She's married; she has a number of young children at home; she has a successful career; she is intelligent and beautiful, and she has a libido running on overdrive. Why would she risk it all? Why would she risk it all with him? So much to lose and what would she gain? That fucking sex drive will be the death of her.
He is older, like at least twenty five years older, with limited sexual capabilities; he's married; he should be thinking of other things like retirement or downsizing his house or health concerns that everyone faces as the aging process takes hold. But he still has a very high libido. But why would he risk his comfortable lifestyle? Wouldn't everyone think he's just an old lunatic trying to re-capture his youth? Deep down isn't this one of his concerns; her thinking that about him? But, that fucking sex drive will be the death of him!
Throwing all reasonable logic and caution to the wind, medical professional Jill Miller and financial professional Dave Whiley jointly agree that their vulnerability be damned; they deserve this indulgence and they will have it. Beyond control of their otherwise stayed discipline, they plot and plan the details to carry out a rendezvous in Chicago, their first meeting face to face, and it will not be to cordially greet each other in a wholesome and professional manner; they are going to have sex, a full week of sex; unbridled and crazy sex!
So how did these rather ordinary people come to this point in their lives, to proceed in taking this next step in their relationship without having a clue of any future development?
It all started by looking for some hot and erotic reading to distract them from their busy but humdrum lives. Without any plan to violate the vows that each had taken to be faithful to their respective spouses, Jill and Dave signed up to register on a website for access to some hot fantasy reading; the site was called Lush Stories, or as known to it's members, simply Lush. There were no plans other than to read some erotic stories, perhaps masturbation would be the furthest action each might take while reading and arousing themselves, but certainly neither had any plans to meeting anyone.
After reading for a couple of weeks, Dave couldn't help but look at some of the profiles of some of the people who had actually submitted stories. He ran into some beautiful women and looking at their profiles noted that their “friends” were posting some very erotic pictures and gifs on what is called their walls. Damn! He was getting more aroused than he could ever imagine or anticipate. Some of these women would even post actual pictures of themselves, some more revealing than others and some even posting videos of themselves performing sex acts; fuck, this was way more exciting than he could possibly imagine compared to that first day when he registered to become a member.
Eventually, Dave requested to be befriended by a number of “women of Lush.” Many of these “friends” he would discover utilized photos and/or videos of professional models, rather than expose themselves. But about half were proud and aroused by exposing various erotic photos of themselves. And so, he not only drooled over the arousing photographic displays, but began to engage in chatting with his “friends.”
After some months, Dave decided to post some stories he had submitted on another website, that he rarely visited any longer. He also realized that he was enjoying the social interaction with his “friends” far more than reading erotic stories. Then there is the Forum that he would browse from time to time, gaining an understanding of the views different people held on a variety of topics.
The social aspects of Lush became far more of an integral part of Dave's daily activities than reading erotic stories, the initial draw of this website.
Dave also paid close attention to the response he was receiving from the stories he had submitted, both the rating people were giving his submissions, but more so comments and who posted comments. Then one day a comment was made, the person's profile was reviewed and Dave had to reach out to this person, asking her to be his “friend.” Shortly thereafter he received acceptance of him as a friend. Some polite exchanges were made via Lush and eventually just enough information was exchanged that had both Dave and Jill flirting with each other playfully.
The playful manner of their exchanges continued with each new communication seemingly turning the flames just a little higher. There were any number of true confession moments, particularly for Jill, as she revealed more and more of who she really was. Dave came to realize that most of the information on various people's profiles is largely fabricated to protect that person's true identity; this is especially true for women, who sadly must guard against the onslaught of pervs continually lurking on this type of website. In addition to the pervs being of concern, any number of people simply cannot be open for professional reasons.
But as the trust was building with each message box popping up, Jill became more and more comfortable and trusting of Dave as a person. Finally one day the dam broke loose and Dave was dubbed trustworthy by Jill; it was true confession time for real. Jill felt nervous as she detailed who she really was in a private email to Dave, baring her soul and unveiling previously held secrets regarding who this person really was.
Dave stared at this email for several minutes with his mind blown. He read it perhaps three times before he began to formulate his response. The minutes ticked by at a snail's pace for Jill, as she awaited his response. Would he be totally pissed and throw her overboard, have a million questions, be hurt that he had been lied to, or completely receptive and understanding of the need to protect her family and her career? Dave was no dummy and was actually impressed and felt honored that Jill obviously was showing her trust of him.
In the months that followed, the two of them exchanged little messages each day, becoming completely comfortable and able to say things to each other that they were not comfortable sharing with either their own spouse or best friend. There were any number of online sex chats. Each of these chats only serving to heighten each of their respective libidos.
The first time Dave was able to stimulate Jill's mind to the point of arousal that she actually had an orgasm, she remembers it being so very delicious and so intense, she actually squirted her release, something that hadn't happened since her college days. Her breathing was labored, her office was a mess and the sensual aroma of her release permeated her work confines. Dave sent her a number of frantic entries and thought the damn connection was lost, until she finally gathered the ability with shaking fingers to send him this note, “i;n opk i'm hre.” He just smiled, knowing she was getting close to her release before the awkward silence.
