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Divine Transformation

"A plain Jane from a religious family was brought up thinking sex is naughty. That changes quickly."

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To understand this transformation, I need to give some background information.  My name is Sarah; I was one of two daughters of a minister.  During my life, I was always very conservative and sheltered.  I never wore makeup, and my dress, which would hide my 38D breasts, was still old-fashioned compared to the other girls in my school. 

At seventeen, I did have my first date; well, many would not recognize it as a date.  A boy named Sam from our church took me to a movie night my father hosted in the church's basement.  Sam was a boy who would talk to my father because he wanted to follow in my father's footsteps and become a minister.  My father liked Sam, probably more than I did, but I felt like a big girl to have a date.  Our date consisted of watching the movie, Sam never attempted to hold my hand, and there was no kiss as he walked me home.

Sam's parents were as religious as mine, and they drilled into our heads that we needed to be healthy and not give in to temptations.  Sam and I remained boyfriend and girlfriend for the next year until we graduated high school.  Two weeks before my nineteenth birthday Sam and I were married three weeks before going away to seminary school.

Our wedding night was the night I lost my virginity, and as I am aware of how it was not anything special for sure.  Not knowing what to expect, I now know there would never be anything in our marriage as far as foreplay.  It would only be Sam climbing on top of me and making love to me in the missionary position.   Our family would drill into both of us that it was dirty to try anything else.  I once asked my mother what a blowjob was.  She asked me why I was asking, and I told her I heard some girls talking about it at school.  Her response to me was, good girls do not do that!

During Sam's time in school, I gave birth to our son and a year later to our daughter.  I felt like our life was complete.  As Sam focused on school, I became a super mom and loved doing it.

Sam finished school and went to his church in a suburb of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Sam and I dedicated ourselves to the church.  That is until my kids started school.  I found a massive void in my life now that my kids were away from me during the day. 

Sam and I spoke about it, and he felt I needed something that would occupy me during the day, something that would give me a purpose.  I agreed and started looking for some charities or causes that might need my help. 

That is when I found a new clinic in Philadelphia.  The clinic provided medical services to young children and adults in the neighborhood and people suffering from addictions.  I contacted the clinic's executive director, and he was delighted to have me volunteer.  We agreed that I could volunteer three days a week to start.

The following Monday, after my kids went off to school, I jumped on the train and headed to the city.  Everyone was so wonderful and made me feel at home.  I left there that day feeling energized and fulfilled. 

On the train ride home, I thought to myself, This is what I needed. I can't wait to go back there on Wednesday.

As I completed my household chores on Tuesday, I was still flying high after my incredible day on Monday and found myself counting the minutes until I returned.  As Wednesday came, I was up bright and early getting the kids ready for school, and then got myself prepared so that I could catch the train promptly.

Entering the clinic, I said my hellos to everyone I met on Monday.  As I greeted the executive director, he told me he had a new project where I would fit in perfectly.  He went on to say to me he would like me to work with his counselor, who works with addiction clients.   They were moving into a new part of the building, and he needed someone to help him set it up.  I was excited about the challenge.

The director took me downstairs to a room filled with boxes.  There he introduced me to Leon.  Leon is a tall black man covered in tattoos.  His arms were more extensive than most men's legs; he had broad shoulders and a solid muscular chest.

Leon smiled at me as he approached me; he extended his hand to shake mine as he greeted me.  The director told Leon I was a new volunteer and would help him set up the offices.  Leon was very appreciative to get help.  As the director left, he looked around at all the boxes and shook his head as he said, "Looks like you guys will have your work cut out for you."

Leon explained to me what he was hoping to complete and how he wanted everything arranged.  As he spoke to me, I was in awe of his size and tattoos.  Being a woman from a sheltered family, I had no transactions throughout my life with an African American man or woman.  I think I was a little hesitant but had no reason to be since Leon was charming and polite. 

As we got started, we talked about many things to get to know each other, and I was a bit embarrassed as I kept staring at him as I told him about my background and family.  We worked hard, but the day flew by, and again I left there feeling as if I accomplished something.

