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My cheating wifes confession

"My wife has finally confessed to her cheating and tries to explain why."

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Famous Story

I had just spent a night with Marg and had concocted a story to stop my wife Sue from being suspicious.

After Marg returned home a couple of days later I had a lot on my mind. Sue had accepted my explanation for not coming home although Mike told me later that she had checked my story with him the next day. Sex with Sue was becoming routine like washing the dishes or mowing the lawn. I’m not saying it was not enjoyable, much better than wanking off in the shower but it in no way compared with the experience that I had with Roz and Marg.

Each day since Marg left, a letter arrived at my work from her telling me about her life and what she was doing. Every letter ended with the words, “I love you, Goyse.” She told me that she had been trying to teach Ian to pull out for a while just before he was about to come in the way that I had so that their sex would last longer and said for the first time ever she had an orgasm with him. She said the orgasm was due to the delay and her thinking of me cleaning our juices away from her ‘little fanny’ which was the name she had given her pussy.

Ian had told her after her return that she seemed different and not as tight and a lot wetter so she had told him that it was because she had not had sex for a couple of weeks. (If only he knew) She said her marriage was now bearable and that Ian was coming home directly from work most nights and had commented on how responsive she had become. “For the first time in years he is learning to satisfy me and I owe it all to you.”

After four  or five letters arrived my boss took me aside and told me that all this mail was starting rumors and suggested that I open a private mailbox at the post office. He finished by saying, “Good luck, mate. I hope it works out for you. You’re a good bloke and you deserve a better life.” I opened the mail box the next day and started to return her mail addressed to her best friends address.

One night as we were having sex Sue suddenly said, “What’s wrong with you. You’re just not with it. Don’t you love me anymore?” It was more an accusation than a question. More a wake up buddy you’re not pulling your weight thing. I thought of the bull saying to his cow you’re not giving me the satisfaction I desire.

“I’ve got a lot of things on my mind and I’ve been working long hours.”

“So spit it out. What have you got on your mind?”

I looked straight at her for a while then thought sooner or later I will have to discuss it so what better time than this. “A guy at work told me that when I was away on that project just before I asked you to marry me you were running around with a guy named Steve from up north.”

“That would be Steve Martin. He’s just a friend. I’ve known him for years. So what? Did you expect me to lock myself in a room for two months without talking to anyone?”

“I’m not concerned about talking. There was more to what he told me.”

“So what other bullshit did he tell you?”

“I was hoping that you would talk to me about it rather than me having to make accusations. Isn’t it about time you stopped trying to kid yourself? I do know. I’ve had my doubts over the last seven years but there are no doubts in my mind anymore but I would like to hear about it from you.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about. I’ve got nothing to tell you.”

“Oh, yes you have. It’s time to come clean. I’ve had a paternal test done.”

“You can’t do that without my permission.”

“Look, stop the bullshit. It’s been done so tell me what happened. It’s too late now to avoid it. Accept that I know and start laying your cards on the table. I want to know what happened and how it happened. I want details and I’m only telling you once so don’t leave anything out.”

She didn’t respond so I needed to push her further to get her to talk to me. “If you are honest with me and tell me all about it then we may be able to put it aside and get on with our lives. If you don’t do that then I’m out of here. I don’t want excuses I just want to know about what happened, how it happened and why it happened. I warn you don’t skim over anything, I want to hear all including the details.”

There was a long pause with nothing being said. I just sat and looked at her. She could not look me directly in the eye and then it poured out. “About two maybe three weeks after you left I was picking up my younger brother from work when Steve drove up beside me and said, ‘Hi’. Steve and I had been lovers before you came along and he was special to me at the time but he took off down south with one of my good friends. Once I saw him again I realized that I still had feelings for him. He asked me to come down to the beach to watch the sun setting with him. I explained that I had to run my brother home but I would meet him there later.

“When I reached the beach he was sitting in the passenger’s side of his sports car with the seat pushed all the way back. He opened the door so that I had to sit on his lap. I was wearing a short skirt with one of my G string panties underneath. I could feel he had a hard on. We watched and talked as the sun set. All the colors in the misty clouds being reflected in the calm ocean, it was beautiful. “

“He kissed me a few times and initially I was reluctant but then he started to rub my thighs and moved up to my pussy. I told him that I couldn’t do anything because I was at my most fertile time and had stopped taking the pill because you usually used condoms. Steve would never use protection. He had a good reason not to and also he always said anything worth doing was worth doing properly – If you know what I mean.”

