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Gina In The Doghouse

"Gina cheats once too often"

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"What the fuck is this, Gina?"

I sat bolt upright in our bed and saw my husband looking at myself and my lover, naked in each other's arms. I looked back at him as Tristan got up and left in a hurry.

"Was he better than me?"

What could I say as Martin's eyes burned right through me? How could I explain that the thrill of the affair, the excitement of possibly getting caught red-handed, and the red-hot sex were my main sources of achieving sexual satisfaction? After three years of a not-too-unhappy marriage, our sex life had become stale. Methodical. Just plain dull.


Martin was one of the promotional team members at the brand-new Tottenham Hotspur Football Club Stadium. As he became more and more involved in the day-to-day grind of planning and building, I became more and more bored and unfulfilled.

Not to mention horny. Thrills at home I did N0T get. Ever. When I first played away from home I naturally felt guilt. Guilt changed to conflict as I notched up a series of affairs, and conflict altered to exhilaration as I experimented in the bedroom with my varied lovers.


My latest beau was one of the Spurs footballers. Tristan was a slim black guy who had just turned nineteen. We had met at the team training ground and I was instantly attracted to his youthful good looks and virile body. I had never had a big black cock in my life and I made it plain of my intentions to fuck him. It didn't take much persuading.

I was quite the looker if I say so myself. I'm quite tall, almost six feet and my hair is brown and very long, so long that when I move my head it bobs around my shoulders and down my back. My face is rather long and my brown eyes are set well apart. Martin used to say that my lips were perfect for giving blow jobs which I found surprisingly flattering. My figure is slim and my legs are long. But my best attribute has to be my breasts. Not too large and not too small. Very firm I am glad to say with delicate pink nipples that are nice and hard.


A week passed after that, and a week without sex was like a life sentence. Martin had moved into the spare bedroom and refused to speak to me. I urgently sent Tristan text after text.

"Where the hell are you?"


"I need you here, now!"


"I want your hot bod, you devil!"


Finally, he showed up at our house in Hertfordshire without any apologies, and in minutes we were naked and in bed. I tossed all of the pillows aside and pulled back the expensive covers. I wasn't THAT stupid to ruin good linen. For the next ten minutes, the well-endowed black hunk sent me dizzy with lust. He pounded my cunt with my legs pointing up to the ceiling, and from behind me as I went on my hands and knees. His big thrusting prick sent me into a welcome delirium, something Martin was unable to do anymore.

Then, when I had been reduced to a limp rag I let the black buckram his pulsing black bone down my throat until he painted my tonsils with his warm cum. When we were done I felt like I had gone ten rounds with Tyson Fury I was so exhausted and sweaty. But I felt good and another of my fantasies could be ticked off. Then Martin returned home early. Not surprisingly he went ballistic.

"You fucking bitch! This is it! I'm done with you. But before I kick you out on your cheating arse I'm going to beat it black and blue."

I had not seen this side of Martin and I have to say that my pussy tingled mightily, and I rubbed my bare upper thighs together to savour the sexual heat in my loins. yelped as he grabbed both of my wrists and held them behind my back and then turned my belly down on the bed. With my face buried in the fluffy pillow, I struggled half-heartedly as he pressed his knee into the small of my back.

"What are you up to?"

He gripped my right arm and forced it above my head to the right side of the headboard. I looked up to see him wind one of my scarves around my wrist and then tie off the remaining slack where the mattress met the lower bedpost. Before I could respond he had done the same to my left wrist.

"You're a dark horse, aren't you? If you had wanted to play games I would have let you."

His face came to the back of my neck and he whispered that he was going to spank my bottom.

"You are?"

Martin moved his hands slowly down my spine as he lifted his weight from my back and my senses heightened as he made his way to the backs of my thighs. My breathing had become more pronounced as I felt heavenly moisture between my thighs. Then I heard him rise and there followed an uneasy silence. I panted hard from the light tussle and resisted the temptation to turn my head back.

