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Hazel's Massage

"Will Hazel give the hot firefighter the massage that he so desperately needs?"

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Author's Notes

"Here is a new hot and spicy story! I love these characters. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy!"

A dish served spicy hot is more vengeful than any dish served cold. I figured that out one tantalizing day after I discovered my husband of eight years had strayed a little too far.

“He started seeing her a few months ago,” I said into the cellphone as I entered the elevator, pressing button number six. “This floozy daycare worker named Melissa. He claims he tried to stop fucking her several times, but his feelings for her are too strong. After begging me not to leave him, he told me he still loves me. And he wants to work something out so everyone’s happy. Can you believe it? What a jackass.”

Glancing at the mirrored wall, I adjusted my ponytail of waist-length, auburn ringlets, pulling the roots tight to extenuate my hazel bedroom eyes. I turned around, studying my outfit. My sweats were snug against my firm legs and round ass. I sighed at the navy-blue cotton t-shirt that strained against my generous breasts. The only way to hide the undeniable cleavage was to wear turtlenecks. Way too uncomfortable in this July heat. 

“They started on April Fool’s, Shelly. But the joke’s on me.”

“You’re no fool, Hazel. You know now and you’re dealing with it.”

“Yeah, but I thought our marriage was perfect. We have perfect jobs, a perfect house, two perfect kids. True, I’d love to remember how an orgasm felt, but otherwise, our lives have been perfect. Until now, that is.”

The elevator bell chimed as the doors slid open. A towering, broad-shouldered man in a white V-neck and gray jogging pants strolled in, vacuuming the space. His eyes resembled smoke from a blistering fire. His lips reminded me of plump pillows. And his calloused hands? Big and thick. Exactly what any healthy woman appreciated. Saliva pooled in my mouth as he leaned over to press a button before settling against the back wall. Our eyes connected. Long-lost sensations erupted throughout my body.

“Your life wasn’t all good if he’s cheating on you,” Shelly hollered into the phone. I had to remove it from my ear to avoid breaking my eardrum. “You’ve been faithful even though he can’t fuck for nothing. You should be the one cheating. Girl, you’re hot stuff and don’t deserve his dumbfuckery.”

The guy beside me muffled a chuckle.

Shit! He can hear her!

“Ah, yeah. I’m gonna let you go for now.”

“Hazel, go find a hunk to ravish you. You deserve a good climax.”

My face warmed as I glanced at the bulge in his pants. Flustered, I peeked at his magnificent face. Sure enough, he stared at me without shame, making my insides tingle.

“Shelly, I gotta go. I’m not alone.”

“Are you getting busy already? That was quick.”

“Ha! I wish. Gotta go.”

“Call me on your break. I’ll create a list of available men for you. Yay. Project.”

I sighed as I placed the phone in my black leather purse. The temperature climbed, as did the elevator. He wouldn’t stop looking at me. I tried to swallow, but my tongue was as dry as sandpaper. Releasing a long, low breath, I swayed in place, fidgeting with my hands. 

My eyes darted towards the number six lighting up, signaling my floor. Once the doors opened, I hurried forward, but I bumped into the hunk, who was leaving the elevator, too. As I retreated from him, I caught a whiff of smoke and wood.

“Oops,” he said, chuckling again. This time, he didn’t even attempt to hide it. “After you.”

My ass brushed against his leg as I passed. Heat emanated from his body, making me want to curl up beside him under the covers. 

“Excuse me,” I whispered, giving a shy smile before heading down the hall towards my office. It took everything in me not to turn back and gawk at the man. 

Fuck, what a hottie. Desire dampened my panties. It had been so long since I hit it with someone that fine. Not that Normand was a complete loser. He wasn’t. But his lack of creativity and endurance in the bedroom erased any appeal his body offered. This dangerous stranger hottie wouldn’t disappoint me like that. I could tell. His passionate eyes spoke of long nights and satisfying lays. 

A strong desire bloomed as I delved into wishful thinking of something that will never be.



Unlocking the office door, I switched on the light and hung a purse on a cold metal coat rack. After checking the massive electric massage table, roles of plush towels, shelves of oils, lotions, and creams, I sifted through my files, retrieving the day’s patients’ information. Full day. I checked the phone for any messages. There were three; one appointment request and two cancelations.

“Shoot.” I hated same-day cancelations. There was never enough time to schedule someone else, which meant lost money opportunities.

