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The Boat Show

"I met Marg on the weekend of the boat show and we spent the weekend together."

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On the Friday night before the boat show we left for the city around midnight. A couple of the lads had to work until late because of issues with the plant and I went into work to help them. The kids were with Sue’s mum while my wife, Sue was still in hospital being kept under surveillance following her operation that day.

There were four of us going down to the boat show. The arrangement was that I would drive down and drop off each of the guys at their designated spot. We would meet again at the show on the Sunday afternoon for the drive home.

I arrived at the motel at 7:30 and after taking a shower there was a light knock on the door. Marg had come to meet me as soon as Ian had left for work. We kissed and she sat on the bed beside me. We talked about our lives, our kids and our relationships with our partners.

Marg was much happier with her husband, Ian who had turned over a new leaf and was demonstrating a dedication to her that she had not observed before. I could see by her demeanor that she was much happier than she had been when I last saw her.

During a break in our discussion, I kissed her again and she responded. I then placed my hand on her leg. She responded by saying “I need to tell you something. Ian made love to me this morning before he left for work and I haven’t had time to wash.”


“Well, I’m dirty.”

“Does it worry you?”

“No. But I thought that it might worry you.”

“To me you’re always very special no matter what. I’m not concerned if you’re OK with it.”

She had snuggled in close to me and our bodies felt as if they were molded together. I could tell by her body language she wanted me to make love to her. I unbuttoned her top. She had left her bra off. I cradled her tits in my hands and softly moved my finger across her nipple. Her lips opened slightly and she groaned.

She responded by unbuttoning my shirt and ran her hand across my chest. It felt wonderful.

She stood as I unzipped her skirt and it dropped to the floor. I was still sitting and her crutch was at my eye level but I was looking her in the eyes. I said, “Come here.” She moved towards me stopping at arm’s length. I lowered my eyes to look at her pussy and could see that her panties were very wet. I reached over and pulled them down to her ankles.

“Come closer,” I said. She hesitated so I repeated my request.

When she was close enough I placed my hands on her cheeks and pulled her in to me.

“You shouldn’t,” she said. I’m dirty.”

“Look me in the eye,” I demanded. She stared directly at me. I licked Ian’s cum from her slit moving my tongue up to her clit. She groaned again. I repeated it but moved my tongue to the left side and then again on the right side removing the slimy sperm that had escaped her panties then once more across her slit. Each time I spent just a little more time working her clit and each time the groan was just a little bit louder.

“That’s so special,” she said. “No one has ever licked me clean like that. I have read stories but never thought that I would ever experience it.”

I placed my hands on her but cheeks and lifted her then turned her around and set her down on the bed. I lifted her knees and continued my clean up duties. With her on her back it allowed me to lick down to her rear hole then back to her clit. Each time that I approached her anus she lifted her but to give me clear access. Her moaning was becoming more continuous now and she was profusely leaking juices.

“I want you in me.”

I moved slowly up to her working over her breasts on my way. As I had last time that we made love, I observed juices from her nipples. I kissed her and she held me tightly. My cock was near her entrance. “I want it in me. I want to feel your cock.” She said.

I pushed at her entrance and my head easily slipped in. I kissed her again and pushed in a little more. She had arched her back to give me easier access. She felt hot and unbelievably slippery. This was the only sign that I was going seconds. She was still as tight as I had remembered. I drove into my full depth.

The slippery velvety feeling was driving me towards my orgasm. I knew that I had to do something or I was going to cum so I pulled back to her entrance and made little in and out movements. I would withdraw completely and then push my head into her but not directly in but forcing upwards where I believed her G spot could be.

“Fuck, that’s nice. Keep that up and I will cum," she said.

I continued the movement but allowed an additional inch when I entered.

  1. noises now were a mixture of deep throated moans and whimpers. She was matching my movements with thrusts which were driving my cock at an angle to her pussy so that when I entered her she was driving me back towards her mons but inside her pussy. I knew that with my wife I could make her cum every time by massaging her internals with my fingers in this exact spot.

Suddenly with a loud cry she came. “Ooooohhhhh fuck, Ooooohhhh fuck, Ooooohhh fuck,” she cried. With each cry she ejaculated her juices in a massive stream. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” she continued as she came down. “Nothing could feel better than that.”

Her thrusting during her orgasm had driven me into the hilt. I lay on top of her moving just slightly inside her. During her orgasm she had pulled me tightly in to her body. She had held me so tightly that her breasts were pushed out to the side. It felt wonderful.

“You didn’t cum,” she said.

