The south-eastern and south-central regions of the United States are well-known as being the Bible Belt. In those areas, socially conservative, evangelical Protestantism is a significant part of the culture. Church attendance across the denominations in the Bible Belt is generally higher than the national average.
My name is Stuart, and for much of our lives my wife, Madeline, (most people call her Maddy) and I were members of one of the charismatic, Christian, mega churches in Houston, Texas that has tens of thousands of members. We had gradually become disillusioned by the self-aggrandizing personas of the church leaders. Around the time we turned forty years old, our daughter graduated from high school, and she was headed out of state to college. We felt that was the perfect time to start that new phase of our lives by changing churches.
Our goal was to find a smaller, evangelical church that was more focused on providing outreach services to those in our community who are less fortunate. We knew that we would feel better about ourselves if we were serving the needs of others. The church we found has about three thousand members and they have a homeless shelter right on the church property.
The shelter primarily houses a maximum of twenty homeless women and their children. They also have shower and laundry facilities used by the residents and other homeless people in the general vicinity of the church. The food line serves breakfast and dinner to both those in the shelter and the outside homeless people.
Maddy and I joined the church and immediately began taking work assignments on the food line at the shelter. She isn’t employed so it was easier for her to take the breakfast shifts, almost every day, while I was better able to work occasionally in the evenings for the dinner servings.
After being in the church and working the food line for two months, Maddy had made some good women friends. There is a group of four of them who began to meet socially. They met at least once a week at one another’s homes to play cards. They never met at our home, which seemed a little strange to me at the time. But I wasn’t so curious that I ever made an issue of it.
I enjoyed serving the homeless people and noticed that about two-thirds of them are Latinos, with the rest being a mix of black and white people. Maddy and I are bilingual and fluent in English and Spanish, so we easily communicated with the homeless. I tried to be as friendly as possible and talked with them as they came through the line. I will translate our dialogue with the men in this story to English for the benefit of the readers.
Over time I got to know many of the men by their first names. There's one group of four Mexican men that I got to know better than the others. They looked to be in their late-twenties or early-thirties and their names are Diego, Jesus, Manuel and Jorge. I learned that they were living in a tent in the forested area of a city park, only about a half-mile from the church.
Sometimes I felt a guilty knowing that those men, and many other men and women, were living outdoors in such a dangerous and harsh environment, and I became curious about their lifestyle. One night I told Maddy, “You know, honey, I’ve been thinking about using one of my vacation weeks to live in the park with those homeless people. I’d like to know more about how they live to determine if there's more that we could be doing for them. What do you think about me doing that?”
Maddy tried to discourage me by saying, “Come on, Stuart, you don’t want to subject yourself to those living conditions. You know how hot and humid it gets in Houston during the summer and early fall. And there’s no telling what dangers you’ll face out there. You can just talk more with the men during dinner to learn what’s going on, without putting yourself at risk.”
We both have very humanitarian, service-oriented personalities, so I was a little surprised that she would be so negative about me going out there. I knew in my heart that it was something I just had to do, so I said, “I respect your opinion, honey, but this is something that I just have to do. I’ll take some of our old camping gear and go out there late on a Sunday afternoon while still having time to set up before dark. I’ll wear a disguise when I come to the church to eat and shower with the men, so our members won’t give me any special treatment. I want to be able to assess our services from the other side of the table.”
Maddy was not happy about my decision but I made arrangements at work and was ready for my homeless experience within two weeks, which was near the end of August. I wore and took with me old, thread-bare clothes so I would be better able to blend in with the others.
I parked my car at the church and walked the half-mile to the park, arriving about an hour before sunset, sweaty and exhausted. I noticed that the city is at least trying to help those people by providing portable toilets and an old irrigation pipe as a water source for cooking and doing dishes. Or maybe they just wanted to keep them from using the public restrooms on the other side of the woods, and intimidating the residents using the park.
After walking about one hundred yards into the woods I saw the homeless tent community. There must have been at least thirty tents set-up back in the trees. Some of the people looked familiar from my having served them dinners at the church, but some were new to me and rough looking. I was trying to find a place to set-up my tent, being careful not to infringe on anyone, when I heard a familiar voice.
