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Our Last Backyard Party

"Old friends, partying, cheating, exposing their infidelity, putting their lives together in limbo!"

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The night air was cool, and the sky was black, filled with twinkling stars millions of miles away. The fire pit was roaring, and the booze was flowing. It was our last backyard party of the year, and the eight of us were having one last cookout before winter took over.

Light jazz played in the background, and we were all sipping our favorite beverage. Ed was grilling the steaks and veggies while Martha was preparing the rest of the spread in the kitchen. Caroline and Frank were cuddled under a blanket on a lounger, whispering. She was giggling, so there was no telling what was happening under the blanket.

Me, Heath, I lay casually, watching Sue and Dan slowly swaying to the tune. They were glued together, their hips pressed tight against each other with thighs between thighs. Sue had her hands behind Dan's head, running her fingers through his hair. Dan’s hands slowly moved down Sue's back, cupping her bottom cheeks and squeezing them as they humped on each other. Their eyes were locked in a loving gaze. They looked like a couple in love. They were in their own little world, and I am sure in their own minds, they were the only two people here. 

It was a beautiful sight, but there was one little problem. They were not a couple in real life. No, Sue is my wife, at least she still is, and Dan is Donna’s husband. Donna was lying on a lounger to my right, passed out. She doesn’t handle alcohol well and has already gone over her limit. So, Donna had no idea what was going on and may not have cared, even if she was awake.

On the other hand, I was not happy with what I was seeing. It instantly raised questions in my mind. Their closeness and how they looked at each other made me suspect this was not the first time they had shared such an intimate moment. Sure, they had danced together many times over the six years we had all been friends. And there had been touching and a few kisses, but this was far different than just a casual dance and a little flirting. This was more of a full-on seduction. But the real question was, who was seducing whom, or was it mutual? To me, the husband, this looked like it was the continuation of an earlier encounter and possibly one of many interludes between them.  

As I continued watching them, the seduction progressed to the point that none of us was in their space, and soon, if something didn’t happen to bring them back to reality, they might begin removing each other's clothes or at least profoundly kissing and caressing one another more.

I considered how to bring them back to reality and decided on a crazy idea.

I slipped off my lounger and moved on to the lounger with Donna. She stirred. I leaned over and whispered, “Donna, I think your husband and my wife have been fucking.” I hoped that would wake her up. “Open your eyes and see what I have been watching. Don’t move or say anything. Just look at them.”

Donna’s eyes fluttered and opened. They looked glazed as she tried to understand what I had told her. Her eyes began to clear, and she looked up at me with confusion written on her face. She opened her mouth to speak, but I put my finger over her lips, shook my head, and looked toward Sue and Dan. I looked back and saw that Donna intently watched the couple as they continued their mating dance. 

I saw a change in Donna’s eyes. She quickly sobered up as anger surfaced. Donna started to move. I gripped her arm and whispered, “No, Donna, don’t do anything. We need to see what happens and how this plays out.”

Donna looked at me like I was crazy. Tears formed in her eyes. I whispered, “I don't know what is happening, but we will know soon and end this tonight.”

I held her, and she sighed, “Ok, Heath!”

We lay back and watched our spouses as they continued their seductive dance. Looking to see if anyone noticed them, they slowly moved across the pool deck to a darker area. I took out my phone and took a few pictures, then as they moved into the shadows, I started a video following them. The phone lens made the darkness seem lighter, so I could see when they began to kiss and feel each other more intimately. These were not friendly kisses or acts. They were acts of lovers. Passionate, loving kisses that I am sure had their tongues dancing.  

Donna watched, and as she saw them kiss, she turned to me, whispering, “Maybe we should go inside, find a bedroom, and fuck each other. It would serve them right, don't you think?” 

That was a capital idea, and it would serve the cheaters right. Donna is a beautiful sexy woman, and I bet she is a good fuck. If I thought for sure Sue and Dan had been fucking, I would pull her inside, take her to the bathroom, lean her over the vanity, and pound her pussy hard, satisfying us with mutual orgasms.

“Really?” I asked quietly.

Donna moved her hand to the bulge in my shorts. I was semi-hard. I admit that watching my wife being handled by another man was a little bit exciting but also very upsetting at the same time, especially when the man had been my best friend for over twenty years. I was not ashamed my cock was getting hard, but when Donna made her suggestion that she would fuck me, and her hand squeezed my cock I grew hard as stone.

