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Motel 69

"She likes it rough and hard, illicit and dirty."

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Tony: My cock had been hard as a rock most of the afternoon. I wasn’t supposed to meet her today, it wasn’t in our plans, but I knew that if I called her she would come. She’d have to, because her obsession was as great as mine, perhaps worse. It was already late in the day so she’d make the weak, obligatory objections about her husband coming home and getting dinner ready for him and their two kids… But she’d be there. I knew that without a doubt. I adjusted my hard cock as I thought about her, about how she’d feel…

All day, alone in my office, I’d been thinking of her; of the way she’d look as I was taking her, the way she’d do whatever I said, how she’d bow her head, her hair falling forward, not meeting my eyes but knowing what was coming – what she wanted. Her scent, her taste, the feel of her beautiful breasts against me, nipples jutting proudly. I knew the way her pussy would feel and taste, hot, sweet and slippery on my tongue, and exactly how it would feel when she took me in her mouth, and when I entered her tight, slick heat. My cock throbbed, aching with need. I took out my phone and punched up her home number in the directory; with no further hesitation, I made the connection.

Roxy: I wondered if he’d call today. Even though it had been only a few days since he’d called, it seemed like forever. I needed to be with him again, but it was getting late in the afternoon. He knew I had family commitments and was not available too close to dinner time. After all, I had a husband and two children to think about. But still, I couldn’t help but hope.

All day, as I did my housework and ran errands, I’d been thinking about him. Remembering the last time we met. The way he made me feel when he kissed me, the way he tasted in my mouth, the way he felt when he slid his big, hard cock into me. Every time I thought of him the little squiggles of arousal would start low in my belly, and I’d get wet. I needed to be with him again.

Tony: She answered almost at once as I’d known she would, even though not expecting my call. I didn’t bother to make small talk; she didn’t expect it, and I didn’t enjoy it. “Be there, 4:00.” I listened for a moment. She called me Tony; not my real name, but what I had told her. It had been spur of the moment, what popped into my head when she introduced herself as “Roxy”, which I was almost sure was not her real name either. Fuck her, two can play that game.

I gave her a few seconds but quickly cut her short on the anticipated weak objections. “No excuses, just be there. You know you want it too. Your pussy is already getting wet. I’ll call you again after I check in and give you the room number.”

I listened again, but again only for a moment. “I’m leaving now. Be there by 4:00; don’t disappoint me today – oh, and wear a skirt and blouse, something that looks nice, but no bra or panties. You won’t need them.” I broke the connection before she could object again and rose from my desk, looking down at the prominent bulge in the front of my dress slacks. There was nothing to be done about it now, but the solution to that pressing problem had been arranged.

Roxy: The phone rang. I was almost afraid to look at the caller ID. Afraid it would be him, maybe more afraid it might not be him. I picked up the phone and saw his number and answered right away. As usual, there was no small talk, just him telling me to be at the motel at 4:00. I tried to turn him down, but he wouldn’t listen; he hung up on me. I debated with myself about just not going. He didn’t need to think he could order me around like that. But I knew better, I knew that I would go, and that I would dress as he had told me to – in a skirt and blouse with no bra or panties. God… I shouldn’t.

Tony: I had to walk out through the front office, past our receptionist and any clients that might be there, and the bulge in my pants was going to be obvious because this fucker was not going limp until I emptied my balls inside of her. I considered carrying something in front of me and decided that would be more obvious still. Fuck ‘em, hardons happen; we never had anyone around that wasn’t an adult. I left and went to my car, ignoring the few covert glances at my bulging crotch.

Roxy: I quickly ran upstairs into the bedroom and went to my closet to look for the perfect outfit. One minute I’m thinking about turning him down, and the next I’m trying to figure out how to best please him; he has that effect on me. I stripped off the clothes I had on and stood there naked while I debated about what to wear. I put on a soft, silk blouse and a tight, short skirt. A pair of sky-high heels completed the look.

I walked out into the bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked sexy, cheap and horny… just what he liked! My nipples were clearly visible through my shirt, and I was already wet just thinking about him. I grabbed my purse and ran down the stairs and out to my car.

Tony: The motel was only a few miles from the office – further for her, from her family home – so I knew I’d arrive well ahead of her even if she’d left immediately. She probably had. I shook my head, laughing; she was one horny fucking broad, and hooking up with her had been a stroke of luck. She was always wet and ready, willing and eager to do almost anything I asked of her, and I’d never gotten my knob polished as well and as often as I had since our motel trysts began.

