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The Dinner Meeting

"Misdirection, Betrayal and Restitution are all on the menu."

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Author's Notes

"Nice standalone story told to us by a friend about a year ago. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Read, Share and Enjoy Maxx and Rachel"

We love each other and our friends, being unofficial aunts and uncles to several of their children.

We live in a large home, much too big for the two of us. So, we host a college student from Costa Rica in our guest house. Gabriela came to us through an international college assistance program. She has lived with us and received support for two years. She cooks, cleans, and does other domestic work in return for our assistance. Gabriela is a beautiful young lady, twenty years old, with an incredible smile, olive skin, and a great body. We love having her in our home. She is a breath of fresh air in our busy lives.

We have a wonderful life and have learned to live with our situation and thrive.

As I woke up, I noticed a light in the kitchen that I had not turned on. Gabriela had been away for a few days, so Margie must have turned it on. I got up and walked into the kitchen, putting my drink glass in the sink. I saw Margie's purse and computer bag on the counter, along with a note.

"Hi babe, I tried to wake you, but you were out. Come to bed and wake me, please. Love you, M."  

I walked up the stairs and down the hall, seeing a light glowing. As I walked into the bedroom, I saw Margie in bed. She was naked, with the sheet partially covering her lower body. Her beautiful breasts were displayed, and my body reacted with a stirring between my legs.

I walked into the bathroom, and Margie's clothes were scattered. I gathered them up and put them in the hamper. I turned and looked into the shower. The black thong she had worn today was lying on the floor. I thought that was odd. I reached in to pick them up and noticed a douche bottle in the corner. That shocked me. Why would she wear her thong into the shower and need to douche in the middle of the night?

Then, a light went on in my sleepy, fogged mind. Jesus, the only reason would be to clean another man's cum out of her pussy. That thought woke me up completely. I took off my clothes and got on my knees in the shower. I looked all over the floor until I found what I had hoped not to see. Sadness and anger gripped me as I took the wet thong in my hand, squeezed out any remaining water, opened the pussy pouch, and rubbed it over the giant glob of cum I found on the tile floor.

I picked up the douche bottle, and there was more cum on the side where it had run out of Margie's pussy as she was douching. I stood and walked naked out of the bathroom and down the stairs to the kitchen to get a plastic bag. I placed the evidence in the bag and sealed it. I took it into my office and locked it in my desk drawer.

I walked back into the kitchen. I opened the freezer, took out the Grey Goose vodka bottle, poured half a tumbler full, and drank it. As I poured the second glass, I heard movement behind me. I didn't turn. I drank the second glass as Margie's bear arms wrapped around me and her hot body pressed against my back.

Margie kissed my back, whispering, "Chan, why are you drinking vodka at 5:00 a.m.?" 

I poured a third glass and drank it down. I stood still and said nothing.

Margie asked, "Chan, what is going on?"

I slowly moved her arms away, turned, and looked down at her. I am six feet two inches, and Margie is a foot shorter, so I tower over her when we are barefooted.

"I think I am the one that should be asking that question!" My voice was stern and direct.

The look in her eyes was that of confusion. "What do you mean?"

I moved away from her and walked to my office. I heard her padding along behind me. I opened the drawer and took out the plastic bag. I turned, seeing her standing just inside the door. I threw the bag at her. Margie was surprised, but she caught it. She looked at me, then the bag and its contents. A look of shock appeared before she turned and ran from the room, gasping, "Oh God!" 

I sat in my chair, thinking about what had happened in the past several hours. I had come home, and Gabriela had made a wonderful Cobb salad before she left for a few days. I had a nice bottle of wine with it. Then, I worked a little, creating after-hours trades and making money. Then I sat down to watch some mindless TV while I waited for Margie to get home so we could celebrate her success.

At this point, I realized that I had not received a call from Margie as she had promised in her earlier text. That was rare. We always over-communicated, so Margie's not calling me was significant.

I had expected Margie to be home by 10:00 pm, but she was late. At some point, bored by the TV, I fell asleep. I never heard her come home, and she did not wake me, which was also odd. Why would she leave me sleeping in the chair? She had never done that before.

Then I wake up and wonder where Margie is. I go to find her, and she is naked in bed, looking very sexy, half-covered. I go to the bathroom to pee. You know the rest, so far.

As I sat thinking, I could make no sense of what Margie had done, fucked some man and cheated on me!

Margie had to explain this before I let my brain create unsavory images I could not erase. I already had evidence, cum in her thong and the douche bottle, neither of which could ever be unseen. I didn't need imaginary shit mixing up in my head.

I stood and walked up the stairs. I looked in our bedroom, but no Margie, she was not in the bathroom either. I walked down the long hall to the second main suite and tried the door, and it was locked.

"Margie, open the door!" I said firmly and waited.

"Margie, open the Goddamn door!" I never swore at her, so she knew I was serious.

