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I have Just Been Fucked

"Sex starved wife gets very giddy confessing to having cheated on her husband."

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My name is Louise and I have just been fucked. Yes, I am married and my husband does not know about it yet, but he might soon if I decide to tell him but right now I have to tell someone. I feel so giddy. I am not sorry or ashamed of what I have done. I enjoyed it and will be doing it again in all likelihood. It was so good, my sex-life is up and running again, it is so exciting.

I am not seeking anyone's approval for my actions. I couldn't care less if you judge me or what that judgment is. I feel like a woman again and I am happy.

The guy who has just fucked me and left by the back door is called Terry. He is single and very attractive and at least I am coming clean about what I have done. If I get chance, will do it again next week with the same man. So I hope I get some brownie points for honesty.

As I sit here in front of my monitor writing this confession, I can feel a delicious trickle of semen seeping from my pussy into my panties. God, I can hardly suppress a giggle. Aren't I just wicked? Never done anything like this before and never thought I ever would.

You see I am 46 years of age and my husband hasn’t had sex with me for at least six years. So for more than six solid years I haven't had sex at all. Well, of course that is not strictly true because I have just had sex with a great lover who has just left me all aglow and bubbling, but as far as my husband was concerned, my sex-life ended before I was 40 years of age.

I married Tom when I was 18 and sex with him was never the greatest, I didn’t know that then but I do now, but at least I stayed faithful to him, never looked at another man, well not really. All women look at other men but you know what I mean, I would never have thought to have sex with one. Okay there might have been one. Come to think of it maybe two – laugh.

We like to see a great body on a man and a lovely tight arse will always get our attention, well it does mine, but that is as far as it goes normally regardless of the fact that Tom has always been a "Wham bam, thank you Ma'am" husband at best and then usually when he was drunk. I honestly believed sex only lasted about ten minutes at most then suddenly even that stopped. He just went cold on me, no explanation. God, just think of it, I have just had sex for a solid hour at least – non stop. I didn’t know I was still so fit. What on earth did he think about me going at it like that? Well he was too so why not me as well?

I tried to be understanding about Tom, but gradually all outward signs of affection disappeared. No more kisses before leaving for work or on arriving home, haven't had any flowers for years. He lays in bed with his back to me and snores like a pig.

I am not saying these things to mitigate my actions, I care a fuck what anyone thinks of me. I needed a good seeing to and I have just had one. Half an hour ago I was fucking like there was no tomorrow with a guy who lives a few streets away, who is great to look at, has a fantastic physique and is just exciting to be with and to talk to. He makes me feel good, in fact better than I have ever felt. My husband had been my only lover until today, now I have had a taste of something else and it was fucking amazing.

It was a bit disconcerting at first, you know, actually deciding to go ahead with it like that. People call it cheating, or adultery. I call it liberating. God, I felt so exposed to him, so submissive. It has never been me to give in to a man like that and just let him take me. When he told me to open my legs it was like -- what? It was like, god he is going to be able to see my complete nakedness. My husband has never wanted to do that really. When I did open my legs for Terry it felt so naughty. I felt like a young girl pulling my knickers down and showing my pussy to a lad, something I had never actually done but some of my friends had.

"Cute little cunt Louise," he said, ginning like a Cheshire-Cat, "and so wet you naughty girl."

I was a naughty girl, wasn't I? But it did feel deliciously wicked. All this was new to me, a man talking to me like that; I hope he does it again. I keep giggling when I think about it. I have never before felt like this after sex. I feel like a silly schoolgirl. I get so giddy thinking how naughty I have been.

Okay, I don't have the body I once had but my boobs have held up better than most. My legs and thighs have always been a strong point. They looked especially great half an hour ago spread across the bed and my knees bent out with a very attractive young man's hips jigging between them – giggle.

I know, I shouldn’t giggle about it but it is the first time I have ever let go like that and let myself enjoy sex. It was a big leap for me. He made me let go of so many inhibitions at one go. My body was like a playground for him and I was in no mood to stop him having a good time. After all I was having a great time too – giggle.

I never thought any man could make me feel so good, so feminine and so confident in myself. I felt like a woman as Terry adored me and my body.

Terry has been making it clear for some six months that he would love to shag the arse off me. He is 28 and clearly likes the older woman. Tom and I met Terry at the local pub one Friday night, he sits and talks sport with Tom but his eyes tell the story of what his real motive is and Tom is so thick he couldn't see it. He certainly had a glint in his eye from the first moment. He has an impish smile that turns to lecherous when he looks at me. He is cheeky with it and has a wicked sense of humour. I liked him an awful lot but would never have thought of having sex with him, well not actually having sex with him, until Tom made the big mistake of leaving his computer logged on. It is normally password protected. At first I was just going to turn it off, snooping is not my style but my curiosity was ignited.