“He had a good reason not to?” I asked. “I don’t understand. Why is that?”

She hesitated for a moment as if she did not want to tell me. I encouraged her to by saying again that I wanted all the facts. No bullshit. I reinforced that I needed to know all the details of what happened, how it happened and why it happened.

“Well I’d rather not say but seeing you insist on knowing everything. He was too big and any that fitted him would usually tear or break and he said they sometimes hurt him. Anyway that’s what he told me and I believed him. “

“Big? How big?” I asked.

“Are you sure you want to know all this?” I nodded. We were lying on our bed and I took her hand and placed it on my cock which was at full mast. “You dirty bastard. This is turning you on and I haven’t even started yet.”

“He was big, I mean really big, probably was about 11 inches in length but his girth was massive. People talk about coke cans but I think he was probably a good deal bigger around than that. The first time that he tried to enter me was well before you and I met and it took ages to get in me. He would have only had his head in when he came and he ripped me trying. He told me next time to come to his place because he had a solution to that problem. I had to stay away for a week or more because I had to let my pussy heal. Once I thought it was healed I called him and he said to come to his place. “

“Are you sure that you want to know these things?” she said again.

I nodded and she continued, “When I arrived his mate was there and they sat one each side of me and both of them kept kissing me and playing with me. You know sucked my tits and fingered my pussy and all that stuff. It was highly erotic and I got very turned on. Then his mate laid me down and entered me. His mate was quite large as well but not as thick. His mate got into me alright but bottomed out with about an inch to go. Steve said later he was 10 inches long. Well I had a massive orgasm and so did his mate but he didn’t stop but just kept going.”

“Meanwhile Steve was masturbating and he came over when he wanted to come. His mate pulled out and Steve put his cock against my hole, forced his head in and shot all his cum into me. He then pulled out and his mate kept going.”

“Steve told me that he was multi-orgasmic like he was and could always do at least two in a row and sometimes three without stopping. By the time he came again he was bottoming out in me. When he pulled out of me I was a mess. They had come in me three times altogether and when I say cum it was a lot each time. When Steve cum he put three times the sperm into me than you do and his mate was the same. I guess that goes with having a huge cock and large balls. Cum was all over my crutch and my pussy was full and so incredibly lubricated.”

“Then Steve started on me he was able to force his way into me with all the goo that was in me. I did bleed again because he ripped my entrance again. It stung quite badly for a while but I felt so full that I had another orgasm. Steve had already come once so he took quite a while to cum again and all the while I was having these little spasms in my pussy like continuous orgasms.”

“By the time Steve came in me he had also bottomed out. Where it all went I don’t know. There was some pain but it felt fantastic. We were together for several months until I caught him with someone else. She was my best mate and she had met him through me. I was really pissed off.”

He left town shortly after. He had destroyed my pussy on me because I have never been able to get complete satisfaction since then with anyone else so when he had returned and asked me to go down to the beach while you were away I agreed immediately without thinking and went because I just wanted to know how it would be with him again. After I got there I thought shit my period finished about a week and a half ago and I actually panicked a little but the urge was too great for me to just drive away. I fooled myself into thinking he would pull out if I asked him to.”

The statement that she could not get satisfaction with others came as an insult to me but it did explain her cheating behavior to some extent. But what it did say quite clearly is that her behavior was not likely to change any time soon so I would have to decide if I would leave or accept it. I was finding her story extremely exciting and I was very sexually aroused despite being hurt by most of it.

She continued. “I knew that he had made my friend pregnant and then dumped her. I also knew that he had fathered a couple of kids to other married couples because he had previously skited about it to me.

“When Steve and I had sex over those several months together it had been very special. With you away I was getting very horny. Masturbation had not been helping at all. Here was a perfect opportunity as long as he didn’t cum inside me so I said OK as long as you promise to pull out. Remember you and I had been going out together but there were no permanent arrangements so I thought ‘Why not’. For all I knew you may break it off when you returned. I told him that I had a boyfriend and I was hoping that one day that you and I could get married. I also told him that you and I always used condoms so he had to pull out or I would not let him have sex with me. He agreed that he would not cum in me but even so I was worried because he laughed as he agreed.”