I pounded on the door as my fury rose. "Margie, open the fucking door… NOW!"

Finally, I heard the lock turn, but Margie did not open the door.

I turned the knob and pushed the door open. Margie was lying on the bed, balled up with the duvet pulled over her. She was not looking at me, and her little body was visibly trembling, like freezing. Yes, the air was cold, but not from the weather, but rather from treachery and betrayal.

I walked into the room, standing at the foot of the bed. I looked at Margie hiding under the covers. At that moment, I wanted to grab her and strangle her. How could she cheat on me and fuck up our perfect fucking life?


I came home extremely late. I had been an evil woman tonight. Before tonight, I had never done anything like what I did tonight. I lost all control over myself and allowed my new client to take advantage of me. As we celebrated, we had dinner and drank a lot of wine on top of the three vodka martinis I had in the bar earlier.

To be clear, I cheated once a couple of years ago. I was swept off my feet by my fitness trainer. We were on and off for two months, then he was hurt in a fight and left town, thank God. Chan never found out about Josh, and I swore then that would never happen again.

But then tonight it happened. It had all started innocently. We met in the bar for drinks, then went to Ruth Chris for a spectacular dinner. We had several bottles of wine and were having a fun time. After dinner, I suggested we go down the street a block to a new dance club and continue our party. I looked at my watch. It was a little before 10:00 p.m., so I could stay an hour or so. I thought about texting Chan but decided against it.

We danced and drank. After a few more drinks, I was very horny, and Mason Childs, my new client, was dancing with me, holding me against his body. I was pretty drunk, so I laid my head on his chest, and he slipped his hands down, gripping my ass cheeks. He pulled me tight against him. I felt him grow hard, and his cock pressed against my belly.

As that song ended and I moved back, Mason kissed me. Then Riley James, my boss, came over and kissed me. We went back to the table and finished our drinks. I told them I had a wonderful time, but I had a husband waiting for me at home to celebrate, too, so I had to go home.

We walked back to the hotel, and the fresh air felt good. As we walked, Mason held me tight at my waist, pulling me against him.

When we reached the front door, Riley ordered his car, "I need to get home so that I bid you good night." His car came, and he left.

I was about to hand my claim checked to the valet when Mason said, "Margie, you can't drive home in your condition. Let's go inside and get some coffee."

I agreed, and we went in, but the bar was closing. Mason said, "I have coffee in my room, so we can have a cup there."

I was uncomfortable, but I needed coffee, so I agreed. In the elevator, Mason kissed me with the tongue this time. I tried to resist him, but his hard cock felt so good pressing against me; it made me extremely horny. When the door opened, we held hands and ran down the hall to Mason's room.

Once inside, there was no drinking coffee. Our clothes came off, and I was on my knees, sucking Mason's cock. I didn't let him cum. I was really horny, and I wanted him to cum inside me. I was safe and loved being filled with cum. Only one man other than Chan had been inside me since we were married, so this was exciting. Tonight, I was going to fuck Mason rewarding him for giving me this big deal.

I crawled on the bed, staying on my hands and knees. I wiggled my ass, and Mason got the message. He slipped up behind me and pushed his six-inch cock into me. He wasn't big or fat, but he was a new cock. I came almost immediately because I knew I was being so bad. He fucked me as well as he could, and I came two times. Then I saw the clock. It was after 11:30 pm, and I had to go.

"Fuck me, Mason, give me your cum. I reached under us and squeezed his balls, and Mason popped off right then. I felt several shots of cum splash inside me. Then he was done. He was a pretty lousy fuck, and as soon as it was over, I was suddenly overcome with guilt. I moved quickly to put on my thong and my clothes. I moved to the door and thanked Mason for the business, but he was already asleep as I looked back at him.

I ordered an Uber. I will get my car tomorrow. I made my way home. I felt terrible. I had just cheated on my wonderful, loving husband, and for what, a lousy business deal. I began to sob and only stopped when I was standing at my front door.

I was despondent. How was I ever going to tell Chan what I had done? He will hate me and divorce me; God, what a slut I was. How could I have done that?

I opened the door walking in after I took off my shoes. I quietly walked through the house, hearing the sound of the TV playing in the family room. Walking to the door, I saw Chan asleep in his recliner. I decided to shower and douche before seeing him, so I put my bags in the kitchen and scribbled a note.

Then I went to our bathroom. I stripped and showered. My thong was full of cum, so I washed it out. Then I touched my pussy and washed all of Mason's cum out of me. I finished my shower and felt sober, but my guilt was growing. I crawled into bed, laying there agonizing over what I had done. How did I let this happen? I started to cry softly.

There was no sleep as I lay there waiting for my husband to wake up and come to bed. I had no idea how I could confess to what I had done. I was lost. My life was over! God, I have destroyed my husband and me!

