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Cheating Wife

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It was Saturday night and Charles was away on business and would be until Monday. And the kids were visiting their grandparents on their farm. This was her second day all to herself so Barbara figured, what the hell, she was going out for a night on the town. She had been eating healthy and exercising regularly and was feeling particularly confident. She knew Charles wouldn’t have an issue with her having a little fun. There was a new club called Sweet Water to check out.

She took extra care bathing, put on her favorite sundress and headed out for a night of country and western dancing. Something Charles would never do with her.

Barbara got there quite early so decided to start with a drink to loosen her inhibitions. Because she’d seen it in a TV show, she ordered a Jack and coke, grabbed a stool and sat down to drink it. Not much of a drinker, by the time it was about half finished, Barbara began to feel its effects, enjoying that slight buzz. She could really feel the club’s music pulsing around her. She quickly finished the rest of her drink and headed out to the dance floor to start her fun night.

Barbara slipped into a group of people line dancing and let her body start to move in rhythm with the music, something she'd so rarely done since high school. It surprised her to remember how much fun dancing could be.

She’d joined in with a large group of men and women but it didn’t take long for Barbara to pair off with one of the men. It brought a new level of enjoyment as she and her partner took subtle cues from each other, changing their styles so that they started to play off each other.

Each new partner she switched to brought a different style and Barbara was enjoying not only the merging of different styles but also enjoyed learning new dance moves. After a solid forty-five minutes on the dance floor, Barbara was getting a little tired and needed a break. She slipped off the dance floor, ordered another Jack and coke and sat down to recuperate.

Barbara had almost finished her second drink and had a nice buzz going. She was getting up to head back out on the dance floor when one of the men she’d been dancing with walked up to her. “Can I buy you another drink?” he asked.

Barbara chuckled internally for a moment. She’d seen this maneuver on TV and the movies all the time but had never experienced it personally. “Sure. Thanks,” she finally replied.

“Great. I’m Reese. You’ve got some nice moves, lady,” he said.

Reese was good looking. Rugged physique, toned muscles, about just over six feet tall, black wavy hair and cobalt blue eyes. He looked to be a couple of years older than Barbara’s thirty-three.

“I’m Barbara and thanks. You’re not bad yourself,” Barbara replied, connecting Reese with the moments she'd shared with him on the dance floor.
They enjoyed friendly banter while they drank. The third drink had come a little quicker than Barbara had planned and so the intensity of the euphoria she started to experience wasn’t anticipated. She wanted to get back out and dance some more. Thankfully, Reese must have been thinking the same thing.

“How about we get back out on the floor? We can try out some new moves.,” he said.

“Let’s go,” sang out Barbara excitedly.

Hand on the small of her back to guide her, they headed back to the dance floor. In his arms, Barbara let the music take them again. The freeing effects of the alcohol allowed Barbara to let go more than she normally would. She and Reese started to dance closer, occasionally getting right up against each other. On some really up tempo, funky beats, she even went so far as to playfully grind and twerk on Reese, pressing her ass so tightly into his groin that she could feel his bulge. She was having a great time and he appeared to be also. Although it hadn’t seemed it, before long another hour had passed and Barbara needed a break again. She let Reese know and they went to find a table.

“Buy you another drink, Barbara?”

“Thanks,” she replied, “but I’ll just have water.”

Reese flagged down a cute little waitress in a short skirt and a tube top and ordered water and another drink for himself.

“I haven’t had this much fun in years,” Barbara exclaimed excitedly once the drinks had been ordered. “You were great out there. My husband has two left feet so I’m not used to guys being able to dance so well.”

“Thanks," replied Reese. “I like to get out every now and then. It’s the best place to meet fun, energetic and beautiful women like you.”

“Are you trying to pick me up?” Barbara asked coyly. “If you are, it’s working,” she joked.

“Good,” he chuckled and winked.

While talking they covered the usual getting-to-know-you topics like background, interests, and dreams. They joked and laughed and gradually started interjecting sexual innuendo.

“How would you like to get out of here?” Reese suddenly asked.