I have reached a stage with my marriage, which at times has been violent and insulting not to say degrading. He actually convinced me that I was not attractive anymore and told me that no man would want to look at me twice. The more he robbed me of my self-esteem the more I became convinced that he was right. What man would ever want me? He wouldn’t think that now if he had seen Terry’s cute hairy arse between my legs about half-an-hour ago and me joining in like I have never done with Tom. Hey, we were both going at it like two people obsessed. I just felt so utterly free to completely express myself, to do as liked with a man. What had I to lose? While he took what he needed he actually encouraged me to get what I needed and after six-years of pent-up desire I took full advantage of the opportunity – boy did I ever – giggle.

I really must stop giggling about this but I feel so thoroughly naughty and giddy.

I tried to login to Tom’s email account. His password was easy enough to guess. He loves rugby and is mad about the Harlequins so I tried that and Bingo I was in. I was astounded to find out he was cheating on me, exchanging lewd emails with some woman and arranging to meet her. It had been going on for sometime and she had not been the only one. I was gutted. I'm not now. I am positively on fire with excitement. I have had a lovely cock so deep up my pussy for the first time in six years and it was fantastic. It was really wonderful to know that I could still excite a man, a young man, get him very horny and feel his hard erect cock throbbing inside me. God what am I saying? My sister would be so shocked. We have always been so straight laced. Well one of us isn’t so straight laced anymore, laugh.

I know what some of you will say, two wrongs don't make a right, but then Tom will get clean away with it and why should he? Jesus I'll tell you what though, that Terry got me fucking like I have never fucked before, my arse was going at it ten to the dozen – chuckle.

Finding out Tom had been cheating on me led to one unholy row but he had been rumbled and I was starting to reassess my life. I like sex too, I thought. Of course he blamed me for his treachery. If I was more of a woman, if I made myself more attractive, his excuses were endless. I actually loved this man.

Hey, let me tell you something really naughty. I had heard the word “cuckold” once on television. I looked it up. It is a man whose wife has had sex with another. Well Tom is one now. Isn’t that delicious? It serves him right, He does not know it but he is one alright. He will be home from work in another two hours. He will just breeze in as normal expecting his dinner on the table. He won't even know I cuckolded him today. Aren't I awful thinking like that? No macho husband wants to be a cuckold.

When we went to the pub Terry suddenly became much more interesting to me, well he would wouldn't he? When he went to the bar I followed saying I was going to get some crisps as I stood next to Terry I took the perfect opportunity to nip his gorgeous, tight little arse. He needed no more encouragement. It took a lot of courage on my part to do it. I have seen lovely arses on lots of men but there is a big difference between that and touching. I had thought about how to let him know I was now available and a little nip on his sexy arse seemed a good way to do it.

It meant stepping out of my comfort zone and taking a risk to do something that would normally be alien to me no matter how much I might want to do it. But do it I did. I had decided that I had deprived myself of sex in the name of marriage for far too long while my so-called husband was getting his sexual fulfilment fucking other women. What these women saw in him I do not know. I was suddenly seeing him differently, seeing him for what he really was.

Terry didn't hesitate in responding, sneakily sliding his hand onto the small of my back then sliding it down and having a little squeeze at one of my arse cheeks while I slipped a little note containing my phone number into his other hand then I felt his fingers tracing my knicker-line. It was deliciously sexy and exciting, nearly had an orgasm there and then. It was as if Tom, doing what he had done, set me free. All those suppressed feelings were coming out. Why should I deny myself when he was getting all the sex he wanted? God above, if he knew another man’s cock had been inside my pussy he would commit suicide, especially if he knew how good it had been for me. Maybe it is best not to tell him. Let him go on thinking he is the only man I have ever had. Yes that might be best.

After I had nipped Terry's arse and he had squeezed mine we retuned to our seats and I noticed that he got into conversation with Tom about his work. What time he started and finished, he asked him about his hobbies and his interests. Tom had no idea and just thought Terry was genuinely interested in him, his work and his hobbies but he wasn't, I knew it, he was getting to know all Tom's movements because he wanted to fuck his wife. He wanted to get his cock into me and now I was ready to let him. Actually at that moment I was ready to beg him. Inwardly I was laughing to myself as Tom gave Terry all the information he needed.

