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Business as Usual Continues

"A delicious little escapade takes a serious turn"

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I woke up that morning exhausted. Last night had been a long night: a difficult client, contracts, negotiations, and in the end the failure to close. I was determined to start fresh, and work up some sort of positive attitude in spite of my desire to just go back to bed and sleep it off.

So, after everyone was clean, fed, and out of the house I stepped into the closet to find my workout clothes. I grabbed some black stretch pants; a loose, turquoise tank top; and my nice, supportive sports bra. Gotta make sure the big girls are strapped in tight for a trip to the gym! Shoes on, hair up, and ready to go.

It was a quick drive, and I was glad to see there were not a lot of other people sweating out their bad energy this morning. I didn’t think I’d have the patience today for loud, soccer Moms commiserating.

I jumped on a treadmill by the window and thumbed through the playlists on my phone, looking for my most upbeat music. I hit play, threw in my ear buds and off I went. It’s kind of nice to be able to turn off the world once in a while, even if it is just for an hour or so. But no such luck today, apparently. After about fifteen minutes, I felt a little nudge at my elbow and turned to see Paul. He’s a typical suburban Dad who I had met through a sports team that my son played on.

“It’s nice to see you. How’ve you been?” Paul said.

Sweaty and annoyed, but thanks for asking.

“I’m good. Just trying to cram in a little exercise today," I managed in my least bitchy tone.

Paul replied, “Yeah, I’ve been out of town for work a lot over the past few months and now I’m trying to catch up on mine.”

“Doesn’t your company put you up in hotels with a gym? I would have guessed that they take good care of you,” I said. He worked for a successful national company, and I doubted he was staying at some crappy motel.

“I can’t complain. But, I am really busy when I’m on the road. And usually, there’s late client dinners involved, or drinks. Doesn’t leave a lot of time for work outs,” he said.

Then, he looked at a loss for words, likely sensing my desire to just keep walking. Alone. He remarked, “It’s a gorgeous day. Finish your work out and go enjoy it!”

I said that I would, and presumably he went back to wherever he had come from. I completed my walk in relative peace, and moved on to the torture machine that works your butt. Not fun, but certainly effective. Someone with a good sense of humor must have oriented it when they set it up, because while face down on the machine, you are looking out a window while your ass is facing into the room for all to see.

I diligently climbed on and began the repetitions I intended to complete. Glancing backward to ensure that I had good form, I noted that Paul was lifting weights behind me. He was apparently watching my form as well. When I caught his eye, he quickly glanced down and attempted to appear nonchalant. I looked back out the window and smirked to myself. If nothing else, it was good motivation.

Paul was actually a nice guy, and very easy on the eyes, as well. He spent a decent amount of time at the gym, and it showed. I had actually caught him looking at me a number of times before. But I doubt he would ever act on it, even if he did harbor some prurient interest. Admittedly, I entertained a naughty little daydream about him occasionally, too. And it was flattering to be looked at, so what was the harm?

Here’s the thing: Paul has a great wife and wonderful kids. He married his high school sweetheart, they go on lots of romantic trips, and they are always smiling and holding hands in public. The fairy tale, right?

But something in his little glances at my ass make me think that not all is at it seems. His wife is never at the gym. She is very pretty, but plain and simple. Baby weight that never left, and a hairstyle from ten years ago. While this suburban Dad may not pursue his desires with someone like me at the local gym, what about those out of town business trips? Is he keeping in shape to keep his options open? Would he indulge in a little misconduct if no one would know? I wondered.

After all, I did. It had been a little over a week since my escapade with Jack. I felt conflicted, yet invigorated. Which is why I chose to push it to the back of my mind, and deal with it later. I don’t have the time or the energy for an existential crisis right now, or guilt either!

I have never been a traditionalist. I have always separated sex and love, love and money, money and power. I don’t like to be controlled, and I have always taken care of myself. Getting married didn’t change those things. I don’t know if my husband thought it would, or if he just never really understood me or what I wanted at all. All I can think is, I have become a cliché.

My life has gotten bigger in some ways over the last few years, and smaller in others. My real estate business is booming. I’ve been busy, and have worked with a number of very lucrative clients. But I spend most of my nights alone while my husband is working. And on his days off, rather than going out, he prefers home and TV. Not exactly the days of wine and roses! I am truly reaching the end of my patience.