Barbara felt a sudden jolt of adrenaline cut through her foggy alcohol induced buzz. “What did you have in mind?” 

“How about my place?” he asked cautiously. “I don’t live far.”

Barbara took a moment to weigh the ramifications. Since meeting Reese she’d understood that this was a possibility, but didn’t think it was a serious one. Now, suddenly, reality presented itself to her.

Reese must have mistaken her pause for apprehension. “I promise, I’ll treat you with all of the respect and attention that a woman like you deserves,” he added.

Making up her mind, Barbara replied, “Sounds good.”

Outside Reese hailed a cab, gave the driver his address and settled back in the seat next to Barbara. He put an arm around her shoulder and drew her close. Barbara leaned into him, resting her head against his shoulder. Even after all of that dancing, he smelled good and felt even better. The inside of her legs started to tingle as she thought about what she was doing. She tilted her head up to look at him and Reese smiled as he looked back.

Drawing her closer he lowered his lips to meet hers. The touch of a strange man’s lips against hers electrified her senses and she quickly reciprocated and opened her mouth wider. Their lips met and ignited their bodies in flames. Lips and tongues danced to each other’s passions as Reese reached his other arm around Barbara and lightly caressed her back.

Barbara was so caught up in the attention she was receiving from Reese that it came as a surprise to her when they arrived at his home.

Reese paid the driver and reached out for Barbara’s waist as the cab drove away. With his hand possessively on her hip, he led Barbara to the front door.

“Are you still okay with this?” Reese asked as he paused to unlock the front door.

“Open the door,” Barbara replied and moved close to kiss him again.

Reese’s house was very nice and clean. His furnishings showed that he not only had good taste but had some money as well.

“Make yourself comfortable, while I get us something to drink,” Reese said. “Water?”

Though she could still feel the buzz from the earlier alcohol, the effects had definitely subsided so she felt she could handle a little bit more. “I’ll have a glass of white wine if you have any,” she said.

“Excellent,” he said.

As she watched him go into the kitchen, she sat on the couch. She heard him rummage through his drawers, pop the cork on the wine and pour. He returned a short while later and offered Barbara a glass. “To an exciting evening,” he said.

“To an exciting evening,” she returned and they touched glasses before drinking.

They placed their glasses on the table and faced each other. Reese reached out and caressed Barbara’s face. “You really are very beautiful,” he said.

Barbara blushed. She was out of practice responding to compliments from any man other than her husband. And those had gotten few and far between.

“Thank you,” she managed to get out as she reached to touch his chest.

Reese pulled her close again and they picked up where they’d left off in the cab. Only now they were more adventurous with their hands. As they kissed they caressed each other’s bodies with an occasional hand making its way to Barbara’s breasts and ass. This continued for some time with Barbara’s excitement growing with each moment.

“I’ll be right back,” Reese said, the bulge in his pants clearly showing his arousal. He headed off down the hallway. Barbara sipped at her wine and tried to steady her nerves as she listened to the rustling coming from down the hall. When Reese returned, he walked in front of her and extended his hand to help Barbara off the couch. Barbara allowed him to help her up and he led her back to his bedroom, guiding her to enter before him.

The room was beautifully laid out to set up the mood. Candles lit the room from strategic locations; low 'elevator music' played in the background and a king-size bed sat against the middle of the far wall.

“Nice touch,” Barbara observed.

“Thank you. I told you I intend to treat you right.”

Reese led Barbara over to the bed. He embraced her again and started kissing. As he did, he reached down, cupped her butt cheeks and pulled her tight against him. Barbara moaned her approval. Reese slowly turned her around and moved his hands up to the top of her dress and started fumbling for the zipper. Barbara moved her hair aside to help him and he slowly unzipped her dress.

He started kissing the now exposed nape of her neck as he slid the spaghetti straps off of her shoulders. Barbara moaned as the goosebumps spread from the nape of her neck over the rest of her body. Her dress slid off her hips and fell to the floor.

