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"A neglected wife finds what she's been missing in a hotel bar."

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Author's Notes



Kami smoothed the front of her violet dress, nervously and unnecessarily. She stood outside of the hotel bar, pacing on the spot, an inner debate waging war on her mind. She hadn't been with anyone but Case since the day they met. But she knew...she KNEW...he was cheating. She'd seen the pictures herself. She didn't mean to snoop, she wasn't looking for anything other than the phone number for their realtor; they were in the process of looking for their first house, but now the prospects were feeling dim.

This should've been enough to end it on the spot, but something inside was taking over, something that had been lurking. She'd been wanting to branch out in their intimate life, experience new things, trying them out together, as a couple. But now, that trust and want had dissipated. She still had those desires, but she had no wish to experience them with Case. Now, for the first time, she felt like being selfish. She wanted to feel the thrill of being as naughty as possible. And since the marriage was over, in her mind now and clearly in his for a while, she felt no guilt in finding someone new, even if it was just temporary.

But while she felt no guilt, she certainly felt nervous. She also felt unsure of herself. Not of her actions, but of her ability. Did she still have what it took? She'd always felt attractive, certainly at the beginning of her marriage Case reinforced that idea. But was it true? If she was, why did he stray? She needed to see if it was still possible to attract a new man, a stranger. Not just to satisfy her strong sexual desires, but to reaffirm her own self-confidence.

Urges finally winning out over her jangle of nerves, she walked up the steps and into the bar, pushing a long lock of bright red hair over her shoulder. It was a nervous tick she'd developed in college; when in doubt, just play with her hair. She loved her hair. She was so proud of its color and texture, and she knew that most guys thought it was cute when a redhead played with her hair.

She scanned the room, her emerald green eyes flicking from person to person, analyzing everyone around her. Adjusting her shoulders, she walked her five-foot-nothing frame with dignity across the room, climbing into a seat at the bar. She ordered a Hennessey, sipping it nervously before letting it warm. With one last shaking breath, she turned in her seat and opened herself to the room.


Sitting in a corner booth, tucked in the back and staying semi-private, Mike sipped his drink in peace. He enjoyed watching the people come and go but was unimpressed with the clientele of the evening. Lots of 20-something fuckboys and their airhead bimbo counterparts. The men, if you could even call them that, were simply seeking some quick tail to brag to their five roommates about over a case of cheap beer. The women, meanwhile, were simply unintelligent, shallow, and desperate for validation over their so-called friends in an endless tournament to see which one was prettiest based on who got picked up first. Mike had seen it all before, and he was seeing it again. This place used to be something special: classy, romantic, and with atmosphere.

He scanned the room, looking for someone, anyone, with confidence and intrigue. Someone worth investing his time in.

***ON TO THE STORY...***

Perusing the clientele yielded disappointing results. All Kami could see was young men spouting off immature one-liners, posturers, and prima donnas. "Probably good for a one-and-done," she thought to herself. "But not what I want." She finished her drink and began to rummage through her purse for some cash. But as she looked up, she noticed a figure sitting off on his own, not bothering anyone, seeming to scan the room just as she had been. Green eyes alight with mischief, Kami squared up her shoulders and set off across the room, drink in hand.

Finally reaching the table, the gentleman turned his head to look at her just as she said, "Buy you a drink?"

Mike looked up at the woman approaching his table, immediately taken aback at the sight of her. Gorgeous, flowing red hair. Her body perfectly framed in a velvet dress. Her eyes like jade. Her voice soft but also strong. She was poised and calm, confident and collected. It was like he'd conjured her.

"I should ask the same thing," he replied in a deep, velvet tone. Scooting over in the booth to make room, he patted the seat next to him and said, "Please, by all means. It'd be my pleasure."

Kami's dress hugged every curve of her small, lithe body. She reached down to smooth out the skirt as she sat down beside him. Despite her attempts, however, her skirt slid up as she sat down, and a tantalizing glimpse of her stocking tops was revealed. "Thank you," she said in a soft voice that rang out musically. She looked over at him, staring into his eyes with a wistful look. "Kami," she offered, holding out her free hand to him.

Mike's deep, brown eyes looked her up and down without hesitation. Such slender, perfect legs, clad in stockings. A literal dream come true. He took her hand and kissed the back of it softly, smiling up at her. "A true pleasure to meet you, Kami. Michael, but my friends call me Mike."

