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Daddy's Rules

"After all... there's a proper way to do things."

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Pamela put her car into park, licked her lips from instinct, and looked into the rearview mirror.  “I must be completely out of my mind.”

She reached for her phone and pulled up the app she used to chat with Will.  She half hoped he wouldn’t be there.  After all, it would let her say she had shown up and he wasn’t there, but she could escape with virtue intact.

No such luck.

In his hotel room, Will waited.  This was risky for him too.  It was a conference in which several of his coworkers from the home office were attending but the schedule called for them to have the rest of the afternoon and evening free.  While his colleagues were taking several of the planned local excursions, he had begged off saying he needed some rest.  Actually, he was feeling very energetic.  It would be later that he would need his rest.

His iPad dinged as her message came through and he jumped as if he had been launched from a catapult.  He laughed out loud at his nervousness as he read her message.  

“I’m here.”

He replied, “I’m on my way down.”  

Last night he had described the building to her.  She had known to drive around to the back of the hotel.  They had spent a good chunk of the evening working out the details and, yes, even the rules.  The rules were very important. 

She waited for what seemed like an eternity but at last the door opened.  She had never seen him before, but she knew it was him.  So many times she had asked him to describe himself to her.  His response was always the same, “Five-ten, brown hair with gray at the sides, blue eyes, wears glasses, and has a goatee.”  He had been upfront that he no longer looked like he had when he was twenty, that the “dad bod” was in full mode, but she didn’t care.  There he was: “Daddy.”

She turned off the ignition.  It was hot and humid today, but part of her had kept the motor going just in case she suddenly changed her mind at the last minute.  “Oh who am I trying to kid?”  She asked herself.  She wasn’t going anywhere…except to his room.

Grabbing a cloth bag from the passenger seat, she stepped out of her car.  Pamela came nicely dressed - much more businesslike than her normal middle of the week attire, but she knew it was a professional conference Will was attending and looking professional would simultaneously make her look more in place but draw attention to herself if others saw her.  She looked good and she knew it. She just hoped he thought so too.

She needn’t have worried. He did.

As she moved to the door he smiled.  Now she knew beyond the shadow of a doubt it was Will.  As she got closer, he glanced around to make sure no one was coming.  They had taken every precaution to keep both of them safe.

As the coast was clear, he gave her an innocent hug, yet managing to pull her close enough to whisper in her ear, “214 Kitten…and you look gorgeous.”

“Thank you Daddy,” she replied with a huge smile.

Making her way up the steps, she could actually feel moisture beginning to build from within her as her pulse rate accelerated.  He had given her his room number in the event that he bumped into someone he knew while they were making their way to his room.  If that happened, she was to continue on past his room as if she were looking for a vending machine or walking to her room.  She’d hide in the stairwell on the other side of the building for a minute before making her way back.

There was no one in the hallway though and she stopped at his room with him admiring the view of her rear just a couple of steps behind.

He quickly inserted his room key.  In his excitement, he messed it up twice and laughed at himself as he finally managed to open the door for her. 

She entered the room and he stepped in and closed the door behind him.  It was all he could do to keep from taking her into his arms then and there, but that would have been a violation of his own rules and their rules were important.

Pamela placed her bag on the king-sized bed and sat down upon it.  Will moved to the chair and sat down.  They stared at each other for a moment and grinned from ear to ear at each other.  No one said anything for a moment until she spoke.

“Are you going to start the timer, Daddy?”

“Oh yes Kitten.  I am just a little distracted.  You look amazing.”

“Thank you,” she replied.

One of the rules Daddy had put into place was a thirty-minute timer.  During that time, Pamela was free to get up and leave at any point.  She didn’t have to say a word, offer an excuse or tell a lie of any sort.  She could simply go.  That was the rule.

Likewise, he could stand and go to the door and open it without saying a word.  If he did, it meant that he had changed his mind for whatever reason.  They both had an escape.

He pulled his iPad and set the timer and put it down.

For the next few minutes, they struggled to talk.  They had told each other everything online.  There wasn’t much about each other they didn’t already know, but - now that they were together - it was a struggle for them to think about anything to say to each other.

The ice gradually thawed.  

After minutes of small talk, she grew quiet.  He could tell she was pondering something.    Eventually, he asked her, “What are you thinking?”

“Well,” she replied, “I’m thinking my face hurts from smiling so much but I like it.  I’m also wondering how much time is left on that timer.”

He opened the lock screen and looked, “Only ten more minutes.  Why?”

“Because I can’t wait to kiss you.”

“Behave Kitten,” Will said in a firm, quiet voice though his smile never wavered.

“Yes Daddy.”

“Daddy, can I tell you something?”

“Anything Kitten.”

“I’m very wet.”

“Oh you are are you?  You’re going to get into trouble if you keep talking like that.”

“I know, but I can’t help it.”

