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Kat and Cyrano Capter 11: Nov. 10, 2008

"7 hours of unforgettable sex and passionate love"

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There are just some dates in your life that are too important to you, for you to ever forget. Your own birthday, of course. And the birthday of your parents, spouse, siblings, and children. Your wedding anniversary. For some (me included), also the date when you graduated from high school.

So why should not the date of November 10, 2008 be unforgettable to me, too? That’s the day I had the best sex of my life up to that time. And it’s hard for me to imagine that I will ever have a sexual encounter to rival, much less to surpass, that one.

I had been seeing Eric for several months. We were both married, but we had become friends, lovers, and soul-mates.

November 8 and 9 were a weekend, and Tuesday, November 11 was a holiday (Veterans Day). So Eric and I had decided to take Monday, November 10 off from work and spend that entire day together making love. Naturally, we did not tell our spouses we were taking the day off, so they would not put any demands on our time that day. To Eric’s wife, and my husband, it would just be another work day.

I had booked us the motel about a month before. And for that month, in our emails and our face-to-face meetings, we had talked about little else. We both had dreamed up sweet sexual scenarios we wanted to try out with each other, and we were determined that we would do all of them that day, plus whatever else our urges of that moment might take us to do.

We would often lie relaxed in our respective bathtubs and masturbate, as we thought out details of various scenarios for November 10. And then we would tell each other exactly where we had touched and what we had been thinking, exciting us even more for November 10.

You might think that after all that anticipation, all that discussion, all that daydreaming, the actual day would have no way to come close to our high expectations. But in reality, that day far exceeded everything we had dreamed-up. And that is why November 10, 2008 will always be right up there with birthdays and anniversaries, as a date I will never forget, a memory I will always cherish.

I awoke that morning, as I always do on a work day, at 6:00 AM, and was out the door by 7:00 as always. My husband Frank was still sleeping when I left, as he was not employed at that time, was not actively looking for work, and had no particular reason to get up early – one of the many reasons our marriage was on the rocks, and would end in divorce seven years later. And why I had drifted into the arms of another man, Eric.

It was a cool but comfortable forty-one degrees Fahrenheit, with gentle winds out of the south at 6 miles per hour, when I left the house that morning. I had on a long, ankle-length peasant skirt, a swirl of greens and blues. A crisp white blouse. With a navy blue blazer over it. Knee-high side-zip brown boots. And elegant black gloves, with tiny glass beads over the knuckles, which looked like little sparkly diamonds. Underneath, I wore my sheerest baby-blue lace bra, and matching panties. I knew Eric was going to enjoy undressing me from these clothes at our motel that day, and I was going to enjoy being slowly, lovingly peeled down to nakedness by him.

As arranged, I parked my car at the train station where Eric and I commuted from together every morning. We would daily ride together to our respective jobs, in each other’s arms, with frequent kisses, generally unaware of surrounding passengers. Except to notice when we might have a moment of privacy to touch each other in very special places under our clothing.

But although there was to be much riding that day, none of it would occur on a commuter train.

I left my car in the train station parking lot, as usual. Should my husband happen to pass there on his way to buy beer or whatever he did with his days, he would see my car there and think nothing amiss.

I was very happy to see Eric’s familiar navy-blue Ford pull up. Just the sight of it, and knowing what was ahead, had me tingling under my skimpy panties.

Instead of boarding the train, I climbed into the Ford and snuggled-up beside Eric, as we drove off to have breakfast.

Eric did not disappoint, not at all. He was wearing crisp black suit trousers, already with a nice thick bulge all the way up the front. And a gray button-front shirt that nicely showed-off his toned, but not overly huge arm and chest muscles. I licked my lips, and purred contentedly as I snuggled even closer under his right arm that enfolded me so lovingly. For what we had was a three-layer cake of love, caring, and respect, iced with lots and lots of very mutual lust.

We ate a good sized meal, enough to give us energy for our upcoming seven-hour sex marathon, but not so much as to leave us too bloated to enjoy our long-planned fun day.

And then it was off to our motel room that I had booked us for the whole day. Eric was so cute, standing off to one side as I checked us in, trying to act like his cock wasn’t ready to burst out of his trousers and explode right there in the lobby. I was shifting from one foot to the other as I checked us in, trying hard not to soak my panties in my impatient desires.