About five minutes later came the message, “You rotten bastard, why weren't you HERE? You pushed me so far over the edge, I made a total mess of my office, and I almost passed out literally! Thank you so much lover. That was the most intense orgasm that I've had in many years. How did you do that to me?”
He responded, “I can't tell you. But I am going to tell you this. I've had enough of this bullshit! I am tired of having the only thing getting a workout with you are my fingers with a damn keyboard. I've had it! We are going to meet and I'm going to ravish your body until you beg me to quit! Period! No discussion. Find a fucking conference in Chicago; you are coming to my home town, and I will have that hot body of yours! I won’t accept anything but a YES! Do you understand?”
Jill was stunned. He had never spoken to her in this manner. He was always so patient with her and understanding. She was shaken to her core. She was not use to this in any aspect of her life. She was a Medical Director and accustomed to coordinating people and resources to deliver the best possible care for her facility's patients. No one spoke to her like this; no one made demands like this. What the hell was happening here?
But what was happening here was something Jill certainly never saw coming. She poised her long beautifully manicured fingers above her keyboard. Operating by instinct or whatever power possessed her she unconsciously typed: “Okay it will be arranged and you will know the details shortly.” She knew she had to fulfill this escape. It was like a hundred pound weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She didn't have to make this decision and it felt great to have Dave state the obvious path that they both had known for some time; they were soon to be lovers!
Jill smiled and felt giddy!
On the other end of this connection, Dave stared at her response. He read it again and again. He thought, “Fuck, was that all that was needed? Son of a bitch, had I known I would have done this a month ago.” But deep down he knew that a month ago, his outburst would not have been received well by the normally in charge Jill Miller. He knew that his patience had paid off and they soon would be joined in a perfect union of body and soul. He fucking near skipped down the hall… smiling like a teenage boy, knowing he was going to get laid!
Dave attempted to concentrate on the account he was trying to land; trying to put the finishing touches on a proposal that he had begun to prepare five, maybe six times now. His mind kept drifting to Jill, wondering what the future held in their relationship. “Get a fucking grip dumb ass,” he thought to himself. “You have to make a living. Concentrate on this proposal, dammit.” But he was so distracted it was taking him hours to complete the simplest tasks that normally took minutes. What kind of hold did this woman have on him; on his mind; on his heart; on his very being? He pushed ahead. Finally completed, he handed his draft of the proposal to his colleague with whom he normally collaborated.
Minutes later a notification of new email popped up on his monitor. Dave pressed the tab and there was a new email from Jill but also another from a law office. He had to see about this law office email and what it was all about. The law office was one in the city center and was notifying him that they were handling a new estate for an old client of his that he could just never seem to make contact. This person had liquidated the family farmstead, and his final instructions were that Dave personally needed to invest these funds per the trust established in testamentary. “Please call Mr. Randolph at your earliest convenience.” His curiosity satisfied momentarily, he needed to see what Jill had sent him.
From the personal email account of Jill Miller, the email read: “Mr. Whiley, in two weeks time you will meet one Jill Miller at the Hyatt on Michigan Avenue and be my guest from Sunday evening until the following Friday afternoon. We will be attending the North Central Conference of Medical Directors of North America and you will be my escort, including the formal closing dinner dance on Thursday evening; black tie required. My flight will arrive on that Sunday at 12:10 PM. Would you like to pick me up at O'Hare or would you like to meet me at the hotel?”
“I'll pick you up at O'Hare. Please provide flight details,” he replied.
Two seconds later George, his colleague popped into his doorway. “Dave where did you get this proposal?”
“I just finished creating it why, doesn't it make any sense?”
“No, Dave. This is the best work you've ever done. You make your points succinctly and most convincingly. You are good, but honestly, if this doesn't sell them, then you will have let your mouth get in the way of the best investment proposal I have ever seen.”
“Thank you George. I really value your opinion.”
“Don't change a thing, except who is this Jill Miller? I am not familiar with her as a client.”
“What?” Dave inquired, red-faced.
“Well this proposal is for her isn't it? Her name is plastered all over this proposal.”
Snatching the proposal from George, Dave said, “Let me see that. Oh shit. That's a lady who is a trustee on an estate,” he lied. “I had spoken with her and must have inadvertently put her name on this proposal. Man, am I glad you caught that. This could have been most embarrassing. Oh well, easy enough to replace the name throughout. Thanks again for your review and catch.”
“No problem man. That's why we make a great team.”
Dave returned the call to the law firm, making an appointment in two days with the senior partner to discuss the investment of what he learned to be twenty five million dollars. Dave had a hard time containing his celebration, knowing the huge commission this new money would generate. Wow, it was just April and he knew this would be the best year of his career!
Another email from Jill appeared with her flight details and everything seemed to be falling into place.
He is older, like at least twenty five years older, with limited sexual capabilities; he's married; he should be thinking of other things like retirement or downsizing his house or health concerns that everyone faces as the aging process takes hold. But he still has a very high libido. But why would he risk his comfortable lifestyle? Wouldn't everyone think he's just an old lunatic trying to re-capture his youth? Deep down isn't this one of his concerns; her thinking that about him? But, that fucking sex drive will be the death of him!
