Sandra and I jumped apart at the sound of Alice’s voice, we couldn’t have looked more guilty if we’d tried.
‘Nothing. Nothing at all. I was just wishing Sandra a Happy New year.’
I crossed the room to hug and kiss Alice and wish her the same. She turned her face away from me at the last moment and instead of kissing her lips I kind of smudged her cheek. The air was definitely frosty. Sandra saw what was happening and stepped up to hug Alice and wish her all the best for the coming year.
‘I’m getting a headache, the music upstairs is so loud,’ complained Alice, ‘I’d like to go home please, Gordon.’
‘Sure. Just let me say goodnight to Caryn.’
Caryn chose that moment to come back into the kitchen, ‘You guys going so soon?’
‘Yeah, Alice is getting one of her migraines.’ I said.
‘Awe, I’m sorry. Well, off you go, see her home. I’ll speak to you next week sometime.’
She leaned into me and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear. ‘You and I are getting together soon. I want what you have under that kilt again.’ She quickly pecked me on the cheek, hugged Alice, and stepped back. I headed for the door with Alice following, it was a short walk across the street to our own house.
As soon as I closed the door behind us, Alice turned and said,’I think we need to talk but, I’m too tired to do it now. We’ll get into it in the morning. I’d appreciate it if you’d sleep in the guest room tonight, I don’t want your snoring disturbing me. Goodnight.’ With that, she turned and headed upstairs.
I stood for a moment, my mind spinning with a thousand thoughts. Did she hear Sandra and I earlier in Caryn’s kitchen? Did she see or hear me fuck Caryn? She could have been standing outside the door for a while before she came in. There was no way I’d have noticed her while I was balls deep in either one of the two sexy neighbours I’d just fucked.
Well, what will happen will happen, I thought. I can’t unfuck them, can I? I’d do them both again, right now, if I was given the chance. I thought of how tight Caryn’s pussy was and how wet she got. All that exercise and yoga really paid off. I couldn’t help myself grinning as my cock hardened, remembering what she’d whispered to me before I left. The thought of getting into her slippery cunt again made me smile.
Then I thought “fuck it” who cares what Alice saw or heard. There’s nothing she can say to me that I can’t throw back at her, in spades. She had her hands all over Mr Goatee all the time I was in the same room as them, along with about twenty other people, who must have seen what she was doing. Tomorrow’s talk will be interesting, that’s for sure.
When I got upstairs our bedroom door was closed, something Alice almost never does. I knew then that she was well pissed off. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day, I thought as I headed to our spare room.
I awoke the next day with no hangover, which for a Scotsman the morning after Hogmanay was unusual. That I made it to my bed at all was a surprise But then, I’m not as young as I used to be and instead of having a good drink, I had shagged two beautiful sexy women. I’d rather be shagged out than drunk.
Alice was already up and preparing breakfast. I could smell bacon and coffee on the go. The aromas were very appetising and I just wandered into the kitchen in my underwear.
‘Go and get dressed!’ snapped Alice, ‘I’m not feeding you in that state.’
I was getting a sense of her mood and where today might be going. She was wearing a robe, which went down to the tops of her slippers. Very practical but it had no sensual appeal at all. Maybe that was the point, although she could have been wearing it for a bet for all I knew.
Sheepishly, I went back upstairs and slipped on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I hated getting dressed properly if I didn’t have to, and today was a public holiday so no need to go out anywhere. Alice turned from the cooker when I returned and scowled but said nothing. Yeah, I thought, some shit’s coming my way, better shut up and eat or I could be wearing my breakfast if I’m not careful.
We ate in uncomfortable silence. I thought about complimenting her on the quality of her cooking but that would have just been making noise to break through the quiet. Breakfast over and cleared away, I said, ‘I’m going to get properly dressed. Maybe we could go out somewhere for a quiet walk. Not much else to do today is there?’
Her reply was as unexpected as it was astonishing,
‘We could go back to bed and you could fuck my brains out.’ Her smile was gentle and enigmatic but her eyes were sparkling.
‘I thought you wanted to talk?’
‘And you thought that you could take me somewhere public so I couldn’t make a scene and rip your balls off?’