“I will. This was for you. I wanted this to be special for you. I am just happy to see how much you enjoyed it.” I knew that because I had not slept for over twenty four hours if I ejaculated I would be asleep in a matter of minutes. Besides I was getting considerable pleasure out of watching her movements and expressions and listening to the sounds of her enjoyment.

We lay together. She was holding me tight and every so often she would kiss me. There was no conversation. This was about just enjoying being together. My cock was still inside her. After about thirty minutes she started making little movements. She then asked, “How can you maintain your erection so long?”

“You make me feel good and when I feel good I have an erection. Why did you ask?”

“I was just wondering. That’s all.”

“Did you expect me to lose my erection?”

“Hhhmm, Ian can’t maintain his without movement or stimulation.”

“I’m not Ian. I react to my emotions, my feelings and so require less physical stimulation. So for me it’s about how I feel and what I see. I react to physical touch as well but touch means little if I don’t feel.”

“So you didn’t cum because you didn’t feel right?”

“No. Not at all. I didn’t come because I didn’t want to ruin it for you. I wanted it to last so that I could make it better for you.” I looked directly at her without talking for a few moments then continued. “To understand you need to know that there is a vast difference between making love with someone and having sex with a person. When you make love then the ejaculation is less important. The important factor is how your partner feels and enjoys the experience. When you have sex the ejaculation is the objective.”

“I think I understand. Do you ever have sex?”

“Yes, of course. In recent times I have sex with my wife, Sue.”

“When? I mean when do you make love with her and when do you have sex?”

“It’s a problem that I have at present. I’m no longer in love with her so now I have sex with her almost every time. She has hurt me too many times I guess.”

“You mean by having sex with other men?”

“I think the cheating is not the big issue. There is more to it than that. It’s the lack of trust. I could still love her and know that she was having sex with other men if she discussed it with me. The failure to discuss her problems with me and involve me is driving me away. She seems to have this desire to control me and others around her and there is an element of mistrust.”

“But surely you must be upset with her cheating?”

“If she had talked to me about it I may be able to accept it. I understand that she has a problem and it is driving her to do these things but I never know what is happening because she doesn’t trust me with the truth. I walk down the street and see someone walking towards me and I think ‘was he with my wife last night’. You know, things like that can drive you insane.”

“Do you do what you did to me afterwards?”

“What. You mean do I clean Sue after she has been with other men?”


“Yes, sometimes. Do you really want to talk about this?”

“Yes, I do. I want to know more about you and about what she is doing to you. Most men would have left long ago. I don’t understand why you stay but I want to.”

“I can’t tell you exactly why I stay. I guess that when I said ‘I do’ I took on a responsibility and I don’t take my responsibilities lightly. Then there are the kids to consider. Her having sex with others really is not doing me any harm as long as she makes sure that they are clean. She looks after the home and the kids and if you put the cheating aside she is an ideal wife.”

I hesitated for a while thinking ‘should I tell her’ then continued. “There is some sexual stimulation in having sex with a woman who you know has already had sex with someone else.”

“That sounds sick. So that means that you liked having sex with me after Ian?”

“I guess so. You felt very special but then you always feel special to me. You had a very velvety feel and slippery. I almost came when I entered you and had to pull back to stop my orgasm. I had to fight to regain control.”

“Does this mean that if we were together you would want me to sleep with other men?”

“That would be a choice that you would have to make. I would not ask or expect you to do it but if you decided to do so and you talked to me about it and involved me then I could accept it and may even enjoy it in the right circumstances. It would need to be having sex not making love though.”

“I often look at well-built men and wonder what it would be like to sleep with them. I could never trust Ian enough to talk to him about these things. He would set out to destroy me if he knew that I was here with you. He may even become violent. I wish he was more understanding like you. Sue is so lucky and yet she doesn’t appreciate you at all. She’s a fucking stupid bitch.”

She continued, “Lyn told me that you and she spent a bit of time together. I got very jealous when she told me. I thought that she might steal you off me. She told me it was the best experience of her life. She said that the three of us should piss off together and leave, Jon, Ian and Sue to destroy each other. She said that we could go interstate and spend every day in bed together. It was not like Lyn because she had never liked sex with men.

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Marg was starting to move her hips. I was becoming very aroused and knew that I would come off fairly quickly if she continued her movements. I was split between wanting her to continue with her enjoyment and my desire to ejaculate.

“Was she good?” she asked.

“Who?” I already knew who she meant but needed time to think about how to answer. I didn’t want to lie but I also didn’t want to hurt her. She said she was jealous so I knew that if I told it the way it was then she may be hurt or be overly concerned.

