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Something for the weekend. Chapter 2

"The stranded travellers spend the night together. Please read chapter 1 for the complete story."

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She adjusted the volume on an iPod linked to the TV and soft music filled the room, the haunting strains of a slide guitar echoed across the divide between them. She approached him, her hands by her side.

“I don't even know..." The words died on his lips as they were hushed by a single finger pressing against them.

"No names," she said. "I saw you in the bar watching me, wanting me. Don't tell me you've never fantasised about picking up a stranger? I know I have and this seems like the perfect opportunity so here are the ground rules. No names, no phone numbers and no repeat performances, tonight is just about having fun. Deal?"

His mind raced. Could he do it? Could he cheat on his wife with someone he hadn't even set eyes on until a few hours ago? He had enjoyed a close flirty relationship with a female friend for years but refused her moves to get him into her bed, or anywhere else for that matter, on the basis that he didn't want to get involved and open himself up to the possibility of falling for her and endangering his marriage. If he was being honest with himself he would say he had a good marriage, but after twenty years of being married to his first long term girlfriend he wondered if he had missed out on anything, sexually or otherwise. That special tingle you get when you hear from someone you love was missing.

He opened his mouth to say something but nothing would come out. Fearing he would just stand there and croak he decided actions speak louder than words. He leaned in to kiss her and noticed her deep brown eyes close slightly. Her scent filled his nostrils, a wonderful heady aroma.

His breathing deepened.

The first kiss was soft and natural, almost immediately perfect with no awkward bumping of noses that often spoil that important first kiss.

Oh Boy, he thought. A phrase sprung to his mind that he had seen on Pinterest, "The trouble with trouble is it starts out as fun." This could definitely end up as trouble.


Holy Shit, where did that come from?  he thought to herself, surprised by her own directness when he started to speak. She had thought about this moment hundreds of times, but never in her wildest dreams did she ever think she would have the courage to act it out. Now here she was now issuing rules to the stranger standing before her. For a minute she thought that he was going to turn and run, he looked like a rabbit caught in a cars headlights unsure which way to go to safety, but when he leaned in she knew that she had him.

She partially closed her eyes, not wanting to miss that special moment when you kiss someone for the first time. He reached up and ran his fingertips softly across her cheek and down the side of her neck.

The kiss that arrived was all she had hoped for.

She had read stories in novels where the heroine goes weak at the knees due to an amazing kiss and dismissed it as writers creative license; none of the kisses from her boyfriends, when she was younger, did that, and even her husband didn't make her melt like this.

The next kiss was just as good, the following one even better.

His fingers curved round, cupping her neck and drawing her closer to him, thus increasing the pressure on their lips. A soft moan filled the room.

The singer proclaiming “I never dreamed I would meet anyone like you."

Another kiss arrived, this time deeper and harder.

She stepped backwards under the pressure of his kiss, her mind racing to remember the layout of the room. How far was she from the wall? Was there a chair or a table waiting unseen for her to fall over? Her answer came in the form of a cold sensation against the thin material covering her back as it pressed against the window. Another thought flitted through her mind. She might be on the 10th floor of the hotel, but there was an identical hotel directly opposite.

Was anyone sitting in their room watching their display of lustful kissing?

That thought alone did as much to turn her on as the stranger now breaking the kiss.

He looked down and a grin spread over his face as he leaned into her again, dipping his head as his lips searched for hers. Another kiss, the sound of soft sighs echoed around the room, as their breathing quickened.

She could feel his hand slowly slip down the nape of her neck to the back of her dress. The unmistakable sound of her zipper filled the silence, as the singer prepared to burst into song again. As she tilted her head to the side his warm kisses found just the right spot on her neck and for a moment she felt the room spin.

"Wow," was about all that she could say. How could a complete stranger know just where to touch her to illicit these responses from her she wondered? The only reply was a stifled giggle as he eased her dress from her shoulders. She slowly moved her arms from around his neck to her sides, allowing the dress to gently slide down over her chest to the floor where she stepped out of it.

"You're overdressed," she said with a smile, as she started to unbutton his shirt. She bent down and took a nipple in her mouth, flicking her tongue over it and feeling it stiffen to her touch, biting gently, but hard enough to register, him draw a sharp intake of breath. A string of kisses up his tanned torso brought their lips together again as her hands moved downwards, his belt undone and trousers unzipped in one fluid motion. She felt him move unsteadily on his feet as he kicked his shoes off in a rush, sending them spinning and crashing into the wall.