I looked around and saw Diego standing by his tent as he said, “Hey, Stuart, what’s a gringo like you doing out here in the woods? Are you trying to see how the other half lives or something?”
I was happy to see a familiar face and explained why I was going to be living in the woods from then until the following Saturday afternoon. Then I asked, “Where would be the best place for me to set-up my tent?”
By then his three friends had come out of their tent and Diego replied, “We don’t mind if you put your tent next to ours. Maybe we can look out for you and help keep you from getting into trouble out here. It can get pretty rough at night sometimes.”
They helped me erect my tent and create a fire-ring, so I could have a little camp fire. I noticed that they have a four-man tent about the same size as mine. With four of them in there, along with cots all their worldly possessions, they are very cramped. I made up my mind on the spot that I would share my space with them and give them my equipment when I left on Saturday.
It was already dark as we sat around the camp fire talking. I was asking them questions, trying to learn more about how they survived in the woods. They have a cooler that is regularly replenished with ice and a small, gas camp stove for cooking, although they ate most of their meals at the church. I found out that their situation isn't quite as dire as some of the other homeless people.
Jesus explained their situation saying, “We're all married with children and are best friends from our hometown in Mexico. We work here so we can send money home to our families. Living in the woods this way allows us to save a lot more to send home. Having the church shelter available for showers, laundry, and our meals really helps us a lot too. We're only able to go home for about a week every six months or so and really miss our wives and children a lot.”
I asked them what kind of work they did, and Manuel replied, “We mostly work as day-laborers for landscaping and construction companies. They pick us up on the other side of the park. Only three of us work on any given day since we always need to have one of us here to protect our belongings. We share whatever expenses we have and split the money evenly to send home.”
One of the guys I work with told me that he heard that Mexican men are horny a lot of the time and had sex often with their hot Latina wives or girl friends. I had no idea how he would know or even think something like that, but it helped explain why Mexicans have such large families. I know that Maddy and I had sex several times a week for most of our marriage, at least until shortly after we joined the new church. She seemed less interested in sex after making friends with those other women for some reason.
I really didn’t mean for my next question to be as personal as it sounded. I guess I was a little on edge sexually since I hadn’t been getting much pussy lately and was curious about how they managed to be away from their wives for so long.
I tried not to be too explicit as I asked, “If you don’t mind me asking, how do you guys handle being away from the love of your wives for that long? I know that I get horny after missing a week or so of my wife’s affection.”
The men looked at each other and smiled as if trying to decide whether to tell me the truth about their situations. Diego seemed to be the unofficial leader of their group, so he responded, “You don’t need to sugar coat it, Stuart. We love to get our cocks sucked and to fuck. We get a wet, sucking mouth and pussy every day when we’re home with our wives. And quite frankly, we don’t have to go without it here. There are always whores around willing to suck and fuck us.”
I was surprised that they might be spending their money on whores and asked, “Whoa, Diego, I guess I didn’t need to know that much. But how do you justify spending your money on whores?”
They all laughed as he explained, “You interrupted me before I was finished. We don’t ever pay those whores. No offense, but there is a group of older, hot, slutty white women from the church we met at breakfast. They come out to our camp at least one night a week to suck our cocks and fuck us for free. We just love that tight, white pussy, and they are hungry for our thick, brown cocks and cum. They fuck some of the other Latino and black men out here too. There are even some white couples and cock-sucking white men who stop by to fuck and suck us off for free. They like our thick, uncut cocks and big cum loads to swallow. We don’t mind where we shoot our loads so long as we're able to get off.”
I had never been very outgoing or curious sexually and hearing his candid and filthy description of things got me a little turned on. I was still curious about one thing and asked, “When you say that those women and men like your big cum loads, does that mean you don’t wear condoms? Do those men actually swallow your cum? And what if you get one or more of those women pregnant?”
Jorge laughed and replied, “Hell yeah those men swallow our cum. That’s the main reason they love sucking us so much. Most of them tell us that we shoot bigger and thicker cum loads than many of the white guys they suck off. As for the women, if those skanky cunts don’t have enough sense to take care of their own birth control needs, that’s not our problem. It’s frowned on by our religion to use condoms or other birth control anyway.”