Christ!, that outburst put me on the back foot. One minute my dick was growing with the thought of being buried in my wife’s snatch for an hour or two then shrinking in fear at the thought of being castrated in public. Trying to be funny and show no fear I said,
‘Okay, fucking your brains out it is then.’
‘Good choice, stud. By the way, I hope your tongue is feeling up to it because the first half involves you eating my pussy to at least four orgasms. God help you if I don’t get them.’
Puzzled, I held my hands in the time-out sign. ‘Hold on a minute, what the fuck is going on here, Alice?’
Her face lost its aggression and she said, ‘All will be revealed but right now I need to reclaim my husband and he needs to reclaim his wife.’ The smile vanished and the dominant woman returned. ‘Get upstairs. This pussy needs servicing and if the owner isn’t satisfied she’s got a hairbrush that will be coming into swift contact with your arse!’
‘I need to have a shower first.’
‘Okay. But be quick. If I have to start alone I’ll be looking for the hairbrush.’
The hairbrush references were a throwback to when we were first married. She had long hair then and I loved to, brush it out before bed. It felt like such a simple act but so intimate. One night she was squirming around because her hair was particularly tuggy and knotted. I threatened to spank her with the brush if she didn’t stop moving around. Well, that just turned her on and of course, she squirmed all the more. I threw her over my knees and lightly paddled her arse with the brush. Ever since then any reference to the hairbrush was her way of telling me that she was especially horny. And when Alice is horny sparks will fly!
I showered quickly, not really knowing what I was going to find in the bedroom when I got there. We had not had sex for weeks because I was away at work and when I got home Alice was on a residential course just before Christmas. Factor in that we didn’t have sex the week before I went away, meant that I hadn’t seen her pussy for about five weeks. Of course, I was sure that she and Mr Goatee had fucked while they were away on the course so her pussy had seen some action in that time. Just not with me.
In the bedroom, Alice was standing at the foot of the bed, still wearing the long robe. I strolled in naked from the shower. ‘Lie down on the bed. Head on the pillows.’ I lay down. She walked around until she stood beside me. Undoing the tie around her waist she let the robe drop open. Shrugging her shoulders she wiggled until it slid down her body and lay in a pile at her feet. She was naked save for a tiny pair of lace panties. They were lace and mesh, very see-through, and completely new to me.
‘Never seen those before.’ I said.
‘Yeah, they’re new. A gift from an admirer.’ She looked me straight in the eyes when she said it. Her look was returned with a flash of anger in mine.
‘What the fu…’ She quickly reached over and gently pinched my lips shut.
‘I told you downstairs, all will be revealed. Please be patient.’
‘Alice, what’s going on.’
‘Patience, lover, patience.’
As she leaned over to hold my mouth closed she had moved closer to the bed. Her panties were transparent and I could see that her pussy was bald. Something she’d never done before. Whenever I’d asked her to go smooth she’d get annoyed. I’m a grown woman and grown women have hairy pussies, so get used to it. She’d say. She had a landing strip once but complained about it irritating her as it grew back.
She saw where my eyes were looking.
‘I get it waxed now. No stubble.’
As I took in the sight of my wife’s smooth mound something else caught my eye. Something glinted at the top of her slit.
‘Is that what I fucking think it is?’
‘Oh, I forgot. You’ve not seen my cunt in so long, have you. That’s my new piercing. Do you like it? I love it. If I wear a tight thong it rubs on me and makes me soo … excited. I’m horny all day.’
‘I suppose that was a gift from an admirer as well.’ I struggled to keep the acid from my voice. ‘Alice, will you just tell me what the hell is going on?’
‘Later. I want you to eat me now, I’m dripping.’
She swiftly slid her new panties off and climbed onto the bed, straddling me as I lay flat. Alice has a beautiful body. I once called her Goldilocks because everything about her was “just right” and she hadn’t changed in all our time together. At least, not physically.
‘Please Gordon, make me come.’
She shuffled up my body, opening herself with her fingers. My God! was she wet. Her labia were flushed a deep red and shiny with her juices. White cream had gathered at the bottom of her hole and the inside of her thighs was glistening with pussy juice that had run out of her when she was standing at the bedside.
I love to eat pussy. When I was younger realised that if you got a reputation of being good with your tongue then women would break down doors to get to you, I made a point of learning how to do it properly.