Then it started. I shuddered as Martin ran his palm over both my cheeks in what I could only describe as a tender and loving caress. He slipped a pillow under my midriff and I wondered if he was going to fuck me. But I soon realised that my raised bottom was being offered up as a submissive target.


Martin rained down on my milky white buttocks with his open palm and the force pushed me into the pillow. As my rump bounced back up he hit me with increasing intensity and my sorry bum burned like hell. I saw the shadow of his hand as it rose and fell in devastating and unnerving accuracy and I whimpered into the pillow. My ears were filled with the smack of his flattened palm on my soft flesh and a spreading heat grew more and more in my nether regions.

"OW! How much more?"

"I've only getting warmed up, you cheating bitch!"

I tugged on my wrists that had been spread out to each corner of the headboard as Martin now got into his stride. My stinging nates bounced up and down as he made firm contact and I swore into the pillow. There came a lull in the proceedings and Martin seemed to retreat into the back of the bedroom.

"Ah, just the thing."

I heard Martin rummage around in my dresser and the next thing I did was yell out in pain as he struck me with my wooden hairbrush. Each hard blow left me with what I could only guess were red rectangle imprints on the back of the brush as I was beaten soundly. I attempted to wiggle my posterior in a vain effort to avoid the inevitable but a rapid barrage of spanks pushed me flat to the bed.


"Shut up, you cunt!

I buried my face in the pillow beneath my head as he gave me cracks on each cheek in turn. Left, right, and left again. Then he paused and I heard him breathing behind my ear before he proceeded with an overlapping assault on my stinging derriere.


He swung his arm up in a wide arc as he struck the soft cushions of my rounded bottom. In his anger, Martin managed to make contact with the backs of my thighs, although I was not sure he didn't mean it as he then concentrated on smacking the brush on the insides of my legs.

Now I had pain in my backside and my upper legs, almost up to my pussy which poked out from between my chastised buttocks in a suggestive manner. He made a slow and steady build-up in speed and I howled in protest. Then he slowed and banged the brush on the precise center of my buttocks with mind-numbing spaces of three seconds between hits.

My rear end felt as though it was on fire, yet, as my passion rose, I no longer wished him to stop. My hips made involuntary motions back and forth as if I were seeking the desired thrusts of a rampant cock. The insides of my thighs were slick with my juices and I desperately wished I could rub them together.

"Let me look at you, you silly bitch."

Martin had stopped spanking me to study his handiwork, just at the point when I wondered how much more abuse I could endure. I quivered as his fingers invaded the sore curves of my glowing bum, pausing at what presumably were the biggest marks. Then I gasped as he moved his attention to my vulnerable pussy where he lingered at the point where my anus stopped and my slit began. He squeezed and I was surprised to discover that I was very wet down there.

"Would you like me to fuck you, Gina?"

"Yes, I think I actually would."

I waited for his next move which was not what I expected at all. He bent my legs up at the knees and I felt what seemed like a soft rope of some sort being snugly wound around my ankles. Then Martin released my right wrist from the bedpost and pulled my arm behind my back where he wrapped the same rope around my wrist.

Where the fuck did he get the rope from?

Did he have it already just for this purpose?

I tried to roll onto my side as he undid my other wrist and brutally pulled my arm back and connected that to my right one. He pushed me flat onto my front and used one length of the rope to tie my ankles to my wrists behind my back. I was now teetering in a hog-tied position on my front on the bed and I was fixed rigid. My arms in their upraised position counterbalanced my weight on my front and I was thus rendered helpless. I had been turned into a kind of fuck toy for my husband with my naked body set in a humiliating posture. Vulnerable and ripe for the plucking. Or was that fucking?

"Where on earth have you learned all this? Have you been taking lessons in knot tying?"


Martin grabbed my hair and pulled it so that my neck was up an awkward angle. He put all of the fingers of his right hand in my mouth and I tasted his flesh. Then he let go of my head and moved between my legs where he inserted his middle digit inside my dripping cunt. My mouth must have hung open as drool covered the pillow under my head. He frigged my pussy with two fingers combined as his thumb probed my anus.

