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Like Father, Like Son: Part 1

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The first thing that came to Carly’s mind when her engine stalled was Marcus’ voice telling her time and time again that her old car was a worthless piece of junk that caused more problems than needed. Repeatedly, he’d offered to buy her a new car to replace her old one. Each time she’d refused his gift, explaining to him that this was the first car that she bought when she could afford to and she liked it as a reminder of her humble start.

Now, here she was pulled over on the side of the road with the hood of her car popped waiting for a mechanic to come by. She imagined if she’d just accepted Marcus’ gifts she wouldn’t be in this situation, but accepting expensive gifts from her soon-to-be husband would only reinforce the rumors surrounding their relationship. With nearly twenty years' age gap between herself and Marcus, Carly was aware of how people perceived her when they were together.

Marcus Chapman was loaded. He had started an online shopping distribution center in his twenties that now rivaled Amazon. He’d made quite a fortune from its operations over the years that he was often featured in Forbes and Fortune 500 for his business acumen. And although Carly wasn’t a billionaire like Marcus, she had achieved success in her career as she rose to the high-level job she currently held within Chapman, Inc. She lived a very comfortable life before her relationship with Marcus so she deeply resented the idea when people thought she was only after his money.

Since they’ve started dating sixteen months ago, Carly found herself the focus of many tabloids speculating about their relationship status. She hoped the rumors would come to an end after this weekend when Marcus planned on officially announcing their engagement at a big private party at his estate home.

For fifty-year-old Marcus, this would be his second marriage. His first marriage produced his two children, twins, who Carly knew to be not that much younger than herself. In addition to marrying a billionaire, she was also gaining an instant family. It was also one of the things that worried her most. Carly had always envisioned having a family of her own but taking on the role of stepmother to Marcus’ already grown children was scary.

The morning had started with Carly already nervous about meeting Marcus’ children for the first time today and announcing their engagement to their friends and families at a huge party the next day. These two events grouped into one weekend was enough pressure to make Carly anxious and when she was anxious she had a tendency to make terrible decisions. Her car breaking down on the way wasn’t the thing to calm her nerves either. She cursed herself for finally throwing out the emergency pack of cigarettes that she kept in her glove compartment in an effort to finally quit smoking.

As Carly leaned against her car waiting for the mechanic to show up, few cars passed by in either direction until a lone motorcycle came flying past her. It had passed in such a flash that Carly hadn’t taken much notice of it until it pulled a u-turn in the middle of the road and drove back in her direction.

“Need some help? I know a little bit about cars?” the biker offered as he rolled to a stop next to her.

“I have a mechanic on the way. Thanks for the offer, anyways,” Carly smiled, then added, “Nice bike,” she said eyeing the rider as he removed his helmet.

He was handsome in a way that youth and confidence provided, certain that he didn’t have to put in much effort to get whatever he wanted. He was dressed in typical biker attire, faded denim jeans with rips through the knees, a worn black leather motorcycle jacket over an unbuttoned red plaid shirt showing off a black tee shirt underneath. His eyes hid behind dark shades and his sun-kissed skin told of a life of outdoor living. He sported a full beard that fit in perfectly with the biker look. There was a familiarity to him that Carly couldn’t put her finger on; it also made her drop her guard where she would have usually taken caution with such a stranger.

“I’m more than happy to give you a ride,” he said with a devilish smile.

Carly returned the smile, “I think we both know what kind of ride you’re offering.”

“Ah, but you’re thinking about it, huh?”

“Am I thinking about hopping on the back of the bike of a random stranger, shirking off previous responsibilities and commitments? Hm? Maybe,” she responded with a playful grin. Carly couldn’t deny that he had an incredibly sexy swagger and she was a bit intrigued by the idea of taking a break from her own life that was growing more complicated than she cared for.

“Random? You think this is random? I’m right where I’m supposed to be. This is fate. And you look like the kind of woman that’s maybe up for a little fun,” he said as he took a step towards her, ignoring all sense of personal space.

“And how do know what kind of woman I am?” Carly played along with his flirtatious manner. Taking advantage of his nearness, she ran her hand down his chest. It was a mistake that she instantly regretted because she was certain she wanted more than just a touch after feeling his warm hard sculpted abs.

“Oh, but I’m very interested in finding out, ring or not,” he said noticing the rock on her finger as the sun glinted off it. “A bit showy, don’t you think? You don’t seem like the type of woman that drips diamonds,” he said gesturing to her old broken down Corvette.