“You must remember I was a frustrated girl who had seldom went without sex for more than a few days at a time since I had turned sixteen. At that time I had not had sex for more than two weeks and here I was sitting on a man’s lap who I knew had given me the best sex I had ever had and I could feel his cock up along my back while he fingered me. You know me so you would know that under those circumstances there was no way he was not going to get to fuck me."

“Because of all the stroking and fingering I was very wet. I lifted up off him almost standing inside the car, he pulled my soaked G-string to the side and he placed the head of his cock at my entrance and I started to sit down.“

“I had thought that my pussy did not close up since he had been fucking me before but I was wrong. He was tight. I had trouble getting even the head of him into me. I had to lift and drop quite a number of times to get him in. Then I felt my pussy rip and he was half way in. It was even better than when we had done it before but it hurt like hell getting him all inside me. I was having one constant orgasm. I guess the 2 weeks without sex or maybe not being completely satisfied with anyone else was the reason.”

“My orgasm started when he was halfway in me and continued till he pulled out and that was after he had cum. You want the truth so I’ll give it to you. Our marriage is probably stuffed anyway so I may as well tell you. If he had tried to pull out I would not have let him. I just lost it. Nothing mattered at that time except the sex. He came in me and kept going and he came in me a second time and I was still having little orgasms so I told him not to pull out and he kept going. By the time that he came the third time I was so sore that we had to stop.“

“When he did pull out I was bleeding. Not a little but quite a lot. His car seat was covered in our cum juices mixed with my blood. I was very sore and I was worried that I would have to go to see a doctor. A couple of days later when he caught up to me again I just said where are we going because it was so satisfying that I just wanted it and wanted it. We fucked every day until I was two weeks late with my period and then I told him that I thought that he had got me pregnant.”

“He fucked me again and disappeared. His last words to me were that your new boyfriend can raise the little bastard. I thought he loved me but I was treated no differently to any of the other girls that he got up the duff."

“I was in a dilemma. I had a boyfriend that I really cared about and wanted to make a future with but this had convinced me that for complete sexual satisfaction I needed someone with a big cock. I enjoyed sex with you but afterward I always wanted more. On top of that I was going to have a baby, someone else’s baby.”

“I wanted to tell you but my mum called me a silly girl and to wake up to myself. She said that if I told you that you would disappear like Steve did. She asked me had you and I had sex and I told her yes but we always used condoms except when I knew that I was safe. She said there is no such thing as safe. Tell him it is his or better still just tell him you found out you were pregnant while he was away.”

“If you remember that is what I said. Just that I found out I was pregnant. If you had asked I would have told you the truth but you never asked. I didn’t lie to you I just didn’t tell you."

“Yes, I remember,” I replied. While she was telling me I was stroking her pussy and occasionally her clit. She was extremely wet, much wetter than she usually got when I touched her. It was obvious that recalling this was a big turn on for her as it was for me. The term cuckold came to mind as she talked but I put it out of my mind because I was unknowing and an unwilling participant.

My cock was coated in pre-come and a couple of times I rubbed it across my cock to stop it dripping onto the bed but where she was the sheets were soaked. I knew that I would accept her explanation because it was obvious that there was little that she did not explain to me no matter how hurtful it was and it all made sense. I still had one more important question and although I already knew the answer it was the critical test on her truthfulness.

“Have you seen him since?”

She looked down at the bed as if to think up an appropriate answer. I was not going to interfere. This was her test. Would she tell me the truth?

“Yes,” was all she said.

“Did you have sex him,” again a long hesitation.

She looked me straight in the eye. “Yes.”

“How often did you have sex.”

“You mean with him”, I nodded. “Quite a few times.” She started to cry. I held her tightly but stopped stroking her pussy. I kissed her and she responded.

“I don’t want to lose you. There are things that I can’t tell you. There are things that you would not understand or forgive me for.”

