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Taking Liberties

"Gordon's brothers proves to be Andrea's Achilles heel."

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Having waved off the last guests, I walked into the war zone that was my kitchen.

While my husband and his younger brother sprawled in our luxurious armchairs, having succumbed to the copious amounts of alcohol they'd consumed, I stared at all the pots, pans, and dirty plates. Briefly, I wondered why Gordon insisted on inviting neighbours to these bloody awful dinner parties. Most of the men present this evening annoyed him to distraction, and the sycophantic, botoxed wives bored the hell out of me.

In fact, the only bearable aspect of the evening had been watching all those tedious women trying to flirt with my brother-in-law, Jack.


Ah, sweet Jack Dawson. Well-built, roguishly handsome, and cleverer than most people think, he's everything Gordon is not. On leaving university, Jack joined his father's regiment, and after he received his commission, he was sent to some scary places.

One of the last British troops to leave Kabul, he's been staying with us since arriving back in good old Blighty. Apart from being one of our village's most eligible bachelors, Jack's too bloody sexy for his own good.

During a Christmas Eve party not so long ago, a somewhat inebriated Jack not only confessed he had the hots for me but asked how I felt about having a casual fuck. Although the notion was quite appealing, I didn't need the hassle that would arise if somebody caught us in mid-tryst. So, I kindly but firmly declined. He was too drunk to take offence at my refusal — but, knowing he fancied me, certainly boosted my ego.

In fact, during the following few days, I often wondered what it would be like to let him take me (casual or otherwise) and when my fantasies proved too much, I sought refuge in the shower.

Jack's visit was a short one. After Boxing Day, he left for Afghanistan, which was probably a good thing. If he'd stayed any longer, my depraved fantasies might have become the real thing, and that could have been catastrophic. It's not that I married the wrong brother; it's just that raw sexuality made steady dependability feel boring.

So, last month, when hubby announced Jack was coming to stay with us again, I wondered if that was wise. Although I'm a very strong-willed woman and there's not much that puts me out of my stride, I do have an Achilles heel, and that's Jack Dawson.

However, not being one to rock the boat, I kept my mouth shut and hoped for the best. Unfortunately, when Jack stepped through the door, I knew I was in trouble. If anything, he'd grown sexier than I remembered, and when he threw his muscular arms around me in greeting, his hard body and sparkling eyes sent delicious shivers down my spine.


After metaphorically rolling up my sleeves, I started cleaning up the evening's mess. Reaching for the pots and pans piled up on the counter, I emitted a self-pitying sigh while musing that Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver combined couldn't have produced this much washing up.


I've no idea how long he'd been standing there because I didn't hear him approach, but my sixth sense warned me of someone's presence. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Jack leaning nonchalantly against the door frame. He looked like an unshaven James Dean with a crooked smile, sleepy eyes, and holding a half-full glass of whisky.

"Jesus, Andrea, you look ravenous in that dress." He slurred a little, but that added to Jack's boyish charm. His timing could have been better, but I welcomed his comment.

I turned to face him and watched the corners of his mouth twitch into a whimsical smile as he took in my appearance. The black satin did nothing to hide my figure, quite the opposite. The shiny fabric, clinging in all the right places, accentuated my sexy curves.

"I think you mean ravishing, Jack. You're ravenous, and I'm ravish—"

Jack's eyebrows narrowed, the smouldering look silencing me, and my stomach cartwheeled. For the first time that evening, we were alone. If all the women from earlier this evening could see him mentally undressing me, they'd definitely be jealous. Unfortunately, we weren't completely alone. Hearing hubby's soft snoring from the living room, I turned back towards the worktop.

"Do you need any help with the mess?" he asked.

Noticing the playful glint in his eyes, I knew the type of help he was offering, and it had nothing to do with pots and pans. "No, thank you, Jack, I'm almost done, thanks," I said. Not really wanting him to leave but playing safe, I added, "Please, go and keep Gordon company… I'll be finished in a minute."

I hoped the mention of his brother would deter him, but Jack wasn't a man to play safe. Danger excited him, and he moved towards me, not the lounge. I held my breath at the click of his expensive brogues on the hardwood floor. Before I could speak, he leaned against me, hands clutching my waist.

"Oh, don't worry about him, he's sleeping soundly," he said and slipped his hands to my backside.

"Jack, what are you doing?" I was irritated by his carelessness but excited when his fingers squeezed my buttocks.

