It was a Thursday night and the club was packed. Having the night off from work, I decided to go out, joining my boyfriend and his five friends. James was already in the club when me and my two friends met and joined them.
It was a typical night out, lots of drinking, dancing and conversations with raised voices competing against the music. My friend, Gina, would go outside to smoke and I was following regularly for some fresh air. The night wore on, and I barely spoke to James all night.
I wouldn’t have been able to tell you what time it was when I sat down alone with Dustin. He was one of James’ friends; I had only met him twice before. He was very subdued and you could tell that he didn’t feel like he fit in with us as a crowd.
Earlier, we had moved up to the top tier of the club late on. Shy and still relatively sober, Dustin sat down most of the night talking with Craig, his closest friend. That was until Craig got too drunk to listen and eventually ended up dancing with my friend Alix down below on the dance floor.
I Looked down from the balcony into the sea of people; the club lights were spotting and spiralling over their faces. I spied James by the bar, he was eyeing up girls with two of his friends, Dean and Richard, who looked to be commenting to each other and pointing obnoxiously.
Craig’s hands were feeling Alix all over as she danced, he barely moved, just enjoyed the sensation. There wasn’t much room to move on the dance floor, everyone was bumping shoulder to shoulder.
I turned to Gina and tapped her shoulder; she was stood talking to Brian.
“Are we here all night now then?” I shouted over the music.
“Yeah, there’s nowhere else is there?” She shrugged and raised her arms.
"Guess not, this is definitely the busiest place to be tonight.” I took another look down onto the dance floor. James and his friends were making their way to the stairs back up to us.
It had become a trek for me to get up and down the stairs to go to the bar, especially in my six inch Louboutin’s. James had offered to keep getting my drinks, although this was probably more of an excuse to get away from me and ogle with his friends. James handed me my white wine.
“You not getting down there tonight Amy?” Richard asked, pointing to the dance floor.
“You think I’m going to let some dickhead scuff these up?!” I pointed to my heels.
“Fair enough!” He laughed. “I just thought you’d be down there with Alix tonight. Mind you, I think she’ll be doing more than just dancing tonight by the looks of things!”
Richard pointed, we all followed his finger downwards and saw Craig groping Alix’s arse from around her waist as they kissed each other.
“Looks like somebody’s getting fucked tonight!” Brian shouted, we all laughed.
A little later on and I was nearing the end of my fifth drink and starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. James and his friends wandered down to the bar again, leaving me and Gina on the high stools next to the railings.
I looked over to Dustin.
“I feel a bit sorry for him, do you know what I mean?” Gina motioned towards Dustin who was sat alone on his phone, a few feet away from us on the leather sofas and low table.
“Yeah, he’s always so quiet and uncomfortable,” I said.
“It’s like he doesn’t feel like he fits in.”
“Shame because he’s quite cute,” Gina said.
“Do you think so?”
“Yeah, he’s quite good looking.”
“Why don’t you try it on then? I bet he wouldn’t know what to make of it if you did!”
“Don’t be silly, Brian would go nuts.” She laughed.
James came back with another glass of wine for me and then said he was going out for a cigarette, Gina and Brian joined him.
Dean, Richard and myself joined Dustin on the sofas. I placed my drink on the table and sat down next to Dustin, making sure that my skirt didn’t ride up, giving Richard and Dean a full view of my underwear.
“You alright, Dustin?” Dean shouted.
Dustin looked up from the phone screen that lit his face in the darkened club.
“Yeah, I’m fine!” he said.
“You not drunk yet, man?” Richard asked.
“You need to get more down ya!” Richard said taking a swig of his own bottle.
There was an awkward silence between us. This wasn’t the group of people I would naturally find myself having a conversation with.
“Looks like your pal is in there tonight, Amy,” Dean said, with a grin on his face.
“I think it’s Craig that’s in there more like it! He’s lucky to pull Alix!”
“Ahh, I reckon she’s up for anything,” he said, clenching his fist, moving it up and down. Richard started laughing.
