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The Caregiver - Chapter #2

"The caregiver next door takes care of more than the widow..."

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Author's Notes

"Thanks for all the kinds comments and positive scores around Chapter #1. <p> [ADVERT] </p> I can only hope you enjoy Chapter #2 as well."

The obnoxious alarm clock’s blaring finally managed to awaken me – after three swats at the snooze button.  I lay there thinking about what had just happened only hours ago.

Months of desire and lust exploded, and Pamela and I had given in to the temptation.

I won’t lie.  I was feeling torn. I love Jane and always will, and I would never want to do anything to embarrass her or our children, but I missed the raw passion and desire Pamela and I had experienced the night before.  It had been years since I had known that kind of longing and fulfillment and, based on her reaction, it had been for her as well.  I didn’t want to do anything to hurt anyone else, but I wanted more of that – of her.

That day at work was a long one. I spent the day alternating between feeling like the world’s biggest asshole and feeling euphoric about what I had experienced the previous night.  I couldn’t help but wonder if Pamela was having the same feelings.  When Jane called to check in, I thought I was going to faint, but the conversation was a brief one.

I wondered if Pamela was feeling the same because there were no phone calls from her.

Even when Anna was having a good day, Pamela usually snuck in a quick call at some point with a quick question.  I didn’t realize how much I had gotten used to spending time with her and now I was afraid about what to expect when I got home from work.  The schoolboy nerves that I had experienced had returned with a vengeance.

After one of the longest days I had ever experienced at work, I headed to my car.  The sky was becoming more overcast, and the wind had picked up.  I hadn’t even thought about the weather.  I turned to my favorite radio station for news and weather updates and learned that we were under a severe thunderstorm watch for later in the evening.

“Well, at least it’s not a tornado,” I thought to myself.    

As I pulled into the driveway, I saw her and Anna sitting on the porch together.  They both waved, which put my mind at ease somewhat.  I parked the car, got out, and walked next door.

“And how are you ladies this fine April day?” I asked.

“We’re doing just fine,” Anna answered.  “I’m feeling better since I started taking that medicine.”

I smiled and thought about her talking out of her head just a couple of days ago… funny how that seemed like a lifetime ago now.

I sat down on the porch swing next to Anna and smiled at Pamela.  The look on her face told me I had nothing to worry about.

The three of us made small talk – including a conversation about the weather – until Anna asked, “Pamela, can I go in now? I’m getting a little cool.”  I had been so relieved by our conversation that I hadn’t really noticed that the wind had gotten chillier.

I took my cue to leave and helped Anna up.  I watched the two ladies go in, my eyes inevitably drawn to Pamela’s ass.  I was in mid-stare when she turned around and smiled at me.

“Damn.  Caught again.” I thought.

I wasn’t sure what to do next when she held her hand up to her ear like a phone and whispered questioningly “Call you?”

I nodded silently, but grinning widely, I whispered back, “Yes.”

About a half-hour later, my cell rang, and the ID showed Pamela’s name and number.  As I had all three of the caregivers on my contact list, there was nothing that would be problematic, unless one noticed that I rarely received a call from the other two.

“Ms. Anna’s eating, so I thought I would call.  Is that okay?” Pamela asked.

“Of course it is.  I have wanted to talk to you all day.”

“I’m glad to hear that.  I was worried you wouldn’t.”

“Well, I won’t lie.  I have never done this before and there’s a part of me that doesn’t feel so good about it, but last night was amazing.  I want you so much.”

“I’ve never done anything like it before either.  I was afraid you would think I was a slut or something.”

“No babydoll.  I don’t think you’re a slut.”

“Thank you.”

We talked for a few more minutes and then she said, “I think Ms. Anna’s about finished….”

I could feel the hint in the air.  It was as if she was asking, “Where do we go from here?”

“Would you like to come over here tonight?”

“Are you sure,” she responded.  “I mean that might be better.  I’d hate to wake her up.”

“Oh, are you that loud?” I asked half-seriously.

“Hmmm maybe you will find out for yourself,” she said.  I could hear her smile on my end of the phone.  It was clear that she was relieved that I wanted to be with her again as much as I was.

“But for the record,” she continued, “I can be.  However, in this case, I was thinking more about the bed.  Trying to stay quiet last night wasn’t particularly easy.”

“Well, I had to watch about getting too loud,” I said.

“Oh really?  Are you loud?” she asked, clearly getting her digs in.

“Hmm maybe you will find out for yourself a little later,” I repeated.  “Whenever she’s squared away for the night, let me know.  I’ll be ready for you.”