I must have dosed off from fatigue but was not sleeping deeply. I heard Chan come into the room. He stopped and looked at me; my head was turned away. Chan went into the bathroom. I heard him mumble to himself when he found my clothes.

I thought, oh no, my thong was still on the shower floor, and I had not thrown the douche bottle away. If Chan finds them, he will know something has happened, and he will realize I fucked another man. It will be apparent to him.

Chan closed the door and was in the bathroom for a long time. Then he came out. I had turned over and looked at him through slits in my eyes. Chan was naked and carrying something. I knew what it was. Oh God, he had my thong and the douche bottle. I am so screwed.

As soon as Chan had gone downstairs, I quietly got up and entered the bathroom. My clothes had all been put in the hamper, and my nasty thong and the douche bottle were gone, confirming that Chan had found them. My heart started to pound.

FUUUCK, I screamed in my head; I am caught!

I went to the steps and heard Chan moving around. I waited until he was still, and I went down the stairs. I found Chan in the kitchen. He had a bottle of cold vodka he kept in the freezer. I silently watched him drink one glass, then he poured a second, downing it, and poured a third.

God, Chan was getting drunk because of me. I was having a hard time breathing, and my heart was pounding.

I asked him, "Chan, why are you drinking vodka at 5:00 am?" 

He stood still and didn't answer.

Then I asked him. "Chan, what is going on?" Already knowing the answer.

I silently moved to Chan and wrapped my arms around him. I pressed my naked body against his back. He felt hot but clammy. I kissed his back and held him tight. I love him so much that I was worried about what would happen. Then I felt Chan moving. He put the glass down on the counter.

Suddenly, fear overtook me. Chan pushed my arms away as he turned around, looking down at me. I looked up at my towering husband, my life's love, as tears began rolling down my face.

He looked down at me and said sternly and directly, "I think I am the one who should be asking that question!"

I looked up, wanting to tell him, but fear and confusion tied me in knots. I asked, "What do you mean?"

Chan was angry and roughly pushed me away, leaving the kitchen. I followed him. He walked to his office, and I stayed by the door. I was starting to hyperventilate, knowing he had my cum filled thong and the douche bottle. Things were coming to a head right now, and I was beginning to panic, having a tough time thinking or breathing. My whole body began to shake, and I was about to crumble to the floor.

Chan turned and threw something at me hard. With a quick reaction, I managed to catch it. Oh God, it was a baggy containing my thong and the douche bottle. I was not shocked; I knew he had them, but I was appalled at how he had thrown the bag at me. I looked at Chan; his face was full of anger and disbelief. I could not stay there. How could I escape this mess I had created? I had to go. I ran from the room, gasping, "Oh God!"

I ran up the stairs; I needed clothes, but I needed to hide. Oh no, I didn't know what to do. Panic was setting in, so I ran down the hall to the guest suite, dropping the baggy in the hallway before I entered and locked the door. I crawled onto the bed and covered up under the duvet, hiding.

I was shaking with fear. My breathing was shallow, and my heart was pounding so hard I thought I would have a heart attack. I deserved to die for what I did, and it would be the easy way out. I knew what lay ahead would be much worse.

Then Chan was at the door, and I heard the knob turn, but the door was locked.

"Margie, open the door!" Chan yelled through the door.

I was petrified. I couldn't move. I was shaking like a leaf. Chan was going to kill me. I sobbed uncontrollably.

Then he yelled louder, "Margie, open the Goddamn door!" He never swore! This was unbelievably bad.

I cowered under the duvet, covering my head, praying he didn't break down the door.

Then came pounding on the door, and Chan screamed through the door. "Margie, open the fucking door… NOW!"

As afraid as I was, I had to open the door and take whatever happened. I slipped out of bed, ran to the door, unlocked it, and returned to my hiding place.

I was completely covered when I heard the door open. My sobbing became louder, and my body shook completely out of control. I prayed, ‘Dear God, please let Chan kill me and put me out of my misery. I deserve to die, so do it, please!’


I walked into the guest suite to the end of the bed, looking at a covered ball of quivering flesh, my wife. I won't even call her name. She was covered by the duvet, sobbing loudly, almost out of control. Her breathing was rough, and the quivering had turned to uncontrollable shaking. She was in severe distress, as she should be.

I am sure I know exactly what happened. I do know that Margie had fucked another man tonight, and I am sure she had broken our marriage vows again. Why, I cannot tell you, but it does not make a bit of sense to me.

I mean, we have everything together. We love each other. We lust for each other. We have money, success, great friends and family, and an excellent plan for our future, so what could have happened tonight to make her cheat on our marriage?

It was time for Margie to tell me what she had done and why.

I reached over and pulled the duvet off of her shaking body, dragging it to the floor.

"Oh God," she screamed, balling up tighter, shocked as she lay there naked, shaking violently now.