“Donna, are you serious?” I whispered. “If you are serious, I would love to taste you and fuck you.”

Donna was fully awake and clear-eyed. “I have suspected Dan has been fucking someone for a while now. I just had no idea who the woman was. Now I guess I know.”

That statement sent a bolt of anger through me. Was it true? I had not seen any signs or was too blind to see them. I swallowed hard and looked at Donna. “Do you think Dan and Sue have been fucking?”

“Well, Heath, look at them. They’re all over each other. Haven’t you seen them flirting whenever we are together? They went missing last week at your house while we played cards. What was that all about?”

“Sue told me she went to show Dan the work we were doing downstairs in the new family room,” I said.

“Well, there you have it. We were all preoccupied, so they went downstairs and fucked, I am sure of it.  I looked at Sue when she came back upstairs, and she had that rosy, pink glow around her a woman gets when they have been freshly fucked.” Donna stated.

“Fuck, how do I miss these things,” I asked in desperation.

“You love her and would never think she could cheat on you. The same way I feel about Dan. Jesus, Dan is your best friend. Who does that to his best friend?” Donna asked with ire in her voice. 

“Did you say anything to Dan?” I asked.

“Hell no, he’s rich. He is a great fuck. He is an excellent dad to Ellie, and I love him. As long as he doesn't leave me and treats me with respect, which he is not doing now, I will tolerate his fucking around.

Later tonight, things will change, as I am sure they will with Sue. But for now, let's have fun at their expense. What is good for them is good for us.” Donna said with a smile, squeezing my cock again, waking him up further.   

“Ok, let's do it. Dinner will be ready soon. Let's go fuck and come back a little late. Let them wonder about where we have been. I’ll make sure you have a pussy full of cum and a freshly fucked glow on your face when we come back.” I said, leaning down and kissing her softly.

Donna rolled away from me, stood, and held out her hand. I was up in a flash, taking her hand and following her lead. My dick was tenting my shorts, but at this point, I didn’t care who saw.  We made our way past Ed and Martha, who were talking as they worked on the food. They paid us no mind, so we slipped into the house, upstairs to a guest bedroom.

The door closed, and the lock set. I turned, and Donna was half undressed already. I stripped off my T-shirt and dropped my shorts. She slicked down her panties, and we stood naked, looking at each other.

I had long wondered what Donna covered with her clothes, and it was now fully displayed for me. She was a beautiful woman of thirty-one. Her body was firm. She had a little girl a year ago, but her body looks perfect now. She had flat abs, nice firm breasts with hard nipples, and her pussy was bare, just like I liked it. I was ready for a good fuck. I knew Donna was going to enjoy this, as was I.

I reached out and pulled her to me. She is a petite woman, so I picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around my waist. Her hot body felt good against me. My cock was laying against her hot pussy, and I could feel her wetness. I cupped her ass in each hand, letting my little fingers slip between her cheeks. One touched her pussy, teasing her lips, while the other finger teased her puckered back hole.

Donna sucked air in and hissed. She looked me in the eyes, “Heath, no one has ever played back there.”

“Never not even touching you there?” I asked.

“No, never.”

“Well, Donna, I would bet Dan has been in Sue’s ass by now. She loves a good ass fucking!” I said softly as I pressed my pinky against her crinkle. It yielded, slowly opening and letting me just inside. I stopped there, just teasing her but going no further. That would come at another time, maybe.

Donna moaned, “That is nasty, but I might try it?” She cooed as she leaned in and kissed me, humping her pussy against my belly and sliding her wet pussy lips along my cock. I knew it was time.

“I'm going to fuck you now, Donna. Are you ready for the best fuck of your life?” I teased.

Donna looked into my eyes, smiled, and reached down, finding my cock, and placing it against her wet hole. She rolled her hips, letting my cockhead slip inside. “Oh baby, yes, push that big hard cock deep inside me,” she told me softly and kissed me hard.

I thrust my hips up and felt her pussy spread open as I filled her hole. Donna moaned and pushed down, taking over half my cock, and stopped. “Oh, Heath, you have a nice big cock, longer than Dan’s.” She pushed down just as I flexed my hips and buried my whole seven-and-a-half inches in her hot, wet hole.

