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Mary's Christmas

"A husband's affair leads his wife to a younger man, and a new start."

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Competition Entry: Festive Unexpected

The weather was decent for this time of year, with only a smattering of snow on the ground and the temperatures mild. Mary gazed out the window, sipping coffee while watching the little birds flit about the feeder and bounce around in the branches of the now leaf-less Cherry tree. Chickadees, wrens, and a few others hopped and bopped around, keeping her entertained with their cute antics. She let out a wistful sigh and wondered when Tom would be home.

Every year he travelled just before Christmas, usually arriving home just in time for Christmas Eve. Last year he had been delayed, claiming it was weather-related, and was not home until after Boxing Day. She had spent Christmas alone, and became suspicious after checking the weather channels and not seeing any delays or storms. A few inquiries to airports showed his flights had left and arrived on time, and a call to his workplace confirmed he was scheduled to be off for the week, including New Years.

Mary was fairly certain he was having an affair with his assistant, Claire. She had started with him two years ago; a bright, young, attractive brunette with a nice smile and a fit, petite body. The first time she met her, Mary felt a tingle of warning, a little flutter in her stomach that set off a warning bell, and made sure to ask about her frequently. Tom would talk about her regularly, answering her questions about any boyfriends and telling of her difficulty in finding the "right guy." They had started travelling together the past summer, and although it made her uncomfortable and leery, she knew it was a normal part of his job. He had travelled with his other assistants and Mary had never gotten a bad vibe. Claire was a different story.

The coffee in her mug was cold. After dumping it in the sink and rinsing the cup, she filled it again and moved to the living room, curling up in the corner of the couch. The fleece blanket she pulled over her legs was light but warm, and her mind returned to Tom. Things between them were not as they should be, and she mulled it over in her mind, knowing it became worse when menopause started. The doctor had assured her it was normal, and that many women experience it in their early forties. At first he had been supportive of her mood swings, lack of energy, and loss of desire, but as the months passed he became distant and less affectionate. Her attempts to talk with him were not very successful, with him being understanding for a short time, then pouting and complaining about their lack of sex.

He didn't seem to understand that it had nothing to do with him. Her desire for sex, or any type of physical affection, was just nonexistent, her body uncomfortable with the changes: hot flashes, mood swings, depression, lack of energy and disrupted sleep were taking their toll on her. She assured him it was normal, and it would pass in time.

He spent more time at work, less time with her. Many evenings they would eat supper together, then he would retreat to the basement to watch sports, or go to his office and spend hours on his computer. She felt slighted, but also relieved, when this happened. She could relax, sleep, or read without the tense atmosphere he created, and in the months that followed they had become roommates who just shared a house and a bed. Tom had stopped asking for her attention, and the few times she had made herself available to him, offering a blowjob or letting him fuck her breasts, both of which he loved to do, he had accepted. He was unsatisfied, though, saying he could tell she didn't want to do it, and declined her next advance. It had been almost a year since they had any type of physical interaction.

When December arrived, he had booked his travel plans without even telling her, announcing the day before he was to leave that he would be gone. Her pleas to have him reschedule were ignored, and for the first time in twenty years there were no Christmas lights or decorations in their yard. Mary had put up the tree, adding the gifts underneath, and expected him to return as he usually did. He didn't, though, and when he finally did arrive a few days later, he had little to say.

He had sheepishly opened his numerous gifts after handing her a single package, a small wrapped box with a red bow that contained a gift card to a clothing store she liked. She had given him a list of things she would have liked, but obviously he had settled on the easiest thing possible.

"You can get whatever you want," he explained. "You mentioned your clothes don't fit properly anymore."

Mary had been gracious about it, saying she understood how hard it would have been for him to go shopping while away on business, even though he could have had his assistant do it for him. He had not responded, just giving a shrug and saying he hadn't thought of that. She had known then that it was over, and just wasn't ready to admit it.

The knock on the door startled her. The mug went on the coffee table and the blanket on the floor when she moved to the window and looked out. It was Sara, the neighbor from across the street, holding a box. Mary opened the door.

"Hi, Sara."

"Hi, Mary. This package was on my step, but it's for your address."


Mary checked the package and confirmed it was for their address, taking it from Sara.

"Thanks. It must be something Tom ordered."

"Your Christmas gift, maybe?" Sara giggled.

"Maybe," Mary replied. "I see you have your lights up?"

"Oh, yes. We put them up the other day. I guess you will be doing yours soon?"

