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Conjugal Visit

"On a conjugal visit, a wife gets more than she bargained for."

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Author's Notes

"This story is very close to our hearts. This was actually the first story we wrote together as a couple. We hope you enjoy it! Mr. & Mrs. Midnight"

She was waiting to see him. Her breath caught in her throat as she walked through the sterile prison halls. This wasn’t the main compound, where the prisoners were kept. This was a special building made specifically for...visitation. Conjugal visits are commonplace around the world but not in the United States. Only five states maintain the right of conjugal visitation, believing that prisoners were “unredeemable”. She didn’t really want to come. But she felt...regret. He wasn’t the greatest husband in the world but she was all he had. She couldn’t just leave him high and dry. She certainly wasn’t. It was hard staying loyal. She hadn’t gotten dick in over two years. At this point, she was desperate. Even if it meant a one-pump session, which she assumed hadn’t improved from his time in jail.

She sat in the waiting room, waiting for the guards to buzz her in. Their eyes were...uncomfortable. But, she was used to that reaction from men. She wore the dress for her husband but the sundress highlighted her...assets quite well. It’s something they obviously noticed. Their eyes feasted on her thick build, her large wobbling ass and bouncing tits barely contained within the dress itself.

She heard the buzzer then rushed through the doorway, slightly anxious to get to the safety of the conjugal room itself. She knew she wasn’t a prisoner, but guards weren’t exactly kind to black people and she wasn’t about to test their tolerance or resolve.

“Keep down the hall, then take a left. It will be in the first room on the right.” She walked down the hall, keeping straight before heading right and walking into the first room.

The room was sparse. Only a few belongings, and a box of condoms and lube strewn ominously around. But, more ominous was the sound of the door locking behind her. She knew this was a security precaution. Escape attempts had been tried before, so they kept the door locked for the entire three-hour period. But, no cameras. She had actually been at that protest.

The right to privacy, free from exploitation.

Yadda yadda.

She put on a smile and swayed forward. It wasn’t a great situation but she had to make the best of it. He was there. Sitting on the edge of the bed, right within the shadow of the room. It was so dark, she could barely see him.

That is, until…

He got up.  

Six feet, three inches.

Rippling with toned muscles and spiraling inked tattoos.

His chiseled jaw and intimidating stare ripped right through her.

She immediately realized her mistake, rushing to the door.

“Hey! You gave me the wrong room! Let me out!” Her knocking went on deaf ears.

It dawned on her that the same measures that were meant to give partners privacy, had her trapped. “Motherfucker…”

“What’s your name, li'l mama?”

“It’s…” She knew she probably shouldn’t say anything but, if they were going to be trapped in here for three hours, she figured she might as well start things off on the right foot. “Esmeralda.”

“So what are you doing here, Esmeralda? What’s a fine-ass looking woman like yourself doing in my domain?” Under normal circumstances, the idea of this teeny sterile room being referred to as a domain would be a joke. But, he was dominating the space, pulling her in.

In many ways, the statement seemed completely accurate.

“I’m...I was here for my husband.”

“That explains the dress, huh?” His eyes ravaged her body savagely before piercing her with a look of pure…


She covered her tits, embarrassed at the attention but also how her body was reacting to it. Within seconds, she was soaked. She felt like a teenager again. Her heartbeat raced a mile a minute as she tried to figure out a way out of this. She pulled out her cellphone and began dialing a number.

“Don’t bother. This building kills cell reception. Security precautions and all that. You know how it is.” He began to clear sheets off his bed, folding them tightly before placing them on the table near the bed. “Sit.”

“I don’t think I should…”


Fear and interest drove her to move from her fearful bundled position near the corner by the door to the spot on the bed the mysterious prisoner had pointed out.

“So who’s your husband? I know everyone here.”

“And why’s that?”

“See this.” He pointed at a small DR branded deep on his forearm. “Been on death row for five years now.”

“But you haven’t been…?”

“Well, I’m talking to you now, ain’t I? Nah, they keep deliberating on my case. It’s all political, you know. The current administration is going for re-election, and his base is getting more progressive. Killing people in prisons is starting to look less and less like a good platform to run on. But on the other hand, they still gotta be ‘tough on crime’. So, here I am.” He sat next to her on the bed, his presence unnerving but not exactly unappealing. He had a kind of warmth about him despite the situation.

“So what did you do?”

“To get in here? I’m a killer. Killed five men to earn my spot.”

“You don’t seem like…”

“A thug?”

“Look, I’ve been around the block. You’re no gangbanger.” Her thoughts drifted briefly to her husband before focusing sharply on how close he was to her.