And then we parked Eric’s car in a secluded back corner of the motel parking lot, just to be sure that nobody that knew either of us might see his car there, and guess our secret tryst. Both being married, we always had to be so cautious, but that just added to the thrill of our passion.

Then up the stairs to our second-floor love nest for the rest of the day. Until it would be time to get home to our spouses, at our normal end-of-workday hour.

I drew closed the heavy motel-room drapes, and switched on every light in the room. I wanted to see every delicious inch of Eric’s body as we undressed and made love, and I knew he felt the same way about me.

Then I walked very quickly, almost ran, to at last be in Eric’s loving arms again, kissing him just as hungrily as he was kissing me. Fingers frantically through each other’s hair. Tongues thrusting and darting and dancing in each other’s mouth.

I began to unbutton Eric’s shirt as he helped me out of my navy blue blazer. I ran my fingers through Eric’s chest hairs as he unbutton my crisp white blouse.

I slipped my arms out of my blouse and let it flutter down to the motel room floor, as he removed his shirt and it landed atop my blouse.

Above the waist, I now stood naked before him, save for the sheerest of baby-blue lace bra. Offering myself up to him. Everything I have, everything I am, body and soul, I freely and eagerly offered up to him now.

Eric was even more naked above the waist than I was, and he too was offering himself up to me, body and soul.

We accepted what each was offering the other, by throwing our arms around each other in a tight hug and a hungry kiss. As we kissed, Eric unhooked my bra and slid it off my shoulders. My bra joined the growing heap of clothes on the floor.

We both stepped back from our kiss, and Eric led me by the hand to the big arm chair in a corner of the motel room.

I sat down, and he knelt before me. He slowly unzipped one boot, and then the other, and slowly, lovingly tugged my boots off of my feet. I had painted my toe nails a deep, dark blood-red, with tiny flecks of golden glitter in the nail polish.

Eric said my feet were very pretty, and his kissed my toes one at a time, all ten of them. He kissed my feet and ankles, and then up my legs. His head slid under my long green and blue peasant skirt. He kissed up my legs, kissed my knees, kissed my thighs all over. And then he kissed the front of my tiny blue-lace panties. I moaned happily, and I just about melted, body and soul, into a big puddle of pure love, onto the carpeted motel-room floor.

I somehow managed to struggle free and to stand up. As I approached him, he gave my long peasant skirt one strong downward tug, until it was bunched around my ankles.

I stepped out of my skirt and kicked it across the floor. Then, in only my skimpiest baby-blue panties, I sat cross-legged on the floor in front of him. With so much genuine love for him burning deep in my heart, I untied his shoes and slipped them off his feet. I reached up and tugged his belt open, then as calmly as I could with such intense lust filling my body and my soul, I unzipped his tight black trousers and pulled them down. He fell backward, landing in a seated position on the edge of the bed, and I slipped his trousers off his legs.

He was wearing a tiny zebra-striped G-string pouch. More than half of his very thick cock was protruding above the pouch, and I licked my lips and let out a hungry, "Mmmmmm!".

I told Eric to stand up, and again sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of him, I slowly kissed every exposed millimeter of his luscious cock above the zebra pouch. My every kiss on his cock head and shaft was met with another powerful throb against my face, his every throb silently declaring how very much he loves me. Between my kisses and licks, between his wonderfully intense throbs, I told Eric I felt like the luckiest woman in the world at that moment.

“If you will but let me kiss you through your panties,” Eric moaned, “I shall deem myself the happiest and the luckiest man on earth.”

I stood up and started to walk toward the bed, there to lie face up and be eaten.

Eric whispered softly, just two words: “Arm chair.”

I remembered Eric’s email to me, a few weeks earlier, about his fantasy to kneel before the motel arm chair and eat me as I sat in it. I remembered him telling me on the train how he had masturbated to that fantasy, describing to me on that crowded train, every place he had touched himself while thinking about that fantasy. And now I remembered too how, that night at home, after he had told me of his arm chair fantasy, I had drawn myself a hot bubble bath, relaxed in the suds, and slipped two fingers deep inside myself, bringing myself to three powerful orgasms as I thought about his fantasy, and thought about him masturbating to that fantasy.

