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My Girlfriend's Roommate Chapter 2 - House Visit

"A tryst from the past is reignited"

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This story stands alone to some extent, but is much better after reading Chapter 1. Enjoy!

After college, Shannon and I both went to work for firms a few hours away from school. Her old roommate Lisa took a job at an accounting firm in a nearby city. A few years down the road Lisa met a man at work and they got married. Shannon and Iwent to the wedding and Lisa’s new husband seemed to fit in well with the group. We all got along well, even though we couldn’t get together nearly as much as we would have liked.

Neither Shannon nor Lisa had sisters, so even though we didn’t visit much they remained close and talked all the time. I couldn’t help but remember the fact that Shannon had shared details about my cock with Lisa, which led to our brief incredible encounter back in college. I wondered if she would have been so open with the details had she known what the stories would start.

After one of these conversations Shannon told me that she and Lisa decided it had been too long since we saw each other, so we were going to fly back and visit them for a weekend the following month. I told her it sounded like fun, but in my head I was wondering how Lisa would look, what she would wear. We hadn’t seen her since she got married, and I hoped she hadn’t gotten too conservative in her attire since then.

The weekend came and Shannon and I flew in. Lisa and her husband Brian picked us up at the airport. We all greeted each other, the girls hugging while Brian and I shook hands. As we swapped and Lisa hugged me, she held me close and tight, pressing her body and breasts into me and wrapping her hands around my neck. Brian was hugging my wife at the time and didn’t notice, which I was thankful for because I didn’t want to find out if he was the jealous type. “I’m so glad you’re here,” Lisa said to me.

Lisa definitely had my attention. I hadn’t thought anything of this visit, but here we were and Lisa looked every bit as sexy as she did in college (though to be fair, so did my wife). Far from starting to dress more conservatively, Lisa still dressed seductively. She was wearing a sun dress that hugged her petite frame on top, opened a little past the hips, and was not very long, even on her shorter legs. I could clearly see that she was keeping in shape with those toned, taut legs.

As we got in the car and drove back to their place, Lisa and Shannon overtook the conversation while Brian and I sat and mostly listened. It wasn’t a long trip back to their house. As we got out, Lisa quickly hopped out of the car to open the SUV’s back and help with the bags. It was pretty amusing as she was the smallest of all four of us, but at the same time we both had small bags for the weekend trip.

Lisa bent over the bed of the SUV, making her dress rise up even higher on the back of her legs. When I saw my wife look down and check out her ass, I did the same, comfortable that I wouldn’t get killed in my sleep for doing it if she was too. She handed Shannon her bag, then grabbed mine, turned to me and said, “That is for you.” I couldn’t help but wonder at this point if the double entendre was intentional.

After dropping our stuff inside we ate dinner together, then went out to their back yard, sitting around their fire pit and finishing off the bottles of wine from dinner. Everyone was in high spirits, a combination of the occasion of being together and getting a little tipsy. A few times I caught glances from Lisa, who would adjust her dress up her leg while looking at me, then slide it back down her leg. I felt confident now that she was being very deliberate, but I just didn’t know if she was trying to make something happen or just enjoying the thought of teasing me with something I couldn’t have.

After we finished the wine we all decided that it was time to go to bed. Lisa and Brian were doing well for themselves and had a pretty sizable house. The bedrooms were upstairs, and they had set the guest bedroom up on the opposite side of the house from the master, leaving the room next to theirs as an office for now, but potential nursery down the road.

After we said good night and headed to our room, I was definitely excited from all the sneaky flirting I had been getting from Lisa. As Shannon took her top off, I walked up behind her and grabbed her big breasts, squeezing them inside her sexy black lace on white bra. “Dave!” she quietly chided me in a loud whisper, “we need to be quiet!”

I grabbed her hip and pressed my cock against her sexy ass in her jeans. Shannon moaned as she felt my hardness pressing into her crack. She probably wouldn’t have been as excited if she had known Lisa’s part in getting me so hard. “We can be quiet baby, don’t you remember how?” I joked as I undid her tight jeans and helped her shed them into a pile on the floor.

I grabbed Shannon’s hair and pushed her head forward, bending her over at the waist. She gave another moan as she put her hands down on the bed to support herself. Without any prompting she spread her legs for me and stuck her ass up. Clearly she was almost as excited as I was right now. I rubbed the head of my cock up and down her slit, feeling how wet she was.