Kami flushed slightly as she felt his lips against the back of her hand, a tingling sensation surging through her. "So..." she said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. "...can I call you Mike?"

With a wink, Mike kissed Kami's hand one more time and said, "I'd be hurt if you didn't," before sitting back up in the booth. She could see him clearly, now: dark brown hair, cut short, brown eyes, a neat goatee, and dressed in dark jeans with a black button shirt and a dark gray blazer. Her tongue stroked her lips, an unconscious movement as she looked him over.

Drawing her hand back, it shook ever so slightly. She took a sip of her cognac, just to whet her throat before smiling at him. "A pleasure to meet you, Mike. Are you waiting for anyone tonight?"

Finishing his bourbon, Mike set his glass down on the table. "No, no, I'm just...a regular of sorts. I'm just enjoying watching the people. Or, should I say..." he paused, gesturing at the room. "...what passes for people these days."

Kami's lips quirked and she let out a soft chuckle. "Right?" she said in agreement, tipping her head to one side. "This is my first time here. I was told it may be a place to-" A lush crept over her fair skin, a rosy pink that continued down her cleavage and into her dress. The soft freckles that peppered her skin darkened and were visible even in the dim lighting. Swallowing, Kami finished her sentence with: "-to meet people." She took another sip, bringing her eyes to meet his.

The corner of Mike's mouth ticked up in a small smile. "Yes, this is usually a good place people." He tried to match her tone, his hand on the table creeping ever so closer to hers. "I stay in a suite upstairs frequently when I'm in town. That way I don't have to worry about driving anywhere when someone."

Kami's eyes fluttered at him, the implication in his voice an undeniable draw. Sipping her drink and fidgeting slightly, she kicked off her heels under the table. Her foot slowly slid up along his pant leg. Suddenly, in a soft voice, she blurted out, "I'm married..." and averted her eyes, cringing slightly. She felt afraid of his response, of what he must think.

He looked down at her stocking-clad foot slowly making its way up his leg and smiled. "And yet," he said, "here you are, with me. So you'll forgive me if I go on unbothered."

Her eyes flashed at him, excitement plainly broadcasting in the air. She again licked her lips, slowly this time, drawing her lower lip between her teeth. Taking in a shaky breath, Kami tried to make light talk, restraining herself from blurting out all of her desires at once. "So, you don't, um, live here?" She slid imperceptibly closer to him. "You're here on business?"

Mike's hand on the table finally reached hers, his fingertips brushing against her skin. "I come through here one week every month. I'm a travel writer, but I have to come back here to meet with my editors." He looks around the room for a moment. "I usually just stay here since it's familiar, and it's..." His eyes returned to Kami, looking her up and down again, memorizing every inch and curve of her body. "'s where the interesting people are."

Swallowing, Kami could feel his intense gaze holding her in some kind of spell. Blinking slowly, she shook her head and smiled at him. "That sounds so fascinating to me! I used to write before, well, before getting married." She felt the sentence end with a dull dud.

His hand slowly climbing atop hers, and Mike's fingertips gently stroked the back of her hand. "The sacrifices we make sometimes," he said, fixated on her verdant eyes. "But like I said, you're here with me."

Kami nodded, reaching for her drink only to find it empty. She turned and flagged the server down, turning to ask Mike, "What are you drinking?"

Mike looked up at the server with a smile and said, "Bulleit on the rocks, please and thank you." He gave the server a wink and a nod. She blushed and smiled, then turned to Kami. "And for you, miss?"

"Hennessey, please," said Kami, sliding the two empty glasses toward her. As the server walked away, Kami turned back to Mike. "You must see some really beautiful places?" she asked in a bit of a whisper, her hand sliding up his arm, gripping him gently, eyes drifting closed momentarily as she could feel the strength possessed in his arm. She drew in another shaky breath as her eyes opened, meeting his. She immediately shivered, blushing, realizing she'd been caught.

"Yes, but," began Mike, leaning in closer to Kami and speaking in a low, graveled voice. "Right now, this seems like the right place to be." His other arm lay along the back of the booth, the hand reaching out to brush a few loose hairs out of her face, cupping her cheek.

Kami's lips parted, reflexively, as she leaned slowly towards Mike. Once again, she felt her eyes beginning to close, lids fluttering, as her lips brushed against his. Her body ached at the contact, more than she'd had in quite some time. Shuddering, she pulled back and tried to collect her thoughts.

