Leah and I walked out of the pub toward the lot where our vehicles were parked. Open poetry night was over. Leah is an amazing poet, at least I think so. I’m not into the typical angry/hurt emo style, nor the Olde English wanna-be with its flowery prose and words with pronunciations altered so they rhyme. Leah’s poetry is plain talk with cadence and some rhyming when it works into what she’s saying. It’s almost exclusively about her family life; prior problems with hubby, reconciliation, and kids. With each one her heart comes out through her words and is laid on the tables for the crowd to pick apart. That takes guts and every reading leaves her shaking and breathless, so much so that I’ve sometimes worried she’d pass out. We usually share a table, and I often have held her hands for several minutes to ground her until she calms down. I had never considered taking it any further.
We would walk to our cars with Teddy, the originator of the monthly event, and chat for an hour or more after the shows. Teddy passed away a few months ago, so now it was just us. Tonight, we chatted while standing next to my Plymouth Voyager van. I brought up her second poem which was about her current relationship with her hubby, how nice it was compared to the “days of hell” several years ago when they almost split up. She got very quiet with a far-away look. Uh, oh. After waiting several seconds, I asked, “What?”
Looking down she took a deep breath and let it out. “It’s a lie.” I waited again. She finally continued, “Things aren’t that great. Actually, things are pretty sucky. Not as bad as they used to be, but now he’s so wrapped up in the kids and his business he never has time, or is too tired, for me.” She looked into my eyes and asked, “Am I attractive?”
Oh, shit, one of the loaded questions. To me, she was, sort of. I took inventory. Her teeth were somewhat crooked, and her eyes didn’t seem to point in exactly the same direction (that may have been her glasses). A little overweight, but not fat. She still had a waist and nice-sized breasts. One evening she’d been braless, and I saw the goosebumps on the areola through the silky blouse material. Pendulous breasts, but nipples still pointed forward. All that plus her intelligence and gutsiness blended with gentleness added up. “I think so, Leah. Very attractive.” Her bottom lip quivered as her eyes watered up.
“I haven’t felt attractive for I don’t know how long.” Her voice was unsteady. I stepped forward and took her into my arms for a friendly, supportive hug. She hugged back with desperation as she sobbed softly into my shoulder. Those breasts felt so good against my chest. Something somewhere shifted. Her sobs stopped and after a few seconds, she pulled her head back and looked into my eyes, keeping her arms tight around me. “Attractive enough to make love to?” Holy shit!
“Attractive enough to make love to,” I confirmed. She lifted her head and we kissed. A few light lip pecks, then increasing in pressure until our mouths were open and tongues intertwined. Her breasts began heaving against my chest as my dick began to rise toward her nether regions. Shit, I needed to fuck her.
Breaking the kiss, I said, “Let’s get in my van. I’m going camping this weekend and the bed is in it.” She smiled and her eyes lit up. Luckily, the weather was still a bit cool, so the inside of the van was comfortable. After closing the sliding door, we lay there looking at each other as the interior lights faded out, then we literally had at each other.
Or rather, we tried to. She wears many layers of clothing, a style intended to hide her size. Honestly, she isn’t that overweight. “Wait,” she said. She sat up and began removing layers. Sweater, scarf, and a blouse with a huge bow at the neck all peeled off. Then she stopped. I had the feeling she was hesitant to go further.
“Come here,” I said. She laid down facing me and I took her into my arms again. As our tongues reignited their dance, my hand pulled the zipper of her skirt down and released the hook. Sitting up, I grabbed the waist. She rolled to her back and lifted her hips. I changed my finger placement and brought her skirt and panties down together. She gasped. As I pulled her clothing from her feet, I also removed her shoes, then surveyed the woman lying in the back of my van. I was thankful for the glow from the streetlight. Full bush, full thighs, broad hips, definite waist, wrinkled belly with a deep navel, and those wonderful breasts still hiding in her bra. That had to change.