Alice advanced on me slowly and put her lips and slit over my mouth. It was a move she had used before but not recently. I held my tongue out and gently directed her so that it went straight up and into her vagina. God, I thought about how I’ve missed the smell and taste of her. By now, Alice was leaning over me, her hands on the wall behind the bed. Moving her hips in sync with my tongue which was gently fucking her. I would withdraw and slowly lick her inner lips and dip below to tease her ass.
Opening my eyes I got a good look at her new jewelry. It was a silver barbell. About an inch long with a ball at one end and a set jewel at the other. It went horizontally across the top of her slit through the skin covering her clitoris. It tapped me on the teeth as I licked her. Grabbing it with my front teeth I drew it into my mouth, gently tugging it as I went. I sucked it further into my mouth stretching her clitoral hood and making her moan.
‘OOOH … my good god keep doing that. Don’t stop.’ I wiggled the barbell with my tongue whilst holding it tight and tugged on her clit. Alice’s hips went into overdrive when I did that. ‘JEEEsus…. What are you doing … I’ve never… ‘
Then she came.
She screeched and moaned and thrust her hips into my face. I had to hold her off a little because she would have smothered me. She was shaking and trembling and squeezing my head between her thighs. I kept tonguing her and playing with her barbell. She kept moaning and trembling. Eventually, after about five minutes I had to push her away a little just to breathe. She lifted herself from my mouth.
‘Jesus Gordon. God knows I love your tongue and mouth and I know you are insanely talented with them but christ… you’ve never eaten me out like that before. That was incredible. I’m still trembling.’ She lay down alongside me.
‘That barbell thing through your clit is amazing.’
‘Yeah, but you learned quickly what to do with it. Makes me think you’ve done it before?’
‘I’ve never been with a woman with a pierced clit before, I was making all those moves up as I went along. It just takes a little imagination. Is that a real diamond at the end of it?’

‘I think so, why?’
‘Jesus, Alice, it must have cost a fortune.’
‘Ah, well… see… I didn’t pay for it.’
‘So, who did?’ or don’t you want to tell me. Why is it such a secret? Just what the fuck is going on?’
‘Okay. I want you to promise me that you’ll listen to what I’m going to say without getting angry or judgemental. I’ll answer all your questions when I’m done. All right?’
‘I’m not going to like this, am I?’
‘On what?’
‘What you want out of my plan.’
‘You have a plan? Does it include me? Because at the moment it feels like I’m the only one around that doesn’t have a fucking clue what is going on.’
Alice turned and lay on her side. Her delicious breasts slid together and the resultant cleavage was gorgeous. I couldn’t resist looking. ‘My eyes are up here mister!’ she said with a teasing firmness. ‘Mommy will let you play with her titties later. Right now she’s going to tell you a story.’
‘I’m listening. I love a good bedroom story.’ I was getting into the swing of things here.
‘The guy you saw at the party last night, you know, the one with the goatee.’
‘Yeah, the one you couldn’t keep your hands off.’
‘That’s right, him. Well you know he’s the firm’s senior partner and pretty much decides who gets to make partner and who doesn’t.’
‘’So you have to fuck him to get ahead? That’s illegal in this day and age. You could sue his ass.’
‘That’s what the other partners are afraid of. It’s happened before and it has cost them a lot over the last few years. Why do you think the firm doesn’t have many female associates or partners.’
‘He scares them away?’
‘Something like that. He gets involved with an associate. Promising her a partnership and then when it comes to the crunch he fails to endorse her. She threatens to sue for harassment. The firm pays her for her silence and she walks away. It’s a vicious cycle and the other senior partners are tired of it.’
‘So where do you fit in? What exactly is the plan? What are you trying to do? Why does it include shaving your mound and getting your clit pierced?’
‘Slow down with the questions, my love. I’ll get to all of that. You don’t mind a bald pussy, do you? And I luuve my barbell.’
‘Get on with the explanation Alice, please.’
‘Well, about six months ago I was called into the managing partner’s office after hours. I thought that I was going to be spoken to about a new account I had been chasing. Instead, I was confronted by the whole management board, except Malcolm.’
‘Mr Goatee?’ I enquired.
‘Yes. Anyway, they told me that I was being considered for a partnership but that they needed my cooperation with something before they could approve my promotion. They knew that Malcolm would now proposition me for sex with the promise of his vote to make me a partner. This was apparently his MO with previous candidates. They wanted me to agree to his advances, as far as I was comfortable with, and document and record all of our encounters.’