She leaned against him and felt the rush of warmth from his naked torso as their bodies touched. Looking up into his eyes she bit gently on her lip as he reached round and unclasped her new bra, a shrug of her shoulders and it fell at her feet. Her nipples hardened and pushed into his chest, as he maneuvered her away from the window until she could feel the edge of the bed against the backs of her knees.

Within seconds they were a tangle of limbs shimmying to a position of comfort. Feet and fingers entwined, as he pressed his crotch into hers, the widening of her eyes as kisses were swapped was the reaction he was looking for. She reached down and ran the flat of her palm over his stomach as she searched for his cock, curious to feel its size.

Just as her fingers reached his boxer shorts, his hands flew out and grabbed her wrists in an iron grip, a sly grin spread across his face. Another second passed before she felt herself being lifted off the bed slightly as he slid underneath her and pushed her into a sitting position, so that she was now straddling his waist. She rolled her hips slowly until she could feel the bulge in his boxers rubbing gently against her pussy, her excitement now plainly visible as her juices soaked through the thin fabric of her new panties.

“Now that’s a view to savour,” he laughed.

As he released his grip on her wrists his fingers began to slowly drag their way up her arms to her shoulders leaving a faint ticklish sensation that made her squirm slightly. She leaned down, her hair falling forward to frame her face, as she searched for his lips for another kiss, her nipples rubbing against his chest only heightening her sense of arousal. As their lips touched she realised they were on the edge of the bed.

Time to turn the tables, she thought.

With a deft movement, she flicked onto her side, the momentum carried him over until he was lying on top of her, the surprise registered in his eyes. She grinned up at him, as she remembered she was still wearing her 4in heels. With her legs now firmly wrapped round his waist and his cock pressing into her pussy, she angled her ankles downward and drew the tip of each heel up the back of his legs, from just under the knee to just above his waistband. His cock twitched at the sensation. By hooking her heels under the waistband of his underwear she could slowly peel his boxers off as she lowered her legs.

“Well that’s a novel way to undress me,” he breathed in her ear.

“I’m full of novel ideas,” was her reply.

Their mouths met again as she slowly dragged her nails down his back, conscious not to apply too much pressure, lest she leave tell tale marks for someone to find the next day. The firmness of his cock pushed eagerly at the damp material of her panties, and for a panicked minute she thought he was just going to slide inside her. God knows she was wet enough.

“Wait a minute,” she said as she pulled her briefs down and cast them onto the carpet, “They’re uncomfortable,” she giggled.

"First time I’ve heard that used as a reason!" he replied as he slid off her to lie alongside.

Naked and together on the bed for the first time, their eyes locked, burning deep into each other. He ran his hand down her neck, then down slowly over her right tit, barely grazing the skin and caressed the soft flesh under her breast. Her eyes closed and her breathing slowed as his lips found her nipple. She reached down and wrapped her fingers round his hardening shaft, softly pulling backwards and forwards on his foreskin, feeling it pulse in her hands. He was thicker than her husband, probably about the same length, but definitely thicker.

Oh Boy, she thought, this really is going to be a night of new experiences.


Mentally, he drew a breath.

Here he was, in a hotel room with a complete stranger lying naked next to him. He remembered the advice given to him as a youngster by his parents about going with someone he didn’t know, let others know of his whereabouts at all times, but doubted that this situation was what they had in mind.

He was brought back to reality by the sight of the woman beside him. Her openness to him was such a turn on.

He reached down with his mouth to find her nipple standing pert and proud, just waiting for his touch. The pressure of his teeth increased slightly on her nipple as she cupped his ball sack and gave it a gentle squeeze, before slowly sliding her hand up to the base of his cock. The coolness of her fingers contrasted nicely with the warmth of his manhood as more blood flowed to it, He felt her give him a couple of strokes before running a finger up and over his exposed head, covering it in a fine layer of his pre cum.

A though occurred to him. He was almost afraid to ask, as at home there were certain subjects, such as anal, that were definitely off the menu.

“Are there any boundaries tonight?” he stammered nervously, “Anything you don’t want to do?”

With a sly grin, a bite of her lip and a subtle but definite shake of the head he got his answer.

He carried on moving downward slowly, his cock slipping from her tender grasp as he kissed her stomach down passed her belly button and down to her thigh. More kisses were planted as he reached her knee and onwards to her foot.

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She twitched as a kiss tickled the side of her sole.