“You know who I mean, Lyn.”

“It was good. Near the end I closed my eyes and imagined that I was with you and then it was great.”

“You imagined you were with me?”

“Yes, you wouldn’t tell her that would you. That’s strictly between you and me. She is my best mate and I would not want her to think that I was using her.”

“She told me so she already knows. She said you called her Marg and she got angry and ran out on you.”

“Yes, but you must understand that here is a vast difference in it happening and you and I discussing it. She was hurt but we must not rub it in. She is your sister and a very special one at that. I made love to her so that she could understand how it felt when someone puts her interests before their own. She came back to me later and told me how beautiful it was for her.”

“I can feel you. You’re getting excited. I can feel George getting really hard and starting to throb. Roll on your back so that I can make you cum.” Marg had named my cock George.

I rolled over. She was not wrong. My balls had lifted to prepare to be emptied and I could feel my cock swelling. I had hoped that Marg would recover and want to go again but it appeared that she was about to service me. With Marg on top she started to slowly raise and lower her but. She would take my cock right to her entrance and then push down slowly to take me all the way inside her.

Each time she was penetrated she let out a long slow “Oooohhhh” sound. I held back as best I could but knew there would be a limit. If only I could hold for another minute or two maybe, just maybe she might have another orgasm.

And then I felt it. That slight contraction that I had felt every time just before she was about to cum. “I’m going to cum again!” She shouted as if she was about to score the winning goal in the grand final.

I let go and together we hit our peak.

“Oooohhh fuck, Oooohhh fuck, Oooohhhh fuck, ………….” She chanted.

“Aaaahhhhhhh, Aaaaahhhhh, Aaahhhhhh………..” I cried out as my spasms took over my body.

Each Ooooohhh was matched with an Aaaahhhhh. Her contractions were met with my ejaculations. I could feel her pussy trying to milk my cock for every drop that it had available. It was as if her vagina was trying to pull my body through my penis and my penis was a willing participant.

I had blacked out last time we had met but this time although exhausted I maintained consciousness. I was struggling to regain my breath and looked at my Marg and we both burst out laughing. Both of us looked as if we had run a marathon. I had never felt so close to anyone in my life as that moment and I could tell that she felt likewise. There was no need for words. Our body language communicated for us.

“I love you,” she said.

“I love you too, Marg,” I replied. I had been reluctant to commit last time but since then I had missed her so much I knew that I was hooked.

We kissed and held each other as I drifted off to sleep. It was many, many years since I had felt this level of contentment in my life. My dreams today would be of one thing only and that was of the last 3 hours of love making. I did not need alcohol for this day was one of the happiest of my life.

I awoke about 3 hours later still holding my love in my arms. Her eyes opened and she smiled. “I’ve never been this happy,” she said.

“Me too. If only it could last.”

“Oh fuck, look at the time. Ian will be home soon and I have to get some shopping done.”

She was dressed in a jiffy and was heading out the door.

“I’ll be back later and we can do something together,” she said.

“What about Ian?”

“Didn’t I tell you? He is going fishing to the island for the weekend with his mates. Once he is gone I’ll come back. Get some sleep. I’ll wake you when I return.”

“Here, take the key to the unit. I’ve got a spare. Let yourself in when you get back.”

Within 5 minute I was asleep. The next thing that I knew I felt movement and could smell pussy. I opened my eyes and was looking at Marg’s crutch. Her pussy lips were red and slightly swollen. Separating them was a droplet of clear but almost cloudy viscous liquid that was forming at the bottom.

“Lick me,” she said. “Ian insisted on giving me a quicky before he left. I tried to put him off but then thought why not bring you a little present.”

I got to work. I caught the droplet as it was falling away from her lips. Her odor and taste were sweet unlike that of my wife which could be quite disgusting at times. In fact there were occasions when Sue’s pussy smelled quite foul.

I lapped at her entrance. Obviously Ian had deposited a small amount of cum well inside her or else she had partially cleaned herself because almost all of it was internal. I moved my tongue from her anus slowly up to her clit. She was hunching her back as I moved up then bending back as I moved back to her anus. I repeated it several times and then….

“Fuck me, she said. “I need you inside me.”

I placed my arms through her legs and up along her back then sat up so that she ended up lying between my legs. Her head was hanging over the end of the bed. I guided my engorged cock into her pussy. I slid in easily, lubricated by Ian’s slippery sperm but unlike having sloppy seconds with my wife, Marg was still tight.