“What time do you have to be back?” he asked.

“Before eleven.”

“Assuming you don’t leave now.”

“Daddy, I need to tell you… I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that Kitten.”

Looking him over, Pamela couldn’t help but notice his bulge forming.  He caught her looking and she laughed.

The timer went off and they both jumped.  Their shared nervousness caused them to laugh as she stood up.  She wanted to kiss him so much but rules were rules.

She picked up the cloth bag and went to the bathroom.

It was another rule.

Even though the timer had expired, she had one last chance to change her mind.  If she came out of the bathroom fully dressed, she would simply walk out of the room.  Otherwise, she was prepared for whatever might happen next.

“‘Whatever might happen’,” she thought to herself with a grin, “I wonder what that might be?”

Will opened a bottle of water, his mouth drier than he had ever remembered.  Pulse-pounding, he stood and paced about with nervous energy, much like a caged lion.

The door opened and what he saw took his breath.  From the bag, Pamela had retrieved something he wasn’t expecting.  All he could do was stammer out, “Wow.”

There stood Kitten, in a lacy black see-through gown.  The flesh colored straps made it seem as if the material magically clung to her breasts.  

It was mid-length, coming down over her tummy.  The panties came up to seemingly connect to the bottom of the top.  With it, she wore  matching black thigh-high hose.  She felt very self conscious.  He thought she was a vision.

“You look amazing.”

“You’ll say anything if you think you’re going to get laid mister.”

“Kitten, is that anyway to talk to Daddy?”

“No sir.”

“I don’t think so either.”

“Daddy.  You’re violating the rules.”

“You’re quite right,” Will said.  They had agreed that when she came out of the bathroom, whether she was staying or going, he was supposed to be seated.  He quickly sat down.

With a confidence she is not sure she had ever known, Pamela walked, no strutted, to him dropping the cloth bag on the bed as she went. 

Over the course of the next few minutes she tormented him in a way he had never suffered before.  She rubbed up against him with her breasts - still covered with the lacy material - in his face.  She turned her back to him and, with her hands on the armrests of his chair, began to skim over his lap.  She felt his bulge, his heat.  He was Daddy.  Yes, he was in charge, but in this moment, she had all the power.  She heard moans of pleasure coming from deep inside of him.  The sounds turned her on in a way she had not known in years.

For his part, it was all Will could do to muster the strength not to reach out and grab her but the rules were the rules.  These first few moments belonged entirely to her.  He literally sat on his hands to avoid the temptation.

At one point, Pamela slipped as she sought to change position and planted herself smack into his lap - which was quite painful on his full erection.  

“Oh Daddy, I’m sorry.”

Laughing - through the mild pain - he said, “Kitten, I swear you are in so much trouble.”


“Count on it.”

“Hmmm…. Good.”

Standing up, she bent over and, with her ass to him, bent over pulling off her panties as she stretched, wiggling her ass as she pulled them down.  Stepping out of the drenched panties, she draped them playfully over his head.  Will pulled them off his head, pulled them up to his mouth and inhaled their smell deeply, while Pamela walked to the bed.  

She crawled to the middle of the bed on all fours making a full display to drive him crazy.  It worked.

Reaching into the bag, she pulled out her favorite toy.  She could see him take a deep breath.  He had seen her use it in the past.  He had heard the passion of her climax.  She smiled at him and with boldness she wasn’t accustomed to said, “Think of this as my gift to you Daddy.”

For the next several minutes she gave the vibrator a licking as if it were his cock before finally teasingly playing with it on her clit.  Will heard the humming of the vibrator and the purring of his Kitten.  

Throwing her head back in ecstasy, she slowly slid it into her dripping wet pussy.  He could smell her scent, hear the sound of her juices.  She was so turned on that it wouldn’t be long before she exploded, and it wasn’t.

His cock pulled against his suit pants begging for release but it wouldn’t happen just yet.  Seeing Will lick his lips and obviously needing release was an incredible feeling of power for Kitten.  She had not expected to be this aroused.  The pulsing waves of her excitement built until a tsunami of pleasure that led to her crying out, “Oh fuck Daddy, I’m cumming! Oh, God!!!”

The sheer volume of her cry shocked her back to reality for a moment, but it did not stop the pleasure she was experiencing.  Wave after wave crashed within her and she could feel, smell and hear the sound of her juices pouring out of her.  

Exhausted, she collapsed on the bed.

As she tried to catch her breath, she heard him get up from the chair.

He walked over to the bed, leaned down and kissed her fully.  Their first kiss.  His tongue entered her mouth.  She met his passion and tried to pull him down upon her.

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“Oh no you don’t,” he said.  “Your ass is mine now.  Those are the rules.  Stand up.”