"Ever had your toes sucked?" he asked.

Before she could answer “No”, his lips slid slowly over the painted nail of her big toe, sucking gently as his tongue flickered over the top, rolling down the sides and back up.

"Holy Fuck!" she laughed, “That’s, err," She struggled to find the words.

“Incredible?" he prompted.

"Oh my God, I've got a foot fetish!" she exclaimed and laughed out loud. As he opened his mouth to say something she cut him off,

“Stop talking and just suck!" she demanded with a laugh.

After some more nibbling and kissing his lips started their journey back up her calf, passed her knee and up her inner thigh. As she opened her legs, he was rewarded with the smell of her sex, it was then that it occurred to him that she smelt different to his wife.

Would she taste different? he wondered. That thought intrigued him, it wasn't ever anything he had thought about and as he had only ever been this intimate with his wife he was about to find out.

He felt her reach down and place her hand on the back of his head, encouraging him into her, perhaps mistaking his hesitancy for doubt instead of excitement. He ran the tips of his index fingers gently up her labia, easing her lips apart, and watching in awe as they opened to reveal her swollen bud. A gentle cry of pleasure from her was followed by a gasp, as he rolled the tip of his tongue over her clit. She responded by pushing his face further into her, her legs crossed behind his back locking him in position, as his tongue entered her hole, probing, teasing.

She did indeed taste different, very different. She tasted sweeter than his wife, and was much wetter.

He easily slid his middle finger into her and soon found the soft spongy area behind her clit. His lips formed a seal over her hood and he sucked strongly, drawing her further into his mouth, where his tongue flicked back and forth. All the while his finger pressed firmly in a circular motion inside her, drawing her faster and faster to an orgasm. As her gasps for breath became quicker so did the contractions on the walls of her pussy until with a tug of his hair she came, her juices flowing over his finger and coating his tongue.

“Oh my god,” she blurted, her breathing slowing, “What did you do to me? I’ve never came that quick before.”

He chuckled as he withdrew his finger and eased up her body until they were lying face to face,

“Don’t worry about it, when you ran your fingers over the head of my cock I thought I was going to explode there and then, I’ve never felt a touch like it before, so soft and gentle. Completely different to what I’m used to I suppose. Let’s put it down to the excitement of the moment.”

“Really? Let’s see if I can do some more of that soft and gentle then.”

She reached down and scooped his balls in her right hand and guided his swollen cock to her mouth. Her tongue flicked over his head as she tasted his salty pre-cum, her lips bobbing up and down his shaft, gingerly feeding more of him into her mouth until it was full.

He reached across to the bedside table, and with more concentration than should have been required for a simple task, he unwrapped a condom; the feeling of her teeth gently scraping over his wet head coincided with a familiar tingling sensation.

“Stop, Please!” he pleaded, as he eased her head away from his cock and bent down to meet her lips, tasting his juices on her for the first time. As they swapped wet tangy kisses, he quickly rolled the sheath over his cock, whilst silently praying that he would last more than a couple of minutes, never had he been more on fire than right here, right now. He felt her hands on his shoulders as he was pushed onto his back again.


With a knee either side of him she sat up, straddling him, anxious to feel him inside her. Her favourite position was woman on top, and judging by the grin now spreading on his face it appeared to be his too. She reached down and guided the head of his cock to her, allowing the tip to brush her swollen clit a few times before slowly impaling herself on him.

Fuck, that’s nice, she thought as the bulbous head of his cock slowly filled her love tunnel. He reached up and grabbed her hips, pulling her in closer, thrusting upwards at the same time. The sound of a sharp intake of breath was punctuated by the long forgotten singer launching into another Americana classic, guitars twanging and cymbals crashing “Blue Hotel, I was waiting, lonely.”

"Oh fuck," she whispered."Suck my tits."

He reached up and held them steady as they got into a natural rhythm, his cock sliding easily in and out of her sopping wet hole. She cupped the back of his head as he nibbled and sucked on her swollen buds, taking each in turn so the other got a rest from his teeth.

Their fucking became frantic, their breathing ragged. Their bodies slapping together on every stroke as she pounded downward and he thrust upward. She could feel her orgasm starting almost the minute he entered into her, but now only a minute or so later it was threatening to overpower her, despite her best attempts to hold it off.

"Oh fuck, I’m going to cum," he gasped.