"Woman, sit up and stop sobbing. We need to talk NOW! You have some serious explaining to do!" I braked.

She looked at me. I had never sounded so fierce to her, but it was appropriate now. I wanted her to feel fear and uncertainty like she was, maybe even worse.

The look on her face was a mix of emotions: fear, sadness, shame, and others. She was a mess, and a river of tears stained her face. She knew she had created a terrible mess and had no idea what to do.

"Okay, woman, do you know how badly you have fucked up?" She looked at me, dropping her head, nodding 'yes.'

"So, what do you have to say for yourself? Before you speak, I have one and only one warning. The truth is all that had better pass your lips. Any lie, and I will leave you. Do you understand?

Her eyes filled with fear as she nodded her head.

"NO!" I roared, shocking her. "You look into my eyes when you speak, and no nod, only words!

"So again, I ask, do you understand?"

She looked at me, "Yes, Chan, I understand."

I stood there waiting for her to start. She swallowed hard, looked into my eyes, and said, "I don't know how to start. I need to tell you one thing that you already know. I love you more than my own life. What has happened has not been about that or you in any way. You are the best husband I could have ever asked for, and until tonight, we had the most perfect marriage ever."

She stopped, and I could see the guilt and shame overtaking her. She knew what she had allowed to happen, risked destroying her life and our life together. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her voice was very shaky. I saw her tremble again, pulling the sheet up to cover her.

I reached out and pulled the sheet off. I wanted Margie naked and exposed as she suffered through her story. There was no mercy from me yet.

I waited.

She shook her head and swallowed hard. I was sure her mouth was dry and her whole body was failing.


"We went to dinner, Riley, Mason Childs, and me. Laura, Riley's wife, was supposed to come, but she had to stay home with one of their sick kids. We went for drinks at Mason's hotel since Ruth Chris's restaurant was also there. We had drinks. Somehow, I had three martinis before dinner and was feeling good. The day had gone so well. We signed a deal worth almost $10,000,000 over the next three years with the potential for more.”

Everyone congratulated me. Then Riley 'called me into his office at the end of the day, handing me an envelope. He told me, 'Don't look inside until you are with Chan. You both need to enjoy it together.'

It was a thick envelope. It is in my bag downstairs.

After that, I finished a few things and met the other two for dinner.

At the bar, we had an enjoyable time talking and drinking. As I said, I had three drinks before dinner and felt no pain. We moved to the restaurant, and Riley ordered wine. During dinner, we finished off three bottles of red wine. I had my fair share, but they drank most of it. It was all an enjoyable conversation, firming up our business relationship.

Dinner was over just before 10:00 p.m., and we were having such a fun time I suggested we go to the new dance club a block down the street. I could stay for an hour and then come home. I was going to text you, but I didn't.”

I wanted to say things, but she was open, so I let her continue.

"So, we went down the street. I backed off drinking but did have a couple of Gin & Tonics.

We danced. I was their only partner, so I danced a lot. Riley and I seemed to dance the fast dances, and Mason and I danced the slow ones. Now, I wonder if they arranged that between them.

Chan, I was having so much fun. It was all so innocent to me, but between the drinking, dancing, and the general excitement of the day, I was tired and reasonably drunk. I told them I had to leave to come home to you so we could celebrate. Riley paid the bill, and we returned to the hotel for our cars.

As we walked, Mason had his hand on my ass, holding me against his hip, and I didn't really pay attention to it. When we arrived, Riley ordered his car, and I pulled out my claim check. But before I could give it to the valet, Mason said, ‘Margie, you can't drive home in this condition; you need coffee first.’

Wait, I just remembered something I left out. It was the last slow song in the club, and both guys were dancing with me. I was tired, so I leaned against Mason, and Riley pressed against me, sandwiching me from behind. The song ended, and I was feeling a little horny then. As I stepped back, Mason tilted my face and kissed me, not a big kiss, just a kiss with no words. Then Riley spun me around, and he kissed me, too. It was just a little peck on the lips. It felt weird, but no one said anything, and we left."       

"Stop, stop.” I stopped her there. “You need some water, and I need a glass of vodka." I left her and went to the kitchen for iced water and vodka. When I came back, she had put on a robe. I should have made her take it off and make a naked confession. Yes!

"Woman, did I tell you that you could put on clothes? No, I didn't. Take everything off and toss it over here!" I was stern.

Margie looked at me. Tears rolled down her cheek as she took off the robe and tossed it at my feet. If I was going to be naked, so was she. Her eyes were full of fear again. I was not letting up the pressure.

"Okay, continue," I said.

Margie gulped down her water and took a deep breath. She put the water on the bedside table and sat back cross-legged Indian style, showing me her body for the first time. God, her body was beautiful as always, but it did not affect me. She had cheated on me and was no longer my lovely wife at the time.

Margie had a tough time getting started again. I knew the hard part of her night was coming now.