Throwing all reasonable logic and caution to the wind, medical professional Jill Miller and financial professional Dave Whiley jointly agree that their vulnerability be damned; they deserve this indulgence and they will have it. Beyond control of their otherwise stayed discipline, they plot and plan the details to carry out a rendezvous in Chicago, their first meeting face to face, and it will not be to cordially greet each other in a wholesome and professional manner; they are going to have sex, a full week of sex; unbridled and crazy sex!
So how did these rather ordinary people come to this point in their lives, to proceed in taking this next step in their relationship without having a clue of any future development?
It all started by looking for some hot and erotic reading to distract them from their busy but humdrum lives. Without any plan to violate the vows that each had taken to be faithful to their respective spouses, Jill and Dave signed up to register on a website for access to some hot fantasy reading; the site was called Lush Stories, or as known to it's members, simply Lush. There were no plans other than to read some erotic stories, perhaps masturbation would be the furthest action each might take while reading and arousing themselves, but certainly neither had any plans to meeting anyone.
After reading for a couple of weeks, Dave couldn't help but look at some of the profiles of some of the people who had actually submitted stories. He ran into some beautiful women and looking at their profiles noted that their “friends” were posting some very erotic pictures and gifs on what is called their walls. Damn! He was getting more aroused than he could ever imagine or anticipate. Some of these women would even post actual pictures of themselves, some more revealing than others and some even posting videos of themselves performing sex acts; fuck, this was way more exciting than he could possibly imagine compared to that first day when he registered to become a member.
Eventually, Dave requested to be befriended by a number of “women of Lush.” Many of these “friends” he would discover utilized photos and/or videos of professional models, rather than expose themselves. But about half were proud and aroused by exposing various erotic photos of themselves. And so, he not only drooled over the arousing photographic displays, but began to engage in chatting with his “friends.”
After some months, Dave decided to post some stories he had submitted on another website, that he rarely visited any longer. He also realized that he was enjoying the social interaction with his “friends” far more than reading erotic stories. Then there is the Forum that he would browse from time to time, gaining an understanding of the views different people held on a variety of topics.
The social aspects of Lush became far more of an integral part of Dave's daily activities than reading erotic stories, the initial draw of this website.
Dave also paid close attention to the response he was receiving from the stories he had submitted, both the rating people were giving his submissions, but more so comments and who posted comments. Then one day a comment was made, the person's profile was reviewed and Dave had to reach out to this person, asking her to be his “friend.” Shortly thereafter he received acceptance of him as a friend. Some polite exchanges were made via Lush and eventually just enough information was exchanged that had both Dave and Jill flirting with each other playfully.
The playful manner of their exchanges continued with each new communication seemingly turning the flames just a little higher. There were any number of true confession moments, particularly for Jill, as she revealed more and more of who she really was. Dave came to realize that most of the information on various people's profiles is largely fabricated to protect that person's true identity; this is especially true for women, who sadly must guard against the onslaught of pervs continually lurking on this type of website. In addition to the pervs being of concern, any number of people simply cannot be open for professional reasons.
But as the trust was building with each message box popping up, Jill became more and more comfortable and trusting of Dave as a person. Finally one day the dam broke loose and Dave was dubbed trustworthy by Jill; it was true confession time for real. Jill felt nervous as she detailed who she really was in a private email to Dave, baring her soul and unveiling previously held secrets regarding who this person really was.
Dave stared at this email for several minutes with his mind blown. He read it perhaps three times before he began to formulate his response. The minutes ticked by at a snail's pace for Jill, as she awaited his response. Would he be totally pissed and throw her overboard, have a million questions, be hurt that he had been lied to, or completely receptive and understanding of the need to protect her family and her career? Dave was no dummy and was actually impressed and felt honored that Jill obviously was showing her trust of him.
In the months that followed, the two of them exchanged little messages each day, becoming completely comfortable and able to say things to each other that they were not comfortable sharing with either their own spouse or best friend. There were any number of online sex chats. Each of these chats only serving to heighten each of their respective libidos.
The first time Dave was able to stimulate Jill's mind to the point of arousal that she actually had an orgasm, she remembers it being so very delicious and so intense, she actually squirted her release, something that hadn't happened since her college days. Her breathing was labored, her office was a mess and the sensual aroma of her release permeated her work confines. Dave sent her a number of frantic entries and thought the damn connection was lost, until she finally gathered the ability with shaking fingers to send him this note, “i;n opk i'm hre.” He just smiled, knowing she was getting close to her release before the awkward silence.
About five minutes later came the message, “You rotten bastard, why weren't you HERE? You pushed me so far over the edge, I made a total mess of my office, and I almost passed out literally! Thank you so much lover. That was the most intense orgasm that I've had in many years. How did you do that to me?”
He responded, “I can't tell you. But I am going to tell you this. I've had enough of this bullshit! I am tired of having the only thing getting a workout with you are my fingers with a damn keyboard. I've had it! We are going to meet and I'm going to ravish your body until you beg me to quit! Period! No discussion. Find a fucking conference in Chicago; you are coming to my home town, and I will have that hot body of yours! I won’t accept anything but a YES! Do you understand?”
