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Leila's Awakening And Transformation

"Leila, a newly divorced Arabic woman, explores her desires and new life."

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Author's Notes

"Hey there, readers! Thanks for checking out "Leila's Awakening and Transformation". Dive into Leila's thrilling world where hidden desires meet bold adventures. Expect steamy scenes, intense passion, and twists that'll keep you hooked. Enjoy and let me know what you think, cheers! *This story was inspired by real events,"

Chapter 1: Awakening Desires

Leila had always been a good wife. Married young in a traditional Arab-Muslim society, she adhered to expectations, concealing her desires beneath a veil of propriety. Yet, deep within her, indecent thoughts began to take shape. These thoughts would later transform the woman she would become, thoughts she had never dared to express to anyone but her husband at the time.

Her husband was an average man, both in appearance and demeanor. He had a normal build, neither particularly muscular nor thin, with unremarkable features and an average presence. His eyes were kind but lacked the intensity that might stir deeper passions. Physically, he was neither imposing nor particularly captivating. Their sexual life was comfortable but routine, lacking the fiery chemistry that might have ignited her hidden desires.

Through open communication and trust, her husband had managed to make Leila open up to him in ways no one else had before. Leila used this kindness to release a bit of her vice every day, expressing fragments of her repressed desire. In their private moments, Leila would test the waters of her fantasies. She used small signals, subtle provocations, and erotic games to tease and test the limits. She didn't hesitate to speak under the guise of humor, using terms like "big cock," or "big black cock" to provoke him. Sometimes she would feign obscene moans to tease him, reveling in the shock and arousal it elicited. These provocations were part of their erotic games, full of complicity and mischief. It was clear that Leila took particular pleasure in them.

She loved making faces, contracting one eyelid more than the other, and rolling her eyes back, imitating porn actresses getting fucked by the biggest dicks possible. This expression sometimes frustrated her husband while exciting him every time. It was a subtle dance of provocation and desire.

Yet, despite their chemistry and the freedom she felt in those moments, Leila's desires ran deeper and darker than she ever let on. The fire burning inside her was too much to fully reveal, even to her husband. It implied transgressive acts and fantasies that would never fit within the boundaries of their traditional marriage, especially in the conservative environment they lived in. So, she kept this part of herself tamed and hidden, feeding it only with small doses of her provocative games.

In her heart, Leila knew she craved more. She longed for the forbidden, for experiences that would shatter the constraints of her upbringing. These thoughts simmered beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to break free and transform her world. The seeds of her awakening had been planted, and it was only a matter of time before they would blossom into something irresistible and profound.

Chapter 2: Transformation

The trigger that truly set off Leila's transformation occurred the day her husband caught her having a secret affair with a man who attended the same gym as her. This man, a personal trainer, was black. It was the moment her husband realized that her provocations were not just jokes, but signals of a deep, long-repressed desire.

After ten years of marriage and a difficult divorce, Leila decided to radically change her life. She left her home country and began traveling alone, visiting different countries and exploring new cultures. This newfound freedom allowed her to rediscover and emancipate herself.

Leila also transformed her physical appearance. Her curves became more pronounced, her buttocks more voluptuous and round. She knew her new look would attract attention and judgment, but she didn't care. She felt liberated, ready to embrace her desires, even the most indecent ones repressed for years, and which she had been ashamed to express, to tame and explore them.

To men, a woman with such curves was automatically labeled a "size queen." In their minds, it was simple and clear: a woman with an ass that big must love having a guy with a huge cock. Only an anaconda could handle such a booty. Those who weren't well-endowed thought the same thing but deflated and didn't dare to try their luck. It was natural selection at work, a natural filter that acted in advance and on its own. Thus, her curves acted like a giant magnet, specifically attracting very well-endowed men.

Leila, for her part, saw a direct link between her new curves and her desire for impressive male attributes. She no longer fantasized about average healthy guys; she no longer considered them worthy of her and her indecent curves. She desired those rare specimens, those real-life centaurs. In her mind, these men were the only ones capable of satisfying her deep desires and matching her ego. She believed that a caliber of that size was the only one that could handle her generous curves. These thoughts, nurtured by years of marriage suppressing, confining, and stifling her impulses and secret fantasies, had awakened in her a forbidden and indecent desire for flesh and adultery.