After teasing Shannon’s slit for a few moments, I grabbed her hips and thrust forward entering her. Shannon took one of the pillows from the bed and moaned into it, leaving it handy in case she wanted to muffle anything else later. Shannon may have been in the moment, but I certainly wasn’t. As much as I loved my wife, the teasing from today had me digging up memories, and with my wife bent over in front of me I was thinking about Lisa, and having her bent over the desk in their dorm room, how hard I plowed her, how good she felt, how hot she was taking it and talking dirty.

As the thoughts of my tryst with Lisa filled my mind, I began to fuck my wife with the same intensity I fucked Lisa all those years ago. Shannon tried to signal my that I was getting too loud, but quickly got lost in the pleasure of the moment. She changed from shushing me to grabbing the pillow once again, moans turning to soft screams with her face buried in the down. I was probably fucking her too hard, making soft slapping noises as I crashed into her, but I didn’t care. Besides, I thought I was behaving myself by not reaching back and spanking her hot ass, which would have been even louder.

Through clenched teeth I told her how close I was, how hard I was going to cum. She screamed into the pillow that much louder then exploded. My wife and I have fantastic chemistry, and whoever cums first usually triggers the other. This time hearing that I was going to cum set her off, which then finished me off.

Shannon’s knees buckled as she came hard. Maybe trying to be quiet, or fucking in her old friend’s house made it that much hotter for her. Whichever it was, a massive orgasm rocked her body and she fell slightly forward until the bed propped her up. Meanwhile her muscles were clenching tightly on my cock, massaging and rubbing me inside her tight cunt.

I gave the briefest “Ungh!” before I came hard inside her. I held my cock inside my wife as I filled her up with my seed. I collapsed forward, pressing against her as we caught our breath. We were still trying to be somewhat quiet about it as we caught our breath, but we were both probably still too loud. Did they hear us, our heated fucking in their guest bed? I’m sure they wouldn’t have cared, but all the same we didn’t want to ruffle any feathers. At this point though I was too drained to really care. We collapsed into bed and fell asleep.


The next day we went around our old college town, eating food that we couldn’t handle nearly as well as we could when we were back in college. We took taxis around so that we could all drink. We were probably hitting it a little too much like we were back in college. For a bunch that didn’t drink heavy as regularly anymore, we were certainly feeling it a lot more at that point.

That day Shannon wore some fashionable shorts with an elbow length v neck tee. It was a great outfit for showing off how great a body she still in an outfit that didn’t look like she was trying to relive her college years. Lisa, on the other hand, was dressed to kill. She was turning the college boys heads as we walked in and out of places, wearing a denim skirt with a frayed hem and a plaid button up shirt with rolled up sleeves. The shirt was tight at the waist, and she snapped it up until it stretched between her breasts. The rest of the way up was open, and showed a great shot of her cleavage. Her skirt was short enough that she had to be careful how she sat, which she did less and less (at least in my direction) as we had more drinks.

In the late afternoon we got back to their house and started getting dinner ready. We decided to eat outside since it was such a nice day. Lisa was in and out of the house getting sides and appetizers ready between socializing with us. Brian fired up the grill and was monitoring it. He was pointing out some of the landscaping features to Shannon. She was eating it up since she had been thinking for a while about ideas for redoing our back yard. I was surprised she wasn’t taking notes.

While Brian and Shannon continued talking shrubs and fountains, Shannon suggested I go inside and help Lisa. As I walked through the door Lisa smiled at me. “Got tired of listening to Brian talk about his yard?”

I chuckled, “Yeah, that’s Shannon’s thing. I’m happy with whatever she chooses, but I could care less what we do with the yard.” I grabbed another beer from the fridge and asked, “So, what can I help you with?”

Lisa smiled and curled her finger at me, beckoning me to follow. “Come on, I need some help with something a lot more interesting than what’s happening outside.”

After yesterday’s flirting, I was definitely suspicious of her but followed anyway, if for no other reason than I got to watch her ass move in that tight denim skirt. I was a little surprised when she headed upstairs, though it provided an even better view of her ass as she stepped in front of me. She stepped into the bathroom at the top of the stairs. I followed her in, noticing that you could see into the back yard from the window, and we could see Shannon and Brian talking, looking away from us as he pointed to feature after feature, though we couldn’t hear anything through the double paned glass.