Barbara felt Reese back away slightly as he pulled off his shirt, then moved back in. Barbara felt the heat from his chest up against her back. Wrapping his arms around her, Reese embraced her tightly as he went back to kissing her neck. As waves of pleasure washed over her, Barbara felt his hands moving down her stomach. They reached her panty line, slid under the waistband and continued toward her soaking and burning pussy. She felt a middle finger slide into her slit, parting her lips.

With a low moan, she opened her legs slightly to allow him better access and turned her head back to kiss him passionately. As his finger slid over her clit, pleasure erupted from between her legs and she opened her mouth more, as if trying to mimic how badly she wanted her other lips to open up and let Reese in.

She felt every millimeter of Reese’s finger as it pushed into her vaginal opening. As it slipped inside her Barbara couldn’t take it anymore. She turned to face him. With his finger still firmly working its magic between her thighs, Barbara reached down and unbuckled his pants. Once unzipped, Reese’s Levis joined her dress on the floor.

Barbara tried to get a peek at what Reese was packing, but as soon as his pants dropped, Reese removed his hand from Barbara’s panties, grabbed her ass and pulled her tight against him. Their kiss grew more passionate and, although she didn’t get a chance to see it, she now felt his rock hard cock pressed against her lower abdomen.

Reese continued to kiss her, but his hands moved up from her ass to the clasp on her bra. He quickly unclasped it, pulled the cups free and let it slide down her arms and drop to the floor. Just as quickly, he pulled her back into a tight passionate embrace. An intense sense of sensuality exploded from her hard nipples as they came into contact with Reese’s warm chest. Barbara reached down and grabbed Reese’s ass and pulled it tightly into her so she could better feel his cock pressing against her.

Reese broke their kiss and started working his mouth down her neck. Barbara tilted her head to give him all the access he needed and relaxed as the ecstasy washed over her. He continued to work down and was quickly approaching a nipple that was so hard it was essentially reaching out to Reese’s mouth, asking to be attended to.

Barbara tilted her head back and arched her back, willing her nipple into his mouth. When the moment came, her nipple exploded with ecstasy which radiated down between her legs. She could feel her pussy moisten with the waves of sensuality that pulsed through her body.

Reese was almost kneeling before her as he attended to her breasts, alternately kissing around and then swallowing each nipple. He took this opportunity to hook his thumbs into the waistband of her panties and release her wanton pussy. She was definitely soaking wet because she felt the coolness of the air in the room when it interacted with the juices soaking her pussy.

Reese started to get rise, working up from Barbara’s breasts to her neck and toward her lips. As he moved, Barbara again felt his finger part her lips, a feeling that was more natural now that her pussy wasn’t constrained. Her slit seemingly engulfed his finger and the wetness helped it work between her clit and vaginal canal. But, before he could fully stand up, Barbara reached down and returned his gesture from earlier by pulling Reese’s waistband out and over his hard cock. She then pulled down until his underwear all the way to the floor.

As waves of excitement built between Barbara’s legs from Reese’s manipulation, she reached out and grabbed his cock and started returning the favor. Reese moaned, “Uuugh,” as her hand wrapped around him and started working up and down the shaft.

Barbara still couldn’t see his equipment, but was able to assess its size. It was large, probably a couple of inches longer than Charles’s and noticeably thicker with a spongy, bulbous head. She liked large headed cocks and took some extra time on her next pass over it to play with it, paying particular attention to the extra sensitive part just beneath the opening. Reese’s moans indicated that he appreciated her attention.

After a couple of minutes in which their passions built between them, they released each other, pulled into another tight, passionate embrace and started kissing and feeling each other’s bodies with vigor.

Barbara could feel the head of Reese’s cock pressed firmly into her lower abdomen and felt the hard shaft just outside the reach of her wet and desirous slit.

The sexual tension was palpable. They started rocking in unison as they continued to connect at their lips. The slight rocking allowed them to move slowly across the room until Barbara felt her back up against the wall. With nowhere left to go, Reese pressed into her further. Barbara wanted him with an excited passion that she hadn’t felt in years.

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Almost instinctively, she lifted her right leg and wrapped it around the back of Reese’s upper thigh. It had the effect of tilting her crotch enough that she could now feel Reese’s shaft press between her soaking lips and desire erupted from within her.