During the ride home and the next day, I kept thinking of Leon and how sweet he was, but most of all, how muscular he was just fascinated me.   I again was up earlier than expected and ready to leave as soon as my kids left.

I walked into the clinic and went directly downstairs.  Leon was already there greeting me good morning, He was wearing a tank top, and I couldn't stop looking at his arms and tattoos.  I felt myself become flushed as he shook my hand and greeted me.  We got right to work again, and like the other day, we got to know each other.

Leon told me he grew up in the area and returned to the community to do some good, hopefully.  As naive as I am, I asked him was he away because he went to school.  He looked at me with a smirk and said, "No, I was not away for school. I spent the last eight years in prison."

I was shocked, and well, it was evident that I was.  I apologized and told Leon how bad I felt for asking that.  He gave me comfort and told me not to feel bad.  He went on to say to me how he grew up in this neighborhood and how they needed to become gang members to survive.  He explained how drugs and violence were a part of his life and how it all came crashing down when the police arrested him nine years ago.  He spent a year in county jail before trial, and then the courts convicted him to ten years in state prison.  He was given credit for the year in county and an early release, so he spent a total of eight years in the state's custody.

I have to admit Leon fascinated me even more now.  However, being stupid again, I asked him if he was so muscular because he grew up in such a rough neighborhood.  He chuckled and told me, "No, being locked up for so long, I needed something to keep me out of trouble, so I would work out and lift weights constantly."

Surprisingly, hearing about Leon's past criminal issues made me even more interested in Leon.  I had never known anyone who was in prison, and this drew me even more to him.  I wanted to know everything that he went through and did.   I would ask Leon so many questions, and he was frank in answering them.  After about an hour, I realized how many private questions I asked him, and I apologized but confessed to him how it interested me.

The end of the day came, and I headed home.  I thought of Leon all the way home and how his life was so traumatic and how it seemed he had changed it around.  All night and all day Saturday, I kept thinking of him.  Saturday nights after dinner, Sam would put the final edit on his sermon for Sunday.  Then he would join me in bed.  Saturday night was our intimate time together.  He would undress and join me in bed, where he would take off my nightgown and caress my breasts as he climbed on top of me.  He would place his penis inside of me and thrust in and out until he orgasmed inside of me.  He would then roll over and go to sleep.  I thought that was how it was for all married couples.

The next day was uneventful for the most part. We went to church and listened to Sam preach and then worked around the church for most of the day before we went home for dinner.

Monday came, and off to the clinic I went to volunteer.  I beat Leon there, so I started emptying some boxes.  Twenty minutes later, Leon showed up, and I could feel my mood elevate and put me in a much happier state. 

Leon asked me how my weekend was, and I told him it was uneventful and told him about it (except for our lovemaking).  He looked at me and asked if that was how most of my weekends went, and I told him it was just like that all the time.  He asked me if I ever let my hair down and got a little wild. I was telling him how that never happens.  He continued to ask me if I ever got wild even when I was younger.  Feeling uncomfortable with him asking me this, I answered his questions about how I had never been crazy.

He went on to ask me why I always dressed so conservatively.  I told him it was how my parents raised me.  My parents told me how good girls should never dress like sluts.  Leon looked at me, stating that there is nothing wrong with a good slut.  They usually have a great time and feel a great deal of pleasure.

Leon got quiet, and we worked at emptying some more boxes.  As it became lunchtime, I told Leon how I brought some pot roast with potatoes and carrots that I made and had more than I could ever eat, so I asked him if he would like to share it with me.  He accepted, and I went and warmed it up.

We sat and ate lunch.  Leon raved about the pot roast, which made me feel a little special since Sam never compliments me on my cooking.  Leon started asking me about my youth again and shocked me when he asked me when I lost my virginity.  It surprised me even more when I told him the truth, "On my wedding night."

Leon was shocked to hear that, as he told me the girls in his high school were sexually active, and it was always easy for him to get laid.  He was raised in a different environment from the one I grew up in, but hearing about it fascinated me. 