“And, how would you know that? Who’s your husband?”

“I... you don’t need to know that. I don’t even know who you are. Who the hell are you?”

She sprang up from the bed, her reason flooding back into her mind. Attractive or not, he killed five men. This motherfucker was dangerous.

“I’m Merlyn.”

“Maddog Merlyn?” Two and two came together in her mind and, in a second, she was slamming back on the door. “Let me out! Let me the fuck out! Leaving me with Maddog Merlyn, you lost your goddamn…”

“They ain’t gonna hear you. Don’t bother. Besides, I won’t hurt you.”

“What is that? Scout’s honor? I seriously doubt you were a scout.”

“Actually...I was. Got every badge in the book.”

“Was one of them for serial killing? Or was that just for the bucket list?” She tried to position the table in between her and Merlyn.

“Alright, do what you want. I won’t stop you.” He pulled off his shirt, revealing toned muscles and abs outlined by scars and ink. His back muscles flexed powerfully as he pulled the bed to the side. Beneath the bed was a hole with a number of belongings. And a picture.

A woman.

“Who’s she?”

“What, I thought I was just a serial killer?”

“You were. Are. I’m guessing she’s one of your victims.”

“She...was my wife.”

She felt a pang of guilt before moving from behind the table.

“What happened to her?”

“She’s dead. She was mugged then raped. She told me so we went to the police together. They didn’t do anything. Didn’t even file a report. But, I guess they were afraid of being ID’d. Maybe since rape is getting more attention these days. So they killed her. Drive-by. Nothing special. Nothing could be proven. But I knew who they were. So I went to their house and... I think you know the rest.”

“So... they were... Okay, but why not just use a gun? Why a machete?”

“It was actually my wife’s machete. She got it from her mom, you know. Family heirloom. Figured she would like that if…” He breathed deep before sinking onto the bed, the picture in hand. “I know that isn’t what she would’ve wanted from me. But, I couldn’t just let it lie. No one is going to remember her name. Or why she died. To the rest of the people, she didn’t matter. But, she mattered to me.”

“What was her name?”

“Ramona. Her name was Ramona.”

Esmeralda sat down next to him, no longer afraid. She could feel his sadness, regret, anger pouring off in waves. It was overwhelming and sobering. She didn’t know what she could do in the face of that kind of pain but she put her hand on his shoulder, her fingers grazing over his calloused skin.

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“His name is Michael. My husband’s name is Michael. Michael Hawkins.”

“Mike...Mike…” He thought about it for a moment before an image appeared in his head. “Ohh… you mean Atlanta. He was in for dealing and possession, right?”

“Yeah, he was…”

“You didn’t want to come?”

“I want to come. I mean, I wanted to. I just...our marriage wasn’t… isn’t perfect.” She still could feel the stinging of bruises left across the ribs. They had faded, but the burns never healed. “Things were fine when he still had the job on the plant but after he was laid off...he didn’t know what to do. None of us did. I think he took it out on me for that. I had to pick up two jobs to keep the house but it wasn’t enough. So I started...dancing on the side. When he found out about that…” She pulled up her sleeves. Burn scars laced and mottled her dark brown skin like a twisted mosaic.

“That’s when I took the kids. But I just...couldn’t do it on my own. I moved back in and he started dealing. It wasn’t long till he got caught in a drug bust.”

“What kind of bitch hits his woman? And this...fuck… I’ve seen men killed for less.”

“Look, he’s not perfect. But he’s the father of my children. He’s still my man.”

“That ain’t a man. Listen to me. Anyone who does this...” He moved his hand gently across his scars, staring straight into her eyes. “,,,isn’t a man.”

Time seemed to freeze as his coarse fingers drifted across her arms. He traced the scars up, until he reached her neck, his fingers wrapping lightly around the side.

“And you are, Merlyn?”

“Well, I’m not perfect, but I would never hurt my woman.”

“And... how would you treat your woman?” She bit her lip before looking straight at him. With one look, he knew exactly what that meant.


He slammed her against the door, his hands tracing down her body.

“Are you sure you want this?”

Esmeralda pulled her panties down her legs, letting them drop to the floor. Damp and useless.


That was all he needed. He grabbed the top of her thighs, lifting her off the ground and pinning her against the door. His teeth sank into her neck, roughly tearing at the skin before moving onto her thick, cocksucking lips. His tongue danced with hers before he pulled her off the wall. He threw her to the bed hard, causing the springs to twist and bend under the weight.

She struggled to pull off her dress for a moment but Merlyn tore it off before she even had the chance. The worst part was that she only slightly regretted seeing the torn remains of her dress in his fingers.