"As I said, Riley left, and Mason and I walked inside to go to the bar for coffee, but the bar was closed. Mason looked at me and said, 'I have coffee in my room. Come with me, and I will make you a cup.'  

Chan, I cannot explain what came over me. I was suddenly insanely horny. It was like I needed sex right then, at that minute. I have never felt anything like that before. I am sure Mason saw it in my eyes.

I have no idea what came over me. It must have been the excitement and alcohol, but Mason was like the Pied Piper. I would have followed him anywhere. So, Mason led me by hand to the elevator. Once inside, the door closed, and he kissed me again, pulling me tight against him. I felt his cock pressing into my belly. I had a heat rush, flushing my whole body. God, I have never felt so horny. I wanted to fuck him right there in the elevator. When the elevator doors opened, we practically ran to Mason's room.

His door opened, and he pulled me inside. As the door closed, all thoughts of coffee were gone, replaced by the stripping off of clothes and….!”

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There was a long pause, and Margie looked down, unable to look at me. It was the moment of true confession. Until now, it was all just shameful flirting, but now the hard truth would come out, and what Margie and Mason had done would be revealed. My heart was beating fast. As much as I had to hear her say it, I didn't want her to. I wasn't sure how I would feel hearing her nasty confession spew from her mouth.

I gave Margie a few minutes and pressed her, "Okay, spill it, tell me what happened?"

Margie looked up at me, tears flooding down her cheeks. I knew she was in great emotional pain.

"Oh God, Chan, I can't say it. It is so horrible. I am so sorry, Chan. God, please forgive me." She begged as she fell over on the bed.

“Margie, sit up and finish it. You have to tell me everything.” I stated.

Margie sat up, wiped her eyes, and took a deep breath, starting again. "Chan, once we were both naked, I dropped to my knees and sucked Mason's cock. He was small, about six inches, and thin too. The only good thing was he was different if that even mattered. And when he fucked me, he made me cum quickly. I sucked him for a few minutes and knew he was going to cum. I stopped and crawled on the bed with my ass up, doggy. Mason moved to me and fucked me. He tried hard and made me cum twice. He only lasted a few minutes, and Oh God, Chan, I am so sorry, but I begged him to cum inside me. For some reason, I needed his cum inside me.

Oh God, what have I done? I am so sorry. I love you. I am so sorry!" Margie cried out and collapsed on the bed, sobbing out of control.

Well, there it was. The woman had admitted to sucking and fucking her new client. There was no reason given, just a lot of alcohol, weakness, and an unbridled horniness at the time.

I knew this was not the only time Margie had cheated on me. There was another time, but then I had no proof. Margie has no idea I know about the other time, some years ago. But this time, Margie had confessed. She seemed to be painfully sorry for what she had done.


I was tired of standing up and sat on the chair against the wall. Now, what to do? How did I feel now that what I knew had happened was confirmed? As I sat thinking, I was surprised after hearing her brutal cheating confession that I was not as angry as I thought I should be.

The other part was, who was I to be angry at? My wife, for sure. Mason Childs, for sure. Then there was Riley, Margie’s fucking boss. I should have his head for setting Margie up like he did. So, exactly where does the real blame lie?

I was watching Margie as she slowly destroyed herself with guilt and shame. She beat herself up more than I did. I thought it was odd that I was not more upset or angry than I was. I am sure it is because I am not Lilly White, either.

It is time for me to confess. You see, I am partially to blame for what has happened and Marcie's cheating. Well, not exactly. Marcie made that decision on her own, but I put her in the position, so she had to make that decision.

I am sure you are confused. Ok, so here it is. As I told you before, I am a financial advisor. Mason Childs is one of my clients. He is an extraordinarily rich man and an excellent businessman. Mason is the owner and CEO of a large manufacturing company. A year ago, when we had an investment review, he told me he needed to find a company that could provide several parts for a new product they were developing. As the discussion continued, I thought Margie's company could provide Mason's needed work. At the end of the meeting, I mentioned where Margie worked and said that they could probably help him out. Mason was interested. So, I gave him her contact information.

Two weeks later. Margie came home excited, telling me she had received a call from Mason Childs, and she was going to meet with him to talk to him about some possible business he could bring to their company.

I was surprised that Mason had called her. But I was happy because it could be a lot of business, which would benefit the company, Margie, and us.

The meeting was set up for next week. After meeting with Mason, Margie came home excited. They agreed to start discussions and plan to take on the new parts project in about ten months. It would take that long to work out all the details, so Margie and Mason met many times over the next ten months. They finally pulled it together, and yesterday, they signed the deal.

During that same period, I met with Mason from time to time on his investments. He thanked me each time for putting him in touch with Margie. He always told me how wonderful it was to work with her, how attractive she was, and how nice and intelligent she was. Mason added just how lucky a man I was to have her as my wife. I was always flattered and immensely proud of Margie.

