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High School Class Reunion

"This was not expected."

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The last time I had seen Rose was at our ten-year high school class reunion. In high school, Rose had been the one girl I wanted to date, but she barely even knew I existed. At the ten-year reunion, I confided that I had always had an immense crush on her and that if I had to do things all over again, I would have said as much.

To my surprise, Rose told me she had a crush on me as well, but that she had been too shy to approach me. Both of us had gone out separate ways, married and started families. We shared photos of our kids and laughed at how similar our kids seemed to be in both age and looks.

After the reunion, Rose and I friended each other on social media. Every now and then, she would “like” one of my postings, most usually whenever I would change my profile photo. I kept up with Rose, peripherally, through social media, being careful to not post anything provocative or untoward. Both of us were married and I didn’t want to cause her any issues, even if I still thought she was gorgeous.

In high school, Rose had been a skinny young girl. Afterward high school, she gained some weight. She wasn’t fat, but just more filled out and curvy. She thought she was over-weight, but I told her she looked good, which she did.

Rose rarely posted photos of herself on social media and if she did, they were almost always head shots.

Time passed. I forgot about Rose over a period of time. Work, kids and doing things with my wife, Katy, kept me busy. We had our own circle of friends and none of them included high school alums. So I was surprised when Rose messaged me and asked if we were going to the fifteen year reunion. I hadn’t thought about it, but quickly said that we were going.

I had forgotten about Rose. Katy and I slipped into the small bar where the reunion was to take place and sat across from each other at a table, sipping on mimosas. I had no clue who most of the folks were, even though we had grown up together and attended school together. Several folks waved and I politely waved back, with Katy asking me who the person was. I had to admit, I didn’t have a clue,

“Hola mi amigo!” a familiar voice called out. I looked up. It was Rose. Oh my God! She looked so hot. She had shed her weight and was wearing a hot little one piece, with a deep plunging neckline, that showed off her svelte figure and sexy long legs. I slipped across the bench seat, and stood up.

Rose tossed her arms around me and we hugged. I immediately turned and very quickly introduced Rose to Katy. Katy was polite, but I could tell she was taken aback by how provocatively dressed Rose was.

I slipped back on to the bench seat, leaving room for Rose to sit, but she opted to sit across from me and next to Katy. She ordered a tequila sunrise as we sat and chatted, with Rose complimenting Katy on her western attire.

“So, what was my husband like in high school?” Katy inquired.

“He was quiet and shy,” Rose said, “as were a lot of us.”

Rose glanced in my direction and proffered a quick wink.

“Some of us have changed a little,” Rose added. About that time, an older guy walked up and Rose introduced us to “Lico”, her husband. Lico was probably about ten years older than any of us. He was an affable guy, but, unlike Rose, pretty reserved. He slipped on to the bench seat beside me, sipping on a Bud Light. Lico was a construction manager.

Katy at that time, worked as an administrative assistant for a construction company, so she and Lico hit if off very well, talking about various construction projects they two of them had worked on, as Rose and I listed Under the table, I felt a shoe less foot nudge mine. I looked at Rose, but didn’t say anything. I few seconds later and I felt the nudge a second time.

Lico’s took a final chug of his beer. He looked at Katy’s empty glass and asked what she was drinking.

“Mimosas,” she replied.

Lico leaned in towards Katy and asked,

“Do you think we can trust these two, if we get refreshed at the bar?”

Katy glaned in my direction and I asked if she wanted me to refresh her drink.

“I’m good,” she replied, “but I do have to use the lady’s room.”

Lico slid off the bench seat and Katy followed. She glanced back at me and said, “Maybe I will take a second.”

She turned and walked off as Lico looked down at Rose.

“What about you?” he asked.

“A tequila sunrise,” Rose answered. Lico nodded and headed off to the bar.

I looked at Rose.

“You look good tonight,” I replied.

“Gracias,” she replied, as she used her hand to flip her long back hair back over her bare shoulders.

“Did I overdress?” she asked.

“No,” I replied. “You look good.”

She smiled a beguiling smile and rested her head against her hand, as she propped her arm up on the table.

“You know,” Rose whispered across the table, “If you weren’t married and I wasn’t married, we’d be leaving here together.”