The rest of the week continued as we both asked each other question after question about our life as we cleaned, painted, and set up the office.  I found myself enjoying all the compliments Leon would give me as he would tell me how pretty I was and how I needed to let go.  I would now make lunch for both of us every day, and he always complimented me.

At the end of the week, we were saying our goodbyes and wishing each other a good weekend when I was stunned as Leon pulled me into his massive arms and pulled me tight to him and kissed me.  I did not pull away, and I found myself kissing him back at first before I pulled away and ran out of the room and went home without saying a word.

My weekend was no different from any of the others.  Sam came up to bed on Saturday night, climbed onto me, and thrust in and out of me until he orgasmed and he fell asleep.  I lay next to him as I couldn't sleep, and all I could think about was Leon's kiss.  I felt so many different emotions that I had never felt before, and it confused me.  I kept telling myself I was a married woman, and I should not be doing anything like this.  That is when I realized that I had not been happy with my husband, and I wanted more in my life and that more was Leon.  He did more than interest me; I liked him.

Monday morning came as I left early again for the clinic.  Leon was already there when I arrived.  I greeted him good morning and went on with my work.  Leon didn't say much to me for about the first twenty minutes.  That was when he approached me and apologized to me.

"I am sorry for my weakness on Friday," he told me. "I had no right to kiss you, it beat me up all weekend, and I am very sorry for my actions.  It will never happen again."

I stood there quietly as he said his speech; I just looked into the box where I was working.  As he finished and was walking away, I blurted out, "What if I wanted it to happen again?" I do not know where I got the nerve to blurt that out, but now I am not sorry I did.

Leon stopped and stood there for a few seconds before he turned around and walked back to me.  "What are you telling me, Sarah?" 

I went on to say to him how I was not happy and how I felt I had no self-worth from my husband.

Leon took me into his arms and told me, "Sarah, you are a beautiful sexy woman who has so much to give to everyone." I started to cry as he said to me that.  He wrapped his arms around me to comfort me.  As he pulled me into his muscular frame, I felt as if everything was going to be just fine.

Leon stepped away from me, smiling. He asked me, "What do you say we play hooky today?"

I looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"Trust me; it will be something you need if you just trust me and enjoy what will happen."

I never did anything so spontaneous or unplanned, so I smiled and eagerly told him, "Yes, let's do it!  I am all yours."

Leon took my hand and guided me out the door and down the street as we walked into an apartment building.  We went to the second floor and went into apartment twenty-two.  It was a neat, well-kept apartment, kind of sparely decorated but in good taste.

I looked around but didn't say a word. Leon moved to me and took me into his arms and again kissed me.  This kiss was more passionate than Friday's was as Leon's tongue explored my mouth.  I knew about a French kiss, but this was the first time anyone ever kissed like that.  I felt my legs go weak. 

Leon picked me up in his strong arms and carried me into another room.  It was his bedroom.  He placed me down next to the bed; he cupped my face with his hands, kissed me softly on the lips, and whispered, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

My eyes were tearing.  I could only nod my head up and down.  Leon's hands moved to my head as he undid my hair tie, letting my hair fall.  He smiled at me and whispered, "Beautiful."

His hands lowered as he started unbuttoning my dress; I stood there motionless.  It was the first time anyone other than myself undressed me.  It was stirring emotions for me.  He pushed the shoulder from my dress over my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.  Feeling embarrassed, I lowered my head, looking down at the ground.

He placed his fingers under my chin and pulled my head up until I looked into his eyes. "Don't," he said, "don't be ashamed of your beauty."  My heart melted as he whispered those words to me.

His hands moved behind me as he undid my bra, letting it fall to the floor, exposing my bare breasts.  My hands instinctively moved to cover my breasts.  Leon took hold of them and pushed them away as he whispered, "No, no, no, don't cover up this beautiful body and amazing tits."  I dropped my hands to the side as Leon moved his hands to my waist, pushing my panties down over my hips, letting them fall around my ankles.

