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My Escape

"Her Husband and His Mistress are in for a Surprise"

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Author's Notes

"This is a work of fiction, but I would love to see this happen either way."

It was a Saturday in August and Lisa was getting the house ready for a party that night. She and John had planned this party a couple of weeks ago. Getting the house ready was no big deal, but all the food took time to prepare, and Lisa was pleased to have plenty for her guests.

She shopped and sorted, and she was cooking and had a good time. There was a time when she had thought about going to culinary school, cooking was her passion. She prepared elegant canapes and other foods that could be served hot or cold.

John was busy setting up the bar and making sure that everything was in order. There was plenty of liquor, wines, beer, mixers, and soft drinks. As he finished up the bar, he checked with Lisa to see if she needed help. Finding that Lisa was finishing up, he headed upstairs to get himself ready for the party.

John had something else on his mind as he walked into the bathroom. How was he going to keep Lisa from finding out that he was seeing another woman and she would be here tonight? Claire was not that much younger than Lisa, but her sexual appetite was so much greater than Lisa’s. He aimed to gently let Lisa know that he wanted a divorce, but tonight that was going to change.

As John finished his shower Lisa entered to take hers. She came up and put her arms around his neck and gave him a long tongue-filled kiss.

Looking in his eyes she said, “This will be one of our greatest parties yet.”

He gave her a brief smile and quickly agreed. His mind was still preoccupied with Claire being there. Claire was being escorted by Fred, one of her friends. He was gay but no one would know it by just talking with him. He just did not have the mannerisms that some gay men present.

John looked at the clock and said to Lisa, “You are running late and will need to hurry up.”

“Okay,” she responded.

John shaved and dressed in a pair of dress slacks and a short-sleeve Hawaiian shirt, not that this was the theme of the party, it was just a light shirt for this hot August evening.

Coming out of the bathroom, Lisa saw John in his Hawaiian shirt and said, “That looks very nice and cool.”

John just grunted and left the room. Lisa was a little surprised that he did not respond to her comment. She thought back over the past few months and realized that John had seemed to be distancing himself from her. Sex between them was not bad but just did not seem to have the spark that they once had.

Lisa put on a light blue transparent thong and matching bra, a light summer dress, and sandals. Coming down the stairs she heard the door chimes announcing the first arrivals. Giving kisses and hugs to friends as they arrived, she was surprised by someone she did not know. John introduced Claire and Fred, her date. Claire also worked with John, and he had invited her on a whim, he explained. Lisa gave a quizzical look to John and welcomed Claire and Fred to the party.

Lisa did not think any more about it, she was so busy talking with friends, making sure food was replenished and people were happy. As the evening wore on, she did notice that John was spending a lot of time with Claire and Fred was just sitting by himself. John normally does not spend his time at a party being monopolized by one person, he is a good mixer.

As midnight approached and the last of the guests left, John asked if Lisa needed any help,

“No, just going to put these last items in the fridge and come up to the bed,” she said.

John went upstairs and waited for Lisa to come upstairs, knowing that Fred had left without Claire, and she was waiting in the guest bedroom.

When Lisa finally came into the bedroom, she again put her arms around John’s neck and gave him a big kiss.

Looking him in the eye she said “What’s the matter, you don’t seem to be yourself. I noticed that you spent a lot of time with Claire this evening. You did not mix with our friends like you normally do. Do you and Claire have something going?”

John just stood there with a stunned look on his face. How did she figure that out? He asked himself. “Well, what do you mean ‘do we have something going?’”

“Well, like I said you were not mixing, and Claire did not even pay attention to Fred, whom she arrived with. I do not remember seeing Fred or Claire leave.”

“That is because I did not leave,” came a voice from behind.

Lisa dropped her arms and quickly turned to find Claire standing in the doorway of her bedroom.

”And yes, John and I do have something going. I have been fucking your husband for the past few months and you have not had a clue.”

“Where were you hiding?” demanded Lisa.

“In the guest bedroom,” stated Claire.

Lisa turned to John for an explanation. “What the fuck is going on?”

John looked at Lisa and then at Claire, “I want a divorce so I can marry Claire.”

“Oh, you do, do you?” Lisa said definitely.

“Yes, he does,” answered Claire with authority.

Claire came up and pushed Lisa out of the way and stood by John. Claire was a little taller than Lisa but also weighed about fifteen pounds heavier and was in very good shape. She told Lisa to “Go sit down in that chair and watch how a real woman fucks a man.”

Lisa started to protest, but Claire slapped her across the face and said very sharply “I said go sit down and I won’t tell you again.”

With tears in her eyes and her hand on her cheek, Lisa backed away from Claire and found the chair behind her. Sitting she watched as Claire began to kiss John, opening and removing his shirt.  Lisa got up and started to move toward the bedroom door, when she felt a hand on her arm, turning her around and shoving her back into the chair. “Keep your fucking ass planted in that god damn chair until I tell you when to move. While John is fucking me, you can pleasure yourself but don’t fucking cum unless I say you can. Am I making myself fucking clear?”

Lisa had never heard of or seen anyone treat someone like she was being treated. “Yes, I understand,” she said weakly.

