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Sue Returns From Her Meeting

"Sue returns but I corner her and force her to admit what she has been up to."

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Lyn and I had been to the motel to discuss her problems now that she had found out that she was pregnant. One thing led to another and we had ended up making love.

Lyn and I spent the next hour discussing her issues. I was keen to get away because since she had told me where my wife was I had other things on my mind.

As for Lyn it was obvious that there was only one sensible decision that she could make. She was not the type of person who would harm a child even if it was only a fetus growing in her womb which meant that she would need support. The support that she needed she already had through her husband. She would stay at least till her child was born.

She told me that her life would be unbearable living with her husband because of his insecurities which manifested in his lies and his constant search for women who would jump into bed with him. She asked for my support. I didn’t fully appreciate what she meant and thought that she wanted someone who she could talk to if times become difficult and to me that was fine but eventually it came out.

She wanted a part time lover. I explained to her that my life was very complex and that I was having troubles holding it all together and sometimes felt that I could not cope. I asked her the question, “Wouldn’t that add to your problems?” Her response was negative. She needed to be loved and I was the only one who could provide that to her at this time.

We parted without me making a definite commitment and I hurried home. I had arrived just in time as within minutes I heard my wife’s car enter the driveway. She looked terrible. Her hair which she usually kept picture perfect was all over the place and her clothes could only be described as untidy and scruffy.

I had a little peep hole where I could look down into her garage and when I did observed her trying to fix her hair and straighten her clothing before she entered the house. The moment she entered I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. She tried to pull clear but my grip was firm and insistent. She attempted to avoid my kiss by turning her head but it didn’t work.

When eventually she did kiss me the taste of male sperm was on her lips. I could smell that distinct odor of sex on her body. The odor was very strong so I then knew that what Lyn had told me was most likely correct. I picked her up and carried her towards our bed room. She struggled to get free but there was no way that that was going to happen.

I laid her on her back on our bed and she tried to get up to escape to the washroom but that was not on my agenda. In my mind was a vision of her making love over and over again, of repeated orgasms bought on by well-endowed men struggling for position in a line up. I had no chance of not being stimulated by that thought no matter how repulsive it may sound.

Then I had the thought of her pussy filled to the brim with someone else’s sperm. I thought of it trying to run out as she walked but being held in by her tight g string panties. This was followed by a vision of their swimmers urgently seeking out their target within her womb. This had me on the verge of ejaculation. I wanted to see, I wanted to touch and most of all I wanted to feel.

“I can’t let you. I’m dirty. I have to wash first. Let me up,” she said.

“No, I want you, I want you now and I want you the way you are. I know what you have been doing and I want to make love to you and I want you to tell me about it. Tell me all about it and leave nothing out.”

“I can’t. I can’t hurt you like that. I love you and I don’t want to hurt you but I can’t help what I do. You don’t understand and you never will.”

“I need to know. I want to try to understand what you feel and why you do these things. Tell me when did your last period end?” I guessed that she would be fertile as she had been each time that I had found out that she had done this type of thing.

She just stared at me for some time. I said no more but stared back. Eventually she started “OK, if you insist my period finished just under two weeks ago. The meeting was organized for my most fertile time because they know that is when I’m at my best.” This was the first time that she had referred to having sex as a meeting but I inferred from this that the skating meeting that she attended each month around this time was for the same purpose.

“Are you trying to get pregnant? I have difficulties understanding why you do it when you’re fertile. You must know what will happen.”

“I told you that you wouldn’t understand and I have problems explaining it but I’ll try. It’s the feeling, the desire, the drive. My body takes me over and I just can’t deny it what it wants – no, what it needs.”

She stopped as if looking for the right words. She was stumbling over how to express herself. “No, that’s not right. It is not what it wants or what it needs it’s more like what it must have. It’s not a choice that my mind makes. It’s a drive that my body forces onto me. You can’t understand it because I can’t explain it. I don’t want to do it but I have to and I don’t want to hurt you but I have to.”

“Steve knew how I am and he takes advantage of that desperate desire that I have around my ovulation.” She hesitated for a while and then continued, “It works.” She stopped again then continued, “Yes, it works fine. I have to be satisfied so he organizes it so that I get my satisfaction and he makes money from it.”

“Afterwards I come home and can get on with my life until next month.” Again, that delay. It felt like she was trying to think up an excuse but couldn’t find the words.