Standing there totally naked in front of Leon, I felt too nervous since this was the first time a man other than my husband saw me naked.  As he stood there staring at me, he took off his shirt.  I felt my body tingle as I looked at him.  My hand instinctively reached out, trembling as I touched his massive chest. 

Leon picked me up and softly laid me on the bed.  He stood there, looking down on me.  I watched as he undid his belt, then his waistband, and lowered his pants as well as his underwear.  My eyes widened, and without thinking, I blurted out, "Oh my God, that is huge." Then fear shot over me, "That will never go in me."

Leon whispered to me, "Relax, baby, we'll take it slow, you'll love it." He then straddled my hips as he leaned down softly, kissing my lips.  His hands caressing my shoulder, down to my tits,  Leon pinched my big brown nipples between his thumb and forefinger.  He leaned down and wrapped his lips around my right nipple.  I softly moaned as his hand caressed my left tit and he sucked on my right nipple. 

I felt my breathing become more intense as Leon left my breast and started kissing down my stomach; he moved between my legs and spread them wider.  I felt Leon's fingers touch my pussy lips and open them as he leaned into me.  I felt his tongue slowly lick up my slit until it reached my clit.  He flickered his tongue over my clit, which caused me to grab a ball of the sheets.  I never felt this feeling before.  I felt like I was going to explode.  My hips kept rising into Leon's face.  I didn't want him to stop, then suddenly my body tensed up, and I felt like I exploded.  This feeling was something I never felt before.  I was so wet, I thought to myself, Did I pee?  I felt embarrassed. 

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I started to cry.

"What's the matter, baby?  Why are you crying?" 

"I'm so sorry I wet myself like that."

"No, no, baby, when you orgasm, you get like this, you didn't do anything.  Haven't you ever orgasmed before?"

Looking away, I could only whisper, "No."

"Oh, baby, you deserve so much more."

With that, Leon moved up on me, "Baby, I want you to make love to you.  Is that okay?"

He saw the fear in my eyes. "Trust me, baby, I'll never do anything to hurt you."

I shook my head yes. I placed my hands on the back of his head. "Yes, I do trust you, baby."

Leon's hand moved down between us, then I felt the tip of his big black cock at my opening.  My body automatically tensed.

"Relax, baby, just relax and enjoy it.  I promise you won't get hurt."

His words were comforting to me; my hands tightened around his neck. "Yes, baby, yes, fuck me." I had never spoken like that before.  Leon slowly thrust into me to where the tip of his cock entered me.  He kept talking to me and comforting me as he pushed more into me, going very slowly, making sure I was comfortable before he thrust more into me.

At first, I felt fear, but as I let my anxiety go, I felt excitement.  Leon was so reassuring that he was thrusting that big black dick of his into my hot wet pussy before long.  Leon filled me, and I was so damp. He was touching parts of me that were never touched before.   I felt his weight on top of me as he continued to fuck me.  My moans became louder and louder.  It was at that point I knew I did not want him to stop.  I begged him to fuck me, I wanted his big black dick deep in me, and I wanted him to fill me with his hot cum.

Where was this coming from?  I never had these thoughts, let alone say these things out loud.  Leon thrust harder and deeper into me.  The longer he did, the hotter I was getting.  I felt my body tense, and I screamed as I felt my body explode.  I do not know what is happening again, I thought, but I do not want it to stop.   

I lay on the bed with Leon still on top of me. His hard cock remained in me. My mind was going one hundred miles a minute as my head was twirling from my orgasm.  Once I started regaining my composure, I realized Leon never finished.

Looking at him in a panic, I asked him why he didn't finish. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked him.

He smiled at me, and in a calm voice, he whispered, "Oh no, baby, you were wonderful.  We're just not done yet."

He rolled off me and lay next to me on the bed.  "I want you on top as we go again." 

The sense of uncertainty fell over me once again, as this was a topic that I knew nothing about. "Ah, you want me to do what I never have; I do not know how to."