A few minutes later I pulled up under the portico at the hotel. The place was a dump, a former Motel 6 that had deteriorated to the point that it no longer met corporate standards and had been sold off. The new owner, Mr. Patel, had demonstrated a sense of humor by adding a nine, thus changing the name to ‘Motel 69’, and had turned it into an adult motel. The sign he'd had made was about the only new thing the place had seen in years. It was a seedy and run-down place in a seedy and run-down part of town, and was now a true ‘No-tell Motel’ with rooms that rented by the hour, adult movies on the closed-circuit TV, and an indoor spa and pool area that was known for its debauchery.

The place was well known for its swingers parties, hookers, and cheating spouses. Lots of cheating spouses, especially in the daylight hours when hubby was at work – or, as in my case, was supposed to be at work while wifey was at home, none the wiser. It was perfect for our purposes, and the dirty, shabby, illicit nature of it was part of the thrill for her, I think. She loved getting away from her kids and her milquetoast husband and letting her dirty-girl show. One thing they did do at Patel's little dump was change the linens after every customer; even she didn’t want anything any seedier and shabbier than that.

I got the key from the desk clerk and returned to my car. I called her immediately on my cell and gave her the room number, 208, and hung up; it was all she needed to know at that moment. I'd asked for the second floor because I liked the idea of her climbing the open, outdoor staircase in her little skirt with no panties underneath. I knew she'd be thinking that anyone underneath would be able to look up and see her pretty little pussy, which she’d had waxed smooth at my demand; she'd be embarrassed by that thought, but also very aroused. I wanted her dripping.

Roxy: In a way I hated myself for answering his call and running when he told me to, but he was like an addiction; I needed him. He made me feel so different, so sexy and sensual, even naughty. Dirty really, but I loved it. I love my husband too, but Tony gave me something that I wasn’t getting at home. “Tony” – that was a laugh! I’d known by the way he said it that it wasn’t his real name, but I’d told him my name was Roxy so I could scarcely object to him using a fake one too.

He seemed to sense from the first moment we met that I needed something in my life. Some guys just have that ability, the bad boys, the predatory type. He somehow knew that there were times when I needed to give up control, to simply let someone – him – take over and make all the decisions, to control me, take me and even dominate me. To use me and make me feel cheap and wanton, and make the moment all about the sex, about pure lust and nothing more. It was a little rough sometimes, hard and fast and anything but loving, but that was okay.

In fact, it was more than okay; it was what I needed from him. Love I could get at home, but my husband would never dream of treating me roughly and fucking me – using me – the way Tony did. I loved it when he simply took me, demanding everything, the sex sweaty and loud and almost brutal, and the orgasms he gave me were like no other.

Thinking about him as I drove, about his dominant strength, his masculine scent and his thick cock was making me very wet. I reached down beneath my short skirt and touched myself, my pussy bare thanks to his demand that I not wear panties. God! I was hot and dripping, and if I touched myself much more I was going to have an orgasm – and probably a car wreck!

Tony: After I'd parked in front of the room, where I could look up and see the door, I retrieved the pair of black kid-leather driving gloves from the console; they were very soft and smelled richly of new leather, the main reasons I'd dropped seventy bucks on them.

I walked over to the stairs and took them two at a time. I'm not going to lie and pretend that I wasn't just as excited and horny as she was; my rigid cock clearly outlined against the front of my dress slacks would prove my prevarication. I walked across the second-floor balcony toward our room, careful not to lean on the rusted railing; it didn't look like anything I'd want to put a lot of faith in.

As I passed the room next to ours, room 206, I happened to glance at the window and stopped dead in my tracks. There on the bed, right inside the window with the curtains wide open, were two black studs drilling a middle-aged, voluptuously built white woman. She was on her hands and knees on the bed with one guy on his knees behind her, gripping her wide hips with both hands as he slammed his thick cock into her pussy; the other was in front of her, one hand dangling limply by his side, his other hand on her head holding her in place as he thrust his cock into her mouth, his big ballsack flopping back and forth with each thrust.

Her heavy breasts suspended from her chest, jiggling and bouncing each time the guy behind her drove his cock in to the hilt, his flat belly smacking into her wide, soft ass. Her nipples dragged against the bed sheets as her body rocked back and forth with his thrusts; I could only imagine how the sensations of that, combined with the two guys fucking her, must feel. As if I wasn't already almost painfully aroused, the sight of them sent an extra rush of blood to my cock; I was throbbingly, rigidly, achingly erect.

The guy drilling her pussy looked up and saw me watching them; he released his grip on her hips just long enough to flip me off two-handed before once again grabbing her hips and tugging her backwards onto his big shaft, barely missing a beat – or a thrust.