“She’s not getting with all three of you if that’s what you’re thinking. I think her threesome days are behind her.”
“Oh yeah? I reckon I could get behind her,” Richard said as he laughed with Dean.
“What makes you so sure about that then?” Dean asked.
“Well, I should know. I was there.”
“You were where?”
“At her last threesome,” Dean and Richard’s eyes lit up and excitement flooded to their grinning mouths. Dustin lifted his head up from the screen and took a quick glance over at me. I looked to him and his eyes darted back to the screen.
“You had a threesome together?!” Dean shouted.
“Might have, I’m not saying any more than that,” I said picking up my drink, taking a sip.
“Was it you two and another bloke?” Richard asked as he leaned in.
“Not saying,”
“I don’t believe it; does James know?”
“Not saying anything,”
James did in fact know quite a lot about my past exploits, and wasn’t particularly happy about a lot of it.
“This is bollocks!” Dean shouted.
“Alright, that’s fine if you don’t believe me,” I said, smirking into my drink. “But I don’t think you’ll be getting with Alix,”
“Oh, come on let’s get down there now.” Dean stood up and adjusted his pants.
“You coming Dustin?” Richard was stood waiting for a response, Dean was already making his way to the stairs.
Dustin lifted his face from the screen yet again.
“Nah, I’ll be staying here.”
Richard and Dean went down to the dance floor leaving me sat alone with Dustin.
There was another awkward silence. I took a long sip from my drink and dabbed the corner of my mouth with my finger tip to stop the liquid from smearing my lipstick. I rubbed my hands together and pulled the hem of my skirt down before speaking.
“What are you on?” I asked, pointing to the drink by his knee.
“Jack Daniels and coke,” he said, finally put his phone in his pocket.
“Nice choice!” I exclaimed, forcing him to clink his glass with mine.
“How come you haven’t been drinking enough then?”
“To be honest, I’ve had quite a lot, it just takes me a while to get drunk. And even then, once I do, I struggle if there’s drunk people around me.”
“Yeah, I get what you mean. You must be really struggling with me around you then!” I started laughing.
“You’re not drunk, are you?” he asked.
“Oh yeah, I’m pretty tipsy now. I think this is my fifth one,” I said pointing to my drink.
“I wouldn’t have guessed.”
“Well, I would never have brought up having a threesome around those two if I was sober, put it that way,”
“So, you did have a threesome then?” he asked, raising his eyebrows with a smirk.
I brought my finger to my lips and pouted out a hushed shush, moving my other hand onto his left knee for a brief second and then started laughing. He gave a tight grin and took a drink from his glass. He was tense.
“I shouldn’t talk about stuff like that when I’m too drunk,” I said reaching for my drink.
“Why? Nothing wrong with talking about that kind of thing.”
“I know, it just gets me all… you know.”
“Gets you all what?” he asked, turning more on the sofa, getting into the conversation.
“Gets me all horny,” I said. His mouth tensed and his tongue emerged between his tightened lips for a second as he gave a slow and understanding nod.
“Mmmm,” he said. “Yeah.”
“Sorry, I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“No, it’s fine honestly. I don’t mind,” he said.
We spent the next few minutes getting into a conversation about how he was always quiet and shy every time I had met him.
Then James, Brian and Gina came back. Gina sat next to me, making me budge up next to Dustin so that my leg was touching his. James and Brian sat opposite. We talked, but not for long.
“I’m going to go and find those two,” James said. “Are you coming?” he asked, gesturing towards me.
“No, I’m alright. These heels…” I said.
James stood up.
“We’re going to go down there for a bit too so we’ll join you,” Gina said.
With that me and Dustin were swiftly left alone again.

The music seemed to get even louder than it already was all of a sudden and the place got hotter. Dustin started to say something, but I couldn’t hear him. I moved my head closer to his mouth.
“What?!” I asked.
“I said, you should have worn some different shoes!” His lips were practically touching my ear lobe.
