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Lust Overflows

"A dangerous car ride and a game of truth or dare change a relationship."

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Author's Notes

"Thanks for reading my first submission. <p> [ADVERT] </p>More to come if there's a desire..."

It was shaping up to be a good birthday party. Thirty five was one of those semi-big events. Not the splendor of a forty, but still a milestone. I had friends with me and a flight of Bourbon sat before me as we waited for our meals. My beautiful wife Dani sat across from me. Dani is two years younger than me and is as beautiful as the day we met thirteen years ago. She wore a tight fitting black top with my favorite skirt. Black and white striped, form-fitting, and running the length of her long legs. The way her hips swayed in that skirt made my pulse quicken. She smiled and rubbed my hand from across the table.

Two of our couple friends were at the table with us. We had known Will and Katy for more than a decade. Will was a corporate lawyer and he and his wife were generous to a fault sometimes. They were paying for our dinner and drinks tonight. We made sure that the bill tested the limits of their generosity. On the other side were Stan and his wife, Raegan. Please allow me to skip describing Stan and jump right to Raegan. Though she was close to ten years older than me, she was gorgeous, and knew she was gorgeous, but not in a haughty sort of way. She was down-to-earth and fun to talk to. Her tight blond curls looked like a lion's mane. She wore a loose black top over a mid-length blood-red skirt. She oozed sensuality no matter what she did and she did not even realize it was happening. She was not a flirt and did not take advantage of her looks. But she was intoxicating. When she was in a conversation with you, her piercing eye contact made you feel like you were the only person in the world. 

While I always lusted at Raegan from afar, we never spoke of anything that would endanger our fidelity to our spouses. But I know she had seen me let my eyes stay fixed on her body a little to long when no one else was around. Call me crazy, but I think I saw her smirk a few times in tacit acknowledgement. We had a lake house for a couple days with a boat for my birthday. The day before this diner we spent drinking beer, listening to music, and generally enjoying life. Now, I could have been imagining things, but I swore she bent over once or twice just for me. But honestly it could have been just the booze and the sun making me hallucinate. However, I couldn't stop thinking about that view. I was reliving it and staring off into space when my wife grabbed everyone's attention.

"Here's a toast, to the birthday boy and the big thirty-five! Here's to Levi!"

Everyone clinked their glasses together and we got busy ordering our next round, well except for my wife and Raegan who were driving the group in two different cars. Sometime between entree and dessert, with my inhibitions lowered, I started to run my foot over my wife's leg. I felt the curve of her calf and up to her knee. She responded in kind and rubbed her foot over my leg. She did not visibly react as not to give away our little game of footsie.

After a few minutes of this I heard, "Hey tiger, wrong leg."

Raegan smirked and Dani looked over at her and then me.

I blushed with embarrassment and mumbled an apology. My wife just laughed. When I looked over at Raegan, her lips curled up into a cheshire grin. We held eye contact a little longer than normal and went back to the conversation at the table.

As we finished up dinner, Will and Stan were embroiled in a conversation about politics or the law or some arcane book they had both read, and they were very animated about the whole thing. All in all, the dinner was great, and everyone was having a blast. Some of us were certainly feeling the bourbon, gin, or whatever liquor of choice was being consumed.

A few times over that hour, Raegan would bump my foot and let her foot linger for a second too long. Each time keeping her focus on someone else, refusing to make eye contact with me. This only convinced me even more that this was a little game for her. Before the check was paid, the foot bump happened again I glanced over and just caught Raegan's smirk and quick eye contact. I did not really get what was going on but I knew I liked it.

As we left the restaurant, my wife said, "Honey, go with Raegan and Stan, we have a surprise before we get to our house."

"Hold up," Stan said. "I'm riding with you. Me and Will got some unfinished conversation here. Rae, can you just give Levi a ride."

"Sure. If he's cool with that," Raegan said.

With my heart racing, I could only croak out a, "Yeah, I'm good."

As my wife lead our friends to her car, I leaned against Raegan and told her she was going to have to drive slow as my head was spinning.

"I am sure the car ride will be perfect," she cooed at me.

We jumped in the car and got ready to drive the forty-five minutes to our AirBnb on the lake. We hit some early traffic leaving the city so we were moving slow. Raegan and I just talked about everything and nothing.

"Big birthday for you. How have you enjoyed the night so far?" Raegan said with a hint of mischief in her voice.