And now here we were, here was that arm chair. And that beautiful erotic fantasy that had caused so many orgasms for him and for me over the previous two weeks, was now about to become sweet reality.

I sat down in the arm chair, as requested, and he knelt before the chair and me. He slowly kissed his way up each of my legs, one at a time. He kissed both of my thighs, moving back and forth from one thigh to the other and back again. Until he moved up, and now was kissing all over my skimpy panties. His fingers slipped my panties to one side, and he playfully, adoringly kissed my bush, my pussy lips, and finally my clitoral hood.

I raised my legs together, skyward. His gentle hands parted my legs and thighs into a V as he slowly, lovingly skimmed my skimpy panties off of me, up my raised legs. They stayed around my ankles for a moment or two, then I brought down my raised legs and I kicked my panties off, onto the floor.

Eric picked up my panties and deeply inhaled my lusty scent. He held my moist baby-blue lace panties in his left hand as, on his knees before me, he leaned forward to kiss my now naked pussy lips. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his neck, my knees on his shoulders, my thighs pressing his ears, my feet rubbing his back.

His fingers gently opened my pussy lips, and his flickering tongue slowly drove into me. He licked at my moist inner walls. He kissed at my g-spot. His highly skilled tongue flitted and flickered at my exposed clit, now no longer hidden behind the hood, but all pink and swollen and throbbing, and declaring itself ready to play… and to be played with.

As Eric gently pleasured my clit, once again, I felt that Eric’s love for me, and my love for him, was going to melt me, body and soul, into a big puddle on the floor, all around him.

And then he sucked my clit up into his mouth, kissing and sucking and licking.

When his teeth began to gently nibble into my pulsating clit, I again felt that I would melt, body and soul. My heart melted first, feeling so much love and lust and passion for this wonderful man, who loved me and desired me as much as I did him.

And moments later, my pussy melted too, oozing my warm, thick, sticky goo all over Eric’s handsome face. Oozing, endlessly oozing. Trembling, shaking, like an earthquake. I am melted. I am woman. I am love. I am desire. I am melted gooey girl-come. A puddle of desire. A river of lust. A lake of passion. An ocean of girl-come.

“Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

He didn’t stop. He had no intention to stop. And neither did I.

“I’m MELT-ing!” I cried out, in my best Wicked Witch from Oz imitation, and trembling all over. “I’m MELT-ing! Oh! What a world! What a world!”

I puddled onto his face. Onto my thighs. Onto the chair. Onto the carpeted floor. Melting, melting, forever melting.

And we still had six and a half hours more ahead of us!

Temporarily unable to come any more, I stood up, smiled, and told Eric, “Your turn in that chair.”

As he walked to the chair, I tugged his tiny zebra-striped G-string off of him. As he sat, he tossed his tiny cock-pouch, which had exposed all even when worn, onto the floor.

I again sat cross-legged between his legs, and I took a long, slow lick around and around and around his balls.

“Mmm,” I purred happily. “They seem sssoooo swollen with come.”

“Looking at you always fills them full,” Eric moaned under my ball-kisses.

“You will empty them down my throat?”

“Yes, if that is your wish,” Eric replied gallantly, chivalrously.

“Mm, oh yes, that is my wish!”

He was my heroic knight, my Cyrano. And I his Roxanne. He of the long “nose” and skilled swordsmanship. And I his favorite sheath, in which to encase his long, steel-hard sword as often, and for as long of a duration, as our complicated lives would allow.

I kissed and licked my way up the long, the endlessly long and beautifully thick shaft, reveling in and thankful for the silent I Love You’s, every time he throbbed on my lips and my tongue. Such powerful throbs, and for I to be the cause of them! A source of pride at my skills, for sure, but the powerful throbs I was now causing him, being also yet another reason to love him as much as I do.

If there is a heaven, I am certainly there now, in this magical moment of shared love and shared passion… and yes, shared intense horniness!

That’s when I noticed he was still clutching my baby-blue panties in his hand, still damp from my intense lust for him. He wrapped my panties around his cock, and he began rubbing himself with them. I snatched my panties away from him, and told him I wanted nothing, not even my own panties, and certainly not his hand, to obstruct my hand, my mouth, and my tongue, from pleasuring him, and from enjoying the pleasures of him.