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Tom was so silly he didn’t even notice Terry’s cock rising in his trousers until it was physically jumping. I noticed it. I think another woman sat not far away noticed it as well, giggle.

We kept exchanging those little flirty looks, it was wildly exciting to me, I had never flirted before. I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would be sat next to my husband and opposite a great looking hunk of sex with my wet swollen pussy filling the gusset of my knickers.

We all left the pub together and the taxi we had ordered was taking ages and Tom had to go back inside to the loo.

There was no-one else around and Terry soon had me pinned against the wall and we kissed in the darkness.

"Be careful," I said, "he might catch us."

God, that kiss was so hot. His hand gathered up my below-knee-length dress until he could feel my bare thigh. A voice in my head screamed stop but it did not come out of my mouth. I felt his fingers pulling my panty elastic to one side and two fingers searched and probed inside my knickers. My thighs were instinctively clamped tight together.

“Come on Louise,” Terry breathed exotically in my ear, open legs quick before he gets back, let me have a feel at your pussy.

The tops of my thighs opened just enough for him to run his hand between my legs and I felt his finger trace the length of my slit from back to front. I was embarrassingly wet when he found my hole and a finger slipped right inside me. He gave me three or four slow finger fucks, reaching and feeling right into me, before I reluctantly got him to stop and take his hand away before Tom came back. I really wanted to have a feel at his cock but did not want us to get caught.

“You have done this before haven’t you?” I said. He did not answer, just flashed a smile with his with teeth through darkness.

When Tom and I got into the backseat of the cab and it set off leaving Terry who had decided to walk home, my heart was thumping in my head. I was screaming inside and taking an occasional look at Tom and thinking, God another man has just had his fingers up my pussy while you were having a piss. Sounds wicked I know but it is exciting when I think about it, even now as I type it. Fancy me - Louise Lander - doing something like that, was I crazy? Yes I was but I was tingling with the thrill of it. I was so turned on by the feel of Terry's hand inside my knickers and by the way he had been so daring. It was like a sudden rush of excitement had been brought back into my humdrum life. It had been so long since I had felt so excited by the touch of a man. I had to sit still all the way home, one move, one inadvertent touch against my clit with my inner thighs, and I would have had an orgasm right there in the taxi with Tom sat right next to me.

The next day I received the phone call I was hoping for, it came while Tom was at work. My knees were wobbling when I heard his voice and there was a sudden feeling of fear and doubt, I could hardly speak. For a moment I wasn’t sure I had the courage to go through with it but Terry was so positive and, regardless of my female instinct to resist him, I really wanted him.

He is so exciting, so daring. It made me feel so good that this man was prepared to take such risks for me. I felt wanted and needed. I felt exhilarated by him and his devilment. Why me? He could surely have had any woman he wanted. He was taking chances for me, to get me, he thrilled me. I felt alive in a way Tom had never made me feel. When I married Tom I would never have thought I would ever go and pop my cork for another man.

Terry arrived just as we had arranged on the phone and I let him in. I had my newest blue dress on, new silk French panties and hold-up black stockings and black high-heeled shoes. Terry is so tall and he still towered over me regardless of my heels. He didn't say it but the look in his eyes told me he didn't want niceties and that he had come for one think - to fuck.

After just a few minutes of the usual ice-breaking and kissing that got slowly more passionate until our tongues were exploring each others mouths we both knew exactly what we really wanted to do. I knew what he wanted, he knew what I wanted and needed. My pussy was ready and aching for him, and in the blink of an eye we were upstairs in our bed and fucking, yes fucking like it might be our last time together. I am sure it won't be. I know I shouldn't giggle about it but it is so thrilling and exhilarating.

Terry knew all about fucking, god he knew how to work that animal between his thighs alright and he knew how to work the thing between my thighs too. He knew what to do with pussy when he was getting it, and was he getting it? I surrendered it up to him on a plate and he took it – giggle – sorry about giggling but I get so excited just thinking about what I have done.

I look back now as I type this account for you all, and think how wicked I have been, not evilly wicked mind you, no not that at all, deliciously wicked for the first time in my life just like us women fantasise about being scrumptiously wicked but would never actually do it, Well I have now.

Before we started fucking he asked me to put his condom on for him. It was the first time I had put a condom on a man's rock-hard cock. It was so exotic sliding it over Terry's cock all the way over his throbbing bull-head down his shaft until it fitted so snugly on his gorgeous manhood.

My legs were pushed open. My knees were pushed forward until they were nearly touching my ears while he sunk his cock into me like a wild animal, god I felt wanted. Then my legs where pointing upwards to the ceiling with my black shoes hanging precipitously on the ends on my toes. He was holding my ankles while he slowly fucked and fucked and fucked, kissing my feet and the inside of my legs along the silky stockings I had put on for him.

