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Home Delivery

"A home delivery boy changes the otherwise boring life of Sreelatha"

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Taking charge of the store and life

It is one of those days when Sreelatha takes charge of the family grocery store when her husband Ashok goes to the wholesale market to restock. It's a monthly routine for both of them as Ashok doesn't trust anyone else with the cash counter. He is even reluctant to lose the reins of the store to Sreelatha for one day, but he has no other option. To compensate for that, the night before his monthly trip, he goes on and on with clear-cut instructions to Sreelatha on how to manage the store. He also mentions blacklisted customers and those who are in the habit of asking for credit.

By now, Sreelatha is well-versed in how to run the shop, but even then, she has to listen to Ashok's tirade every month on the topic.

Sexless marriage

Of late, after the birth of their third daughter, there is an unnamed gap in Sreelatha and Ashok's relationship. To his credit, Ashok didn't say anything to her and treated the newborn girl well, unlike his mother and other relatives. Being from a traditional Marwari family, the preference for a male child still exists even after decades of awareness and education.

Ashok and Sreelatha are parents to two daughters, a seven-year-old and a five-year-old, so this time around, everyone was expecting a son, even Sreelatha. After the birth of her third daughter, she had to go through a sterilisation operation, too, at the advice of the doctor. Soon after, Sreelatha was in depression; no one noticed her subtle mood changes. Sreelatha was craving sex; the carnal desire engulfed her without her being aware.

Her eldest daughter could sense that something had changed in her mother after the birth of her sister. She sometimes helps her mom to take care of the little baby. Now, the young one is eighteen months old, and sometimes Sreelatha leaves her in the care of her mother-in-law and goes out of the home aimlessly. Of course, she comes back after an hour or so.

Is sex just for reproduction?

Ashok and Sreelatha were last intimate when they were trying for a baby, and it was not a pleasant experience. They did some puja, wore some charms and on an auspicious night, Ashok slept with Sreelatha in the hope of impregnating her with a male heir. Sreelatha conceived after several such nights. Sreelatha always thought that sex was only to produce an heir, and in the eight years of marital life with Ashok, she was convinced that sex is to please the man when he comes back home after a hard day at work and to make him sleep peacefully. She just has to spread her legs and be done with it. But her entire notion of sex is about to change forever…

The chance meeting

It was a sultry afternoon with hardly any customers at her shop. She was almost feeling sleepy when Gaurav entered the store. She hadn't seen him around, and her first thought was that he shouldn't be one of those blacklisted customers by her husband.

And then he greeted her; she felt a little shy, but she muttered some greetings in her mouth. Then he asks for a basket and says he will pick up the things himself instead of her getting it for him if that is okay with her. Their shop is not exactly a supermarket where people would shop like that. She was reluctant and suspicious but let him do it and kept an eye on him. While he was picking up the groceries from the aisles, she noticed that Gaurav was wearing beige-coloured shorts and a chappal, and he had clean, fair feet with the right amount of hair on his calf. She immediately diverted her gaze, but within seconds, she looked again and realised that Gaurav had a nice upper body supported by tough-looking legs, and the blue t-shirt was hugging him nicely.

She immediately thought that her husband, Ashok, never wore a T-shirt; it's always a half-sleeved shirt with a flower embroidered on the front pocket. Sometimes, he prefers an embroidered kurta for special occasions but never a T-shirt.

While Sreelatha's thoughts wandered, Gaurav returned to the counter and started talking to her. There was a sense of gentleness about him that she immediately liked. He was not like those other male customers who spoke to her when she manned the store. He asked her about certain frozen items. Sreelatha informed him they were expecting the delivery by evening at six p.m. Also, the guy who delivered the bread was sick that day, so he arranged for another one to deliver it fresh in the evening. Gaurav paid her for the items he picked and asked if she could arrange a home delivery in the evening as he couldn't come out in the evening due to work. He also told her that he had moved to the locality recently and stayed in one of the swanky apartments nearby. 

Home Delivery

Generally, Sreelatha never goes for home delivery, but something about Gaurav made her say yes. She was also curious about the highrise apartment with beautifully manicured gardens. She always wanted to see it from inside, and this home delivery has given her an opportunity to see it closely.