Reese picked up on her cue almost instantaneously. He worked his right hand down between them and pushed on his cock. Barbara could feel the head sliding down her belly until it reached the gap between her legs. Then her slit was straddling his cock which was so long that she could feel the head against her asshole. Reese’s other hand came down to grab her butt check and lend her support.

“I want you so bad,” Barbara moaned, her voice a mix between demanding and pleading.

In answer, Reese drew back his hips. Barbara felt the head drag across her ass, across her taint and the shaft glide through her slit until, finally, the big bulbous head of his cock found her vaginal opening. As it arrived, the head angled up from the natural shape of Reese’s erection and positioned itself exactly where it needed to be.

Barbara moved her hands around to either side of Reese’s face, pulled slightly, opening her mouth wide and kissing him deeply and passionately to let him know she was ready. As she did, Reese’s hips started moving forward. There was no misdirection as his cock moved forward directly into Barbara.

She felt her lips spreading to accommodate the girth of his head and let out fulfilled sigh as she felt Reese continue to move into her. Exhilaration, passion, desire, fulfillment, ecstasy... there was no one word to describe how good it felt to have Reese’s cock sliding into her and along the walls of her pussy.

The sensation of fullness, heat, and snugness that penetrated her soul was incredible. Reese’s mouth moved past her ear, on its way to her neck as he let out his own pleasured moan that lasted the entire initial thrust until he came to a full stop, his shaft buried deep in Barbara’s tight, wet pussy.

She could feel his pubic hairs brush up against her clit as they came together.

Sighing, Barbara paused to appreciate the complete contentment of her stretched and completely filled pussy. It didn’t last long. Her senses exploded again as Reese started to withdraw, sexual electricity emanating from the friction it created with her pussy walls. Reese worked his mouth down to her breasts again as he slowly moved his thick cock in and out.

He was good, making sure to take long deep strokes, allowing Barbara to feel the total length and girth of his massive cock. While the strongest pleasure emanated from between her legs, Barbara’s senses were inundated with pleasure pulses from all over her body as Reese caressed and groped her ass with his hands and played with her breasts, neck and mouth with his lips.

They started to lose their individual identities as they merged together in this wondrous act they were sharing.

Reese quickened his pace a little as the passion overtook them both. He put his other hand on her other butt cheek and lifted. As if speaking some shared language, Barbara allowed him to bear her weight and wrapped her other leg around hism. Not only was this act emotionally stimulating, it produced the physical effect of spreading her pussy wider.

Reese plunged into her even deeper than before and touched her in places that had never been reached. With her clit now exposed to him, his body brushed along it briefly every time they came together. This acted to intensify her already overloaded senses. They both groaned and whispered encouragement in each other’s ears as they fucked. Barbara relished every sensation that Reese bestowed on her.

Reese started to slow and eventually allowed her leg’s to regain their footing, while still fucking her slowly and attentively. Once down, he withdrew from her, his cock glistening with Barbara’s juices. He moved her toward the bed and sat her on the edge. He kissed her as he slowly knelt between her legs. Once there, he unlocked his lips from hers and began working his way down her body. Barbara placed her hands on the top of his head as he went past her breasts.

She laid down in anticipation as he continued to her belly, to her inner thighs. Her pussy burned with anticipation but she didn’t have to wait long. Reese did something that Charles had never done to her during their whole marriage. He moved in quickly, spread her lips and flicked his tongue across her clit. Barbara squirmed and tossed her head wildly, her senses exploding again as she felt the friction of his rough tongue spreading her lips wide and gliding along the length of her pussy.

Another jolt of sensual electricity gripped her as he brushed past her clit and started to work down again. Pleasured breaths were all she was capable of as Reese moved from plunging his tongue deeply into her pussy back up to her clit. She spread her legs as wide as they would go to give him as much access to her intimate areas as he desired.