I laughed and tossed a single-finger salute right back at him as I moved on. Fuck him; if he didn't want to be watched they should have closed the fucking drapes. Then again, there was a good chance that the drapery rod was broken or even missing entirely; it was that kind of place.

I used the big brass key to open 208. The room smelled heavily of Pinesol and some cloyingly sweet air freshener, and vaguely of sex. The rooms always smelled of sex, but since I knew we'd be adding to that scent it was okay; at least the air conditioning was adjusted to a comfortable temperature. I propped the door so that it was slightly ajar and sat on the end of the bed as I bit the tags off my new gloves and tugged them onto my hands. I could hear the trio in the next room clearly, bodies slapping together as she had the two big cocks pounded into her at each end, and her moans and grunts of arousal around the thick cock in her mouth. If the walls of this place were any thinner you could probably see through them.

Roxy: I drove as fast as I dared; I felt like I was trembling with arousal, but I didn’t want to be late. I hated to make him angry. I was still a couple miles away when my cell phone rang. It was him and I answered. “Room 208,” was all he said, and then he hung up.

I got to the hotel just minutes later and pulled toward the back, where I knew our room was. I parked my car and hurried across the parking lot. I figured he was watching through the window, and knew that he would enjoy the view of me hurrying; my breasts were jiggling and my nipples were jutting out even more than at home when I was getting ready. They were so sensitive, my arousal so heightened that the fabric of my blouse sliding across them was almost excruciatingly sensual.

I rushed over to the stairs and looked up. They were open on the back, and I knew anyone in the room below them or who happened to walk by would be able to see up my skirt and tell I had no panties on. Still, I knew he was waiting and the stairs were the only way, so I crossed my fingers and hurried up them. Nervous, anxious – very aroused – I turned the corner and followed the upper balcony toward room 208.

I glanced into the window of room 206 as I passed, and saw two men and a woman on the bed, really going at it! God! They’d left the drapes wide open, and although I tried not to stare as I hurried past I couldn’t help but look, and the sight of the two naked men and her pleasing them made me even hornier than I already was.

Tony: Unlike the room next door, this one did have curtains, although they hung crooked and gapped quite a bit in the center. I crossed to the window and looked through that gap just in time to see her pull into a parking spot. I smiled as I watched her get out of her car, swinging those long, beautiful legs out first. It was apparent that she was very aware of her lack of underwear because she tried to keep her legs together as she got out, a fairly awkward and unnatural manner of egress. When she stood up she tugged self-consciously at her skirt.

She crossed the parking lot as I watched, the weeds growing through the cracked pavement, sickly palm trees and faded parking lines adding to the overall tawdriness of the old motel; she was definitely a rose among the thorns in that setting. Then again, she would be in almost any setting.

She looked gorgeous in her stylish sunglasses, her long reddish-brown hair gleaming in the sunlight. She also looked sexy and aroused, her erect nipples clearly visible as her breasts jiggled with each step, and I knew that if I could see them so easily from this distance so could anyone else that looked at her. She’d be aware of that of course, and while I knew she’d be self-conscious and maybe a little embarrassed it would also turn her on, knowing men were looking at her with just one thing on their minds and hard dicks in their pants. I loved that idea, and it made my balls ache to think about it.

When she moved out of view beneath the edge of the deck I moved over to the doorway and stood against the wall so that I’d be behind the door when she pushed it open. Other than the narrow slivers of daylight coming through the gapped curtains and leaking in around the slightly-ajar door, the room was dark. I knew her eyes would still be dazzled by the bright sunlight outside and she’d be virtually blind when she walked in.

Roxy: I paused outside the door of number 208 for a moment to collect myself. I didn’t want to look as desperately horny as I felt. Silly, I know, but even in this situation I wanted to preserve at least a shred of my dignity! Standing there while taking a couple of deep, calming breaths, I realized I could hear the unmistakable sounds of sex from the trio next door, which did nothing to allay my arousal. Clearly they had none of my concerns about preserving their dignity. I shook my head, smiling ruefully, and reached for the door knob. As he’d said he would he’d left the door slightly ajar, and I pushed it open.

When I stepped into the room it was totally dark. After the bright sunshine outside, I couldn’t even make out where the furniture was or where he was. I was so intensely aroused and so ready for him that I couldn’t wait to be in his arms.