"Just giving you a hand... or two," he chuckled.

I felt him kiss my hair before he moved his hands again, one descending between my thighs and the other ascending to my breasts. I should have turned and slapped his face, but damp knickers and hard nipples displayed my true feelings — I wanted him, despite the blatant risk.

"Jack, you've had a bit too much to drink," I protested, trying to twist out of his grasp. "You're confusing me with those loose women that were here tonight."

"You might be right," he agreed, "but if I were sober, I wouldn't have a mind to do this." And the hand between my thighs pressed my Dior dress against my soft apex.

"Shit, Jack," I hissed, "you can't do that here…."

"Do what?" he challenged, kissing the nape of my neck. I silently cursed myself as he continued caressing me. "You didn't want me to stop the last time I did this," he added, pressing his hand harder against my willing flesh.


It was true: a few days after Jack's arrival, I'd finally given in to temptation. I hadn't planned to let him have his wicked way with me — well, not really — it just happened. I was in the potting shed, pretending to bed some new flowers I'd recently bought, but in reality, I was swooning over my brother-in-law. Then, while I wasn't looking, Jack entered the small cramped building, all hot and sweaty from mowing the lawn. Bare-chested and wearing a pair of cutoff shorts, his sculptured body glistened in the bright sunlight streaming through the windows.

A neglected, horny woman in her prime can only take so much. After months of keeping a tight lid on my feelings, the pressure cooker finally burst. The attraction towards my young brother-in-law soared from theoretical fantasy to a much more enjoyable practical activity.

Seeing my nipples rising through the soft, flimsy summer dress was all the encouragement Jack needed. In seconds, he was kissing me passionately and, before the afternoon was over, we'd exchanged a lot more than saliva.


"You can't just walk up to your sister-in-law in her kitchen and start fing—"

I paused, distracted by the hand between my legs.

"Why not?" he said, moving a hand from my breasts back to my arse. Feeling him explore the curvature of my buttocks, I revelled in how much I liked it. Slightly breathless at his daring, I waited for his next move. "I was watching you this evening, Andrea," he whispered in my ear. "So, watching those women trying to flirt with me, did it amuse you knowing that I only want you?"

I nodded. Not only had it amused me, but I'd also become quite moist thinking about the subsequent afternoons we'd shared in the potting shed, but I wasn't ready to admit it just yet.

"What do you mean, 'Why not?' Just because you think I can't resist you, it doesn't mean you can manhandle me whenever you feel like it. Gordon might wake up for fuck's sake!"

"Andrea, what's the point of being alive if one's not prepared to take risks. You know, get the adrenaline, among other things, pumping?"

Before I could reply, Jack continued, "Assuming your objections aren't theoretical, I'm guessing you won't mind me getting into your panties — if you're wearing any?"

I smiled at his reference to our first tryst.

After his kisses reduced me into a dripping wet frenzy with his kisses, Jack lifted me onto the potting table where he discovered I'd been gardening 'sans panties.'

Feeling his hands sliding down my thighs returned me to the present. "You can't be serious, Jack," I said, stunned by his audacity. He didn't answer, but like a light summer breeze catching my dress, I felt the garment magically rise over my hips. "Are you bloody mad?" I hissed as a finger traced the sliver of black fabric between my buttocks.

Squeezing and stroking my arse, Jack kissed my neck. "You've got a lovely bum, Andrea, but you already know that, don't you? That's why you've been teasing me all night with it."

"I haven't been teasing you," I protested.

"Oh, my bad," he apologised and moved a hand between my thighs. Although I silently cursed him for this irresponsible behaviour, Jack's fingers had worked their usual magic, and my body cried out for release.

"Please, Jack," I objected while deft fingers rubbed my wet opening through my gusset. "We can't..."

Before I could nip things in the bud, Jack started teasing my clit. All I could do was bite my bottom lip to stop the moans from escaping my throat.

"No one seems to be stopping us," he muttered.

"Please, Gordon might hear us…"

I failed miserably to put actions to my words. Damp heat soaked my panties, and the hard bulge pressing against my leg didn't help either. Nibbling on my earlobe, Jack grasped one of my hands and placed it on his groin. Through his trousers, I squeezed his hardness.

"Do you know what that is?" he asked, breathing heavily into my ear.

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I nodded.

"Say it," he growled...

"Yes, I know what it is," I whispered, playing Jack at his own game.

"Tell me," he snapped.