My train of thought drifted to my husband. I wasn’t hurt about the affair. Anger coursed through me instead.

“I can’t believe Normand’s got a chick on the side. Oh, yeah, ‘I’m too tired. I’m too busy. I’ve got a meeting.’ What bullshit. I’m gonna get that bastard back.”

A knock at the door distracted me from conjuring up a revenge plan. I stretched my neck, shacking the anger free from my body, before opening the door. 

Standing there, in the white V-neck and gray jogging pants, the hottie from the elevator grinned. Delight twinkled in his eyes as he chuckled and tilted his head.

“Ah, hello. I’m here for my nine o’clock appointment.”

My mouth opened and closed like a goldfish. Words evaded me. I forced a smile, holding up an index finger. I turned to my desk and picked up the top file. Mark Fletcher. Thirty-seven years old. Firefighter. Thigh injury. 

I hit a gold mine.

After several attempts, and clearing my throat, I managed to say “Mark, is it?”

He waited until I looked at him before answering.

“Yeah, that’s me,” Mark said, satisfied. “Where should I park?”

I gestured to a brown club chair and sat behind my compact oak desk. He studied me over the family photos, nameplate and other debris surrounding the piles of files. Luckily, I cleaned the rest of the room daily after work.

“Excuse the mess. I haven’t tidied up yet. You’re early.”

Mark said nothing. His stare unsettled my nerves. My head floated as I searched for my next words. I couldn’t think with his eyes on me. His gaze shifted from my cleavage to my mouth to my eyes and back to my tits. He wasn’t shy about it. 

I wandered over to the water dispenser, poured two paper cups of water, passing one to Mark with a shaky hand. I took my seat and cleared my throat.

“What brings you here today?” I asked, pretending to scan Mark’s file in a failed attempt to act professional. His black curls fell to his strong jawline and swallowed my brainpower. He flexed his powerful hands, stretching his upper body. Posing for me, he chuckled again and raised his eyebrow, giving me a priceless grin.

“Oh, so, we are going to pretend like all that didn’t happen?”

I froze. 

“Parden me?” I squeaked.

“The phone call on the elevator?” 

My breath caught as I realized he wanted to talk about what Shelly had said.

“We’re here to deal with your problem, Mr.—”

“Mark. Call me Mark.”


“And I’m more than willing to help you with your problem as well.”

I shifted in my seat. I’d dealt with flirtatious clients before. They ranged from pleasant horseplay to downright creepy. But this guy? He didn’t realize how badly I wanted to take him up on his offer. He was trouble. 

“How did you injure your leg?” I asked, attempting to sidetrack him.

“I carried a three-hundred-pound man from a second-floor fire last week. A heavy son-of-a-bitch. I tripped on a stair when half a wall caved in nearby. Don’t worry. We didn’t fall, but I think I pulled something because my leg has been bothering me ever since. My physiotherapist recommended you, saying you had magic fingers and great stamina.”

His grin widened.

My cheeks warmed. My throat dried. I tried to ignore the amusement in his voice. He was enjoying himself. My hands shook as I took notes, deciding on which method would work best. There were sports massages, Swedish, Shiatsu, trigger point massages, stone, deep tissue and reflexology, to name a few. They were all excellent methods, but I chose the myofascial massage, figuring it was the way to go with Mark.

“The bathroom’s right there. Here’s a towel. Please strip and return to the table.”

“You want me fully naked?” Mark asked, raising his eyebrows. “Moving quick, aren’t we?”

“You can keep on your underwear.” 

“What if I don’t want to?”

My brow furrowed as I frowned.

“Okay. Sorry. Sorry. I’ll stop, even though everything in me wants to help you with your problem.”

“I don’t have a problem.”

“You do too, according to your friend. I’m just saying, if you feel the need to ravish me. Go for it.”

“No, thank you. Now, go get undressed.”

We stared at each other for several seconds before Mark sighed and headed for the bathroom.

I fanned myself once he was out of sight. Gulping down the rest of my water, hoping to cool the heat simmering in me. As I prepared for the task at hand, my hands shook.

The bathroom door inched open. Ready to tell Mark to lie down, my heart stopped before revving up to full gear when I saw him. His upper body muscles rippled under tanned skin. A tiger prowled down his firm chest, a blade sliced through a heart on his bicep, a series of spider webs and a giant spider crept up his leg. He was a magnificent canvas, a chiseled masterpiece. I swallowed in anticipation. 