Seated in front of my man—for such, at the time, he most assuredly was – mine, as I was his – body, mind, heart, and soul.

My kisses reached the top of his shaft, and my tongue began to lovingly bathe the head in slow, spiral licks. His deep baritone moans of pure pleasure were as sweet music to my ears. None could ever imagine nor desire sweeter music.

My tongue-bath on Eric’s cock-head now caused the pee-slit to open up wider than I had ever seen on any man. Inspired, I curled up the tip of my tongue into the tiniest point I could manage, and I slowly, carefully, lovingly slid the tip of my tongue into the inside of my man’s cock-head.

With another of his heart-quickening, pussy-dampening, deeply sexy baritone moans, Eric produced a single sparkling drop of his pre-come, out of his cock, into my mouth, onto my tongue. And then a second crystal-clear drop fell onto my tongue.

I slid my tongue under the cock-head, and I used it to pull his two-inch-wide cock into my hungry mouth. Hollowing my cheeks, I sucked very hard, hungrily. He throbbed and throbbed and throbbed in my mouth, as I sucked 2, 4, 6, and finally all 8 inches of his cock into my mouth. As I would later email to Eric, I had not had anything that tasted that good in my mouth in a very, very long time.

I backed off to the head, and I began to suck him in again. He moaned, he throbbed, and he shot milky white come onto my tongue. I savored the taste, and then I gulped hard, swallowing down all of his yumminess.

I sucked deeper; I sucked harder; I sucked even more hungrily. His throbbing cock swayed side to side, like a happy puppy-dog’s wagging tail, against the back of my throat. “Mmmmm!” I purred so happily.

I backed off again, and then I sucked extra hard. His cock tickled the back of my throat, and then he exploded powerfully, splattering the back of my throat, coating it thickly, warmly. I swallowed hard, gulping eagerly. Reveling in the feel of his thick, warm come, slowly oozing down the back of my throat, on its way into my tummy.

I again had those same thoughts. That I’m the luckiest woman in the world. That this is heaven, better than any heaven that western religion has ever portrayed. That I love this man so much, and that those powerful explosions in my mouth and in my throat show that he for sure loves me very deeply. That we two have melted into each other, body, mind, heart, and soul, to become one happily glowing loving being.

And we still had over five more hours of this sweet loving ahead of us, before we would have to get dressed and go home. Plus, we hadn’t even fucked yet. A situation I decided it was about time that we now remedy.

I gently pushed Eric’s loving, adoring face out of my still-trembling, juice-soaked pussy. I stood up, lifted him under his arm-pits, and threw my arms around him, tasting my pussy on his breath as we kissed. Then I led him by the hand to the bed.

We both folded-down the bed covers, and we lay atop the blanket, naked, able to see every part of each other as we made love. I lay down first, and I pulled him down on top of me. We kissed again, my breasts mashing-up tight against his chest, my achingly hard nipples drilling into his skin.

I reached down, and I slowly, gently guided him into my damp, slippery, cock-hungry pussy. As the head parted my pussy lips and began to sink down into me, I once more had those thoughts. I’m in heaven. I’m a very lucky woman, I love this man more and more by the minute.

The fact that I was married, and so was he, never once entered my mind that whole seven hours while we were loving each other. I don’t think he thought about that, either.

His cock was now about halfway down into my pussy, about 4 of his 8 inches. He throbbed powerfully against my inner walls, against my g-spot.

“I love you too,” I whispered, playfully nibbling his ear lobe.

“I love you, but I didn’t say 'I Love You' just now.”

“You most assuredly did! EVERY time your wonderful cock throbs deep in me like that, it’s saying I Love You!”

With that, he slid another two inches or so into me, and he throbbed hard again, kissing my mouth hotly and moaning “I do love you! With all of my heart, and all of my soul.”

“And mmmm,” I kissed him back, “with all of your BODY, too!”

He put his right hand on my right breast, rolling and pinching my hard nipple between his fingers. He kissed my mouth again, and he pushed the final two inches into me. He throbbed powerfully, and at the same time he moaned “I love you so much, Kat!”