Around six p.m., her distant cousin came to the store with tea and snacks. But Sreelatha was no longer interested in the tea; she was eager to deliver the items to Gaurav's place. She asked the cousin to watch the store and collect the items for delivery. She was nervous when she finally rang the calling bell at Gaurav's apartment. Gaurav answered the door in the same beige shorts, but this time he was wearing a black ganji/undershirt instead of the T-shirt. He had a cup of tea in his hand. He muttered a thank you silently and signalled her to keep the items at the dining table and sit there.

By covering the phone with his hand, he winked at her and asked her to wait for some time as he was on a call with his manager. Sreelatha skipped a beat as none had ever winked at her if her memory supported her. 

Waiting and remembering the end of sex life  

As she was waiting for him to finish his call and pay her for the items, she looked around at the beautifully kept home. Everything is in order; it certainly doesn't look like the home of a bachelor. Yes, she knew he was single and recently moved to the city to join a new tech company. He casually mentioned that while picking up frozen ready-to-eat parathas.

Sreelatha immediately started comparing her tiny two-BHK home with Gaurav's aesthetically done place. Her home is a cramped place, with all six members, including her in-laws, staying with them, along with a lot of junk piled up over the years. Gaurav's place has so much space with minimum furniture that elevates the aesthetics.

She still remembers once, when she was a new bride when they were having sex at night, she moaned a little louder. Immediately, her husband, Ashok, gagged her with a part of her kurta and warned her never to make any sound during intercourse.

He said in a low, shrill voice, "Don't you have any control over your voice? Do you want me to feel ashamed in front of my parents? Please keep your mouth covered for a few minutes, or else we will be a laughing stock in front of the whole community."

From that day onwards, Sreelatha learned to keep her mouth zipped while having sex, and after the birth of the third daughter, Ashok shifted his bed to the main living room, as their tiny bed could not accommodate four people. Sreelatha asked her mother-in-law to take the elder daughter to their room, but she refused.

She said this as a reply, "Oh, now you want to occupy my room too. We don't have any space in our bed. Your father-in-law takes up so much space. And anyway, after your operation, there is no need to sleep as husband and wife as it won't yield any result. You better concentrate on raising your daughters and let Ashok sleep in the living room in peace. He works so hard for the family."

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With that comes the end of Sreelatha and Ashok's sex life. Not that Sreelatha misses it too much. There were days, during sex, when she was just lying there emotionless while Ashok just thrusts his whole weight into her and jerks off. She just lay still and remembers her happy days from childhood. Sometimes, she even thinks about what to prepare for the next day's breakfast when Ashok is coming in and out of her with full force.

Opposite attracts

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. This daily call dragged a bit longer today." Suddenly, Gaurav's baritone voice broke Sreelatha's thinking. She is back to the reality now.

"Now, since you are here, you must taste my tea. I made it from the new brand of tea leaves I got from your shop," Gaurav added in a matter-of-fact way.

Sreelatha could manage to mutter just no-no, but Gaurav didn't pay any heed. He poured tea into a cup and handed it to her while sitting opposite her.

He said, "So first, tell me your name and tell me honestly if I have decorated my home properly."

Sreelatha started by saying that the apartment was nicely done, and then she told her name and asked him his name, too. Maybe this is the first time she has asked about the name of a customer of the shop.

Then Gaurav asked, "So, Sreelatha, tell me about yourself. What do you like to do?"

This was something Sreelath never expected from a customer, but he felt like more than that. She also liked the attention he was showering on her. This was something that was completely alien to her as she was always in the background, be it in her own home or after marriage in her in-laws' place. No one bothered to ask her about her likes and dislikes.

The first touch

There is something about Gaurav's easy-going attitude and gentleness that attracted Sreelatha to Gaurav that she started opening up. She told him about her girls and how she had faced discrimination after the birth of her third daughter. She could see a hint of anger in Gaurav's kind eyes when she mentioned that.

"Bhabi, where are you? I have to leave soon. I am waiting for you. How long will it take for a home delivery." Suddenly, Sreelatha's phone rang, and it was her husband's cousin's brother on the other side. Sreelatha stood up to leave, and then Gaurav got up and held her hand. Sreelatha's heart did a disco dance at the touch. He handed over the money due for the delivery. Without leaving her hand, Gaurav said, "I will need more groceries and items in the coming days. Will you come for home delivery when I call you?"

