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My First Affair

"They both needed things they couldn't get at home."

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Competition Entry: New Experiences
I met Sherrie at a local theatre where we both volunteered as ushers. She was about ten years younger than me and very easy to talk with. It didn’t start at all sexual. Sherrie and I usually talked about our spouses, kids, and general small talk. Not at all anything you could call flirting, but we always had pleasant conversations every time we worked the same performance.

A couple weeks ago before a performance, we were talking while waiting for our pre-show briefing when the assistant house manager was asking for help deciphering the sign-in sheet. We all got joking about names, and for some reason I still don’t understand, I blurted out, “Who do you want me to be? I sometimes write as Brad Carpenter.”

Nobody seemed to pay any attention to that, and we all went on with our preparation for the show. When they closed the last door between the lobby and the theatre proper, the ushers needed to take a seat as near as possible to the isle they had been working. Lucky for me, there were two empty seats on the a isle , right where I had been stationed . I dropped into one. Just as the house lights went dark, Sherrie took the one next to me. Nothing unusual about that. I had been working the middle of the a isle , and she had been working the top.

About ten minutes into the first act, her knee pressed lightly against mine. I always have prided myself on being a gentleman, so I moved my knee a few inches away. A few minutes later, her knee was back again, pressing harder. I couldn’t be sure if she was just getting comfortable, or if it was intentional. I turned my head slightly, trying to sneak a peek. She had her head turned to face me directly. She winked one Caribbean blue eye at me. I nearly choked but managed to stifle it into a subdued cough.

She put her knees together a polite few inches from mine and the rest of the first act was uneventful. We each had duties that kept us apart during intermission, then we returned to the same seats for act two. As the lights came up on stage, her knee pressed against mine again. It felt very nice, so I decided to maintain the contact as long as she wanted. My mind wandered away from the play as I pondered why this cute, strawberry blonde, married, mother of two wanted to play kneesies with me.

She touched the back of my hand and whispered in my ear, “Can we talk for a few minutes after the show?”

Not wanting to interrupt the play, I just nodded. After the show, I sent a text to my wife, “Some ushers are getting together for drinks. I’ll be home a little later than normal.” It was the truth, and I couldn’t be responsible if she assumed that it was a larger group.

Sherrie and I met at the bistro across from the theatre and found a sort of private booth near the back. Once we were seated , I said, “I’m flattered, but don’t understand what got into you back there.”

“I recognized that name that you dropped before the show. Those stories that you write, are they published on Lush Stories?”

“Well—yeah, but how did you know that?”

“Silly question. I’ve read all your stories, and I follow you there. When you admitted that you are Brad Carpenter, I had to find a way to get your attention.”

“You sure did that. Did you enjoy my stories?

“Did I ever. They read like they were real events in your life. Were they?”

“Sherrie, I’ve never talked to anyone in person about my stories, and we don’t really know each other very well.”

“We can fix that. Were they?”

“Not exactly. Friendly Neighbor was based on a real event, but the sex was a ‘what could have happened.’”

“And The Wager? That was so hot. It had to be real.”

“Sorry. That was pure fantasy. I wish it would happen, but it never did.”

“Not even the creampie eating?”

“Especially not that. My wife loves for me to go down on her, but only when she feels clean. I have tried to psych myself into just going for it, but I always get post-orgasmic blues. I’ve asked Lucy to force me to eat her creampie, but she refuses. She won’t even just ask. She says it’s too messy.”

“My husband is like that, too. But, he’s worse. He thinks that any oral sex is disgusting because ‘that’s where people pee.’ ”

I thought about my wife and the vows I’d made to her, vows that I had never broken. I thought about Sherrie and the vows she had mad to her husband. I thought about her kids in college. I thought about my married kids and my grandkids. I thought about all the reasons to get the check and leave. Then a strange phenomenon took over. The phenomenon that God gave man a brain and a penis, but only enough blood to operate one at a time. I looked into Sherrie’s eyes, I looked lower and saw how her breasts tented the red vest of her usher uniform. My mind conjured an image of my head between her thighs, and I imagined that I could smell and taste her arousal. My cock created its own tent in my pants and robbed my brain of its blood supply.

I said, “Maybe we could fulfill each other’s fantasies.”

“Brad, let me think about it. Talking is one thing, but doing is another. Right now, I need to get home.”

“Talking is fine. Friend me on Lush. We can talk more there.”

“Maybe. Good night, Brad.”