In the past I had only seen those guys as mild-mannered, homeless men getting free meals at the church. Then I saw them as aggressive men with a huge hunger for sex. Their attitudes about having sex with the church women and white men were inexplicably exciting to me. At one point I realized that my little dick was getting hard just from listening to their descriptions about having sex with white people. But I did have to wonder which of the ladies at the church would be fucking those men, if it was even true.
Our conversation eventually drifted onto other topics and it was soon time to get some sleep. I told the men that I was willing to share my tent with them and that they could keep it and the rest of my equipment when I left on Saturday afternoon. They were very appreciative, and Diego and Jesus moved their cots into my tent. It was still hot and muggy even at 10:00 pm, but I was surprised when the men stripped down to their tight, white underwear right in front of me and laid back on top of their sleeping bags on the cots.
I did my best not to stare but it was hard to miss their thick, soft cocks and big balls bulging out in their briefs. I had never in my life stared at men that way, but after all that was said earlier, my curiosity got the better of me. Those men are about five feet and nine inches tall, very lean and muscular, and weighing maybe one hundred and sixty pounds. Diego glanced over at me with a smile on his face when he noticed me staring at their crotches.
It was hard for me to go to sleep with all the sounds of the homeless people around us. Of course, it didn’t help that I was thinking about their big cocks either. Diego and his friends woke up early, so they could get to the church for breakfast and still make it back to be selected for day-jobs. I had brought a breakfast energy bar with me to eat. With the little bit of sleep I got during the night, I decided to stay in the tent and watch things while they went to eat.
Jorge came back to the tents about an hour later and told me that the other three men were picked up to work and he would be staying with me for the day. He also said that they talked to the church women about coming out to fuck them that night. Then I was really curious since I knew that Maddy was supposed to be working the food line that morning. But with ten women working that shift, the odds were still good that she isn't involved in any of that.
We sat around and talked for a while and then I explored the rest of the tent city on my own. I wore sunglasses and a cap over my eyes, hoping that I wouldn’t be recognized from serving some of them at the church. I met a bunch of other Mexican guys and a few black men. I felt a little at risk out there by myself, but none of them tried to get pushy or threaten me.
The other three men got back to our camp at about 5:30 pm. We gathered our toiletries and headed to the church for dinner and a badly-needed shower. I wore my hat, sunglasses and a fake beard so the church members that I normally worked with wouldn’t recognize me.
We took or showers first, and since there were separate shower stalls, I only got a glimpse of their cocks as we dressed by the benches. I was impressed that their soft, brown cocks are thick and maybe over six inches long, which is bigger than my dick when it's hard. I had to wonder how big they would be when hard. Seeing their foreskins was also a new experience, and I was amply impressed by the size of their hairy, egg-sized, low-hanging balls. The men noticed me watching them, but just smiled and didn’t say anything about it.
None of the church members recognized me at dinner. The food was very good, and I was happy with the way they treated me and the others. Then we walked back to our tents in the woods, and I was sweaty again by the time we got there.
It was then 8:00 pm and Stuart said, “The church women should be here soon. Stuart, you're welcome to watch us fuck them, but you might want to keep your disguise on. I don’t think you’ll want them to recognize you.”
We went back into our tents and Diego and Jesus stripped down to their underwear while I watched as they rubbed their cocks and balls in anticipation of the women coming. It only took another few minutes before a woman walked into our tent.
I recognized her immediately as Michelle, a woman from church who works the morning shifts with Maddy and is in her card group. I always thought she was attractive in a full-figured, slutty kind of way. She is petite at only about five feet and one inch tall and has long, dark-brown hair hanging down to the middle of her back. She was wearing long, tight, black, Lycra pants that clearly displayed her thick thighs, camel toe and bubble butt. Her big D-cup tits also looked amazing in the tight, stretchy top.
Her full figure almost made her look like some of the luscious, curvy Latina women that I worked with. She's much more compactly built than Maddy, who is five feet and six inches tall and weighs about one hundred and twenty-five pounds. Maddy is very pretty and has blond hair and blue eyess, along with a gorgeous ass and big, firm, D-cup tits.