Time to act professional, Hazel. Calm yourself.

Nervous, I let out a long breath, gesturing for him to lie on the electric massage table. If the front of him was anything to gawk at, the back had me quivering. More rippling muscles with the word warrior sprawled along his shoulders in tribal letters. And his butt? Don’t get me started on his butt. My hands yearned to cup those delicious round cheeks.

“Liw down,” I said. My voice was hoarse. I cleared my throat and tried again. “Lay down on your back. I’m going to give you a myofascial massage. It’s good for injuries such as yours. Just lay back, close your eyes if you’d like, and relax.”

“I’d prefer keeping them open so I can watch you,” he said, taking position. I gave him a sharp look. “Sorry, sorry. Jeeze. A little touchy, aren’t we?”

“Yeah, I’m about to be.” A small smile peeked from my lips.

Wishing he closed his eyes so he wouldn’t see my hands tremble, I got to work. However, he watched my every move. I sat on the stool beside him and pushed the towel over so his rock-hard thigh was visible.

“What? No oils or creams?”

“No, it’s better to use my bare hands. I get a better grip that way.”

“You’re not making it easy, talking like that, you know.”

I giggled, warming up my hands.

“Just lay back and let me take care of you.”

His eyes darted towards mine as he lowered himself. 

“You’re not making this easy,” he said, sighing. “Okay, I’m ready.”



Normand’s face came to mind as I sat on a stool beside Mark. Guilt followed. Guilt and sadness. Why didn’t my husband turn me on as much as this fireman? Why was he so keen on hooking up? Was he just playing with me? 

Should I recommend another masseuse? Because I wasn’t sure if I could keep my wits about me once I touched this glorious man, who was more than willing to show me a good time. 

After furiously rubbing my hands to warm them up, I cleared my throat as I laid my hands on his thigh. Happy to see that he had little leg hair, I pressed gently against his thigh. 

His leg jerked. Mark moaned.

“Sorry,” I said, searching for the right spot. 

“Too bad there won’t be any oil. I wouldn’t mind getting all slick for you.”

My hands froze.

“You’ve got to stop talking like that or else I’m going to have to transfer you to a different therapist.”

“You’d really do that?” Mark’s eyebrows rose, surprised.

“I’d have no choice. Flirting with a client isn’t professional and I try to always be professional.”

Mark frowned before groaning again.

“That feels so good. I thought it would hurt.”

“I’m going to apply more pressure once the muscle tissues relax, but first I’ve got to stretch out the fascia surrounding your muscles.”

“Ooh, I love it when you talk dirty.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. I blushed, ignoring the guilty feeling attempting to creep in.

“Mark, you gotta stop it.”


I focused on his thigh. The fascia surrounding his rock-hard muscles softened. I applied more pressure. Mark groaned again. His deep voice caressed me, giving birth to a yearning I haven’t felt in a long time. Not since I first started dating my husband, when he actually gave a shit about getting me off. 

A bulge grew under the towel. It was a natural response, so I tried ignoring it, but the bulge kept growing, delighting my insides. Curiosity nipped at me as I watched out of my peripheral vision as the swelling continued, making his dick grow to its fullest. 

“Like what you see?”

Startled, my eyes whipped over to Mark’s. The smoky colour had darkened to black. Hunger glowed in them. 

“I—I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes, you do,” Mark laid his head back, a satisfied smile spread across his lips. “How long have you been massaging people?”

“For a while,” I said, applying more pressure. “You know, most people don’t enjoy talking during these sessions.”

“I’m not most people.”

I disregarded the comment. Realizing he was annoying me, he didn’t say another word until I was done.

“How do you feel?”

“Like I can take on the world. Your hands are magical, Hazel.”

“Thank you,” I said, standing while I flexed my hands. “Go get changed.” 

Pretending to look for something on the desk, I turned my back to him. Sensing him behind me, I spun around to find Mark standing inches away. 

“Is the other therapist any good?” Mark asked in a husky voice. He stared at my lips, waiting for a response.

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“Why? Was there a problem with my technique?” I stepped back, bumping into the desk.

He chuckled.

“Not with your technique. But there is a problem.”


“I want you. If I can’t have you while you’re my therapist, I want a new one.”

My insides quivered, sending sensations throughout my body. He vacuumed all the air again. I couldn’t breathe. Heat was rising. My palms dampened.