“Brad is just a pseudonym. Why don’t you call me by my real name?”

“I’ll use your real name in the theatre, but outside the theatre, you’re Brad to me. Good night, Brad.”

“Good night, Sherrie.”

# # #

Over the next few weeks, we used Lush’s various private communication tools to flirt and discuss our growing attraction. Sherrie pried out of me which features of my stories were based on reality and which were the fantasy additions. She admitted that she and her husband Bill had become sweethearts in junior high and that she had only dated two other boys. Those were movie dates where her mother drove. We frequently got quite turned on when we talked about our fantasies.

One day we had this exchange:
Sherrie, have time to talk?
Sure, I’ve got some time. Hubby’s at a lodge meeting for the next couple hours.
I’ve been thinking about our fantasies.
What about them?
Would you like to act them out with each other?
You mean for real?
Why not?
That sounds exciting, but I’ve never cheated.
Me neither. But, is it cheating if we are just exploring fantasies we can’t get at home?
I think it is. But, I’d really like to know how a tongue feels on my pussy. Would you really kiss me down there?
I’ve imagined it so many times. I’d love to do it for real.
How could we ever get time away from our spouses without them suspecting?
I’ve got that all figured out. I’ll set up a phony email address and have it send us both a request to substitute usher at the theatre. Then we meet at the theatre and go to a motel . That should give us three hours. Four, if claim an usher get together after the show.
Do you think it would work?
Why not? Your Bill and my Lucy both support our ushering. The only catch is that we have to pick a show we have already worked so we know what happens.
OK. Set it up.
# # #

I was waiting in what was becoming our regular booth at the bistro across from the theatre when Sherrie walked in. We were both dressed in the usher uniform: black pants, white shirt, black necktie, and red vest. She paused at the door and looked all around. Her scan hesitated as our eyes met then she looked around the room three more times. Finally, she must have been satisfied that no one she knew was there, and she crossed to my booth.

“Hi, Sherrie.”

She sat across from me and said, “I am so nervous. Do you think anyone knows why we are here?”

I reached across the table and took her hand. “Dear, dear, Sherrie. I’m sure that no one here suspects anything. Shall we leave?”

“I’m too nervous. Can’t we have a drink first?”

“Sure. That’ll leave time for the taxi to get here.”

“Why not just drive?

“I’m an obsessive planner. If anyone we know drives buy here, they’ll see our cars.”

“Wouldn’t Uber be cheaper?”

“I can pay cash for a taxi. Uber would show on my credit card. Let’s have that drink.”

# # #

Earlier that afternoon, I had registered and got a room on the third floor, well away from the elevator and vending. I wanted privacy more than ice. We used the card key to enter through the parking lot door.

Sherrie’s body was tense, and her eyes darted around the room without staying on any one place for more than a second. My balls must have been having a campout because there was a tent in my briefs. I wanted her and wanted her now, but I could tell that she wasn’t ready. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her close, then leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. I maintained the hug and slowly, tenderly, kissed the bridge of her nose then each of her cheeks just below her eyes.

Her body relaxed a bit. I briefly and gently kissed her lips. She relaxed a bit more. I kissed her lips again, lingering a bit longer. She sighed, and the tension drained further. Once more, I kissed her lips. She responded with the tiniest touch of tongue. I walked us sideways to the sofa and pulled us down to sit. We kissed again with just a bit more tongue.

I pushed her shoulders back. “Sherrie, if you’re not ready for this, it’s okay. We can go now, and I’ll treasure your kiss and the moments when I held you in my arms.”

“Kiss me again. Then I’ll decide.”

I pulled her close and kissed her again. Even though her tongue was still meek, I was thrilled with her kisses. Her kisses were sweet and exploratory. Kisses like I hadn’t experienced since my first girlfriend in junior high.

She gently pushed me away. “Please, Brad, I need to get up.”

My heart fell.

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I wanted this woman so much, yet I couldn’t allow myself to push her into something she wasn’t ready for . I stood, gave her my hand, and helped her to her feet. I went to the phone by the bed to call the taxi.

“Brad, what are you doing?”

“I’m calling a taxi.”

“Are you disappointed with me?”

“Not at all. Why?” I turned back to face Sherrie.

She had kicked her shoes off, removed her vest and tie, and had half the buttons on her blouse undone. I could see a bit of a lace bra the same color as her blue eyes .

“If you want to leave, I can put these back on.”