Tony: She opened the door and stepped in, light flooding the room, but still not enough to be of much help to her sun-dazzled eyes. She paused momentarily to remove her sunglasses and then moved forward, clearing the door. The second she was clear I hit the door hard, slamming it closed behind her, and seized her from behind, one hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming in alarm, and the other arm around her, pulling her back against me. She dropped her sunglasses and I felt her tense up and resist, instinct taking over as she struggled for a moment before she realized it was me. I held her tightly, my hard cock pressing into her luscious ass.

I knew she’d be aware of the soft, creamy texture and rich scent of my kid leather gloves, and I let those things flood her senses for a moment before I whispered harshly into her ear, “Ssshhh, no screaming! Do as I say and everything will be alright. Nod if you understand.”

She nodded, and I felt her body relax somewhat as she ground her ass back against my cock. I removed my hand from her mouth and slid it down to her left breast, squeezing and kneading it firmly. Her braless breast felt incredible in my hand, full and firm, and I could feel her hard nipple between my fingertips even through the thin gloves. I moved my other hand from around her waist down to the hem of her skirt and pulled it up, then thrust my hand between her legs, which she eagerly parted for me.

I could feel her wet heat immediately, her pussy almost steaming it seemed, and when I slid my fingers between those lips I felt the leather slicken and slide easily in her sexual juices. She was sopping wet, obviously intensely aroused, and the combined sensations and my awareness of her need and desire spiked my own; my cock ached to be inside of her, and my entire sex, my balls, seemed to be under intense pressure.

I stroked and flicked her clit mercilessly until I heard her moan, and then pushed two gloved fingers inside of her. She let out a small, surprised grunt and seconds later her body tensed and thrust onto my fingers as she had a small, sudden orgasm, crying out as her arousal peaked under the suddenness of my assault.

Roxy: For a moment I was terrified! Who was in the room and how could I get free? Then I felt an enormous, hard cock pressing against my rear and realized it was him, and relaxed a little. I loved the way his cock was between my cheeks, and I moved my hips up and down to enjoy the feel of it rubbing against me. The gloves he was wearing were so soft and smelled so wonderful – that distinctive scent of good leather. Although he covered my mouth and nose I could still breathe okay, and with every breath I inhaled that wonderful, intoxicating leather smell.

The soft leather glove on my pussy felt different than just his bare hand. It was softer, yet somehow at the same time more abrasive. I felt myself getting wetter and wetter. All I could think of was having sex with him. It didn’t help that I could hear the threesome next door; their obvious enjoyment just made me want him even more.

Just when I thought I couldn’t stand it anymore, he put his gloved fingers inside me. I bore down on his fingers and had a wonderful, fast, unexpected orgasm. I continued rocking against his hand and enjoyed every second of the orgasm. I had a feeling the people in the next room probably knew I’d just come – I’d made enough noise - but I really didn’t care.

Tony: I don’t know if I was more surprised by her sudden orgasm or by the fact that she’d cried out loudly enough to announce her climax to anyone within earshot; she’s usually more inhibited than that, more reserved. Obviously she was horny enough to be beyond giving a fuck who knew about it. Perfect! Being with me was gradually breaking her of her prim and proper ways, and I loved it.

After she’d come and her body began to relax I pushed her forward, still controlling her, and bent her over the arm of the sofa so that she was face down into the cum-stained seat cushion, her ass in the air. I flipped her skirt up and dropped to my knees behind her, breathing the musky, feminine scent of her aroused sex and admiring that perfect ass. I bent forward and nipped her soft cheek, biting hard enough to leave a mark that her husband might see, marking her as mine.

She let out a little yelp, objecting, but before she could say much I buried my face into her hot, wet pussy and pushed my tongue as far into her as I could. Her objections turned into a moan of pure lust as I savored her sweet nectar on my tongue, flicking it inside of her slick tunnel. At that moment her husband was the last thing on her mind.

I pulled back just a little bit, swallowing some of her love juices, and then licked up and down her pussy several times. My tongue traveled from her tiny little rosebud to her hard clit, which was jutting out from beneath its fleshy hood looking for all the world like a tiny cockhead, the size of the tip of my pinkie finger. She was intensely horny, needy, and my tongue on her hard clit quickly brought her to another orgasm. She was even louder this time!

Roxy: My mind went totally blank – all I could think about were the wonderful sensations he was causing. God, he’s got a talented tongue, and in moments I exploded with another orgasm, this one even more intense than the last. I know everyone in the motel heard me that time, crying out his name and begging for more; I couldn’t even begin to control myself.

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All I could think about was sex – I wanted to fuck him, I wanted to suck on him, I just wanted to immerse myself in his wonderful body. I tried to turn my head to see him, but he still didn’t want me to turn around. “Please,” I begged, “please let me touch you. I need to feel your cock in my hand, in my mouth, in my pussy. Please!”