I began to moan.

The moans that were initially ones of discomfort were now those of pleasure as my pussy and asshole were probed and nipped.

"Oh, Martin!"

Martin had his erection in his right hand and I felt it at the entrance to my quim. His left hand pulled my left hip to his groin and his hot length slid inside me. He started to fuck me as he held me by my ankles which were up in the air at the same level as my head. My back arched tightly as he gently thrust up and rocked me on my front.

"Fucking whore! Fucking cheating slut!"

My angry husband pulled me into his groin as his cock buried itself deep inside my pussy. I was incredibly wet but my cunt was tight as my body was wracked into the hogtie. The ropes grew tighter and dug deeper into my tender flesh as my pussy walls eased open around the familiar feel of his boner as my hips rolled from his frenzied fucking.

Like a crazed animal, Martin thrust into me like a machine, making me grunt loudly with every stroke. He propped himself above me on his elbows and I felt the hotness of his breath on the back of my neck. Sweat prickled my skin as he pumped me over and again.

The mattress beneath us squeaked as I was screwed into the bed, and my climax began to build by degrees. Waves of pleasure consumed me and I screamed into a pillow as I came. After a quick-fire flurry of power thrusts, Martin erupted inside me, holding my body still as he came with guttural grunts. As his hot seed seeped out of my quivering cunt, I felt my spasms subside, and we both gasped for breath.

"Put that in your pipe and smoke it."

Martin began the task of undoing my binds and I came to the guilty conclusion that I had just thoroughly enjoyed myself.

"Am I forgiven, babe?"

Martin rolled onto his back with his dribbling dick on his right thigh and I already knew the answer to my question.


I suppose I had it coming. I had been unfaithful to my husband and had shown no regrets, no remorse. Truth be told I was addicted to sex. And the rougher the better.

Martin had cooled off in the bedroom big time. He had a well-paid job for which I was grateful, and I had big reservations about getting divorced. When I had been caught red-handed fucking a young black hunk in our marital bed I feared the worst. Not only that, but Martin had tied me to the bed, spanked my sorry ass, and then fucked my brains out. And curiously enough we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I had been consumed by an adventurous urge I had never experienced before and the spanking had increased the intensity of my orgasm. Maybe I had always had a submissive side that had laid dormant all my life, not realising it at a conscious level.

"Do you promise to do everything I say without question, Gina?"

"Yes, anything you want."

And let's face it. I needed the money. What was I going to do for a living? I had married young and lived off Martin ever since. I had no intention of existing on pitiful benefits. So I agreed to let Martin get his rocks off and submit me to another submissive role-play session. I had put on my best lingerie for the session.

"You're a dirty little cheat. And you need to be punished."

I had a black lace bra with a nice mesh perspective and push-up effect. The panties had a tempting frill at the hem and were cut tantalisingly high up on the hips. My soft chestnut curls tumbled in an alluring disarray around my shoulders and down my back. Martin eyed up my bare long legs and I noted little beads of sweat on his brow. My husband was naked and his full erection gave a sharp twitch of arousal. He had an odd evil glint in his eye as he stepped forward and gripped my face in an iron fist. He squeezed my cheeks together until my lips pursed comically.

"Alright, Martin," I managed to splutter.

That earned me a big slap across my left cheek.

"Master. From now on you refer to me as Master."

"If you like."

"If you like, Master."

I got another smack on the face and my nose ran a bit as he connected with it. And to think I had always regarded him as a nice guy. I saw his boner point up to the ceiling as he stood next to me. He took me by the hand to our bed and stood me at the foot where we had two solid wooden posts and a footboard as a focal point. I was made to stand just in front of the footboard as Martin handed me an eyeshade.

"Put this on."

As I put it over my head and covered my eyes and all I could see was darkness.

"Can you see anything?"