"Hmm, I don't know. Tom may not be back in time, he's away for work."

"Oh. Well, if you want I can ask Greg to do it for you. He's home from college until after New Years, I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"No, I don't want to impose."

"Don't worry about it," Sara insisted. "He will enjoy having something to do, and spending time with someone other than Mom and Dad."

Mary chuckled and nodded.

"Well, only if he feels like it."

"I will ask him later and let you know," Sara promised.

"Thanks, Sara."

After closing the door, Mary looked at the package, wondering why there was no name on the shipping label. She shook it, not hearing anything move, and went to the kitchen and placed it on the table where Tom usually sat. She returned to the living room and sat down again, curling up with the blanket, and her mind returned to Tom once more.

The past three months had been different for Mary. Her hot flashes has subsided, her always-bloated feelings waned, and her sex drive began to return. She was dropping weight steadily and soon found her clothes fitting well, and the woman in the mirror looked more like a girl than an old woman. She finally used that gift card, buying some skirts, tops, and a few lingerie items, and the girls at the salon helped with a new style and color. Tom seemed indifferent, hardly noticing any changes, and her few attempts to get physical had been rebuffed. He claimed to be too tired, too busy, or just not in the mood, but Mary suspected there was another reason.

"No, there's nothing going on," he assured her. "We just work together. Your imagination is getting the best of you."

Any discussion was redirected, with Mary questioning if she was, indeed, imagining things. Her over-thinking and low self-esteem weighed on her, but deep inside she suspected the truth was not what was he was telling.

A shower was in order, Mary decided, and headed to the bedroom. She stripped down, pausing to look at herself in the mirror. Her large breasts still held themselves proudly, and her slimmer waist gave her curvy hips a boost. She turned and looked over her shoulder, seeing her bum still firm and full, her thighs still smooth and shapely. With a little smile on her face she posed in the mirror, holding her hair up with both hands as if she was a model. Her nipples hardened from the cool air, and she dropped her hands and cupped her full breasts. They were still big handfuls, firm and pillowy, and her nipples thick. Her fingers tweaked them slightly, sending a little jolt to her loins, and she suddenly felt the heat between her legs.

She lowered one hand, running it down her tummy and between her legs, watching herself in the mirror. It had been a long time since she masturbated, something she had never done with a mirror, and found herself intensely aroused. Her fingers touched her folds, getting wet and slick, and Mary forced herself to keep her eyes open as the fingers began to pleasure her. One slipped inside for a few moments, stroking the soft inner walls, and then moved to her swollen clit. Little rubs became intense, and suddenly her need for release became unbearable. The orgasm was intense, making her knees shake and her body quiver, and took her by surprise. She let out a deep breath and plunked down on the bed behind her, letting the warm tingle spread through her body, and closed her eyes.

The warmth of the hot water and the slick feel of the body wash felt good on her skin, and once more she fingered herself to climax, almost falling in the shower when her knees weakened. Her body and mind were wide awake, the dormant feelings arising to the surface, and Mary felt better than she had in a very long time.

The day passed quickly, and she had left Tom three messages by the time she finished supper. Usually he returned her calls fairly quickly, and she decided that he must be avoiding her since he carries his phone with him all the time. Her suspicions became a certainty when he finally called just before ten, quickly brushing her off with voices in the background, one of which she knew was Claire's. He claimed they were with clients, having a few drinks together, and that it looked like things would take longer than expected.

"So you won't be here for Christmas," Mary stated, tired of playing games. "When do you plan to return from your little cheating holiday?"

He was silent for a few minutes as the realization that she knew sunk in.

"After New Years," he admitted. "The return flight is on the second."

"You're a real prick, Tom" Mary spat. "You don't even have the balls to tell me you are fucking that little bitch! Enjoy your fucking Christmas with that little skank!"


"Fuck both of you!"

She hung up the phone, ignoring the calls that followed, and went to the kitchen. A bottle of wine and a large glass joined her in the living room, and she curled up on the couch with the fleece blanket and the TV muted. It was three glasses later that the tears started.


The warmth of the shower felt good, and the water helped to wash away the tears. Mary let the hot water cascade over her head and shoulders, slowly working the bar of soap in her hands into a thick lather. She turned away and lathered her face and neck, then turned back and rinsed it away. The soap ran down her body, slickening her skin, and she rubbed it gently. She felt her nipples harden, and lathered up again, this time rubbing the bar over her breasts and tummy until she was covered in lather. She put the bar in the holder and began washing herself, closing her eyes and cupping her breasts in her hands. Her thumbs twirled over her nipples, creating a sudden burst of heat between her legs. One hand slid down and the fingers strummed her slit, and suddenly Mary found herself intensely aroused.