“Tell me and make it the truth and we will try to work it out. I know that you have been cheating on me now for a long, long time and I haven’t left yet. If you’re truthful with me we may work it out and get over it. If you lie then it’s over and I walk away. I know enough that if you lie there is a good chance I will know.” It was a bluff but I needed answers on why she kept cheating on me.

“First of all you must make me a promise,” I nodded again. “Kayline must never know. No matter what happens Kayline must always think that you are her dad.”

I agreed. I fact I told her that I have always regarded kayline as my child and that would not change no matter what. She continued, “He came back to see Kayline. You actually took the call from him and when he asked to speak to me you handed me the phone. Don’t you remember about 18 months after Kayline was born. You had asked me afterwards who it was and I told you just an old school mate that was in town for a bit.” I couldn’t help but laugh at this – he was after a bit all right.

She continued, “He said he wanted to see his daughter and that I had to meet him the next day when you were at work. I met him out the road at a farm that was owned by one of his friends. He invited me in but I refused so he got into the car. Kayline was in her car seat in the back. He was not interested in Kayline he was only interested in getting into my pants. He told me he wanted to fuck me again. I had worn jeans just in case he tried it on. That gave me the best chance of denying him and stopping him getting at me."

"I didn’t want to have sex with him. I was married to you and life was great with us but he had said that if I didn’t meet him he would ring you up and tell you about his daughter.”

“You didn’t want to have sex with him?”

She hesitated again. Looked down and then looked me straight in the eye. “I was turned on by the thought of it but remember this arse-hole had got me pregnant and disappeared and left me to work it out all by myself. You don’t understand the pressure it put on me.”

“Remember, my parents had wanted me to have an abortion by telling the police that I had been raped but I refused because this was my child. Besides I had been willing to have sex with him when I had got pregnant. They then talked me into trying to tell you that it was your child and I refused again.

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I did however agree to just tell you I was pregnant but I told them that if you asked then I would tell you the truth.”

“Was I going to jump into bed with him – no fucking chance? You will also remember that I had stopped taking the pill about that time because you and I had discussed having another child so I couldn’t make the same mistake. I think this was about my second cycle after stopping the pill and I knew that if I let him in my pants then I could have gotten pregnant again and there was no way that I was going to do it to you again. “

“So you turned him down. You didn’t have sex with him.”

Again a dead silence this time for quite a while. I could see tears welling up in her eyes again then a quiet whisper. “He raped me.” She was still looking down and not looking me in the eyes. She looked up and repeated, “The fucker raped me in front of our daughter. He grabbed me and pulled me out of the car. He laid on top of me and wrestled my jeans off. Keyline was crying all the time and I had to pacify her. Eventually I had to give in and let him fuck me. This time I was dry and it hurt me real bad. You might not remember it but I could not have sex for a couple of weeks because not only did he rip me again there were a lot of bruises. I had to hide them from you. I couldn’t afford to let you see them because you would ask questions and I didn’t have answers that I thought that you could accept. “

This shocked me to the core. I could not believe what I was hearing. “Then our son could be his too.”

“No fucking way. He’s not. He’s yours. There is no chance at all that he is not yours. I drove from there to the chemist shop and my friend who works there got me a pack of the night after pills. She gave me 20 altogether and I kept the others for next time.”

“What do you mean the next time?”

Again the hesitation “He blackmailed me. He told me that if I didn’t give him what he wanted and do what he wanted, when he wanted he would tell you that Kayline was his. He also said that he would tell you that he had been fucking me all the time when you were away and that I still put out for him whenever he asks.”

“So how long did that go on for?”

“It still is.”

“Surely that can’t be. That’s five and half years. How often does he do you?”

“He comes and goes. It only happens when he comes back into town.”


She stopped talking and just looked down. I was angry and couldn’t speak. What the hell could I say? All was quiet for a long time and then she continued. “There’s more but I don’t know how to tell you. It’s probably better if you don’t know. I’m so ashamed.” She was crying continuously now. My emotions took over and I sat up and held her tightly. I was wiping her tears away and kissing her eyes.

“Just tell me. I have to know no matter what it is or how much it hurts me.”

“He’s been selling me. Once he had control of me he said I want you to meet a few people. I went with him and there were several men in a donger type building with just a bed in it. The men lined up outside and he bought them in one at a time. I didn’t know what to do but I eventually agreed as long as everyone wore protection."