When she walked down the street, Leila felt men's eyes on her, fixed on her voluptuous ass. She loved this attention, the way their eyes followed her every move. She knew exactly what they were thinking: "Her, with an ass like that, must love big cocks. She's definitely a size queen." This thought made her smile inwardly, reinforcing her sense of power and desire. Knowing that guys saw her as a promise of intense pleasure, a woman who would only be satisfied by the biggest calibers excited her. This confidence, this control over their desire, put her in a constant state of thrill. She felt alive, desired, and more confident than ever. Often, she felt tingles in her panties, loving to wear thongs to feel really naughty. When going to the bathroom, she often found her thong completely soaked just from the excitement of everyday encounters. She felt like the center of attention, like an exhibitionist. , She often felt slutty in those different situations, and she loved that feeling, which made her funnily act even sluttier.

Chapter 3: Encounters

Leila’s transformations didn’t go unnoticed. Men, attracted by her generous curves, made direct advances. Leila explored her desires with newfound freedom. Each encounter was an adventure, a discovery of her repressed sexuality.

One day, while strolling through the city, she recalled a past conversation with her ex-husband. This conversation had surfaced after they watched interracial porn videos together, featuring stars like Mandingo, Dredd, and Damion. Watching the spectacle of Dredd or Mandingo ravaging women had sparked something in her.

"I wonder how far he could push it in..." she had said, pointing her finger well above her belly button.

"Damn, those guys aren't real, it's porn, Leila. You understand that, right? That's thirty centimeters; do you know what that means?" her husband responded.

"Well, it's a human, so yes, it exists... and yes, I know what thirty centimeters is," she said, extending her forearm under her husband's nose and gesturing obscenely with her other hand. "That's what thirty centimeters is, babe. Do you think you could compete with that?" she asked in an ultra-vicious tone.

"Oh really, Mrs. Confident? You think you can handle that? Those guys don't just fuck; they destroy, and the next day you can't walk. And of course, I'm more than enough for you, so forget about it; it's not for girls like you, haha," he replied, laughing.

"But how would I know if I don't try?" she retorted with a mischievous smile. "I'm sure it'll be tight at first, but that's just at the beginning. Tell me, babe, do you think I'd still feel you after a guy like that has been with me?" she added, with an ultra-mischievous smile, testing her husband's reaction.

"Damn, you're considering this a bit too seriously for my liking; it's getting unhealthy. Calm down, it's never going to happen. And besides, that kind of size is only in porn because a regular woman wouldn't find any pleasure in it. That's why it's only actresses who can handle it; they're used to being stretched and pounded multiple times a week for years, by thousands of different sizes, so their pussies are entirely adapted and ultra-flexible. But if it was a regular girl like you, it would always be tight, and it would tear you up in the end. Don't think lube and one time with a Dredd will get you used to it. Stop your fantasies and come back to reality."

"Don't worry about me," she said confidently. "I trust myself." She looked him straight in the eyes at that moment, as if she had taken his words as a challenge. Then, to diffuse any suspicion from her husband, she added, "I'm joking, babe, of course you're right. I'm not crazy or that much of a slut. And where would I find a Dredd or Mandingo here? We're in an Arab country, haha..." This dialogue remained etched in Leila's memory.

This conversation brought them closer, pushing them to explore new fantasies together throughout their marriage. But now, without the constraints of her marriage, Leila was ready to explore these desires more freely, and above all, without remorse.

Chapter 4: Emancipation

Leila no longer contented herself with fantasies. She lived her desires fully, but she had to remain discreet. She had responsibilities towards her employers and traveled to predominantly Muslim countries, where she couldn't afford to be too daring. Her single status offered her considerable freedom compared to her previous life, and her new curves did the work for her, attracting attention without her needing to exhibit herself. In Europe, the contrast was striking, creating a whirlwind of desires and possibilities.

Her desires were no longer limited to a particular type of man. Whether white or black, as long as they were handsome, young, and especially well-endowed, they represented the ultimate pleasure for her, forbidden and secret. Black men were like a treat, a cherry on the cake, a pleasure to be consumed in moderation, reserved for special occasions, and not to be overindulged.

Leila knew her physical transformation had given her the curves of a pure black woman, putting her in direct competition with black women. She was now a serious contender in the black dating scene. She noticed an increase in contacts and approaches from black men since she adopted her new curves, and this delighted her, confirming that she had made the right choice in line with her inner self. Her voluptuous buttocks and wide hips placed her directly in competition with African women, eclipsing other women around who seemed bland and flat. For Leila, it was a validation of her choices and efforts. She loved this new attention, the way black men now considered her a 'curve queen.' It was a new segment of the population that had become potentially accessible and within her sights.

Chapter 5: Concurrence And Realization

Leila’s scandalous new curves had a significant impact on the psyche of the men she met. For them, a woman with such a figure was an irresistible magnet, a promise of intense pleasure. They saw in her a woman who would settle for nothing less than the biggest calibers, an exciting and intimidating conquest. Just crossing her path made them fantasize about what could happen with a woman as voluptuous as her.