‘Wait… Wha… You’ve got video of you and him… at it? Fuck, Alice, that’s hot.’ I was aroused by the thought of Alice on film. ‘so you agreed to that?’
‘Yes. The payoff for me was the promise of a partnership as soon as Malcolm was fired.’
‘It would still cost them a lot of money, wouldn’t it?’
‘Ahh, that’s where me, the honeytrap comes in. They’d be sacking him under the morals clause in the partnership agreement. They wouldn’t have to pay him any compensation at all.’ She smiled at me.
‘Still doesn’t make sense to me. Did they tell you to fuck him?’
‘No that was my decision.’
‘Why then?’
‘I felt like we were drifting apart back then. I was lonely, vulnerable. I got emotionally involved. He thought his power won me over when in truth it was my own insecurities that let him into my knickers.’
‘Do you love him?’
‘Christ no!’ Alice was emphatic, ‘He’s an arrogant, narcissist. I could never love him. He is quite decent in bed, however.’ She looked at me and softly stroked my cheek, ‘Not as good as you though. Plus he won’t eat my pussy.’
What a fool I thought. ‘So what changed?’
‘The lovely, sexy widow next door, that’s what.’
‘Sandra? What about her?’
‘Oh Gordon, come on. You’ve shagged her, haven’t you? Don’t deny it. It’s okay I don’t blame you. She’s gorgeous.’
‘What if I have? Where does that leave us? I do love you but I thought you were just laying the groundwork before leaving me for him.’
‘Leave you? No chance. I’d share you with Sandra before I’d leave you.’
‘You’re jealous?’
‘Of course. I didn’t see what I had until I was in danger of losing it. But I was so far into the honeytrap plan that I couldn’t back out. Listen, a partnership means I’ll make more money and there will be bonuses as well. We could afford for you to stop going away to sea. You could get a job ashore. Maybe we could think about having kids. My motivation is really all about us.’
‘Alice, don’t you see. You’ve prostituted yourself to your firm. You are fucking a man, not your husband, for personal gain. You’ve become a whore.’
‘Don’t you dare call me that!!’ She was angry and on the defensive. No doubt feeling guilty. ‘Our situation made me vulnerable to his approaches. Even without the plan, I would most likely have ended up in his bed. If I was going to cheat on you, I figured I might as well get something out of it. I did it for us!!’
She started to cry. She buried her face in the pillows and sobbed. She mumbled into the pillows, ‘I’ve made a real mess of things haven’t I?’
I spoke softly. Trying not to be judgemental, which was hard. ‘A little bit. Nothing we can’t fix. I’m glad that we are finally being honest with each other.’
She looked up, ‘Are we? Did you fuck Sandra? You’ve not told me yet.’
I swallowed, hard, ‘Yes.’ I whispered, falling silent waiting for her response.
‘Was she good? Better than me?’
'Yes, she was good? Or yes, better than me?’
'Yes, she was good. But not better than you. Different.’
‘Different how? We’re much the same physically and she’s had kids so her cunt can’t be tighter.’
‘She’s impulsive and imaginative,’ I paused because what I was going to say next would wind Alice up but I said it anyway, ’she loves sex in the shower and she loves her arsehole licked.’
‘You did all that with her?’
Alice's eyes widened, ‘I get it, I really do. I guess you were feeling just as lonely as I was. You took comfort where you could.’
She was sobbing again but staring right into my eyes, ‘I’m sorry Gordon. Truly I am. I pushed you into her arms and between her legs.’ Her sobbing had progressed into a full-on wail. She grabbed me close and howled into my shoulder. ‘What are we going to do. I can’t lose you, I love you.’ She was kissing my neck and cheek.
I just held her and let her cry. My mind was so full of emotions and feelings that it was difficult to settle my thoughts and get a hold on what was happening to us. Eventually, Alice settled down and went to wash her face, which was bright red from her tears. When she returned she appeared to have got a little hold of herself. ‘Are you all right?’ I asked.
‘Not really. I’m still confused about everything. How did we get into this mess?’
‘We did it the old fashioned way. By not communicating.’
‘We’re communicating now though, aren’t we?’