“My Cyrano. Such a big sword, wielded so skillfully!”

“My Roxanne. Such a smooth, velvety soft sheath for my sword.”

He drew back.

“Yes,” I purred.

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“Draw back to the sword tip.”

And he did. Only the very tip of the cock head, which not long before had contained my tongue inside of it.

“I parry,” he grinned.

“And now….THRUST, Cyrano!” I moaned. “Wound me deep with thy hard sword.”

In one swift descent, my Cyrano’s 8-inch sword plunged and plunged and plunged, deep into my sheath.

“Thou stabbeth me deeply, not to my death, but bringing me to life, bringing me to my purest joy.”

He throbbed again, emptying his balls deep, deep, deep down into me.

“I love you too,” I purred happily.

My pussy muscles clamped down tight around his huge cock…squeezing, squeezing, squeezing. Trembling from head to toe, I came hard all over his deeply-buried cock, coating him thickly.

“I love you too,” he kissed me, as he continued to throb deep inside of me, and my trembling pussy muscles contracted and contracted and contracted around his steel-hard cock.

We kissed. My breasts mashed into his chest, we stayed tightly locked together at the crotch, our arms and legs tightly entwined around each other.

We gazed deeply, soulfully, into each other’s eyes, and declared in unison “I love you!”

I began to sing softly to him, and after I sang a line or two of an old song, "The Look of Love", written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David, as sung by Diana Krall, our special song, he joined in with that sexy bedroom baritone voice of his. We formed a sweet, loving, sexy duet:

The look of love
is in your eyes
A look your smile can't disguise
The look of love
is saying so much more
than just words could ever say
And what my heart has heard,
well it takes my breath away

I can hardly wait to hold you,
feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you,
now that I have found you

You've got the
Look of love,
it's on your face
A look that time can't erase
Be mine tonight,
let this be just the start
of so many nights like this
Let's take a lover's vow
and then seal it with a kiss

I can hardly wait to hold you,
feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you,
now that I have found you
Don't ever go
Don't ever go
I love you so

Our singing finished, his semi-soft cock still deep inside of me, our mouths still locked in a kiss, our arms still in a tight hug, my foot slowly rubbing up and down his leg, now we turned on our sides, facing each other. We pulled the bed covers over ourselves, and we fell into a short but deep sleep.

We awoke about 30 minutes later, both of us refreshed, both of us deeply in love. And both of us extremely horny.

I rolled Eric flat on his back, and I stretched out on top of him, pulling the bed sheets up to our necks. I guided his big, hard cock into my hungry pussy, and with both of us completely horizontal under the covers, me on top, I began to ride him. Although I hungered for him, I took my time, savoring every wonderful moment, as I sank down over him and released, sank and released.

And then I came. Hard. And came. As I came for a third time, he exploded deep up into me.

I kicked the covers away. I sat up, my thighs straddling his hips, my feet beside his knees, and I resumed a slow up and down ride on him. We must have been at this twenty, maybe thirty minutes, when I told him my clit was tingling.

He repositioned himself, so that every time he thrusted upward and I sank down over him, his throbbing would drive straight into my quivering clit. It only took 5 or 6 such thrusts before I was again moaning like the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz: “I’m MELT-ing! MELT-ing! Oh, what a world! What a world!”

I came hard…twice! Then he throbbed powerfully, and he exploded about a gallon of his warm, wonderful come deep up into me.

I purred happily and kissed him deeply, “What a world!”

I got up and pulled him up off the bed with me.

“What…..” he began. But I put my finger to his lips and shushed him.

I clasped his hand in mine, and he agreeably, happily followed me as I towed him with me from the bed.


I led him into the motel-room bathroom, and I turned on the shower faucet. I unwrapped a bar of soap, lathered up two washcloths, handing him a wash cloth and keeping the other cloth for myself.

I pulled Eric into the shower with me, faced him, hugged him, kissed him, and reaching around him, I began to wash his back. He washed my back, too.

He stepped back half a step, and so did I. He washed my breasts, soaping them real good with the bar, and then he handed me the soap bar. I then washed his hunky, hairy chest.

We returned to our tight hug, and soon I felt his cock get very hard and push tight against my belly.