"Relax, baby, relax, take it slowly…move on top of me, now take hold of my cock and guide it into you."

I grabbed that big thick cock and guided it to my wet pussy.  I felt the tip against my opening. "Now, baby, push yourself onto it and let it go into you."

Lowering my hips, I felt him open my pussy  as he slid into me.  I was already so wet he entered me easier than he did before.  Leon lay there looking up at me as I took him into me.  He smiled at me as his big hands reached up and started to caress my tits.  His hands felt so good on my sensitive tits.

"Now, baby, ride me…slide that hot cunt up and down on it."

I slowly started to move up and down.  Between Leon's cock moving in and out of my pussy and his hands on my tits, I felt nothing but pleasure shooting through my body.  I couldn't explain it, but I knew I wanted more, and I didn't want this feeling ever to end.  Leon started thrusting upward into me, and his grunting became louder and louder.  I felt my body ready again to release, and I started riding faster because I wanted it so bad. 

Leon's hands tightened around my hips as he thrust harder upward, and with one hard thrust, he let out a scream.  I could feel his body tense and his cock throb inside me.  I knew he was coming.  In a matter of seconds, I followed him with yet another orgasm.

I collapsed on Leon as I lay there panting.  I could feel his heart beating hard under me.  I just lay there, not saying a word, enjoying what just happened. 

Leon broke the silence as he whispered, "You okay, baby?"

I looked up at him and smiled, 'Oh god, I am fantastic."

I started to apologize; he asked me why I apologized and explained how much I did not know about sex.  I told him how I had never had an orgasm before until just now.  How I was only fucked by my husband, and it was always with him on top of me.

Leon put a finger to my lips, "Shhh, baby, stop it, it was perfect.  We will learn together and do whatever you want and feel comfortable with." I looked down at him and could only smile as I felt such a sense of closeness to him.  More than I ever had with anyone, even my husband.

After lying there for a while just holding each other, I told Leon I better get home.  He told me he would walk me to the train.  As we left his apartment and walked down the hall, we ran into another woman who Leon knew.  He introduced me to her; her name was Mary.  He told me he and Mary had been childhood friends.  Mary looked confused, but she was very nice as we chatted a little before we continued on to the train.

Leon laughed as we left, and when I asked him what he was laughing at, he told me when he got back, Mary would be interrogating him.  I could see from her eyes she had plenty of questions.

As we got to the train station, Leon sat with me until my train came.  As I walked to the door, I turned and kissed Leon before I entered the train.  I sat in my seat and was beaming with joy as it pulled away.  I relived our afternoon on the train ride home, and I knew I wanted more, and I wanted to give Leon more.  I made it my duty to learn more for him.

As I got home, I quickly went upstairs to the bathroom and jumped in the shower.  As I got out of the shower, my husband walked in.  He questioned why I was showering, and I told him it was very dusty at the clinic today, and I felt I had to wash it all off me.  That satisfied him as he left to go downstairs.

The next day, I quickly got all my household duties done by noon.  I then went into the study and turned on the computer.  I went and Googled "sex acts."  A link popped up from a magazine article that told of the top ten sex acts men wanted.  I clicked on it and read that after intercourse, men love blowjobs the best.  Remembering what was drilled into me when I was growing up how good girls do not do that, I thought about that advice.  I realized that any of the advice given to me was not correct and that I did not want to be a good girl anymore.  I went and Googled "blowjobs."  Several different sites popped up, and I started watching videos.

I spent the afternoon watching many different women give their men blowjobs, and I must confess it was not at all displeasing to watch. I was quite excited, and for the first time in my life, I pleasured myself, twice. 

I also discovered how watching porn was quite enjoyable and exciting.  After watching and studying all day, I felt confident to at least try it on Leon.  My only questionable act would be if he came in my mouth, would I be able to handle it.  As much as I watched women suck their men dry, I still had no idea of many factors such as the taste, consistency, etc.  I decided there was no better time than the present, and the next time I was with Leon, I would suck his cock as a whore would.