Donna laid her face against my chest and moaned, “Oh Fuck yeah, do me baby make me cum!” 

I moved over to the bathroom door, closed it, and pressed Donna against the robe hanging there. Donna looked at me and smiled with a dreamy look in her eyes, “Do me, Heath, let's fuck and make them pay. Fuck me hard. Let's make noise so they hear us!”

Donna gripped the back of my head and kissed me hard. She pushed her tongue into my mouth and moaned loudly. I pulled back, lifting her, sliding my cock all the way out. I held her there until she started to whimper, “You are a fucking tease! God Damnit fuck me, fuck me good!”

I kissed her back and drove my cock deep into her cunt, pressing my balls against her asshole, making a slapping sound as our bodies came together. I didn’t stop this time and pounded Donna against the door. We were fucking hard now. We were fully engaged, in sync like a fine-oiled machine, banging each other stroke after stroke.

As our fucking became more frantic, I realized that Donna had said nothing, only moans and whimpers, but still, we were making a lot of noise, banging against the door. I was getting tired, so I spun around and moved to bed.

With Donna clinging to me, I crawled on the bed and laid Donna out on her back. She spread herself open, looking up at me, and I could see she was starting to glow. She smiled, “God, I love your big cock. We should have done this before.”  

Donna’s legs were still hooked over my arms, so I pushed them back and began pounding her sweet pussy, not missing a stroke. We got serious, knowing we didn’t have much time. I fucked her hard, then harder, making Donna squeal loudly. I was sure she was reacting to my fucking, but she was exaggerating her screams, hoping everyone heard.  

Donna looked up at me, locking her eyes on mine. “Ok, Heath baby, make me cum hard and fill my pussy with your big load. I am going to scream so loud they will all hear us.”

“Here we go, Donna. I am taking this sweet pussy as mine, so cum for me, baby, cum loud.” I started to pound her.

Donna’s ass started bouncing off the bed, meeting every thrust. Deep and hard, I fucked her. She began to whine as she was edging close to cumming. She gripped my arms and screamed, “Cum in me now. Fill my pussy Heath. OH GOD, I am cumming!”

Donna’s scream was shrill, so everyone had to hear it.

I stayed focused and fucked her hard, making her come a second time before my balls drew up, and I unloaded, buried balls deep in her sweet pussy. I grunted loudly, speaking of how sweet her pussy was, and shouted I had cum.

Donna was a great fuck. I was right about that. So, what the hell was wrong with Dan? He had a great piece of ass at home, so why was he fucking my wife? And Jesus, why was Sue fucking Dan? We would end this shit tonight.

I rolled off Donna, looking down at her. She had that glow she referred to, making me proud that I had satisfied her. I leaned down and kissed her. “I loved this. You were amazing. Your body is exquisite. I want to worship it more when we can take a while and not just have a quicky. We will do this again regardless of what happens tonight. We owe it to each other, and those two cheaters can’t say a fucking word!”

Donna rose and hugged me, whispering in my ear. “God, you are a good fuck. I thought Dan was good, but you are so much better. Sue is literally getting the short stick,” Donna laughed.

My cock pulsed, and Donna felt it. She leaned over, taking me in her mouth to the root, holding me there, lathing my cock with her hot tongue. I moaned as she teased my cock. She palmed my balls and squeezed them. Donna pulled off me and smiled, “I wanted to taste us on your cock. We taste good together. I want to swallow your cum next time, OK?”

I stroked her face and kissed her. Yes, I need to eat that sweet pussy before I make love to it next time, then later, I will fuck you into submission until you beg me to stop.” I teased, sliding a finger into her drenched pussy.

“We have to go. If they don't know where we are, they will look for us,” I said.

We dressed and walked down the steps, through the kitchen, and out on the pool deck.


As we walked out the sliding glass door, Donna smiled and asked. “Is there a big steak ready for me and Heath? We are both starving now!”

Everyone stopped eating and looked up at us. Dan and Sue were sitting close together, as I expected. When we came outside, they looked shocked, as did Martha and Ed. But Frank kept eating. Caroline smiled, saying, “We wondered where you had gone. Then I heard Donna howling, and I knew.”

