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Sugar Bush Tavern - The Best One Night Stand

"A guy walks into a bar..."

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Author's Notes

"This story has been sitting half-completed for a long time. This morning I finally figured out how to finish it. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope y'all enjoy it!"

My name is Keri, and I'm a blue-eyed redhead who works as a waitress/bartender at a local dive called the Sugar Bush Tavern. I do a little bit of everything there, including hosting Karaoke on Saturday nights for a large crowd of regulars.

As a little girl, I dreamed of being a singer and making it big. Then my dad got sick, and I took this job so I could take care of him. Ten years later, he's gone, but I'm stuck in the same hick town where I have lived all my life. I'm sure someday I will die here. That's just how it goes in Sugar Bush. Nobody really thrives; we just survive.

So, Karaoke Night has become the one thing I look forward to every week. When I'm singing, I can pretend for a night that I'm standing on a stage in front of my adoring fans instead of a bunch of guys drinking beers, hoping to get lucky.

The crowd was a little lighter on a stormy night in April. It didn't matter; I'd still sing my heart out.

Wearing jeans that hugged every curve and a black top that showed off my girls, I was about to tie my hair back and get started. On a whim, I left my long, red, curly locks down and freshened my lipstick before taking the mic.

After the first few songs, I felt warm enough to tackle the good stuff. I was halfway through my rendition of Adele's "Set Fire to the Rain" when a man walked into the bar. He was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome, and I nearly stumbled over lyrics I'd been singing every Saturday night for the past three years.

He sat in the back and ordered a drink, but he never took his eyes off me. It was disconcerting but titillating as well.

The guys at the front table, a group of regulars, were clamoring for some Lady Gaga, so I obliged them with "Just Dance." The stranger in the back watched my every move as if he wanted to eat me up in big, greedy bites. I felt naked under his gaze, causing my heart to race.

Afterward, I turned the mic over to a guy we call Little Mike to take things up a notch with "Baby Got Back." It's a crowd favorite, and he sings the extended version, so I took the opportunity to get myself some sparkling water with lime. I am careful not to drink on Karaoke Saturday anymore because the last time I did, I woke up sore and covered in some random guy's cum. Not my proudest moment.

I turned to see if the stranger was still watching me and nearly barreled into him.

"Oh, goodness!" I said, grateful that I hadn't spilled my drink on him. "I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.”

His laugh was rich and sexy. “Hard to miss me; I’m six foot four.”

I laughed weakly, feeling awkward. Was he flirting? Annoyed? It was hard to tell.

“I’d buy you a drink,” he said smoothly, “but it appears you already have one. Are you going to sing some more?”

“Yes,” I managed to squeak out.

“Good. I like your voice, Red. You seem a little overqualified for a karaoke hostess.”

I felt my face grow hot. “Thanks; I usually bartend or wait tables here on other nights. This is just a fun sideline for me.”

“That’s a shame,” he shrugged. “Pipes like yours should be singing in clubs and concert halls, not wasted here in a local dive tavern.”

I wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or offended. But it was my turn to sing again, so I slid away from the bar and grabbed the mic.

Another regular, Old Dave, was sitting at the end of the bar and shouted, “Sing us an oldie, Red.”

The handsome stranger kept his gaze on me. Time to pull out Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain.”

As I sang the chorus, he looked amused. But he was walking out the door when the song was finished.

He seemed a little snobby anyway, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to complicate my life with a man.

I finished out the night and was about to head home when Vic, our Saturday night bartender, called after me. “Hey, Red.”

I stopped.

“What’s up, Vic?”

He handed me a business card.

“That tall guy who was talking to you earlier left this for you.”

I took the card from Vic, stuck it in the side pocket of my cross-body handbag, and went out into the rain.

Cursing myself for forgetting my umbrella, I walked the three blocks to the rundown house my dad had left me when he passed. It needed work, but I was barely making ends meet. I’d slapped a coat of paint on the exterior the summer before and planted some flowers so it didn’t look so damned sad. But still, the roof needed replacing, and my AC was on the fritz.

I changed into a nightshirt and sat on the couch, pondering what the man had said about my singing. I grabbed my purse to dig the card out of the side pocket.

His name, title, and phone number were on the front of the card. On the back was a message.

You have quite the range to do justice to Adele, Gaga, and Carly. Do you have any original songs? Either way, I can set you up with a studio to cut a demo if you’re interested. Call me!