Leila, for her part, delighted in this new dynamic. Her generous curves and round buttocks gave her a constant feeling of warmth and desire. She felt perpetually on the verge of exploding with pleasure, as if her entire body was on fire. This sensation gave her incredible confidence, making her feel powerful and irresistible. She loved playing with her charms, provoking men, and watching them react to her mere presence.

Every day, she woke up with renewed excitement, ready to explore new adventures, seduce new lovers, and push the limits of her pleasure even further. Leila was finally living for herself, flourishing in her new life, savoring every moment of her transformation. The admiring glances, the whispers of desire, the bold propositions: all of this was part of her daily life, and she couldn't help but feel a deep satisfaction seeing the effect she had on men.

Her new figure, regained confidence, and lifestyle as a single woman who traveled frequently perfectly suited her insatiable appetite for pleasure, experiences, and life, but also the necessity of anonymity due to her lifestyle. Over the years, from the little games with her husband and her fantasies as a young married woman, to the real encounters that followed in her single years, Leila was becoming a woman fully in tune with her desires. She had finally found the freedom to live on her own terms, to assert herself without shame or fear, without remorse or restraint, and to savor every moment of her emancipation.

She led an apparently ordinary existence. A discreet and irreproachable employee, her angelic face illuminated the office where she worked like any other woman. In the eyes of her colleagues and those around her, Leila was the embodiment of perfection, a model woman with no stories.

But as soon as night fell and the office doors closed, Leila transformed into a completely different person. Hidden from prying eyes, she became a true curve queen, with the undisputed title of size queen. Sensual and burning with desire, she was an insatiable lover, seeking intense pleasures that matched her generous curves.

Leila knew exactly what she wanted. When she felt that familiar pulse awakening within her, she transformed into a true succubus of vice, ready to satisfy her unspoken cravings. This demon of lust, long repressed during her previous life, was now being released with an irresistible force, pushing her each day to become the woman she knew she would inevitably become, and to satisfy her deepest desires.

All this double life unfolded unbeknownst to her social circle, for whom Leila remained the perfect and irreproachable woman. She played this role with exceptional skill, secretly savoring her ability to lead such a contrasting life. Every time she thought about it, she couldn’t help but laugh inwardly, savoring this moral victory that made her more powerful and fulfilled.

Leila navigated between her two worlds with perfect mastery, finding a unique balance between her facade as a model employee and her true self, a free woman and a true size queen. This duality made her feel more alive than ever, offering her deep satisfaction and excitement, as well as intense pleasure in every aspect of her life.

Chapter 6: Meeting Michael

Leila was ready for a new adventure that night in London. She was there for only three days, and she was going to make the most of it. That night, she was in the mood, and for some unknown reason, she felt hot and very sexy. So she had put on an ultra-sexy and tight red dress that perfectly hugged her voluptuous curves. Her generous, firm, and round buttocks seemed ready to burst out of this indecently tight dress. Her muscular and thick legs reminded one of a fitness athlete, and her tanned skin highlighted the sophisticated tattoos adorning her hips, legs, ankles, arms, hands, and nape. Her nails, painted in a bright red, added a touch of sensuality to her feet and hands. She also wore anklets and hip chains, as well as piercings on her navel, nipples, eyebrows, nose, and tongue. The dress, slit at the back of the thighs and widely open on the back, revealed her body in an almost scandalous way.

Leila's Liberation

Since arriving in London, Leila had felt a fire burning inside her, an almost uncontrollable excitement. She had grown up in a patriarchal Arab-Muslim environment, where conformity, control, and repression reigned supreme. Expectations were strict, and every aspect of her life was dictated by rigid norms. But in London, far from these constraints, she found herself plunged into absolute freedom, a freedom that allowed her to give free rein to her deepest and darkest desires.

Leila felt an almost animalistic urge, a demon of lust that invaded her every time she thought about this newfound freedom. Her body, long subjected to restrictions, now demanded total liberation. She wanted to let loose, to express that side of herself she had always had to hide. Away from inquisitive eyes and moral judgments, she felt free to act like the true slut in heat, to unleash that part of herself that had never had the right to express itself.

That night, in that provocative red dress, she knew she would surrender completely to this urge. She would give in to her desires, without restraint, without shame. The sensation of this newfound freedom was intoxicating, almost dizzying. She felt every fiber of her being vibrating with an excitement she had never known before. This evening would be the one where she finally broke free from all her chains, where she allowed herself to be the sensual and unrestrained woman she had always dreamed of being.

