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Bored Bombshell, Chapter 1

"A wealthy model is tired of hubby's insane jealousy, but she has a plan to cure him..."

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Kiana Harris lay on one of the lounge chairs that were scattered around the pool. A few yards away, a couple of gardeners were busily pruning one of the several palm trees that were on the estate's property.

Yes, the Harris's were wealthy, mostly due to her husband Walter's business savvy in the financial markets. He had worked hard to get to the position and financial status that he had achieved, and Kiana had managed to land herself a really good catch in him.

He wanted the best for them both and now because of his hard work, they enjoyed a lavish lifestyle.

Kiana was a very beautiful Malaysian woman and model who had made a name for herself in the fashion world. Walter had a penchant for exotic women and when he found Kiana, it was a perfect match.

Perfect, that is, except for one small detail. While Walter had his work to keep him occupied, the life of a model was a sporadic one–short periods of frenzied travel and photoshoots, followed by longer periods of waiting for her agent to call with her next assignment. 

She was currently on one of these long waiting periods... actually, this one was longer than most and she was beginning to get a bit tired of hanging around the house.

She wanted to get back to work, to travel to some glamorous location and work with some of the other models and photographers that she had been on other locations with.

And there was another reason why Kiana needed to get busy again too. You see, Kiana had one small character flaw, a vice if you will.

She was a bit of a nymphomaniac. Not a counseling three times a week in a psychiatrist's office nympho, but she really loved sex. And a bored woman like her left alone all day is going to get into trouble eventually!

And so it was this day. It was a warm day out and with nothing better to do, she thought she'd sit out by the pool and read a little while working on her tan.

She didn't pay much attention to the gardeners working a short distance away from her–actually, she never paid much attention to the "hired help" to be honest.

Kiana was conceited and narcissistic, as many models are, and felt she lived a higher plane of existence than the common people. But she took it to higher levels than the average egotistical fashion model.

And so while she lounged poolside in her Maryan Mehlhorn designer bikini, black open-weave Sophie Anderson designer sunhat, and black Prada open-toe pumps, the landscapers did their best not to disturb the lady of the mansion.

These workers knew all about Kiana Harris. She was well-known to the repairmen, contractors, and service people for her overly-critical standards and her temper if they weren't met in a timely manner.

No one wanted to be the poor sap that had to explain why something wasn't done to her liking or timetable!

Walter Harris wasn't without his faults either. A high-energy purpose-driven man, he had worked hard to reach a certain comfort level in life.

He learned long ago that there were two kinds of people in this world, those that could further his plans and goals, and those that he would run over to reach them. And woe be to anyone who happened to fall in the latter category!

In addition to his ruthless drive to succeed at all costs, Walter also gave new meaning to "insanely jealous and possessive", especially when it came to Kiana.

He would get mad if another man so much as said a word to her, no matter how innocent. And if the man dared strike up a conversation with her, Walter would launch into a tirade that would have everyone in the room looking for cover!

On this particular summer day, his "green-eyed monster" would be tested like never before. Kiana was relaxing with her eyes closed behind her sunglasses, enjoying the sun's warmth on her copper skin.

All of a sudden her peace and tranquility was shattered by the bellowing of an enraged man.

"What in the blue blazes are you doing out here looking like that?" he yelled. "Don't you see those men over there leering at you? Go inside and put on something decent dammit, I don't want you out here acting like some high priced whore!" He pointed to the house as he yelled at her.

"I wasn't doing anything but sitting here working on my suntan!" She retorted. 

"Those men haven't said one word to me or even one word that I have heard! Honestly, Walter, you need to see someone about this jealousy thing you have, it isn't healthy to get so worked up over nothing!"

"You heard what I said. I don't want you out here dressed like that when there are men working. I know men and I know what they are thinking.

"They may be over there pruning the trees, but their minds are mentally undressing you and wondering if those tits are real and how tight that ass of yours is!

"Now I am off to work... when these men are finished and leave you can come out and suntan to your heart's content. But until then I want you to stay inside, understand?" he said.

Kiana got up and stormed off toward the house. She was mad at him–furious even, no question about it. But she knew that getting into a pissing contest with him was a waste of time and energy.

When Walter's mind was set on something, nothing on heaven or earth would sway him.  She went into the house, slamming the door, and plopped down indignant on the living room sofa.

She hated to be told what to do by anyone, including Walter, and the more she thought about it, the madder she got.

How DARE he talk to her like that! He was the one who was chasing after her when they met, after all. It was she that agreed to start dating him, he should consider himself lucky to have her.

And to talk to her now like she was some kind of errant child... well that was just incomprehensible! 