“I’m not the only one, you know. He has others too. For a long time I thought that I was the only one. I thought that I had this sickness in me that was trying to destroy me, my relationships and my marriage but then I found out that I was not alone. There are other women just like me where he has destroyed them and they can’t be satisfied by normal men and he uses us all.”

“At least he did use us all. He has had an accident and he will end up in a wheel chair. Someone ran him down. I thought it had to be you but the police say it happened while you were at work. I’m glad because I didn’t want to lose you.”

I had been stroking her body as she talked and had worked my way down to her pussy. Her panties were tight against her crutch and soaked. Some had escaped so that the inside of her thighs were wet and sticky.

Her voice changed from one of describing an event as if discussing the weather or the news to soft and tender. Her eyes had a little glint in them like that of a young girl who was up to a mischief. Her voice had dropped an octave and in almost a whisper. “I know that it’s revolting, but I want you to lick me, you know, down there. I want my little cuckold husband to clean me up. Would you do that for me? It would prove to me that you still love me and that you forgive me.”

I didn’t answer but kissed her again and then moved down to her crutch. More sperm had leaked from her panties than I had expected. Where normally her panties pulled into her pussy forming a lovely camel toe, on this occasion they were full and were bulging outwards as if under pressure. I rubbed my fingers under the elastic against her leg and more ran out. It was still in clumps. I knew that if left any time sperm became clear and runnier like thick water which told me that she had hurried home after the last man had finished in her.

I removed her panties rubbing them up her crutch to take away some of the mess then pushed them under the bed out of sight with my foot for my later enjoyment. I placed my mouth on her crutch. She was gaping open like some hideous cave from a horror movie. Most of the sperm had been in her panties but there was ample left inside her.

I could see her cervix which was also gaping open and pushing forward from the back of her hole as if to gobble up the male cream inside her. There were signs of blood inside as well.

I started licking at the entrance and around the externals. She was humping her back and lifting her but as I worked. Her flaps were swollen and red reflecting the hammering they had obviously taken. I pushed my tongue up inside her and found that with my tongue fully extended I could touch the little hole that was the entry to her ovaries.

She thrust forward and said, “Oh that feels nice.” I took my finger and placed it on the little hole and pushed.

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It felt hard but yielded to the pressure and I was surprised when the tip of my finger entered it. Her reflex was to thrust up at my finger.

As I removed my finger from inside her a rush of sperm gushed out of her cervix which told me that at least one or more of the men had squirted directly to her eggs. It was very erotic and my cock was fully engorged and I felt like I may cum without physical stimulation.

“You’re so loose and so full. How many men were there?” I asked.

“There were seven altogether. They all did me twice and two came back for a third time. I had to stop and clean myself after the first round because I was so messy. They all had huge cocks and big balls and cum heaps.”

I placed another finger onto her clit. She groaned and said, “I think I’m going to come.” Shortly afterwards she launched into a constant sound like an “Aaaahhhhhh,”that went on for a long time. I could see the muscles around her pussy contracting then expanding and could see the internals of her hole lifting outwards and then back.

For a moment I wished that I had been born with a donkey dick so that I could have the wonderful experience that she would be able to give a well-endowed man during sex. That was something that I had experienced with both Lyn and Marg but would never have the pleasure of with my wife. Her juices increased but initially there was no ejaculation like I had experienced with Lyn and Marg.

During her orgasm I had pushed my fingers into her. She had bucked back at me forcing my complete hand into her pussy. I had closed my hand as it entered so that I now had my fist inside her forcing back into her. Her cervix had protruded between my second and third fingers and was pushing up against the but of my hand.

Suddenly her orgasm intensified and her pussy juices sprayed out all over me. With my fist inside her I could feel the contractions of her orgasm. This would be the one and only time that I would feel her orgasm in our twenty years of marriage.

I moved up along her body as her orgasm subsided pushing her top up as I went to expose her tits. I sucked on each in turn and felt her nipples expand with the attention. I observed marks on her breasts, little bruises that her recent lovers had left for me to discover. “Did they hurt you,” I asked.

“No, they were gentle with me as they made love but did get a little rough when they came but I liked it. Did you really want me to tell you about it?”

“Yes, I would. I only get angry and upset about it when you don’t talk to me about it.”

“It’s not that easy for me to talk about it because I feel ashamed and concerned that you will hate me for what I am. I don’t know how you stand it. If you were doing this to me I could not stand you talking about it.”

“But you let me have Lyn and I could tell that you loved it. I saw you getting off on it.”