Jill was stunned. He had never spoken to her in this manner. He was always so patient with her and understanding. She was shaken to her core. She was not use to this in any aspect of her life. She was a Medical Director and accustomed to coordinating people and resources to deliver the best possible care for her facility's patients. No one spoke to her like this; no one made demands like this. What the hell was happening here?
But what was happening here was something Jill certainly never saw coming. She poised her long beautifully manicured fingers above her keyboard. Operating by instinct or whatever power possessed her she unconsciously typed: “Okay it will be arranged and you will know the details shortly.” She knew she had to fulfill this escape. It was like a hundred pound weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She didn't have to make this decision and it felt great to have Dave state the obvious path that they both had known for some time; they were soon to be lovers!
Jill smiled and felt giddy!
On the other end of this connection, Dave stared at her response. He read it again and again. He thought, “Fuck, was that all that was needed? Son of a bitch, had I known I would have done this a month ago.” But deep down he knew that a month ago, his outburst would not have been received well by the normally in charge Jill Miller. He knew that his patience had paid off and they soon would be joined in a perfect union of body and soul. He fucking near skipped down the hall… smiling like a teenage boy, knowing he was going to get laid!
Dave attempted to concentrate on the account he was trying to land; trying to put the finishing touches on a proposal that he had begun to prepare five, maybe six times now. His mind kept drifting to Jill, wondering what the future held in their relationship. “Get a fucking grip dumb ass,” he thought to himself. “You have to make a living. Concentrate on this proposal, dammit.” But he was so distracted it was taking him hours to complete the simplest tasks that normally took minutes. What kind of hold did this woman have on him; on his mind; on his heart; on his very being? He pushed ahead. Finally completed, he handed his draft of the proposal to his colleague with whom he normally collaborated.
Minutes later a notification of new email popped up on his monitor. Dave pressed the tab and there was a new email from Jill but also another from a law office. He had to see about this law office email and what it was all about. The law office was one in the city center and was notifying him that they were handling a new estate for an old client of his that he could just never seem to make contact. This person had liquidated the family farmstead, and his final instructions were that Dave personally needed to invest these funds per the trust established in testamentary. “Please call Mr. Randolph at your earliest convenience.” His curiosity satisfied momentarily, he needed to see what Jill had sent him.
From the personal email account of Jill Miller, the email read: “Mr. Whiley, in two weeks time you will meet one Jill Miller at the Hyatt on Michigan Avenue and be my guest from Sunday evening until the following Friday afternoon. We will be attending the North Central Conference of Medical Directors of North America and you will be my escort, including the formal closing dinner dance on Thursday evening; black tie required. My flight will arrive on that Sunday at 12:10 PM. Would you like to pick me up at O'Hare or would you like to meet me at the hotel?”
“I'll pick you up at O'Hare. Please provide flight details,” he replied.
Two seconds later George, his colleague popped into his doorway. “Dave where did you get this proposal?”
“I just finished creating it why, doesn't it make any sense?”
“No, Dave. This is the best work you've ever done. You make your points succinctly and most convincingly. You are good, but honestly, if this doesn't sell them, then you will have let your mouth get in the way of the best investment proposal I have ever seen.”
“Thank you George. I really value your opinion.”
“Don't change a thing, except who is this Jill Miller? I am not familiar with her as a client.”
“What?” Dave inquired, red-faced.
“Well this proposal is for her isn't it? Her name is plastered all over this proposal.”
Snatching the proposal from George, Dave said, “Let me see that. Oh shit. That's a lady who is a trustee on an estate,” he lied. “I had spoken with her and must have inadvertently put her name on this proposal. Man, am I glad you caught that. This could have been most embarrassing. Oh well, easy enough to replace the name throughout. Thanks again for your review and catch.”
“No problem man. That's why we make a great team.”
Dave returned the call to the law firm, making an appointment in two days with the senior partner to discuss the investment of what he learned to be twenty five million dollars. Dave had a hard time containing his celebration, knowing the huge commission this new money would generate. Wow, it was just April and he knew this would be the best year of his career!
Another email from Jill appeared with her flight details and everything seemed to be falling into place.

Online Now!
Lush Cams
Life was good!
Although normally the two weeks until his rendezvous would have gone excruciatingly slow. However, he made the sale from his proposal and placed the investment via the law firm. With the avalanche of paperwork that these two sales generated, there were numerous times that Jill expressed her exasperation with him not being available to chat online. He was able to resolve her concerns with a couple of phone calls.
But as quickly as the two weeks flew by for Dave, they dragged by for Jill, as she just had normal routine days and many restless nights anticipating her meeting Dave for the first time face to face. But she forged ahead making all the necessary arrangements for her “business” trip. The day finally arrived and, with her stomach in knots, she made her way into the terminal. “What if he takes one look and just walks away?” she worried. Then gathering her inner strength, “Fuck it. I know I look good and I can't wait to meet Dave,” she assured herself.