Michael, a young Englishman of twenty-five, couldn't take his eyes off Leila. As soon as she had stepped through the lounge door, he had been captivated by her presence. Her black hair cascaded over her shoulders, contrasting with her slightly tanned skin. Her red dress clung perfectly to her body, revealing her wide hips and generous chest. Her endless legs were highlighted by her high heels, and every step she took attracted all the lounge's attention. She approached him with a sensual gait, and Michael felt his heart race.

The Encounter

Leila sat next to Michael at the bar, ordering a cocktail with a sly smile. "Hi there. My name is Leila," she said, her voice soft but full of innuendo.

"I'm Michael," he replied, trying to stay calm. "I must say, you are absolutely stunning."

Leila smiled, pleased with his reaction. "Thank you, Michael. You're not bad yourself. What brings you here all alone?"

Michael shrugged. "Just passing through town for work. I like discovering places like this."

Leila nodded, her eyes never leaving his. "Then you're lucky to have stumbled upon me tonight."

Their conversation continued, becoming more intimate as the evening progressed. Leila used all her charm, subtly touching Michael's arm, laughing at his jokes, and leaning slightly forward to give him a plunging view of her cleavage.

After a few drinks, they decided to continue their evening elsewhere. Michael suggested a walk around town, and Leila happily agreed. Walking side by side, she used every opportunity to brush his hand or graze his arm, while telling him amusing and captivating anecdotes.

They eventually entered a trendy club, where the atmosphere was electric. The music pulsed, and the dim lights added a touch of mystery to the evening. Michael, ever the gentleman, offered to buy her another drink. Leila accepted, swaying gracefully to the bar with him. Her natural charm and sensual movements turned all heads as they passed.

On the dance floor, Leila moved closer to Michael, their bodies almost touching. She danced provocatively yet elegantly, making him yearn without being too direct. Michael, mesmerized by her charm, took the initiative. He placed his hands around her slim waist, pulling her even closer. Leila could feel the effect she had on him, and she loved it.


Leila knew it was time to take the next step to confirm her expectations. Discreetly, she suggested a seduction game. "Michael, how about a little game? We each share a secret, something very personal."

Michael, intrigued and already captivated, agreed. "Alright, but you start."

Leila smiled, leaning in to whisper in his ear. "I love men who take the lead and know what they want." She pulled back, staring at him intensely.

Michael, stimulated by her confession, decided to play along. "Well, I've always had a weakness for voluptuous women, and you are absolutely perfect."

Leila felt the moment had come to confirm her suspicions. She leaned even closer, her lips brushing his ear. "Show me how much you desire me," she whispered, her voice full of promise.

Michael, caught up in the game of seduction, led her to a more private corner of the club. There, away from prying eyes, he allowed himself to reveal more than just a secret. He took her hand and gently guided her fingers to the evidence of his desire. Leila felt Michael's enormous member, confirming it far exceeded her expectations.


Assured that Michael was indeed part of the plus-twenty-eight centimeter club (or close to it, as she wasn't particular about a centimeter more or less, but her expert eye estimated Michael's cock at a solid twenty-seven), Leila decided to continue the evening. She gently led him out of the club, heading towards the hotel where she was staying. Once in the room, she created an intimate atmosphere with candles and soft music.

She approached him, her lips grazing his before kissing him deeply. Michael felt a wave of desire wash over him. Leila pulled back slightly, a mischievous smile on her lips. "Let me show you how glad I am that you came tonight." She began to slowly undo the buttons of his shirt, her fingers sliding sensually over his skin.

Michael watched her, hypnotized by her movements. When she reached his trousers, she knelt before him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Let's see what you've got for me," she murmured.

When she lowered his trousers, she couldn't help but let out a moan of surprise and pleasure. "Wow, Michael! You're a real stallion," she said, licking her lips and looking at him intensely. "That's at least twice the size of my ex, and he wasn't small, haha..." she added, pressing herself against him. The already enormous cock in Leila's hands continued to grow with the back-and-forth motion of her two hands, which she could no longer wrap around the still-growing and hardening cock, arching upwards towards Michael's navel.

He was incredibly well-endowed for a young man his age, especially given his slimmer and leaner frame. This cock didn't match the rest, and Leila couldn't stop thinking how lucky she was to find such a specimen. She thought the universe had truly done well.

But what shocked her the most, something she dared not show, was that Michael was uncircumcised.

Michael's foreskin covered his glans, something she had never experienced before. This discovery troubled her deeply. Leila had always believed, according to her culture and religion, that circumcision was not only hygienic but also a sign of purity. She had always viewed those who weren't circumcised as being misguided. Yet, at that moment, she felt irresistibly attracted to this member she had always considered unusual. The thought of it being different added an extra layer of vice to her desire.