Mike frowned, concernedly. "I'm sorry," he said, leaning back slightly. "Did I cross a line?" His eyes were still intense and fixed on her, his thumb moving in a small circle against her cheek.

Kami shook her head, unable to speak for a moment. After a few seconds, she stammered, "I's that...I want...more." Her confession completed, she leaned against him, chest pressed against his body. This time, she offered her lips, eyes closed, waiting to see if he would take them.

Wasting no time, Mike leaned into Kami. His lips grazed hers and, at long last, they formed a kiss. Breathing in deeply, Mike found her scent intoxicating. His hand cradling her face, holding her to him, he could feel the warmth of her body radiating with his. A sharp whimper escaped Kami's lips, her hand on Mike's chest, slowly sliding down. Feeling bold, she slid her tongue against his lips, begging them to part and allow her in.

Heeding her wish, Mike's lips parted and his mouth welcomed her tongue. His own intertwined with hers as he moaned softly, causing it to vibrate in the smallest amount against hers. His fingers on her cheek slipped around to the back of her neck, cupping it carefully.

Kami's hand travelled lower, down Mike's chest to his abs, and further still to rest on his thigh. She didn't yet reach between his legs, though. She could feel the heat coming off of him, and it sent an electric shock through her system. She let out an audible groan, not noticing or caring as the server came back and set their drinks down. Nothing, absolutely nothing, existed in her mind beyond him, the kiss, and the sizzling energy coursing through her body.

Making their way into Kami's hair, Mike's fingers tangled themselves up in her gorgeous red locks. He could feel her hand traveling along his body, exploring curiously, and made no attempt to resist. Breathlessly, Kami pulled her head back to break the kiss. Her vision was hazed, yet she stared at Mike with wonder and desire radiating from them. She brought her fingertips up to her lips, stroking along them, feeling a tingle through her skin, and felt it echoing to her core.

Speaking softly, her voice slightly husky, she whispered, "I have a confession."

Releasing her hair, Mike's fingertips traveled down along her neck and jawline, over to her shoulder, and down along her arm. "Please," he said, "Tell me."

"My husband," Kami started, her voice trembling slightly. "He's cold to me. I...I haven't been touched like this in months." She looked down, flushing, certain that it would sound pathetic. Finally, she looked up into Mike's eyes again, whispering, "I want more. I want it all. I..." She bit her lip, sitting up straight, taking ownership of her next request: "I want you to take me. Upstairs. Now." She blinked a few times, not wavering, waiting for his response.

Mike smiled at her, turning to nod at the server as she walked by. She nodded and smiled at him, returning to the bar. Turning back to Kami, he said "The drinks are on me. Come along." He stood up and walked around the booth, offering his hand to Kami. She turned around, slipping her heels back on, and took his hand. Standing up, she locked her arm with his and the two of them walked out into the hallway. Once they reached the elevator, Mike pressed the "UP" button. The doors parted, letting the two of them inside, and then closed behind them, taking the two new lovers up to the top floor.

Pressing her back to the wall, Kami watched Mike with hooded eyes. Reaching out with her newfound lust, she grasped the row of shirt buttons and pulled him closer to her. One of her hands sliding up into his hair, she pulled him down to meet her for another kiss. Mike's hands slid along the sides of her body, down to her hips, pulling them tight together, closing up the space between them. But this kiss wasn't like the one from the bar. It was deeper, more intense. He could feel her small frame trembling against him.

Pressed tightly against him, Kami's body shook ever so slightly. She could feel the growing bulge pressed against her, straining against her jeans. her fingers curled in her hair, the other hand sliding down between them, boldly brushing the rough length of his fly, testing him. Mike's hips involuntarily lifted to meet Kami's hand, feeling her fingers running along the outline of his growing length. He moaned softly as his hands moved from Kami's hips around to her firm backside, squeezing it, kneading it with his fingertips.

So lost in the moment, the two of them missed the ding of the elevator doors opening. Kami's fingers curled softly around the outline of Mike's cock, marveling at his firm, strong length. In her mind, the series of wild thoughts began to loop over and over. "This..." she said softly, " for me. I-I-I did this. Me...fuck..."

"It's all for you," Mike responded, a hungry rumble emanating from his voice. "All because of you." He turned to see the doors sitting open, smiling. He reached down and took her hand off of him, leading her out into the hallway towards the door to his room. Quickly unlocking it, he opened the door into the sitting area and let her in. Shutting the door behind them, Mike locked it and walked her into the room.

