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my summer vacation 2016

"My summer fun"

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My vacation week was here, but it didn't start the way I had hoped. After a decent Saturday evening at our local swinger’s party, we went out for dinner on Sunday. I must have eaten something bad, since the next three days I was either at the doctors or in bed with a fever and various assortments of ailments. Finally by Wednesday morning, I woke up still not up to 100%, but actually I felt much better. I asked my man if I could get away until Friday to continue my recuperation. He agreed that a place to relax might be just what I needed.

I decided to rent a camping spot near the beach in Maine. I think it is not only the best beach around, but it also has just the right number of people to make it amusing for me. There was a gentleman I flirted with, from a website that I am on, that lived close to the beach. I began my adventure by telling him I was coming up to Maine. I made it up to the beach by noon on Wednesday and checked into the campsite. I asked for a secluded spot among the trees, but not too far from the bathrooms. I set up my tent in a beautiful area with good shade on a nice patch of soft ground. I sent a text message to my man and told him everything was fine.

I took the trolley to the beach and set up my chair and blanket on the left side of the beach, where, it was less crowded. This area of the beach also happened to have more French Canadians, who dressed better for the beach than most Americans. I lathered my body with lotion and laid out on the beach soaking in the sun. By two o’clock, there were people all around me, who were going in and out of the water.

I noticed a couple just in front of the where I was sunbathing. Right away I could tell they were French Canadian since I didn’t hear them say anything in English. I guessed that the woman was in her late twenties or early thirties. She had on an attractive bikini that covered her beautiful chest. The only imperfection to her lovely body was her small C-section scar. She had a little girl who looked to be about four years old with light brown hair. The little girl looked as adorable as her mother.

Her husband had flowing black hair and a large almost hairless, pale skinned muscular body. He wore a banana hammock swimsuit that showed off his cock. He clearly appeared to be proud knowing that his cock was so obviously displayed. He was tall, very loud, and noticed me right away. They seemed to know many of the other couples around them, since all the kids played together. When I looked up from time to time, I could see all the families were doing beach games together.

I chatted with my friend about our evening’s plans. We were both laughing and sending each other pictures, as he told me, how he was going to really fuck me that night. The child wandered up to me and tried to hand me a bucket. As she approached and got close to me, her Mom said something to her and looked over at me and smiled. I told her it was OK, however she only spoke French back to me.

I said, “Sorry I don't speak French but I am French Canadian by birth.”

She tried to say hello and introduce herself and her daughter, but after a failure to communicate with me, she flagged over her husband. He listened to her, and then came toward me. He said in broken English that his wife Lily had initially thought that I was Canadian, and was just trying to say hello. He then continued to tell me that she liked my bathing suit, and that she had apologized for their daughter Emma, who could be quite loud. I laughed and told him I was of French Canadian decent, but I was American. I then introduced myself.

The whole time we were chatting, I stared at his cock through my sunglasses. He stood right over me so close, I could have grabbed it. We laughed and he told me his name was Nathan, and that they were staying the week at a hotel, with their extended family.

I stayed at the beach until it was about five. I continued to occasionally interact with my new Canadian friends and played with Emma in the water, so they seemed to trust me. He was handsome and hung and she was very beautiful, but way out of his league. Everything about her was beautiful in a little hippy crunchy kind of way. Just watching her made me want to see her naked and touch her. As they packed up their things for the day, he gave me a cheek kiss and she gave me a hug and a bottle of water. As they left, I told them maybe we would see each other tomorrow. While I waited for the trolley, I sent a text message to my date for the evening.

I had ninety minutes before I was to meet my date at the front of the campground. I got to my campsite and took a shower and I put on a sundress. I had the smell of suntan lotion and the warmth of the sun had given my body the much-needed rejuvenation from my prior bout of sickness at the beginning of the week. My hair looked great after a day in the sun and I was ready to meet my date for this evening.

I had met Dan months ago on the website we both use. He had no problem being on cam, so I had occasionally watched him stroke his beautiful eight inch cock and had admired his huge balls. We had always talked about meeting, but I never thought, that time would arise. He seemed cool. He was fifty-two divorced, with no kids, and he had a house, one town away from the beach. He was very into me, which is something that really turns me on. I didn't have to wait long before a he drove up in small BMW and beeped. I got in. He told me dinner and drinks would begin our evening, since he wanted to enjoy every moment he had with me. He reminded me however that after dinner, he was going to fuck my brains loose.