The others all looked at Caroline and then at us. Sue looked at Dan, then back at me, and asked, “Where were you? What have you two been doing?”

Donna piped up. “I had something I needed Heath to help me with inside. He did an excellent job. I am very satisfied with his effort.” Donna smiled, walked to the food warmer, and got two big ribeye steaks and corn.

I smiled and sat down at the open side of the picnic table. Donna came over and handed me a plate. “Here you go, darling. You need to keep up your strength.” She teased, rubbing the back of my neck with a little giggle. Boy, Donna was really laying it on them!

Sue looked at me with concern on her face. She wondered where we had been and hoped I would say something, but I said nothing. Then she leaned over and whispered, “What were you helping Donna with?”

I looked at Sue, letting my mouth turn into a sly smile, but said nothing. I paid no attention to her or Dan, either. That indeed made them uneasy. I began to eat.


Whatever conversation the group was having when we came out had ended right then. Strange looks were all around, but Donna and I were smiling and happy. So, I added a little something and asked, “So what did we miss while we were inside?”

No one said anything. Once again, I dug in a little more. “Before we went inside, I saw you two fooling around under the blanket, you naughty kids,” I teased, pointing at Frank and Caroline between bites. 

They looked at each other smiling, so I teased them more, “Maybe a little stinky finger was happening?” Suddenly, they looked sheepish and a little embarrassed.

“No problem, Caroline, I am sure it felt good, and your scent… oh my!” I said as I ran my middle finger under my nose and smiled.

Their faces blushed, and Caroline whispered something to Frank. I couldn’t hear her, but she looked at me and smiled.

Donna elbowed me, “Stop being so mean, Heath!”


The six of them were taken by my boldness. I was not generally like this. I am the quiet one that lets everyone else get in their jabs, with me being the butt of the jokes many times. Maybe that is why Dan and Sue thought what they were doing was OK. Well, they were about to learn differently.

Donna leaned into me and swatted my shoulder. It was all in fun or supposed to seem like that. But we knew that Sue and Dan were on edge. I decided to be a little more direct. “So, Dan, I was watching you two dancing and mentioned it to Donna. We are both concerned because you looked glued at your hips like Sue and I when we danced together. You looked like lovers. Is there anything to that? I wondered because I was talking to Donna after I woke her up. You two slipped off into the shadows like you wanted some private time. What was that all about?” My tone was very firm, not like I usually would be.

Now that I had smacked them with the direct question, how would they react?

Donna and I stared at them, not taking our eyes off our partners. And suddenly, they put down their forks and looked at each other with questioning eyes. The looks on their faces changed from questioning to concern, with a bit of fear mixed in. Simultaneously, they looked at us and swallowed hard. They were trying to fashion an answer.

But before either of them could speak, I added something more, “As you two danced over to the dark side of the yard, I took a few pictures. Maybe I should send the pics to the group, and you guys can tell Donna and me what you think. I played with my phone for a second, then looked at the two of them. Their faces were covered with fear. I hit send, and the pictures and video went to the partiers. Suddenly, all their phones buzzed and chimed.

I sat back and whispered to Donna, “They’re caught!” Donna gripped my thigh, squeezing it. 

When Sue opened her phone, my text opened, and she saw my message.

My text: “Caught you!” and the video played, showing Dan kissing her.

At about the exact moment, Dan opened my text.

My text: “You were my best friend, no more. You are nothing to me and probably Donna as well!”

The look on their faces was… well, a Mastercard moment of the greatest magnitude.


Oh God… what have I done!!

Heath saw Dan and me dancing, grinding like we were lovers. I was caught up in the moment, so between being tipsy and horny, Dan had me going. Jesus, Heath, saw us kissing and has a video of us. SHIT!!! And Donna, my good friend, and I had been with her husband. Oh God, how stupid of me, of us!! Do they know what else has happened? I hope not.

Today, we were all having a good time. Swimming earlier, sunbathing, and drinking. I had too many tequila shots. When Dan started flirting with me, putting on the press as he had recently done. He has been after me a lot lately, getting me twice before today. I can’t resist him when he does this, and he usually breaks me down and gets me. I don’t know why this started suddenly, but something about him gets to me. It had never been like this until about a month ago. Nothing had ever happened before except that we had kissed as we all had occasionally. We also had been a little handsy with each other.