As soon as they were in the room, Kami turned and pressed herself into Mike's arms again, pulling him down for a hungry, aggressive kiss. Her lips demanding more, much more. Her nails slid down his back until she returned the favor from earlier, getting a grip of his ass. She was overwhelmed with wild abandon, barely able to control her own ferocity. Mike smiled through their kiss, and, not wanting to be outdone at his own game, reached down and cupped Kami's perfectly shaped ass, lifting her up into the air. She wrapped her stocking-clad legs around him and Mike carried Kami back towards the bedroom. Sitting Kami on the edge of the bed, his tongue vigorously exploring her mouth, Mike shrugged off his blazer from his shoulders and tossed it aside.

Her shaking hands reaching out, Kami began fumbling with the buttons on Mike's shirt, trying to help. Her hands were shaking so nervously, she couldn't get a single one open. Mike brushed her hand aside gently, taking over himself. Kami let her hands drop, finding Mike's bulge again, teasing it with soft strokes along its length. Leaning her head back, Kami moaned hoarsely. "Mike, I want you so bad," she looked at him with an intense glare. "Don't...don't stop, please." Her whimpers filled the room, practically begging for more.

Mike smiled reassuringly. "I don't plan on stopping any time soon." He finished unfastening the buttons on his shirt and let his shirt fall to the floor, positioning himself between her open legs. "By the time tonight is over..." he continued, reaching up with both hands, holding the sides of her face, and kissing her softly. "'ll be shaking for a whole different reason." Kami gulped audibly, the weight of this decision pressing down on her. She found herself shrugging it off, wanting, no, needing what Mike had to offer. No matter what, no matter what happened. She returned his kiss, her hands exploring his chest, nails scraping lightly. She moaned, cooing at his every reaction.

His hands moving to the back of Kami's neck, Mike found the zipper on the back of the dress, starting to slowly pull it down. His breathing was shallow, with soft grumbles of excitement and anticipation escaping. Suddenly emboldened, Kami let her hands slip over to Mike's fly, carefully slipping the zipper down, then fumbled with the button at the top. Panting for breath but overcome with desire, Kami had never felt so powerful. She pushed his jeans off of his hips, and they hit the floor at the same time as her dress. Reaching back up, she ran her open palm over the front of his boxers.

Looking down at the incredible form in front of him, skin pale and soft, Mike's hands moved along Kami's stomach and around to her lower back, feeling her soft and warm and smooth. His hands then moved down once more to her ass, feeling the soft flesh, squeezing it firmly. As Kami's hand traveled along the outline of his length, Mike let loose a shiver of excitement.

Trembling harder now, Kami closed her eyes as Mike's fingers played their way over her bare body. Her creamy skin was tinged a soft, baby pink, her excitement drawing a flush over her entire frame. Her fingers stroked along the length of his cock, the fabric hindering her from what she so desperately wanted. With a little groan, she slipped her thumbs into Mike's waistband, drawing his boxers down slowly, freeing his cock as she watched avidly, her eyes wide.

Mike stepped back a moment as Kami set his throbbing member free, the air causing it to twitch. He brought his hands up to her shoulders, gently slipping the straps of her bra away, down onto her arms, savoring the moment of undressing her. Coral-tipped breasts were slowly revealed, heaving as her breathing became more labored as Mike slipped off her bra. Her eyes couldn't break away from the sight of his cock as it throbbed in the open air. The way it stood, proudly erect, drawing her eyes and focusing all her thoughts. Reluctantly, she looked up at his face. "Mike?" She swallowed hard. "May I, um...please...can I taste you?" She exhaled, hands already gliding up and down his firm shaft.

Shivering slightly at the feeling of Kami's hand on his cock, Mike's hands gently cupped her firm, perky breasts. "I thought you'd never ask..." he said softly, stepping back to give her room to move.

Her eyes wide, her lips open slightly, she sunk to her knees before him. She admired his cock, framed by her tiny hands, for just a moment as she inhaled his musk, letting it fill all of her senses. Slowly leaning towards him, she ran the tip of her tongue along the underside of his cock, swirling it around the head slowly. It had been a while, but she still remembered how to please orally. Up and down, her strokes became more and more comfortable until her lips parted and slid over the head, drawing it in to encase it in her hot, wet mouth. "MMMmmm..." she moaned out, feeling the rumble all along his cock.