We went to a restaurant, ate, had some wine and got to know each other a little-bit better. He said he wished I was single so he could be with me forever and we both laughed. He was sweet and I told him he was being too sweet. This turned him into someone a little more forceful with his kisses and fondles. After dinner, we rushed to his place entangled in our lust. When we burst in through the front door of his house he offered me a drink. I declined however and asked instead for some water. I then reminded him that I had just gotten over being sick earlier in the week.

When I spotted the chair that I had watched him broadcast from, I laughed pointed at the chair and yelled out, “Hey that’s the famous chair!”

He confessed it was, and I mentioned we should start there. I pulled off my sundress, put it on the chair and then sat in it. He disrobed and turned the cam on for the website we are on. I told the world that was watching that I was cheating on my husband with this man because his cock is beautiful.

It didn't take long before Dan took over and told me what to do. He held my head as I looked into the cam. As he fucked my mouth he told me to lick his big balls. My pussy got soaked when he made me say that his cock was so much bigger then my man’s. He slapped his cock all over my face. He was extremely hard and made me gag on him, until drool ran down my face. He yelled at me to suck his cock.

When he came, he shot a bucket load of cum all over me. I swallowed what I could. He made sure there was some cum everywhere on my face and tits, but not in my eyes. The number of cam viewers was up in the top four, of all the cams that were being viewed on the site, which made him very happy. He had me smile at the camera and then say good-bye.

He got me a towel to clean up, and we moved on to the bedroom. We kissed and he went down on my entire body. The whole time he moaned, while he pinched my nipples and licked me, until I came. He was hard again and he pulled my left leg over my head and slid inside me balls deep. He continued to moan a lot and said “yea” a lot, as he pounded away on me. He took turns raising my legs over my head as he pumped into me.

We switched to a cowgirl position, but I couldn't look at him for much longer, so I switched to a reverse position. He fingered my ass as he rocked forward and I came again. This was just the fucking I needed. Just when I thought he was done, he switched to doggy-style and thrust inside my pussy, for what seemed like ten minutes. He then pulled out and shot another load of cum all over my ass.

He fell on top of me land laughed. I asked what was so funny. He told me, it had been over six years since he had sex. He asked me to stay as I drank some more water. I declined his offer however, saying no, and that I looked forward to my tent. We made some small talk as he drove me to my campsite. After he dropped me off, I used my phone’s light and found my way back to my tent. I climbed in very happy, since now my pussy had been properly taken care of. I smoked a little weed and went right to sleep.

I woke up with the sun. As I rose up and left my tent, I noticed I had my first neighbors. A big camper with the truck that had bought it, was parked next to my campsite site. The owners were just starting to set up their camp. Going off to the showers, I just went by their campsite and paid them no attention. I took a nice long shower before heading off to the beach.

I arrived at my spot on the beach and saw Nathan. He waved for me to come over, so I set up my chair next to theirs and began my day in the sun. Nathan and Lily had fun in the sun right beside me. They wore the same bathing suits and spoke French with each other as the day before. They occasionally would turn to me and would say something to me in broken English. We both got into the water together and I took hold of Lily’s hand as we played in the waves. It was so obvious that I wanted so much to have both her and Nathan. We ate lunch at the pier together and continued to chat. It was fun to listen to them chatter away in French. I joked with them about Nathan’s bathing suit, and I said at least he had something to show off in it. We went back to the beach and stayed there and chatted and watched Emma play in the sand.

Around four, I said I had to go to the public showers. Lily offered however that I could use their room’s shower, since they were wrapping up their day at the beach as well. Nathan asked if I would like to have some wine with them after we showered. I said yes, and we talked about where we should go for our drinks. I suggested he just buy a bottle from a store near the pier and that we have our drinks in their room.

As we all walked back to their motel, what I guessed was their aunt took Emma, as we went into their tiny room.