Indeed, this was just a clever way to get into my pants. Dax wasn’t the first guy to claim he had connections to help me, only to disappoint me by ghosting me after a one-night stand. I wasn’t going to fall for that nonsense again.

So, I tossed his card in the wastebasket, brushed my teeth, and climbed into bed – alone.

When it was clear that sleep was eluding me, I grabbed my vibrator and found the sweet spot I knew would get me off. As the device buzzed, I imagined Dax lifting me onto the bar and devouring my pussy.

“Oh, fuck, yes!” I cried out to no one as my climax raged through my body.

The week dragged on slowly until the following Saturday rolled around. I was getting the karaoke equipment set up when I saw Dax walk into the bar.

Oh, great, he’s back.

I rolled my eyes as he approached me. “You never called me,” he said.

“Look, I am flattered that you liked my singing, but I’m just a small-town waitress and bartender having a little fun on a Saturday night,” I said, doing my best not to make eye contact.

“I think you’re much more than that,” he said. “But I won't argue the point if you’re happy wasting your talent in a hick bar. Since I’m certain you tossed my card in the trash, here’s another one. Keep it for the day when you get tired of getting your ass grabbed and going home smelling like beer.”

I was annoyed that he had dissed my little hometown tavern. “You’re awfully full of yourself. What makes you so much better than the guys grabbing my ass here?”

“I’m not trying to get into your pants, Red. I want the chance to showcase your voice. Have one drink with me when you’re done singing tonight, and let me tell you what I have in mind.”

I was silent for a moment while I tried to discern if that was some sort of fancy-ass come-on line. I studied his handsome face and saw no apparent signs of malice.

“I’m done at eleven. I’m not having a drink with you, but I will hear you out for fifteen minutes,” I said then I walked away.

Dax stayed and watched me sing, but I ignored him to the best of my ability. I let myself enjoy the enthusiasm of my regular crowd and eventually relaxed enough to have fun belting out my favorite tunes.

When I finished, I grabbed sparkling water from the bar and went to his table. Before I sat down, I reminded him, “Fifteen minutes.”

“Then I’d better make them count. Sit down, Red.”

“My name is Keri.”

Dax acknowledged me with a nod but didn’t correct himself.

“I’m a talent scout for Five Star Studios. My job is to find fresh faces and strong voices to invite into the studio to make demos and send the ones I feel have the best chance of being accepted to the big bosses. I have about a seventy-eight percent acceptance rate, meaning more than three-fourths of the singers I find go on to a full studio session with a producer. Not all of these talented men and women go on to make an actual record, but at least half do. Pretty good odds in this business.”

I sipped my water and nodded.

Dax continued. “Once a potential artist records a demo, my part is done. But I provide a list of agents that I feel will be a good match so that my talent has solid representation. I think Five Star is a great studio, but I’m also aware it’s a money-making business and don’t want to see people I’ve recruited get taken advantage of because they agree to the first contract that comes along.”

“Here’s the thing, Red. Sorry, Keri,” he corrected himself this time, “I go to many local clubs and concert halls looking for potential. But I came into the Sugar Bush Tavern on my night off to have a drink or two.”

“And?” I asked, curious as to why that mattered.

“And, on my night off, I stumbled across the most amazing voice I’ve ever heard in my time with Five Star. Even more surprising was the fact that you didn’t call me. I’ve never been in the position of having to beg a singer to let me get involved.”

I inhaled sharply and waited for a beat. Finally, I said, “Okay.”

“Okay, what?” he asked.

“I’ll go to a studio with you and make a demo.”

Dax grinned. “You’re making a wise decision. I can pick you up on Monday morning, say ten? Where do you live?”

“You can pick me up here from the bar. Ten is fine. I hope you aren’t just stringing me along. I’m trusting you not to be an asshole.”

Dax nodded. “Here is good, and I promise I’m not an asshole, Keri.”

“Red,” Keri corrected. “If I’m gonna do this, I’m not using my real name. I’m just Red.”

“It suits you,” Dax said, smiling. “See you Monday.”

I spent all of Sunday wondering if I had lost my damn mind. I even reached out to Dax to tell him I changed my mind, but he talked me off the ledge and said, “Give it a try, Red. If it doesn’t feel right, then you bail. But not before you have even given this a chance.”

Wearing tight jeans and a royal blue shirt that left my shoulders bare, I met Dax at the bar at ten sharp.

“You look…really nice,” Dax said, stammering.

“Thanks. Is this outfit okay?”


“So, what am I singing?”