She leaned her shoulder into the corner, lifting one leg up onto the little shelf in the shower wall, and slipped her finger inside. The water ran over her while she fingered herself, squeezing one nipple between her thumb and finger, and when her climax neared, she slid the finger out and rubbed it around her clit vigorously. The orgasm came suddenly, jolting her into an orgasmic bliss and making her entire body shake.

After drying off, Mary put on a pair of tights and a loose t-shirt, tied her hair in a ponytail, and began cleaning the house. Her mind drifted to Tom every few minutes, and she found focusing on cleaning helped keep the thoughts at bay. Over the course of the morning, her feelings went from sadness to anger, and by lunchtime she was over her feelings of anguish and planning her divorce. She ignored the calls and texts that came from Tom, blocking him after sending him a single text: "We Are Done!"

She was searching through the mortgage documents and tax returns when the doorbell rang, and she left them spread across the kitchen table to answer the door. There was a man standing outside, and she spoke through the door.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

"Hi, Mrs. Welch. It's Greg. Sara's son, from across the street."

Mary opened the door and looked at the young man in front of her. He was tall, burly, and had obviously not shaved for a few days. The dark stubble on his face matched his dark hair, and although he resembled Sara's husband, looked nothing like the boy she remembered.


"HI! Been a few years, Mrs. Welch."

"Oh, come in, Greg. I didn't recognize you."

Greg stepped inside, rubbing his shoes on the mat at the door, and grinned sheepishly.

"Yeah, I sprouted up over the last few years."

"Your mom said you were in college?"

"Yeah, my sixth year. I graduate this spring."

Mary did the math in her head, coming to the conclusion that he was now at least 24, if not older.

"So, Mom said you could use a hand with Christmas decorations?"

“Yes. I have lights and a few things for the front of the house that I would like to put up.”

“I can do that for you. Where’s the stuff?”

“In the garage, I will show you.”

Mary led him through a door to the attached garage and pointed to a shelf.

“It’s all up there. The ladder is on the wall, and the cords in the green tote next to it.”


“Let me get dressed and I’ll help you.”

“No need,” Greg replied. “I do my folks' place all the time. If I do need a hand, I’ll let you know.”

“You sure?”

“Oh, yeah. No problem.”

Greg opened the doors and pulled down the ladder, taking it out front. Mary returned to cleaning, wiping down the coffee table and dusting the living room. She went to the window and watched Greg on the ladder, hanging the lights on the house, and was reminded of the first time she watched Tom do it.

The memory quickly disappeared, replaced by her anger about where he was. She went to the hall closet and pulled out the vacuum, cursing when the cord reel got stuck. She yanked on it, then put her foot on the vacuum and started pulling on the cord as if starting a lawnmower.

“Fucking piece of shit!” she cursed, giving up and shoving it away.

She let out a frustrated sigh and looked up, seeing Greg in the window, laughing. He waved his hand, mouthing “I’m sorry,” and tried to stop smiling. His expression made her feel silly, and she laughed at herself.

Once more she tried the vacuum, and the cord unreeled easily.

“Yeah, you know who’s the boss,” she growled at it before plugging the cord in.

The noise filled the room while she moved around, and when she glanced at the window, found Greg watching her. She continued, feeling his eyes on her, and caught his reflection in the TV. She realized he was watching her ass.

The initial shock wore off quickly, and the idea that he was checking her out intrigued her. She purposefully bent forward, pretending to pick something up, seeing his mouth open as if saying “ooh.” It made her giggle, and she found the idea of teasing him a fun distraction. She vacuumed slowly, keeping her back to him and her eyes on the TV, moving her hips seductively.

Once done, she turned the unit off and put her arms up in the air, grasping her wrists and stretching, slowly turning so that he could see her breasts lift and the shirt tighten around her ample chest. When she faced the window, he was directly in front of her, looking at her with a lusty grin on his face. She dropped her arms down and gave him a little smile, then returned the vacuum to the closet.

She felt warm, finding his attention and the excitement of teasing him slightly arousing. It had been a long time since she had done anything like that, and it made her feel good about herself thinking that a younger man found her attractive enough to ogle.

The door from the garage opened, and Greg stepped in, a sheepish grin on his face.

“I’m all done out here. I put the ladder back, too.”