Claire and John finished undressing and got on her and John’s bed. Claire went down on John and started to give him a blow job. John had never cared for Lisa to give him a blow job, but here was Claire deep throating him and he did not object.

Before he came Claire looked at Lisa and said, “John never liked you to suck his cock because you were so bad at it. Now watch how he eats my pussy.”

Claire straddled John’s face and started to grind her pussy down onto his mouth. Lisa saw John’s tongue licking her slit before disappearing deep into Claire’s cunt. Claire’s legs were under John’s arms and shoulders, she saw John reach over her leg and start to work her clit. Claire was riding John’s tongue with abandon. Leaning forward she again took him in her mouth and deep throated him to the point of his coming in her mouth.

It didn’t take much for Claire to cum before she released his cock from her mouth and disengaged her pussy from John’s tongue. Turning around she slid his cock up and down her slit, just to tease Lisa before she dropped and forced his cock deep into her cunt.

Lisa was mortified by what she was seeing, but it still turned her on and she found her left hand massaging her right tit and nipple and the other inside her panties fingering her pussy. She knew not to touch her clit because that would surely make her cum.

Claire fucked herself on John and three times came on his cock, first while she rode him cowgirl style, the second when he fucked her from behind, and third when she was on her back with her legs high in the air while Lisa watched John’s balls slap against Claire’s ass. She watched as John’s cock expanded and he blew his load of cum deep into her as she came.

When John finished fucking her, he rolled off, and Claire sat up and looked at Lisa. “You can go into the guest room and sleep, but don’t you dare bring yourself off. Do you fucking understand?” she demanded.

Lisa shook her head and slinked away to the guest bedroom and crawled into bed and tried to go to sleep, but sleep was being elusive. She lay there and did not dare make herself cum. Finally, she drifted off and slept until early morning.

When she awoke, she didn’t recognize where she was and slowly, she remembered Claire told her to go to the guest bedroom to sleep. She also told her she couldn’t finish making herself cum unless she had her permission.

Thinking back to when Claire first entered her bedroom and humiliated her, Lisa started to get mad. Calming herself down and telling herself that she needed to get angry but to channel it in a positive direction. She got up and found that John and Claire were still asleep in her bed. She went downstairs and out the door and walked a block away, not wanting them to awaken to the sound of her car, where she called an uber.

The uber driver dropped her off close to where she wanted to go and she walked to a sex shop. She wandered around the shop for a while until she could get the attention of one of the salespersons on duty. After describing what she wanted, she was shown display cases where she picked her choices out. She again called an uber and had him drop her off a block from home.

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She entered the garage by a side door, so as not to alert John and Claire that she was back. She hid her treasures and went back out and entered through the front door. John was there alone.

“So where is your fucking cunt?” she demanded.

“She went home and don’t call her a cunt, if anybody is a cunt it is you,” he shouted.

“You don’t and cannot call me a cunt, I’m your wife, and why the fuck can’t I call her a cunt, that is what she is,” she shouted back.

“If you don’t shut up, I’ll, I’ll..” he stammered.

“You’ll do what? Beat me, humiliate me, have your whore slap me around again?” she demanded as she became bolder. She had decided to take, figuratively, her balls in her hand and show this two-timing son of a bitch that she could not be walked upon.

“I’m going upstairs and packing a bag and I will be gone for a couple of days. While I am gone fuck her in my bed all you want, but on Thursday when I return you better have your sorry ass moved out, and don’t think you can take any more than your clothes and toiletries. Do you fucking understand?” she asked waiting for him to be defiant.

Meekly he shook his head and turned to go. 

She had instated the first stage of her plan. She wasn’t going far just far enough to watch her asshole husband try and defy her. She went upstairs and packed a small bag and went to the garage and got into her car and left.

In the opposite direction that John would leave to go to work, there was a motel with parking in the back. She checked in and settled in for a nap. She cooled her heels until about one a.m. on Wednesday, she parked her car a couple of blocks away, returned to her house, she again entered the garage through the side door.

Retrieving her purchases, she crept upstairs to her bedroom. There she found her husband and his whore sound asleep. Knowing that John is a very heavy sleeper she started on the whore. Claire was facing John and she found a way to slip a ball gag into her mouth and clip it behind her head without disturbing her. Then she placed padded cuffs on her wrists and ankles, finally fastening them to the bed with her face up. Lisa then started to work on John, in reverse order, but she had a special surprise for John.

As she finished the sun was starting to rise filling the room with its bright light. Taking a cane, she whipped the air to get the true feel of it and she struck the feet of her husband and his whore.

John and Claire came awake with such pain but could not cry out because of the ball gags. Again, Lisa struck their feet. Claire and John tried to pull their feet away and sit up but found themselves restrained to the bed. Lisa now had them, almost, where she wanted them.

Concentrating on John she whipped both of his feet with the cane bringing welts that would make it hard for him to walk for some time to come. She tied one wrist restraint to a rope that was hooked to a heavy weight suspended from the ceiling, she then did the other wrist. Now with both wrists connected to the weights, she connected the ankle restraints to ropes. Now she was ready to get John off the bed and hanging from the ropes attached to the weights.