Martin then took my left arm and stretched it out fully and tied what felt like a thin rope or twine around my forearm to the wrist. He did the same to my other arm and presumably, I had been tied off to the two chunky bedposts as I was held fast. My legs were widened and were made to protrude outward so that my pussy and ass were very exposed. More rope was wound around my ankles and my legs were stretched almost totally out to each side. I was already becoming damp between my legs as I squirmed a little to test the binds.

"Can you move?"

"Only on the spot."


"Er, no. Master. Sorry."

My cheeks puffed out as I exhaled from the crack on my face. Now I waited in a state of trepidation and heightened arousal. Martin put his hand on my left breast and squeezed and my pussy moistened up nicely. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he kneaded my tit and my breathing quickened. He lifted my other tit in my bra and then crushed both together to make one big boob. I swung gently from left to right as I stood suspended between the posts and heard Martin move behind me.


He smacked my left buttock with his open palm and I squealed from the sudden assault. Not so much the pain but the initial shock of it. Then he smacked me on the right cheek and the left again. As I whimpered softly, Martin stopped and rubbed my buns lovingly and let me relish the heat that had begun in my loins. He brushed my mound through the skimpy panties and I threw my head back and bit my lower lip.


The complete blackness was intimidating yet exciting and a ripple of electric tingling went through my sex. Then I yelped and my lower body lurched forward as more forceful smacks met both my buttocks hard. I tugged my arms but barely made any movement as I reeled from a full barrage of spanks that left me breathless and a humming bottom. I guessed that Martin must be kneeling behind me on the footboard as his naked body occasionally met my rear end.

"Such a lovely bum," he said as he patted my nates and felt the burning heat there. "A nice shade of red I must say."

"Martin, you bastard!"

My pent-up outburst resulted in him raining down blow after blow on my ass.

"When I am done, you cheating cunt, you will call me Master!"

I sobbed a bit from the shock of the punishment but I was also turned on and I must surely have made a damp patch on my panties as my pussy grew wetter and wetter. Indeed Martin ceased his ministrations and slid two fingers under them and into my muff.

"So, spanking turns you on, hmm?"

I sighed as he moved in and out and I jiggled to and fro on his fingers to enjoy the delicious intrusion.

"Wait! Is there someone else?"

I gasped as I felt TWO pairs of hands run across the tops of my thighs and across my stomach. There was no mistake. Martin had an accomplice!

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I threw my head back as my bra was unhooked and two pairs of lips licked my hard nipples at the same time. The thrill was indescribable as I was licked, sucked, and flicked at while searching fingers trailed all over my body. No part was left untouched as my hips, flanks, arms, legs, and tits were caressed and fondled.

"Who, who is it, Martin?"

"Say hi to Tristan, babe."

Tristan was the nineteen-year-old footballer I had cheated with last. He was a well-built black guy with a big cock who had reduced me to a wet rag with his rampant lovemaking. He turned my head and kissed me full on the lips and I responded wholeheartedly and kissed him back.

"Hello, gorgeous."


I made low moans as his fulsome lips slobbered all over my mouth and face and I felt his hard body bump me as he stood in front of me. He was naked, I was sure of it. Martin ran his hand through my silken tresses as he pawed at my breast and I moaned in contentment.

"Isn't she just a dirty, little whore?"

I yelled into Tristan's mouth as my panties were yanked down at the crotch and then rent in two as Martin tore them off. With both my legs parted by the rope around my ankles I felt surprisingly vulnerable.

Again, four hands stroked my stomach in a downward spiral to my trim muff. I felt a twitch in my vulva as rolling fingers made sublime circles around my labia, carefully avoiding my leaking slit.

"What's that?"

Still, in utter darkness, I fancied I could smell leather and I sucked in oxygen and twisted my naked body as Martin's trouser belt slowly slid over my exposed pussy. I hissed through gritted teeth as he lifted the belt that was threaded through my labia and sawed back and forth on my sensitive flesh. My clitoris was rubbed and my heart pounded in my chest. The belt was removed and then my ears rang with the sound of a loud crack Martin had smacked my posterior with the belt.