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Nathan jumped on the bed and put aloe on his red arms. Lily said something in French to Nathan. As she talked, she just took off her suit and revealed her amazing breast, which were freshly sun kissed and quite freckled.

She caught me staring as I said, “Wow! You look great!”

Nathan told her what I said and she thanked me and took off her bikini bottom, showing off her vagina, which looked just like mine, with bald pouty lips. As she walked to the shower and turned it on, I gazed at her and she watched me gazing.

Nathan asked me if I liked, and I said, “Oui!”

She came back wet and naked, saying it was now my turn. Since I'm not one to be shy, I did the same and now I saw both of them watching me.

Nathan came into the bathroom and said, “Can I join you?” and

I said, “Yes.”

All the while Lily was watching us in the door way. I wanted to grab his cock but instead he touched my back and washed my breasts, which were nothing compared to his wife’s. He pulled her in to the shower and I didn't have to fight with him, and started kissing her, until I was led to the bed. I exclaimed how beautiful she was and kissed her perfect C–cups.

Nathan didn't waste any time and licked me as I worked my way down on his wife and began to make her squirm. I thought to myself, how good I was at getting people to have sex with me. Nathan fumbled to put a condom on as I got his wife to cum. I then crawled up on her as her husband entered me from behind. He fucked me doggy style very fast and said things in French until I felt uncomfortable on the bed.

I then lay on my back as he entered me, and Lily began licking both her husband and me at the same time. He held her head down and spoke to her in French. I assumed he was telling her what to do. She repeated some choice words to him as well. It happened so fast. He came soon after she took his condom off.

He explained that she wasn't on any protection so he kept condoms around all the time. He then explained that, they have had some swinging fun but his ex was more a swinger than Lily and that she was just getting into it. He kept thanking me as we dressed and held our hands like kids who were in love. I was blissfully happy.

We then hit up a restaurant at which I ordered and we split another bottle of wine. I was still in my bathing suit bottom with a pull over skirt so I was uncomfortable. I soon said that I needed to return to my campground. After dinner, we traded FaceBook pages, and said maybe we would see each other tomorrow.

I got back to my campsite and saw that it was now much more crowded than it had been yesterday. I climbed into my tent and smoked some weed. Just before dusk, I went to the bathroom. As I was walking by the campsite next to mine, someone called, “Hello neighbor!”

I returned the hello and my neighbor beckoned for me to come over to make our introductions.

“I’m Steve and my friend John is in the camper drunk.”

I introduced myself and soon found out that we were both from Massachusetts. They had come up to Maine to get way and relax, just like I had. I also learned that they were leaving Friday evening same as I. They were heading north for fishing however, while I was heading south for home. Steve mentioned that he smelled what I had been smoking and offered to trade some scotch for what I had to share.

I said, “That sounds great.”

About thirty minutes later, after I put on some shorts and a tank top and rolled a few joints, I was ready for my campfire pow wow with my neighbors. Steve had started making Smores as he sat near the flames of his campfire. I thought this was cute. He poured some Johnny Walker Black over some ice into a glass with a handle. I lit the first joint and John popped his head out of the tent but, after his first hit he coughed and vomited a little, after which he called it a night.

Steve and I both laughed and settled in and began talking about our lives He was shocked I had no kids and that my life brought me around to where I was today. Steve was a widower at sixty-four and worked in finance in Boston and he lived in the western suburbs. He had both a good story and a good outlook on life. He could have passed for the Marlboro man with his looks but was a little heavier set.

As I ate my Smore I made a mess, and he told me it was all over my face. As I was quite drunk, I said that this was not the first time I had white stuff all over my face. He laughed and we clinked glasses a few times on landing funny ones as we talked.

I lit up the second joint. It was quite dark with only the light of the fire glowing on our faces. He was such a gentleman and seemed too nice to seduce. It crossed my mind however, to see what I could do. He asked about my relationships. As we talked, I didn't reveal too much at first. He asked why I didn't wear my ring.

I said, “I do wear my ring but only when I want to.”

But then I smiled and said, “You never know when a guy may ask you to suck his cock and the ring can sometimes keep that from happening.”