It was difficult for her to stand but she did.  He took a pillow from the bed and laid it over the table top.  Reaching into a drawer, he pulled out the belt of his bath robe which he had  brought from home.  He looped it around the single leg of the table, brought it up and instructed her, “Lay over the table.”

She dutifully bent over and lay on the pillow, grateful for a chance to catch her breath.  He tied each end of the robe’s belt around her wrists.  She could move her arms but at this moment, her legs were trembling.

From behind her, she heard him say, “It’s time to pay the piper Kitten.  You’ve been very brave, but you are in deep trouble young lady.”

With that he took the handkerchief from his pocket, made it into a blindfold and covered her eyes.  Now she could only anticipate what would happen…and she couldn’t wait for it to happen.

The next sound she heard was metallic one.  Then she recognized the sound of his belt clearing its loops.  She braced herself for what was about to happen.


The pain was exquisite.  Over and over he struck her bare cheeks with his belt.  She felt the burning and cried out, “Oh baby.”

With her cheeks bright red, he quit.  Her juices from her still throbbing pussy were running down her legs, her ass was tingling and she was his completely.  She thought, “Damn.  Where has this been all my life?”

She was still catching her breath when she heard the rustling behind her.  She felt his breath on her neck.  He moved her hair to kiss her shoulders.  She shuddered as he caressed her skin so gently. 

Planting kisses down her spine, he knelt behind her.  First, she felt the warmth of his breath but then she felt him kissing her inner thighs.  He could smell her musky smell.  She felt her pleasure starting to rise again as he moved towards her mound and first licked gently but then began tonguing desperately at her clit and probing into her pussy.  

Her moans and smells filled the room over the next few moments, she was in heaven.   Then, something he had told her he would do to her if he ever had the chance happened.  She felt him gently pull her ass cheeks apart and then felt his tongue licking her ass.  She melted.

“Oh God Daddy.  You are so good to me.  Please baby, take what is yours.”

“What do you want Daddy to do Kitten?”

“Fuck me Daddy.”

“Oh, Kitten – you forgot to say please.  Now you have to wait.”

“Daddy, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, but let’s see what we can do in the meantime.”

Will raised from his knees, lightly brushing his hand over Pamela’s ass.  He could see her hair standing on end and she shuddered at his touch.     

Her senses seemed to be heightened as never before and she could only feel a hunger for his touch.  When his hand started to pull away she arched her back as if to follow him away.  

As it was, she placed her ass cheeks in perfect position and he could not resist the temptation to spank her cheeks alternating between the two.  She cried out from the blissful combination of stinging pleasure.

“Oh God Daddy, that feels so good.”

Not wanting to torment his Kitten too much, he stopped the spanking and moved in front of her.  He kneeled and leaned forward to kiss her.  In all of their careful planning, they had neglected to plan for something that both of them desired…warmth and affection.  They kissed tenderly for what seemed a long time until he pulled away.

She heard the sound of his zipper and her mouth began to water in anticipation of what was to happen next.

He seemed to keep her waiting forever as he stepped from his slacks and draped them over the chair.  

Will wasn’t nearly in control as he was pretending to be.  He was on the verge of totally ravishing her body but he wanted them both to savor the moment.  He had no desire to disappoint her or use her.  She had been ignored for too long, made to feel as if she were not attractive or desired.  She was totally desirable to him in every way and he wanted her to know it.

But he wasn’t totally selfless.

His boxers weren’t nearly as delicately placed as his slacks.  They seemingly use disappeared.

“Open wide baby,” he said in a voice so deep it even surprised him.

“Yes Daddy.”

Her tongue stretched out to meet his throbbing shaft.  Precum glistened from the head’s opening.  He slowly entered her mouth.

Pamela welcomed his thick cock eagerly.  As she did, she thought about the morning more than a year before when she first started fantasizing about what it would be like to taste him.  She was in the tub trying to unwind after a long day.  After a long soak, she had managed to relax to the point that she was almost dozing when he randomly popped into her mind.  Their chats had aroused her, but she hadn’t given much thought about it until then.

She could almost hear his voice in her head, feel his touch on her skin.  So lost in thought and fantasy was she that she wasn’t even aware that she was rubbing on her clit.  Her nipples became fully erect, her clit throbbed and she continued to rub it as she inserted two fingers into her pussy.  Water spilled over the side of the tub as she floated on the waves of passion. 

Each time she looked at the tub now, she smiled and it was at that point she began to wonder more and more about what it would be like to be with him.  

She had never told him about that day.

Now, a year later, here she was with his shaft half in her mouth, swirling her tongue over his head, in total throes of passion.  She heard him moan and knew she was having the same effect upon him.

While the bathrobe belt kept her from being totally free to move her arms, she could reach out and place her hands on his outer thighs.   As she did so, she felt his hands in her hair and felt him begin to move back and forth in her mouth.

