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"A special missions operator finds trouble in Germany"

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The room was bare save for the table, two chairs and the clock ticking away on the wall. I found myself feeling a bit chilly in that little room but it might have had something to do with me wearing only a rain coat. You're probably asking yourself why the hell I am wearing just a raincoat in this room. The answer is quite simple and a bit long at the same time.

Nearly one hour ago, I was brought in by Security Forces on the charges of lewd conduct and indecent exposure. You're probably thinking I'm some kind of pervert. The truth is, I'm not. I just made a bad decision and I was paying the price on multiple levels. I wasn't going around flashing people if that's what you're wondering.

Nope. I am here because I met a woman and later, I met her husband. Now, you're getting a basic idea of where this is going.

My name is Burke. I fly special missions to areas that are both friendly and hostile, providing security until the resource is turned over to base security. It's a pretty sweet job to have assuming you make it out of the initial training in one piece. I have really enjoyed my time with the detail.

It just so happens that such an assignment brought me here to this small base in Germany. In a roundabout way, it's also the reason why I am sitting here practically nude talking about my plight to you.

A couple of weeks ago, we had a two-day layover. Much like the guys in my unit, I like to spend my free time in the gym. I am not a big guy by any means but I do maintain a toned physique. The gym was the place where I happened to meet Janelle.

If there was ever a woman that had trouble written on her, it was in the form of a 5'7", brown eyed, brunette sex vixen with C-cup breasts and the tightest ass in all of Europe. She had a great body all around. Toned arms and legs and six-pack abs made her look like she was sculpted from stone. She had no shortage of guys who would check her out while she was working.

Janelle introduced herself to me. She offered to spot me while I was on the bench press. I politely declined as I had been accustomed to that weight for awhile and was comfortable not using a spotter. She smiled and went back to the front counter to replace some towels. I finished my set and walked over to talk to her.

"Do you need something?" she asked with a smile.

"Actually, I could use a bottle of water," I said nodding towards the cooler behind her.

She turned around and opened the door. When she turned back around to hand me the water, I noticed her nipples were hard through her sports bra. She caught my gaze and didn't hesitate to call me on it.

"See something else you like?" she asked with a devilish grin.

Flustered over being caught, I quickly rebounded. "Well yeah...," I replied. "Are you generally this forward when you see guys looking at you?" I followed up my statement.

"Only with the ones I like," she said handing me a piece of paper. "Write down where you're staying and I will show you just how forward I can really be." As she finished her sentence, I saw her wiggle her ass in a slightly excited manner.

At this point, caution was thrown to the wind. No, fuck that. I ejected that shit out the window. This woman was fine as hell and I was not going to turn down an opportunity to hit that later. I wrote down the name of the hotel I was staying at along with my room number. I slid the paper back to her.

"See you later," she said as she skipped towards an office in the back of the gym.

Believe it or not, I nearly forgot about her showing up that evening when I heard a knock on my door. I couldn't believe it. She actually showed up. I thought she was just teasing me but there she was standing outside my door.

I opened the door and she stepped in. She looked even more amazing. She had on this black tube top mini dress with a light, denim jacket covering her shoulders. The black heels she wore made her appear taller than she really was and nearly at eye-level with me.

"Can I get you something to drink?" I offered.

"Anything with alcohol," she replied as she removed her jacket and placed it on a chair with her purse.

I went to the mini fridge and pulled out a couple of beers. I cracked the first one open and handed it to her. She showed her appreciation by kissing me.

After she broke away, I gave her smile. "You really are forward, aren't you?"

"Baby, you don't know the half of it," she said as she slid down her top so her perfectly shaped tits dropped out in front of me. She grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me closer into her, reapplying the kiss.

I felt her tongue massaging mine. She tasted good. As we kissed, I let my hands wander around her. I found her left breast with my right hand and caressed it. I began playing with the nipple and she leaned back from me to let out a small gasp.

Then, Janelle had me sit on the ottoman at the foot of the bed and she got on her knees. I watched as she undid my pants. She pulled out my cock and inspected it. I'm not a big guy in terms of length but it's wide and women seemed to like that.

I watched as Janelle took my cock into her mouth and slid it deep inside where her lips were touching the base of my cock. "Oh fuck," I said softly. I tilted my head up with my eyes slightly closed; listening to the sounds of the oral musical taking place below.