Tony:  Once I’d gotten her off with my tongue she started begging me to fuck her. That’s how it worked with us; I’d treat her roughly and push all of her boundaries until she was so fucking horny she was begging for it. Even though I was wearing kid gloves at the time and I was definitely handling her, the way she was begging me to treat her would not fit the metaphor. She wanted it fast and hard, and although I knew that if I demanded it she would suck me off, take my load in her mouth, swallow every drop and go home with her breath smelling of my semen, that’s not what I had in mind. Not that day.

I pulled back and yanked my zipper down, freeing my rock-hard cock. I went ahead and boosted my balls out too, because I like the way it feels when they slap against her wet pussy - I may even like it almost as much as she does! I was wet, my cock dripping pre-cum, but my lubrication was unnecessary. She was wet enough for both of us, and when I leaned over her and slid the head of my prick up and down in the slick, wet heat of her pussy she gasped.

When I pressed the swollen head of my cock against her wet opening she bucked her ass up to meet me, and when my plum-sized cockhead slipped into her, past the tight resistance of her pussy lips, she cried out, “Yes! Fuck me… goddamn you, fuck me! God, yes, now… put it in, fuck me, do it!”

She was loud, out of control, and I knew anyone in the area was hearing every word – certainly the horny trio in number 206! Far be it from me to deny a lady what she wants - provided it’s what I want too; in this case it was, and I shoved my cock into her hot pussy, going balls-deep in one long, powerful thrust. God she felt good, hot and tight, slick and so fucking wet. Her body opened to me as I slid in, forming tightly around my thick shaft as I held myself there, fully embedded in her, my balls crushed to her wet pussy lips. I heard her moan and felt her tense up her pelvic muscles, squeezing my cock.

Roxy: He pulled away from me slightly and I heard his zipper. Finally! At last I was going to feel that wonderful, hard cock of his. When he slid it up and down against my pussy it felt so good and made me want him so much more that it took my breath away. I gasped at the feeling. Then, finally, he pressed against my opening and started to slide in. I think I begged him to fuck me… I don’t know what I may have said, but I know I needed him inside of me.

His cock was so hard, so long and so thick. He pushed into me in one long thrust that stretched me open to accommodate his size. Then he just held himself there, buried in me all the way to the bottom, the tip of his cock against the top of my pussy, like I was made for him. I was moaning loudly, it felt so good to finally have him in me; I squeezed my muscles around his cock, as once again I came in a thundering orgasm that I shared with the rest of the motel. I didn’t care anymore who heard me, or even if they saw me through the gap in the curtains. All I cared about was the feel of him, deep within me.

Even as I was still coming he started to fuck me, driving that big cock into me violently before pulling almost all the way out again and thrusting back in, our bodies making that same slapping sound we’d heard the people in the next room making earlier. He always seemed to know just what I wanted from him, what I needed, and I came again on his thick manhood as I felt his balls smack against my pussy.

Tony: I crushed myself into her and tensed my groin muscles, causing my cock to swell inside of her. She must have felt it, and it must have felt really good because she came again, crying out for all the world to hear, just a long, “God, yesss! Ohh, fuck!” as she climaxed. I smiled at the way her inhibitions had utterly vanished and began to pound my cock into her, holding her hips and admiring her little puckered rosebud as I smacked into her. She was gasping and moaning, loving every second of it; this was the reason she’d shown up after all, for me to fuck her senseless!

I glanced at the drapes, wondering if anyone was standing outside listening to the live audio porn we were creating. I sorta wished that I’d thought to shove the curtains open some before I got my dick in her, because she was so hot now that the thought of being watched would make her crazy fucking horny… as if she wasn’t already! I looked back down at her ass, where we were joined, and watched my cock slide in and out of her wet pussy, my shaft coated in her cum. I loved the way her pussy looked stretched around my pole, clinging to me as I pulled out, pushing back in as I thrust into her, and the way my balls felt, trapped between the front of my dress slacks and her soft, wet lips every time I buried myself balls-deep in her.

I drilled her good for a couple of minutes, and she came at least once more. I tugged the gloves off using my teeth, and started squeezing her ass while I fucked her. I moved my hand to where I could tease her tight little rosebud with my thumb. She loved that, I could tell. I wet it in her cum, getting it slick and ready, and when she was right on the edge of her next orgasm, all her sounds telling me – and everyone else – that she was coming, I pushed my thumb into her ass, past the tight resistance and all the way into her, as deep as it would go.