As I looked down at my wife I was startled as Lisa grabbed my cock, putting her hand around it in my jeans. I almost blurted out loud but was able to keep it down to a whisper, “Jesus, Lisa, what the hell are you doing?”

She was trying to stroke my cock hard, and despite my shock and reaction, her efforts were succeeding. “You know exactly what I’m doing, Dave. I want that cock again and I want it now.”

“Lisa we just can’t do that again! Look out there! We both have spouses out there.”

“You were dating Shannon last time... “ she dangled.

“And I shouldn’t have done it then, but I did. That’s in the past, and I can’t do that again to Shannon.” I was trying to convince her, but also trying to convince myself, not admitting that I had been thinking of her when I was slamming my cock in my wife the night before.

“It could stay in the past, or… maybe there’s a video that could drag it into the present. Do you think Shannon would be ok with the fact that it was in the past if she saw it now?” She said as she was pulling her phone out. I watched her start bringing up the videos on her phone.

“You taped us!?! How did you even do that? Are you blackmailing me?”

“If that’s what you want to call it. I’m just trying to give you the proper motivation to do what I know you want to do,” she came back with, seeing right through me.

“You wouldn’t do it. If it came out, it would come right back around on you too.” I tried playing back tough.

“Brian, when he gets in the mood once in a blue moon, comes to bed, doesn’t even pretend to care about my side of it, gives a few pumps, and rolls over. There’s nothing there. He’s getting his on the side, either with someone at work or on Tinder. I found the fucking app on his phone and saw all his conversations. Well I’m done getting no pleasure, so I’m going to do something about it, and you’re going to help me. I don’t care if I ruin it with Brian. I’m trying to make what we’re doing livable for me. I don’t want to take from what you and Shannon have, but I will if I have to, if it means I’ll get you to fuck me like I need.”

I couldn’t imagine Shannon finding out that I cheated on her. I knew that it would kill her worse if I did it now, but Lisa wasn’t going to tell, and from what she was telling me, Brian wasn’t going to notice. I couldn’t tell if I was convincing myself that I had no better options, or if it really was the best choice, but I looked down, took a long breath, and looked back up at Lisa.

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“I’m sorry that Brian is cheating on you, that’s terrible. I’ll help you.”

Lisa lunged forward and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Thank you so much,” she whispered lustily in my ear. As she released she kissed my cheek.

We parted slightly, my hands on her hips. “I can’t believe Brian cheats on you. You are one of the hottest women I know, and amazing in bed. If you were mine, I would wear your hot little ass out.” I reached around and grabbed that tight butt hard.

The words and grabbing sent a shiver through Lisa’s body. “Oh my god, it’s been longer than I can say since he even talked to me or touched me that way Dave.” As she leaned her head back, I grabbed her shirt between her breasts, tearing outward, the little snaps flying open and revealing her delicious breasts to me. I loved tearaway tops like that. Lisa arched her back, presenting her breasts for me as my hands slid up her body, cupping and squeezing her breasts.

Lisa was wearing a red demi bra. It was a beautiful balance between holding up her great tits and revealing the tops, pushed together for cleavage. I scooped one of her breasts out, squeezing it as I dove down and took it in my mouth. I love breasts, and especially a woman’s reaction when I touch them. Lisa was playing right into that, moaning as I took her breasts; sucking, licking, biting.

I reached my other hand down her side, over her ass and hips, and then slid it to the inside of her thigh. I slowly brought it back up, dragging her denim skirt along with it. While I continued to feast on her breasts, I rubbed her clit through her wet panties. Lisa was practically whimpering now as I overloaded her with all the sensations at once after having those feelings denied to her for so long by her husband.

I reluctantly pulled my head back, still sucking one of her nipples in my mouth. It pulled at her breast and it yielded yet another moan, this time bordering on a scream. I kissed her hard as I pulled at her panties, helping them over her hips before letting them fall around her high heel shoes. I pinned her to the wall and whispered in her ear, “Be careful what you wish for baby, I’m going to make you pay for all that flirting and teasing yesterday.”

The words almost drove her over the edge. Brian’s job depraving her of sex made this almost too easy. She was ready to blow at a moment’s notice. I hitched her leg up, and despite promising to make her ‘pay’, I decided to do just the opposite and did not make her wait any longer for what she wanted.