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Shivering from the sudden sensation of her tongue exploring his cock, Mike could also feel the hesitation and the desire coming from Kami. He could tell she was uncovering and reviving old skills and desires, with his cock as her muse. Once her lips closed around the tip, a small groan escaped him and reverberated around the room. His moans ignited something in her, and suddenly, all the hesitation was gone. Sucking steadily, she pulled off with a loud pop, only to open her mouth and take him deeper yet. Up and down, she continued this rhythm: suck on the upstroke, relax on the down. It didn't take long before Mike's shaft was coated in her spit, the tip of his cock tapping at her tight throat.

Reaching down, Mike tangled his fingers in Kami's hair once again, this time closing them into a fist and holding tightly, helping to guide her along the length of his cock. His moans became more frequent and intense as he felt her take the entire length into her mouth and throat again and again. Moaning, choking, and gagging softly, Kami lost herself in the passion of the moment, sucking and bobbing. One hand reached for his heavy balls, rolling them between her fingers and kneading them softly. Her eyes turned upward, catching his gaze as she silently begged him for his release.

Mike looked down into Kami's eyes, his mind a blank, lost in the feeling of her working his cock expertly with her mouth. His hips began to move in unison with her, the tip pushing into the back of her throat over and over. Drool flowed from Kami's lips as she slid up and down, steadily working Mike's cock. She could feel him swelling, twitching as he fucked her face harder and faster. She could feel her pussy clenching, convulsing, with pressure building inside so hot and intense.

At this point, Mike was just using Kami's mouth as practice, gritting his teeth as he pushed his cock into her mouth, fucking her throat with gusto. "Ohhh damn...oh my god...Kami, fuck..." His grip on her hair remained firm and steady. Kami surrendered to his control, letting him guide things, letting him use her mouth as his own personal toy. Looking up into his eyes, she watched the emotions as they played across his face, her mind filled with exultation at the pleasure and desire on his face.

His jaw clenched, Mike could feel his cock grow tense and rigid, stiff in Kami's mouth, throbbing profusely. "My god you feel amazing..." he said in a hushed but harsh tone. Kami started to swallow Mike's cock over and over, milking his cock as her moans sent a series of vibrations through him. She couldn't stop, even if she wanted to. His pleasure was far too important to her now. She felt Mike's hand open on the back of her head, cupping it firmly, pushing her as far down his length as she could go, and then pulling her off completely to give her a moment to breathe. 

"Just so you know," he said calmly, "I can go more than one round. In case, you know, that influences how you want to proceed." He reached up and wiped a small amount of sweat from his brow.

Gasping for air, her voice hoarse, Kami begged, "Cum in my mouth. Please...please cum in my mouth." She leaned forward, covering his tip once again, sliding him easily back down into her throat. Mike's hips resumed their rhythm, taking control of Kami's mouth and throat with his cock, feeling the pleasure and the tension rise inside as his moans became more and more intense.

Finally giving in to her own desires, Kami reached down between her legs, sliding a single finger along her clit. Her pussy began to drip steadily down her thigh. Each thrust of Mike's cock forced it into her tight, convulsing through, driving all thoughts from her mind.

Mike's eyes rolled back into his head as his cock began to twitch and convulse. A loud growl of pure lust broke his silence and his cock erupted in Kami's mouth, pumping a massive load into her mouth and down her throat. Kami swallowed rapidly, sucking back every drop she can get, but a small amount still escaped her lips and dribbled down her chin. Sweat and spit and cum coated her face, smearing her makeup and making her look like a broken toy.

She smiled up at Mike as she slowly dragged her lips off of his cock, sucking every drop from him, smacking her lips happily. "Thank you...thank you, Mike..."

"Oh no, Kami...thank you..." Mike stammered, as he helped Kami to her feet and back onto the edge of the bed. "Now, if you don't mind," he continued, slowly crouching down in front of her. "I'd like to return the favor."

Kami sat back on the bed, knees parting slightly. Her whole body trembled as she tried to remember the last time she had an experience like this. She was nervous, but prepared herself today with lots of personal care. Finally, she relaxed back, licking her lips and tasting his essence. "Yes, please." Her voice was tiny, needy. "Please, Mike, please." Her lips quivered as she begged.