Carly quickly pulled her hands away. She had momentarily forgotten about the huge twinkling rock on her finger. It was all still so new to her and she felt self-conscious about the expensive ring. It wasn’t her usual style; she would have picked something simpler and modern but since that evening two weeks ago when Marcus proposed to her with it, she’d fallen in love with the ring and couldn’t bear to take it off.

“Is that the responsibilities and commitment you want to run away from?” he asked.

“Maybe,” Carly said a bit forlorn as she reflected on how fast her relationship with Marcus had moved. She had no doubt about her love for him, just this formal business of marriage and becoming a stepmom.

The handsome stranger just smiled at her without saying a word but Carly saw the offer in his eyes. Another time, place, and sixteen months ago, she wouldn’t have hesitated to hop on the back of his bike, in addition to hopping on other things. As he awaited her decision, a tow truck pulled up.

Carly snapped out of it. “I should go,” she said

The biker shrugged, “Your loss, babe,” he said as he pulled on his helmet and rode off.


After her car was serviced, Carly was off to Marcus’ house. It was more like an estate ground, or compound, as it sprawled over several private acres. She had only been to this property a few times before; mostly they spent their time at his penthouse apartment in the city. As she drove up the sweeping driveway she was surprised that she was still impressed with the meticulously groomed landscaping that greeted her. The house wasn’t gaudy or flashy like McMansions, but modern, sleek, and a hint of what the future could be like.

She arrived later than she was expected so when a young brunette opened the door with welcoming arms she was caught off guard.

“Hi, I’m Mariah and you must be Carly,” Mariah greeted her with a big warm hug.

Carly was taken back from the greeting. “Yes, sorry I’m late. I called Marcus to explain what happened with my car. Is he in?”

“He just went to take care of some last-minute planning for tomorrow, but he told me to welcome you. Mark just got in, too. You should meet him.”

“Hey, sis, who’s at the door?” Mark asked as he walked into the foyer.

Carly stopped in her tracks and just stared at Mark. Everything in her world seemed perched on a perilous cliff. Here before her was the very same handsome biker that had stopped and flirted with her on the side of the road. She blinked, unable to trust her own eyes, but he remained standing before her. That same cocky smile smiling back at her. Then it clicked, why he seemed so familiar to her. He was the spitting image of Marcus, only about twenty-five years younger and less groomed. Why hadn’t she seen that before?

“You two look like you know each other,” Mariah said noticing the looks between Mark and Carly.

“Yes, um, sort of,” Carly said awkwardly.

Mark elaborated, “We just met. I stopped to offer assistance before AAA arrived but I didn’t get your name.”

“Sounds typical,” Mariah teased her twin brother, “You can’t resist helping a damsel in distress. Mark, this is Carly, dad’s fiancée. Carly, Mark, my twin brother.”

“With my father’s taste for the newest model of toys, I’m shocked you’re driving such an old relic.” Mark tease was heavy with innuendos.

Carly didn’t like the implication that she was Marcus’ ‘new toy’. “Well, I’m not a damsel in distress and I prefer buying my own toys.”

“Don’t mind Mark, he’s kind of a jerk,” Mariah said quickly taking Carly’s arm and heading further into the house. “Come on, I want to hear all about how you and my dad met.”

Carly smiled as they walked away. So far, she really liked Mariah. It was probably too much to expect to be seen as her stepmother with only about eight years between them in age, but she thought friends would be a great start. On the other hand, she couldn’t imagine the same happening with Mark. She regretted meeting him the way they had. She wasn’t on her best behavior and now she had to hope that Mark wouldn’t share her flirtation with his father.



That evening, they made it through a family dinner barely civil. Marcus was bubbling with pride to introduce Carly to his children. Mariah shared his enthusiasm, but from the very clipped interaction between father and son, Carly sensed that Mark had a fractured relationship with his father. It was clear that Mark didn’t think too highly of his father and his relationship with her. She nervously awaited the moment when he would expose her behavior to his father. Instead, Mark kept quiet, keeping her secret, although she could sense that he was dying to rub it into his father’s face. She had no doubt that the price of keeping her secret would be revealed to her soon.

Of what she gathered from Mariah, at the time of the divorce it was tough for the teenage kids. Mark’s rebellious behavior only increased over the years until he finally dropped out of university during his second year. He had also refused to take a job within his father’s company including any money or financial assistance that his father offered. Instead, he insisted on living on his own means, while drifting from place to place on the back of his Harley.