I drove my cock deep inside her wet slit as I kissed her hard, both because her passionate kiss was so sexy and to help muffle her as my thick cock split her open for the first time in years. She was breathing fast, trying to take it all. I still held her to the wall, but didn’t thrust to hard. I wanted to make sure she would be able to walk at the end of this even though I was stretching her out. I would need her legs spread wide for me, so with one leg already over my forearm, I lifted the other so she hooked her legs around me.

Lisa was still as light as she was in college, making it easy to throw her around on a whim. She held on to me, her fingers digging into my back as I began to pound her harder and harder. The pictures hanging in the room began to shake slightly as we crashed into each other. I knew we would have to switch soon if we didn’t want to broadcast what we were doing, but I wanted to finish her like this. The way things had been going, I thought the best way to get that would be to tell her exactly what I was thinking.

“That’s it baby, take that big cock in your tight little cunt. I want you to cum hard all over my cock. Give it to me you little slut, show me how much you missed having that big cock filling you up.” I was right. Talking dirty to her worked just like I thought, and Lisa came hard.

First her legs clenched around me, digging in and holding my cock as deep as she could take. At the same time her fingers dug into my neck and shoulders, ecstasy taking control of her body and making her muscles all contract. I felt her pussy grabbing my cock as a massive quiver rocked her body. I held my hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming so loud that the neighbors would hear, let alone our spouses just outside the window and downstairs.

I held her pinned to the wall, cock thrusting in and out of her through her orgasm. As her pleasure subsided I could feel her hands and legs relax around me. I held her up, grabbing her breasts while I kissed her hard. Once she caught her breath, I helped ease her legs back down until she was standing. I broke our kiss, looked Lisa in the eye and said “Why don’t you clean that cock up and taste yourself baby?”

Lisa dropped to her knees and grabbed my cock, still hard. It was coated in her juice, and she leaned in, taking a long lick from base to head. Once her pretty little mouth was at the head of my thick shaft, she looked up at me, opened wide, and pushed herself down on it. She took as much as she could before gagging on it. She pushed a little further down before pulling back and catching her breath.

The second time she dove down on my cock, she looked straight ahead to get a better angle as she pushed my shaft through her mouth and down her throat. She wiggled herself down until she had every last inch of me in her tiny throat. It was fucking amazing. She held me there for a moment before she started bobbing up and down. “Fuck yes Lisa, I see you remember well how to take that big fucking cock. It’s so hot watching it slide in and out of your pretty face, tasting your pussy on my cock.”

As I talked dirty, once again it got Lisa all worked up. She began to moan on my cock when it wasn’t in her throat, bobbing and twisting her head a little more eagerly when it was in her mouth. She also began to touch herself without thinking. She was clearly almost ready to go again after her last orgasm. She was rubbing her clit and running her hands up and over her breasts, cupping them and squeezing them while she sucked me off. It was amazing to watch and hear her moans getting more and more excited, not just at my pleasure but hers as well.

I grabbed her head and gave a few pushes. She was already taking every inch of me, but both of us enjoyed me fucking her face. I pulled her head back and she gasped for air as my cock fell from her mouth with a thin trail of her spit hanging between my tip and her lips. She looked so sexy to me right after deep throating my member. “I almost forgot how hot it was when you got cock hungry and sucked me off like that,” I told her.

Lisa looked up at me, licking my shaft. “I’ve been dreaming about this cock since before you arrived, but especially last night. I heard you banging Shannon last night. I heard you plowing my roommate, my best friend, in my house.” I started feeling guilty for a moment. “It was so fucking hot. I was right in here, right next door listening as you two fucked each other’s brains out. I fingered my tight little pussy dreaming about this cock in my mouth and in my pussy again.”

I smiled at her and pulled her back up to her feet. She looked up at me while I looked down on her and told her “You dirty little slut,” I grabbed her pussy, still wet from before in addition to her touching herself, “dreaming about your friend’s husband, I bet you want to take it again, don’t you?” I asked knowingly.

Lisa just moaned back at me as I touched her. I spun Lisa around, pushing her face first toward the window. She was hidden behind the curtain but could still look down and see her husband. After sunset it had gotten darker and looking around we could tell that it was hard to look in houses anymore. I got a deliciously wicked idea. “Fine you little whore, I’m going to fuck you again, but I’m going to make you look at your husband while you do.”

Lisa almost screamed as I mentioned the idea because it turned her on so much. I wrapped my hand around her face, covering her mouth again until she quieted down. She eagerly spread her legs for me and stuck her ass out. I rubbed my cock up and down until I found the right spot in her slit. “You dirty little slut, enjoying the pleasure of cheating on your husband.”