“Yeah,” I replied. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and Lico and Katy will surprise us.”

“Well,” Rose replied, “I think Lico kind of has a liking for Katy.”

“Yeah,” I replied, “I think she has a liking for him as well.”

Rose slid along the bench seat, rounded the table end, and slid in next to where I sat, against the wall. She reached over and squeezed the inside of my leg with her hand. I could smell the sweet aroma of her perfume. I quickly out my hand on top of hers.

“Behave,” politely scolded.

“I’m trying,” Rose whispered softly.

“Try harder,” I replied.

Rose took my hand and placed it on her bare leg, just above her knee.

“I’m not wearing any panties,” she discreetly remarked.

“Hush!” I replied. “You’re going to get us both in trouble!”

About that time, I saw Katy approaching. I patted Rose’s thigh and folded my hands in front of me on the table top. Katy slid back into her position across the table from me.

“That was a great relief!” Katy extolled.

Rose smiled and said it was her turn. She slid across the Naugahyde bench seat, pulling down on the hem line of her short outfit before making her way towards to Ladies Room.

“Where’s Lico” Katy inquired.

“He’s getting drink at the bar,” I replied.

Katy looked around at the growing crowd.

“So how many of these folks do you know?” she asked a second time,

“Not many,” I replied.

Katy and I had a good relationship. As far as I knew, neither of us had ever looked at another person in all the years we had been married. Our sex life was pretty routine, nothing crazy or wild, but just plain routine. There were times when it was a little strained, but that happens, I suspect in every marriage.

Katy and I had both consumed a couple of drinks before Lico and Rose had joined us, so I’m pretty sure both of us were pretty loosened up.

“So what do you think about Lico?” I asked.

“He’s charming,” Katy replied.

“Yeah,” I confirmed, “I think he really likes you.”

“Yeah,” Katy replied, “I noticed and I think Rose likes you as well.”

Katy was good about reading the intentions of other women.

“Don’t worry,” I replied. “I’m still all yours.”

“I know you are,” Katy replied.

“But I think Lico wants you,” I declared.

“You’d like that?” Katy shot back.

“Probably not any more than you’d like for Rose to jump me,” I replied.

“Well,” Katy shot back, “If you want it, go for it.”

Where did that come from? I thought to myself. I could sense uneasiness from Katy. I reassured her I had no intentions on hooking up with Rose.

“It’s not you I am worried about,” Katy replied.

“Ahhh,” I replied, “So you like Lico.”

“Not really,” Katy replied, “But at least he’s paying me some attentions.”

I didn’t like to argue in public and I could sense an argument coming on.

“Let’s go,” I suggested. Katy grabbed her purse, but before she could slide across the bench seat, Lico walked up with three drinks in hand.

“You’re no leaving, are you?” he asked.

Katy stopped short of the edge of the bench seat as Lico sat the drinks down on the table.

“Come on,” Lico said, “Stay a bit. Let’s dance.”

He extended his hand. Katy looked in my direction.

“Have fun,” I replied.

Katy accepted Lico’s hand and stood up. She glanced back over her shoulder, as Lico pulled her on to the nearby dancefloor, and mouthed the words, “Have fun.”

Rose slipped in beside me on the bench seat.

“Where’s Lico and Katy?” she asked, upon seeing the drinks sitting on the table. I head-nodded towards the dance floor. Lico had one hand on Katy’s waist and had her drawn up close to himself as they waltzed around on the dancefloor.

“Well,” Rose declared, “that didn’t take long.”

Rose slid her hand to the inside of my thigh.

“Don’t worry,” Rose declared. “He is just a flirt.”

“And you’re not?” I inquired.

“Oh no baby,” Rose replied, “I don’t flirt. I fuck.”

Her use of the f-word surprised me.

“So does Lico know you mess around on him?” I asked.

“No,” Rose replied. “Besides, I haven’t messed around on him since we have been married.”

“But you would if given the chance?” I pressed.

Rose squeezed the inside of my thigh.

“Only with you baby,” Rose replied.

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“Only with you.”

I took a sip from the mimosa sitting on the table in front of us.

“Do you want to go?” Rose pressed.

“Where to?” I asked.