Roxy: I let out a yelp when he pushed his thumb into me. My husband had never done that to me, and Tony had only done it once before. It had caught me by surprise, but then another orgasm rolled over me, harder than ever, and I stopped caring. My back arched as I lifted my upper body from the stained cushion, straining to get as much of him inside of me as I possibly could. God, I felt so dirty, yet I loved it! He was doing things to me that no one had ever done before, and I felt like I was never going to stop coming. I tried again to turn and look at him, but he still prevented it.

Suddenly he quit moving, and I suspected he was about to come too. He pulled out of me, stood me up and carried me over to the bed. He laid me down on it, and finally I got a good look at him. He looked as handsome as always and just as horny as I felt, his cock standing up out of his open zipper and his big balls hanging there for me to admire.

He got on the bed with me, kneeling over my face, and told me to open my mouth. He shoved his cock in my mouth as far as it would go, and I began to suck on him. It felt so good to finally have that wonderful cock in my mouth and to be able to do something to him, and the taste of my own slippery honey on him was so incredibly arousing!

Tony: Roxy sure knew how to suck a cock, I’ll give her that! She seemed to love it, to really take pleasure in it in a way that few women seem to do. I’d been too close to busting a nut inside of her when she came a few minutes ago, and her lips and tongue on me, sucking all of her own pussy juice off of my hard cock soon had me feeling the rush again, the pressure and tingles building at the base of my shaft.

I pulled my dick out of her mouth just in time, teetering on the edge as a small spurt of white escaped me and dribbled down onto her wet lips. I watched her lick it up and swallow as I held my breath for a moment, the powerful urge to come subsiding, and then lowered my balls to her lips, getting her to lick and suck on ‘em. It feels incredible when she sucks one of my testicles into her mouth and tongues it, but it ain’t enough to make me come; I needed that respite if I was going to get off deep in her pussy, like I’d planned.

She sucked on my balls, at one point managing to get my entire scrotum in her mouth, balls and all. That was right on the edge of painful when she did that… but in a good way! I rubbed my cock around on her face as she sucked my balls, thinking maybe I should take a picture of her with my balls in her mouth and my big cock against her cheek and forehead, a fun little shot for her to share with her husband. Nah; she’s a horny bitch and willing to try almost anything, but even she wouldn’t go that far! Still, the idea made my cock even harder, and I dripped pre-cum on her face.

Roxy: I could taste myself on him as I sucked on his big, hard cock. He seemed to be enjoying it, because he pulled out and some cum dribbled out of him onto my mouth. I loved the taste of him and licked it off my lips and swallowed it. He held his cock up and put his balls against my lips. I licked and sucked on each one, then drew both of them into my mouth and sucked on them, his big scrotum filling my mouth. That seemed to really get to him, and more of his slippery pre-cum dripped on my face.

I knew if I got his cock in my mouth again he would explode almost immediately, so I tried to maneuver his testicles out of my mouth and his cock in, but he apparently had a different idea. He raised up from me, and slid his legs down until his body was on top of mine. He kissed me, my lips still wet with his cum, but I turned my head away, so instead he moved his mouth to my breasts and started sucking on my nipples. I felt myself getting wet again immediately. Then I felt his hard cock pushing at my opening. Finally! I spread my legs apart as far as I could to allow him easy access. This is what I had been wanting ever since I got here and I could hardly wait to feel him in me.

Tony: Good as it felt to have her lips on me, I wanted to be back inside of her. I pulled away, groaning in pleasure as my balls slid out of her hot mouth. I kissed her, tasting my cum on her lips and tongue. She’s a funny woman, Roxy; she’ll suck my cock and let me do whatever I want to her body, but she’s weird about kissing me, like that’s the part that breaks her wedding vows. That’s why I force the issue.

I moved down and took some time on those hard, tasty nipples before getting my cock lined up and sliding back into her wet, willing pussy. She loves it deep, so I hooked her legs one at a time and got them up over my shoulders, raising her hips and tilting her onto her upper back and shoulders. That position lets me get every last bit of my cock into her, and lets her feel my balls slap against her ass as I fuck her. It also lets her see my cock sliding into her, and she gets off on that big time.

I fucked her deep but slow for awhile, stretching out the time I could last and letting her enjoy the sight of my thick, wet cock disappearing inside of her. She came hard, clutching the sheets in her balled-up fists and telling anyone within earshot that she was getting a good fuck. I held myself deep inside of her as her orgasm peaked and began to recede, thrusting my hips against her thighs and crushing my balls on her ass. Her pussy grasping and squeezing me was almost my undoing, but I held on.