Mary was surprised that he was finished so quickly.

“Anything else I could do for you?” he asked, his eyes travelling her body.

His obvious gaze made her warm again, and she shook her head.

“Uh, not at the moment.”

“Okay. If you want me for anything, I’m just across the street.”

“Thank you! I really appreciate you doing that for me!”

“It was fun,” he replied. “I enjoyed the view.”

Mary blushed, and Greg closed the door. She went into the garage and watched him cross the street before closing the doors. Returning to the kitchen table, she began looking through the documents she wanted to give to the lawyer, and glanced at the package Sara had dropped off. She cut the tape and pulled a soft envelope from inside, recognizing the logo on it, and ripped it open. The bright red bra, panties, garters, and stockings were soft and silky, and definitely not her size.

"You bastard!"

The scissors made quick work of the set, and the pieces easily fit back into the envelope. After writing a little note -Merry Christmas you little slut - and placing it inside, she taped it closed and returned it to the package, sealing the top with tape. She went to his office for a shipping label, and after addressing it to his work address - Attention: Claire - she arranged for it to be picked up for delivery.


The glass was empty again, and Mary refilled it, despite the fact it was only mid-afternoon. Her phone sat on the dining table in front of her, taunting her to read his texts and check his media posts, and she sipped the merlot while fighting the urge to look. Against her better judgement, she tapped the screen and searched for Claire, finding her quickly.

She looked at the most recent post, a picture of her and Tom sitting on a sunny beach with drinks in their hands and smiles on their faces. Mary took a screenshot of the image, keeping it for her lawyer, and put the phone down on the table. She sipped her wine and stared at the image, feeling the hatred bubble up.

"You stupid little skinny skank!" she spit at the phone. "Thanks for the proof."

She scrolled through Claire's posts, taking snaps of anything relating to Tom, and paused when she found one taken in her home. It was in the living room, next to the front window, the two of them smiling with arms around each other's waist. It was in the summer, and she recognized Claire's sundress from the party last July long weekend. Her heart sank as she realized it had been going on longer than she suspected. The discovery made her feel foolish, and after draining her glass empty, the feelings turned to anger.

She closed out the feed and opened the text messages, deciding to take a look.

"Let's see what kind of bullshit you are spewing, Tom," she said loudly, pouring the last of the bottle into her glass.

The texts were as she expected: excuses, denials, pleas, and outright lies. As she scrolled through them, the tone changed, with him finally admitting he was having an affair with Claire. The last one was an apology, followed with confirmation the he would be home January 2.

"You don't live here anymore!" she yelled at the screen.

The phone clattered on the table. Mary was shaking, and tears began to flow. After minutes of sobbing, the tears ebbed, and she wiped her eyes with a feeling of finality. She stared out the window and sipped on the glass, her mind blank in the silent house, and let out a sigh. She accepted the fact that her marriage was over, that she was now alone, and looked down at her phone. She picked it up and returned to the photo of them sitting on the beach, staring at it intensely.

"Fuck you. Two can play this game," she hissed, an evil grin on her face.


"Hi Sara, it's Mary. I was wondering if Greg was around?"

"Yes, he's here. Hang on, I'll give him the phone."

Mary waited for a moment, looking at herself in the bedroom mirror.


"Hi, Greg... it's Mary from across the street. Is your offer to help with a few things still open?"

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"Oh, just a few things around the house. When can you come over?"

"I can be there in a few minutes if you want. I'm not doing anything."

"That would be great," Mary purred. "Just come inside, the door will be open. Oh, can I talk to Sara again, please?"

"Sure, see you in a few minutes. Here she is."

"Hi, Sara. I hope you don't mind me borrowing Greg for the evening?"

"Not at all. It will give us a chance to have the house to ourselves," she giggled.

"Thanks. You have a fun evening, Sara," Mary teased before hanging up.

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The white stockings and satin panties had been in the bottom drawer, still in the bag, along with the other lingerie she had purchased with the gift card Tom had given her. She had never worn any of it, and was pleased to see how well it all fit and looked. She decided to skip the bra and put the sheer blouse over top, reasoning it would be off quickly anyway.

She had tried on all of the outfits, taking pictures of herself in each one, and took a final one of her standing in the living room in the same place they had. When she was ready, she had called Greg, then took one last look at herself in the mirror.

"Fuck you, Tom."

She waited in the living room and heard a knock on the door, followed by Greg calling out.

"Hi, it's Greg!"