In reality, it hadn’t been long since they'd started, but Reese knew what he was doing and she trusted him completely to hit all the right points. That trust paid off. Ecstasy and pleasure were her world as he played with her pussy in just the right way. She relished the feeling of his tongue plunging deep into her, the feeling of her delicate pink lips brushing against his hot cheeks as he moved up and down her slit and the bolts of electricity as he passed over her clit. She wanted to cum, but something in the back of her head told her that the night wasn’t over yet.

While Barbara lost track of time and only knew the pleasure that Reese was bestowing upon her, eventually he slowed. He gave her pussy one last passionate kiss and then started to work his way back up to Barbara’s mouth. As he moved, he helped her from the edge of the bed to its center. She kept her legs open, allowing him to hold his position between them.

This man held the key to her pleasure and she had no intention of restricting him in any way. As his face came alongside her face, he lowered his hips and thrust back into her at the same instant that their lips met. She tasted herself on his lips while her pussy spread to welcome back his wonderful cock back like a missing loved one that had been gone for far too long. Barbara’s pussy erupted in pleasure to Reese’s rhythmic movements, as she again spread her legs wide to allow him to penetrate as deeply into her as he could.

They kissed and moaned. Barbara reached down and pulled at Reese’s ass with each thrust into her, hoping to pull him in ever deeper with each powerful thrust. As their pace quickened, Reese’s balls started to swing and Barbara could feel them tapping at her ass to create a level of passionate fulfillment she would never forget.

They fucked like that for another seeming eternity. The whole time Barbara felt like she was on the edge of an orgasmic cliff that she was not ready to plunge over just yet. Eventually, they slowed again and Barbara moved to roll over on top of Reese. He complied with her movements, allowing her to straddle him. The pleasure was so gratifying that she could hardly bear it. Once she felt her pussy rubbing against his now familiar shaft, she bent forward to kiss him passionately.

Without missing a beat, Barbara reached between them and moved the head of his cock to her opening once more. Reese no doubt felt her lips quiver as he moved back into her, spreading her wide yet again.

She maintained her connection with his mouth for his first several thrusts into her. She wanted him to feel her pleasure and appreciation that no doubt was felt through her lips with each thrust. She certainly felt the same in him as she could feel the would-be moans on his lips each time he plunged deep.

In time, she sat up. This was her favorite position because it spread her wide and naturally allowed very deep penetration. Reese started caressing and kneading her breasts as she focused on moving her body and pussy up and down in just the right way to maximize the amount of friction and penetration that would build pleasure for them both. Each powerful thrust brought her closer to that sexual paradise until it clicked into place. Both acknowledged that point with a long deep unified moan of contentment and desire.

Barbara relished the feeling of Reese’s cock moving inside her. She could feel the big mushroom head most prominently as it journeyed to her deepest depths and then returned to her opening. Her excitement grew quicker and quicker. As it did, she moved a hand down to provide extra stimulation of her clit.

Their bodies moved in harmonious unison, there was no turning back now. She heard Reese’s moans increase and arched her back to push her breasts more fully into his kind and tender hands.

“Oooh god, Reese,” she screeched, “this is incredible.”

“Mmmm,” was his gasped reply.

“You want to cum in me?” Barbara muttered through lips clenched by drawn out pleasure.

“God yesss,” Reese said. “More than anything.”

Barbara’s moans started to grow in volume, as did Reese’s. Thank god for birth control pills, thought Barbara as she almost screamed, “Cum in me Reese. Cum deep.”

“Ohmifuckinggod yesss,” she heard Reese roar. But it had already started. They moaned loudly, unintelligible sounds. In unison, they convulsed at the peak of Reese’s latest full thrust into her. She felt her pussy heat up and a rush of extra lubrication as Reese’s cum pumped into her. This realization at the edge of her consciousness started the second wave of orgasm pulsing through her body. She could hardly catch her breath as each thrust of Reese’s cock sent another orgasmic wave washing over her.

Slowly the intensity and pace eased and she was able to start thinking again. She kept working with Reese, slowly winding down their movements, relishing even the smaller pulses. She didn’t want it to end.

Eventually, they stopped, though, and Barbara slumped forward onto Reese. They were both breathing heavily but still managed to lock lips.

“That was mind-blowing,” Barbara managed croak while still trying to catch her breath.