“To be honest, I couldn’t be arsed dancing tonight and I knew these would be a good excuse!”
He started laughing.
“Plus, they match my dress really nicely,” I said.
“What?!” he shouted.
I placed my hand on his leg and leaned in further.
“I said, they match my dress nicely!” I was shouting behind his ear as not to deafen him.
He scanned my outfit quickly and then nodded.
“Do you like my dress?” I asked. I moved my hand further up his leg. He turned his head and got close to my ear.
“Yes, it’s very nice,” he said, looking me in the eye.
I paused for a moment staring back into his.
“Do you think I look good in it?” I asked, tightening my grip very slightly on his inner thigh.
He leaned in yet again.
“You look very good.” His voice got deeper and clearer.
I smiled.
I leaned forward and reached out for my drink. My left hand behind me, moved even further up his leg, almost touching his crotch. I sensed him move slightly, unsure of what to do. I sat back and downed the rest of my drink and put the glass down on the sofa next to me.
Turning my face back to him, I leaned in and pressed my lips against his ear.
“Do you think my tits look good?”
There was no immediate reply. He carried on looking forward for a second. I lifted my right hand and pressed it against my cleavage, the dress was low cut. I pulled slightly at the chest line, dragging it downwards.
He looked.
I leaned in.
“Do you think my tits look good?” I asked again.
“They’re incredible,” he said with a new authority, his lips touching my ear.
I was nearing his crotch, I could feel the warmth. Leaning in, I breathed into his ear.
“Are you horny?” I asked.
He nodded.
I grinned.
“Me too,” I mouthed to him.
I stroked the bulge that spread down the inside of his trouser leg.
“Follow me,” I said.
We both got up and walked across upper tier, towards the corner next to the stairs. Down the hallway we stopped at the toilets. I pointed to the men’s room.
“Anyone in there?” I asked.
He looked confused and poked his head around both doors before turning around.
“No, there’s nobody in there,” he said.
I walked towards him and pressed him into the bathroom. The men’s toilets smelled, but not nearly as bad as I thought they would. The room was wide with a steel trough running along the far wall opposite the cubicles and the bass from the club boomed from the walls.
Turning and holding him by the hand I walked backwards to the only cubicle in there opened the door. We both went in. I locked the door.
Turning around from the door I faced him, he stood taller than me, even with my heels on. I squatted where I stood, steadied my high heels against the floor and started to unfasten his trousers. His hands were down by his sides. Within a few moments I was looking at his boxers. I pulled them over a rigid mound until his member eased out and began to quickly stand to attention.
I pulled up the hem of my skirt quickly, riding it up my legs, then I pulled aside my thong and freed my wet lips. Without hesitation I took hold of Dustin’s stiffened cock and fed it into my mouth, tasting his pre-cum immediately. He was circumcised and had plenty of girth. Letting out a quiet sigh, he placed his hands on my head.
With the saliva building rapidly in my mouth, I took him straight to the back of my throat with graceful ease and held him there. Seconds passed, I held him there for longer than I thought I was able.
I started to feel the soft flesh between my legs and began fingering myself. My wetness seeped from my hand to my inner thigh and trickled to my arse cheek.
Drool began to pool around my mouth and dribble around the corners of my lips. Moving my tongue up and down against his shaft, I reached out and slipped my hand under his shirt as he rested inside me. He moaned.
I widened the back of my throat, making an audible gag that echoed in the toilets and shifted my head backwards and forwards around him.
I pulled him out for a breath and carried on running rings around my sopping clitoris. His cock was drenched with spit.
Holding onto him, I rubbed his shaft against my cheek and nuzzled his head against my lips, looking up to him. He frowned, his mouth agape with pleasure. I knew I looked good. From his position my tits were practically on show and he could clearly see between my legs.
Filling my mouth with spit once again, I held his cock to one side and ran my tongue along him. The spit trickled off my tongue and plunged to the floor. A drop fell from the tip of his drenched head and landed on my chest, finding its way between my breasts. I felt it pool inside my bra.