“Hazel, can I?” He searched my eyes for some consent.

His lips urged me to come closer.

“I’ll refer you to a colleague of mine.”



Mark grabbed me by the waist, pulled me against him, crushing his mouth against mine. He pried my lips apart, slipping in the warm tip of his tongue. He tasted like honey. His tongue plunged in further. My legs wobbled. His kiss melted my insides. I hung onto his shoulders for support. His broad, cut shoulders. 

I moaned against Mark’s mouth as he trailed his finger down my cheek, collarbone, bosom. He tweaked my nipple. I gasped. He lowered his mouth, biting and sucking at my neck. 

Mark’s towel slipped to the floor as he picked me up, carrying me to the massage table. He sat me down, pulling off my t-shirt to reveal my red lace bra. Pausing to admire the view, he traced his fingers from its straps to the center of my breasts. I shivered. Suddenly, he undid the front clasp. And without haste, my bountiful breasts escaped from their prison. 

“Mmm.” Mark licked his lips, biting the bottom one in anticipation. He glanced up at me. “You’re so beautiful. And sexy.”

My chest heaved. A slight fog took over my brain. I couldn’t think. All I could do was feel. Feel his calloused fingers, his generous mouth, his hard cock.

Mark took my boobs into his hands, squeezing gently. His thumbs grazed my nipples. He flicked. I gasped. The pink nipples hardened and swelled. They became more sensitive with each touch. He kneaded my breasts, exclaiming at their size and beauty.

“Do you like that?” he asked, pinching them. 

“Yes,” I panted. 

Normand’s face pushed its way into view. I should have felt guilty. Cheating was wrong, but this felt so right. But no guilt came. This was empowering. Sweet revenge that surpassed my every fantasy.

Inwardly begging for him to continue, I lifted my chest towards him. He obliged, lowering his head as he laid me back on the massage table. He nipped at my nipple. First one. Then the other. I dug my fingers into his dark curls, tugging his head up for another kiss. I tried pulling him on top of me, but he merely shook his head.

“Nope. I’m taking my time with you. When’s your next appointment?” 

Tranquil, I searched my useless brain for an answer.

“At eleven.” 


Before returning to the task at hand, Mark bent over, kissing me softly. 

“It’s my turn to massage you.” He flipped me over, making me squeal. He pulled off my jogging pants in one swoop. After slapping my ass, he removed my underwear, sniffing them. “Heaven. Just as I thought. Where are your oils?”

I pointed to where rows of oils and creams sat on a shelf.

“Ahh. Coconut.” He approached the table, popping open the bottle. He poured some oil along my spine, stopping just above my tailbone. Straddling me from the back, he spread his hands out, applying the right amount of pressure. He squeezed and dug into my skin. “How’s that?”

“You’ve done this before.”

“Not for a long time.”

“You’re good.” I sighed, closing my eyes. I pushed any thoughts from my head, enjoying the moment. “You’re so good.”

He reached around to grasp my breasts. Leaning in, he whispered in my ear, “I want to please you. I’ve wanted to since I saw you blushing in the elevator.” His breath tickled. l squirmed underneath him. It was his time to moan. He gripped my waist and rocked against me, poking me with a cock as big as my forearm. But he didn’t enter. Gliding his enormous penis through the oil, he rubbed the slick cock between my ass cheeks. 

He lowered his hands, gripping my bum. He squeezed before slapping it with enough force to get a small yelp out of me. 

“Yum.” I giggled, wiggling my ass, encouraging him to do it again. 

Delighted, he chuckled and obliged. I writhed underneath him. 

“Mark. Please.”

The fireman chuckled before lifting himself off of me. He flipped me over again with such strength it stole my breath. While he poured some more oil into his hand, I took advantage and memorized the V-shape leading down to his shaft. My insides heated up like hot lava. 

“You’re perfection, Hazel. Has anyone ever told you that?”

“Not anyone who counted.”

Mark frowned.

“He’s an idiot.”

I stared into his eyes as Mark mounted me again, resting his cock against my pussy lips. I squirmed and bucked, trying to insert his pulsing penis.

“No. No. No. Not yet,” he hummed as he massaged my breasts. He lowered himself for a kiss that trailed down from my mouth to my neck. He adjusted himself as he bit at my nipples. I gasped as they grazed against his teeth. “Perfection.”