He withdrew his cock and started kissing the inside of my legs working his way along my thighs. I now have two amazing love-bites at the top of each thigh next to my pussy on either side of my slit. I had better make sure Tom doesn’t see them. They do look good though and make me feel really naughty like a proper jezebel.

It felt so strange t first. I had never been licked before. His tongue played wicked games with my pussy. His mouth devoured it, licking every part of me and savouring it. The feel of his tongue sliding along my slit, sucking my swollen pussy lips, just as I was going crazy the tip of his tongue found my clit as did his teeth, nibbling it to blow my mind. The more delirious I became the more Terry loved it. I felt so ashamed of my pussy slurping like that but Terry was wallowing in it. God, this man knew how to deal with a pussy when he had it at his mercy, but I am a married woman and it was my pussy he had at his mercy. I admit it; I was too far gone to care.

For an instant my wedding day flashed before my eyes with me stood at the altar in my white wedding dress, Tom looked smart and very handsome. I promised to keep myself only unto him. Well that went out of the window as I pulled Terry’s head into my slurping pussy. Did I have a mind-blowing orgasm for him? Yes I did. Was it the best I had ever had in my life? Well I am afraid I have to say it was, because it was.

As I was still catching my breath he knelt between my spread out knees and took the condom off. “I want your pussy bareback,” he said through the groan of clenched teeth and he slowly sunk his naked cock back into my little quim and pumped me bareback. I knew he wanted to send his stuff right up me not – into a condom. It felt so much nicer feeling his bare cock sliding in and out of me.

His hard naked foreskin was stripped back on re-entry and I loved it and wanted him even more. I needed to feel his seed. I wanted it and craved it. I wanted him to make me feel every bit a woman again. I was urging him to cum inside me. I will go to the chemist in a minute when I have finished writing this and get the Morning-After-Pill just to be on the safe side. My word, there I go giggling again, it is all so thrilling.

My orgasm slowly built up until my heart was pounding, my head thumping and the contractions were so wild they were painful. I was aware that I had become extremely vocal, screaming from somewhere deep down. God he was so good. I had forgotten what this felt like, in fact I had never felt anything like this before.

As my orgasm hit its perfect zenith I was buried beneath this tall man with his beautiful body and broad manly shoulders. It felt like he was making me his. I belonged to him body and soul and he was taking me. I felt diminutive beneath his torso as he continued to bury cock into me until I felt one of his legs going into a spasm. I was pinned beneath his muscular frame, held in place by him until he was ready to seed me. When he did it was so exotic.

I felt the growl build up in his stomach then burst from his mouth.

Terry's orgasm coincided with mine and seemed to come from his feet, through his legs and trembling thighs. I could almost hear his heart beating like thunder then hot spermatozoa shot exotically onto my cervix. It felt amazing and it seemed to permeate my entire body creating a warmth that filled my being as well as my senses. Isn't it just how a woman is supposed to feel? Tom had never done that.

“Jesus, I am so sorry, I am afraid I’ve spunked,” Terry growled again from the pit of his stomach just as the hot seed filled the inside of my pussy. He wasn’t one bit sorry. He knew all along what he was going to do. I knew he was going to but I had been unable to deny him what I knew he really wanted to do.

Okay so it was a big risk, but us women have ways and means now, don’t we girls? I will take the morning-after-pill, that should work and if it doesn't well Tom has a shock coming. What can he say? He has been dipping his wick wherever he can.

Terry and I lay together exhausted for about ten minutes then held each other before he got dressed and left. Now my house feels strangely empty without him so I sat at my computer and typed this account to share with you all while it is still so fresh in my mind. I still feel very giddy and my pussy is wet and soft and still sticky from where Terry left a very creamy mess. Good Lord.

Now I know that there will be those who will call me nasty names and many other things besides and do you know I don't give a fuck. Yes, some of you will jump to the usual judgements. I know lots of women will know why I have done what I have and might wish that they could find the courage to do the same. Many for sure will wish they had been in my place today.

Terry has just made me feel female, he has enhanced my self-esteem, put a spring in my step, and the first chance I get he will be invited back to fuck me again but not until I am well stocked up with Morning-After-Pills – giggle.

Hope I am not pregnant. Well better go and get that pill and hope for the best. Then I will get Tom’s dinner ready and watch my little cuckold eat it while I smile to myself and think, if you only but knew that I have just been fucked.

Written by SirDuction
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