Kiana puttered around the house trying to occupy her time until the landscapers were finished and she could "go outside to play".

She wrote a few emails and did a little online shopping at her favorite upscale clothing stores. If Walter was going to keep her locked inside like this, it would cost him! 

A couple of hours later there was a knock on the door. With the maid at the other end of the mansion doing laundry, she wouldn't have heard the knock so Kiana answered the door herself. It turned out to be the younger of the two landscapers.

"Ma'am, I just wanted to let you know we are done pruning your trees. We will be coming back tomorrow to start on the hedges and topiaries if that's okay with you," he said.

Kiana looked the guy over as he talked. He was a scruffy, unkempt man, very common looking, dressed in raggedy jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and workman's boots.

He looked quite out-of-place in her elegantly decorated home... like a riverboat would at their yacht club or a homeless man at the country club.

Still seething from the insult she was subjected to earlier, her mind came up with a perfectly delicious way to even the score with her husband. He was so all-fired concerned about these workmen seeing her in her bathing suit, she would give this young man a REAL eyeful!

"What's your name young man?" she asked him.

"Uh, Rick Ma'am," he said.

Her question caught him off-guard. Rick and his company had been doing work on their estate for two and a half years and this was the first time he had any kind of conversation with her.

"Well, Uh Rick," she said playfully mocking him, "I saw that there are two vehicles out in the drive, does that mean you brought your own vehicle here today?"

"Yes, Ma'am. Am I blocking you in? I'm sorry, I can move it!" he said quickly, fishing in his pockets for the keys to his truck.

"No no! It's okay, that's not why I asked. I just thought if you had your own vehicle, you could send your partner out there on his way and you could stay back and help me with something," she said.

"Um, I suppose. Let me go tell him and I'll be back to help you then," Rick said.

He left the house and went to tell his partner that he was going to stay back. The company truck left with the partner and Rick returned to the house.

"Okay Ma'am, I'm back. Now what do you need help with?" he asked.

"Well first off, you can stop calling me Ma' makes me sound like some old spinster or something. Do I look like a spinster to you?" she asked.

"Oh no, Ma... no, you certainly don't!" he said, catching and correcting himself.

She smiled, "Good. You can call me Kiana then," she said.

"O-okay... Kiana," he said.

The name, as well as the whole scene unfolding, felt strange to him. He had never even been to the front door of the mansion and now he was inside chit-chatting with the lady of the house as if they did this every day!

But it was about to get a whole lot stranger for Rick! 

"Oh, where are my manners! Here you have been out working in the hot sun all day and I haven't even offered you something to drink! You must be parched my dear!" she said.

"What would you like, a beer? A soda? Something else?"

"I wouldn't turn down a beer. Thank you," he said.

"A beer it is then, why don't you go have a seat in the living room and I'll bring it in," Kiana said.

Rick went into the living room and looked around.

All of the furniture looked very expensive and very clean. He looked at his grubby, soiled jeans, and didn't sit anywhere!

Kiana came in with the drinks and saw him standing in the middle of the room. "I didn't want to get your nice furniture all messed up with my dirty clothes," he said.

"Oh it's fine, dear... we can have them cleaned if need be. Don't worry about it. Here, you can sit on the sofa next to me," she said taking him by the hand and leading him to the sofa.

He sat down next to her still wondering what this was all about. It was very strange and it made him a bit uneasy... as if there was something else at work here and he wasn't sure he liked it.

Rick had just taken the first couple of swigs from his beer when Kiana asked, "Rick, do you think I'm attractive?"

Rick nearly choked to death at the audacity and suddenness of the question. When he stopped choking and coughing long enough, he said "W-what?"

"I asked if you thought I was attractive," she said, smiling that she had caught him so flat-footed.

"S-sure, I guess. I mean, yeah, you are very attractive," he said.

"Thank you, Rick, that's nice to know. You know I am a professional model, right?

"Well, as a model I have people telling me all the time that I am beautiful and that I am attractive and all that. But they make their living off my modeling, so I can never be sure they aren't just saying that so they can keep getting paid! With someone like you whose opinion isn't tied to their bank account, however, it's more realistic. So thank you," she said.

"Well trust me you are very pretty," he said again.

"I suppose you heard me and my husband arguing earlier out by the pool. I mean how could you not hear the way he was bellowing!" She said.

"Well, we try not to hear things..." he said.

"I understand. My husband is such an ass sometimes. He made me come inside here while you were working out back just because he thinks you might be leering at me and thinking dirty thoughts!" She said.

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"Oh, but I wasn't! I wouldn't do that! Honest!" He said suddenly. He stood up ready to make a break for the door.