His hands slowly traveling up along Kami's slender legs, Mike could feel the soft material of her stockings as his hands went higher and higher. Pushing her legs apart slowly, he leaned down and started to slowly kiss up along the inner side of her leg, moving upwards a little bit at a time. Kami whimpered, torn between laying back, relaxing into it, and sitting up to watch. As she looked to one side, she could see a mirror there, giving her a full view. Finally, she relinquished to lay back and sink into the mattress, tilting her hips up to grant Mike greater access. He could sense her excitement and indecision, his lips still traveling along her leg. His hands reached her hips, holding her in place firmly. Once he reached her thigh, he began to nibble at her skin playfully before his tongue slipped out and traced a small line the rest of the way up. He stopped just shy of her wanting mound. Looking up over the crest of her pelvis and into her eyes, Mike asked Kami, "May I?"

"Please!" Kami cried out. "Please, please, please..." Her voice was high and distraught. Her hips were off the bed, her knees dropped to the side to open herself up completely. Her nails curled in the bedding, anchoring her to the bed as she arched and flexed. Mike smiled up at her, his hands cupping her thighs and lifting her legs up onto his shoulders, the sound of her heeled shoes clicking as her feet crossed behind his head. His tongue fluttered out, tracing small circles around her skin until finally reaching her neglected clit, flicking it about, pressing against it, lapping at it.

Kami's eyes rolled up into her head, her whole body suddenly plunged into red hot pleasure. Her hips rolled slowly against Mike's tongue. A long, low moan tore forth from her lips, filling the room with sound, echoing back to her in waves. She was glad he was holding her down as her hips twitched and bucked with each electric jolt of pleasure. Mike pursed his lips around her clit, sucking on it gently as his tongue continued to dart around it, here and there, taunting it. A soft moan caused his tongue to vibrate against her clit, sending a million tiny vibrations through it. Kami writhed under him, caught up in a maelstrom of feelings, pleasure coursing through her with exquisite agony. Her lip curled and she let out a snarl, becoming feral in her need. "So close," she cried out. "So fucking close." Mike's moan sent a devastating sensation through her clit. She held back as much as she could, but was quickly careening out of control.

Mike's tongue snaked its way down to Kami's wet slit, parting it, pushing inside of her, opening her up to him. He could taste her from the inside, his tongue sliding in and out of her, as his hands pinned her hips to the bed. His continued moans sent more and more vibrations through her whole body as he took his time with her. Kami's hands released the covers and flew to Mike's head, curling into his hair and gripping tightly. Her hips bucked up to his mouth, despite his hands' best effort. 

Suddenly, an inarticulate scream filled the air, a thick rush of pleasure coursing through Kami's body as orgasm hit its peak, and she immediately gushed forth from her quivering pussy, coating Mike's tongue and chin, as she was completely consumed but he pleasure invoked by his tongue. Swirling in a throbbing and pulsing miasma of ecstasy, Kami fell back on the bed, whimpering.

Throughout her entire orgasm, Mike's tongue never ceased. Constantly flicking and darting, lapping away, trying to draw out her climax for as long as possible. He could feel her entire body go tense as she peaked, finally going limp and she began to wind down. Despite this, Mike never once eased up. He could feel it in her, how neglected she'd been. How denied she'd been. He wanted to give her everything she'd been missing for so long. 

Kami whimpered under Mike's grip, her pussy so sensitive as he continued on. Every lick, every flick of his tongue sent aftershocks through her, making her gasp out as she panted for breath. "Mike...oh god..." she moaned, softly and breathlessly. There was far less demand in her voice. Her fingers stroked through his hair, idly playing with him as he sent soft, pleasurable sensations through her.

Mike's tongue continued to explore Kami, taste her, tease her. It began to slow down, little by little, feeling her body trembling, but never stopped. He wanted to savor every bit of her, every inch; memorizing her by the touch of his tongue as it traced up and down her quivering slit, up to her clit, around the top, and back down. His hands slid down to caress her thighs carefully, feeling her skin, feeling the lace of her stockings. Her body was so warm, so excited. 

Slowly, Kami's breathing returned to normal, and her body stopped trembling. She leaned herself up on her elbows, watching Mike continue to tease her with such reverence and care. She stroked through his hair and onto his cheek, guiding him away from her sex, wanting to kiss him again.