“Anywhere you want,” Rose replied.

“That might be dangerous,” I replied.

Rose placed my hand on her bare leg.

“Let’s live dangerously,” she said. ‘We’re both adults.”

She pushed my fingers under the hem line of her very short one piece, to the edge of her pussy, and then pressed them against her vagina.

“Make me cum,” Rose whispered in my ear as she leaned in closer, pinning me against the wall at the end of the bench seat. I looked out on the dance floor and saw Lico’s hand resting on Katy’s butt. That was all it took.

I grabbed Rose’s hand and pushed her along the bench seat.

“Where are we going?” Rose asked as she reached the end of the seat.

“I don’t know,” I declared, “but we are out of here.”

Rose followed me to the exit as we made our way through the crowd.

“Hey!” someone called out, “Where y’all going?”

I ignored the question. I placed my hand around Rose’s supple waist and we walked out of the small bar. I walked her to where I had parked only a few hours before. The sun had set, so the parking lot was dim and on the dark side.

Rose leaned up against the side of my SUV.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

I placed both of my hands on her covered breasts, gently squeezing them and smiled, as I pressed myself up against her.

“Are you sure?” I asked back.

Rose dropped her hands to my crotch, feeling my manhood.

“Oh yeah” Rose declared.

I pulled up on Rose’s very short dress. She was correct in that she was without any panties. I jammed my middle finger into her wet pussy. She let out a deep moan as I worked my finger back and forth, in and out of her vagina.

Rose through her arms around my neck and pulled me into a deeply passionate kiss, practically stealing away my breath. I opened the sliding passenger door to the SUV and Rose climbed in. I grabbed the zipper to her dress and pulled on it. She wiggled out her outfit as I stripped it from her tight little body. She reached behind her back and unfastened her bra, stripping out of it. She kicked off her stiletto heels and I slipped in behind her and slammed the door shut. I quickly stripped off my shoes and my shirt, as Rose repositioned the middle seats into full recline positions. I tripped the seat releases for the front seats and they thumped forward. I sat on the back of a seat and stripped out of my pants and my under wear.

There was just enough of a light from a nearby parking lot standard to allow us to see each other. Rose’s golden hooped ear rings sparkled in the light. She but down on her lower lip and punched her erect nipples with her manicured nails.

She spread her legs and inserted a lone finger into her vagina.

I leaned forward and planted my face right in between her spread legs. She spread her vagina lips using her fingers. I moved her hand and lightly kissed to top of her pubic area before working my way down to her hood and her clit, which I sucked on and then played with, alternating between my tongue and my fingers. She shuddered and let out a very deep moan. I worked my fingers along the outer folds of her vagina and then back to her clit. She was freshly shaved and I liked that freshly shaven feel.

“Put it in me,” she begged. I hovered over her, the head of my manhood gently tapping her vagina. She reached between her legs and guided my manhood into position. I pushed into her pussy, slowly and easily, feeling her every contraction, as I worked my tool into her. Our pubes met and she dig her finger tips into my shoulders, letting out another deep and very soulful moan.

Oh my God! She was tight, but I loved it. I steadily worked myself back and forth, driving her and myself to the limits of what either of us could endure, as I stared down at her. I pressed my mouth to her open mouth, our tongues colliding with each other. She shuddered again and I collapsed on top of her, pressing my body against hers.

I shot my load deep inside of her, as she wrapped her legs and her arms around me, shaking and trembling. We kissed again and again, like two teenagers. We lay there like this for the longest time, and until nature took it course.

I opened the sliding passenger door and the fresh air was just what we both craved. I grabbed my underwear and my pants and slipped back into them as she refastened her bra and slipped back into her dress. I did the honors and re-zipped her dress, kissing her soft shoulder and thanking her.

“For what?” she asked.

“For the fuck of a lifetime,” I replied.

Rose chuckled.

“We’ll have to stay in touch,” she remarked. I agreed.

Rose slipped back into her heels and we made our way back to the bar. I headed for the men’s room to wash up. Lico slipped into the restroom as I was towel drying off my hands.

“Where ya been?” he asked.

“I stepped out for some fresh air,” I replied.

“You’re a lucky dude,” Lico remarked.