He laughed and coughed and passed the joint back to me. He asked how my man felt about that. At first I yelled who cares and clinked glasses. I followed this up more seriously, with the truth and rules of engagement in my life. He found that my life was quite intriguing. We rambled on and he tried to keep sex out of the conversation, but I kept bringing it back around to the subject.

He said, “Well there are plenty of young studs here that would help you out with your problem.”

I told him that I hated men younger than myself, that it was just not my thing, and why I preferred older men. He drank another round from his bottle and said that he had not had a blow job in almost a decade and a half.

I told him I felt bad for him and said, “Awww poor baby.”

He laughed and asked me if I was wearing any underwear. I lifted my shorts to the side to show him and he smiled and drank some more. I then asked him, if he was wearing any underwear, at which he said he was.

I said, “Too bad.”

He told me, “My underwear can come off just fine.”

I said, “Well If you want to take them off I won’t complain. God what are we teenagers why can’t you just ask?”

He said, “No.”

I said, “OK.”

He said, “If I do take them off are you gonna suck it?”

I said, “If you ask nicely, yes I will.”

He said, “Well I don't know how to ask but I'm asking.”

I said, “OK!”

I then crawled over as he pulled his jean shorts and boxers down to his knees, revealing a nice cock, which was already hard.

I said, “Take them all the way off.”

He kicked them off and I went to town. I cupped his balls and slurped on the thick girth of his cock, which had a nice big knob. I got most of his cock all the way down my throat and I felt like I was doing a good deed even though I was really drunk. Within three minutes Steve came and I gagged. I swallowed it all and I laughed as he thanked me.

I said, “Wow, and on that note I am off to my tent!”

We clinked glasses one more time and he said, “Good night.”

He hugged me as he went into the camper and I went off to my tent. I was shocked that I wasn't sick and I passed out right away. The following morning I stayed in my tent for a while which didn't seem long enough. I just wasn't getting up and I covered my head and did my best to stay asleep as long as I could. I heard people outside and the warmth of the sun made it hard for me to sleep any longer but I just didn't want to get up.

I heard my name a few times until finally I said, “Yes?”

Steve asked if I wanted ice coffee and I said, “Please.”

I thought I fell asleep again and what felt like an hour later, Steve asked if he could enter my dome tent.

I said, “You may enter my good neighbor.”

Steve unzipped my tent and entered after which he re-zipped the entrance.

He said, “Wow nice place, ya got here.”

He handed me my coffee which had more sugar in it than I'm used to, but it was what I needed. I asked if he told John about his blow job and he confessed that he had, but he had not believed him. I laughed and said if I had worn underwear I would have given them to him for proof.

We laughed and asked, “You never wear underwear?”

I said, “Never!”

He moved my sleeping bag over to reveal my legs and my shorts, which he moved to the side so he could see my pussy.

He said, “Wow, you really don’t!”

I smiled at him as he rubbed my legs.

He said, “You know I kind of owe you.”

I said, “No you don’t. It was my pleasure.”

He didn't stop as he pulled my shorts down and kissed his way up my legs. I adjusted so he could get between them as he licked my pussy.

He did a decent job but all he did was get me wet so I said, “Fuck me.”

Off came his shorts and he guided his cock inside me. He did his best not to make noise and switched to fucking me on my side. It felt good to wake up to his cock. I pulled him out and raised my ass in the air and he slid in and started fucking me at a good pace, until he came deep inside me.

As he pulled out, I took him in my hand and jerked every remaining drop out. I then sucked him dry. I told him that was nice. He told he had a vasectomy so I didn’t have to worry. He lay back as I played with his limp cock and he was so happy.

As I broke down my camp with his help, I told him about the website I'm on and gave him my email. The whole time his cum dripped out of me, which I pointed out to him a few times. I went to the beach for a half day and saw Nathan and Lily who kissed me good bye. At last, I called it a day at five. As I drove home I felt great, so happy, so rested and so very, very dirty.

My man had dinner ready when I go home. After dinner we made love that night, which was still the best. The next day we attended our favorite party in Providence and I let him have a few women. I then played with a guy I had played with before, so my man could have his wife, since I am always a good team player.

Today is Sunday and I am going to relax at home. It was a good way to end my week. I contacted all my new friends to tell them how much I had enjoyed their company on my summer vacation
Written by allflavorsboston
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