I reached for him, trying to pull him towards me so he could enter me, but he retreated further. 

“Not yet.”

Mark opened my legs, massaging my inner thighs. 

“Am I doing it right?” he asked, kneading his fingertips deep into the muscles.


I watched as he bowed his head. I moaned when his tongue flicked my clit. He knew where to explore on the first shot. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. He sucked at it hard, creating an instant explosion inside of me.

“Oh, my God. Mark.”

I whimpered as he continued to suck, gentler this time. He slipped a thick finger into me without notice. He curled it, finding my g-spot. My hips bucked to the rhythm of his fingers as he explored my insides. I grabbed his hair and held his head in place as he licked, sucked, and nipped at my wet pussy. 

“Mark. Please. I want your cock in me. Please.”

He lifted his head enough to say, “Not yet, beautiful. You sexy goddess. Not till you cum.”

He pressed on my clit with his thumb, rubbing it fast to create enough friction to have me crying out in bliss. His thumb moved faster. My cries grew louder. His other hand slipped in and out of my dripping pussy. Then another surprise. His thumb poked and entered my ass. I protested at first. He stopped and looked down at me. Fuck it. I nudged his thumb until he slid it back and forth gently. New sensations blossomed, searching for release.

He removed his thumb before I could cum. I whimpered in protest. In one quick movement, he flipped me over, positioning himself to take me from the back with his beefy cock. 

Instead of ramming his throbbing dick in my glistening pussy, he slipped his head into my asshole. Surprised, I jumped, lifting my ass into the air.

“Yes, stay like that,” Mark ordered. 

He pushed inside of me in a way I’d never felt before. Slowly, he coaxed my hole to swallow him as he caressed my lower back and ass cheeks. I wasn’t sure if I could take him all in. He was so big. But soon enough, he was bucking, smashing my ass with everything he had. I match his rhythm as our skin connected, making loud smacking sounds. 

I inhaled deeply, smelling Mark’s musky cologne. I reach in between my legs, circled my hand around his shaft, and stroked. He groaned, squeezing my hips. It was all I needed to send me over the edge.

I came. 

I came hard. Again and again. Waves of heaven washed over me.

This fine specimen of a firefighter was burning all memories of my husband. There was no way Normand was getting it as good as I was, I thought triumphantly. 

I win.

“Aw, Mark. Make me cum again. It feels so good.”

Mark pulled out and flipped me over again. 

“You want more?”

I nod.

“Tell me you want me.”

“I want you.”

“Tell me I’m the best you’ve ever had.”

“Fuck, you are the best I’ve had.”

“Beg for it.”

“Please, Mark. Fuck me. Fuck me, hard.”

“Tell me I’m better than your husband.”

I paused, startled.

“Tell me.”

“You’re magnificent. You’re the best I’ve ever had. My husband pales in comparison. I want you. I want you so bad, it hurts.”

Mark growled as he took position and rubbed the throbbing head of his dick along my pussy lips. He plunged forward, deep into my core. I cried out in ecstasy. Digging into his back, I lifted my head to kiss his firm chest. First, the tiger needed attention before biting his nipple as I tweaked the other. He showed his excitement by giving a low growl as he filled me.

My hands lowered, cupping his ass, and pulled him in closer. I took in the full length of him. I didn’t know if I could take it. He was enormous. But my pussy stretched around him, welcoming his strength and size.

“You’re so big, Mark. You’re so big.”

My legs shook as he rocked back and forth; exiting fully before plunging back in. My thoughts buzzed into oblivion as I came again. As he jerked in and out, my mind soared through the clouds, taking its time coming back down.

“Mmm, Hazel. Kiss me.”

I raised my head. Our lips locked. Hoping they would never part, I stuck my tongue into his mouth this time. Our tongues danced together like they had always been partners. I coaxed his tongue into my mouth and sucked. 

He moaned. 

“My turn,” I whispered. 

“Huh?” He thrusted further into me. 

I forgot what I had said for a moment before repeating myself.

“My turn. I want your hard cock in my mouth. Please, baby.”

He pumped his fat penis into me a few more times before lifting himself off of me. A part of me regretted telling him to get up. My pussy felt so lonely without him invading its space.

I rose from the table and gestured for him to lie down. It was my turn to work with the oil. The sweet smell I barely noticed before enveloped us as I poured a dollop in my palm and wrapped my hand around his long, fat cock. Delighted, I gripped it tight as I moved my hand from beginning to end. I rubbed the tip of his head where the slit was. 