Secretly, Carly admired that about Mark. When she was younger, she had dreamed of being a free-spirited traveler, but the responsibility of being the financially stable one in the family had taken its place. Instead of aimlessly traveling the world, she got her kicks from dating unscrupulous bad boys and all the pleasures that came with it. Although lately, she had settled for a tamer lifer with Marcus.

Also, like Mark, she’d refused to take extravagant gifts and financial assistance from Marcus. Although he was very persistent with his offers of shopping sprees, high-tech cars, and luxury vacations, she didn’t want people to think she was a kept woman. At thirty-two, she had done well in moving up in her career and providing for herself on her own merits. It was her own hard work that landed her a job at Chapman, Inc where she currently worked as an assistant to Marcus Chapman.  



After several laps in the pool, Carly felt better. She found swimming to be a healthy way to relieve stress after she’d quit smoking. Also, one of the few luxuries that she took advantage of while at Marcus’ huge estate with an outdoor swimming pool. She liked swimming up and down the length of the pool until her arms were sore and absolutely nothing was on her mind but staying afloat. She achieved that tonight as it was much needed to rid her mind of straying thoughts since meeting Marcus’ son.

She hated that at any moment her thoughts varied from deciding on a wedding dress to fantasies of herself ripping the clothes off Mark and riding him on the back of his bike. This conflicting duality was a personality trait she tried to keep under wraps, preferring to project the image of a reasonable, well-mannered woman, not the sexually charged girl of her twenties.

As she climbed the ladder out of the pool, a towel was held out to her. She looked up to see Mark standing before her. Reluctantly she accepted the towel wrapping it around her waist.

“What? Are you going to say that this is fate, too?” she said wringing out her saturated thick curly hair.

“Not at all. I came out for a smoke,” he held up a silver cigarette case and lighter before tapping one out and lighting up. He took a long drag before exhaling a thin cloud of smoke above her head. “Don’t let me stop you,” he said with a mischievous grin as he took in her brown body in a skimpy two-piece bikini. His eyes boldly drank her in, lingering on her damp skin like the water beaded on her skin.

“I won’t,” she smiled back as she toweled off her hair. She hated herself for not resisting. All the work she’d done to fix her thoughts were completely undone with a smile. Something in his smile was contagious and equally dangerous. She was drawn into it earlier when they first met; now it had the same effect even knowing who he was.

He had removed his plaid shirt, wearing only the faded black undershirt. She couldn’t help but notice his lean muscular arms and the tattoos covering his forearms that crept up under the sleeves of the tee shirt. It all added to his image of a rebellious biker son, refusing to follow the norm of his billionaire father.

There was a heat-fueled silence between them before Carly finally looked away and spoke.

“Thanks for not mentioning what happened when we met earlier.”

“You mean the fact that you have second thoughts about marrying my father and you can’t keep your hands to yourself? You don’t think my father would like to know that his wife-to-be has commitment issues?”

Carly snapped as she turned back to him, “I don’t. I love your father, that’s why I’m marrying him. I’ve never been unfaithful to him, I’ve never done that to him.”

“So, now I’m flattered,” Mark grin grew wider as he reached out and brushed a wet strand of hair from her cheek. He let his finger linger against her smooth brown skin, “Glad to know I can make you forget about him for a moment, maybe longer, if you let me.”

Carly stepped back, “Mark, don’t. You shouldn’t say things like that.”

“But it’s true,” he trailed his hand down her arm.

Carly, who was momentarily captivated by his words and his touch, found herself on a dangerous precipice. It would be so easy, not to mention a hell of fun, to give in to her inner cravings. She imagined sex with Mark was scorching hot and unpredictable, something she missed while with an older man who wasn’t exactly in his prime. She shook her head as she scolded herself for her thoughts, “I should go and you shouldn’t smoke. Your father hates it, you know.”

Mark told an indignant drag on his cigarette before he said, “Just think about it, you and me and the fun we could have. While you’re in bed fucking my father tonight, think about us.”

Carly drew the towel tighter around herself as she turned and huffed off. She knew she couldn't tell Marcus about his son’s behavior without revealing her own. The best way to deal with this was to avoid being alone with Mark, she thought.

Mark was left staring after her, watching her ass sway with a smile on his face. He knew it wasn’t a matter of if he would fuck Carly, but when. Hopefully, sooner rather than later so that he could destroy his father like Marcus had destroyed his mother. The plan hadn’t come to him until halfway through dinner as he watched his father fawn all over Carly. He thought about ending the charade right then by telling his father about his new fiancée's wish to run away on the back of his bike but decided fucking her was a better plan. Besides, it was an easy plan to put together since he’d wanted to do just that since the moment he saw her on the side of the road before he even knew who she was tied to. The fact that he could ruin something of his father's only sweetened the plan.