I waited a few seconds before quietly replying, "It's your dick, Jack, your lovely big dick."

"Yes, it is — and it's all yours if you want it," he offered, thrusting between my buttocks.

In the following silence, he continued thrusting, eventually demanding, "Do you want it?"

Although I should have screamed, "No," I nodded my head all too eagerly.

Instantly, he lifted his hands from my body, and I heard him undoing his belt buckle. Leaning into me, he freed his manhood from his trousers and buried it between my buttocks. My spine tingled.

"Hurry," I ordered, pressing my backside against his flesh. "Stop fucking about and give me your cock."

We certainly couldn't afford the time for him to play around. Indeed, if the need for release hadn't been so urgent, I would have ordered him to sling his hook.

"That's it, Andrea." He commanded, placing a hand between my shoulder blades and gently but assertively pushing me forward. Within seconds, I lay sprawled across the worktop, my erect nipples squashed against the cold, hard marble surface while Jack repositioned my backside for easy access.

"Spread 'em, Darling," he ordered as if I was one of his subordinates on the parade ground and tapped my ankles with his brogues. Feeling helpless, I parted my feet while Jack eased his erection between my thighs, the warm, thick shaft pressing upwards against my panties.

The delicious sensations Jack's cock wreaked between my legs almost allowed me to forget that hubby was within earshot, but hearing a prolonged coughing fit brought me back to earth.

"Jack, either get on with it or get out of my kitchen," I hissed.

"Oh, does the lady of the house think she's in charge here?"

I like the occasional touch of sarcasm, but I had to admit Jack was playing fast and loose with the term 'lady'.

"No, you moron, but I don't want Gordon finding us with your cock up my arse."

"If that's where you want it tonight, Darling, I'll be happy to oblige."

During one of our afternoon's gardening, Jack had discovered my dirty little secret. Although it had been a couple of days since he last filled my back passage with hot thick cream, now was not the time. While I shook my head, strong hands yanked my panties down as far as my spread legs would allow, and a soft wolf whistle sounded from behind me.

Another coughing fit from the lounge spooked me.

"Jack, stop," I said urgently. "I think Gordon's awake."

"Shush, Andrea," Jack said after a pause. "Gordon's still asleep, so stop worrying about him."

That said, powerful fingers separated my pussy lips and disappeared into my welcoming cunt. "Fucking hell, you're dripping wet," he chuckled. "I always knew you were a dirty bitch, but I hadn't realised risky sex was such a turn-on for you."

His words touched a raw nerve, and my cheeks reddened, but the obscene squelching his fingers produced between my legs made it impossible for me to refute his words.

"Fuck off, Jack," I bit back indignantly. "What do you expect from me. I'm only human… oooh."

While in mid-sentence, Jack started teasing my clit, just how I liked it, and derailed my train of thought.

"Fuuuck me, you bastard."

I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, but his fingers brought me ever closer to that special place, and I had trouble thinking coherently. For my self-esteem, I knew I had to regain control. Reaching between my legs, I grasped his cock and tugged, trying to guide the hard flesh to where I wanted it.

"Patience, my lady," Jack whispered in my ear, "everything comes to she who waits."

While I protested, Jack refused to comply, but as soon as I shut up, he thrust his cock forward. His rigid flesh drew my inner lips in with him as he entered me, and I rested my forehead on the cold worktop, abandoning myself to the fiery lust that Jack's long, steady thrust had ignited.

Seconds later, his pelvis ground against my soft buttocks, and feeling truly filled, I squeezed my cunt around his delicious shaft.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," I whimpered as wiry pubic hair scoured my peachy skin.

"I take it the lady of the house doesn't want me to stop now?"

Unable to speak, I just shook my head and felt Jack withdrawing his manhood. Unsure whether he'd seen my head shake, I managed a hoarse "Nooo!"

I needn't have worried. Jack had no intention of stopping and immediately rammed his cock back into me. The rawness of his sexual prowess had taken me by surprise when we first became lovers, but not only had I gotten used to it, now I actively craved it, and tonight was no exception.

Jack's deviant behaviour, combined with the blatant risk we were taking, had awakened the wanton lust within me, and unable to control myself, I slipped a hand between my thighs and furiously rubbed my clit. The erotic rhythm of my soft body slamming against the worktop filled the room and fuelled my hunger. "Don't stop, Jack," I begged among the other mild obscenities that escaped my lips.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of stopping… at least not until my cum is dripping down your thighs."