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“First, we will lay down a cover track. Then, if you feel comfortable, we can try an original tune. You said you’ve written some of your own music, right?”

“Yes. I brought a few songs along just in case.”

“In case of what?”

“In case they don’t think I suck and let me actually sing something of my own.”

Dax smiled. “They will be blown away. Sing something by Adele.”

I was nervous, but Dax told me to imagine I was singing in the bar. So, I closed my eyes and sang my heart out.

It was an all-day affair, but when it was done, there was a demo disk with two cover songs and one of my originals. Dax seemed pleased with how things went and assured me that I should be hearing something very soon. He’d flirted with me outrageously between the work, and I wondered what those hands would feel like touching my body.

He was quiet on the drive back and seemed reluctant to leave when he dropped me off at the bar. So, I invited him to join me for a celebratory drink. Maybe I’d even let him seduce me now that I knew he wasn’t an asshole.

“I’d love to, but I have to go. I’d love a raincheck, however,” Dax replied.

“Sure,” I said, trying hard to hide my disappointment. “You’ve got my number.”

Dax looked at me and said, “I’m married. Otherwise, I’d be having that drink with you and hoping to God that you’d invite me home to your bed.”

I felt my soul being crushed. I’d let my guard down only to have my heart stomped on. But I refused to let Dax see that he’d hurt me.

“Ahh, that’s a damn shame, but thanks for telling me so I wouldn’t think I’m not attractive.”

“Red, you’re so fucking attractive that it is getting harder and harder not to just say fuck it and see where this goes, but I can’t.”

“I understand,” I said quietly. But I was lying. I didn’t understand at all. How was it possible that I finally meet an attractive, interesting guy with an exciting job who seems really into me, and he’s fucking married?


“It’s not like you did anything to lead me on,” I said, trying desperately not to cry.

“Keri, I’m sorry. I hate that I’ve put that unhappy look on your face.”

“It’s not like you’re the first man to disappoint me,” I said. “And you won’t be the last.”

Dax was quiet. But he didn’t move. He just stood there as if frozen in place.

“You should go,” I said as I turned to enter the bar.

I could see him contemplating his options as if deciding to push the button to set off a nuclear war.

“I don’t want to go. I want to give you an evening that we’ll both remember for a very long time. I just can’t promise anything more. Take me home, Red. Let me love you.”

It had been a hot minute since I’d been properly laid. Dax was being honest and making it clear this would be a one-night stand. But if I said yes, I’d be complicit in helping him cheat on his wife. That didn’t sit well with my sense of morality.

But my need to be touched won out.

“Sure. Why not?” I answered, trying to sound casual as if cheating with a married man was the most normal thing in the world. “But let’s be clear, we are having sex, not making love. Love has nothing to do with this.”

“Of course.”

We got in his car as he insisted on driving. Once we arrived, we entered my house, closed the door, and were on each other like flies on honey. Our hands tore at each other’s clothes, and we barely made it to the bedroom before he tossed me on the bed and spread my legs apart.

He surprised me by slowing down the pace a bit, not stampeding to the clitoris but planting erotic wet kisses on my mound and inner thighs. Part of me wanted to remind him that this was supposed to be sex, but fuck if I could find the words to stop his sweet seduction.

I felt my traitorous hips begin to rock as he slid a single finger inside me while his tongue danced along the pink folds of my most intimate parts. When he captured my hard little nub in his teeth, I gasped slightly and let myself stop thinking. I knew this was wrong – he was married! But my body responded to him as it never had with anyone before.

Dax worked a second finger into me, and then a third, as he alternated sucking and nibbling on my clit. I tried to hold back, wanting to make this last as long as possible. But soon enough, I was bucking and grinding against his greedy mouth and came in huge waves as he drank my nectar.

I lay there panting for a moment as he rolled onto his back and pulled me on top of him.

“Let me look at you; God, you’re so beautiful. Ride me.”

“Not until I get a chance to taste you,” I answered with a cheeky grin. “It’s only fair.”

I enjoyed the look of surprise on his face as I moved down and gripped his rigid shaft. I kept my eyes locked onto his as I slipped it between my lips, letting my teeth scrape gently over the smooth head. I felt him shudder and watched his eyes glaze over a bit as I took him into my mouth and proceeded to suck him like an enthusiastic whore.

“Oh, God, Red!” he cried out. “It’s been so long since anyone has sucked my cock. You’re fucking amazing at this!”