As things progressed, I began to feel that Mason had an attraction to Margie, and I also thought there was a little attraction for Mason on Margie's part. I knew that Margie loved me, but I wondered how deep her interest in Mason was becoming. Over the past two months, I noticed that Margie and Mason were meeting frequently, and Mason seemed to gush about Margie even more now.

Let me tell you a little about Mason Childs. Extraordinarily rich, like $25,000,000 rich and growing. As I said, I am an excellent financial advisor, building a more extensive portfolio for Mason daily.

He is a widow. His wife, Gloria, passed away from cancer several years ago. He is fifty-six years old and has three grown children, two grandchildren, and two dogs. He is a handsome man. A little over six feet tall and in excellent shape. We meet at the gym for some of my meetings, and I have seen his workout routine; it is fantastic. He has greying salt and pepper hair and green eyes. He is a well-sought-after man by women who want his money and prestige.

I don't know much about his dating life, so I had no idea what would happen when I put my little test into play. I was only interested in this little test because Mason was in so many of Margie's and my conversations over the past months. Margie was Mason this and Mason that, and I didn't understand her fascination with him. He was a client, yes. He would confirm her as the well-respected sales rep that she already was. The money she would make was significant, but all that seemed normal. But the exception was the constant conversations, and I also understood that they were seeing each other once or twice a week now for lunch. I was not worried about losing Margie to Mason, but I thought their attraction was growing stronger, which was interesting. What did it mean?

So, I hatched my little plan. It didn't take much, only a slight prodding of Mason and the free reign that Margie always had. We trusted each other, so I was not worried, simply curious.

I met with Mason for lunch ten days ago to discuss a new investment opportunity. During our lunch, I asked how the project was going, which opened a floodgate of praise for Margie. He said, "If I wasn't careful, he might take her away."

I knew I had set the hook when I told Mason, "Well, Mason, Margie talks about you all the time now, and you two are meeting a couple of times weekly for lunch. Are you going to start dating soon? I asked with a smile and laughed; he joined in after an odd grin.

That made me wonder how deep their affection was. The table was set, and dinner would be served when they celebrated after signing the deal in a week or so. I waited.

The only other thing I did was to encourage Margie to dress for success and wear some sexy lingerie I could take off of her when she got home.

Yesterday morning, I woke up early, cooked Margie breakfast, and served it to her in bed. She was shocked when I told her, "Baby, I am so proud of you. You and Mason have bonded and are so close now. That is what made this deal happen. Please let yourself go and enjoy this day and the celebration tonight. After she finished, I moved the tray away and moved to her, kissing all over her near-naked body. I was winding her up, and as she started to whine, wanting me, I teased her, "No, we have to wait until tonight, and it will be spectacular sex, I promise." I slipped my hand between her legs, squeezed her pussy, and slipped a finger into her soaked pussy, making her grab my wrist and pull it out. "God, please don't get me going; I am so horny right now."

I smiled and left to clean up the kitchen. I had just finished when Margie came in 'dressed to the nines,' looking incredible. I pulled her to me and kissed her hard. I slipped my hand up her smooth bare thigh to her naked ass. My fingers dipped into her warm crack teasing her asshole and pussy. Margie moaned and withered against me.

Margie pushed me away. "Jesus Chan, you are so mean, turning me on like that with no release. You said we had to wait, so now I am going to be hot and horny all day. Tonight, you better take care of me good." She was almost panting.

I stepped back, reached out, and cupped her pussy, squeezing it, making Margie push down into my palm and moan deeply. “Oh Fuck, Chan, you are so mean,”

I leaned over and whispered, "Tonight will be better than you can imagine."

I quickly stepped back. "Now you need to go, make this deal happen, and come home to me for the fucking of your life!"

"Oh God, yes!" Margie gasped. She smiled, kissed me, and went out the door.

I waited.


I lay there watching Chan, wondering what he was thinking and what he would do. I could not understand why he was not angrier at me and ready to kick me out. God, I had cheated on him, and I was confused.

"Margie, go take a shower and get dressed. Meet me in my office in thirty minutes."

Chan got up and walked down the hall to our room. I got up, tossed the covers back on the bed, and followed Chan to the bedroom. He was in his closet dressing as I slipped into the bathroom.

I showered and douched again, making sure I was completely clean. I had no idea what would happen next, but I wanted to be ready, whatever it was.

I dressed and was down in the office when Chan came in. He had two glasses of iced tea and handed me one.                                                                                                       

He sat opposite me and smiled. I was riveted to him, expecting the worst when he started to talk.

"Margie, thank you for being so honest about what happened last night. I do have a few questions for you. So please be as honest as you have been so far."

"The first question is, do you love Mason Childs or me more?"

Chan's words shocked me. What the hell did he ask me? How could he think that or ask me that?