After that I went at it, fucking her fast and hard, our bodies slapping together in that classic staccato rhythm that can only mean one thing to anyone hearing it… and we knew people were. She loves the dirty, illicit nature of that, of being taken hard by my big cock and not giving a fuck who knows how much she’s enjoying it. She came again, crying out, and her movements and cries pushed me over the edge. I held myself deep inside of her again as I came, pumping spurt after spurt of hot cum deep into her tight pussy.

She couldn’t take me holding still and started rocking her hips up and down, fucking herself on my throbbing shaft as she ground out her own orgasm, gasping and moaning. She made unintelligible noises, and said “god” and “fuck” a lot at the top of her lungs, probably something she doesn’t get to do at home.

Roxy: He pulled my legs up onto his shoulders so that my hips were raised up. I love to fuck in that position because he can get so deep in me, and I can watch everything happening. I love the way his cock looks as it slides out of me, shiny and slick with my juices, then plunges back and completely disappears inside of me. The feeling of his big balls hitting my ass just adds to the thrill.

As always, he made me come hard and fast, and soon he had me coming again as he built towards his climax. Suddenly he pushed deep and hard inside me, and I felt him squirting his cum deep into me, his cock pulsing and throbbing. Once again it pushed me over the top, and once again I suspected the entire motel knew!

As he finished cumming into me, the pumping spasms and contractions of his cock diminishing, I brought my legs down and we lay there, him still inside of me, resting on his elbows so as to not crush me as we caught our breath. I couldn’t remember when I had come so much and been so satisfied; probably not since the last time I’d been with him!

But time was moving on and it was getting late. I needed to get home before my husband and kids and get dinner started, so I gently pushed him off of me, already missing his cock as I felt his softening length slip free. I rolled onto my side, the shame and guilt of being such a wanton woman washing over me as it always does at this stage.

He tried to pull me back, telling me that we should wait a few minutes, until he was ready to go again. He even tried to talk me into giving him a blowjob to get him hard for another round! I had to pull away, to steel myself and make him understand that I couldn’t, that I had to go. The thing is, even when he relented and agreed to let me go home to my family, I wanted more than anything to just lose myself in him, to feel and taste him in my mouth and to feel him thrust his big cock once again into my dripping, cum-slick pussy.

Tony: She pulled away when we were done, my half-limp cock sliding out of her in a gush of cum. I knew she’d be freaking out about her husband getting home and be eager to leave, but I tried to get her to blow me anyway, knowing she wouldn’t. Oh, she’d want to, I knew that about her, and it galled her that I could see how bad she wanted me, but she had a sensible side that occasionally won out.

I let her win that argument and she rose to her feet and tried to straighten and tug her clothes back together. We’d been so fucking anxious to get on with it that we’d never even completely undressed! Roxy was seriously rumpled, her hair tousled, nipples still hard, looking every bit like she’d just gotten laid, and she had a splotch of cum on her skirt. I stood, my semi-flaccid cock and balls still hanging out of my open zipper, and watched her try to pull herself together.

I did nothing more to stop her from leaving until she pulled a folded bra and panties from her purse; those I took away, telling her she had to return home just as she’d arrived, her tits and pussy bare under her clothes. She wasn’t happy, very anxious about her husband possibly being there before her, before she’d have a chance to clean up and change. Because that was the other thing I did; there was no way she had time to shower and I stopped her from washing herself, forcing her to leave with my load of cum still inside of her, knowing it would be trickling down her legs. Even in this musky, musty room I could smell the scent of sex on her.

A little angry with me, frustrated yet exhilarated and I think quite aroused by the nasty, illicit nature of what I was forcing her do, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door so hard it bounced back open. I stood in the open door and watched her round the corner and head to the stairs, and then again when she appeared from underneath the balcony to cross the parking lot.

She paused near her car and swiped at her inner thigh with a Kleenex, and I laughed as I realized she was dabbing at my cum leaking down her leg. She heard me and looked up; she looked angry for a moment, but then smiled and shook her head at the sight of me in the open door with my dick hanging out. Still smiling she gave me a small wave, shaking her head again as she climbed into her car.

Roxy: I left, a little angry and worried. I couldn’t believe he wouldn’t let me clean up a little, or even put my bra and panties on. What if my husband beat me home? There was a very good chance he would, and no way could I explain this! I crossed to my car and heard him laugh as I tried to wipe some of his cum off my legs before I got in. I looked up at him and couldn’t help but smile. There he stood in the open doorway to our room with his dick and balls hanging out for the whole world to see! I shook my head and waved goodbye to him as I got in the car. He’s such an animal… but that’s a big part of the attraction.