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One day, a month ago, that all changed. Dan called me at work to go for coffee, and like an idiot, I agreed. He picked me up at lunch and drove us to a Starbucks on the other side of town near the college so no one we knew could see us.  

We had coffee, and we split a sweet pastry. Then Dan started to work on me. He held my hand, caressing it. Then I felt his leg rub against mine. He told me. “Sue, I lust so badly for you. My balls tighten when I am with you. I need you to come to bed with me and let me make love to you.”

Wow, I was shocked. What an admission. But at the same time, I was instantly wet and extremely horny. I had a hard time sitting still. My pussy was suddenly on fire. But why? My sex life with Heath is incredible. I have never wanted or needed another man. I was perplexed.

Dan told me, “Sue, I have a room at the Red Roof Inn next door. I want to take you there now and show you how it feels for us to make love.”

Shocked even more, I pulled my hand away and sat back, moving my chair away so his leg no longer touched me. I looked at Dan and saw lust in his eyes. I knew I had to get away from him right then, or he would be fucking me very soon. I was surprised by how my body reacted and struggled because his invitation confused me. My pussy wanted it, and I think I did too, but I could not cheat on Heath. I pulled out my cell phone and ordered an Uber.

Dan sat looking at me, waiting for my response. I said nothing and just looked at him. I started to fidget. Finally, five minutes passed, and I stood, “Thank you for the coffee and your offer, but I must leave now.” I turned and walked out to the waiting Uber, not looking back.

On the ride back to work, I received a text from Dan. I waited to read it till I was in my office.

Dan’s text: “I am sorry I shocked you, but your leaving does not change how I feel. I want you in my bed and will make it happen.”

That message sent a powerful surge to my pussy, making me very wet. I was shocked at Dan’s boldness. He was my husband's best friend. I didn’t want to cheat on Heath and create a problem between them or Donna, his wife, and me. I admit that the thought of fucking Dan made my pussy wet. He is a sexy man and has some pull on me when we are together. All his flirting had some effect on me, and it happened every time we were together.

I thought of my response and wrote,

My text: “Dan, you are bold. I like that. I am not sure this idea is good, but it interests me. I will have to think about it. Don't stop trying. You might get lucky.”

I sent it and instantly thought what a foolish thing to do. I was leading Dan on. I didn’t want him to stop. The flirting was fun, and I could stop any time I wanted, couldn’t I?

So, I finished my day and went home to Heath. I was so horny that I climbed onto Heath's lap, kissing him. And without a word, I slid down his body, like a snake, kissing him through his clothes, onto my knees, and removed his slacks and boxers. He must like what I was doing because his cock was nice and hard, popping out, standing tall for me.

I looked up at Heath and smiled as I gripped him lightly and slowly stroked him. I leaned over and licked around the crown of his cock, teasing his frenulum, his sensitive spot. He liked it!

“Oh Jesus, Sue, what has gotten into you? Don’t stop. Put me in your mouth,” he begged.

I did as Heath asked and swallowed his entire eight-inch cock into my throat. I had long since learned to deep throat and loved feeling his thick cockhead pressed down my gullet. I swallowed hard, squeezing his cockhead, and making Heath groan. “Oh Fuck, Sue, suck it, suck it hard, play with my balls. I want to cum in your mouth.” 

Unlike most men, if they would cum in my mouth, they would be done, and I would not have any pleasure myself, but not Heath. He can cum and cum and still stay as hard as an eighteen-year-old. So, I did as he requested, knowing he would fuck me hard, pounding me into the floor and making me cum many times before he filled my pussy with his sweet cream.

I swallowed his load, tasting the sweet and salty cum as it rolled off my tongue and down my throat. I licked my lips, smacking them, and smiled, “Yummy baby like always!”

I rolled onto my back on the carpet. I raised my hips, pulling my skirt up to my waist. I slipped my soaked panties down my legs, leaving them at my knees. I slipped my hand between my legs, rubbing my clit, then slid two fingers into my horny wet pussy. I slipped them in and out, making a squishing sound.

My eyes never left Heath as he stood and stripped off the rest of his clothes. He looked so hot with his hard cock standing straight out from his hips. I needed that big boy inside me now.