“The opening is lower than that,” I giggled. My hand encircled his huge cock and guided his soapy hard-on once more, deep, deep into the center of my hunger.

We gazed soulfully into each other’s eyes as we began our standing fuck.

“The look of love...” I began singing, softly.

“Is in your eyes…” he chimed in.

We soaped each other, front and back, as his cock thrusted in and out of me, while the sudsy water trailed down both of our naked bodies.

“I can hardly wait to hold you,” he resumed singing.

“Feel my arms around you,” I continued.

Then, in unison: “How long I have waited. Waited just to love you.”

On that, I came very hard all over his cock. He drew back, slammed hard into me, and exploded.

He throbbed in me a few more times, as the water streamed down both of us. And each time he throbbed, I kissed him and declared, “I love you, too.”

My pussy was so wet and slippery that, as he began to soften, he slipped right out of me. I turned around and asked him to wash my back and my ass. But as I was handing him the bar of soap, it slipped out of my hands and landed at my feet.

The good-girl voice in my head said not to pick up the dropped bar of soap, or he might read that as an invitation to fuck my ass. As I bent to pick up the soap, my naughty-girl voice told me, “Don’t you hope that he does?” And I had to agree with my naughty side; that would be absolutely wonderful.

Still bent over at the waist, my ass to him, I handed Eric the soap. He lathered up his cock, and then he lathered up my ass cheeks, and the inside of my ass, too. He then gently pushed his enormous cock into my tiny anus. Which, amazingly, expanded and expanded, until his entire 8 inches were in my back door, and his balls were slapping against my ass cheeks.

He reached under me, and he slid first one, and then two fingers into my pussy. I stretched my arms in front of me, my hands open, and pressed my palms against the shower-stall wall to steady myself. I eagerly pushed my ass toward him, to meet his every loving thrust forward, deep into me.

With two fingers in my pussy, Eric began to press and swirl his thumb gently into my pulsating clit. After that, I don’t think I lasted even five minutes before I was coming hard all over Eric’s hand.

He drew his cock back, slammed hard into my ass, and he exploded. And exploded again. Trembling, I came hard a second time. And a third. My fourth was less intense, but still wonderful.

We turned off the shower, and we lovingly toweled each other dry.

“Back to bed?” I winked.

“Oh, yeah!” he agreed eagerly.

“I want to ride the HELL out of you!” I declared softly.

We folded the bed sheets all the way back, Eric lay down, face up. I knelt over him and adoringly kissed and kissed and kissed his magnificent 8-inch cock, until it was throbbing again. Then I sucked him until he was very, very hard.

Now it was time for me to climb on. My thighs straddled his waist, and my feet were tucked under my ass, as I began sliding straight up and down, vertically, swallowing up every gorgeous inch of him, until his balls were knocking at the entrance to my deeply stuffed pussy.

My head began to swim with those same thoughts again. This feels sssooooo good. I’m the luckiest woman on earth. This man loves me very much. And I love him deeply, totally, completely, unreservedly, unabashedly. And I want to fuck him like this for hours longer, for days more, for weeks and years, for several lifetimes.

I rode slowly up and down him for a good half hour, maybe forty-five minutes, before his balls refilled enough to once more flood my pussy with another of his powerful explosions. Shuddering all over, riding him faster and faster, I poured gallon after gallon of my girl-come, straight down his deeply buried shaft.

“I love you too,” he moaned in that sexy, deep baritone of his. And then he proceeded to prove what he had just told me, firing another of his powerful explosions deep up into me, as I was still flowing down his cock.

I stretched out flat on my belly, and Eric stretched out, face-down on top of me. His still-hard cock slid back and forth along the crack of my ass, causing me to purr happily. Repeatedly. Endlessly. “Purr, purr, puuuurrrrr!”

He placed his hands on my ass cheeks, and he gently separated them, stretching my legs into an inverted V. He resumed sliding his cock back and forth along my ass crack, but now as he did, he would also rub the outside of my pussy lips.

Then the most amazing and wonderful thing happened. Neither of us planned it. But the rubbing of his cock against my ass crack and against my pussy lips, caused the lips to open very, very wide.

And then the next time his cock twitched and throbbed, it slipped right though my ass and plunged in one quick swoop, straight through my ass and deep into the back side of my pussy.