I drove home as fast as I dared. It wouldn’t do to get stopped by the police the way I looked and smelled right now. I prayed that my husband wouldn’t be home yet. If I could just get there in time to throw something on the stove to start cooking, then run upstairs, clean myself up and put on some other clothes before he got there.

I pulled into the driveway and pushed the button on the garage door remote. I was so relieved! His car wasn’t in the garage yet. I just might be able to pull this off without him catching on. I parked my car, pushed the button to lower the garage door, and jumped out of the car and ran in the house. Quickly I pulled out a pan, filled it with water and put it on the stove to boil. We were having spaghetti for dinner. I pulled a bottle of sauce out of the pantry. He wouldn’t like that, he preferred my homemade sauce, but this was an emergency! I hurried through the family room to head upstairs, but heard the garage door going up.

Tony: After she left I went in the bathroom and cleaned up a little bit, dropping my pants and using a washcloth, soap and plenty of warm water to clean the wet, sticky mix of our cum off my cock and balls. I shook my head, smiling at how pissed she’d been at me for taking her underwear. I’d give them back to her next time… and with Roxy, I felt pretty sure there was always going to be a next time.

I’d tried to get her to stick around for another go this time, but I’d been pretty sure she wouldn’t even before I’d made the effort. Still, I felt good, the relief of getting my rocks off taking away that intense sexual pressure and arousal I’d been struggling with all day. Another nice, hard fuck would have been great, but it wasn’t an absolute necessity like that first one had been!

I got myself squared away and headed for my car. The trio in the next room was still going at it… or at least two of them were. One of the two black studs was sitting in the chair and the white broad was bouncing up and down on his cock, the visible portion of which was covered in cum; clearly sloppy seconds… maybe thirds! The other stud was watching them, idly stroking his big, limp dick. I knew how he felt! I laughed and went on; as much as I would have loved to stay and watch, I had to get home too.

It only takes me about fifteen minutes to get home from Motel 69, even though that dump and my upper-middle class neighborhood are two totally different worlds. I pulled into the garage and paused for a moment as I got out of my car, making sure that I had no telltale signs of my recent escapades anywhere. I’d stashed Roxy’s bra and panties in my console for now, although tomorrow I’d probably move them to a desk drawer at work until the next time I saw her.

When I walked from the garage into the kitchen, Susan, my wife, was just entering the kitchen from the family room. I gave her my best innocent smile. “Hi, babe; you have a good day?”

She crossed and kissed me before replying, “I had a great day, Gerry. You had to work late again, huh?”

I nodded. “Yeah, that Kendall account. It’s been a beast, I’ll be glad when it’s wrapped up.” I gave her a hug, enjoying her firm, lean body against me for a moment before continuing, “I think I’m going to go grab a quick shower before dinner… do I have enough time?”

She assured me that I did, and I turned to leave. I hadn’t taken more than a couple steps when I heard her call out to me, “Hey, before you go…”

I turned just in time to catch a roll of paper towels that was flying toward my head, unrolling into a long tail of white as it came. I’d no sooner caught that than a spray bottle followed the same flight path. I snagged it with my other hand.

Roxy: I laughed at how startled he was to see that roll of towels coming at him; still, he caught it, and then somehow caught the bottle of upholstery cleaner with his other hand “Here you go, stud! If you aren’t going to let me clean up when we’re done, then you go out and clean the mess off my car seat; it’s mostly yours anyway. And give me back my panties and bra! Then maybe I’ll join you in that shower.”

Gerry smiled as he read the label on the bottle, and I crossed to him and cupped his package in one hand, tracing his lips with my other index finger. “Or, if you want to hold off on the shower for a few, I have another mess you can clean up for me… and you won’t need the paper towels for this one, just these lips and that talented tongue of yours.”

He licked my finger with that talented tongue, and when I felt his cock throb in my hand I knew I had him. Then he frowned. “The kids…?”

“They’re having dinner with your parents. I was hoping you’d call, so I planned ahead… but hurry; I think my boyfriend, ‘Tony’, left you something very special.” He was almost running as he went to the garage, and I giggled as I turned off the stove and headed for the stairs. This might be the part of the fantasy he enjoys the most!

Author's note: My thanks to the beautiful and talented Roxy... err, Brandylady53, for taking the time to write this story with me. It was a lot of fun, but the next one goes under your name, on your page, no matter what you say! Thank you all for reading, and don't forget my co-authoress. She done good!

Written by Stormdog
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