"Chan, how can you even think that? I love you, and only you. You are my whole life."

"Well, what about Mason? You have been having lunch with him twice a week for months, and last night you fucked him, so it is a fair question. What is your feeling for Mason? I know what his feelings are for you!" Chan was demanding with his question.

Chan was right; I had been to lunch with Mason for several months, and we had been out to dinner twice. Most of the times that we were together, I had never told Chan about it. I suppose that Mason has told Chan about our lunch times together but not the dinners.

Other than last night, there was only one additional time when Mason and I were the slightest bit romantic. It was two weeks ago, and we had an early dinner at his private club. We were in a private dining room, and it was exquisite. The food and wine were delicious. The conversation became more personal as he told me about his life and the loss of his wife. Mason had never talked about her before. He told me he was finally dealing with her death and was now ready to date again. I was happy for him but had no idea where he was going with his talk until he reached across the table, took my hand, and asked me if we could date.

I was shocked, but part of me was instantly turned on. I had grown so close to Mason while we worked out our business dealings. He was an attractive man and charming. In addition to his wealth and position in the community, he was a catch. But I felt no love for him.

Mason's warm hand massaged mine as he looked into my eyes. My whole body started to tingle, and my pussy was wet. I gently pulled my hand away, and with a small smile, I blushed.

"Mason, I am married, and you do business with my husband. There is no way. I love my husband and could not do that to him. I like you as a business partner and friend, but we cannot date. Thousands of beautiful women would love to date you, so please, you need to look elsewhere."

I saw sadness in his eyes. I knew he knew the chances were slim, and I would agree. We didn't discuss it again, and we left shortly afterward. As his car dropped me back at my office, I moved to him and kissed him seriously. It was the least I could do. It was a sweet kiss from Mason with a touch of passion. His tongue tried to enter, but I resisted.

"Thank you for a wonderful dinner, Mason. I will talk with you tomorrow." I got out, and his car drove off.

I sat in my car, thinking about what had happened. Should I tell Chan or just let it go? I decided it was best to let it pass.

After what happened last night, I knew I was wrong and should have told Chan.


"Margie, you fucked Mason; how did you like it? Do you want to fuck him again?" I asked seriously.

Margie looked at me with an odd look on her face. "Chan, why are you asking me these questions? I have already confessed and told you I love you, and what I did was wrong. I only love you, only you. No, I do not want to do anything with Mason outside of business ever again."

“Okay, I accept that. "Then what about Riley?" I said.

"What? I don't know what that kiss was all about. I was caught up in the moment like all of us were. No, he is my boss, and it will never be discussed again." Margie said, flustered at my questions.

"Okay, I accept that as well. So, Margie, how do we resolve this? You have cheated on me, broken our marriage vows, and will continue working with your cheating partner, so how am I supposed to trust you?" I asked firmly.

"Tell me, Margie, other than all the lunches and last night, have you and Mason ever been out together?" I asked.

Margie’s look changed, so I know I hit pay dirt. The look gave her away.

"I see from the distressed look on your face that the answer is yes. There is more to this than just lunch and last night. I suspect a budding relationship is growing between you two," I said firmly.

Margie dove off the sofa on her knees in front of me. "Chan, you have to believe me. I want only you. Last night was a horrible mistake. I love you and only you. Please, the two other times were dinner. One was two weeks ago, and Mason asked me to date him. I refused, and that was the end of it. I did kiss him as he dropped me off as an ending. I should have told you, but I thought it was over, and I had handled it. Then, last night, it happened, and I cannot explain what happened. Drunk, horny all day, and the opportunity is all I can say! I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I promise it will never happen again."

I had heard it all now and knew what I had done created the environment for them to cheat, and I was partially responsible. That was my secret, forever. 

"Okay, I have heard it all now. Is there anything else I need to know?" I asked.

"Oh God, no, nothing." Margie sighed.

"Okay, then here is my decision. I will not divorce you. I will continue to love you. I will continue to work with Mason Childs, helping him become richer so I earn more money. You will continue to work with Mason Childs, but you will NEVER go to another lunch with him alone. You will never go to dinner with him alone. You will never cheat again with Mason, Riley, or anyone else. Do you understand? 

I will speak to Riley concerning your kiss, and I will talk to Mason about last night. If one word of what happens gets out, I will threaten them with exposure. I will have a lawsuit naming both of them in conspiring for your forced seduction. I will never file it unless they push back on me.

Margie, I don't want to do this, but you have given me no choice. You will sign a Postnuptial Agreement that will be very harsh on you if you ever cheat on me again. You will leave this marriage with what you came in with and nothing more.

From this day forward, you will make your body available to me every day and night whenever I want a blow job, to make love, or I just plain want to fuck you. You will give me your entire body, even your sweet asshole, which you have always denied me, to play with and fuck whenever I want to.