Up to this time, John did not realize the special treatment he was to receive from his wife. His cock and balls were in a cock cage.

“Hi John, you God damn Mother Fucker,” she said with venom-soaked words. “Are you now starting to regret that you allowed your whore to humiliate me? Look down and see what is in store for you, Mother Fucker,” she said with a smile.

Lisa went over to Claire and looked her in the eye and shook her head. “Now, whore, you will regret ever fucking my husband and will think twice about ever doing it with somebody else’s husband,” she said giving Claire a wink.

Lisa went over to the chair from where she had been made to sit and watch. With John and Claire watching her every move, she undressed, folding and placing each item on the chair with care. Nude she walked past Claire and grabbed a tit twisting the nipple as hard as she could, with the ball gag her scream was muffled.

Entering the bathroom Lisa placed the dildo into the harness and stepped into and strapped it on. She had placed the small end of the double dildo in her pussy leaving the bigger end to fuck Claire with. When she was ready she put a towel around her waist and returned to the bedroom. Whipping the towel aside she showed Claire the dildo with which she was going to receive her fucking. Claire’s eyes opened as she realized it was the biggest dildo she had ever seen.

Bucking her hips up and down on the bed, her squeals muffled by the gag, she shook her head no.

But Lisa wasn’t going to be deterred she was going to fuck this homewrecker once and for all. She got on the bed and pinned Claire’s hips to the bed. Without fanfare or lube, Lisa started to push the dildo into her dry pussy. As she continued to push in and pull out Claire’s pussy started to secret her juices to lube the dildo. In and out Lisa moved the dildo, in and out, deeper and deeper she pushed. Claire was starting to enjoy the big artificial cock in her cunt. Claire didn’t know that there was another aspect to the dildo. It was big but it could get bigger, Lisa connected the attachment that increase the size of the dildo to twice its size. With each stroke, Lisa squeezed the bulb filling it with air. After six or seven increases Claire passed out.

Lisa pulled the dildo out of Claire and turned her attention to her cheating husband. “Now, mother fucker, you like your whore to suck your cock do you?” she asked, again the venom returned to her voice. She opened and removed the cage, but only that part that covered his cock. Taking his cock in her hand she leaned forward and took the head into her mouth and let her tongue run around the edge. After a few seconds, she pulled off with a pop. “Now, how am I doing?” she asked with a smile.

John shook his head no while trying to say she was never going to be as good as Claire.

"What did you say John?" she asked with a wicked smile on her face.

John could not see his ball sack, but he knew that his balls were still in a portion of the cock cage. She gave his balls a little love tap, just enough to get John's attention.

Lisa took his cock in her mouth again and this time sucked him down a little further, releasing his cock she asked him, “Am I getting better? Better than your whore?”

John mumbled something while shaking his head no, but without enthusiasm.

She again gave his balls another love tap, it didn't take much to maintain John's attention. Lisa returned to his cock again, taking him down even further, she did not take him to her throat. She again asked him “Am I getting better, John?”

This time his head started to shake yes, but it wasn’t very convincing, at least to Lisa. Another love tap, this time just a little bit harder. "John, you need to speak up, I can hardly hear you and you are mumbling." she gave a little giggle.

This time when Lisa took his cock, she sucked him into her throat and held him there for a time. Her nose was buried against his pelvic bone. She pulled back and looked up at John’s face she smiled and said “I must be getting better; I swallowed your whole fucking cock. Do you want me to suck you off?”

John fearing she would cause him even greater pain by biting his cock. He shook his head yes with great enthusiasm. Lisa sucked him deep in her throat and brought him to a roaring climax. Taking his cum in her mouth she looked up at John and swished it around in her mouth and spit the whole load on the floor. "Now John, who sucks your cock better, me or that whore?" her voice was now defiant. With the final act, she replaced the cock cage back on his cock. After locking the cage she held both keys in her hand and showed them to John. "Do you know what I'm going to do with these keys? I'm going to place them in a very safe place and when the divorce is final, then I will let you have them? And if you try to fuck me over, I will throw them in the trash."

Lisa went back to her chair and got dressed and looked outside, smiling she saw that it was dark, the clock read 10:10. Not bad for a day’s work, she said to herself. She looked at Claire and saw that she was still unconscious, and her pussy had not returned to its normal shape.

With her attention still on Claire, she once again picked up the cane and whipped her feet to where she would not be able to walk. Releasing her from her restraints.

She then released John from the restraints on his ankles and wrists, allowing him to crash to the floor. Retrieving the ball gags, she placed them and all her new toys in her bag and left the house through the side door.

John was the first to realize that Lisa had left. Not able to stand without great pain, he crawled over to check on Claire. Looking up he saw an envelope addressed to him.


Pack up your shit and get the fuck out of my house. My lawyer will serve you with divorce papers tomorrow. If you try to contest this, I will fuck up your life forever. Remember I still have the keys to the cock cage."

Sarcastically she signed it, "With all my Love, Lisa".

Lisa got her divorce, went to culinary school, and became a world-renowned chef.

John was never the same after that humiliation. He never married Claire and she never fucked around with married men again.

Written by Nowready
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