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The next day as the catering staff arrived at the house to prepare for the big engagement party, Carly dressed in a bright yellow fitted dress that she was aware made her look quite younger than Marcus. She wished that she’d brought other options, something more conservative. She wanted to show Mark and Mariah, plus all their other guests, that she wasn’t just some young tart after Marcus’ money. This dress did the opposite of that; the yellow complemented her dark espresso tone and the fitted design highlighted her generous curves. It was a look suited for a younger Carly, one who openly flirted with attractive men and invited their glances upon her body.

She wore her naturally curly hair loose hanging to her shoulders as she applied smokey eye makeup. When she finished her makeup, Carly looked herself over in the mirror; she couldn’t help but see the little girl who grew up in a family struggling to make ends meet but she made it out because of her own intelligence and desire to have better things in her life. Years of waitressing and bartending helped her pay her way through college. She was the first in her family to make it to college and beyond. Now, here she was engaged to one of Forbes’ top ten businessmen and one of the wealthiest men in the nation. She had to forget about Mark and all the urges he stirred up within her. Living this life that Marcus offered was different, but one that she could grow to get used to.

Later, as Carly made her way to the kitchen to help the caterers arrange the hors-d'oeuvres, she heard someone walk up behind her.

“Wow!” Mark gave a low whistle while checking out her ass in the fitted dress. “You look good enough to eat!”

Carly looked over her shoulder and saw Mark staring at her or rather her ass. She stopped herself from forming a smile on her lips. Something about the way he looked at her made her feel more alive in a way she hadn’t felt in so long. She knew it was wrong to think that given that she was announcing her engagement to another man this very evening, but it was undeniably something she felt as she worked on squashing the need to smile back at him.

“Thanks,” she said then reluctantly added, “you clean up well, too.” She noticed that he no longer wore his biker duds but clean dark denim jeans and a black buttoned-down dress shirt. It took all her might to not stare.

Mark pulled up to the counter next to her. He picked at an hors-d'oeuvre and popped it into his mouth before leaning into her and saying, “We could leave right now, you know. Just hop on the back of my bike and ride off with me.”

Carly sighed, “You know that’s not an option.”

“Why not?”

Carly turned to him to respond but as soon as she saw his intense dark eyes staring back at her, she lost her reasoning. Why did just one look from him cause her to forget everything that matters?

They stared at each other with an intense shared desire until Marcus walked in interrupting them.

“There you are. You know we have a catering staff to do all this for us, honey,” Marcus said

“I know,” Carly gave a smile as he placed a kiss on her forehead, “I like feeling useful around here.”

“You’re useful to me,” he said then took a good look at her. “You look incredible.”

“Yeah, like the young hot trophy wife you want to show off to all your rich friends, right?” Mark said.

“Mark, have some respect. Don’t insult Carly like that!” Marcus scolded his son.

“Oh, c’mon, look at how she’s dressed. That dress! Not exactly wifey material.”

Carly rushed out of the kitchen and ran up the stairs. She was angry more at herself than at Mark for his comments. No matter how she tried to leave her past behind her, it always reared its dark dirty head. She wasn’t refined or cultured. She didn’t own designer gowns. Standing next to Marcus she often was mistaken as his mistress or secretary, definitely not his girlfriend or fiancée.

She stood in front of the mirror and removed her glam makeup, opting for a more neutral natural look. Then she twisted her thick curly hair up into a tamed bun. When she finished she borrowed a cardigan from Mariah. As she pulled on the cardigan, Mariah questioned her with concern.

“Are you alright? You’re shaking.”

“Just a bit of a chill, that’s all,” Carly smiled as she adjusted the cashmere sweater on her shoulders.

“Okay, but I hope you know, you can talk to me. I don’t know if I’ll be calling you ‘mom’ soon but, I really like you, Carly. You’ve been great for dad.”

Carly nearly welled up in tears as he hugged her, “Aw, Mariah, you’re so sweet. You know, I still haven’t picked out a wedding dress, and I would love it if you joined me to do so.”

Now Mariah was near tears, “Oh, my God! Yes! I’m honored, I would love that!”

“Great! I could use some advice and I love your style.”

In honesty, Carly didn’t trust her own judgment to pick out something appropriate. She was afraid she would repeat the same mistake she made tonight. Mariah was used to the designer labels and could steer her decision to a more classy, elegant dress.