“Mmm, only you bring out that side of me Dave. No one else turns me into a cock hungry cum slut. That’s why I need you and need that cock inside me.”

I responded to her by grabbing her hips and thrusting forward, burying my cock in her. She had already been stretched out: this time was just a heated pounding. We were both so amped up already, and with her standing this time she was thrusting back into me. I was slamming into her cervix from this angle, barely touching her ass before she couldn’t take any more of me.

I reached around her, grabbing her tits, squeezing hard as they bounced from the hard fucking. “Yes, yes, yes, please more Dave. I need it. I need you and your big cock to use me,” She whispered all too loud. “Fuck me baby, fuck me like your life depended on it!”

If it was possible to go any harder after that, we did. My fingers dug into her hot ass and bouncing tits, both of us racing towards orgasm. I imagined we were doing just as terrible a job at being quiet as Shannon and I did the night before. Still, we were looking out the window and our spouses were blissfully unaware of what was going on. I grabbed her hair and held her head up, facing the window.

I drilled her and teased her, “That’s it baby, watch your cheating husband while you cuckold him, while you have a big cock split your pussy in two and get him back for all the times he left you unsatisfied because he had been out with another woman. Get that satisfaction right behind his cheating back.”

The thought of payback drove Lisa wild and she arched her back hard, which was a lot for a former ice skater. Her hand shot between her legs, rubbing her clit as she approached her peak. When she came she covered her mouth, bringing both hands up as she felt the one wasn’t going to be enough to keep her quiet. I reached around her, pinching and rolling her nipples as the pleasure swept over and consumed her. Her cunt convulsed and grabbed my cock as her body shook.

After Lisa stopped cumming, I let go of her body and she nearly collapsed onto the floor. Half kneeling with her feet out to the side, I grabbed her head by her hair once again. I held my cock, stroking it as I aimed it. She smiled and opened her lips, presenting her tongue and mouth to me as targets. The lust in her eyes looked so sexy. I gave a few more strokes then exploded hard.

As I came the first shot started in her mouth then snaked to the side, running onto her cheek before trailing off and falling onto her breasts. The rest of my shots were true, and filled her mouth. She might have drowned had I not emptied myself the night before with my wife. When I finished, I let go of her hair and she proceeded to suck me clean. If we had more time, I might have let her keep going until I was hard enough to go another round.

Once Lisa finished licking me, we both got our clothes straightened out. She took her fingers and scooped the cum from her cheek and breasts, sticking her finger in her mouth and sucking the last bit of my cum down seductively with a smile. Damn this woman was so wild and sexy. Lisa wiped herself briefly with a washcloth to get any last bit of evidence, and we headed downstairs.

As we grabbed some platters of appetizers and rejoined our spouses, Lisa turned and whispered to me, “Watch this.”

She put her platter down on the table and walked right up to her husband, giving him a deep french kiss and holding her mouth to his for a few moments. She broke the kiss just before it was awkward with guests standing right there, but long enough to feel the satisfaction of forcing her husband to taste another man’s cum on her lips without him even knowing.

Brian smiled and asked, “What was that for?”

Lisa smiled back, faking affection, and replied, “I just wanted to share that with you, darling.”

I almost felt bad for him… almost. I did, however, feel bad for my wife.

I felt even worse that night. We were pretty tipsy after continuing to drink all evening. Before we even had a chance to shower, she got in the mood and pushed me back onto the bed. She climbed on top of me, pulled my cock out, and began to devour me. I started to object and see if she wanted sex instead, but then thought that might be an even greater insult to fuck her after fucking her friend. Besides, I didn’t want her to ask too many questions.

Instead, I leaned my head back, my beautiful wife hungrily bouncing up and down on my cock. My wife couldn’t deep throat, but she still gave amazing blow jobs. She knew exactly how to blow my mind, and she did that as always. As I got close I put my hands on her head, letting her know that I was about to cum even though she could tell from my cock. As I held her and tried to moan quietly while exploding in her mouth, I couldn’t help but wonder if Lisa was outside the room again, spreading her legs and touching herself. To further cement how terrible I was, I think I came that much harder at the thought that Shannon’s best friend might be out there again tonight, listening to us and thinking about our earlier encounter.
Written by sprhr2
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