Michael's foreskin gave his cock a fluid motion and an excess of skin that fascinated her. While playing with his penis, Leila was utterly absorbed by the spectacle of it. She was captivated by the way the foreskin slid smoothly over the glans as she stroked it. The sensation of the soft, supple skin moving under her fingers sent shivers of delight through her. She couldn't help but giggle at the new, erotic experience, a mix of fascination and forbidden pleasure washing over her. The fluid motion and the excess skin seemed to dance with every stroke, intensifying her arousal and feeding her growing lust.

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She also noticed a strong scent emanating from it, one she couldn't initially identify, unique and intoxicating, a smell like a natural, wild musk that actually came from the entrance of the foreskin. This scent, different from anything she had known, triggered a whirlwind of heat and animalistic desire in Leila. She was hypnotized by this fragrance, and the glans, smooth and shiny like a pearl, contrasted sharply with those of her circumcised exes, whose glans were dry and matte. The texture of Michael's glans was like the inside of a cheek, soft and moist, which added to the intensity of her desire and lust.

Leila didn't wait any longer. Before her stood this enormous cock erect towards the sky, perfectly curved upwards like a banana. She gently caressed it with both hands before taking it into her mouth, feeling it harden even more under her attention. Michael moaned with pleasure, his hands resting on her head, gently guiding her movements. Leila looked him straight in the eyes as he pushed her head towards the base of his cock, then, releasing Leila's head abruptly, he pulled back with a pop sound. She looked at him, a string of saliva connecting her mouth and Michael's cock, her eyes starting to water, and the corner of Leila's mouth curved into a smile, indicating that she enjoyed what Michael was doing.

"Fuck my mouth with your big cock, go on baby," she said in such a vicious and commanding tone. Michael grinned wickedly and, applying himself to the task, positioned himself above Leila, who was on her knees, and began to fuck her face at a steady rhythm that overwhelmed her, testing her resilience more and more with each thrust. He only released Leila's head long enough for her to catch her next breath, then plunged it back into this raw, wild, and sensual act, creating a puddle of saliva and precum on the floor, a product of their intense desire and enormous mutual attraction.

Pretty and charming Leila had her makeup and face a mess when Michael finally had enough of her plump little mouth. She panted like an exhausted bitch, her face covered in fluids, as well as her entire chest, and her pussy so soaked it looked like a plumbing leak.

After a few minutes of this intense pleasure, Leila got up, quickly undressed, and pulled him onto the bed. "Take me, Michael. Show me what you can do."

Michael didn't need to be told twice. He penetrated her slowly, savoring every inch of her perfect body. Leila moaned with pleasure, feeling each movement bring her closer to ecstasy. The effect of the moving foreskin was a revelation for Leila. Every glide against her vaginal walls provided a completely different sensation, more fluid, more natural, almost lubricated by the skin itself. Unlike her past experiences with circumcised partners, where the dry, rigid glans created intense friction, this interaction was softer, more languorous, and strangely more intimate. The movement of the foreskin against her internal walls triggered waves of pleasure she had never known, each glide heightening her arousal almost unbearably.

Leila was in ecstasy, each movement bringing her closer to climax. She wrapped her arms around Michael, her nails digging into his back, her moans growing louder. Michael increased the rhythm, responding to her signals of pleasure, each thrust bringing them closer to orgasm.

Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, a sensual and intense ballet. Leila felt the orgasm building inside her, a wave of heat overwhelming her. Michael, feeling his own pleasure approaching, accelerated even more, their bodies pressing against each other with frantic urgency.

Finally, Leila reached the peak of her pleasure, a cry of ecstasy escaping her lips. Her body tensed, her muscles contracting around Michael, pulling him with her into an explosion of pleasure. Michael followed closely, his moans blending with hers as he reached his own orgasm, their bodies trembling together in a passionate embrace.

Out of breath, they remained entwined, savoring the last waves of pleasure that coursed through their bodies. Leila, a satisfied smile on her lips, gently caressed Michael's back. "That was incredible, Michael," she whispered, her eyes shining with contentment.

Michael, still under the spell of ecstasy, nodded. "Yes, it was... beyond anything I could have imagined."

They stayed like that, their bodies still glued to each other, enjoying the warmth of their embrace and the softness of the moment.

But the night was still young, and Leila and Michael intended to make the most of it. They made love several times until dawn. When the sun rose, Leila was exhausted, every fiber of her body signaling that it had reached its limits after being fulfilled by Michael's multiple loads. Her body was covered in sweat, her muscles aching, and she could feel the cool air brushing against the swollen, irritated, and still-stretched lips of her pussy, filled and dripping with Michael's semen.