So Jill Miller confidently strode into the sea of people wearing her charcoal pinstriped business suit, her toned legs encased enticingly in sheer nude stockings and clicking away with her three inch black pump heels announcing her arrival. As most people dressed casually for their flight and with her always professional stature, Jill Miller was a vision and easily recognized by from the pictures she had sent to Dave. Dressed in a suit but with an open collared shirt and looking very distinguished, Dave emerged from the crowd and stopped Jill in her tracks. Both were, in their eyes, undressing the other with adrenaline rushing through their systems.
Their eyes locked and soon they rushed into each others arms for a loving embrace that neither wanted to break, ever. And with lust in their eyes they enjoyed their first salacious kiss. Breaking away, Jill said, “Um perhaps we should get my bags.”
Gathering himself, “Uh, yeah… I guess before they ask us to get a room,” he laughed. So bags retrieved and loaded in the car, Dave opened the passenger door for Jill and couldn't help but notice her awesome legs as she knowingly parted them to tease him and her skirt rode up her toned thighs above her stocking tops. She fanned her embarrassment and even managed a slight blush, but this lovely creature knew exactly what she was doing.
Dave closed her door and went around the back of the car adjusting his hardening cock. As they pulled onto the Kennedy Expressway, Dave casually moved his hand to Jill's very exposed thigh. Yes, she knew exactly what she was doing and the affect she was having on Dave. She smiled to herself, knowing that soon she would have him; soon they would be making love and fulfilling their carnal cravings.
Jill so enjoyed the ride to the hotel, with Dave continually rubbing small circles on the inside of her thigh and working his invading fingers ever higher. Her arousal was climbing with each mile they traveled and she observed his now fully erect cock straining in his slacks. Turning the car over to the valet, the bags to the bellman, checked in and registered at the conference, they finally, finally made their way to the glass elevator. Being first on, they were soon crowded to the rear of the car. Dave suddenly felt a hand giving his buns a firm squeeze. Jill looked straight ahead and appeared so innocent, but with a knowing little smirk on her beautiful face; Dave just stared at her in awe, admiring this wonderful creature.
With their suite on the top floor, soon they had the elevator to themselves and wasted no time at all clutching at each other, their mouths locked in a most hedonistic kiss with their tongues dueling in a sweet mingling and their hands groping each other with wanton desire. By the time they got to the door of their room it was everything they could do to slide the card in the electronic lock before ripping each others clothes off. Soon clothes were flying in every direction, as they sought to kiss and suck each other, while fondling and making their way slowly onto the couch; the first comfortable landing spot they could find in the suite.
Now, both completely nude and their bodies entwined, they were both startled by the loud knock of the bellman delivering their bags. They were so lost in their lewd coupling they had completely dismissed any thought of the hotel people actually going about the tasks of their jobs. Dave ran to the bathroom to find two hotel robes, tossing one to Jill while struggling into his own. Jill nods her okay and Dave opened the door for the bellboy, momentarily forgetting about the recently shed clothing strewn about the floor, tossed onto a table and Jill's blouse actually resting on top of a lamp.
Red faced, Dave quickly located his trousers to find some cash for the sheepish looking young man. All he could find in his haste was a fifty dollar bill, which he pressed into the lad's hand as he ushered him from their love nest. But not before the intruder had caught a glimpse of Jill's luscious leg as her robe fell to the side and at least half a boob presented itself for viewing. Dave literally pushed the young man into the hall, closing the door and both he and Jill just looked at each other and laughed until there were tears in their eyes. “You think he has a clue?” Jill offered, still laughing.
“Yeah, he just might.” Maybe it wasn't his first delivery to a den with lovers so hungry for each other. Meanwhile the young bellboy making his way back to the elevator, smiled large, starring at the Franklin so urgently slipped into his hand and recalling the brief flash of lovely lady parts. All in all, making it a wonderful start to his day!
Dave approached Jill, offering her his hand and suggested, “how about we take this into the bedroom, where I can truly show you the passion I have for you that has been bottled up far too long.”
Taking his hand, they raced into the bedroom each removing and tossing their robes on to the floor and tumbling onto the king size bed, that will serve as their playground for the next several nights.
“At last, to hold you in my arms Jill… this has to be a dream. Are you really here? Am I dreaming?”
“No lover, you are not dreaming, unless we are both dreaming the same dream. I love being held in your arms.”
“Jill, your pictures really don't come close to doing you justice. You are beyond beautiful!” Dave was laying partially on top of Jill with his leg between her parted thighs, as he moved his leg repeatedly up into her Mons. His hand cupped her breast as he whispered in her ear all the naughty things he planned on doing to her lovely body. He nibbled on her ear lobe, licked her ear, sending chills down her spine. She moaned her pleasure and arched her back, as he ran his tongue down her neck.
“Oh fuck Dave,” she moaned. “Lover you are making me crazy. I love what you're doing,” she giggled and moaned.
“You should know I haven't even begun to pleasure your heavenly body.” Dave ran his tongue over her areola. They were dark brown and about the size of a silver dollar, with nipples that sat up proud on each of her C cup tits. As each areola was stimulated by his tongue, Dave enjoyed the vision of Jill's Montgomery glands becoming more prominent and her nipple so aroused and suckable; what a wonderful sight. Jill arched her back seemingly trying to stuff more of her breasts into his mouth.