Her eyes clamped shut as the walls of her pussy contracted around his twitching cock, she bent down and their lips locked as they came in unison. The waves of her climax rolled over her as she broke the kiss to gulp in a breath, the feeling of his cock pulsing slowly deep inside her only prolonging her enjoyment. She slowed her movements to fully savour the moment, sitting up far enough that she could almost feel him leave her, before slowly sliding down his slick shaft until he filled her again.

She opened her eyes and looked down at his only to find them closed, his mouth partially open, a silent scream of ecstasy passing his lips as he came. As the pressure of his hands on her hips eased she leant in and lay kisses up his heaving chest, the sheen of sweat on his body tasting musky against her lips. As she rounded the back of his neck to just under his ear his sigh of pleasure blew gently against her hair and his hands slid tenderly up her back to cradle her in close.

She rolled off to her right, his softening cock sliding from her to leave an empty void, and reached down to draw the crumpled quilt up from the bottom of the bed to drape over them. In their post climactic haze, being snuggled in next to him felt so right to her. As their breathing fell into a slow sleepy rhythm a grin spread over her face at the wickedness of what she had just done. A major fantasy fulfilled.


He woke with a start as the sunlight crept under the window blind. It took a few seconds for him to process the feeling of being off balance, realisation coming when the plane started to right itself from its bank as it lined up for a final approach into Glasgow. He rubbed his hands across his face in an effort to wake himself and then reached for his glasses which he had left in the seat back pocket.

The images of last night flooded his mind and an involuntary smile played on his face. After they had woken from a short sleep they had shared a bottle of Prosecco in a bath, the conversation being guarded on both sides, lest they give away any secrets about each other, which only further added to the excitement of the moment. Afterwards they had gone back to bed and explored each other without boundaries as promised. They made love again, only slower and less aggressively, taking time to fully appreciate that this was a one night deal.

When he woke about 7am he was unsure what to do. Should he wake her or just slip silently into the dawn? As he lay looking at her spread naked on the bed like a starfish, he was aware of a complete absence of guilt on his part, which came as a huge surprise; he expected a twinge or two at least for cheating on his wife with this beguiling stranger. He decided on the latter option and swiftly gathered his clothes from the four corners of the room before hurriedly dressing and easing open the door. He cast a final look in her direction, savouring the moment, and framing it in his mind, like a Polaroid to be revisited, to remind him that last night wasn’t a dream

As the plane floated downwards on its journey back to earth, he took another look over the top of the seat in front of him, searching fruitlessly for her. He had been one of the first on the plane, boarding by the rear steps and could only assume she was somewhere near the front. He had looked for her in the departure lounge, but she was nowhere to be seen in amongst the crowds of travelers.

When the seat-belt sign pinged off, he looked out the window as the baggage handlers moved in to empty the hold of the plane and get it ready to be sent on its way as quick as possible. In the distance he caught a glimpse of her coming down the front steps and looking at the back of the plane. Was she looking for him perhaps?

His journey from the plane suddenly had purpose. He wanted to catch her before the arrival hall and just say thanks, or anything, one final chance to see her. As he exited the customs hall he could see her about 30 feet in front of him and was just about to call out when it struck him.

He didn’t know her name.

Before he could make a final effort to push passed the people between them he heard the cries of joy from children delighted to be reunited with their parent. Two young children ran from where they were standing with a man towards her shouting and giggling. She bent down and scooped them up, one in each arm as they leant in and threw their small arms around her neck to welcome her home. The man, obviously the husband, reached round her waist and pulled them all in close in a family reunion.

He hurried on by; not daring to slow or even cast a glance in their direction, just another traveler on his way home having suffered an overnight delay. As he neared the bottom of the escalator he lifted his phone from the top pocket of his shirt in readiness to call his wife and let her know he was just heading for a train home, when a piece of paper fluttered to the ground in front of him.

As he bent down to pick it up he froze, his fingers only an inch away from the folded note. It carried the crest of the hotel chain he had stayed with last night, and most definitely wasn’t in his pocket when he had boarded the plane. In that instant he knew. It was the same feeling he had last night when the bartender had handed him the note, he knew what was in it before he opened it.

The decision now was to either pick it up or to wait and have it lifted, unopened, by a cleaning crew. A decision that he was sure would shape his future.

With nervous fingers he scooped it up and stepped to the side, clear of the flow of people leaving the terminal. As he unfolded it an email address appeared with a handwritten message under it.

“The trouble with trouble is it starts out as fun. xxx”

Written by jandnr298
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