"Come on in, Greg," Mary replied in a sultry tone. "I'm waiting in the living room."

She heard the sounds of shoes dropping to the floor and the rustling of a jacket being removed. She braced herself when he came into the room, draping one leg over the other and putting on a sexy smile. Greg stopped in his tracks, the look on his face dispelling her fears of being found unappealing by this much younger man.

"Wow... you are something," he praised, an appreciative and lusty grin on his face.

"I was hoping you might think I was somewhat appealing," she replied. "For an older woman."

"You are extremely appealing," he assured her, moving to stand in front of her. "For a woman any age."

He put his hand out and helped to stand up, then stepped back to admire her.

"Wow, look at you..."

She slowly twirled, giving him a good look at her shapely bum, then stood with her hands on her hips. Her nipples were hard, her pussy wet, and her nerves steeled. She was ready for this.

"You are gorgeous, Mrs. Welch. I mean, Mary."

"Yeah?" Mary cooed, stepping up to him and draping her arms around his neck.

Her breasts pressed into his chest and his hands fell to her hips.

"Do you want to take me to bed?" she asked in a sensuous whisper.

"I'll take you anywhere you want to go," Greg responded, putting his lips to hers.

The kiss was electric, sending a jolt from her mouth to her pussy. Her arousal rose quickly, and when his tongue probed for hers, went up another notch. She dropped one hand down, reaching between them and putting her fingers on his growing bulge. His cock felt hard and thick, and she moaned into his mouth when it throbbed under her touch.

His hands roamed her body, sliding up her sides and down her back before moving up and cupping her breasts. She moved slightly, allowing him full access, and he squeezed gently while keeping his lips on hers.

"Fuck, you are so sexy," he whispered hoarsely.

She moved her hands and gripped the bottom of his shirt, and he raised his arms, allowing her to pull it over his head and toss it aside. He leaned down and tugged off his socks, then undid his jeans and stripped them off while Mary sat down on the edge of the couch. Her eyes travelled his muscular, hairy chest down to his thick, hard cock that jutted out when he stood up. She grabbed hold and pulled him close, wrapping both hands around the thick shaft, and licked the fat head that was still exposed.

After moving one hand to his thigh, she opened her mouth and took him in. The fat tip slipped past her lips and slid over her tongue, the thick shaft forcing her mouth to open more. She felt a hand on her head, resting lightly.

“Oh, yeah, suck my cock,” he growled.

The words aroused her unexpectedly. Tom seldom spoke during sex, and the vulgar way he spoke turned her on. She began sucking in earnest, becoming more frenzied as he spoke.

“Fuck, that’s it… suck my fucking cock.. oh, yeah.”

She felt the hand grasp her hair and pull her head back. She glanced up at him and was shocked when he bent down and kissed her, plunging his tongue into her mouth. He pulled away and leered down at her.

“Fuck, you have a great mouth.”

He grasped his cock, moving her hand away, and rubbed it across her chin.

“Fucking lick it!” he urged, rubbing it across her lips.

Mary’s tongue poked out, licking the tip and shaft. He moved it across her face, holding her in place with his hand, rubbing his cock all over.

“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous, so fucking hot.”

Mary gasped and tried to move her mouth around, trying to take him inside again. The thick, slippery club tapped over her cheek, then her chin, and she opened her mouth wide and stuck her tongue out.

“Fuck yeah, baby, that’s a good girl,” he whispered hoarsely.

Mary’s pussy was on fire. He slapped his thick cock on her tongue, then shoved it into her mouth and pulled her head down. Her hand went to her pussy, her fingers rubbing her wet slit vigorously while the thick pole plunged to her throat.

Both hands held her in place and he began fucking her mouth, thrusting his hips back and forth, making her gasp and drool.

“Good girl, take my fucking cock down your throat!”

Her fingers plunged into her sopping pussy, fucking her just like his cock, and the climax that erupted surprised her. She shook and quivered, choking on the slab of pulsing meat in her mouth while the intense orgasm crested.

“Oh, fuck yeah! Cum for me! Cum with my cock in your mouth!”

He pulled her head back, and his cock popped out of her mouth. He grabbed it with one hand and pulled her face close, jerking his swollen cock furiously.

“Fuck! Cumming in your pretty face!”

Hot cum steamed across her cheek and splashed her forehead, followed by another spurt in her open mouth.

“Fuck, take my fucking load!”

More hot cum splattered on her chin and neck.

“Oh, fuck, yeah!” he grunted.