We both commented on how wonderful that felt.

It wasn’t really doggy style, since I wasn’t on my hands and knees, but flat horizontal, and so was Eric. To this day, I don’t know what to call it. I just know I love how it feels!

With both of us stretched flat-out horizontal on the bed, both face-down, Eric on top, he began to slowly thrust himself through my ass and deep into the backside of my wide-open and extremely cock-hungry pussy.

My pussy was proudly announcing its sheer joy over this, by issuing a series of very loud smacking and squishing noises from deep inside my cock-hungry pussy. Thrust. Smack! Squish! Thrust. Squish! Smack! Squish, squish, Squish! SMMMMAAAACCCKKKKK!

Eric patiently waited until I stopped coming, Then he pushed down hard, through my ass, deep into the backside of my pussy. Where he exploded again. My pussy clamped down tighter and tighter and tighter around him. Which just made him throb even harder. And caused him to come yet more powerfully.

His second powerful explosion, into the back side of my pussy, made me come so hard. I shut my eyes very tight, to lose myself in concentrating in my orgasm. As I came, my closed eyes seemed to fill with a blinding white light, and I felt that my orgasm was so powerful that I had, in fact, momentarily been struck blind. I had never come that hard before in my whole life.

Three thoughts repeated endlessly in my brain now. I’m the luckiest woman alive. I love Eric ssssooooo much! And we have to do that again… real soon!

Eric grinned at me. “What the hell was that? That was amazing!” he kissed my mouth.

“You…YOU are amazing!”

“You’re wonderful, Eric. I love you so much.”

Then in unison. “We have GOT to do that again… very soon!”

Eric and I would do that several more times. But no longer being an accidental discovery, it never quite had as much magic as that first time. Nevertheless, we did work it into our regular sexual routine. But we did it rarely, because we never wanted it to get old and stale by doing it too often. It would have to be special and magical every time, even if never quite measuring up to that first time.

And now, both of us having flowed oceans of come in our own special and unique version of doggy style, we returned to the shower. We both soaped each other all over, and afterward, I sat him on the edge of the tub and rode him. We got back in the shower and washed the come off each other again.

The shower off again, this time I sat on the edge of the tub. As he stood, wet and soapy, in front of me, I hungrily sucked his cock. Until an ocean of man-milk was oozing its way down the back of my throat, enroute to join his earlier load in my tummy.

Then back to the bed, for a more conventional doggy style, with me on “all fours” (hands and knees).

I came twice, and after he filled my pussy with his love and his lust, I came a third time.

When he pulled out, I clamped my pussy shut tight, determined to savor as much of him in me as I could, for as long as possible. Inevitably, some of my juices, and his, leaked out of me, although I was able to keep about seventy-five percent locked away deep inside of me.

Eric knelt over me and licked up the mess of my come and his. He scooped a bit onto his finger and offered it to my mouth. I had never tasted my own pussy before, or any pussy for that matter, and I had to admit that the blend of his juices and mine tasted very yummy.

We lay in each other’s arms, and we took another short nap, maybe twenty minutes. His semi-hard cock slowly, rhythmically throbbing in my pussy that whole time. And me slowly, lazily clamping and releasing my pussy around his cock as we slept. Clamping and releasing.

When we awoke, I lay flat on my back. He laid down on top of me. We pulled the bed sheets up over us both, as he gave me a slow, traditional missionary-style fuck. We kissed each other’s mouth sweetly but hotly, and rubbed and caressed each other’s chest, throughout that entire half-hour fuck.

This time, we both came at the same moment. I’ve heard that is exceedingly rare, and difficult to time, but it just seemed so natural for us to both reach orgasm at the exact same moment. Once more, I felt very lucky, deeply loved, and very much in love.

And then it was back to the arm chair. He sat in the chair and I slowly rode him until I came three times, and he came twice. I turned around and rode him reverse cow-girl, something I had never tried before but had told him I wanted to try with him, and only with him. How could I not want to try every sexual position with the love of my life?

Then on the carpet, where he fucked me missionary, as I had told him in an email that I wanted to do on our motel room carpet. He surprised me when he flipped me over, and repeated our earlier through-my-ass, back side of my pussy fuck.