"I told them all ‘If anyone tries to do me without protection then I’m out of here. You all have to wear condoms’. One guy went off and came back with a box of condoms. I then saw them paying Steve so I know that he was prostituting me.”

“Fuck. I don’t believe this. We need to go to the police.”

“No. We can’t.”

“Why. For Christ sake, WHY?”

She was looking down again. She was avoiding my gaze. “The first couple of times I was angry and I was not very stimulated so I just laid there and let it happen but the third time he had about eight guys who had really big cocks. He said to me that they were all tested and safe and that he wanted me to take them bareback while he watched. Initially I refused but I knew that I was at the end of my danger time so there was a good chance that they wouldn’t get me pregnant besides I still had some of those pills. He told me that if I did this he would give me $50 per man. He also said that he was leaving town and needed the money and if I did it I could then get on with having a child with pencil-dick. That is what he always called you. I agreed just to get rid of him.”

“I thought if I do this the nightmare would be over and gone.” There was another long pause. A couple of times she started to say something but nothing came out. Suddenly she said, “The reason why you can’t go to the police is that I enjoyed it. It was fantastic and all the men knew I was enjoying it. I actually told a couple of them that if they stayed I would give them freebies. They were all gentle with me and it was not like just having sex they made sure that it was good for me and it was really wonderful.“

There was another long pause. I waited patiently because I could tell that she wanted to say more. “You probably will get angry with me for telling you this but our marriage is over anyhow so it won’t make any difference.”

“ The thing that really, really gets me going is when I don’t know the man and then I find that he is well endowed and on top of that I know there is a high risk that he can get me pregnant. Now here I was with eight men like this and they all did me twice. I was chocka-block with sperm and my mind was telling me that any one of those swimmers could get me pregnant. I just couldn’t help it. It made me cum and cum and cum endlessly.

“Even though I thought that I was outside my fertile time I couldn’t be sure so the risk was there. Even though I knew that I would take the morning after pill it was the thought.” She delayed again. “I should explain that I also knew you had not got me pregnant because I was using the morning after pill when I was fertile and when we had sex because I wasn’t willing to take the risk that it could be someone else’s child. I had to be certain that I did not get pregnant. I was actually thinking of going back on the pill.“

She had stunned me again, “And that was the end of it?”

“No. It stopped for a time and we went on to have our son, Tom but I had given my phone number to one of the group. He had stayed in touch with me through the skate center. He would come out when I went skating and talk to me.”

“I explained that we were trying for a child and so he accepted that he could not have sex with me. He asked me if I would do it again once our child was born and I had recovered. After a while I agreed. He’s a real gentleman. He’s kind to me and makes sure that I enjoy it as much as he does. He is shorter than Steve but almost as thick and he knows how to use it and he never ever hurts me. I just couldn’t say no to him. “

“So that’s why you’re late home each week after skating?”

“Yes, we have been having sex since about a month after Tom was born. That’s why I always run to the shower when I return. It was his cum that you licked out of me that night that you cornered me.”

“Goyse, you always enjoy sex with me after I come home from skating. You always comment on how good it is. It makes it good because I enjoy the thought of you having me after him. It hasn’t hurt our marriage, it has made it stronger. If I didn’t have him I would not be happy and I know I would have to go looking like a bitch on heat and that could destroy both of us.”

“What about Steve?”

“Steve came back again a while ago when we were out water skiing. You were in the boat. He came up to me and said come with me, I want to talk. I went with him because I didn’t want you to find us together. As we walked away he said to some of the guys, are you coming? One of them said quietly, why? Steve replied to him she’s going to put out for us."

"I didn’t know what to do. I knew all the guys hang around me to try to get into my pants and besides you had let that little slut, Roz come out water skiing with us and I was really angry with you so I didn’t resist.”

“They all had me all 6 of them. One tried anal but I stopped him and told them that my husband is the only one who will ever touch me there. One of them said 'so Goyse is an arse bandit, is he?' and laughed. I got angry and told them that if they put all of them together they still would not come near to the standard that you are.”

“Carol had turned up out of the blue and told us that the boat had broken down. She joined in with us. I was glad because it took some of the pressure of me and I did not want to be there."