Janelle pulled her mouth off of me and began stroking my cock. "Do you like that?" she asked with a hunger in her eyes. I couldn't even answer before she had her lips wrapped around my shaft again.

"Holy shit, that feels good," I moaned out.

I felt her tongue teasing the head of my cock. She paid extra attention to the slit as she was getting a taste of the load that awaited her. Once again, she pulled off and began jerking me off again. This time, she started sucking on my balls. I could feel her tongue reaching far back and was amazed at how long it was.

Still holding my beer, I took a drink from it as Janelle continued to work her magic.

She looked up at me with her brown eyes and in the most arousing voice ever said, "C'mon baby, cum for me."

It didn't take long. I blew a huge load onto her face and another into her mouth. She swallowed it and then took her finger to collect the initial blast from her nose and cheek and swallowed that down as well. She stood up and went to the bathroom to clean up and came out a few minutes later.

I thought she might stay awhile but she picked up her things and told me to look her up when I was in town again. She went to the door and let herself out. I was a bit disappointed but decided it might have been for the best. After all, I had a mission flying out tomorrow and I didn't need anyone making me late for it.

The next several days were business as usual. We completed our mission and were headed back states side. The trip back included a two-day layover in Germany at the same base where I met Janelle. After we got checked into billeting, I put my things in my room and proceeded to the base gym. She was there alright; she was wearing black spandex leggings and a red sports bra. She looked amazing.

She saw me immediately and ran up to greet me with a hug. We made small talk for several minutes before I decided to ask her out.

"How about we go out tonight?" I asked her.

I could tell by her facial expression she wanted to but was contemplating something else, too.

She looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes. "Sure. I'll meet you in the lobby of the base hotel at 9PM," she said. She gave me a hug before returning to work.

That night, I made it down to the lobby and found her. As always, she was the personification of sexiness and trouble rolled into one. She was wearing another mini dress. This one was silver that showed off her midriff and pretty much every sexy feature about her. She also had on a light leather jacket. She greeted me with a hug but followed it up with a kiss on the cheek as she pulled back.

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"Are you ready?" she asked.

I nodded and we hopped in a cab to go downtown. Our date seemed to go by in a blur. We hit several bars and drank a lot of alcohol. It was close to 2AM when we decided to head back to the base. When we arrived at the gate, we got out of the cab and I offered to walk her home. She lived two blocks in the other direction and I thought it would be gentlemanly of myself to walk with her as opposed to her walking alone.

We held hands as we walked to her place. When we got to the door, she invited me inside. As soon as we entered and she closed the door behind us, she was all over me. Like a wild animal, she latched onto me with her legs wrapped around my waist and told me to carry her to the bedroom.

For the record, had I taken a moment to look around and seen the pictures of her and another man spread out on the walls of her home, I would have probably made a better decision. However, I did not and here I am narrating this tale whilst buck-ass nude.

I carried her to the bedroom and dropped her on the bed. Her dress had rose up after being carried and I saw a wet bald pussy just begging to be played with and more. The fact that she was out tonight without any underwear was a huge turn-on for me. I got down between her legs and began licking it. She tasted like vanilla. I felt her grab my head to hold me in place as my tongue continued exploring her hole. My hand began rubbing her mound and she let out a soft moan from the extra stimulation.

"Oh fuck, that feels good," she said in between moans.

I could feel myself getting hard and I needed to free my cock. I undid my pants and pull it out. It felt better. I resumed eating out Janelle much to her delight. I gave her clit extra attention as she bucked hard against me. She came shortly afterwards.

"I need you inside me," she said getting up and taking off her jacket and dress. She helped pull off my pants as I took off my shirt. She then climbed on top of me and lowered herself down onto my erect cock. Her pussy was tight. She began riding it but after a couple of thrusts, she stopped and pulled off her heels. That is when she really dug in.

Janelle rode me hard and fast. Her tits bouncing up and down as she increased her speed and intensity. I thought I could feel the walls vibrating from her screams but that may have just been the bed. She continued riding me for another five minutes before getting off and begging me to fuck her from behind.

She stood beside her dresser and stuck her ass out towards me. It was incredible. It was curvy and looked tight enough you could bounce a quarter off it. I put my hands on her hips and taking my right hand, I ran it up and down her ass. It felt amazing. I guided my throbbing cock into her wet hole and slid it deep inside her.