Mary was shocked and incredibly aroused. Tom had never cum on her face, always on her chest, and this new experience excited her. She rubbed her clit vigorously, and when he rubbed his still-hard cock over her cum-covered face another intense orgasm erupted.

His cock moved away and she looked up just as his mouth neared hers. Her eyes went wide when he kissed her cum-covered lips, amazed and shocked. No one had ever kissed her after she had sucked.

“Oh, you’re a real good girl,” he praised, chuckling as he wiped cum from her chin.

He pushed her backwards into the couch, kneeling down on the floor. His hands peeled the white panties off before spreading her thighs apart.

“I have to taste that pussy,” he growled, burying his face between her smooth thighs.

“Oh god,” Mary gasped.

His tongue plunged into her, swirling and twisting, licking and lapping. She felt his hands on her breasts, squeezing and kneading while he mouthed her. The orgasm was quick and intense, and when his lips pursed around her tingling nub she groaned loudly and balled her fists in his hair.

Mary writhed and twisted as the intense climax shook her, pulling his hair and then shoving his face down. Her thighs were clamped around his head, squeezing tight, and when the orgasm slowed, she gasped loudly.

Her grip lessened and her thighs relaxed, allowing Greg to move his head up. He moved himself up, grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her mouth to his. Mary took his tongue into her mouth, wrapping hers around it with their lips mashed together.

A moment later, he pulled his mouth away and smiled.

“You taste so good,” he whispered.

Mary giggled, still overwhelmed by the intense pleasure surging through her body, and slumped into the couch. The afterglow had barely waned when he grabbed her hips and pulled her down.

“I want to fuck you so bad,” he growled, moving between her legs.

Mary was shocked to see his cock hard already, and gasped when he plunged it inside. She put her hands on his arms and lifted her legs, giving him full access, and he began fucking her vigorously.

“Fuck, you’re so fucking wet!”

His cock hammered into her, filling her up and tapping her cervix. He was longer and thicker than Tom, and harder. Her pussy gripped the thick pole and the ridge of his fat tip rubbed her upper wall, hitting places Tom had never touched.

“Oh, fuck me!” Mary screamed.

“Fuck yeah, say it again!”

“Fuck me!”


“Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!”

Greg pounded into her and Mary dug her fingers into his arms, pursing her lips tight as the climax built. He thrust deep and groaned loudly, triggering her orgasm just as the first spurt erupted inside. They both groaned loudly, climaxing together in a hot, sweaty embrace, his cock pulsing madly as her cunt clenched tightly around it.

“Oh my god!” Mary blurted, gasping.

She grabbed his head and pulled his mouth to hers, kissing him deeply until the intense moment passed. They lay together panting until his cock slipped out, and he moved up onto the couch beside her. She leaned against his chest with his arm around her shoulder, a hot, sweaty mess of orgasmic bliss.


Mary scrolled through the photos on her phone, smiling with pride. She looked sexy and slutty, and Greg's sweaty, muscular body glistened, the hair on his chest damp and matted. Him laying in her bed, his softening cock resting on his stomach and that satisfied smirk on his face, was a favorite. Tom was going to love that one.

She had told Greg about Tom's affair, and that the divorce was imminent. He had understood, asking how he could help, and she had brought up taking some pictures to send him. He had quickly agreed, explaining about snapchat and other ways to send them, and they had started that evening. The first were of her in the white stockings and Greg in his boxers, kissing in the living room, then in the bedroom, then the two of them together on the bed.

Greg was proficient in using the camera, and soon there were numerous photos of them engaging in various sex acts: sloppy blowjobs, his tongue on her pussy, his lips wrapped around her big nipples, and intercourse in various positions. He had taken some videos as well, and you could hear the dirty talk from both of them clearly, as well as the groans and moans. Mary found it very exciting, another new experience, and she was highly aroused from watching them when Greg came to the door.

He stepped inside, packages under his arm, and gave her a big smile.

"Merry Christmas, Babe!"

Mary ran to the door and gave him a kiss, almost knocking him off-balance, and they both laughed.

"Here, take these first," Greg chuckled.

Mary put the packages under the tree. They had decorated it together, and each bought the other a few things to put under it and agreed to spend the day together. His parents had invited her for supper the night before, and they had enjoyed a fun evening. The highlight for Mary was the trip to the basement with Greg to play ping-pong while Sara and Brian prepared dinner - he had quickly bent her over the table, hiked up her dress, and fucked her, dumping his load inside. It had been exciting, making her feel naughty, slutty, and young again, like teenagers sneaking a quickie.