“God, no!” I put the phone down. “Please continue.”

She removed her blouse and pants then sat on the sofa in matching blue lace bra and bikini panties. “Are you going to join me?”

It was time to be polished, suave, and sophisticated. I did fine with the vest and tie. Sherrie had to help me with that damned little button at the color of the shirt, then I tripped over my pants because I forgot to remove my shoes first. Finally got them off, and Sherrie giggled as I stood there in my briefs and black socks.

“Those stupid socks make you look like someone in vintage porn. Come here and kiss me,” she said between giggles.

I sat next to her and removed my stupid socks. She put her arms around me and kissed me with full-on tongue . My embarrassment vanished as we made out with our hands all over each other. I’d been married so long and had gotten so accustomed to the rhythms of one woman that I’d lost touch with the anticipation and pleasure and excitement from kissing someone new. Every kiss, every touch, every hug was electric. It was like the difference between a vacation drive through the mountains to the beach in a minivan and in a sports car. In the minivan, the focus is on the destination and one wants to get through the mountains as quickly as possible. In the sports car, the destination is still exciting and anticipated, but the mountain drive is half the fun.

I may have tripped over my own pants, but my fingers still remembered how to flick a bra clasp open. When I opened hers, Sherrie shrugged the bra off. I hugged her close with her bare breasts pressed against my bare chest—one of my favorite things. I nibbled on her ear then kissed my way down her neck and shoulder and onto her upper chest. I massaged her breasts working my fingers from the outside slowly toward the center without touching her rosy nipples or salmon areolas. Then I repeated the journey with my tongue. Once her nipples stood at rigid attention, I blew softly across each in turn, then went back to licking all around them.

After repeating this several times, I licked each nipple to get them wet. I blew across them to evaporate the moisture and chill them just a bit. Sherrie shuddered and pulled my mouth onto her left nipple. “Please suck it.”

I gladly complied, not only with the left but with the right one as well. Once I felt that her breasts had received sufficient attention, I kissed my way down her belly. I teased all around her panties as I had done to her nipples until she was squirming and panting. She tried to push her panties off, but I wouldn’t let her. I remembered that she had never received oral before, and I wanted to give her the very best experience that I could manage. I continued teasing for another five or ten minutes before I slid her panties down her legs and tossed them across the room.

I continued teasing with my fingers and tongue all around, but not touching, her pussy. I kissed up and down the crease between her body and her thighs. I ran my fingers through her curly pubies. They were the same beautiful blonde touched with strawberry as the hair on her head. I breathed in her luscious scent. I breathed my hot breath onto her pussy. I knew she was ready when she tried to pull my face into her.

I relented. I pulled her outer lips apart with my fingers and lightly licked her inner lips. I sucked those lips into my mouth one at a time. She twitched and tried to push her pussy harder against my mouth. I backed off and breathed several times on her pussy again.

“Please. Please, don’t stop.”

I dove back in and licked around her opening, then down to her taint and back up through the lips and stopped just short of her clit. Wanting to build things slowly, but intensely, I repeated the up and down licks until she was drenching the couch and begging me for more. I figured that she had spent enough time driving through the mountains, and headed her for the destination.

I swirled my tongue around and around her clit until I felt her body tense. Then I sucked her clit in and out of my mouth while stroking it with my tongue. When I thought she couldn’t take any more , I slid two fingers into her pussy and stroked her G-spot. Her pussy spasmed, gripping and releasing and re-gripping my fingers over and over again. She lifted her butt off the couch then slammed it back down again. Finally, her body went totally limp.

I’m a strong believer in the old saying ‘once is never enough.’ I started again with gentle kisses on her pussy lips then continued with licks from taint to clit. As she tensed again, I continued sucking and licking her clit and fingering her G-spot. Within a minute or two, she came again. I didn’t give up until she’d had four orgasms and pushed my face away.

“No more right now. Please. I’ve got to rest.”

I carried her to the bed and snuggled with her while she caught her breath.

“Wow! Is that what I’ve been missing all my life?”

I cradled her cheek in my hand. “Not always, but I do hope that I made your first oral memorable.”

“Oh, God, yes. Can I try doing you?”

“I was hoping you’d want to.”

“You’ll have to tell me if I do it right. I’ve read about it in so many stories, but Bill never lets my mouth near his dick.”