As friends and guests started to arrive, Carly stayed by Marcus’ side and played her part as hostess. She’d met a few of his business associates before, but as their wives strolled in, it became clear she was not like them. Carly did her best to shrug off the doubt she felt and presented her best self. This was her life now and she had to embrace it all.

Before dinner, Marcus gathered everyone's attention for the official announcement of their engagement. He had also surprised Carly with a special gift. As Marcus held out the keys of a brand new Audi A7 to Carly, she smiled awkwardly. She hated that Marcus had put her on the spot like this. If she refused his gift in front of everyone she would make him look foolish, yet if she accepted she was only reinforcing the gossip about herself taking advantage of him. She had to make a decision that supported the future of a happy marriage.

Finally, Carly gave herself permission to be treated with nice things as her smile widened. She held out her hand and accepted the keys. The whole room clapped and cheered for the couple. As Marcus held her in his arms, she looked over his shoulder and made eye contact with Mark.

From across the room, she saw him looking at her disapprovingly. She didn't know why she felt an immediate need to explain to him. So when Mark stormed out of the party, Carly also excused herself. She found Mark in the garage getting ready to get on his bike.

“You’re leaving? Where are you going?” she asked.

“Why do you care?” he replied.

“I care because your father wants you here and you’ve been drinking too much to drive safely. Whatever issue you have with Marcus, can you just pretend to be civil for just a few more hours?”

“Like you’re pretending you want to marry him?” he threw back at her. “I thought you said you didn’t take gifts from him, but I guess you’ve said a lot of things. Maybe I should enlighten my father on some of them, huh?”

“Then go ahead, go right ahead! Walk right in there, in front of your father, sister, and everyone else and tell them that when we first met I wanted you, I wanted to get on the back of your bike and ride far away from here. I wanted to forget for a moment that I have a quarter-million-dollar ring on my finger, something I didn’t work hard for. But everything else I have, I've worked for. I’ve worked hard to get what I have, Mark. I don’t need your father’s money or cars. I don’t want your father’s money, but you want to know something, I deserve it!”

“He doesn’t deserve you, Carly. Come on, leave with me,” Mark commanded as he reached for her hand.

“And you do?” she snapped at him. “I’m not some toy or prize that is won. I’m a person and I have feelings, feelings for your father. I want to spend my life with him.”

“And I want you!” Mark impulsively pulled her to him as his lips pressed down against hers. It was a hard violent gesture more about possession rather than passionate feelings.

After recovering from the shock of his stolen kiss, Carly shoved Mark away and slapped him hard across the face. The smug look on his face didn’t dissipate; he only held her tighter. She raised her hand to strike him again, only this time he was quicker and caught her wrist in his fist. As she stared daggers at him, he lowered his mouth to hers again, devouring her. Carly struggled to release her hand as his tongue plundered her mouth, but he held her steady in a steel grip.

She wasn’t sure of when her struggle changed from a need to free herself into a need to touch him and pull him closer. The taste of him, alcohol mixed with cigarette mixed with a heavy dose of desire, was intoxicating and invading her senses. His kisses were rough and possessive as he raided her mouth yet Carly grew to crave them more than she should. Her appetite was whetted and she couldn’t get enough of him as her tongue met and clashed with his, returning his heated hungry kisses with equal reckless abandonment.

Mark released his hold on her wrist only to clamp both hands on her waist, pulling her even closer into him. There was no mistaking his arousal as the thick ridge in his pants provided all the evidence she needed. He knew she was loving the feel of his strong hands kneading her ass as she molded herself to him, getting as close as their clothed bodies would allow.

He moved his hands down her hips, tugging her yellow dress up her dark thighs as he did so. His hand slipped between them and palmed her mound. The crotch of her thong was damp with her own sign of arousal which only made him grow hungrier in his craving for her. He wanted her more knowing the feeling was mutual shown by the way she gyrated against his hand.

He left her sweet wild mouth to leave a blazing trail of nips and kisses down her neck into the neckline of her dress. Lifting her breasts over the edge of the dress, his tongue laved the dark raisined peaks, pulling the nubs between his teeth as she moaned at the pleasure tinged with pain. As he worked her into a frenzy, his fingers slid the thin sliver of fabric aside and found her center.

“Yes!” she moaned out loud as his fingers stroked in and out of her juicy cunt. She pushed against his hand driving him deeper into her slick center.