Margie, I love you, but now that I know that you are an easy target, your nights out alone or with the girls will cease for six months. Your drinking will be limited to two glasses of wine per night. It would be best to learn to remain in control, or these privileges will be denied forever.  

This might seem like I am being harsh, but the alternative is a messy divorce that neither of us wants.

All of these rules will be written, and you and I will sign them. Do you understand?"

Margie looked up at me. Tears were rolling off her cheeks.

"Chan, I love you and will agree to anything you want. I am so sorry for cheating and violating our vows, and it will never happen again.”

I reached down and pulled Margie into my lap, kissing and holding her. We sat like that for a few minutes. Then I whispered to her, "I believe I still owe you the fucking of your life." And smiled.    

Margie scrambled off my lap, pulling me up and running ahead. As she ran ahead, I took out my phone and texted two people.

My text: "Thank you, men. I will talk to both of you next week. Mason, you owe me a lot, and I will definitely collect it. I think maybe a trip on your private jet to anywhere you want to pay for two weeks might be appropriate.


Oh, thank God, I survived again. But this time was the last time. I would never cheat again.

I ran to the bedroom, losing my clothes along the way. I had to be the slut I was deep inside for my man now and forever more.

I pulled the covers off the floor and jumped onto the bed, lying spread eagle, waiting for my husband.  He had promised me the fucking of my life last night, and I fucked that all up. So, I owe him the fucking of his life, and I am damn sure going to give him just that.

I reached over into the bedside table drawer and found the tube of KY I have hidden there three years ago when I was close to giving Chan my ass. But that didn’t happen, but today it will.

I moved around on the bed, changing my position, on my knees with my ass high and my face lying on the sheets. My hand holding the KY was lying between my legs so Chan could see it easily. 

I heard him come through the door. Chan stopped dead. I looked back at him. He was naked now, holding his cock in his right hand. Slowly stroking it.

“My, My, look what we have here,” he said, “A sweet ass waiting for me. What should I do, spank it for being naughty, kiss and lick it or fuck it? Gee, I can’t make up my mind. I think all of the above is appropriate!”

Thus began a three-hour fuck fest that included every hole, on both our bodies and multiple orgasms for each of us, with me winning with well over fifteen. Chan truly gave me the fucking of my life, times two. He owned me forever now.

We lay together professing our love and kissing as we drifted off to sleep completely in love and exhausted.  



I know, I know, you are all scratching your heads, wondering what has just happened and why did it happen. Well, let me clear things up for you.  About five years ago, and well before Mason entered the picture, there was a fitness instructor named Josh. He was twenty-eight, blonde, stud with a hard body, with a big cock. I had seen it in the locker room shower. It hung almost to his knees. Very impressive.

One night I was fucking Margie hard, not making love, just hard fucking. We were in the midst of it, and suddenly, "Oh My God, Josh, yes, fuck me with that big cock." came rolling out of Margie's mouth. She never realized what she had said or what happened, but my cock deflated in two seconds. I made some feeble excuse and fell over on the bed like I had strained something.

I couldn't get it up again until I met with Josh one evening. A friend and I rocked his world, but not in a good way! The news said Josh Miller, a personal trainer, had been mugged and was hurt badly. Margie saw the broadcast with me and gasped. “He is my trainer.”

“Really? That is too bad. I hope he will be OK.” I said.

I was sure Margie would miss fucking him too. With her trainer/love out of the business, I canceled her gym membership. The day Josh left the hospital after five days of recovery, I met him at his apartment and helped him pack everything he owned into his truck. I escorted him to the state line. I handed him an envelope and told him if he ever set foot in our town again, I would kill him with my bare hands, making sure it would hurt every minute until I finally let him die several hours later. No one ever saw him again.

During our meeting that night before his accident, Josh readily confessed to fucking Margie for two months. I could never get enough details to catch her or confront her. That is why I played this game with her. Now I have her locked down with a Postnuptial Agreement and the 'Fear of God' that I would divorce her.

It all worked out as I had hoped, and I am happy now. Our beautiful life can move on.

The following two months began with trying to make our first baby. We fucked like rabbits every day, sometimes twice a day, and all day on the weekends. Our friends thought we no longer liked them because they saw so little of us. Once they understood I had been laying a lot of inches of pipe, seeding the field, and hoping for a successful harvest, they encouraged us to continue. We even stirred two couples into action as well.

As for Mason, He paid for a beautiful two-week trip to the Maldives Islands on his Gulfstream 5. I am sure that is where our twins were created. We hardly left the bed or deck or hot tub, fucking anywhere and everywhere.  We were insatiable.

Nine months later, we had Stell and Michael, followed two years later by Marion, and Bill came along three years later.

Our life was wonderful.

So that is my story. I hope you enjoyed it.

Copyright © 2024 MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 

Written by MaxxNRachel
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