"It's okay, Rick! It's okay! Sit down please, I believe you," she said. Rick sat down again more cautious now than ever.

"That's what I tried to tell him... that you guys had enough to do pruning the trees, you didn't have time to be gawking at me. But he's crazy possessive and jealous and he thinks every swinging dick within fifty miles of the place is out to take me away from him!" she said.

"Well if you don't mind my saying so, I can understand his point. You are a very beautiful woman and I can see why he might be concerned," Rick said.

"Aww, that's very sweet of you to say," she said, putting her hand on the top of his leg.

"Um... Kiana, what is it you needed my help with?" he asked.

She turned to him and took his hands in hers.

"Okay, now this might sound a little weird, but I want to teach my husband a lesson. I want to teach him that he can't treat me like a child and 'send me to my room'. And I want to break him of this insane jealous and possessive streak he has. He really pissed me off today embarrassing me in front of you boys and I want to teach him a lesson," she said.

"How are you gonna do that?" he asked.

"Not me... us. I am forever being accused and suspected of fucking around on him so if I'm going to get blamed for it, I may as well enjoy it!" she said.

"Whoa, wait a minute Mrs. Harris!" he said standing back up again and stepping back. "I don't think that's such a good idea. I mean, I like my job and I could get fired for something like this!

"You and Mr. Harris are important customers and important people. I could cause the company to lose this job and a whole lot of other ones if Mr. Harris spread the word around that I..."

"Fucked his wife?" she finished his sentence.

"Relax honey, nobody is going to lose their job. If there's one thing you learn in the modeling business is that we all have skeletons in our closet and they are best kept there. And it's the same with us well-to-do also. I happen to know a few things about my husband that I don't think he would be really happy if they got out. Things that would damage, if not ruin, his standing in the community. So even if he did find out anything went on here, he would just keep his mouth shut about it. He won't like it, but he won't be able to do anything about it!"

"Still, I'm not sure this is a good idea..." he said. 

Kiana glided up to him seductively. She put a hand around the back of his neck playing with his hair as she spoke softly "Don't you like me, Rick?" she asked in a sexy pouty way.

"S-sure but..."

"Don't you think I'm pretty? Don't I look good in this bikini?" she asked.

"You look incredible, Mrs. Harris," he said.

"Well, then why don't you and I..." as she spoke she lightly ran her fingertips over his chest and up to cup his face in one hand, "take a little walk back to the bedroom, and let me show you that I'm more than just a pretty face.

"This body was made for loving Rick and I want to show you just how hot it is!"

Kiana took him by the hand and led the stunned Rick back to the master bedroom in silence. As soon as they got in the bedroom she shut the door behind them and led him over to the side of their California king bed. It was huge–the biggest bed Rick had ever seen. 

"I love this big bed... lots of room to play in!" she said. "Now let's see what I have to play with shall we?" She dropped to her knees in front of him and saw that her teasing had produced a  tremendous bulge in his pants. 

"Oooh, now this has potential!" she said and she ran her red-tipped finger along the length of the protuberance.

Rick stood there dumbfounded. All the rumors and talk he had heard about Mrs. Walter Harris were coming undone now that he was learning more about her.

The talk about her being a conceited, stuck-up bitch was proving to be untrue. She was proving to be quite passionate and very sexy for the right man. And Rick was starting to warm to the idea of being that man!

Kiana ran her fingertips over the bulge and then her palm feeling the hardness and size of whatever was causing the distension. She looked up at him and bit her bottom lip coyly as if wanting it, but waiting for permission first.

When he didn't refuse or move away, she reached up, unfastened his belt and unzipped his fly, and tugged his jeans down to his ankles.

When she looked back up, the bulge had gotten considerably more pronounced now that it "tented" his boxers. She reached up and for the first time was able to wrap her fingers around his cock, at least partially, and get a better idea of its girth. 

"Oooh, Rick, you have a nice big cock! This is going to feel great in my tight little pussy!" she cooed.

She leaned forward and kissed the bulge then looking up and seeing his face and how he seemed to be enjoying this, she felt emboldened to give the bulge a long slow lick along its full length. 

Rick felt the warmth of her tongue and a soft low groan escaped his lips. It was barely perceptible but Kiana heard it. 

"You like that do you, baby?" She asked with a coy smile. "Just imagine how good it will feel when it goes in my mouth! I have to tell you, I am very good at sucking cock!"

She reached up to the waistband of his boxers and slowly pulled them down. When his cock head poked up from the waistband she smiled. 

"Hello there, big fella!" She said.