‘It’s all a bit after the fact. At the moment I think we’re just firefighting.’
‘Is that how you see us, burning?’
‘Yes. We have to put out the fire before it consumes us both and everything that we have.’
‘Let’s talk about the plan the partners have you carrying out. What did you agree to do, exactly?’
‘I was to let myself be seduced by Malcolm.’
‘Whose idea was it to fuck him?’
‘Mine. I think the board is pleased that I slept with him. It makes the morals clause thing a slam dunk, but they never said I had to.’
‘Did they even imply that you should?’
‘No. Never, No innuendo. Nothing.’
‘So why did you do it? You knew it was cheating.’ Alice started sobbing again as I said this. ‘I’m sorry. I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m just trying to find out if there is any way back for us.’
‘Okay. I’m so ashamed but I was so very lonely.’
‘And horny,’ I said with a wry smile, trying to lighten the mood as much as it could be given what we were talking about.
‘Well, yeah. And horny.’
‘Given that you must have enough evidence to get him. What is the plan going forward.’
‘The partnership board meets every quarter to examine each candidate's progress and each mentor gives an update on their associate. It was always at this final meeting that Malcolm put the boot in.’
'When is the next meeting then?’
‘At the end of March, early April.’
‘So you have to stay his “girlfriend“ until then?’
‘I guess so.’
‘You’ve got two more trips away together before then, haven’t you?’
‘Yes. A convention in Harrogate. That’s for five days in early February and a weekend team builder thingy in Scotland somewhere.’
‘So you’re going to have to sleep with him some more.’
‘Not if you don’t want me to, Gordon.’
‘No. Your reasons for wanting to make partner are good ones and I agree about coming ashore and the kids thing. I want that too. So we have to make this work.’
‘But I’ll feel so guilty being with him.’
‘But you don’t have to Alice. Don’t you see? I know. I know all about it and I agree with it. That means it’s not cheating.’
‘But it means that you are a cuckold. I don’t want to do that to you.’
‘I think it makes me a Stag. Although Mr Goatee doesn’t sound like a Bull. More of a Goat perhaps.’ That drew a giggle from Alice. She suddenly exploded, ‘I know what you can do. It’s perfect. Why didn’t I think of it before.’ Her mood was lifted and she was enthusiastic about her idea.
‘What? You’ve had a lightbulb moment, haven’t you? What is it?’
‘The sexy widow of course. You can keep seeing her until the quarterly meeting. Once I make partner, you can get a new job and we can go back to being a loving couple again. What do you think.’
‘A few moments ago you were agonising about pushing me into her arms. Now you're telling me to go there. I don’t get it.’
‘It’s my guilt. I’m sure Sandra is a great fuck.’ I nodded my agreement. ‘Well then, when I’m busy being Mata Hari for the board I can assuage my guilt by knowing that my man is being looked after by the best shag on the block.’
I didn’t know how to respond to that. I would really like to play with Sandra again and to be able to do it without worrying about Alice finding out, Well… do schoolboys wear short trousers? ‘That could work for me.’ was all I said in the end.
Alice said, ‘Of course I’ll want all the horny details. I want to know about every lick, kiss, suck, and fuck. Where, when, and how.’ She was so energised at this point. She truly looked like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. ‘
Oh, Gordon, I wish we’d talked about all this sooner. I’ve been feeling so guilty and anxious.’ She hugged me tightly. I squeezed back. Of course, I didn’t tell her about the feelings I was beginning to develop for Sandra. I figured that now I knew that Alice wasn’t planning a new life with her lowlife then our marriage was on safer ground. I thought I could play with Sandra without much consequence. I didn’t think then that nobody had asked Sandra how she felt.
After all the drama of the last hour or so my ardour had cooled somewhat, as had Alice’s. We got dressed and went for a walk in the nearby woods. It was sharply cold but it felt cleansing. As we strolled along something about the whole affair popped into my mind. ‘Alice, can I ask you something?’
‘Yes sweetheart, what is it?’
‘Tell me you got an agreement in writing from the board about your partnership.’
‘Of course, darling. What do you think I am, a complete idiot? I’ve got a written agreement. Ironclad. It does have an escape clause, however.’
‘Oh, what is that then.’
‘No partnership, they have to pay me 1.4 million quid.’