He spotted my panties on the floor, and he again wrapped them around his cock. “You told me you wanted to watch me masturbate,” he grinned.

He rubbed my panties all up and down his shaft. He stroked himself with an encircling hand, and then open palm, until he came hard into my panties.

Picking up his zebra-striped G-string, I winked, “You wanted to watch me masturbate, too.”

I lay down and rubbed his underwear all over my pussy. I began to work the tiny cock-pouch – too small by more than half to cover his enormous hard-on – into my inflamed pussy. It didn’t take me long to marinate the fabric of his underwear in my warm juices.

Back to bed to hug and kiss, kiss and hug. And a 69 that led to another simultaneous orgasm. In each other’s mouth this time, not on each other’s genitals. But still, wonderful to both come at the exact same moment.

Then another shower. Washing away all evidence of our amazing and wonderful seven-hour sex marathon. No scent of sex for either of our spouses to smell.

Lots of hugs and kisses as we slowly, lovingly dressed each other. We had made real all of our fantasies, and then some.

We both realized that we couldn’t put our underwear back on. Our spouses might catch the strong scent of sex on us. And how to explain the come stains – not to mention, how to explain that we had never worn these naughty items for them – should they see these sexy garments in the clothes hamper.

So we both left our undies in the motel room trash can. I thought that the maid might be grossed-out by that. Eric felt, and I agreed, that the maid had probably seen far worse than the residue of two people deeply in love and passionately in lust with each other. Eric also presented another perspective; maybe that underwear would turn the maid on.

Eric and I would later tell each other, in vivid detail, about how we had both had masturbatory fantasies about the maid finding our come-soaked unmentionables. Maybe she had lain on the bed where we had just had our own orgasms, and brought herself off while looking at or playing with our discarded under garments. Or maybe she had taken them home, and she and her spouse had used them in their own sex games. The possibilities spun many a masturbation session for both Eric and me.

Both of us fully dressed now, but both sans underwear, Eric drove me back to my car at the train station. We hugged and kissed for as long as we could, before we both really had to drive home, to avoid spousal suspicions.

Later that night, I emailed Eric, “I feel myself glowing happily and tingling all over.”

He emailed back, “Slipping through your sweet round ass, and deep into the back of your pussy, was the most wonderful experience of my life.”

“I know,” I shot back. “Wasn’t that amazing how that just sort of happened?”

The next day, Eric emailed me, “I’m very tired today, and my whole body is very sore.”

I replied, “Mine too. I can’t imagine why.”

Then I typed, “But I’m very happy.”

As I was pressing send, Eric’s message appeared on my screen. Word for word the same as mine.

“But I’m very happy.”

I sent back, “Great minds think alike. I love you.”

He shot back, “I love you. And I already miss you.”

“SIGH! Me too!”

Eric and I had promised that day, to love each other, and enjoy each other sexually for several lifetimes.

Little did we know then, that life would conspire to end our romance and our friendship just five months later. But that’s a subject for another story. A story which I may some day find the courage to write, if the pain of separation ever subsides enough to do so (which so far, even after seven years, it hasn’t).

I taught my next several boyfriends how to do Eric’s amazing back-door trick. Only one of them ever mastered it, and he now does this nearly as well as Eric himself did. That boyfriend is Dave, and I’m still with him, and he still does that special brand of back-door loving for me from time to time. It’s always a special treat for both of us when we do, and we keep it a rare event, so it will ever lose its magic for either of us.

I divorced my husband, Frank, on October 6, 2015, nearly seven years after I cheated on him to have the best day of sex of my entire life.

As far as I know, Eric is still married. Even if we could somehow ever get back together, after all this time and all that hurt and pain, and even though I still love him and always will, I doubt that we could ever recapture the magic of what we had and then lost in 2008 and 2009.

And I know that nobody, not even Eric, can give me a day to equal or exceed November 10, 2008. And that’s OK. The still-cherished memory of that magical day is enough.

And even today, I still count myself the luckiest woman on earth. So few of us get to have the memory of having lived such a beautiful, wonderful, sexy, erotic, loving, amazing, fun-filled, passion-filled day, as I got to have with my Eric on November 10, 2008.

Written by KatR
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