I felt an odd sense of pride at the thought of being told I was a good cocksucker. But then again, I’ve never had any complaints. Still, although I had initially decided to use a little oral fun as foreplay before I climbed on top, I decided to change course and give this man a blow job that he would remember forever.

I licked and sucked his shaft while I cupped his balls, making him moan. Then I got his hips rocking when I switched things up and took his entire sac in my mouth while I stroked his cock. I alternated those moves a few times until I had him back in my mouth. As I pushed him into my throat, I slid a wet finger into his ass and got him bucking. He grabbed onto two handfuls of my red hair and fucked my throat like a man who would never have sex again. I hummed and felt pure satisfaction when the vibrating sensations sent him over the edge as he shot his load deep in my throat.

“Holy fucking hell, Red! That was…”

But he was panting too hard to finish his thoughts. I debated whether to be done with him and very nearly asked him to get his clothes and go. But fuck it, my pussy was feeling needy, and I had already crossed the line with Dax.

“How long do you usually take to recover?” I asked, purposely sounding a little sassy.

“I’m honestly not sure. I can’t recall the last time I’ve needed to get hard again.”

I held my tongue, wanting to say a million mean things that insinuated I was better than his wife, but I was unwilling to risk him leaving before he fucked me.

“Well then, I guess I’ll have to let you touch me and play with me and see if we can get you aroused enough for another round.”

He needed no further invitation. He pushed me back on the bed and had a nipple between his teeth before I knew what hit me.

Oh, fuck! Why does he have to be the most erotic man I’ve ever had in my bed? Or is it because he’s unavailable that makes this so hot?

His hand busied itself, fingering my dripping wet pussy as he gave both breasts more attention than they’d had in years.

He was a generous lover, bringing me to waves of orgasm before he looked at me and grinned.

“Apparently, I’m ready for round two.”

Indeed, he was. And fully ready. Like, rock-hard cock ready. Other guys I’ve been with have needed to stroke a little or let me stroke them to get hard enough to enter me. But Dax’s pole was ready to impale me, and it made me giddy to think that he’d regained a full-on erection just by playing with my body.

I tried not to be sad that this was a one-night stand. I’d finally found the man of my sexual dreams and knew he’d be a hard act to follow. But I tucked those feelings aside and allowed myself to enjoy the moment as he spread my legs and pushed himself into me slowly.

I normally can’t cum unless I’m being fucked hard and fast. But Dax’s deliberate strokes, and his clever thumb on my clit, had me dangling close to the edge in no time. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with a mix of lust and something I couldn’t put my finger on.

“Cum for me, Red,” he whispered hoarsely. “Cum for me, and I’ll fuck you hard, fast, and deep, just the way you like it.”

He’d read my body as no other man had ever done. And that realization sent me into oblivion as my body shook from waves of intense orgasms.

I was rewarded with the vigorous fuck he had promised as he pushed my legs back and my knees apart, hammering into my pussy like a man possessed. His jackhammer moves had me cumming again, and he followed suit by letting go and filling me with his seed.

We had a third round before he reluctantly said he should go.

“I’d give anything to be able to spend the night with you, Red. I just can’t.”

“It’s okay. You were honest before we even started that this was all you could offer. I’m sorry you have to go, too. But I’m really glad I didn’t pass up the opportunity to see what being with a real man could be like.”

And then I saw that look again—this time, easily identifiable as gratitude.

“I’ve never been with anyone as amazing and giving as you, Red. You made me feel like a man, and I will never forget this night.”

“I’d ask what your story is, but I think it’s best for both of us if we just let it go. I’ve never been a fan of one-night stands, but I don’t regret this.”

“I don’t regret this either; I can’t even muster a twinge of guilt. You’re amazing, Red; I wish things were different. It would be so easy to fall in love with you.”

I felt my heart skip a beat and found myself unable to speak. Dax kissed me goodbye and left before he could see the silent tears streaming down my face.

Long after he was gone, I said to no one, “I could fall in love with you, too.”


A few years have gone by, and while I had a fair amount of success with an album I released several months after my night with Dax, I decided to stick around Sugar Bush. After all, the idea of being on the road for a concert tour wasn’t all that appealing when I had someone who depended on me.

“Mama, tell me again why you named me Adele?” a little voice asked as I got ready for Saturday Night Karaoke.

I looked at the beautiful little girl with red hair and blue eyes like mine and said, “Because your daddy loved it when I sang Adele’s songs.”

When she smiles at me, I have no regrets. Sugar Bush might always be home, but these days I’m not just surviving; I’m thriving.

Written by techgoddess
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