“After when we returned you had gone home which frightened me a bit, especially when they told me that Roz went with you.” She hesitated again then looked me straight in the eye, “You fucked her didn’t you? I know you did so that you could get even with me. When they told me I felt like going back and doing them all again. I was so angry with you.”

I didn’t answer the question or comment. “Is there more?”

“Yes, probably but I can’t think clearly right now but it is important that I tell you that I love you, Goyse but I also have to tell you I am not in love with you. I want to keep you as my husband. No one else can fill that gap in my life.”

“You love me but you’re not in love with me? What the hell does that mean?”

“It’s difficult to explain but I’ll try. We have good sex it is quite enjoyable but sometimes despite how hard you try you cannot completely satisfy me. We are close all the time and I feel attached to you. We talk together and seldom argue and you always consider my needs usually before your own. My heart says that you are the one and you’re the perfect husband and almost every woman in the world would walk over hot coals to have a husband like you.”


“This is hard for me to say because it will upset you and I have never wanted to hurt you. If you had not forced me to tell you all these things I don’t think that I could ever have told you what I have tonight, maybe some of it but not all."

“Spit it out. Don’t keep bullshitting.”

“OK, I’ll give it to you straight. I have to have big cock. Without it I just can’t survive. When I go to sleep at night I don’t dream about us. I dream about men with big cocks. I feel it in my dreams and wake up and I am on the verge of orgasm and it won’t go away. It is the reason that I wake you up in the middle of the night for sex because I need to be satisfied.”

“I can masturbate and my desire is not satisfied. I can wake you up and we can have sex two or three times or more but the desire is still there. I’ve tried dildos that almost split me open but it still doesn’t work. I’ve tried all sorts of things and I get off OK but the desire is still there. I’ve spent the day, all day with women doing all types of things with them but it still doesn’t work. Give me a good thick cock to spew its sperm into my quim especially when I’m fertile and the desire goes away for two days, maybe a week sometimes but it always comes back. It has to be big and it has to be bareback or it doesn’t ease the pain. “

“Doesn’t ease the pain? What do you mean the pain?”

“The issue is that Steve has fucked me up big time. He has ripped and stretched my pussy so bad that average men make me feel empty, they can’t take that desire away and there is nothing I can do about it. It just won’t go away so I’m stuck with it. So what I’m saying to you is I want our marriage and I’ll do almost anything for you to keep you but it has to be conditional. Those conditions are that every Tuesday and Friday nights you must let me have what I want and in return I promise at all other times to be the best wife that any man could ever have."

This angered me a little so I came back, “What about me and my desires? What if I want another woman? You must understand that often I have difficulties because you are too stretched and if you continue to have big cock then it won’t improve.”

“You must know by now that I can’t handle you with any other woman. I get too jealous, angry and irrational. So that won’t work but I will give you my back passage whenever you want it. That is tighter than any other woman ever was.”

“You know that anal sex is not my thing. We have only done it twice in ten years and one of those times I was trying to get back at you for cheating on me. You see it is not about the sex it is about the contact. It’s about seeing the other person enjoying our intimacy, looking into their eyes and seeing the passion.”

I stopped for a while and thought fuck it, I’ll really put the pressure on her. “Well I know that you have sex with Lyn. I’d like you and me to do her together. Actually Jon is away at present. It is the perfect opportunity to invite her over and take it from there.”

I hesitated again and I could see that she was trying to understand how she felt about Lyn and me so I went on. “Perhaps when I come to terms with all this I might want to watch you with one of your big cocks and even join in. “

“You, Lyn and I, I think should be okay. You would love it because she has the cutest little pussy that I have ever seen and she is tight, very tight. I know you like her. In fact while I’ve been with her I’ve thought of you creaming her and then I clean her off again for you. She would enjoy that. I’ll discuss it with her when I go to see her during the week. She and Jon are thinking of having a child, shame that you are not fertile. You could have helped them out.”