Slowly, Mike got back to his feet, his lips traveling from between Kami's legs, and up along her stomach. He finally stopped when he reached her breasts, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. He kept his eyes on hers, his hand cupping and squeezing the other. 

Kami stroked through Mike's hair and down his cheek, staring with wonder into his eyes. She could see her passion mirrored there, knowing he was feeling the same want as her. Her heart soared in wild exultation, feeling a power both exhilarating and demanding as she reclaimed what had been lost. "Mike...Mike oh my god.." she gasped, her body already craving more and more from her lover.

His teeth biting and tugging on her nipple, Mike's tongue swirled around it quickly, flicking it, before switching over to the other one quickly, not wanting Kami to feel in any way neglected. Moaning at the softness of her skin, he could feel her breasts so soft and creamy to the touch. 

Kami closed her eyes again, savoring the attention, letting Mike have his way with her. Slowly sinking back into the mattress, she gasped and moaned each time his teeth grazed her nipples. It was as if a live wire was connected between her nipples and her clit, pleasure charging her skin.

Finally, after a minute of showing attention to both of her nipples, Mike broke away to kiss higher and higher up the front of Kami's body. Along her neckline, across her jawline, and to the bottom of her ear where he nibbled softly before whispering, "You taste so good. I can't get enough." 

Kami let out a low moan, cracking open her eyes as she turned to face Mike. Her hand slid behind his head and pulled him to her. She kissed his lips, tongue tracing them to taste her own essence on them. It'd been so long since the last time she tasted her own dew on the lips of another. Her second hand joined the first, holding his head to luxuriate the kiss.

Their tongues continued to wrestle, giving Kami a chance to taste herself. One of Mike's hands slid up along her body, wrapping around her and rolling the two of them over, perching Kami up atop Mike. His fingers traced down along her spine as he felt her small frame lying against him. Her knees dropped to either side of him, letting her straddle his hips. She could feel his cock throbbing between them as she pinned it between her slick folds. A sudden urge of empowerment lit up her mind and she started to slide her hips against the underside of his cock, feeling the way her clit throbbed every time it was touched by the tip of his member. She reached for Mike's hands and threaded her fingers with his, pushing his hands above his head. She rolled her hips above him, controlling his movements and pleasure for just a moment.

Mike smiled up at Kami. "I want you to take what you want. I want you to have anything and everything you desire," he said. "Take what you want, but remember," he gave her a wink, "you won't be in charge for long. Enjoy it while it lasts."

Her hands kept his pinned above his head as she grasped at the illusion, even as she acknowledged it. She tilted her hips, continuing to slide along the whole length of his cock. He aligned perfectly with her hole and she slowly, ever so fucking slowly, slid her tight, wet heat onto him. Her walls stretched tightly, and she threw her head back, mewling, as she was filled to the utmost with Mike's throbbing, pulsing cock. "Oh fuck! Fuck!" she gasped out, her pussy spasming around his girth as she held him still inside.

Letting out a long, low, loud growl, Mike could feel her clench tightly around his girth, pulling him inside deeper and deeper. He could feel her traveling down his shaft on all sides. He lifted his hips to push his cock inside to the hilt, every last inch of his member buried inside of Kami's neglected, but soon to be worshiped, trembling pussy. 

Kami helped him deep inside, her back arched, her breasts just out of Mike's face as she was stretched out above him. With tiny, fluid motions, she started to withdraw and return, sliding Mike's cock in and out of her a little at a time. She would stop, now and then, letting her head clear and her trembles subside, only to return to the slow, methodical strokes that drove her wild.

Mike's hands were still pinned, but he leaned forward to kiss Kami's breasts as they moved against his face, occasionally taking one of her nipples into his mouth again. He lifted his hips to meet hers every time she slid back down, meeting her halfway, guiding his throbbing cock back inside of her time and time again, each time more intense than the last. Kami released Mike's hands, pushing herself to sit upright atop of him. Mike's cock slammed fully inside of her, kissing her womb as she began to draw figure-eights on his hips. He hands entwined over her head, her breasts lifted and bounced as she moved with serpentine grace.

Her hips were immediately gripped by Mike's firm hands, his fingers digging into her ass, squeezing it aggressively. He could feel her moving on his cock, feel her hips griding against his. "Oh my god," he exclaimed. "Fuck, you feel...incredible."

