done, my husband has planted a baby in Janice's belly. My God, what had we done?


It was time to end this and plan out our future. 

"Alright enough, hatch throwing and feeling sorry or angry. We are all in this together, and it will take all of us to get out of this fucking mess. Janice and I have four choices to consider as we move forward. Here they are. 

Choice one, we forgive our spouses and stay married. We raise our children, and you raise your new baby, and we all live happily as if nothing ever happened. 

Choice two: We stay married, open our marriages, and move into a big house together, living as a polyamorous family. We will all marry each other and raise our kids together, and we will be able to have sex with each other and share our lives while we all raise the kids.

Choice three, we both divorced, and I buy Wilson out of the business. Wilson and Elaine will get married, and I will marry Janice. I will demand custody of our kids and the new little one. 

Choice four, we all get divorced and move on, and that won't be easy with the kids. 

I looked at everyone for their reaction. 

Elaine spoke first. "I don't want a divorce. I love you and don't love Wilson. I would be good with Choice Two." 

Then Wilson spoke. "I don't know what to think. I really don't fit in here anymore. All the children are yours, Jimmy. I would just be Uncle Wil. I want to be a dad like you, and divorce seems to be my only way." He slumped back on the sofa.

Janice was next. "Wilson, I love you. Despite your cheating with Elaine, I can get over that. Can you get over me having a baby that is not yours? Could you learn to love him? I don't want to lose you. I love you so much. I want your babies so we can have as many as you want." Please Wilson, please, no divorce. I think Choice Two is the best."

Elaine piped up again. "Wilson, look at me. We can be together with everyone. I will carry a baby for you if you want me to."

Wow, that shocked us all!

Now it was my turn. "I love all of you in separate ways, and you have all been a huge part of my life, and I don't want to lose any of you. If we cannot choose Choice One, stay married to our current spouses, and move on, then I think Choice Two is the best."

It was 12:43 am and the edge was wearing off. We were all tired. 

"We need to sleep on this and talk amongst ourselves tomorrow. I need sleep. You are welcome to stay here tonight or go home. There will be no separations tonight, and we are way too sensitive and need each other, so please stay here."

We all agreed, and we separated after hugs and kisses.

Sleep finally came as I held Elaine. She asked me, “What do you want?

I thought and pulled her tight to me. "I want the past twelve months to go away, and I want my faithful wife and my kids and my life back. Can I have that with you, Elaine?"

"God, yes, that is what. I am so sorry. I must have gone crazy then I couldn't stop it. It will never happen again."

"That is why Choice Two is best. It gives us all sexual freedom inside our group, and we can be with any of us without guilt or reprisal. Our kids will have four parents." 

"Sleep on it. I have to close my eyes."


I awoke with hairy arms holding me. I was in a cocoon and liked the feeling. I moved, and Jimmy opened his eyes. I smiled, "Choice is the right thing for all of us. I hope Wilson can see that."  

"Elaine, did you mean what you said about carrying Wilson's baby?"

"Elaine quickly drifted into deep thought. She looked me in the eyes, I am unsure if I can still make eggs, but I would carry their baby if that was what they wanted."

Jimmy said nothing. He hugged and kissed me. We got up, showered, and tried to start a normal day. The kids were downstairs making breakfast and lunches. 

We finally shooed them out the door to the bus, and a new day began.


As I walked back into the hall, I heard Wilson's voice. I quietly walked down to their door and listened. They were struggling with Janice's baby. I left, not wanting to hear more.

I did a few chores and started breakfast. Thirty minutes passed, and a new pot of coffee finished brewing as Janice and Wilson entered the room. I called Jimmy, he was in the den reading the morning paper. 

Wilson disappeared to get Jimmy. I knew he needed to talk to him man to man. Janice and I started cooking breakfast. We didn't talk about things; we just moved around each other. Finally, I stopped Janice. "We have to be able to talk to each other, or none of this will work. What is going on?"

Janice started to cry. "Wilson wants out. He says he can't be with me while I carry Jimmy's baby. I have told him I will give him a baby a year after this one, but he says the baby and my growing belly will constantly remind him of what he did to you, me, and Jimmy. He is blaming himself for all of this." 

A few minutes later, Jimmy came in, and the look on his face told the story. Then we heard the front door close. Jimmy looked at us, "Wilson is out. He wants me to buy him out and he wants a divorce. Wilson knows he is taking the hardest path, but he feels that he is the reason for all this. Wilson told me that he and Janice didn't fight the first night he arrived. He made it up with the sole intent of seducing you that night, Elaine. So, he feels that he cannot forgive himself and that Janice getting pregnant is the harshest of paybacks, and he deserves that." 

There were tears all around. 

Three months passed, and a lot happened. 

Wilson filed for divorce due to unreconcilable differences, and their separation is underway. It takes a year. They are talking and have had lunch and dinner a few times, and neither wants a divorce. 

I am buying Wilson out, but he is still working as we go through the process. I am not worried about the business. We had a strong staff that could absorb everything. 

Elaine and I are good. Our lives were almost back to normal. We were fucking like minks whenever we can. We just put an offer in for a much larger home in a gated community with a pool and hot tub. We are moving our kids to a private school. 

Janice is living with us now until Wilson sells their house. We will be moving into our new place in a month. We want Janice to move in with us and be our wife, and we hope that will happen.

The baby is growing and kicking now, and she is glowing. We have sex occasionally and the girls get together often. That was something new for both of them, but they seemed to like being together. 

Moving day came and we moved in. Janice was there, and we showed her the suite we had built for her and little Jeffery. She was blown away and committed to us on that day. A few weeks later, we moved her in and started our new family together. 

Another two months went by, and it was new baby time. Wilson came by my office and told me that he was moving to California to make a clean break once our deal was complete. I understood completely, and we hugged.

The baby came on time, and it went well. After two days in the hospital, he was home, and the baby watch started. The 4:00 am feedings were mostly Janice's thing, but Elaine was there to pick up the slack. 

Wilson and I closed our deal, and I paid him two million dollars. A great nest egg for California. He came to the house for dinner, and I could still see his love for Janice and her for him. It was painful to know that this beautiful baby had driven them apart, but simultaneously, it had brought the three of us together, which was wonderful. 

Our kids love having the little one around. We were all good, and the three of us slept many nights together. The kids were getting used to it, so things were going great. 

As I sit here writing this down, I can only think of one thing that would have made me happier. If Wilson was here with us.

God Speed Wilson, my best friend.

Written by MaxxNRachel
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