Michelle barely acknowledged me as she started stripping off her clothes as Diego and Jesus pulled off their underwear. I was so focused on watching them undress in front of me that it took me a few seconds to realize that Maddy might also be involved in fucking the homeless men. The men told me previously that they were fucking a group of women they met at breakfast at the church. But I quickly put that out of my mind as I watched Michelle’s big tits jiggling and swaying in front of her as she moved to her knees on the floor.
I watched in awe as Diego stroked his almost-hard, then-nine-inch-long cock, with the moist foreskin sliding back and forth on the shaft and head. He let go of his cock as Michelle leaned down and took his thick, brown meat in one hand and his big balls in the other. She took his cock head into her mouth and began sucking. His cock is so thick that her lips were obscenely stretched around his thick meat. The raw sexuality of it was almost making me wonder what it would be like to suck a cock like that myself.
After only a few minutes sucking Diego’s cock, Michelle got up and moved back as Diego got off the cot. Then Michelle lay down on her back on the cot as he moved between her legs. From where I was sitting I saw the sheen of sweat on their bodies as he pushed his big cock into her very thick, hairy, wet labia. She wrapped her legs around his ass as Jesus stood and leaned over her face, pushing his big cock into her mouth.
That sexy woman was being fucked at both ends, and I barely realized when I moved down to my knees between her legs. I watched her hairy labia being pushed in and pulled out as Diego pounded her cunt and his huge balls slapped against her ass. Jesus looked back at me and smiled when he saw how interested I was in Diego fucking her, as she continued sucking his cock. It only took another few minutes before Diego rammed his cock fully inside her and I saw his ass and the base of his cock pulsing and throbbing. He was obviously filling her with his big cum load.

When Michelle realized that he was ejaculating into her pussy, she held him in place even more tightly with her legs as she said, “Fuck yes, Diego. Fill me with your thick Mexican cum. My husband will really be surprised if I get pregnant at my age and have a brown baby.”
Diego kept his cock in her for another few minutes and then pulled it out. I was still kneeling by the end of the cot and Jesus pulled his cock out of her mouth and came down next to me. Then he pushed me between Michelle’s legs saying, “Get in there and clean up that nasty pussy for me, Stuart. I’ve seen that look of hunger for a hairy, cum-filled cunt before. Go ahead and suck her clean for me, man.”
My face was only inches from her oozing, well-fucked pussy. I smelled the sweat, cum and her juices. In the heat of my sexual arousal I suddenly had an overwhelming desire to suck Michelle’s cunt. I didn’t even realize at the time that Jesus had called me by my name. I pulled the sunglasses, hat and fake beard off as I moved in and covered her pussy with my mouth and began tonguing and sucking her. The aroma and taste of their combined juices and the sweat were such a turn on. Just the thought that I was slurping up their fuck juices had my dick hard and dripping. Diego’s cum was just pouring and oozing into my mouth and I loved the taste and feeling of it.
I was still down there hungrily munching on her pussy when Michelle said, “Holy fuck, Jesus. Did I hear you say that this cunt sucker’s name is Stuart? Fuck, fuck, fuck! Maddy told me that Stuart was living out here for the week, but we never expected that he would be sharing his tent with you guys. We thought this area is so big that we wouldn’t have a chance of running into him. And I also had no idea that he would be so eagerly sucking my nasty, slimy pussy like this. Maddy said that he's pretty vanilla sexually and has a little dick. That’s why she likes sucking and fucking your thick, brown cocks so much.”
Jesus and Diego laughed as Jesus said, “This is all a surprise to us too, Michelle. We had no idea that Stuart is married to Maddy or that he would react this way. I’ll bet that if he so willingly sucks Diego’s cum out of your pussy like that, he’ll probably suck our cocks too. It’s going to fun having him out here with us all week. As soon as Maddy gets finished fucking Manuel and Jorge, we have to get her in here to see this shit.”
It was hard to be angry about Maddy fucking those men, when I had my mouth full of Michelle’s cunt and Diego’s cum. My main concern was that she stopped taking birth control measures years ago when I had my vasectomy. I had no idea whether she was fertile, but I was so turned on that I could hardly wait to see those big-cocked Mexicans fucking her.
I was just starting to move from between Michelle’s legs when Diego said, “Stuart, come on over here and clean my cock while Jesus takes his turn in Michelle’s pussy.”