I have spoken up about it a number of times, but apparently he is tone deaf on the subject. Maybe he’s not interested anymore, which makes other options so much more appealing. Why be invisible in your marriage when you can be appreciated outside it?

Perhaps I needed a dirty little secret in my life in order to continue to be the dutiful wife I am expected to be. I think that’s why I ended up unexpectedly naked on Jack’s couch. But here is the problem that I am struggling with: should I feel guilty for that delicious day, or should I be grateful because it helped me cope with the empty shell my home life has become?

Because I could not answer that conundrum yet, I avoided Jack’s calls. He left one or two voice messages, and I’d emailed very professional replies that I would get back to him as time allowed because I was currently very busy with other clients.

I finished my work out, and a quick look at the clock told me it was time to go home and grab a shower. I had last night’s difficult clients to meet with again later today, and I still had to stop by the Town Hall to vote in the local elections. Jack works at the Town Hall, but as his office is upstairs somewhere away from the public, I assume I can dash in and out without consequence. He’s probably out and about on some important town business anyway.

Not the first time I would be wrong today! I had just finished casting my ballot. When I turned to walk away, a familiar face was staring into mine from a respectful distance.

“Doing your civic duty, I see,” Jack commented.

“Absolutely,” I replied wryly.

“Well I am glad you could fit it into your busy schedule. Good timing, too. You didn’t even have to wait in line… so I assume you probably have a few free minutes to speak?” he asked cautiously.

“Actually, I don’t have a lot of time. I have an appointment in about forty-five minutes. But, I can always spare a few moments for a town official,” I said politely.

He asked, “Shall we go up to my office?”

“Lead the way.”

Instead, he gallantly allowed me to proceed up the stairway first. As we walked up the stairs, I swear I could feel his eyes on my ass. God! I wish I had worn a better outfit! The gray, form-fitting trousers were not exactly sexy, nor was the navy cardigan or scarf that I wore with it. Admittedly, the gray leopard heels gave it a little attitude. But, overall it was still appropriate for the meeting I had later with my rather conservative clients.

Nervousness made my mind wander for a minute. Men have it easy, don’t they? A suit or dress pants, dress shirt, and tie. The most complicated decision they have is sock color. Jack went with business casual today: plaid oxford, blue cashmere sweater, and gray pants. And gray socks. Good choice.


He ushered me down a hallway and into his office. He then stepped in behind me and closed the door. It was nicely appointed, and just as I had expected. Neutral colors, large formal desk, leather desk chair, and two overstuffed arm chairs for visitors. A large credenza and some file cabinets flanked one wall. Another featured a lovely view from a large window overlooking the park. I assumed that he would ask me to sit. But he didn’t. Instead he just stood his ground leaning his shoulder against the door.

After a few awkward moments of standing in the middle of the office, I walked over to the door and leaned against it too.

“Did you ask me up here to help you hold the door closed?” I asked.

“I asked you up here for a couple of things, actually.” he said.

“And those would be…?”

“Well, the first is to ascertain why my Realtor doesn’t return my calls,” he stated in a flat but questioning voice.

I sighed. “I had some thinking to do. You don’t have anyone to answer to. Or to judge you. I do. And while I had a very, very nice time, I didn’t know if I could, or would, be willing to do that again. Hence, the silence.”

“I get it, trust me,” he said in a soft tone. “I’d be a little mystified if you didn’t care about those things. That or I’d shake your husband’s hand for being so open minded,” he said with a chuckle.

“I’m the open minded one, not him,” I told him. Then I curtly added, “And, what is the other thing you asked me up here for?”

Perhaps I was a little short with him. My tone was certainly one of ‘get to the point already’. The stress of the previous night, the stress of needing to be on my way quickly, his unexpected ambush; they all contributed. Not my usual charming self.

He answered with silence and raised eyebrows. I looked at the floor and took a deep breath. Let it out, and let him in. His eyes softened, and his face relaxed.

“I was wondering if you would like to share a cup of coffee. But maybe you should skip the caffeine today," he said with a sly smile.

“Why am I sure that coffee is not why you asked me up here?”

“An innocent cup of coffee.” He shrugged. And followed that with, “What did you think I was going to say?”

As we spoke he moved closer, until his face was just inches from mine. I could feel the heat rolling off his body, and feel the protrusion from his dress pants. Most people are not that excited about coffee.

Yes, innocent coffee.