I spent the next few hours trying to keep myself occupied.  Leftovers for dinner, sudoku puzzles, emails, and reading about my favorite sports teams – anything to pass the time.  I was sure I had managed to kill an hour only to discover when I looked up at the large wall clock in the living room that only twenty minutes had passed.

Finally, around eight, I turned the television on and found an old documentary, something I had seen before but was happy to have as a distraction.  I stretched out on the couch and closed my eyes for a minute.

I awoke to the sound of thunder.  The predicted storm had indeed rolled in right on schedule.  I glanced up at the clock and discovered it was a little after ten.  I had been asleep for two hours – a rarity for me.

As I struggled to get fully awake, I listened to the sounds of the wind, thunder, and rain beating against the side of the house.  I shook the cobwebs loose and went to the door.  Flipping the porch light on, I opened the door to nearly have it ripped from my hands, the wind was easily 50 mph.

After a brief struggle to get the door closed, I walked to the table beside the couch and picked up my cellphone to call Pamela.

“Are you two ladies alright?”

“Yes, we’re fine” she answered.

“Okay.  Just checking.  Do we need to change anything for tonight?  Will you need to go home?”

“No.  Are you having second thoughts?”

“Not at all.  I was just making sure.  Are you having second thoughts?”

“No sir.  I’ll be there as soon as I leave here.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

The next hour passed very slowly.  The wind let up just a little, but the rain sounded as if it had only gotten harder.

Just before eleven, I flipped the porch light on.  A few minutes later I saw Pamela running towards the house.  She didn’t have an umbrella, just a hoodie.  As she got near the door, I could see she was soaked.

Out of breath, she scrambled into the house.  “I didn’t want to move my car and left my darn umbrella at home.  Look at me!  I looked like a drowned rat!”

I laughed, shut the door, and turned the outside light off.

Pamela stood there dripping on the tile.

“Well, drowned rat or not, I think you look beautiful.”

“You sweet talker.  Right now, I’m freezing.”

She kicked off her soaked shoes and I noticed her shiver.  Then I couldn’t help but notice her visibly erect nipples.  As hot as I thought that was, I felt bad for her.

“Yes, I am that cold.”

Damn, she always catches me looking.

“Okay, come with me,” I said as I took her by the hand.

I led her to the hallway bathroom and said, “Okay, I’ll get you my robe.  You get out of those clothes, and I’ll throw them in the dryer.”

I returned a moment later and reached the robe around the partially closed door.  “Here you go, put this on, it will warm you up.”  The robe was a thick, black robe that I put on after I first got out of the shower on winter mornings.  I knew it would warm her up quickly.

As she stepped out of the bathroom, I gathered up her clothes and started for the dryer with her following me down the dark hallway. I noticed she had not put her bra or panties in the stack.  I tossed the clothes in the dryer, put it on a low setting, and turned to look at her.

I smiled and reached for her.  Our kiss was slow, passionate but gentle.  She was still cold, but we were warming her up quite nicely.

I pulled away and took her hand, “Let’s go to the family room.  I think there is something in here you will like.”

“Oh really now?”

We went into the family room, and I asked, “How about a fire?”

“Oh, that would be great.”

I turned on the gas logs as she sat down on the couch.

I sat down beside her and smiled.  I couldn’t help it.  I was always smiling when I looked at her.

I reached around and turned off the table lamp.  The room now was dark except for the fire.

“How’s that?” I asked.

“I just need one more thing.”

“And just what would that be?”

“For you to kiss me again.”

With that, we leaned towards each other.  Our mouths opened simultaneously, and our tongues began to move with each other.  Our arms wrapped around each other and we held each other tightly.

The kisses alternated between deep tonguing and quick kisses.  I turned so that I could kiss her neck.

“You do that you better be prepared for what happens next,” Pamela said.

I started kissing her neck and I heard her moan lightly.

“And what happens next?”

I could almost hear her purr, “I lose my fucking mind.”

“Well in that case….” I continued to kiss her neck before moving to her ears.

My hand gently pulled on the belt of the robe, and it opened.  My left hand moved around Pamela’s bare back, and I pulled her to me again.  The feel of her body was electric, and I felt her shiver.  My hands moved over her body and over the top of her bra.  Her nipples were still erect, but I was hopeful the cause was different now.

Making out on the couch like teenagers was an amazing sensation.

Pamela ran her fingers through my hair, caressed my face, “You are so handsome.”

“You make me feel that way anyway,” I replied.  “Would you like to take this party to a bed or stay here?”

“Right here, by the fireplace.”

“I was hoping you would say that.”