"It's had its moments," I smiled to her. "But honestly, I miss the birthdays I had when I was twelve or thirteen. Those were always more exciting than these boring ones in our thirties, well, forties for you..." I said as she playfully slapped me.

"What do you miss about those?"

"There was possibility around every corner. We could eat too much pizza and watch movies all night or run around the neighborhood trying to figure out what houses were haunted. The friends, adventure, the games like truth or dare."

"I know exactly what you mean," Raegan replied. "But those don't have to be distant memories. Let's play some truth or dare now."

"While driving?"

"Sure, we'll keep it safe."

Truth or dare in my teen years was about telling your friends to not embarrass you too much and set you up to kiss your crush. It was butterflies and roaring laughter. What was it going to be like in this car with this stunning woman who played footsie with you all night?

"Truth or dare?" Raegan jumped in before I got to go first.

"I always have to start off easy. Truth."

"Okay scaredy cat. Did you enjoy my bikini yesterday out on the boat?"

Well, we are just going to jump in I guess. But how do I answer this without looking like a pervert? "Yeah, it fit you nicely and covered all the important parts." What kind of answer was that? Smooth as always I guess.

"Do you think anyone else saw you look at me?"

"Hold up," I interjected. "Rules of the game. You cannot ask two questions in one turn. The rules are very important. Now, Truth or Dare."

"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm going truth."

"No disappointment here. How come you let me rub your leg so long under the table tonight?"

Raegan smiled. "It was nice to feel a man's touch, even if you didn't realize what you were doing."

'Feel a man's touch?' I thought. I would have to get to the bottom of that answer.

As we meandered down the highway, Raegan asked, "Truth or dare?"

"I'm not sure what dares we can do in a car, so I'm sticking with truth."

"When was the last time you and Dani had sex?"

My thoughts drifted to the night before. We were on the boat all afternoon. It was a cocktail of arousal between the sun, the ladies' bikinis, and the beers. When we got back to the house and went to change, I couldn't help myself. I was watching Dani in the bathroom and when she bent over to wash her face in the sink I could not hold back. I just slid in behind her.

I ran my hands over her hips and pressed my manhood against her. She put up a mild protest but didn't stop me when I slid off her bikini bottoms revealing her firm ass. I slid into her waiting pussy and told her she had to be quiet so the others didn't hear. With my hands on her hips, I pushed in and out of her while she made eye contact with me in the mirror. When she stripped her top off and let her tits bounce free, I could barely hold back anymore. I started pushing faster and she moved her ass back against my abdomen to meet my thrusts into her slick cave. She let out a high-pitched grunt as she came and I couldn't hold it in. The whole act took five minutes but was hot as hell.

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After daydreaming a little long, I said, "Yesterday. After the boat and before dinner. Just a quickie in the bathroom. When was your last time?"

"Hey rules of the game, you got to stick to the game."

"Fine, truth or dare?"

"I guess truth if you already know where you are going?"

"When was the last time you and Stan had sex?"

"I couldn't tell you. Job stress, kids, lack of desire...I don't know but it's been months. And before that it was months."

With the Bourbon still talking a little, I told her, "It couldn't be lack of desire with you."

Raegan gave me a side glance and wistfully said, "Maybe, but it's been a while. Okay, truth or dare."

"Well, since I don't want to tell any more secrets, I'll go with dare."

"Hmmm. Okay. I dare you to use your hands instead of your foot."

I gulped, probably loud enough for her to hear. I debated with myself on what to do here. I was nervous as hell but there was no way I was passing up this opportunity. I had fantasized about running my hands over her body, but I also knew that if I do this, then something inexorable might stir in me. Blood flowed to my hands and my left hand reached over the center console and rested on her knee. She held her breath for a second as I let my hand wander, never too high, but from knee to mid-thigh.

"Truth or dare."

"I have to drive here. Truth," she replied as my hand continued to rub her leg.

"I know the last time you had sex, when was the last time you had an orgasm?"

"Three weeks ago," she answered. I looked momentarily confused and she said, "I have needs and it's never as good by myself but I have to make due. Truth or dare."

"Truth," I said as I creeped my hand higher up Rae's thigh.

"What's an unfulfilled fantasy you have?"

"This. What's happening now. Truth or dare." The pace was picking up.

"I guess we are a little uneven so far, so dare."