He shuddered.

“Keep doing that,” he said breathlessly. “No one has ever done that before. Keep going.”

I smiled as I rubbed and stroked, rubbed and stroked.

Empowered, I lowered my head, removing my thumb, and replacing it with my tongue. I danced around his head, licking, kissing. He jumped as I slurped his dick as far into my mouth as it would go. I bobbed up and down along his shaft, massaging his hairless balls. 

“Ooh, don’t stop, baby. Aw, Hazel, it feels so good.”

Mark’s head throbbed in my mouth as I twirled my tongue around it. I licked the entire length of him, sucking on his balls. I took one in my mouth, marveling at its smoothness. To be fair, I sucked at the other one. Running my hand up and down his cock as my mouth played with his balls.

Mark growled, rising from his position. I protested, not wanting him to leave me feeling cold and alone. But instead of leaving, he picked me up in one swoop, placing his arms under my legs as he held me firm. Searching for my pussy, his dick bobbed against me. Finally, he inserted himself into me. I panted in his ear as I bounced against his rock-hard body. I grinded against him, our slick bodies moving as one. 

The fireman knew what he was doing. My toes curled as I found release, exploding from the inside. He followed. Stiffening. Shuddering. I wrapped my arms around him as I slid down to my feet. He kissed me slowly, groaning against my mouth. 

Mark leaned against the table, holding me close. We caught our breaths, coming back down to Earth. 

“I’m so happy I referred you to someone else,” I said with a content grin. 

“Wait until next time,” Mark replied, kissing my forehead. He cupped my chin and brought my face up so he could give me one long kiss. I tasted him, just as I knew he tasted me. Delicious. “Let’s clean up.”

And to my astonishment, Mark helped do just that. 



Waiting for Mark in a cafe across the street from my office after work, I sipped a vanilla Mocha. It warmed my insides. My drinking hot drinks in the middle of summer always puzzled my husband, but Mark delighted in the same treat. One of many. 

“Hazel!” Shelly shrieked from the doorway. She pushed past the people waiting in line until she was at my table. She tossed her briefcase down before going to order. “Watch my stuff.”

Annoyed, I shook my head, frowning. I wasn’t ready to share Mark yet. She didn’t even know anything about him. Maybe I could get her to leave before he arrives. 

No such luck. 

Seconds after Mark surprised me from behind by wrapping his arms around me, nuzzling my ear, Shelly showed up with a cafe latte. She froze in her tracks.

“What the hell?” 

“Um, Mark, can you get me another cup? We’re going to be here awhile.”

He kissed my neck before heading over to the line, which had shrunk by several customers. He glanced over his shoulder, eyebrow raised, questioning. 

“Who the hell is that?”



“And what?”

Shelly sucked her drink through a straw. My annoyance mirrored her face.

“Don’t play dumb. Who is he and why is he kissing your neck?”

I sighed. She wasn’t going to leave me alone until I told her the whole story. I had to hurry before Mark came back. Who knew how she was going to react?

“His name’s Mark. I met him last month at work. He was a client—don’t worry. He’s not anymore. I referred him to Charles. Anyway, we’ve been having sex every chance we get. And man, Shelly, he’s pure heaven.”

“I didn’t know you had it in you. So, I’ve been making that list for nothing. I wondered why you haven’t kicked Normand out yet.”

I watched Mark as he made his order. Leaning against the counter, he turned around, watching from afar. 

“I can’t do that to the kids. Not while they are so young. I want to wait a few years.”

“Normand’s okay with it?”

“He doesn’t know about Mark. He’d be pissed. You know how chauvinistic he is. What’s good for him isn’t for me, type of thing. Mark’s okay with an open relationship for now. Even though he’s not seeing anyone else, he’s not ready to settle down yet.”

“That was honest of him.”

“I know.” I smiled as he approached.

Shelly fluffed her hair. A devilish smile crossed her lips as she stared at him. She shifted her gaze to me with a glint in her eye.

“An eye for an eye, right, Mark?” Shelly said, standing up to shake his hand. 

“Huh?” Confusion swam in his gorgeous eyes.

“Revenge, baby,” I said, giving him a long, public kiss. “She’s talking about sweet, sticky revenge.”

Written by Belle_Piron
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