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Just then my phone began to chime. The spell was broken, and I apologized while reaching into my purse. It was a text from my clients. They had to cancel for today due to a family emergency. I noted the cancellation aloud, narrated as I replied, and then replaced my phone.

When I looked back up again Jack was still close and watching me intently. He reached up and removed my purse from my shoulder and set it down.

He leaned in quietly and kissed me. A soft, wet, and insistent kiss that momentarily stopped the world around us. If there was any doubt in my mind about whether I should kiss him back, my body betrayed me and obliterated it. I was instantly wet.

He slid his arms behind my shoulders and pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss. He gently placed my back against the door. He pulled away slightly, and placed one finger to his lips.


He stood silently appraising me. I had no idea him not touching me could be so erotic. He reached forward and tugged at the end of my scarf until it came loose. He then let it cascade to the floor. He leaned in. One butterfly kiss on my neck. A nuzzle of my ear.

He moved downward slowly, kissing the bare skin at the opening of my sweater. One button open, two, three… until they were all undone. I, too, was becoming a bit undone. He stood back up and placed his hands at my waist. Leaning in once more he spoke very quietly.

“In this office I have people to answer to too, and people who judge.”

And with that he began to gently unbutton the gray pants. With a little tug they began to give way from my hips and fell to the floor. His warm hand slid between my legs and began to caress my gray silk panties. He removed his hand and then placed both of them appreciatively on the swell of my breasts and over the silk bra.

He leaned in to kiss me again, and then softly stated, “I want nothing more than to lick you until you beg me to bend you over my desk.”

With that, his hands followed the line of my body downward, taking the panties with them, until he was kneeling in front of me. He looked up into my eyes to prolong the anticipation before placing one light kiss. His hands gently gripped my inner thighs, parting them, and I greedily allowed him access.

He was skilled, and his ministrations had me silently begging to be bent over that desk within minutes. His tongue was delicious torture as it circled. His kisses and suckling knew where to exact the most pleasure, and the timely insertion of his fingers brought on the rise of an unstoppable pleasure.

He stood without removing his fingers, thereby extending the sweet sensation. He kissed me once more lightly and asked, “Is there anything else you’d like?”

“That cup of coffee would be nice now,” I teased. I knew exactly what he wanted to hear and I wasn’t giving it to him. Not that easily, as least.

With that he pushed his fingers just a little deeper, massaging the elusive G-spot and rendering me silent once more.

Satisfied with himself he took a step back and headed toward his credenza. leaving me standing against the door half dressed, and bound by my pants. He pulled two cups from his collection and asked, “What would you like in your coffee?”

“Cream. “

“I seem to be all out unless you would like the powdered stuff”, he deadpanned.

“I think I’ll pass on the powdered. I prefer fresh, and like it heavy.”

Did I really just say something THAT cheesy? That elicited a smirk from Jack.

His office phone rang and I jumped a little. He calmly walked over to answer it, obviously finding amusement in my state of undress.

“Yes, I am. But I think I’ll be having lunch in my office, and I’d prefer not to be disturbed. Yes, that’s fine. No, let Tony handle it. Thanks.” Very businesslike.

He put down the phone and sat in his desk chair. He leaned back and adjusted his pants, his hand lingering just a bit along the growing outline.

Now, the big question. Where was I going with this? He was obviously waiting on me to make up my mind, and had drawn that line in the sand in the most obvious way possible. I did not know this man very well in any sense but the biblical one. I had put my quiet life on the line at his home, and now he was doing the same in his office.

I shut my eyes and let it go. All of the internal debate, all of the fear, all of the questions. Much like jumping on that treadmill this morning, I was going to dive in and turn off the outside world.

I pushed off one shoe and then the other. Slid each foot out of the pants and the panties that held me at the door (because honestly, you can’t do some sexy shuffle with pants around your ankles). Jack's eyes followed the actions, and when I was done he looked pleased with himself. He glanced back down at the leopard heels and then cocked his head to the side slightly. Okay…shoes back on.

But, me being me, he was not going to be dictating every action in this scenario today. He leaned back a little further in his chair and curled a finger at me, beckoning me to him. In reply I casually leaned back into the door. I closed my eyes and slowly ran my hands across my chest. Over the slippery silk, stopping at my now erect nipples. I enjoyed the caress of my own hands, and the certain feeling of his eyes on me. I painstakingly inched my hands downward until I reached my thighs. One hand disappearing between, and the other braced against the door. I continued to explore for a few moments until a loud sigh took me out of my private moment.