The feeling was something else. I knew I would blow my load from this position but it was gonna be worth it. Fucking worth it. I pumped my cock in and out of her pussy as she tried to keep her balance against the dresser. She was moaning loudly and knocking things onto the floor. "OH GOD!" she screamed.

That was it. At that moment I told her I was going to cum. I pulled out and shot my hot load all over that beautiful, well-toned ass of hers. It was a lot too. One final blast made its way up her back and she looked back in amazement; her eyes wide with excitement. I fell back on the bed because the intensity of the orgasm was so strong. Janelle stood there for a few seconds, her legs shaking. Then she walked over to me. She licked the remaining cum from the head of my cock. The sensation was so good, I thought I would cum again from that.

"I'm gonna get cleaned up. When I get back, get ready for round two," she said smiling. She walked to the bathroom where she got into the shower. I was laying in the same position on the bed when she came back. My ass was near the foot of the bed and my legs were draped down with my feet touching the floor.

I must have dozed off because I awoke to Janelle sucking my cock. Her mouth was amazing and based on the icy sensation I was feeling, she had just brushed her teeth. I sat up as her head bobbed up and down on my revived prick. Everything in that moment was perfect.

Or so I thought.

We were so involved in each other, neither one of us heard the front door open. The booming voice that filled the room startled the hell out of me.

"WHAT THE FUCK, JANELLE?!" the voice said.

Suddenly, the room was filled with light and there in the doorway stood this giant of a man. As it turns out, it was Janelle's husband.

"Baby, you're back so soon," Janelle struggled to get the words out.

"I left early to surprise you. Guess I'm the one who's surprised," the man said.

I just sat there. I could not move. My brain was begging my legs to get up and get the fuck out of there but I was paralyzed. The man turned his angry stare towards me. "Who the fuck are you?" he asked. At this point, I figured it was a rhetorical question so, I replied with same question; "Who the fuck are you?"

Big mistake.

The big bastard charged towards me and grabbed me by the neck. "I'm her husband you asshole and you're a dead man!" He had this wild rage of intensity in his eyes.

He stood me up. Holy shit was this dude tall. On top of that, this dude's arms were huge. From what I could see, he was a gym rat. He began pushing me out of the bedroom and I somehow managed to slip his grip and break free. I made it to the door but he was able to catch up to me. As soon as I opened it, he wasted little time pushing me through the frame and down the stairs.

The first landing broke my fall. I looked up feeling a bit dazed. I saw him staring me down from atop the stairs. I slowly got up and made my way out of the building. When I crossed the parking lot, I realized I was still naked. My clothes and wallet were still inside Janelle's place.

"Fuck," I whispered loudly to myself.

Streaking across the housing complex, I went into another building and found the laundry room. I needed clothes. A dryer had a sweater in it and that was the only option presented to me. "Figures," I thought. I configured it to wear like a pair of shorts. It was pretty big, but it did the job. I stood there trying to decide what to do next.

Out of nowhere, a flashlight lit up the room. Two members of the base patrol entered the room. Their looks were of astonishment and disbelief. "Turn around," one of them commanded. Since I knew how this was going to play out, I did the only thing I could and obeyed his instructions. I was handcuffed and taken to their patrol car. They gave me a raincoat from the trunk and put me in the backseat before driving me to the squadron for processing.

When the sergeant came back to read me my Article 31 rights and take my statement, I lawyered up. I figured I might want to have legal representation present before recounting the shit show I just went through. When he left the room, I looked over my body to take stock of the bruises Janelle's husband gave me. I tasted blood on my lip. I was surprised I wasn't offered medical assistance.

I received my clothes nearly 30 minutes later and was allowed to get dressed. They released me to the crew commander of the flight I had been assigned to with instructions about being arraigned and formally charged at a later date.

I don't know what this will mean moving forward, but it did serve as a life lesson. I wanted the opportunity to apologize to Janelle's husband but my request was denied. It was my understanding that he was still pretty pissed about the whole affair and kicked her out.

Tomorrow, I will fly out of here but I will be grounded until the legal process plays out. It's hard to believe that a few hours of fun turned my entire life upside-down. I can only hope that I get through this and return to duty. Sure, I have myself only to blame but it ultimately comes down to the one woman who started it all...Janelle.

Written by EddieErotik
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