The next morning I was up early and very excited to get my kids off to school and head to the clinic.  I wanted to show Leon just what I could do for him.  I packed up our lunch, some chicken marsala left from last night's dinner, and a few slices of a Boston cream pie that I knew from previous conversations is one of Leon's favorites.

For a Wednesday morning, there were only a few people in the clinic when I got there.  I beat Leon there, so I started setting things up.  About fifteen minutes later, he walked in.  He glowed as he smiled at me, saying, "Good morning."

I responded, telling him good morning as well.  As he put his belongings into the office, he walked behind me. He stopped and looked around before wrapping his arms around me and kissing me on the face. "I have been thinking about you since Monday,'' he whispered in my ear.

I turned in his arms, smiling, telling him how I had thought of nothing but Monday and was still flying on cloud nine from it.  I kissed him on the lips softly, telling him that there may be a surprise for him today.  He smiled and told me he couldn't wait to see what that may be.

The morning was a typical morning.  We both went about doing our job.  The only difference was that we both would play a little grab-ass when one of us would walk by the other. 

It was at that time as I prepared our lunches.  I set everything up in the office and called Leon in for lunch.  As he walked in the door and sat down, he was beaming with joy, telling me how everything looked delicious.  When he saw his Boston cream pie, he was elated that I remembered that was his favorite.

I thought to myself, I hope you will enjoy the bigger surprise as well.  I was very nervous and could feel my body shaking.  I was afraid, hoping I learned enough from the videos, wishing I could finish once Leon came. 

We chatted about many different things during lunch; he complimented me many times about the food and loved the Boston cream pie.  He thanked me and told me he loved my surprise for him.  I didn't say a word; I sat there for about fifteen seconds, although it seemed like fifteen minutes before I stood up and slowly walked towards Leon, who was sitting at the desk.

I seductively whispered, "Oh, but that is not your surprise."

"It's not?  Then what is?" he asked.

"Promise me you will not say a word for now."  As I reached where Leon was sitting, he told me he promised.  I leaned over him and put my index finger to his lips. "Shhh, promise me, baby."

I knelt in front of him; my hands went to his waist as I undid his pants and lowered them over his waist, boxers and all.  His cock, already semi-hard, popped out in front of my face.  I took hold of it as I slowly moved my hand up and down, my eyes staring into his.  I could see the shock and pleasure in his eyes.  I loved what was happening.

I leaned in and licked his balls as I stroked his cock, feeling it get harder and harder in my hand.  My tongue then licked up and down his shaft as if I was licking an ice cream cone.  My tongue was then licking his tip. I could hear a moan escape from Leon's throat.  As my tongue licked around his end, I could feel something wet on my tongue.  I thought to myself, This must be his precum.  I was relieved because I didn't think it was unpleasant.

I wrapped my lips around Leon's tip as I watched the woman do on the porn videos yesterday and took him slowly into my mouth.  My eyes still locked into his. I felt a sense of excitement as I saw the enjoyment in his eyes because of what I was doing to him.  My mouth was moving up and down on his cock, feeling it sliding between my lips.  My hands wrapped around his base as I stroked him as well.

Taking my mouth off his dick as I gasped for air, my hands still stroking him, I looked up, smiling at Leon.  "You like my surprise, baby?  You like it when I suck your cock?"

"Oh yes, baby, Yes, I love feeling my big black dick in your hot white mouth."

That was the first I ever heard Leon refer to race with me.  I have to confess it sent a tingle through me as I started sucking his dick and stroking it faster.  I used my tongue and lips to give him as much pleasure I could, and although not knowing if I was doing it well, I got a sense that he enjoyed it from his moaning.

His moaning suddenly became louder, and I became alarmed that someone might hear us and investigate.  We were always pretty much left alone in the basement, but they might come to see if they heard something.  I then felt his cock twitch between my lips, his body tensed, and he moaned out, "Baby, I'm going to cum."