“Ssh,” he quieted her as he plunged his fingers into her mouth. He watched she licked and sucked on his fingers covered with her own juices. He imagined how sweet she must be and couldn’t wait any longer, “Fuck! I want to taste all of you,” he moaned as he ripped the borrowed cardigan off her and turned her back to him.

Mark pushed her face flush against the wall then dropped to his knees. With her dress bunched at her waist, he tore her panties off with one hard pull. Her plump brown ass was so enticing and inviting that with a low growl, he buried his face between her ass cheeks. His tongue flicked out against her puckered hole, licking as if she was sweet as ice cream on a cone. But his hunger was too impatient for gentle prodding and coddling as he charged forward breaching the tight ring. As his tongue fucked her ass, he pressed two fingers against her clit to massage the throbbing nub before dipping back into her slick snatch again.

Carly let out a needy moan as he skillfully worked both holes, thrusting his tongue in her ass as his fingers slid deeper into her pussy. Her lust was blinding, myopic in a sense as she gripped the wall for stability. Nothing else mattered but her own need to come.

Sensing she was near the edge, Mark replaced his fingers with his tongue. He licked and sucked on her pussy as she began quivering with an all-consuming orgasm.

“Fuck! Yes!” she moaned, pushing her cunt into his eager mouth as he drank from her greedily. She placed her hand on his head, raking her polished fingernails along his scalp, as she held his face buried in her snatch.

When she grew limp and loosened her grip on him, Mark stood up and kissed her. This time his kisses were attentive and gentle as he shared the taste of her come from his lips. Carly clung to him, demanding more of him, her hands making way to his engorged cock.

“Just a taste, that’s all for now. When you’re ready for more you’ll come to me,” he whispered against her full lips, suppressing even his own arousal for the moment. He’d gained all the satisfaction he needed making Carly come, giving her just a hint of the fun they could have together.

Frustrated, she shoved his smug smile away as she tugged her dress back down in place. Carly was more frustrated with herself for not having much willpower. The fact that she couldn’t resist him made her fear for the future of her marriage. She immediately wanted to shower, if only she could wash away the guilt she felt.

The rush of her orgasm left her knees feeling like jello, but she managed to stride out of the garage in her heels with some remaining dignity.



Mariah walked out into a thick cloud of smoke to find her brother leaning against his bike under the stars.

“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you. Where have you been?” she asked.

Tongue fucking our new stepmom’s ass, was what he thought to say; instead, Mark took a long drag from his cigarette before answering, “Nowhere you want to know.”

“What’s the deal with you? You’ve been giving dad shit since mom and dad separated. Now, you’re treating Carly like it’s her fault while she’s been nothing but nice to everyone.”

“You’ve always been ‘daddy's little girl’ so mom never told you what it was really like married to him. She didn’t want to damage your image of your perfect father, but she had no problem telling me. Mostly because she didn’t want me to turn out like him.”

Mariah smirked and bummed a puff off his cigarette. After a deep inhale she returned it. “And did you?”


“Turn out like our father? What about Trish, and Danielle, and Nikki, and I’ve lost track of all your girlfriends, or whatever you call them.”

Mark took another drag on the fast dwindling cigarette. He wasn’t comfortable with the comparison to his father but if he reflected honestly, all his past “relationships” followed the same pattern of cheating and sleeping around. He drew the line at the fact that he’d never promised commitment to any of them. He knew he would walk away when the opportunity presented itself and he did each time.

Mark noticed that his sister was holding the cardigan that Carly had on earlier, the one that he’d hastily ripped off her back in the garage. He knew his sister was smart, so he waited for her to ask the right questions.

Mariah saw that he finally noticed the cardigan draped across her arm. She frowned, “Should I wonder why I found the cardigan I loaned Carly discarded in the garage?”

Mark just smiled, “Maybe she got a little overheated?”

“Mark, what are you doing?” Mariah asked exasperatedly. “Out of all the women you could have and you’re going after our father’s fiancée. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“You think their marriage will be happily ever after while his with our mom wasn’t? You think dad changed his ways because he has a young piece of ass on his arm?”

“This isn’t about our father or mother, this is about you staying away from Carly and giving them a chance, Mark! Dad is happy. Carly really loves him. Don’t come between that because you have issues.”

Mark finished off the cigarette, flicked the stump into a nearby flowerbed, then held his hands up in surrender, “You don’t have to worry about me, I’m not hanging around much longer,” he said strapping on his helmet as he jumped on the back of his bike.


to be continued...


Written by missluv2write
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