Again Martin yanked the leather strap along my dripping slit and it pushed and bit into my wet gash. When it slipped away I tensed my buttocks as it came down hard thrice. As I panted from the sharp ache Martin ran the belt up my spine and back down between my legs.

"Wait, you devil!"

I heard chuckling and I scowled under my eyeshade as I was given several whacks with the belt. My head tilted back and I screamed as my ass was brutally attacked with a dozen or more blows.

"You cannot be serious!"

My cries were in vain as Martin left my stinging rump and came to my front and I shivered at a tap, tap, tap on my labia. Then he began a sadistic assault on my pussy and thighs and I lost control of all of my senses. The belt cut into my vulnerable pussy and I experienced sensations I had never felt before. As I squirmed and panted, my inner thighs were attacked and left raw and maltreated. I moaned from deep within my throat as the hard leather met the hard flesh of my clit and I shook violently in orgasm.

"Hang on, this is supposed to be discipline, not fun."

As I hung limp on my binds perspiration dappled my curves. I inhaled through runny nostrils and cursed both men. My bum stung and glowed from the incessant spanking and my pussy had melted with abject pleasure and afterburn. I felt hands then untie me from the posts only to find myself positioned on my belly in an X shape. My wrists and ankles were tied and a pillow was thrust under my midriff.

"Go ahead, man. Fuck the shit out of her."


Finally, my blind was removed from my face and I blinked in the light of the bedroom.


Tristan had deposited his heavy frame behind my back and in one swift motion, his huge cock plunged up inside of me. He started a fast screw that made me bounce up and down in the mattress beneath him. His muscled thighs met the backs of mine and my head sank deeper into the soft pillow. Each time he thrust in he exhaled with a snort of air that blew on the nape of my neck. His groin rubbed on my tender bottom as he hammered my quivering cunt and I made two fists that turned my knuckles white.

"Fuck me, fuck me!"

I was still trying to get over the pain of the belt as Tristan slammed into me. His strength and youth did not abate as he sped up his strokes. I pulled on my wrists as his bodily sweat covered my entire back and my tits mashed into the bed.

"Hooo, boy!"

My pussy felt stretched beyond capacity as he worked his immense cock on and out of me. His hips pressed into my straining cheeks as he gave me no respite.
He cried out and a huge stream of cum squirted up my cunt. He kept on pumping in and out as he filled me up and then stayed buried deep in me as his cock began to subside. Any energy I had left soon left me as Martin took his place, eased his dick into my sodden hole, and started to pound away. My husband knew me well and he expertly hammered into me so that his hefty balls hit my clit.

My moans and cries of delight merely added to his smug superiority as he fucked me even harder. His driving strokes meant that his hips flattened my sore buttocks and my juices trickled out as I came for the second time. Martin tensed and I felt his prick pulse as he sprayed the insides of my pussy with his seed. His cock remained inside me and it felt hot and sticky. When he pulled out, his hose made a sucking sound as he swiped his length up my saturated slit.


He withdrew from my overfilled cunt and I was totally spent. Martin untied me and laughed at all the sticky goo that slowly trickled out of me. I felt sore and achy but was so wiped out that I immediately fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next day I awoke to see Martin busy on his Galaxy Tablet.

"What are you doing, babe?"

He looked up with an almost wicked grin on his face as he held up the device so that I could see what website he was on.

"Listen to this. Discover tie-and-tease play with our huge range of bondage gear. Whether you're a bondage beginner or a Shibari expert, we have a full range of BDSM toys and accessories, from handcuffs and restraints to spankers, ticklers, and floggers. Discreet packaging is guaranteed. Shall we go shopping?"

I sat up and rubbed my bottom to and fro in the bed, loving how the sheet rode up in the crevice of my nether cheeks.

"Do they offer express delivery," I answered with a chuckle.


Written by moasan
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