I surprised even myself as I quickly got on my knees next to Diego’s cot. I looked at his softening, but-still-big, slime-covered cock and leaned in to take it into my mouth. The tastes and aromas are the same as when I was sucking Michelle’s pussy, but the reality that I was sucking a big, brown, uncut Mexican cock made it seem so different and exciting. I pushed my tongue into his foreskin to lick and suck out the remaining cum and pussy juice.
Then I was sucking his cock and moving up and down on it while at the same time fondling his balls. That’s when he said, “That’s it, cock sucker. Play with my balls. You can suck them for me too.”
He leaned back on the cot and propped up his legs to give me access to his scrotum and testicles. They were covered with sweat and fuck juices and I licked and sucked his balls until I heard that Jesus was cumming into Michelle’s pussy. Diego pulled away and stood up to push me back between her legs. I don’t know why he thought that he had to make me do it, because I was eager to suck her cum-filled pussy again.
I was just getting comfortable between her thick, sweaty thighs again and beginning to suck her pussy clean when I heard that others had come into our tent. Michelle wrapped her thighs around my head to hold me in place as I heard Maddy say, “Oh fuck, Michelle that looks like Stuart down there between your legs. How did you get him to suck your pussy like that? He’s never wanted to do that for me.”
Michelle’s body shook as she laughed and replied, “It’s even better than that, Maddy. He has sucked me clean after Diego and Jesus fucked me. And shit, he was even sucking Diego’s cock and balls a few minutes ago. I don’t know what has gotten into him either, but he sure does like these brown cocks and their tasty cum. I like having my pussy sucked like this after a hard fuck too. There’s no telling what this nasty cock sucker will do given the chance.”
I was able to get up and sit on my cot after Michelle released the pressure of her thighs. I saw that Maddy was naked with cum running down her inner thighs. I said, “Fuck, Maddy, when the guys told me they were fucking some slutty, older women from the church, I had no idea they could be talking about you two. For goodness sakes, honey, you’re no better than a whore to these guys. How long have you been coming out here to fuck them anyway?”
She sat down next to me and took my hand and said, “I’m so sorry, honey. But after I got to know Michelle and the other girls for a couple of weeks, they told me about coming out here to fuck these guys, and other Mexicans and black guys as well. They wanted me to join their little group, and I resisted at first. But the more I heard about these big, brown and black, uncut cocks I just had to try it. Your little dick has never really satisfied me, and you have no passion when we fuck. These guys are aggressive lovers and I just love fucking them.”
I thought for a few seconds and asked, “What about birth control? These guys told me that they never use condoms and you haven’t taken any birth control pills for years. Are you even a little bit worried about getting pregnant?”
She replied, “I was worried at first, but I’ve been fucking them for a month and a half now and haven’t had any problems. I just love feeling their big cocks throb as they spray their semen and sperm right into my cervix. These guys bottom out in me like you’ve never been able to do, and I love being full of their cum. Manuel and Jorge just got finished fucking me. So, lay back on the cot, and I’ll feed you some more cum before Diego and Jesus have their first turns with me for the evening.”
Everything was happening so fast and it was a little overwhelming. But the way Maddy was so matter-of-fact and open about fucking those men, I sensed a new resolve, strength, and take-charge attitude in her. I wanted so much to please her, so I laid back on the cot with my head on one end. She backed up over me and I got my first look at her swollen labia covered in blonde hair. Her hair was matted with cum and it was still running out of her pussy.
Maddy sat down on my face and I covered her vulva with my mouth and started sucking and swallowing the thick cum. She moved back and forth on me, fucking and enveloping my face in her slimy cunt. I wanted to stick my whole face in her pussy and feel more of a part of her sexual experiences with those men. That was the first time in our eighteen-year marriage that I was eating her pussy, and it was full of cum from two homeless Mexican men.
After a few minutes I had licked, sucked and swallowed all the men’s cum and her juices. She continued to sit on my face and slid back and forth, finally moving farther forward which caused my face to be enveloped by her ass. She sat down even harder and said, “That’s it, Stuart, suck my sweaty ass and clean up all of the cum and juices that ran down there.”