She hesitated again as if trying to find the right words, “But if you were to see me with a big cock you would learn to hate me. You don’t understand what it does to me. I just go crazy. Most of the time I don’t know what I’m saying or doing and later on I feel ashamed. I would not like you to see that. I care for you too much and it would destroy you. I get really, really, nasty and say things that you would not like. “

By this time I was on the verge of cumming. She was so wet from talking about it and my playing with her that the sheets were soaked. I had got an insight into her for the first time ever. I knew that our talks would continue because I planned to corner her when she returned from skating the next evening before she showered and insist that she tell me about her night. I rolled over onto her and pushed into her pussy.

Our foreplay tonight had been her confession backed up by the picture she had painted of Lyn’s little tight pussy. I was going to have that dream quite often for most of my life. It followed a pattern, first there was Marg’s face then I move down to see Marg’s pussy. Suddenly it is not thick dark but sparse blond hair and then I look up to see that it is not Marg at all it is Lyn. A feeling of confusion follows and then I look over and see my wife being fucked by a foot long cock with a head as round as my forearm and her screaming ‘give it to me, give me more, give me more’. I then wake up and find it is just a dream but my cock is so hard that I either have to have sex or masturbate to get back to sleep.

Sue had reached orgasm almost immediately I felt the juices and the heat but unlike Marg where I had felt her spasms that was not the case with my wife. For me there was almost no contact. She was too stretched for complete contact. The spasms would have been there but I could not feel them. She just had been stretched so much and with all her juices there was no friction. She knew it and she said quietly. “Do you want my arse.”

“Nope, you don’t like that.”

“I could suck you.”

“Nope, tell me about the day Steve made you pregnant at the beach again, just the part about when you first sat on his cock and how it felt.” I was moving slowly in her. She was so sloppy that my mind was telling me that it felt like those eight men had just cum in her. She started her story giving a lot more detail. When she got to the part when Steve came the first time she told how cum flowed out around his cock and he remained erect. She said he didn’t even miss a stroke, kept going and didn’t stop. The vision of his sperm flowing out from around his tool and his swimmers moving up to join with her egg to make Kayline was just too much for me.

I just didn’t hear any more of her story because I was squirting and on each squirt I yelled, “Awe fuck. Awe fuck. Awe fuck……. When I was spent she kissed me and said “you really liked that, didn’t you. I’ve got plenty more stories to tell my little cuckold husband but for now he has to sleep.”

I was shocked at what she had said. To start with I was not little. If anything my cock was a little bit above average. Also I felt that I was just the husband caught up in her betrayal. I also felt that to be classified a cuckold I had to be party to the cheating and agree with it. It was obvious that she saw me in quite a different light. She saw me in a way that shocked me to my core. Did she really think that I accepted it as a necessary part of our relationship?

With that thought I rolled over and closed my eyes. She moved away and so I moved over closer to her with my cock wedged between her legs. My dream started as it always would with Marg’s beautiful face. A feeling of resentment disappeared as contentment took me over and I went to sleep in her juices that had saturated the sheets.

I was soon to learn that if I did not do a very good job of cleaning Sue each night after that time that sleeping in wet sheets was all too common because she started missing the shower when she returned after her nights out. After our sex I continued to drift off to sleep dreaming about my special woman, Marg, then Lyn, then a big cock cumming in my wife. However from that night om an extra chapter was added to the dream, Marg and Lyn both in my bed making love to me with my wife watching and ready to perform clean up duties.

That night despite having cum before going to sleep I awoke at 4 am having a massive orgasm. I had not had a wet dream since I was fifteen. The final part of my dream that night was of a big cock fucking my wife while she screamed, “Give it to me. Give me more. I’m ovulating. I want your baby. Get me pregnant. My husband wants another child,” while Lyn gave me her tight pussy. The pussy in my dream was Marg’s but it had blond hair and had already been filled with Jon’s cum which squirted out the side every time I pushed in. I woke Sue up and said, “It’s okay. Just don’t keep me in the dark. If you tell me about everything from now on I’ll stay.”

As I drifted back to sleep she said, “There’s a lot more that I need to tell you about yet. Thanks for listening to me. I’ve never had anyone who I could trust to tell it all to before.” Then she kissed me. I could see in the moonlight that her eyes were red and I knew that she had been crying during the night. She turned away and was immediately snoring. I had not felt this close to her for the last five or six years.

Before long my dream switched back to Marg and how wonderful she had been to me. I awoke with the alarm going off. It was time to get ready to go to work.

Written by goyse
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