I looked up to see that Jack was enjoying his own private moment as well, and that I had inspired the release of his substantial cock from his staid dress pants. It was securely in his grip and he was gently stroking it.

My eyes were locked on his hand and his motion. I remembered him telling me last time how much he had wanted to bend me over his desk- and, now, here I was wanting it, too. As I surveyed the view behind him I caught his attention. He has a lovely view from his desk, as would anyone in the park looking in! He nodded in agreement, apparently now sharing my  thought. The blinds were drawn and I approached his desk.

As I did, he stood and promptly slid me into a sitting position on the shiny wood surface. One quick shove pushed his pants to the ground and he leaned forward nesting himself hungrily between my thighs. He was met with warmth and wetness, and I enjoyed listening to his breathing as it got heavier in anticipation. He placed one hand on my chest and pushed me backward so that I was now lying on his desk. He then placed one hand on each knee and pushed them further apart. He moved forward and placed the head of his cock just at my entrance. He seemed to enjoy the view and I could feel it twitch slightly in his excitement. Then he slowly entered and began moving, relishing each thrust with a stifled moan that answered mine.

After a bit he picked up the pace, faster and then harder. He placed one hand where he knew it would have the most effect, stimulating that tiny little spot that can bring so very much pleasure. Bu,t not today. Between the stress, the need to be quiet, and the questions I had stashed in the back of my mind it simply wasn’t happening. Not even his tongue had managed to get me there. It seemed to frustrate him nearly as much as it did me.

He pulled out and grabbed me by the hand standing me up. He roughly turned me around and bent me down over his desk, face down this time. I braced myself with my hands splayed on the wood. In one thrust he entered me once more, and resumed his pounding rhythm. It was deep, and satisfying, and the harder he pushed the hotter I got. I had always enjoyed being taken from behind, and this was definitely no exception. Finally I could feel him grow and throb, and his body stiffen. He let out a quiet groan, and leaned down over my back.

As he relaxed he pulled me down into his chair with him. He was still inside me, and still hard. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. Then he very intentionally found my hand and laid his over it.

He pulled it up to his mouth and kissed it lightly on the palm. He ran his tongue across the fingers, one by one, before bringing our hands back down again. I was pretty sure I knew exactly where he was going with this, and my insides clenched. He leaned back a little in his chair, while moving my hand down between my legs.


He directed my hand between the wet folds, along his exposed length while he remained inside me, and back again. He moved our hands in unison, and rubbed slowly and thoroughly to elicit every little sensation. Watching this, doing this, and connecting with the feeling of this, brought me out of my head once again, and back into my body. I came hard, and as my climax massaged his cock still inside me, it was brought fully back to life. He began to move again in his chair. This time it didn’t take long, and it was much gentler. When he was done we sat for a moment, and then he kindly directed me to his adjacent private bathroom. Handy executive perk, apparently.

When I returned, he excused himself and proceeded to use the bathroom as well. When he returned he was fully dressed too and we both looked as if we had actually had coffee or lunch instead of a romp on the desk. .

After and brief uncomfortable silence, he sat in the arm chair across from me and spoke. Yeah, not the desk chair. Thank God for easy clean leather.

“Here’s the thing. This isn’t something I normally ever do.”

I tilted my head a bit and raised my eyebrows. “But you do it so well, My Dear,” I said with my best Disney villain undertone.

He threw me a sideways glance that gave me pause.

“I did not seek out someone who is already involved or has other commitments. But there you were, right in front of me at that meeting last week. Those green eyes spoke to me, and not knowing your situation I reached out. I don’t know you very well, and maybe that’s why you’re in my head. I can make you into anything I like in my rich little fantasy life.”

I interrupted. “I’m not blameless in any of this, and I am well aware of that. I knew that I was playing with fire, and I fanned the flames. I am familiar with the word no. You just inspired me not to use it.”

Jack replied, “I’m not looking to place blame. My point is, I know that you’re more than this. Just from the little we’ve talked, and from what I’ve seen when you’ve spoken at meetings here. You have a reputation for your quick wit and a smart mouth, and it’s well deserved. That kept my attention, and frankly, I find that hard to leave alone. As much as I enjoyed fucking you over my desk, I think I’d also enjoy a conversation some time. Or an actual cup of coffee.”

Uh oh.

“Too serious for a Tuesday afternoon, huh?" he mused.


Written by SoftSpoken
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