"I need you right now," Mary growled, lifting her skirt to show him her wet pussy.

Greg grinned and put his arm around her waist, pulling her close while putting his other hand between her legs. He rubbed up and down her slit, then slipped two fingers inside while kissing her mouth and neck.

"That's my good girl," he whispered. "Cum for me."

Mary leaned into him, letting him finger her to a quick and intense climax. It amazed her how easily he made her orgasm, and how often. She gave a little shudder and relaxed, and when his fingers slipped out they appeared on front of her mouth.

"Taste," he urged.

Mary took them into her mouth, gently sucking them clean while staring into his dark, lusty eyes.

"Good girl," he praised.

He took his fingers away and kissed her. Mary loved how often, and how well, he kissed her, more than any other man had, and it made her feel desirable and appreciated.

"Now, that should hold you for a few minutes," Greg teased. "Let's open the gifts."

Mary giggled and nodded in agreement, even though she was ready to devour him. They sat together on the couch and opened the gifts, happily sharing a bottle of wine in the process. One package for Mary surprised her - it held a plane ticket to Costa Rica.

"What's this?" she asked excitedly.

"It's a ticket for you to join me on a beach holiday in February," Greg replied. "No reason Claire should be the one treated to a nice vacation."

Mary hugged him in a tight embrace, the kissed him deeply.

"Speaking of Claire," Greg smirked. "I have the pictures all ready to go. I will send them to her on my phone, and you can text Tom and wish him Merry Christmas!"

"Oh!" Mary gasped. "I love it!"

She grabbed her phone and unblocked Tom, seeing numerous texts. A quick glance showed that he was returning early, the day after Christmas, and wanted to work things out. She smirked and showed Greg the messages.

"Too late, Tom," she grunted.

She typed in a message and sent it, seeing it show up as "read" almost instantly.

Merry Christmas, you lying, cheating prick. I have had your present sent to Claire. I hope she likes it!

Greg sent the pictures and videos, spacing them out over a thirty-minute period, and they watched her phone erupt with messages and silent ringing. Once they were all sent, Mary ignored his texts and sent one more.

You don't live here anymore. I have arranged for all of your clothes and things to be dropped off at your office, so they will be waiting for you - unlike me. My lawyer will be in touch soon, and I have already been to the bank.

She finished it up with a photo of her and Greg standing next to the tree in the living room, arms around each other and drinks in their hands, copying the photo she had seen on Claire's post. The phone was turned off and placed on the dining room table, buzzing and vibrating, and ignored.

"Now that we are done with our gifts, come with me," Mary invited with a sly grin.

"I have one more gift for you," Greg added. "I'll show you in the bedroom."

They went into the room, and Mary stripped down before sitting on the bed. Greg slowly undressed in front of her, giving her a little strip dance, and turned away to drop his pants. He wiggled his tight buns at her, letting her have a quick feel, then turned around. His cock was hard and wrapped in a little red bow.

"Merry Christmas!" he announced. "Unwrap your gift!"

Mary laughed and tugged the bow with her fingers, allowing the red ribbon to fall to the floor. She pulled him close and stuck out her tongue, licking the swollen tip before running her tongue along the thick shaft.

"Oh, that's my girl," Greg moaned. "Give it a good licking."

Mary slurped, sucked, and licked his meaty cock, enjoying it as much as Greg, stopping when he pulled it away from her mouth.

"On the bed, hands and knees," he growled.

Mary scurried onto the bed and braced herself on all fours, pushing her ass up to meet him. He gave one cheek a slap.

"Oh!" she gasped.

Another one followed, raising a reddish welt, and she turned her head back to look at him. Greg just grinned and pushed the head of his cock between her folds, rubbing it up and down before pushing inside. He pushed in hard, ramming his full length into her, and slapped her ass again. The stinging pain added to her arousal, and she pushed back into him.

"Yeah, you like that," he growled, slapping the other cheek.

He began pumping his cock in and out, gripping her hips tightly. Mary's breasts swung freely and her head dropped down, allowing her hair to touch the bedspread.

"Oh, I love fucking you," Greg panted.

"Oh, fuck me," Mary moaned. "Give me that Christmas present!"

Greg moved his hands under her and grabbed her breasts, squeezing and kneading while he pumped into her. Mary felt her climax approach.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum!"

"Do it! Cum on my cock!"