“That was different. Lyn and I were lovers at that time and so I wanted her to understand how beautiful it was when you made love to me. It felt like she was part of our marriage. She was not there to steal you she was there to share herself with us. I was quite angry with her the way she just got up and left. I had hoped that I could lay with both of you afterwards.”

She hesitated again as if trying to put her words together, “I would have really liked to clean her up for you after you had made love to her. You know, do what you have done for me now. I remember the night that I told you about her standing with her beautiful little pussy just this far from my face and it really turned you on.” She was holding her hands about six inches apart.

“She told me later on that she was flashing me because she wanted me to lick her. I still dream about it sometimes but in my dream you are there with us and you fuck her. Just the thought gets me off.”

“If you feel that way maybe we should get her to sleep with us occasionally. You know, spend a couple of nights with us while Jon is away.”

“No, it’s too late for that now. That was a once only thing. She told me after you fucked her that she did not want to play with me anymore because she felt like I had used her and she didn’t want to become someone’s toy. We’re still good friends but sex is out of the question now besides she is going to have another baby. She has to make sure that her marriage is secure for the sake of her child so she can’t take the risk.

Jon is not like you. He would leave if he knew that she had sex with a female. He’s macho Jon and has to be boss-cocky, always on top and always in control.”

I laughed inside at what she said thinking if only she knew. I had entered her as we talked but there was little contact. It was like putting a broom handle into a bucket. I pulled out and as I did so felt her hand around my cock. She was directing me southward and I knew what she wanted.

My head was now at her rear entrance and she was pulling me forward with her hand. I pushed my hips towards her and with the sperm that was still on her arse my cock I slipped straight into her anus.

She let out a strange little sound like a your girl who picks up her new dolly for the first time then grinned and said, “that’s your little fuck hole from now on. My quim is too stretched for you. I can’t feel you anymore up front. My pussy is totally owned by big cock now.”

My thoughts were of Marg and how tight she had felt. I thought of that groan that seemed to come from deep within her as we made love. I thought how wonderful that it would be if it was she and not my wife thrusting back at me. I knew that I had to see her again despite the risk. I was having sex with my wife but in my mind I was making love to my lover and the thought was enough to drive me over the top.

My orgasm was OK but it didn’t compare with my earlier experience with Lyn. My cock pumped a couple of times and it was over. I had a duty to my wife and the thought of her betrayal with others certainly stimulated me but I knew that there was no love left in me for her. Besides she had once more manipulated to avoid my request to talk openly to me about her affairs as she had done a number of times before despite agreeing to do so.

Sue’s ability to manipulate me and others around us was driving me away and yet she indicated she wanted me to stay. It was clear to me that her drive for extra-marital sex was not the only thing that she didn’t understand.

I needed a drink. Sue rose and went to the bathroom. I got myself a whiskey, the first of many for that night.

It was two months later that she told me that she had booked into a clinic as her doctor had recommended that she have a little operation as her period had become irregular. I knew that she was lying as I could set a watch to her period and with her cheating without protection I was keeping an eye on her.

I had not seen the telltale signs of her last menstruation so suspected that she was pregnant before she told me about the operation. I had been waiting for her to discuss her pregnancy with me. With this information I was now certain that she had slipped up and was actually going to have an abortion.

“‘So your pregnant.” was my answer to her.

“That’s my business,” she said, “It’s my body. I have told you before it is my pussy and I will decide who gets into it and when.” She turned around and started to walk away. I had given her the opportunity to involve me and to discuss it with me but she had rejected that offer.

“The morning after pills didn’t work?” I shouted after her.

She turned and looked me straight in the eye and replied, “I didn’t take them. I threw them out.”

This shocked me. My surprise must have been evident. “But, why? That’s fucking crazy.”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” She replied and with that stomped out. I thought about the saying ‘you can’t help those who won’t help them selves.’

Her appointment was set for the week of the boat show. I had made arrangements to attend the boat show. I had also let Marg know I was coming down and had told her where I would be staying and what time I would arrive. With Sue in hospital it simplified things a little as I had started thinking that there might be a chance that Sue may follow me down or else suddenly decide she would like to go as well.

Given the fact that she was pregnant with someone else’s child she couldn’t very well insist that I cancel my trip to be with her. She would know that if she pulled that stunt then I would tell her to get fucked and all hell would break loose. I couldn’t have planned it better if I had tried.

I was looking forward to this boat show. It would be the best ever.



Written by goyse
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