I felt that sense of anxiety again, thinking, Well, here it goes, I hope I can do this.  I no sooner had those thoughts in my head than I felt the first stream of Leon's cum shoot into my mouth.  I kept sucking, making sure I got every last drop from his cock, swallowing him all.  I continued to suck and lick up his last droplets until he went limp in my mouth before letting him drop from my lips.

I sat back on my heels, looking up into his eyes, a big smile on my face since I was so proud of myself for doing it and completing it all.  "So, baby, did you like my surprise? I hope I did a good job?"

Leon looked down at me with a blank stare in his eyes.  "Oh my god, baby, you're amazing."

I leaned down and kissed the tip of his dick, "Oh, baby, this is just the start."

I stood up and started to clean our lunch mess up.  I could feel Leon's eyes on me as he watched, still not moving from his chair.  When I finished cleaning everything up, we both got back to work, acting like two horny teenagers the rest of the day.

I was so proud of myself and flying high for the rest of the day, thinking back on the advice I got from my parents and grandparents about sucking dick.  They were so wrong; bad girls do not do that; good girls who love their men do, and I wanted to do more. 

The day came to an end, and Leon and I were leaving as he told me he would not be there on Friday because of some meeting, and since he was not going to be there, I might as well take the day off myself. 

Seeing a sad look on my face, Leon asked me what was wrong.  I proceeded to tell him that I hated the thought of not seeing him for five whole days.  He smiled, "I know what you mean, baby. I hate not seeing you as well."

He walked me to the train and waited with me until I boarded.  On the ride home, all I could think about was how much I loved sucking Leon's cock and how much I wanted to do that again.  I was so happy with myself, facing my fears, and doing it for my lover.

The next two days, I spent working around my house, catching up on things that I needed to get done.  Saturday came, and like every Saturday, we had specific responsibilities to get ready for Sam's Sunday service.  The day went by quite quickly, and before I knew it, it was time to settle the kids into bed.  I was then going to get ready for bed myself.  I dreaded it, knowing that Saturday night was the night Sam always wanted to fuck.  This Saturday night was no different.

As I was undressing, Sam walked into the room. I was standing there naked.  He approached me and started kissing me, guiding me onto the bed.  Sam got undressed and climbed on top of me. As usual, there was no foreplay. He just shoved his dick in my barely moist pussy.  He thrust in and out of me as I stared up at the ceiling.  A few short minutes, he pushed hard into me. Knowing he was cumming, I thought to myself, This is what I have for all our years of marriage; he would fuck me to get off and never worry about my needs.  He would never give me an orgasm. He would not make me feel like I do when I am with Leon.

Just like every time Sam fucked me, he finished, rolled off me, and fell asleep.  I got up and cleaned up, put my nightgown on, and lay next to his already sleeping body on the bed.  As I lay there thinking about my life and the lack of love now, I cried, hating what I felt—looking at how Leon made me feel, exciting me, making me wet even not being there.  As I thought about him, my fingers found their way to my now wet pussy as I fingered myself to the orgasm my husband couldn't give me.  Leon was so much more a man; he could make me cum even when he was not in my presence.  I wanted him!

Monday morning came, and I ran out of the house. I couldn't wait to get to the clinic and see Leon.  He was there when I arrived, and I ran into his arms, kissing him passionately.   Our kiss ended, and I buried my face into his shoulders as I started crying softly.  Leon noticed me crying and asked why the tears.  "What is wrong?"

I went on to tell him about my weekend and my so-called lovemaking with Sam.  I continued telling him how I had had a taste of lovemaking with him, which I wanted in my life. 

"So you got a taste of being naughty, and you love it now, don't you?"

"Yes, I do want it, I need it."

"So, you want my big black cock ramming it deep into your white slut cunt, don't you?"

I had realized that I was no longer a good girl.  I had become the slut Leon was wanting.  I looked into his eyes and smiled, "Yes, yes, I do want your big black dick, and I want it deep in my cunt as often as possible."

I thought to myself, Transformation is now complete.  I am a whore.  My new life is now beginning, and I am looking forward to what is ahead of me.


Written by Soccermom
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