In the heat of the moment I began sucking and licking between her ass cheeks until I felt the star of her asshole right over my mouth. I tentatively licked her there and she squirmed even more tightly against my face. She continued to hold her asshole right over my mouth as she said, “Oh fuck yes, Stuart, suck my asshole! That feels so good, baby. You’re such a good little pussy and ass sucker.”
I continued to suck her that way for a few minutes until Diego said, “That’s enough of that for now, Maddy, but it’s really good to know that Stuart likes to suck assholes. We like to have our asses sucked, and I might have some other nasty shit for him to do too. I’m ready to fuck you and I want Stuart to stay on his back on the cot while you get on top of him with your pussy over his face. I want him to see close up my big cock pushing into your slutty cunt.”
Maddy climbed over me on her hands and knees as Diego moved behind her. His cock was hard in anticipation of fucking her and it was amazing seeing his thick, brown meat push into her hairy, white pussy. His foreskin slid back as his cock sank into her depths, and his big balls swung heavily against my head. As he began aggressively stroking into and out of her cunt, Maddy unfastened my shorts and began sucking my dick. That turned me on even more as I watched his nine inches of thick, brown fuck meat disappear repeatedly into my wife. After all my previous stimulation, it took me less than a minute to cum into her mouth.
I was sucking her clit and the base of his cock, as his balls continued to slap against my head. His testicles are heavy and I couldn’t help thinking about how he would shortly be shooting his big, young, virile load of semen and sperm directly into my wife’s womb. If she's the least bit fertile, he would be impregnating her with his Mexican seed.
Diego soon began taking faster strokes in her pussy. Then on one last, hard stroke, he buried his cock in her to the balls. I saw and felt with my mouth his cock throbbing and pulsing as he emptied his balls into her cervix. He was making guttural sounds as he held his cock in her and breathlessly said, “That’s it, you fucking white whore. Take my fucking cum right into your womb. You gringo bitches just love our thick Latino cum.”
He pulled back slightly as his cock began to soften, and his cum came flooding out around his shaft. I sucked and licked the junction of my wife’s pussy and Diego’s cock, gobbling up their tasty fuck fluids. I was still sucking them when Diego said, “Oh yeah, Stuart, eat all of my fucking cum. And since you’re such a nasty fucker, you shouldn’t mind me washing the rest of it out of her cunt for you. Swallow fast cock sucker so you don’t mess up the cot.”
I didn’t know what he was planning until I felt his almost-soft cock pulse and quiver as he began pissing deep into Maddy’s pussy. His piss and the remnants of his cum came flooding out into my mouth, and even splashed a little onto my face. I had no choice but to swallow it since my head was trapped between her thighs.
At first, I was disgusted, but then realized that I enjoyed the thought and reality of taking his Mexican fluids from my wife’s cunt. He only pissed for about thirty seconds, and I was disappointed when the flow stopped. When he pulled out I covered Maddy’s vulva with my mouth and sucked out all the remaining piss and cum.
She got off me and glanced down at my face, which was wet with Diego’s cum and piss. I could tell from the look on her face that our relationship would be forever changed. I started to get up as she sat next to me on the cot.
She pushed me back down saying, “Holy fuck, Stuart, I had no idea that you could be so fucking nasty. You’ve not only sucked cock and my ass, and eaten these men’s cum, but now you’ve even swallowed Diego’s piss. Well if that’s what you like, then you’ll be getting plenty of it from now on. You should finish cleaning up Diego’s cock and balls while I fuck Jesus on the other cot, and then you can clean my pussy again.”
Maddy laid back on the other cot and Jesus started fucking her, as Diego straddled my head at the end of my cot. He lowered his huge, hairy, sweaty, and aromatic balls to my mouth and I started licking and sucking them for him. I sucked one and then the other of his egg-sized testicles and he continued pressing down on me, almost smothering me in his hairy scrotum. Then he moved forward and pressed down, which pushed my face between his muscular, hairy and sweaty ass cheeks. He started fucking my face with his ass crack until he felt that his asshole was right over my mouth.
Then he pressed down even harder and said, “Go ahead, gringo, suck my hole for me. I could tell that you liked sucking Maddy’s ass, so what could it hurt? That’s it man, lick and suck my hole, and see if you can push your tongue up in me.”