“Oh God that feels wonderful. Mmm, please don't stop,” she whispered. “Damn, I love your mouth and tongue on my breasts. Mmm...”
Dave moved his hand down stroking her soft tummy. He loved the feel of a woman's skin in this area; always so smooth and soft, it just screamed of her soft delicate femininity. So he continued to nurse at Jill's ample breasts while stroking her silky skin. She loved his loving tender ways. She felt like he was adoring the core of her very womanhood. Ah, but he was on his way to her core. He moved his attention with his mouth to her other globe and moved his hand lower over her Mons and then stroked lightly the outer lips of her moist cunt.
Fireworks were going off in her head, as she steadily approached the first release of orgasmic bliss. She whipped her head to and fro as the waves of pleasure were building. But then he slipped two fingers into the depth of your drooling pussy, curling to the front wall of her womb to the spongy area of her g-spot. That did it! She flooded his hand with her release of her womanly nectar as wave after wave of her ultimate pleasure rumbled through her writhing body like a thunderous herd of stampeding buffalo.
Her mouth was dry and her hands put a death grip on the sheets while she humped at his invading fingers like a wanton whore. She cried out her release and her breathing came in gasps and gulps.
“Fuck me Dave! That is so good! Damn, where did you learn how to do that? Oh, fuck me! I need that hard cock of yours in me now!” she demanded.
Dave pulled back momentarily to take in the beauty of Jill in the throws of passionate release. He smiled down at this lovely creature, as her eyes fluttered open and she captured his loving gaze. She saw in those eyes a look of total adornment. Dave recognized her look of total surrender and the ultimate gift, the most precious gift that can be shared, in a moment of loving and longing for the most intimate union.
Dave rolled onto his back and Jill moved to straddle his torso, taking his thick manhood in her delicate hand and rubbing the head of his cock repeatedly along the petals of her wet love channel, coating the head with her juices. She raised up, positioning his manhood at the maidenhead of her sex. Slowly she lowered her body taking in each inch of his cock into her throbbing contracting pussy. Fully embedded to the hilt, she looked down on her lover and smiled at the coupling that they had both imagined and had longed for, for several months. So delicious.
Dave looked up at Jill and their eyes locked in love; their union now so complete, so right and oh so wonderful. Jill leaned forward pressing her full breasts with her aroused nipples into his chest and kissed him tenderly. There was no urgency with both lovers feeling fulfilled and loved and loving each other. But Jill could not help herself and could not resist moving her tight cunt up his rigid shaft and then slowly descending into this caldron of sin; this volunteering violation of the vows she took so long ago. She felt every luscious millimeter of this tool of love as her pussy enveloped and descended fully on his cock. Her pussy now continuously contracting on his throbbing man meat. Another wave of sexual arousal ascending through her thrusting pelvic region and radiating out to all parts of her body.
She felt so full; not just his invading member, but of love spilling out of her heart and totally overwhelming her body, her mind and her very soul. She continued to increase the pace of their coupling and whimpering, moaning and professing how great their mating felt!
Dave was throbbing harder and harder. He could feel Jill moving in a manner that he knew he had to be hitting all the good spots. To add to her pleasure, however, he was fondling, squeezing her heaving breasts and pulling on her taut nipples. With his other hand he was teasing her super sensitive and aroused clit that was so engorged, as it reared itself from its protective hood. Her juices were flowing steadily from her center coating his fingers and hand.
He kept raising his coated hand to her full sensuous lips, feeding her nectar to her as her tongue lashed out to suck her own arousal from his digits. He would repeat this time and again, but occasionally veering off course so he could taste her sweet surrender. Jill was such a beautiful and erotic woman, Dave couldn't get over his good fortune to have plucked this wonderful playmate from the over quarter of a million Lush members. God did this woman know how to fuck!
But it wasn't just a fuck. They made love to each other. They connected with each other. They both remembered all the wonderful things they each said to the other with their many online sessions. Words that genuinely conveyed their feelings, their arousal, their compliments, but more than anything, their new found love for each other.
All these thoughts filled their heads as they rushed to completion of what would be the first of their many couplings over the next few days. As their union became more urgent, Jill arch her back in the total release of her explosive climax, just as Dave's throbbing cock blasted shots of his cum repeatedly blasting off of her cervix… mmm, so delicious, so intimate, so right, so fulfilling.
Jill collapsed forward onto Dave's chest with his manhood still buried in her hot snatch, which was still contracting around the throbbing and invading cock she held on tight to, with her strong vaginal muscles. Dave stroked her lovely back as Jill nuzzled into his neck, both spending small nibbling kisses over the their partner's lips, neck, ears and face. So peaceful after this storm of sweet release the loving couple dozed into a blissful and comfortable loving embrace.
Although normally the two weeks until his rendezvous would have gone excruciatingly slow. However, he made the sale from his proposal and placed the investment via the law firm. With the avalanche of paperwork that these two sales generated, there were numerous times that Jill expressed her exasperation with him not being available to chat online. He was able to resolve her concerns with a couple of phone calls.