“Fuck me and fuck me hard. Don’t make love to me. I want to know what it is like for Sue when you just want to get your rocks off. “

I moved over the top of her and started stroking. I would pull my cock right out to her entrance then slam it home so hard that at times I shifted her on the bed. She had her head hanging over the edge of the bed. Each time I slammed home in her she made a little noise much like a grunt. I could feel my orgasm rising in me so I increased the speed on my stroke.

Suddenly she cried out. “Keep that up I’m going to cum. Hammer that lovely cock into me. Cream that cum filled pussy of mine. Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes. “

As she reached her peak I left go. Her pussy matched every one of my squirts with a contraction. Every time I squirted I slammed my cock as far into her as I could go. Once again I could feel her cervix on the head of my cock. The feeling of it made me cum longer and harder than I had expected.

We were lying beside each other recovering when she said. “She’s a very lucky woman. She doesn’t know how lucky she is.”

“Who?” I already knew who she meant but had no answer. My mind was on other matters. I was wondering if I had a flashing light on my head saying, ‘bring your sperm filled pussy to Goyse. He will clean it for you.’

“Your wife, Sue, she’s got it all and she can’t see it.”

“I don’t want to talk about it. I’m here for you. We only have tonight and tomorrow so let’s talk about us. What would you like to do?”

“I don’t know I’m happy to spend the time in bed with you.”

“We need to eat. Perhaps we could go to a restaurant tonight for a feed.”

She gave a little laugh then, “I though you already had.”

“Funny, that was the entrée. We will need to go a few miles out of town to make sure no one identifies you. What do you think of a movie after the meal?”

“I know where there is a drive in movie center still operating just outside town and there’s eateries close by. Would that be OK?”

‘Yep, I’ll get dressed and we’ll go.”

An hour later we were sitting in a Chinese restaurant being served. The night went without a hitch. While watching the movie, Marg made a point of stroking George.

“Mildred getting a little thirsty, is she?”

“George and Mildred, I like that. Mildred is ready for round 3. She really liked this afternoon and this morning wasn’t bad either. I can’t concentrate on the movie. Is it OK if we go?”

“Yep, let’s get out of here.” I started the car and slowly made my way out of the drive-in putting on the car lights as we entered the road.

“I have a friend who wants to meet you tomorrow.”

“Who? Why?”

“I told her about how you make love and have shown me the difference between making love and fucking. I told her how it saved my marriage and she wants you to show her, you know, teach her. Her name is Cherie.”

“But why?”

“Her husband is like Ian used to be, a two second wonder. She can’t get satisfaction from him so she goes out whenever she can to pick up a stray fuck. She doesn’t want to but she gets so horny that she has to get something extra. Lately she has been doing gangbangs because with more than one she can reach orgasm. She says that if she can’t find a solution she will destroy her marriage. I want you to help her.”

“But how can I do that?”

“She could join us. You know, you could fuck both of us. We would both be there but you could focus on her. Show her how to teach her husband to hold back. You did it for me and for Lyn. Why not do it for Cherie as well?”

“That would be like cheating on you. I don’t think I want to do that.”

She cuddled up close to me as I drove up the highway then quietly said. “Don’t forget we are already cheating. You are cheating on Sue and I’m cheating on Ian. What’s the difference?”

“There’s a very big difference. The main one is that I’m in love with you and you with me. But if you are set in your mind that you want to do this then I will.”

“I’ve told her we would. I though you would like to have another woman.”

It was that moment that I realized that Marg and I would never become a couple. I had reached the point in my marriage where if Marg had asked me to take her away again then I would. The changes in her life were such that she no longer wanted to leave. Her marriage was now where she wanted it to be. I had become just a good friend who supplied a bit of sex on the side for her whereas I had moved in the opposite direction.

We returned to the motel. Made love and slept holding each other tightly. Something told me that this would be our last night together.

Tomorrow I would have another lover. I really did not feel I should have another lover but Marg wanted it and I was now totally committed to what she wanted.

My dreams returned but with a slight twist. First there was Marg and it was beautiful. Then there was Lyn with her cute little flash of the eyes and that inviting grin. When it was time for me to see my wife, Sue I realized that she had changed. She was tall and thin with long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. She looked more like a model out of a magazine than my short wife. I thought it was some else but then I realized that it was her pussy gaping open inviting me in and all the time I was thinking ‘how can I ever satisfy that’ and then I woke up.

The mind is a marvelous thing. Sometimes the mind knows things but we are not conscious of it. I didn’t know it then but this was to be one of those occurrences.


Written by goyse
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