Heath leaned down, grabbed my wet panties, and ripped them off, making me gasp with excitement.  I knew I was going to like what was coming next, so I opened my legs wide and pulled them up, holding them behind my knees. I was so hot for his big cock. I looked down and saw my pussy lips were flared open, inviting him inside.

Heath wasted no time moving between my legs. He kissed behind my right knee, then the left. I moaned as his tongue danced down my thigh, stopping to suck the valley on the side of my mound. Then he repeated that, kissing down the other thigh, sucking that valley too. God, I was so hot; I needed his cock in me! I moaned, “Oh baby, please fuck me?”

Heath continued teasing and licked me from my asshole to my clit, wiggling his tongue through my lips, then taking my hard nub in his mouth and sucking on it. I was edging so close to cumming that I begged him again. “Oh God, baby, please, please, no more teasing. I need your cock now!”

“So, what has made you so hot tonight, baby? I just fucked you good this morning, you came like a geyser. Something must have got you excited at work. Who was it?” Heath teased.

Oh God, yes, someone had me wound up all right, and if he knew who, Heath would fucking go crazy. I just moaned and reached up, pulling his mouth down, and kissed him hard. My other hand gripped his nice hard cock and pointed it at my hot pink hole. “God Damnit, fuck me now!!!”

He listened and slammed his cock, balls deep into me. That set off an explosion, and we were instantly rutting like fucking animals. Carpet burn be damned. We were rolling around like wild people. Heath’s cock was driving into me over and over. I was moaning loudly and started cumming over and over, almost like one long orgasm.

Heath rolled me over on my knees, putting his shirt under them. I knew what was next I was getting a serious ass fucking, which would make me cum like the atomic bomb.

I felt Heath's cock slide back into my pussy, slowly fucking me as he prepared my ass for what was to come. A glob of spit dropped on my asshole, and his thick thumb spread it and pushed inside, opening me a little. His thick cock would spread me much more in a few seconds. 

Heath's cock started to pound my pussy hard, taking me to the edge again. Then he pulled out all lubed up. He popped his thumb out and pushed his fat cockhead through my sphincter, sliding deep into my ass. The sensation of his big cock filling my ass made me cum instantly, and I gasped, “Oh Fuck, Baby, yes!  Fuck my ass cum in me, fill my chute!”

Heath drilled my ass with full strokes, and his balls slapped against my pussy. Heath held my hips tight and pounded my asshole. I pushed fingers deep into my pussy, three of them working my spot and pressing against his cock through the thin wall separating them. 

We were both making animal noises and starting to sweat. My pussy was leaking a river of cream running down my thighs, soaking Heath's shirt. I began to have anal orgasms too. Once now and then, mixed with the little poppers I was giving my pussy. I knew I was building to the tsunami orgasm when I cum in my ass and cunt at the exact moment. It felt incredible, and I thought I would die from the pleasure. It has only happened a few times, but I strive to make one happen every time Heath is fucking my ass.

“Oh baby, it is coming, so fuck my ass hard! Ohhhhh, God, it's here!” I screamed. The tsunami orgasm arrived, and my pussy exploded on my fingers, spewing cream everywhere. My asshole clamped down on Heath’s cock.

Heath groaned loudly. “OH FUUUUUCCCCKKKK… CUUMMIINNGG”   

He was gripping my hips tight, holding his cock deep in my ass. I felt his cock pulsing as my ass was milking him, drawing his hot cum out and filling my ass. I screamed as the massive orgasms ripped through me. I was shaking so hard I collapsed, and Heath fell on me, still buried deep in my ass.

Heath rose on his knees, lifted my hips, and began fucking my ass again. His cock was still hard, and like he always was able, he could fuck me for an hour. My ass was in heaven as his hardness slid in and out. My fingers worked on my clit, and I was cumming on my fingers again now as his amazing cock plowed my ass. I was growing weak, knowing I was about done. I reached under us and played with Heath’s balls, squeezing them. I could feel they were full again.

“Cum for me, baby. Fill me ass again.” I squeezed his balls again and groaned. I felt his balls tighten. With one long deep stroke, he pushed deep into my ass. His tight balls were drawn up and pressed against my pussy.