"You can't talk to me like that," I hissed. Secretly, I loved it when Jack talked dirty to me.

"Who says I can't?" he countered, knowing the truth about me.

"Are any of these rules written down?" He continued, grabbing my hair to pull my head back. The loose shoulder strap on my dress slipped down my arm, exposing my breast.

"I do enjoy it when you go braless for me, Andrea. It shows what a delicious skank you are."

Once again, Jack's powers of observation hadn't let him down. Since his arrival, I'd developed an unfortunate habit of forgetting to wear underwear!

"Oooh God," I moaned, shuddering uncontrollably from Jack's powerful thrusts. My orgasm wasn't far away.

Suddenly, Gordon called out from the hallway. "Darling, are you in there? I'm going to bed."

Heart in mouth, I recovered enough to say, "Yes, Darling, I'm in the kitchen. As soon as I'm finished here, I'll join you," and clamped my lips together while Jack continued to plough my slippery wet furrow.

Glancing over my shoulder, I looked Jack in the eye. "Make me cum, lover," I mouthed and saw him nod.

During that first fuck in the potting shed, Jack gave me the most fantastic orgasm and hasn't stopped since then. In fact, knowing what I like, it's almost become a daily occurrence.

Burying his cock as deep into me as he could, he pumped my cunt with a series of short, sharp jabs, barely withdrawing halfway before plunging violently back. At the same time, he placed his free hand on the small of my back, burying his thumb between my buttocks. I heard him spit and felt warm saliva land on my hot skin. Jack massaged the fluid into my anus.

"Oooh — oooh — oh!" I whimpered as Jack, understanding what effect this would have on me, massaged the fluid into my anus. When the thick digit entered my arsehole, I teetered on the edge of the abyss, anxiously waiting for the final push.

Knowing how much Jack enjoyed this split-second of supreme power, I waited, silently screaming for release. Then his thumb pushed further inside my back passage, and I tumbled into the void of ecstasy.

Trembling wildly, cum flooded my cunt while I clamped my jaws together to avoid awakening Gorden. Through it all, Jack continued pounding my quivering sex, his long strokes prolonging my sweet agony while I tried to gain control of my shuddering body. Although I had difficulty concentrating, Jack's thrusting had now become erratic. It was the moment I'd been waiting for.

"Unnngh," he grunted, burying his cock deep into my juicy slit. Tightening my silken tunnel around the invading flesh, I felt him pulse inside me and then his hot spunk splatter my insides. I lost count of how many times he ejaculated, but within seconds, our combined juices began trickling down my inner thighs. Finally, Jack groaned and slumped against me.


"Jesus, you're fucking beautiful, Andrea," he gasped, withdrawing his cock from my hungry pussy. I saw him reach for the kitchen roll, but I had a better idea.

"Here, let me," I ordered, dropping to my knees. Grabbing Jack's semi-hard cock, my spine tingled as I inhaled the musky scent of our lovemaking. Pulling the foreskin back over his sensitive ridge, I ran my tongue around Jack's cum-covered helmet and savoured the tangy flavours. Wanting more, I quickly swallowed all of his wilting manhood.

I've always found it fascinating when a man's cock grows erect while I'm sucking it. It makes me feel very powerful, and as I've already said, Jack's manhood was definitely wilting when I dropped to my knees. But, after a few sucks and licks from me, his prick was rock hard again. I decided not to waste the opportunity.

"Jack, I don't know about you," I said after giving his glistening dome a big sloppy kiss, "but I'm not in the least bit sleepy. Gordon's upstairs, dead to the world, So, why don't you pour me another glass of wine while I powder my nose, and we can continue this in the lounge." I sensually ran the tip of my tongue along my parted lips before continuing. "You might have had your fun, but I've another hole that needs fucking."

Knowing my comment was like waving a red rag to a bull, I kissed him on the cheek before continuing. Seeing his eyebrows reach for the ceiling elicited a giggle. "Don't act so surprised Jack, you know what I like, don't you?"

Grabbing my arms and pulling me towards his muscular body, Jack grinned. "Anything the lady wants, the lady gets."

Walking towards the toilet, warm juices trickling down my thighs, I giggled at Jack's reference to me being a lady. He couldn't have been more wrong. I was a slut, always have been and always will be, and what's more, I didn't care: I was in my happy place.

Written by AndreaDetroit
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