The room, once immaculate, was now in disarray, imbued with an intoxicating scent of sex. The sheets were crumpled and damp, the furniture displaced, and the windows fogged with their sweat. Leila, completely spent, collapsed naked next to Michael into a deep sleep, savoring the lingering waves of pleasure that still coursed through her body.

Leila knew she had just experienced something unique and was eager to see where this new adventure with Michael would lead them. One thing was certain: Michael had exceeded all her expectations. He now entered her top ten exclusive and top-secret repertoire of lovers, whom she met during her many travels around the world.

Chapter 7: Competition And Realization

Leila's scandalous new curves had a significant impact on the psyche of the men she encountered. For them, a woman with such a figure was an irresistible magnet, a promise of intense pleasure. They saw in her a woman who would settle for nothing less than the best, an exciting yet intimidating conquest. Just crossing her path made them fantasize about what might happen with such a voluptuous woman.

Leila, for her part, reveled in this new dynamic. Her generous curves and voluptuous buttocks provided her with a constant sensation of warmth and desire. She felt perpetually on the verge of exploding with pleasure, as if her entire body was on fire. This sensation gave her incredible confidence, making her feel powerful and irresistible. She loved to play with her charms, provoke men, and watch them react to her mere presence.

Every day, she woke up with renewed excitement, ready to explore new adventures, seduce new lovers, and push the boundaries of her pleasure even further. Leila was finally living for herself, flourishing in her new life, savoring every moment of her transformation. The admiring glances, the whispers of desire, the bold propositions: all of this was part of her daily life, and she couldn't help but feel a deep satisfaction in seeing the effect she had on men.

Her new figure, her incredible and enormous buttocks compared to her frame, her newfound confidence, and her lifestyle as a single woman who travels frequently suited her insatiable appetite for pleasure, experiences, and life, but also and especially the need for anonymity due to her lifestyle. Over the years, from playing little games with her husband and her fantasies as a young married woman, to the real encounters that followed in the subsequent years as a single woman, Leila had become a woman fully in tune with her desires. She had finally found the freedom to live on her own terms, to assert herself without shame or fear, without remorse or restraint, and to savor every moment of her emancipation.

She led an ostensibly ordinary existence. A discreet and impeccable employee, her angelic face lit up the office where she worked like any other woman. To her colleagues and those around her, Leila was the epitome of perfection, a model woman without any stories.

But as soon as night fell and the office doors closed, Leila transformed into an entirely different person. Out of sight, she became a true curve queen, with the undisputed title of size queen. Sensual and burning with desire, she was an insatiable lover, seeking intense pleasures to match her generous curves.

Leila knew exactly what she wanted. When she felt that well-known urge awakening within her, she turned into a true succubus of vice, ready to fulfill her unmentionable desires. This demon of lust, long repressed during her previous life, was now unleashed with irresistible force, each day pushing her a little more to become the woman she knew she would inevitably become, and to satisfy her deepest desires.

This entire double life unfolded unbeknownst to her social circle, for whom Leila remained the perfect and irreproachable woman. She played this role with exceptional skill, secretly savoring her ability to lead such a contrasting life. Every time she thought about it, she couldn't help but laugh inwardly, savoring this moral victory that made her more powerful and fulfilled.

Leila navigated between her two worlds with perfect mastery, finding a unique balance between her façade as a model employee and her true self, a free woman and a true size queen. This duality made her more alive than ever, offering her deep satisfaction and excitement, as well as intense pleasure in every aspect of her life.


For a long time, Leila had dreamed of Paris. As luck would have it, one of her unfulfilled fantasies that often lingered in her mind was to try a swingers' club at least once. Paris, globally renowned for its swingers' clubs, represented a golden opportunity for her, planning to visit the city soon, to get closer to this fantasy.

While conducting preliminary research on the types of clubs and their structure in Paris, Leila stumbled upon an intriguing advertisement. This unique and unforgettable themed evening, inspired by masked orgies from ancient Roman times, required all participants to enter masked. The parallel theme, entitled, "Ladies' Paradise," promised an exceptional experience. Men had to wear a special bath towel and dark bronze-colored briefs, leather sandals, and a mask, all provided by the club. Women, on the other hand, had to wear lingerie of their choice in black or red, including mandatory elements such as a thong, garter belt, fishnet or sheer stockings, a fine lace bra, and stilettos. The club offered an unprecedented bonus to women sporting nipple or clitoral piercings, in the form of drink tickets for multiple beverages and cocktails at the bar.

What made this evening particularly exciting for Leila was the presence of men specially recruited by the club. These men, all with penises exceeding 26 cm when erect, were either active X-rated actors or had passed an in vivo test of their virility. About ten of these young studs would anonymously mingle with the crowd, tasked with seducing and corrupting the ladies present that night.