Heath let out a deep animal growl, and I felt a fire set in my ass as his cum filled me again. I screamed into the shirt, gripping it in my fist, rising, and exploding in one final massive orgasm.

I passed out!


I was eating and looking at Dan and Sue. How long had they been fucking? How many times? Has it been going on for a long time or just recently? Donna was right. Sue and Dan had vanished last week and were gone for a long time. We didn’t miss them as we played cards.  

Sue did seem happy when they returned upstairs, but we thought nothing of it. The game was torrid, and we were engrossed, so we mostly ignored them. Later, I saw them in the sunroom, sitting close together, whispering. They both smiled when they saw me, and I thought that was a little strange. I thought about what Donna had said about me, never thinking that Sue could cheat on me, and indeed not with my best friend. I guess it's the old line, ‘Keep your friends close but your enemies closer,’ was true. In a quick moment, Dan had gone from my best friend to my enemy. I hated that!

Things started to click in my head. I thought back a few weeks when Sue had come home and attacked me. That was not like her. She was conservative, and most of our seductions were in the bedroom or shower, so we rarely fucked in other rooms, but that one night she was wild and horny as hell. I knew someone had turned her on before she got home, but I had no idea who. Now I know it was Dan! I may have to thank him for that night. It was incredible.

Donna leaned over and whispered, “Heath, do you want some dessert?” Her voice was a little too loud, and everyone looked at me, waiting for my answer.

“What did you have in mind?” I asked. With a smirk, I looked across at Sue and Dan. They both had concerned looks on their faces. They stared at us, looking at Donna, then at me. The anticipation was thick in the air.  

Donna leaned over and whispered, “I am just stirring the pot to see their reaction. Her hand was under the table, playing with the bulge in my shorts again. She squeezed my cock, and I moved abruptly, looking at Donna. We were giving them what they had given us, and everyone watched as this little charade unfolded.

It was fun, but the more I played the game, the more upset I got thinking that my best friend had been fucking my wife and my wife had cheated on me. I did not have quite the same view of what they had done as Donna. I was not sure what I thought and what I would do about it.

I leaned over and whispered to Donna. “Are you ready? I am putting this mess on the table, and we are stopping things right this minute!”

Donna squeezed my cock, giving me the OK.


Donna took a stack of plates to the kitchen and returned with a bottle of Jack Daniels and two glasses. I poured each one of us a glass and drank mine down. I filled the glass again and looked at Sue and Dan.

The table talk had stopped, and there was complete silence. What was next?

I looked directly at Sue and asked, “So Sue, how long have you been fucking my former best friend Dan here?”

Donna squeezed my cock. I was soft and felt nothing but her approval. We were in this together, but she let me take the lead and said nothing.

Dan started to speak… I cut him off. “I was not addressing you, Dan. So shut your fucking mouth!” My voice grew louder with each word. Donna squeezed my cock, and this time, I began to awaken.

Around the table, I could see shock. Everyone, including me, was a little surprised at me. For the first time, I showed a side of me none of them had ever seen. Angry Heath!

Sue was stunned, unable to utter a word. Her mouth was agape, but nothing was coming out.

I asked again, more forcefully… “Sue. I asked you a fucking question, and I expect an honest answer. How long have you been fucking Dan?”

My eyes were locked on Sue, and my anger grew by the second. My blood pressure rose, and my pulse increased as my heart pounded.  My mouth became dry like it was full of cotton. I gulped Jack Daniels and calmly looked at Sue.

She was in full panic mode now, not knowing what to do or say. She was caught dead to rights, and there was no escape. No excuses! No explanation! Sue had cheated on me! Tears suddenly began to roll down her cheeks.

Dan leaned toward Sue, and Donna barked, “Don’t you fucking touch or speak to her, you are fucking asshole!”

Everyone moved a little at Donna’s outburst, and Dan looked shocked. I am not sure she had ever spoken to Dan that way before.

I continued to stare Sue down, not breaking eye contact. She could not look me in the eye and dropped her head into her hands, sobbing.

I sat silently as she slowly self-destructed before all of our eyes. I looked at Dan, who looked distraught and reacted to Donna and me. He knew they had made a grave error and were about to pay for it.