She pulled his shorts down further until his cock was completely exposed. "Oh my! Yummy!" Kiana said, and then quickly pushed the boxers down to meet with his jeans. 

With his clothes now out of the way Kiana moved closer and took Rick's eager cock in her hand. She looked at it as if inspecting it. 

"You are a lot bigger than my husband's cock! This is going to be fun!" she said.

She leaned forward slightly and gave the tip a little lick, taste-testing it. "Mmmm..."

Kiana looked at him and smiled again. Then she moved down to the base and began licking his hard shaft from base to tip using the flat of her tongue and working her way around the circumference of his cock.

She made sure that every inch of the hard shaft was coated with her saliva. She loved the velvety texture and was intrigued at how something so soft to touch could be so hard and firm underneath.

Once she had finished bathing his cock shaft, she rolled her tongue over the spongy head to make sure it was nice and lubed for the next step in her plan.

She ran the tip of her tongue under the rim of his helmet and then up the groove in the underside to the tiny pee hole. She found a pearly drop of precum there as an appetizer of what was sure to come later.

Kiana pulled her mouth off his cock for a moment. He took the opportunity to finish getting undressed. When he was done, she moved forward again.

She locked eyes with him and then, keeping her eyes focused on his, she put the tip to her lips and slowly pushed him into her warm, wet mouth.

Rick couldn't help but close his eyes as he was slowly, sensually, enveloped in the warmth of Kiana's mouth. Her tongue glided over the underside of his shaft licking him as she slid down his hard cock.

Kiana pushed him into her mouth until he felt his cock hit the back of her throat. She then began slowly moving up and down on his cock, one hand giving a twisting motion and following her mouth. 

Rick was no stranger to the pleasures a woman's mouth can give a man. He'd had many blowjobs before... some better than others of course, but looking back at them, he wouldn't have turned any down.

But this woman was in a league all her own. He had never experienced anything like the feelings she was causing him now. He moaned out loud, confirming to her that she was doing just what he liked. 

Kiana was enjoying herself also; her moans around his cock added a very erotic vibration to his cock. He liked the slurping and sucking sounds she was making as she gobbled his cock too–he always thought the kinds of sounds women make in the porn movies were hot!

She sucked and licked and moaned her delight as she worked his cock until it was as hard as a steel pipe.

Rick would have been happy enough just blowing his load down this hot little Asian honey's throat, but he knew she had a lot more to offer than just a quick blowjob.

And if what she told him about getting back at her husband was true, she wouldn't be satisfied with just a quick knob job either. 

He was right, she wanted a lot more than just a "suck 'n' see ya". After a few wonderful moments in Kiana's talented mouth, he was hard as a railroad spike and ready for a different kind of fun.

He pulled her off his cock and lifted her to her feet spinning her around so her back was to him. He reached around to cup her bikini-clad tits as she laid her head back on his shoulder.

Kiana's tits weren't large–only a B cup–but they were extremely sensitive and had thick, meaty nipples that were even now hard as pencil erasers and poking at the fabric of her bikini top. He could feel the nipples poking the palms of his hands as he mauled her tits through her top.

Kiana reached up with one hand and moved her long brown hair to one side. "Untie my top," she said in a lusty whisper. Rick reached up and pulled the string untieing the neck of her halter top.

Then he untied the string around her back and the top fell to the floor. He resumed playing with her tits, this time without the barrier her top provided. He rolled her hard nipples between his fingers plucking them gently and flicking them with a finger.

She enjoyed his rough, calloused, working-man hands on her–a far cry from the soft, smooth hand of her husband, who probably hadn't seen a day of manual labor in his life.

"Oh Rick honey, your hands feel wonderful on my tits. I love the feel of a working man's hands. And your sweaty smell is turning me on too!" she moaned.

Rick had almost forgotten he'd been outside in the hot sun sweating all day. He was glad she wasn't opposed to the smell of a man's sweat.

On the contrary, Kiana was so used to the clean cologned smell of her husband that the smell of a man who worked with his hands and his back was almost an aphrodisiac!

Kiana ground her ass up against Rick's cock, letting it ride in between her ass cheeks with just the bottom of her bikini between them.

She moved up and down rubbing her ass on his cock and getting them both even hotter. As she rubbed up and down on him, he continued playing with her tits, pinching and pulling and her nipples and sinking his fingers deep into her fleshy mounds.

He kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear as Kiana moaned her pleasure...


I hope you have enjoyed this story. I wrote it exclusively for only. If you are seeing it anywhere else (such as SexChatPartner by the person known as "Sophia") it has been copied there without my consent. 

Written by Master_Jonathan
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