It was slow at first… gentle even, but it seemed with each movement, he began to grow even thicker in her mouth and moved with more intensity.  She felt the tug on her scalp as he began to pull her hair and soon he began to thrust his cock deeply into her mouth.  More than once she gagged on his fullness and he eased up.  Soon he would cum, she thought.  She was getting a hint as to how he would taste from his precum and knew his load wasn’t far away.

Suddenly Will quit thrusting.  Knowing he wouldn’t last much longer at the pace they were setting, he chose to go in a different direction.  He pulled completely out of her mouth and she heard him move away.  

Unable to see what he was doing, she could only guess.  She heard a drawer open and then close.  Then there was movement, she was aware that he was behind her again.  The next sound was a plastic cap snapping open followed by the sound of something being squeezed out of it.  Her suspicion was lube, and she was right.

Will coated two fingers in the thick lube, warming it with his touch and then spread her ass cheeks.  She shivered again.

“Are you okay Kitten?”

“Yes Daddy.  Your touch feels so good to me.”

His middle finger coated the ring of her anus with the lube before slowly probing into it. He felt a slight pop as it adjusted to his finger and then her ass began pulling his finger deeper into her.

She gasped and whimpered, “Ohhhhh baby.  That feels so good.”

His finger slowly moving in and out of her asshole created an electric feeling in Pamela, her pussy throbbed and juices built up yet again.  She felt the tickle on her thighs as the drops rolled down her legs slowly.

The feeling was compounded as Will’s ring finger joined the middle finger in her ass.  

She had never felt so hungry to be fucked in her life.  She wanted his cock but not just for her pleasure, she wanted it for him to.  She gasped breathlessly, “Daddy?”

“Yes Kitten?”

“Please, oh God please, fuck me.”

“Are you sure?” he asked with a bit of teasing in his voice, “I wouldn’t want you to not be ready you know.”

For his part, Will had worked so hard on trying to maintain composure, but his resolve was slipping away.  He wanted her with every fiber of his being.  

Placing the head of his cock at her opening, he moved his hips in a swirling motion.  The teasing sensation both frustrated her and made her ache for his fullness.

She didn't have to wait any longer though.

Slowly his cock entered her, stretching her wide with his fullness.  The sound of her juices and the smell of their sex filled the room.  After a couple of slow partial movements, his third movement slowly filled her up completely.  She felt his balls caress her thighs.

She slowly gasped and then moaned, “Oh God, Will you feel so good.”

He didn’t move.  Instead he reinserted his middle finger back into her ass.  With his left hand, he brushed up back lightly until he got to her hair… which he than grasped.

He pulled her hair lightly, slid his cock back, and then thrust hard into her.  In that moment, his careful resolve and any sense of control melted.  He had to have her and had to take her now.

She felt his finger pull out of her ass as his hand clamped down upon her hip.  With one hand on her hip and the other intertwined in her hair he began to fuck her like a total beast who had found his mate.

She didn’t just lay there though and take it though.  

While there was a limit to what she could do, Pamela moved her hips to receive his thrusting cock.  Her pussy was full of him and the electric feeling just overwhelmed her.  

“Fuck me Daddy.  Fuck me hard.”

“Do you want it princess?”

“Yes Daddy, fuck your princess.”

Her juices no longer formed as drops, but began to trickle out of her as a stream.  She was in total ecstasy.  She was his and he was hers. The feeling was incredible

With his thrusts somehow growing intensity - as if that was somehow possible - she heard him practically yell, “Oh God I'm going to cum!”

“Me too.  Keep going, Daddy.  Fuck me harder!”

His next thrust almost picked her off the floor.  Both hands were now on her hips as he pounded her with all the strength he could muster.  From deep within him he felt the urgency to let go, but he had waited for this moment for so long that he didn’t want it to end. 

Finally, when his need to release overwhelmed his ability to maintain control, he growled, “Oh Kitten. Fuckkkk.”

She tried to speak but all that came out of her mouth was a long, “Ahhhh baby.”  Breathlessly she panted, “Oh it feels so good.  Oh it feels so good.”

She felt the jets of cum erupt from his cock and fill her.  At the same time, she released a river of her own.  Legs shaking violently, she would have never been able to stay up if she weren’t still bent over the table.

Exhausted and out of breath, she collapsed on the pillow with him draped over her back, his cock still inside of her continuing to pulse.  He shuddered once more and gradually she felt his fullness start to diminish in size.

For a long moment neither spoke.  He finally realized his weight was upon her and he quickly raised up and apologized.

She turned to look at him, smiled, and said breathlessly, “It’s okay.”

As he stared into her eyes, he realized her blindfold had fallen away in the midst of their lustful frenzy.

“You’ve lost your blindfold young lady.  That’s going to cost you.”

“Maybe so,” she said smiling from ear to ear yet again, “But can you please untie me first?”

Written by will6646
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