“You are as incredible as you are beautiful,” Reese replied.

They remained joined for several more minutes.

Barbara could feel Reese’s cum oozing out of her swollen slit though Reese’s thick cock still managed to stop most of it from leaving her. hey continued to kiss and stroke each other’s hair and faces.

Eventually, though she still wanted to remain and continue to show her appreciation, she climbed off of Reese. She felt his cock shrinking and withdraw from her but, even then, it sparked some pleasure deep within her.

She went to the bathroom to clean up and Reese joined her a short time later. They showered together, helping soap each other down and still unable to keep their hands off each other. Reese put his arms around her, pulling her close. He started kissing her lips, deep sexy kisses full of longing and need.

Barbara felt his cock moving against her and her nipples against his body as she started to soap the back of his neck. Barbara soaped up the rest of his back, slowly working her fingers up and down. Her fingers went lower, lathering up and squeezing his butt. Barbara lathered up his balls, slowly rocking them back and forth. Reese moaned, his cock getting harder as she cleaned the soap off him.

“You are welcome to stay tonight,” Reese said during a soapy embrace.

“I have to,” she replied with a wink. “My car is still back at Sweet Water.”

They got out of the shower, dried each other and headed to bed. They cuddled together naked for a little while before eventually moving apart and falling asleep.

The next morning, Barbara woke before Reese and went into the kitchen and made coffee. She checked her phone and saw that Charles had sent her several text messages inquiring as to where she was, though his last had concluded that she had probably just gone to bed.

Charles was in for the story of his life and she was just about to text him when Reese came behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

“Did you sleep well?” he asked sleepily.

“How could I not after that incredible experience?” she replied.

Reese smiled. “Yes, that was quite incredible, wasn’t it? You up for round two?”

Barbara paused and thought about it for a couple of minutes. Then she took a quick glance back at her phone, put it on the kitchen counter and followed Reese back to the bedroom.

As they walked in, Barbara did something that she’d never done with Charles. She went to her knees and ran her tongue down the full length of Reese's shaft to his balls. Her pink tongue flicked rapidly on his balls, licking them all over and then she sucked them into her mouth. Reese moaned aloud and arched his back.

Barbara worked her way back up his shaft, running her tongue over the head of his cock. Reese groaned as she slowly took him it into her mouth. Barbara sucked, slow and methodical so that Reese would get the maximum pleasure and last as long as possible. But, his movements became more urgent and she could sense it. The room was filled with slurping sounds as she picked up the pace, her head bobbing up and down faster and faster.

"Oh god, Barbara, here it comes. Oh god I'm going to cum,” Reese moaned as he reached out to hold her head in place. And, for the first time in Barbara’s life, a man shot load after load of his thick salty cum in her mouth and down her throat. When Reese let go of her head she continued to lick and suck his cock.

Moving Barbara quickly to the bed, Reese mounted her. Guiding his cock into her pussy, Reese fucked her. He started slowly but ,as Barbara started groaning like the horny bitch that she’d become, Reese picked up his pace. Suddenly, Reese sat back on his heels and pulled his cock out of Barbara’s pussy. She immediately started moaning and begged him to keep fucking her. He took hold of her ankles, lifted her legs and forced them back until her knees were almost beside her head. That curled her spine up so that her crotch was pointing at the ceiling.

Then, in one movement, Reese plunged his big cock into her dripping wet pussy as far as it would go, making her grunt and whine from the impact. "Oh, yessssss,” she hissed as he slowly pulled out and then rammed into her again, his tight balls slapping against her butt cheeks as he repeatedly buried his big cock all the way to the hilt.

Barbara was so damned horny by now that it just took a few thrusting strokes before she was humping wildly and cumming, moaning and sobbing, "Ohh, oooh, yesss f-f-fuck me. Oh god it’s so good.”

By the time it was over, round two had been just as fulfilling as round one.

Barbara lay on the bed, spent, breathing hard and with Reese’s cum once again dripping from her well-fucked and satisfied pussy.

“A girl could get used to this,” she thought.

Written by mranonymous7
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