She pulled my briefs off of me and tossed them somewhere in the vicinity of her panties. My cock was hard from the double thrill of eating her and the anticipation of her eating me. She lowered her head and kissed all around my cock and balls without actually touching any of them. I supposed that she was getting even for the teasing I gave her. I didn’t mind. It all felt fantastic. She kissed each of my balls then licked my cock from root to tip. She licked again moving around its circumference until she had licked every inch several times.

“Do you have a pet name for your penis?”

I couldn’t believe that she had stopped. “Uh-hu. Why?”

“I just realized that I haven’t been properly introduced to him. I shouldn’t be kissing someone whose name I don’t know.”

“I call him Clarence, Clarence Cock.”

“Good evening, Clarence. Would you like me to kiss you more?”

I didn’t do anything consciously, but he twitched.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’” She took Clarence in her mouth and began sliding up and down. He, in turn, got even harder. It must have been the way a hot dog on the grill felt just before it split open. For a first time effort, she had a wonderful technique. She even tried to deep throat me and gagged.

“Sherrie dear, that’s not necessary. You asked me to tell you how to do this right. Can I give you some tips?”

She released me and said, “Please. I want this to be wonderful for you.”

“I know that’s in a lot of the stories, but I find a combination of gentle mouth and lots of tongue to be the best for me. Just behind the head and along the bottom side are the most sensitive. Also, suction needs to be mild for me or it hurts. What you’ve been doing is wonderful, and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“Thank you, Brad. Do you think Clarence wants me back?”

“We both do. You are amazing. You’re a natural—a natural— ahh.“

“Go ahead. You can say it. Right now I AM a cocksucker , and I’m loving it.” She proved it by taking me back in her mouth, twisting around the shaft, and licking all around the circumcision scar. Then she slipped off and thoroughly licked the vein on the bottom of Mr. Cock. What a quick learner. I loved every touch but was somehow aware of the slipping away of our limited time.

“Sherrie, what you’re doing is magnificent, but we don’t have time for me to cum and recharge. I want to make love to you.”

She gave Clarence a kiss on the tip and me a kiss on the lips. “I want that too. But making love is cheating too much. Please fuck me.”

She rolled onto her back and I nestled between her legs. Clarence homed in on her pussy like a guided missile. Some people think missionary sex is boring, but looking each other in the eye with bare breasts against bare chest is the most intimate of sex positions. Sherrie asked for a fucking, but I was making love.

A few minutes into our coupling, she said, “Roll over. I want to be on top.”

Who was I to argue with a beautiful woman with my cock in her pussy? I hugged her close and rolled over. Somehow, we managed the maneuver without Clarence slipping out of her pussy. She stayed prone over me with her breasts still pressed against my chest while she slowly rocked her hips. The short strokes were not exactly what I would have called fucking, but felt wonderful nonetheless. Her clit seemed to be rubbing against my pubic bone. I hoped it was. That lady deserved all the pleasure she could get out of our affair.

Her breathing got more rapid and shallow. Her thrusts got faster and deeper. I hoped that she was about to come because I certainly was.

“Oh my God! I’m cumming!” she shrieked.

Just then, the inevitable hit me as well. I spurted and spurted into her pussy.

“You’ve given me one of my fantasies tonight. Now it’s time for one of yours.” She slid off my cock and up my chest and planted her dripping pussy on my mouth. “No post-orgasm blues allowed. Lick your cum out of my pussy.”

I could smell her scent in her pussy, but with something extra. It was muskier. The taste of her juices was still identifiable, but saltier and thicker from the addition of my cum. It was all I’d dreamed about and better. I’d read about, written about, and fantasized about eating a creampie and here it was. I loved it.

I licked and sucked and swallowed. She turned around and leaned down into a sixty-nine. She licked my cock clean while I licked her pussy until she had another orgasm. Sated and exhausted, we snuggled. I must have dozed a bit because I looked at the clock and realized that we barely had time to get dressed and return to our normal lives without getting caught.

In the taxi on the way back to the theatre parking lot, Sherrie said, “You were wonderful to me, but I’m quite disappointed. You left out one of my fantasies.”

“I’m sorry. I wanted it to be everything you hoped for. You gave me my biggest fantasy. I’m crushed that I let you down.”

She giggled and took my hand. “You silly oaf. You were absolutely wonderful to me. My other fantasy is to suck your cock until you cum in my mouth. Can we do this again sometime so I can do that?”

“I sure hope so. What’s the next production at the theatre?”

Written by BradCarpenter
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