Mary's groans filled the room while her pussy squeezed Greg tightly, and she let out a deep breath when the climax waned. Greg moved, pulling her sideways onto the bed, keeping his cock lodged inside. He held her leg up and kept pumping his cock in and out, his other hand under her side and cupping her breast.

"Grab my cock," he panted.

Mary reached down and put her fingers on his shaft, squeezing and rubbing while it slipped back and forth.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum! Jerk me off!"

He pulled his cock out and Mary grasped it tightly, jerking him vigorously as the thick ropes of cum splattered across her tummy, thighs, and pussy. Greg moaned loudly, and when the spurts dwindled, Mary shoved him back inside and enjoyed the light throbbing of his cock. With a quiet groan, Greg lay on his side, one hand still cupping her breast and the other resting on her hip after she put her leg down.

"That's the kind of Christmas present I like," Mary giggled.

Greg chuckled. Once his cock slipped out, he moved up next to her, with her on her back and his head on her chest. His fingers caressed and teased her nipples, keeping them hard. They talked about Tom, wondering how he liked seeing her with another man, and joked about Claire being jealous of Mary having a younger man than her now.

A quick lunch was followed by more fucking, and by midnight both were exhausted and fully sated. Greg glanced at the clock on the dresser and sighed.

"Well, that's it for this Christmas."

"Oh, it was a great Christmas," Mary purred. "Thanks to you."

"My pleasure."

"Mine, too," she giggled.


The next day was much the same, with Greg keeping her company. They had gone out for a walk in the park, had a nice lunch with Sara and Brian, then gone to a movie and had a nice, quiet dinner together. Once at her place, it was only minutes before they were in bed, his thick cock plunging into her while his hand pulled her hair back. She loved how he was so aggressive yet gentle, how he made her feel both slutty and respected at the same time, and how he was able to make her cum so frequently. Mary had never enjoyed sex so much, and she was loving it. He had fucked her until she was a sweaty mess, barely able to keep herself up on her knees, and then covered her ass and back with his warm splatters. She collapsed on the bed panting, and Greg cuddled up beside her, his hand rubbing her shoulders and upper back.

A noise out front caught their attention, and Mary got up and looked out the window. There was a taxi in the driveway, and she could see Tom trying to unlock the front door. His keys were not going to work.

"It's Tom!" she gasped.

"Well, let's go the door and talk to him," Greg suggested. "Stay calm, I'm here with you."

He slipped on his jeans and Mary her robe, then they went to the door. She had the safety latch on and cracked the door open nervously.

"Mary! Let me in!" Tom urged.

"No. You don't live here anymore, Tom. Go stay with your little girlfriend, we are over."

"Look, I just want to come in and talk."

"You can talk from out there," Mary replied. "There is really nothing to say, Tom."

"I love you, Mary. It was... it was a big mistake!"

"Too late, Tom. You made your choice, I have made mine."

"Who's the guy? Is he here?" he demanded.

"A very good friend, and that's all you are entitled to know. Now go away, Tom."

"Mary... come on, babe..."

"Goodbye, Tom. You can talk about it with my lawyer."

She closed the door and turned around, leaning her back against it. Greg held her in a tight embrace, wiping away the few tears that ran down her cheeks, and after a few minutes heard a door slam and the taxi drive away. Greg glanced out the window.

"He's gone."


"Are you okay?"

"Yes," she sniffled. "Thanks to you."

She went to the kitchen and filled a glass with wine, then went to the couch in the living room. Greg followed, sitting next to her, and the two sat quietly, watching the lights twinkle on the tree. An hour later, they went to bed, falling asleep with him spooning her.


News travelled quickly, and over the next few days, Mary had numerous calls and texts from family and friends. She was shocked and surprised when a few of them were requests for dates, and Greg had laughed when she told him.

"Oh, you will be very popular," he assured her. "Women like you don't come available very often."

The idea of dating multiple men now crossed her mind. Greg had gone home, and even though they would go to Costa Rica together, she knew that a relationship was not what she wanted at the moment. Neither did he.

"Go on dates, have some fun and enjoy yourself," he had suggested. "My life is in another city."

Mary sat on the couch, sipping her wine and reading the text from Monty. He was an acquaintance of Tom's, a handsome guy in his late thirties, a playboy with a booming business and expensive tastes. He was offering her a week in Hawaii, with a few days on his yacht touring the islands. Mary looked at the twinkling lights on the tree, with the red bow tied to the lower branch, and smiled.

"Sure. Why not."

Written by 1meanjean
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