Sreelatha was startled at this sudden development, but she managed to mutter yes and removed her hand from him. But his touch was something magical; she'd felt something rise in her heart and then in her private parts. She ignored it and rushed out of his home.

Starting of a beautiful sex game

The next few days were a blur in Sreelatha's memory. The first night she met Gaurav, she told her in-laws and husband that she wanted to learn beauty parlour work in the evening with a friend who stays near Ashok's grocery store. Initially, they objected, but when they saw that she was determined, they reluctantly agreed. Her mother-in-law said she would look after the baby for a few hours in the evening.

From then on, every day, Gaurav would call Sreelatha to order a few items, and she would come to her store, collect the items and take them to the apartment. When Ashok asked, she said it was for one of her new acquaintances from the parlour.

The lovemaking

One week passed, and they would always chat for a while after she delivered the items. Gaurav would take an interest in her life and ask what she has learnt in the parlour. When she said she had recently learned how to give a facial, Gaurav said, "Why don't you try your skill at me today? I don't have any more calls today, so I am free. Let's go to the bedroom. You can do whatever you want with my face. "

With that, he tugs at her hand and leads her to his bedroom. Over the last week, they have become friends, but even now, his touch does something strange to Sreelatha's private parts. Even a tiny touch of his hand makes her private parts hot in anticipation.

As Gaurav lay down on the huge double bed to get the facial, Sreelatha gathered all the supplies and positioned herself near Gaurav's face. But before she could start the facial, Gaurav took her face in both his hands and kissed her.

Then he said in a soft voice, "I am sorry if I crossed my limit, but I have really started liking you and want to show you my love. I will stop if you want me to."

Sreelatha couldn't say anything, and her heart melted with tenderness at his gentle words. She has never been kissed so gently in her life.

Then Gaurav took her to the bed and laid her down where he was lying a moment ago. She was wearing her usual Churidar, Kurta and a dupatta.

Gaurav slowly removed the dupatta from her bosom. Her tout breast protruded out of her tight kurta. Then, he said in a voice laced with love, "Please relax. I won't hurt you a bit, but I want to show you what real sex is."

Just two days back, Sreelatha got emotional in front of Gaurav and hinted at the lack of sex in their marriage. She didn't say anything in exact words, but somehow he understood.

His hands then started slowly all over Sreelatha's writhing body as she tried to hide her face in his plush pillows.

Gaurav gently slid his hands inside her kurta and gave her soft and full breasts a tight squeeze. She moaned, and then he said in her ears, "You have such a nice pair of melons. I would like to take a close look. May I?"

Sreelatha knew what was happening was not right, but she had no control over her emotions, which were bottled up for so many years. Her breasts liked the attention, too and within no time, her nipples were hard and uptight with anticipation. Down below, in her panties, there was another type of scene going on. She felt hot and wet in her panties, even before Gaurav removed her bottom churidar.

Ten minutes went by, and Gaurav was still playing with her bare breasts, sometimes sucking them and playing with her nipples. By now, she is crazy with desire and wants him to enter her. She can no longer bear the anticipation.

She tugged at Gaurav's hands, directed those to her vagina, and helped him remove the rest of her clothes.

And then Gaurav asked her, "Do you really want me to do this?" She closed her eyes and nodded. Just then Gaurav went up and opened his wardrobe. He took out a condom and wore it on his erection without any effort. Sreelatha was looking at his erection, and for the first time in her life, she was looking forward to the fuck that would ensure next.

And it was magical when Gaurav finally entered her. His gentleness exuded in his lovemaking, too. He made sure that she was comfortable at every stage, and every thrust of his exuded his love for her.

Sreelatha experienced heaven with every thrust of his, which she had missed all these years in her married life. She hit the O spot twice and felt ecstatic. When it was time for Gaurav to climax, he even asked for permission to come inside her. Once done, he didn't roll over and sleep like her husband always does. He cuddled her and kissed her again and again. He cupped her face and said, "You are so beautiful, Sreelatha. I wish I could love you like this again."

Sreelatha didn't respond, but her heart was already dancing at the prospect of Gaurav and her getting intimate again.

Written by MoandMa
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