Leila arrived at the club, dressed in red lingerie that highlighted her voluptuous curves, and her heart pounded with anticipation of the pleasures awaiting her in this exclusive Parisian club. Every detail of this night had been thought out and planned with care.

The evening began in the main room, a large central bar surrounded by velvet sofas and low tables. Leila sat down, observing the place with curiosity. The atmosphere was intimate, lit by dim lights, and the suave music added a touch of mystery. She quickly noticed the presence of the selected men, recognizable by their identical outfits, who mingled with the other patrons with ease.

Leila let herself be guided by her desire and explored the different rooms of the club. She entered a private room, intimately decorated with beds and sofas arranged to encourage more discreet encounters. In a voyeur room, glass walls allowed observing without being seen, adding an exciting dimension to the seduction game.

The accessories room offered a variety of toys and devices, allowing participants to explore their most secret fantasies. In the BDSM room, St. Andrew's crosses, spanking benches, and other equipment dominated the scene, ready to satisfy the boldest desires.

Leila's encounters

Leila's first encounter took place in the main room. Sitting at the bar, she struck up a conversation with a masked man dressed in the prescribed outfit. They exchanged glances and smiles, before the man's hand delicately rested on her thigh. Leila shivered, and they moved to a more intimate corner. There, in the dim light, they kissed passionately, the man's hand exploring Leila's generous curves.

Later, as she passed by a room from which laughter was escaping, Leila slowed down, intrigued and attracted by the atmosphere. Two masked men, lying on a large bed, called out to her and gestured for her to sit between them. Hesitant but curious, Leila entered the room and took a seat between them.

As soon as she sat down, the two men began charming her with their words and gestures. The first man, on her right, leaned in to whisper sweet words in her ear while his fingers gently brushed her neck. The second man, on her left, delicately caressed her thigh, his fingers sensually gliding over the lace of her garter belt.

Leila felt her barriers fall one by one, each caress, each sweet word awakening a deeper desire within her. The man on the right offered her a glass of fine red wine to help her relax and savor slowly while the two lovers attended to her. He then slipped his hand under her bra, gently massaging her breasts while the other man moved his caresses to her belly, exploring every curve of her body with infinite delicacy.

Gradually, Leila let go, blending into this sensual trio. She closed her eyes, savoring the sensations that enveloped her body. The two men began to coordinate, one kissing her neck while the other kissed her lips. Leila was the center of attention, every gesture, every movement directed to maximize her pleasure.

One of the men positioned himself behind her, his hands gliding over her hips to draw her closer to him. The second man, now facing her, began kissing her belly, slowly descending toward her intimacy. Leila, caught in this wave of desire, let herself go, each caress, each kiss awakening intense sensations of pleasure within her.

As they guided her into an increasingly intimate position, Leila found herself caught between them, one gently penetrating her mouth while the other explored her intimacy with erotic delicacy. She felt dominated by these two men, yet she explored and controlled her own pleasure, every movement of her body responding to their attentions.

The X Actor

After what appeared to her a blink but was one hour and a half, she left the room

where she left her two lovers lying and resting, and headed towards the next section of the club which was crossed by this long hallway which she walked down it. it had dark red velvet walls, dimly lit just enough to see, and halfway through this hallway, Leila encountered a man who intercepted her with a gentle yet assured gesture. Charmed by his appearance and charisma, she allowed herself to be seduced by him, and followed him. His mysterious allure and presence captivated her.

The man, much more experienced than Leila, led her by the hand to a secluded, quiet room in the club. There, away from prying eyes, he deployed all his expertise and charisma to put her at ease and awaken her senses. He began with light caresses, exploring every inch of her body with disconcerting precision.

After a few exchanged words, the man revealed that he was one of the specially recruited men for this evening. Leila then understood that she was dealing with one of the men with a penis over twenty-eight centimeters. This revelation sent shivers of excitement through her, as a size queen, feeling more in her element than ever. Her gaze became more intense, her desire more palpable.

Seeing the effect of his revelation on Leila, the man smiled and continued his caresses, his hands gently gliding over her hips. Leila felt her body react to every touch, her mind overwhelmed by thoughts of lust. She looked into his eyes, full of anticipation, every fiber of her being ready to embrace this experience.

When he finally revealed his sex, Leila was mesmerized by its size and virility. The massive, throbbing penis stood proudly before her. Hypnotized by this vision, she felt a mix of excitement and raw desire. She leaned forward, her lips opening to welcome this imposing virility. Every movement of her mouth, every flick of her tongue was a celebration of her desire.