We stood up together and Pamela began to undress me.  As she unbuttoned my shirt, I caressed her hair.  We alternated kissing with the removal of my clothes.

I took the bathrobe off of her and spread it on the floor; grabbed some of the pillows from the couch and tossed them on top of the robe.

She unclasped her bra and allowed her beautiful breasts to spill out.  I alternated kissing her breasts and sucking her nipples while she moaned and ran her hands through my hair again.

As I pulled away, she stepped out of her drenched panties and knelt down upon the robe.  She grasped my cock in her right hand, looked up at me, and said, “You don’t mind do you?” as she began pumping away with a huge smile on her face.

“Uh….no… mmmmm….. please feel free.”

“Good.  I think I will.”

And, with that, she slowly began to take my cock into her mouth.  Without losing eye contact with me, she licked me from the base of my cock to its tip, playing with the opening with her tongue as waves of pleasure washed over me.

“Do you like?”

“You know I do?”

“How much?” she asked teasingly.

“Very much.”

“Do you want to cum in my mouth?  I’ll let you if you want to.”

“Oh baby, I would love that, but I want to cum in your pussy.”

“Well… if you insist.”

“Oh, I do.”

“Get on all fours,” I said more forcefully than I intended.

“Hmmm, you are awfully bossy for someone whose cock is vulnerable.  You should be careful how you talk to me you know,” but she smiled and rolled over on the robe.

Now, I lay on my back and positioned myself under her mound.  “It’s my turn.”

I spread her pussy lips open with my fingers and began to lick her beautiful clit.  I tongued her opening and lapped at her clit.  Soon Pamela raised up off her forearms and was now resting on her knees as she moved over my face.  Swaying slowly, she danced to music only she heard but the feeling of my tongue on her mound carried her into ecstasy.

“Oh God baby, that feels so good.  Please don’t stop.”

I was nearly smothered by her juicy pussy, but I wasn’t about to surrender.  Licking as furiously as I could, I found myself in Nirvana.  Precum was oozing from my cockhead, and I felt my own explosion building.

Turning my head I asked, “Are you ready?”

“Oh God yes baby”

I pulled myself from underneath her.

“How do you want me?” she asked breathlessly.

“Back on all fours.”

She moved into position quickly and I positioned myself behind her.  The moisture from her pussy coated my mouth, I could taste her on my lips.  I wanted her like I had never wanted anything else in my life.

Taking my cock in my hand, I placed it at her opening.  I wiggled it back and forth until my head was inside of her.  With that, Pamela began to move her hips and slowly devoured my cock inside of her tight walls.

Making a slow circular motion with my hips, I found my place inside of her.  We were one now; one in heart and mind; joined forever in lust and passion.  I wanted her – not just physically but in every way.

She was mine and I was about to take what was mine.

I reached up with my left hand and grabbed a handful of her hair – not to inflict pain, but to claim a sense of ownership. I tugged just enough for her to know that I was there.

The circling of my hips stopped, I was preparing myself, but Pamela wasn’t ready to stop.  Now she ground against my cock and said, “Oh baby please, don’t tease me.  Fuck me.”

My right hand spanked her right ass cheek.  “Such language.”

But my protestation was totally fake.  I wanted her as badly as she wanted me.  My right hand grasped her hip and I totally lost control.  Over the next few moments, I fucked her like a man possessed.  Our moans and cries filled the room, and I could smell our sex in the air.

By the firelight, I thrust wilding into her, but Pamela didn’t just lay there, she fucked me back…hard.  Her ass ground into me driving me even more insane with pleasure if that were somehow possible.

From the depth of my being I felt the orgasm building.  Our timing was shared.

“Oh my God,” I heard her almost scream, “Go, baby.”

“I’m cumming. Damnit.  Oh shit!  Fuck.” It felt as if every expletive I had ever heard poured out of my mouth as my cock exploded.  The air in my lungs seemed to magically vanish and bright flashes of light appeared before my eyes. I kept going, thrusting into Pamela with all my might. I thought for a moment I would pass out. My knees buckled.

The sound of Pamela's pleasure started as a low moan but increased in both volume and pitch until it became a wail. With that, we both collapsed onto the robe, both trying desperately to catch our breath.

We lay there in silence as we had the night before.  This time though the fireplace illuminated her beautiful face.  I rolled onto my side and played with her hair and lightly brushed her body, my heart still pounding as if it was trying to escape from my chest.

“Oh my God, that was so good,” she finally said.

“I’m just trying to catch my breath.”

We lay there in silence for what seemed to be forever.  Finally, she asked, “Do you suppose my clothes are dry?”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

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Written by will6646
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