Then, the peanut gallery piped in. Ed stood up and looked down on the guilty couple. “Are you fucking kidding me? You two have been fucking each other. What the fuck is wrong with you. We are all best friends, and this shit does not happen in groups like ours. FUCK… How could you?”

Then Martha screamed at Sue. “You are a fucking slut. You have just fucked up our happy family. We will never be able to have these parties, go to dinner, or do anything together again. I hope Heath dumps your cheating ass and finds a better woman than you. God, how could you do this!!”

Well, that lit the fire. Frank and Caroline entered the fray, verbally barging Sue and Dan. Then Ed and Martha attacked again. It was something to see, so Donna and I just sat back and let them all go after the cheaters, giving them a significant tongue-lashing.

Donna kept playing with my cock. She had unzipped my shorts, and her hand was slowly stroking me now. My cock was hard as a post. I wasn’t sure if my cock was hard from Donna’s playing or from the excitement I felt confronting Sue about her cheating. Either way, I enjoyed both very much. As painful as this was, and not knowing the future outcome and the impact on my marriage, the confrontation was exhilarating for the moment.

Watching Dan and Sue squirm under verbal onslaught was almost worth my pain. I was experiencing this betrayal with all my good friends, and they were helping Donna and me punish the cheaters. That part was fun, but that was rapidly ending, and the saying goes, ‘Rubber is about to hit the proverbial road.’


It was Donna’s turn. She looked across at Sue and attacked her first, firing both barrels at the same time. “Sue, I thought you were a respectable woman and my friend. A woman of character and charm, but now I see that you are just another tramp, a slut that will fuck anyone, even your good friend's husband. You have the best man at this table, but he does not seem enough for you. Did you need to take another man from his wife? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Tears welled up and rolled down Donna’s cheeks.

I looked at Sue. She was in shock and was shrinking away, looking for a way to hide as she was verbally attacked. The pain on her face was palpable, but she could do nothing. She knew she was wrong and had hurt everyone there, not just Donna and me, but all our friends, too.

Dan was sitting there, trapped in his place. There was no place to hide. He knew this was all his fault. His relentless flirting and pursuit of Sue had led to this moment. I could see the concern edging toward fear on his face. Dan knew his head was on the chopping block next, and he was unsure what would happen between him, Donna, and the rest of us.

Donna continued… “Sue, I want you to know that when you and my cheating husband were in the dark, kissing and playing with each other, Heath was pounding my pussy against the bathroom door and then on the bed until I was screaming in ecstasy. My God, his sweet cock is so much longer and thicker than Dan’s. He was the best fuck I have had in many years. So, Sue, why would you ever want Dan? I know what I have with Dan. I bought and paid for him, and I love him. He satisfies me and is a good dad to Ellie. Then you come along and fuck that all up. Were you trying to take him away from me? WHY!! Tell me that WHY!!” Donna’s face was flushed with anger, and I could see veins popping out of her neck.

I gripped Donna’s arm, squeezed it, and whispered, “Take it easy, Donna. You’ll have a stroke or nervous breakdown.”      

Donna took a breath and looked at me, then at Dan. She stared at him, then started… “You horrible cad. How could you cheat on me? I know you were the instigator. Sue would never have come after you. I have seen you flirt with her for months, and last week, maybe even before then, you finally broke her down. I know that night you two fucked downstairs while we played cards. Please don’t deny it. I saw the freshly fucked look all over you, Sue, when you came back upstairs. You are proud of yourself for getting one over on Heath and me, with Dan scoring a new pussy in the game of life.”

Jesus, Donna went full-on ballistic on both of them. I was shocked and glad she had spilled it all out. I honestly could not have captured my thoughts any better.

Suddenly, Sue screamed, “Oh God, Dan, what have we done? Our life is over!” and bolted across the pool deck, running into the house. I quickly followed her, and as I reached the kitchen, I heard the front door slam, and Sue was gone. 

I stood on the front steps and looked up the street as Sue went out of sight. We live a block up the street, so I was sure she was running home, seeking refuge from the verbal attack and devastating embarrassment of what she had done to me and Donna and not knowing what I was going to do.

I stood there thinking. I had just ended the brief affair my wife was engaged in. Now What?

Part 2 On the way

Copyright © 2024 MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 


Written by MaxxNRachel
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