But as quickly as the two weeks flew by for Dave, they dragged by for Jill, as she just had normal routine days and many restless nights anticipating her meeting Dave for the first time face to face. But she forged ahead making all the necessary arrangements for her “business” trip. The day finally arrived and, with her stomach in knots, she made her way into the terminal. “What if he takes one look and just walks away?” she worried. Then gathering her inner strength, “Fuck it. I know I look good and I can't wait to meet Dave,” she assured herself.
So Jill Miller confidently strode into the sea of people wearing her charcoal pinstriped business suit, her toned legs encased enticingly in sheer nude stockings and clicking away with her three inch black pump heels announcing her arrival. As most people dressed casually for their flight and with her always professional stature, Jill Miller was a vision and easily recognized by from the pictures she had sent to Dave. Dressed in a suit but with an open collared shirt and looking very distinguished, Dave emerged from the crowd and stopped Jill in her tracks. Both were, in their eyes, undressing the other with adrenaline rushing through their systems.
Their eyes locked and soon they rushed into each others arms for a loving embrace that neither wanted to break, ever. And with lust in their eyes they enjoyed their first salacious kiss. Breaking away, Jill said, “Um perhaps we should get my bags.”
Gathering himself, “Uh, yeah… I guess before they ask us to get a room,” he laughed. So bags retrieved and loaded in the car, Dave opened the passenger door for Jill and couldn't help but notice her awesome legs as she knowingly parted them to tease him and her skirt rode up her toned thighs above her stocking tops. She fanned her embarrassment and even managed a slight blush, but this lovely creature knew exactly what she was doing.
Dave closed her door and went around the back of the car adjusting his hardening cock. As they pulled onto the Kennedy Expressway, Dave casually moved his hand to Jill's very exposed thigh. Yes, she knew exactly what she was doing and the affect she was having on Dave. She smiled to herself, knowing that soon she would have him; soon they would be making love and fulfilling their carnal cravings.
Jill so enjoyed the ride to the hotel, with Dave continually rubbing small circles on the inside of her thigh and working his invading fingers ever higher. Her arousal was climbing with each mile they traveled and she observed his now fully erect cock straining in his slacks. Turning the car over to the valet, the bags to the bellman, checked in and registered at the conference, they finally, finally made their way to the glass elevator. Being first on, they were soon crowded to the rear of the car. Dave suddenly felt a hand giving his buns a firm squeeze. Jill looked straight ahead and appeared so innocent, but with a knowing little smirk on her beautiful face; Dave just stared at her in awe, admiring this wonderful creature.
With their suite on the top floor, soon they had the elevator to themselves and wasted no time at all clutching at each other, their mouths locked in a most hedonistic kiss with their tongues dueling in a sweet mingling and their hands groping each other with wanton desire. By the time they got to the door of their room it was everything they could do to slide the card in the electronic lock before ripping each others clothes off. Soon clothes were flying in every direction, as they sought to kiss and suck each other, while fondling and making their way slowly onto the couch; the first comfortable landing spot they could find in the suite.
Now, both completely nude and their bodies entwined, they were both startled by the loud knock of the bellman delivering their bags. They were so lost in their lewd coupling they had completely dismissed any thought of the hotel people actually going about the tasks of their jobs. Dave ran to the bathroom to find two hotel robes, tossing one to Jill while struggling into his own. Jill nods her okay and Dave opened the door for the bellboy, momentarily forgetting about the recently shed clothing strewn about the floor, tossed onto a table and Jill's blouse actually resting on top of a lamp.
Red faced, Dave quickly located his trousers to find some cash for the sheepish looking young man. All he could find in his haste was a fifty dollar bill, which he pressed into the lad's hand as he ushered him from their love nest. But not before the intruder had caught a glimpse of Jill's luscious leg as her robe fell to the side and at least half a boob presented itself for viewing. Dave literally pushed the young man into the hall, closing the door and both he and Jill just looked at each other and laughed until there were tears in their eyes. “You think he has a clue?” Jill offered, still laughing.
“Yeah, he just might.” Maybe it wasn't his first delivery to a den with lovers so hungry for each other. Meanwhile the young bellboy making his way back to the elevator, smiled large, starring at the Franklin so urgently slipped into his hand and recalling the brief flash of lovely lady parts. All in all, making it a wonderful start to his day!
Dave approached Jill, offering her his hand and suggested, “how about we take this into the bedroom, where I can truly show you the passion I have for you that has been bottled up far too long.”
Taking his hand, they raced into the bedroom each removing and tossing their robes on to the floor and tumbling onto the king size bed, that will serve as their playground for the next several nights.
“At last, to hold you in my arms Jill… this has to be a dream. Are you really here? Am I dreaming?”
“No lover, you are not dreaming, unless we are both dreaming the same dream. I love being held in your arms.”
“Jill, your pictures really don't come close to doing you justice. You are beyond beautiful!” Dave was laying partially on top of Jill with his leg between her parted thighs, as he moved his leg repeatedly up into her Mons. His hand cupped her breast as he whispered in her ear all the naughty things he planned on doing to her lovely body. He nibbled on her ear lobe, licked her ear, sending chills down her spine. She moaned her pleasure and arched her back, as he ran his tongue down her neck.
“Oh fuck Dave,” she moaned. “Lover you are making me crazy. I love what you're doing,” she giggled and moaned.