Kami's heart soared at his words, her hips grinding down on him as her tight pussy flexed around his shaft, pulling at him. She rolled her hips slowly, feeling an incredible pressure growing within herself. "Oh god, Mike," she gasped. "You feel amazing. So big, so hard, so good..." She began to pant as she started bouncing on his cock, losing control with every passing second.

As soon as she started bouncing, Mike's hand instinctively gave Kami's ass a firm smack. He lifted his hips to drive deeper and deeper inside of her. Feeling her body slamming down against his, he grunted loudly each and every time he felt himself sheathed inside of her. No longer able to take it slow, Kami dropped her hands to Mike's shoulders and gripped them tightly while their hips collided over and over again. Her pussy clenched tight, milking his cock, pulling at him with a strength born of raw passion and lust, greedily taking exactly what it needed. She started to pant harder, breaths becoming more and more labored, her body spinning wildly toward another mind-shattering release.

Mike slid his hands up Kami's back, to the back of her head, gripping two handfuls of her hair as she rode him expertly. "Cum for me," he growled intensely. "I want you to cum for me. Cum for me, Kami..." he began to thrust his hips aggressively, driving his cock up into her with everything his body could muster.

His words broke something inside of her, driving her hips to slam against his in desperation. Her pussy spasmed wildly, gripping at his cock though all the rhythm was shattered. Suddenly, she tensed around him, throwing her head back with a primal howl as her pussy released gush after gush, coating his cock, until all she could say was a cry of "Mike! Fuck! Oh my god!"

With gnashed teeth, Mike continued to fuck her all through her climax. "Yes! Yes, that's it! Good girl...cum for me...good girl..." Taking advantage of her momentary vulnerability, Mike pushed his cock into Kami as fast and as deep as he could, moving like a piston, driving deep inside of her. 

Kami moved on instinct only, her hips matching Mike's rhythm and intensity. Spasming wildly, out of control, she was feeling truly wild as he used her pussy for his own pleasure. She gasped out, shaking violently, thrashing atop of him with wild abandon.

He pulled her down to meet him, kissing her hungrily, and rolled them over again. This time, Kami was on her back as Mike sat up, still inside of her. He lifted her legs and pushed them together, making her extra tight around his cock. Holding her legs against his chest, he grumbled, "I told you not to get used to being in charge." Immediately, he began to thrust fast and hard, his hips slamming against her ass again and again.

Kami arched her back, her pussy wrapped so tightly around Mike's girth. Her nails dug into his arms as she gripped him, lost completely to the pleasure. She started to mumble, a stream of conscious thoughts flowing from her lips. "Take it!" She cried out. "Take it, Mike. Use me, fuck, give it to me! Give me all of it...oh fuck...oh fuck, I need it! I need it!" She screamed out loudly as another wild and destructive climax suddenly overcame her, obliterating her mind with its force and ferocity.

The sounds of her screaming, begging even, rang through Mike's ears. He could feel her body seizing as she came for him yet again. He could feel the pressure building in his cock once again, the tension becoming too much to bear. His moans and breathing gave way to short, catching grunts of pleasure. "Oh...oh fuck..." he stammered. "Oh fuck, I'm close." It was all he could get out, his brain becoming foggy.

Kami's pussy grasped tightly around his length, heading off any thought Mike might have entertained about pulling out of her. Throttling with strong muscles, she clenched around him as wild passion controlled her. She dug her nails into his arms, pressing crescents into his flesh. "Fuck me, Mike!" she screams. "FUCK ME!" It was all she could say.

Suddenly, instinctively, Mike lurched forward, his back at an arch. His arm lunged forward and his hand wrapped around her neck, resting just under her chin. His eyes went dead and glazed over as his thrusts became wanton and erratic. His grunts gave way to a loud roar as he cried out "Fuck! Oh fuck oh fuuuuuck!" And with that, the tip of his cock convulsed inside of Kami and pumped forth massive load after massive load of cum, filling her, claiming her, owning her with one final, intense climax. Still spasming, Kami's pussy milked Mike's cock, pulling every drop from his balls before her eyes rolled up and she fell limply back onto the bed. Her mouth hung open, a small stream of drool flowing from it.

Mike's body collapsed next to hers and immediately his arms wrapped around her, pulling her into a tight, comforting embrace. 

The pair peppered each other with small, soft kisses for almost an hour after that, taking turns stroking the other's hair softly as they waited for pure exhaustion to carry them into the night, drifting off to sleep in each other's arms...

Written by HellblazerDYT
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