“Fuck…” he groaned lightly.
I gave an audible snigger and looked up to him, scrunching my nose as I placed him back into my mouth.
“I want to see your tits,” he whispered.
Stopping, I grabbed hold of my dress immediately and pulled it down along with my bra. My tits sat perky.
I returned Dustin to my mouth and put both hands behind my back, looking up to him. My eyes on his.
Just then, the music from the club got loud and clear, the door to the toilets were opening. Both our eyes widened as the voices became clear, and we realised who had walked in; James, Brian and Richard.
“Whoa! Whoa! What you doing?!” Brian shouted.
“He’s absolutely hammered,” James said.
We could hear that Richard was stumbling around the room.
“Have you seen Amy?” James asked.
“Not, not seen her since we went to the bar. Haven’t seen Dustin either,” said Brian.
“Me neither…”
“Can’t have gone too far,” Brian said.
We were both perfectly still. I remained crouched, poised and ready for the worst to happen. Dustin’s cock sat pulsing in my mouth. I looked up to him and he looked down to me.
After a second, I began letting my mouth work around him lightly, keeping him up and hard.
We heard piss hitting the steel of the urinal.
“You going to be much longer in their bud?” Brian asked.
We both froze and there was a brief silence. It took a second to realise the question was aimed inside the cubicle.
“Fuck!’ Dustin mouthed down to me. After a split second of thinking what to do, he placed the back of his hand over his mouth.
“Err, yeah sorry, don’t know how much longer I’ll be in here…” He grunted with a deepened voice.
I took Justin out of my mouth and massaged his damp head into my hardened nipple. He jolted and held in an involuntary grunt.
“Fuck sake,” James said.
I sniggered silently and teased his head with a discrete tongue swipe, looking up to him still with sultry eyes.
Richard mumbled and stumbled around on the other side of the door.
“It’s alright, I’ll just go next door to that other bar and use those toilets,” Brian said.
The hand driers turned on and the conversation became inscrutable. We heard the door flop shut with a slight bang. The bass was now the only thing that we could hear.
Dustin had been holding his breath and finally let it out in a quick burst.
I started to laugh uncontrollably.
“Fucking hell!” he exclaimed.
“What?” I asked.
“I just can’t believe what’s happening right now,” he said with a slight laugh.
“Do you like it?” I asked, licking the tip of his cock.
“I’m not going to lie, I’m going to cum soon…”
“Good,” I said, “that’s what I want.”
I started to suck again. Harder now. I took my hand and started wanking him onto my tongue, my mouth wide open.
His hands hit the sides of the cubicle walls and I felt his knees buckle slightly. I was sliding his cock in and out of my throat with even strokes, his eyes rolled back slightly and his hips shifted forward. He leaned over my crouched body and rested his hands on the door behind me.
I held the tip of his cock in my mouth and moaned loudly, slipping two fingers into myself. I came instantly. My body convulsed as I orgasmed.
Suddenly, I felt warm, salty strokes entering my mouth, finding their way to the back of my throat. I kept his cock inside my mouth for him and looked up to watch the ecstasy engulf his face. He carried on shooting, it felt like my mouth was full up with cum.
He looked down to me and I swallowed slowly without hesitation, letting my eyes tell him how much I enjoyed it. I pulled him carefully from my mouth and wiped his tip clean with my tongue.
Dustin sighed and tipped his head back. I pulled my bra and dress back up covering my cleavage and stood up, straightening my hem line.
Dustin buttoned his pants and tucked his shirt as I ran the back of my hand over my mouth.
“Do I have cum on my face?” I asked him.
He was bewildered. After a moment he looked.
“No…” he said.
“Excellent,” I said, kissing him on the cheek. “Thanks hun, I enjoyed that.”
Dustin breathed out deeply.
“Me too,” he said.
He exited the cubicle, leaving the bathroom before me. Not much was said about what had just happened, only looks of understanding and a definite sense that it wouldn’t be the last time.