Her tits were next. His fingers groped harshly, but precisely.

She wasn’t sure how long it was since he'd had sex, but one thing was clear.

He was a pro.

The bed was already drenched but it only got worse as he began to kiss downward.

Past her chest, her tummy, right to the drenched wanton slit between her legs. The powerful scent dragged him lower until his mouth was only inches away.

Then, his tongue closed the distance.

“Oh...oh fuck…” His tongue played her like a harmonica. It homed in on her clit and never let up. Soon, she was writhing, her hands digging into the sheets for any kind of support. Her words descended into moans. Which descended into screams. Which descended into quiet begs and whimpers. Eventually, her body tightened up as she felt a crashing wave of pleasure barrel through her, flattening her to the bed.


“We’re not done yet, baby.” He pulled out his cock and it landed on the bed with a loud whump. The sound was ominous enough, but when Esmeralda finally pulled her head up, she was greeted by the largest, most sinister-looking black cock she had ever seen in her life. This was the kind of dick that made pornstars shrivel in fear and envy. Jesus, she didn’t even know cocks could get that big. And it wasn’t just long. It was thick like a Coke can. She didn’t even think she could fully wrap her hand around it. A proper handjob was basically impossible. Let alone putting that monster inside of her.

She shook in fear and anticipation.

“Wait… Maybe this isn’t such a…” Then, it started to harden.

And, her pussy overwhelmed her brain.

Whether her hormones had completely killed reason or not, she knew she had to go through with it.

“Do you want to stop?”

“No. No. Let’s do this.” She pulled off a pillowcase and tied it across her mouth, biting deep into the fabric before shaking her head quickly.

He inserted it slowly, and despite being drenched, she felt her pussy contract in total petrifying fear. This fear was soon replaced with pain as it tore a trench through her vagina. She could feel every throb and vein as all the space was soon replaced with massive amounts of black cock. She felt like she was going to pass out for a moment. But, then the pain started to plateau.

And before she knew it, all of it was in. She didn’t know how it was possible, or what organs he was displacing in the process.

But she didn’t care.

She just wanted him to fuck her.

“I’m fine. Don’t stop.” Soon, the entire complex was filled with the sounds of flesh slapping roughly against flesh. His gigantic balls smacked against her like a slingshot, cracking like a whip. Her entire body rippled, her huge tits jiggling like Jello in a wind turbine.

Her mind died, and what replaced it was a constant, ravenous urge to get fucked till she couldn’t walk.

“Hello. Mrs. Hawkins. I’ve been sent to retrieve…” The guard was greeted with the sight of Esmeralda being torn to pieces by Merlyn.

The sight of their fucking was so aggressive, he was briefly worried about her safety.

Before just deciding to leave her.

 “...Slut…” he muttered as he closed the door, letting it lock again.

She tried to bring words out, to ask who that was, but the thoughts quickly became jumbled and blocked by cock. It was like he was plowing out her thoughts, concerns, anxieties as well as her abused pussy.

She got closer, feeling the intense building of her twentieth orgasm bulldozing through her. But, right before the end, Merlyn pulled out. Slow, letting her feel every inch leaving her.

The feeling of emptiness was brutal, cruel, and instantly horrible. Like being dunked in ice water.


“Don’t worry.” He flipped her over on her stomach before grabbing her by her neck and gripping right under her tummy. He pulled her off the bed and shifted his hands to her shoulders as he impaled her on his cock. Her feet dangled uselessly in the air as he began to use her as a fleshlight, slamming her body down to the base, then back up to the tip again and again. She quickly got used to the rough tempo and feeling herself get closer each time her body slammed towards the base.

“I’m getting close.”

“Uhhhh…ughhhh…” That was all she could respond with as she felt their orgasms building together. Everything felt synced together. Heartbeats, breathing, thrusts. Until there was a single intimate moment where they were one.

Then they came.

Cum came bursting out like a firehose, drenching her insides. It quickly filled her like an eclair before pouring out and dripping onto the ground. With every sharp impregnating thrust and throb, she felt her pussy tighten against his cock. She milked it, savoring every sensation as he knocked her up.

Once they finished, she went limp. Blacking out in an instant.

When she woke up, an hour had already passed. Standing over her were three guards, ready to escort her out. Unfortunately, her dress was destroyed and her cum-covered state made things very clear.

“It’s time for you to leave, ma’am.”

“Wait, but I don’t want to…”

“You have to go, Esmeralda. You have a life. You have your children. I’m...not going anywhere anytime soon.” He kissed her forehead softly. “If we never see each other again, just remember how a real man should treat you.”

“I’ll never forget.”




Written by MrMrsMidnight
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