I needed to take a risk now. "Take my hand and put it where you really want it."

Raegan sat motionless for a few seconds as if having an inner monologue. After what felt like an eternity, she put the car in cruise control. Her trembling hand grabbed mine and placed it between her legs. I felt the heat against my fingertips. "Eye's forward," I said. Even in my tipsy state I knew not to rush things. I didn't move my hand and just let it press firmly against the fabric of her panties. Her breathing became slightly slower. 

"Truth or dare," she exhaled out.


"I dare you to move your hand against me."

I shifted in my seat and reached my right hand across my body to give me better access. I started to slowly move my hand against her lips. After a couple minutes, I let my palm press against her clit that was becoming slowly exposed under my machinations. She began to breathe deeply and faster. I took the sleeve of her shirt and bra strap and pulled it off her shoulder. I pushed the cup of her bra down and exposed her right breast. I saw her puffy nipple in the flashes of light from the roadside lampposts.

"Hey, rules of the game," she croaked out between breaths.

"We are far past playing games now, Rae."

As I continued letting my fingers rub over her pussy I could feel her panties getting wet. I put my head down and sucked her nipple into my mouth. "Take the next exit and find a parking lot."

A quarter mile later, we got off the highway and pulled into a dark parking space behind a chain hotel. I pushed her panties to the side as the car stopped and felt her juices all over my fingers. I took her nipple in my mouth again and ran my tongue over it. She gasped for breath as she thrust her head back in bliss, her curly hair bobbing as her head swayed in pleasure. She scooted her ass forward and I pulled off her panties and I slid one finger into her.

As she let out a small moan, I brought my lips towards hers. Our lips mashed together and our tongues hungrily intertwined. She bit my lower lip as I let my finger slide in and out of her while my thumb was pressing against her clit. I pinched her nipple with my free hand and twisted it gently. She rocked her hips against my hand. After another few minutes, I pushed a second finger into her waiting vagina. I could hear her wetness as I pumped in and out of her rhythmically.

"I'm so close. Don't stop, baby," she grunted.

"I got you, Rae."

I pushed her seat back and put her leg up near the gear shift. This gave me enough room to awkwardly get my face down between her legs. My two fingers pistoned in and out of her while I ran my tongue over her engorged sex. I sucked it into my mouth as I curled my fingers. Her moaning increased as her body began to quiver and lose control.

"UUUHHHHHHH. Oh God! Don't stop! Suck it. Fuck me with your fingers." Her burst of passion was followed by her pussy walls quivering against my finger.

"I'm CUUUMMIIIINNGG," she screamed into the dark of the car. Her body shook as I kept up the pumping and sucking. She was so sensitive, she grabbed my hair to pull my tongue off of her. So, I took my fingers out of her and put my tongue in her opening and licked up everything she had. I let my hand rest on her pussy as I came up for air. She grabbed my neck and pulled me in and kissed me hard while her juices sat on my chin.

She reached for my belt and as horny as I was, I was starting to lose the buzz from dinner. We were expected back at the house soon. A pang of guilt hit, but I pushed that down as I leaned back and looked at Rae. Hair a mess, tit still hanging out of her shirt, and skirt bunched around her waist looking better than any Picasso.

"Tonight was just for you. You deserved it and needed it. But fuck me, you are so damn hot. Truth or dare?"

"Dare," she said as she licked her lips.

"Let me take a picture of you right now. I want to remember this."

She braced herself up against the door and stuck her chest out just a little more. I snapped a couple pictures, put them in my secured folder, and put my phone away. She fixed her hair, took a deep breath, and started the car. We had a short fifteen minutes to the house. She drove a little faster to beat the rest of the gang to the house while I left my hand on her leg. We rode in a satisfied and slightly nervous silence. We pulled in the driveway and got into the house. We hit separate bathrooms to fix our disheveled appearance. As I was coming downstairs Dani and the rest of the crew came in laughing and having animated conversations.

"Sorry we took so long," my wife said with a sparkle in her eye. "But this Blanton's Single Barrel was only in the ABC store way out of the way. I hope you like it."

"It was on my list to try forever. Thank you," I told her with a pang of guilt hitting my conscience. "Grab some glasses, let's open it up."

"Hey guys, where you been?" Rae said as she came in to the living room, seemingly without a care in the world.

Written by yesterdayshero
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