“You should know I haven't even begun to pleasure your heavenly body.” Dave ran his tongue over her areola. They were dark brown and about the size of a silver dollar, with nipples that sat up proud on each of her C cup tits. As each areola was stimulated by his tongue, Dave enjoyed the vision of Jill's Montgomery glands becoming more prominent and her nipple so aroused and suckable; what a wonderful sight. Jill arched her back seemingly trying to stuff more of her breasts into his mouth.
“Oh God that feels wonderful. Mmm, please don't stop,” she whispered. “Damn, I love your mouth and tongue on my breasts. Mmm...”
Dave moved his hand down stroking her soft tummy. He loved the feel of a woman's skin in this area; always so smooth and soft, it just screamed of her soft delicate femininity. So he continued to nurse at Jill's ample breasts while stroking her silky skin. She loved his loving tender ways. She felt like he was adoring the core of her very womanhood. Ah, but he was on his way to her core. He moved his attention with his mouth to her other globe and moved his hand lower over her Mons and then stroked lightly the outer lips of her moist cunt.
Fireworks were going off in her head, as she steadily approached the first release of orgasmic bliss. She whipped her head to and fro as the waves of pleasure were building. But then he slipped two fingers into the depth of your drooling pussy, curling to the front wall of her womb to the spongy area of her g-spot. That did it! She flooded his hand with her release of her womanly nectar as wave after wave of her ultimate pleasure rumbled through her writhing body like a thunderous herd of stampeding buffalo.
Her mouth was dry and her hands put a death grip on the sheets while she humped at his invading fingers like a wanton whore. She cried out her release and her breathing came in gasps and gulps.
“Fuck me Dave! That is so good! Damn, where did you learn how to do that? Oh, fuck me! I need that hard cock of yours in me now!” she demanded.
Dave pulled back momentarily to take in the beauty of Jill in the throws of passionate release. He smiled down at this lovely creature, as her eyes fluttered open and she captured his loving gaze. She saw in those eyes a look of total adornment. Dave recognized her look of total surrender and the ultimate gift, the most precious gift that can be shared, in a moment of loving and longing for the most intimate union.
Dave rolled onto his back and Jill moved to straddle his torso, taking his thick manhood in her delicate hand and rubbing the head of his cock repeatedly along the petals of her wet love channel, coating the head with her juices. She raised up, positioning his manhood at the maidenhead of her sex. Slowly she lowered her body taking in each inch of his cock into her throbbing contracting pussy. Fully embedded to the hilt, she looked down on her lover and smiled at the coupling that they had both imagined and had longed for, for several months. So delicious.
Dave looked up at Jill and their eyes locked in love; their union now so complete, so right and oh so wonderful. Jill leaned forward pressing her full breasts with her aroused nipples into his chest and kissed him tenderly. There was no urgency with both lovers feeling fulfilled and loved and loving each other. But Jill could not help herself and could not resist moving her tight cunt up his rigid shaft and then slowly descending into this caldron of sin; this volunteering violation of the vows she took so long ago. She felt every luscious millimeter of this tool of love as her pussy enveloped and descended fully on his cock. Her pussy now continuously contracting on his throbbing man meat. Another wave of sexual arousal ascending through her thrusting pelvic region and radiating out to all parts of her body.
She felt so full; not just his invading member, but of love spilling out of her heart and totally overwhelming her body, her mind and her very soul. She continued to increase the pace of their coupling and whimpering, moaning and professing how great their mating felt!
Dave was throbbing harder and harder. He could feel Jill moving in a manner that he knew he had to be hitting all the good spots. To add to her pleasure, however, he was fondling, squeezing her heaving breasts and pulling on her taut nipples. With his other hand he was teasing her super sensitive and aroused clit that was so engorged, as it reared itself from its protective hood. Her juices were flowing steadily from her center coating his fingers and hand.
He kept raising his coated hand to her full sensuous lips, feeding her nectar to her as her tongue lashed out to suck her own arousal from his digits. He would repeat this time and again, but occasionally veering off course so he could taste her sweet surrender. Jill was such a beautiful and erotic woman, Dave couldn't get over his good fortune to have plucked this wonderful playmate from the over quarter of a million Lush members. God did this woman know how to fuck!
But it wasn't just a fuck. They made love to each other. They connected with each other. They both remembered all the wonderful things they each said to the other with their many online sessions. Words that genuinely conveyed their feelings, their arousal, their compliments, but more than anything, their new found love for each other.
All these thoughts filled their heads as they rushed to completion of what would be the first of their many couplings over the next few days. As their union became more urgent, Jill arch her back in the total release of her explosive climax, just as Dave's throbbing cock blasted shots of his cum repeatedly blasting off of her cervix… mmm, so delicious, so intimate, so right, so fulfilling.
Jill collapsed forward onto Dave's chest with his manhood still buried in her hot snatch, which was still contracting around the throbbing and invading cock she held on tight to, with her strong vaginal muscles. Dave stroked her lovely back as Jill nuzzled into his neck, both spending small nibbling kisses over the their partner's lips, neck, ears and face. So peaceful after this storm of sweet release the loving couple dozed into a blissful and comfortable loving embrace.