So much had happened in such a short period of time that I was almost overwhelmed with all the new experiences. I was learning a lot about myself and was surprised that I gladly accepted my role as the submissive, cock sucking, cuckold husband to my wife and those homeless Mexican men. Something in my psyche was feeding on a desire to please my wife and those men in any way I could, no matter how nasty. I began sucking and tonguing Diego’s asshole and even wrapped my arms around his thighs to hold him in place.
After Jesus finished fucking Maddy, I cleaned her pussy with my mouth and then sucked his cock and balls clean. Then Michelle came back into our tent with Manuel and Jorge, and we all sat around and talked. I learned that the other two ladies from the church were in another tent sucking and fucking some Mexican and black men. The women apparently fucked several groups of men at the homeless campsite, but Maddy and Michelle like the guys I was living with the most.
We rested for about fifteen minutes and the men were ready to fuck Maddy and Michelle again. We all stayed in my tent and Jesus started fucking Michelle as Manuel fucked Maddy. Jorge pushed me onto my back on the other cot with my head hanging slightly over the end. Then he moved in and started fucking my mouth like a cunt. Up until that time I had sucked and cleaned the men’s cocks on my own initiative. Then Jorge was aggressively fucking my mouth and his big cock was pushing all the way into my throat. I don’t have much of a gag reflex, so I enjoyed being used by him that way.
Jorge pulled out of my mouth after he ejaculated and straddled my head. He lowered his balls and ass to my mouth and I gladly started sucking him there. Just the idea that I was sucking this homeless man’s sweaty ass was turning me on. I actually sucked on his asshole and tried to push my tongue inside him as he said, “Holy fuck, this nasty cock sucker is trying to make a meal out of my ass. Since I’m saving my cum for one of these sweet white cunts, maybe I’ll feed him some of my piss.”
Jorge moved back and shoved his softening cock into my mouth and began pissing down my throat. I could hardly believe the volume and force of his piss and I gulped and swallowed to keep from being smothered in it. His flow stopped just as Jesus and Manuel finished their third ejaculation of the evening. Jorge let me up and I dove between Maddy’s legs to clean up her cum-filled cunt again.
After Diego and Jorge had their third turn in the women’s cunts, and I cleaned them up, my wife and the other women left the camp to return home. Maddy just looked at me and said, “I’ll come back another time this week since I obviously don’t need an excuse to get out of the house. It will be nice having my cock sucking husband here to keep things all nice and clean for us.”
The Mexican men were all exhausted from the fucking they had been doing, and I was tired from sucking those cunts and all their cocks clean. I was amazed in the morning when the men got up to go to the church for breakfast, and only Manuel came back to the camp. The others were picked up to work by a landscaping company.
Manuel and I stayed around camp during the day and he took the opportunity to use my mouth like his own, personal cunt. I sucked him off three times that day, which was the first times I had gotten cum fresh from a cock. Four of the other homeless men that I had not previously known witnessed part of the previous night’s activities and stopped by my tent for free blowjobs. So, besides Manuel, I sucked the cocks of two older black men and two older Mexicans.
The next couple of nights were a blur as my four Mexican friends had me sucking their cocks, balls and assholes at every opportunity. They even fed me more piss, and thought it was funny when I struggled to swallow some of their big urine loads. On Thursday night Maddy came back to the tent by herself, and the Mexican men fucked her twice each. By that time I was a confirmed cock sucker and cuckold for Latino and black cocks, and just loved orally servicing Maddy and all those men.
I continued sucking those men’s cocks right up until I left to go home on Saturday afternoon. It was tense facing Maddy at first, until we were able to talk everything through. We agreed that she would continue fucking those homeless men and anyone else she wanted to fuck. I would always be available to clean her and her friends’ pussies after they fucked and I was also free to suck all of the cock and ass that I wanted.
One week after I came home from the camp, Maddy missed her period. It was really no surprise, given the number of times she had been fucked over the past couple of months, without using protection of any kind. At this point she is two months pregnant and we fully intend to have the baby and raise it as our own. We’ll have to handle the questions from family and friends when they come, but I have little doubt that it's a Latino baby.