Gloryhole Experience

Continuing her exploration, Leila stumbled upon a strange room. The dim lighting and intimate atmosphere partially concealed what was happening inside. She noticed a masked woman kneeling in front of a wall, deeply sucking on a large cock protruding from a hole. The scene was both shocking and incredibly exciting.

Her gaze fixed on the empty holes, her mind filled with thoughts of lust, Leila advanced slowly. Every step she took brought her closer to this fantasy she had often imagined. She placed her hands on one of the small walls separating the holes, appreciating the feel of the velvet under her fingers. She knelt next to the masked woman, her legs trembling slightly with anticipation.

Leila glanced at the woman beside her, fascinated by the greed with which she sucked the cock in front of her. Then, without hesitation, she turned to the empty hole on her right and waited. Leila didn't have to wait long before a huge erect cock appeared in front of her, massive and throbbing. She couldn't help but smile, her lips opening to welcome this symbol of virility.

Leila began to suck with renewed passion, her lips gliding along the shaft while her tongue caressed every vein and curve. Saliva flowed down her mouth, each head movement plunging her deeper into unbridled ecstasy. The sensations were intense, each thrust of the penis in her mouth sending waves of pleasure through her body.

She could feel the member pulsing in her mouth, the salty, musky taste of the skin awakening all her senses. Leila lost herself in the act, her muffled moans mingling with the sounds of sucking, creating a symphony of raw pleasure.

Leila closed her eyes, letting herself be carried away by the sensation of domination she exercised. She loved the power of this penis in her mouth, loved knowing that she was giving as much pleasure as she was receiving. Her movements became faster, more intense, each passing second bringing her closer to the climax of her pleasure. She loved this feeling of surrender, this fusion of pleasure and control.

Minutes passed, each second of this experience etched in her mind. Leila knew she was living a unique moment, a fantasy come true. Her moans grew louder, more insistent, as the penis in her mouth pulsed and tensed further.


As the first light of dawn appeared on the horizon, the atmosphere in the club remained ultra-intimate and dimly lit, despite the evening's heat having reached record levels. At this hour, numerous clusters of pure carnal pleasure and debauchery had formed throughout the club, each participant finding their match. Some corners of the club gathered more participants in pleasure than others. Leila, having just experienced her first encounter of this kind, felt exhausted but deeply satisfied. She couldn't help but be impressed by the spectacle of passion and intensity still present among some couples or groups. Even though her body bore the marks of this night of debauchery, her intimate lips still swollen and dripping with cum, feeling the cool air caress her inflamed parts—a sensation both soothing and irritating—her body had reached its limits, as if drained after a hard workout. Yet, her mind was in a totally opposite state, one she had never felt before, which she described as feeling reborn, completely serene and peaceful.

Leila looked at herself in the mirror of the club's individual vestibule, a smile of satisfaction on her lips. She had explored new limits, fulfilled her deepest desires, and proved to herself that she could be both the perfect, strong woman and the insatiable succubus.

After a good hot shower and as she prepared to leave the club, she knew that this night was just the beginning. Leila had found a balance between her two worlds, and she knew deep down that all of this was now part of her, ready to explore with an open mind and renewed mischief, to discover how far she could go. Freedom, her sexual power over men, and pleasure were now integral components of her life.

And so, Leila continued to navigate between her two worlds, mastering the art of anonymity and appearances perfectly. To the outside world, she remained a discreet and impeccable employee, kind, social, helpful, gentle, and patient. She radiated kindness, strong and sporty, in excellent health, displaying impeccable hygiene.

But in the shadows, Leila was the queen of pleasures, an exclusive and uncompromising size queen. Her criteria were strict, tolerating only real-life studs. She was insatiable, each encounter feeding her voracious appetite for pleasure. She explored ever more daring horizons, delighting in each new experience.

Leila had found a balance between her two worlds, a delicate dance she mastered brilliantly. She would not allow anyone to take away what was an essential part of her being. Her desires and pleasures were hers alone, a truth she carried with unshakeable confidence.

The future was open and full of promises. Leila knew that each new adventure would be an opportunity to push her limits, to discover new aspects of her sensuality and power. She was ready to embrace each opportunity with unwavering passion and determination.

Leila would continue to explore her hidden desires, visiting other exclusive clubs and bold encounters, always ready to surrender to her deepest desires. And while the world saw her as an exemplary woman, she would continue to savor every moment of her secret escapades, keeping her secrets well-guarded and far from prying eyes.

Leila's story was just beginning, and her future adventures promised to be even more intense, exciting, and unforgettable. Leila, the curve queen her own body had driven to become an insatiable size queen over time, now moved forward with optimism and absolute confidence in the future, certain that her journey in the universe of pleasure was just beginning and that the best was yet to come.

Written by Vanquish_survivorz
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