“Sit up.” She complied. Slipping her glasses from her face, I discovered her eyes indeed pointed in slightly different directions. I unhooked her bra and slid it from her arms. For a moment she tried to cross her arms in front of her, but I stopped her.
“Lay back, arms to your sides.” She complied again. Her breasts sagged off her chest to either side but were still sights to behold. I noticed her large nipples were erect and the areola were covered in goosebumps. Shit, it was chilly. “Leah, you are one fine woman. Damn, just look at your luscious self.” She smiled.
I pulled my t-shirt over my head and lay back to unfasten my jeans. She sat up and took over the task. After I was as naked as her, she stretched out alongside me, and we kissed again. It only took a few moments, and we were in sexual overdrive. Her musky woman-in-heat scent filled the van and my nostrils. Pushing her onto her back, I pulled her left knee toward me, trapping the leg between mine. She moved her right leg the other way as my fingers found her womanhood. Damn, she was soaking. I quickly sank two fingers into her as my mouth clamped onto her left nipple. Her left hand found my cock and began squeezing and pumping it.
“Oh, God, Steve, I need you in me.” Pulling my fingers from her well I rolled over between her legs. Her hand stayed on my cock and guided me in. I sank to the hilt in one quick, squishy movement. That brought a loud gasp from her as she arched her back and pressed her breasts tighter against my chest.
“God, yes, Steve. Take me. Take me fast.” I pulled back until just the head remained, then drove back down into her. She squealed and wrapped her legs around me. OK, this was not “making love”. We were rutting for release. I began hammering her like a piledriver, feeling her juices drenching our pubic hair and my balls. Every slam against her clit brought a grunt and groan from her. Fingernails drug down my back as her heels beat against my buttocks to urge me on. I had most of my weight on her, nibbling on her neck. Grunts and groans turned into squeals as her nails dug in harder. Her teeth sank into my collarbone and it sounded like she tried to say something.
Lifting myself up onto my elbows, I gazed down on her face, contorted in passion. That also got her teeth off my collarbone. “Oh, God, it’s been so long, so long, I need this so bad. Harder, Steve, harder. Drive me into the ground. I need to cum. I need to cum so bad. God, Steve, make me cum.” Her meaty thighs locked tighter around my waist as she pulled herself against me. Her words faded into gibberish as her pussy flowed more. I could feel it clenching at my dick, urging me to cum, too.
“Steve, you need to cum in me. I need it so bad. It’s been so long. Let me feel your cum in me, Steve. Fuck, I’m going to cum. Fuck me, Steve. Fuck the shit out of me! Fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK!” I thought she’d squeeze me in half with those thighs. Her entire body spasmed as I felt her nails break skin on my back. Her muscles milked my cock to my own orgasm and I blasted her cervix with semen, each blast sending a jolt through her orgasm. After what seemed like hours, but was probably about a minute, our climaxes subsided, and we lay there panting and sweating.
I started to roll off, but she gripped me tight and laced her fingers into my hair. “Steve, you have no idea. That was wonderful. It’s been so long since I’ve been intimate, even longer since there was that much passion. God, I needed this.” I felt her sobbing beneath me as her fingers stroked my head through my hair. We lay like that as she went through her emotional release. I felt my semen seeping out around my now-flaccid cock. I was thankful the mattress had a cover on it to protect it from wet, muddy feet, or whatever might drip onto it.
She pulled my head back and gazed into my eyes. I figured I could see hers better than she could see mine in the glow from the streetlight. “Thank you, Steve.” Her smile was wistful, but her eyes sparkled. “Now, we should get going.” I agreed. We cleaned ourselves up with some paper towels from the camping tub. She checked my back, nope, she hadn’t drawn blood after all. We laughed about that. Then we dressed and got out. I walked her to her car. A quick, friendly hug and peck on the lips, nothing anyone watching could mistake for anything more than friendship, and she was gone. As I walked back to the van, I wondered what next month’s event would hold. I hoped the scent in the van would last the weekend.