“How so?” I asked.

“Katy is sexy as hell,” he said. Tell me something I didn’t know, I thought.

“Yes she is,” I replied. “I’m thinking she finds you attractive.”

“I’m old fart,” Lico replied before adding, “I’m thinking Rose like you.”

Oh man, what you don’t know.

“Yeah,” I replied. “She is pretty damn sexy.”

Lico washed his hands without saying anything else. I was pretty sure he wanted to, but didn’t know him well enough to take the conversation to the next level.

Approaching the table where Rose sat beside Katy, I was a bit apprehensive. I slipped silently on to bench seat across from Rose and Katy.

“Where have you been?” Katy inquired.

“I stepped outside for some fresh air,” I replied. Rose was hand-fanning herself.

“It is hot in here,” Rose declared.

Katy agreed. Lico slipped on to the seat beside me.

“Damn it’s hot in here,” he declared. We all agreed. I suggested we check out the patio. Everyone was in agreement. As we each slipped from the benches, Katy tugged at my hand, so I stepped back, as Rose and Lico headed to the patio.

“Was it good?” Katy asked.

I played stupid, but Katy knew me. She knew me well. I could deny it all night long what had just transpired, but I knew and she knew, I was caught.

“I’m not mad,” Katy said, “Just disappointed.”

"I’m still here,” I replied.

Katy looped her am under-mine as we walked towards the patio.

“Is she the jealous type?” Katy asked as we reached the patio door. Hell, I didn’t know.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because, now it’s my turn,” Katy replied, opening the door to the patio and stepping through it.

She walked over to where Lico sat beside Rose, with his arm draped around the chair in which Rose sat with her legs crossed. She looked at Rose and extended her hand in Rose’s direction. Rose accepted Katy’s hand. Katy pulled her up and said, “Now it’s my turn.”

Rose looked perplexed. She looked in my direction and I just stood there, my hands open and palms upward. I didn’t know what to say.

Katy planted herself onto Lico’s lap, her legs spread, facing him. She placed a lone finger over her lips and then his, indicating he should remain silent.

“What’s going-“ he started to ask. Katy cut him off, pressing her lone finger over Lico’s lips.

Katy slowly unbuttoned her button-down shirt as Rose and I stood there, aghast as Katy’s brazenly open moves.

Katy slipped out of her shirt and let it fall to the stone floor of the patio. She looked back at Rose and smiled.

“Do you want to join us?” Katy asked.

Rose laughed.

“You’re going to give him a heart attack,” Rose replied.

“He’ll die happy,” Katy replied, unfastening her bra, but holding it in place with her free hand.

“Maybe we should take this somewhere private,” I suggested. Rose agreed. Katy stood up and dropped her bra, allowing it to join her shirt on the stone floor of the dimly lighted patio. Lico didn’t say a word.

Katy retrieved her shirt and bra from the floor and put her shirt back on, buttoning it up. She folded up her bra and tossed it to Lico, who caught it. Katy tuned to Rose and said, “Let’s do it.”

Katy took Lico by the hand and Rose looped her arm undermine. We walked through the crowd and out to the parking lot. I opened the doors to the SUV. The musty smell of sex was unmistakable. Katy didn’t say a word as she launched herself into the middle row seat, followed by Lico, while Rose took the passenger seat next to myself.

We weren’t even out of the parking lot, when I heard Katy exclaim, “Oh my! I love it!” I glanced over my shoulder and while couldn’t see what was transpiring, there was no doubt in my mind that Lico was getting well serviced. I looked at Rose. She smiled, hiked up her dress, kicked off her heels and placed her bare feet on the dash. She spread her legs and inserted her fingers into her vagina.

I hit the the curb. Red and blue lights appeared in the rear-view mirror. Katy quickly closed her open shrrt as the flashlight beams worked their way into the cabin of the SUV. The cop was cool. He saw that we were four adults.

I apologized. The police officer smiled as he handed me back my license and registration.

“Y’all try and behave,” he warned, as he took a step back from the driver’s side window. Rose was quick to answer.

“That would be no fun.”

The cop smiled, turned and walked away as the four of us broke out in hysterical laughter.

Written by CommunicationDirectr
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