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Boomerang Serena and Norton

"Adventure with more turns than a scared snake"

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The effect, for Serena was unbelievably erotic, her hands tied above her head, her legs were spread and carefully secured by leather cuffs.

The lights were dimmed to a shadowy level and the background music had an eerie classical melody with an ominous base Serena did not recognize.

Serena’s now wet weepy pussy was being tormented by Terronce’s ten inch cock as he used the massive head to entice her clit and force her juices to flow. Serena's pleasure was tempered by whimpering fear. She begged him to go slow and be careful.

She had never seen a cock this large up close and was sure it was going to be a challenge. He had already pushed it past her lips and it filled her mouth so full she could barely breathe. Terronce’s cock was nearly four inches longer than her husband’s and twice as thick.

Serena could only raise her head high enough to see its massive head massaging above the opening of her vagina. She was shaking like a terrified animal with fear and anticipation. Serena wanted it badly and she pulled against the restraints to raise her ass to meet his tormenting member.

Terronce’s chiseled figure, six-pack abs, square jaw and movie star looks loomed over her. All of it suggested an ability to drive the massive tool farther into her than Serena could easily accept. Although his amazingly command of the sexual language that placed him between her legs it was now replaced by his ability to make good on his promises.

He pushed into her opening far enough to make her feel the size and girth of his cock causing her to gasp. Serena knew he had gone as deep as Brad ever could and there was more, much more. Terronce then pulled back and nearly out while prying upward and scooping her juice with the flanged head of his tool.

Serena again verbalized her desire to be slowly fucked when Terronce suddenly slid backward from his kneeling position and stood up staring at her.

It was a strange look, “Give me a couple minutes,” Terronce low tone continued, “This is going to be an experience like nothing before.” He turned and left the room.

Serena’s mind was now racing as she wondered what he could possibly be doing. He hadn’t brought anything but wine and flowers.

A couple minutes later Serena heard the front door close. Oh no, did he let someone in? She held her breath fearfully waiting to hear footsteps or movement but, heard nothing. She noticed the music stopped a few seconds before she heard the door close. She thought it was between melodies and now realized that was not the reason. It was totally quiet, she was alone, tied to the bed, feeling nearly helpless, trying to comprehend. Serena waited another few minutes trying to remain calm.

Finally, Serena decided she had better do something and worked until she pulled one hand free. It was not as secure as she led to believe and as soon she had completely freed herself she ran from the room to see what was missing.

Terronce was gone, the flowers were there, the CD ejected, two empty wine glasses sat on the table and nothing appeared to be missing except, Terronce.

Serena was having the strangest what the fuck moment when her cell phone started playing her husband’s corny text-message alert. Serena thought what a lousy time for him to send a text. She had buried her cell phone under a pillow on the couch so it wouldn’t interrupt the mood in the bedroom. Serena dug it out from under the cushions and thought, “Great! I get abandoned at the peak of my most erotic experience and now that asshole calls. What else can go wrong?”


Brad’s text, “How was the date?” It was Friday evening. He should be on a plane coming back from his monthly conference over a thousand miles away.

Serena typed, “Where are you?”

“In Dallas, flight delay.”

“What date?” She thought he might be guessing.

“C’mon don’t lie.” Brad knew something.

"Fuck you.” Serena thought he had someone spying on her.

“Like Terronce cock?” Brad always enjoyed knowing more than he would tell.

Serena suddenly felt victimized up close and personal. How the hell would Brad know unless the whole thing was a set-up? She sat down buried her face in her hands and started to cry.

The fight that broke them up was over three months old and Serena had not heard from him since. She threw him out after he told her his secretary gave better blowjobs and took her on the following trip instead of Serena.

“You still there?” Brad taunted.

Serena regained her composure and realized he could not see her breakdown. It somehow gave her courage.

“You are a no good worthless piece of shit.” Serena shook as she typed.

“My portfolio proves otherwise.” Brad's arrogance infuriated her.

“Shit smells better.” Serena’s words were weapons when she was angry. She was angrier than she had been in her entire thirty-five years.

“Too bad you can’t fuck with that passion.” Brad didn’t let up.

“This isn’t over.” Serena stopped short of an actual threat.

“Thanks for the warning, I will be careful.”

Serena cut the conversation off before he could revel any more. Even though she couldn’t see him, she knew Brad was laughing his staccato laugh and surely with tears rolling down his cheeks. It made her sick to think she used to find his laugh attractive.

Serena ran down her call list looking for Brad’s friend, Steve’s number. She entered the number while wishing she had put Steve on her speed dial list.

“Serena, it wasn’t my idea.” Steve had wanted nothing to do with the prank. He really liked Serena even though she considered him low life scum.

“You knew?” Serena screamed into the phone.

“I was sworn to secrecy. You know Brad is no one to mess with,” Steve’s reply was quick, “I was supposed to come untie you if you didn’t answer Brad’s messages.”

“Tell me everything, you turd, or I swear I will come over and beat you until you run out of blood.” Serena was even more furious.

“What do you want to know?” Steve didn't doubt she would be on her way.

“Everything,” Serena screamed.

“Well, I assume you know why we call Brad “Boomerang” don’t you?” Steve questioned.

“No and I don’t really care.” Serena was not interested in a history lesson.

“In college we learned very quickly that pulling a prank on Brad was not a good thing,” Steve told her anyway, “He always said, good one but, all hell was going to break loose. When he played a trick he was unmerciful. It was like getting hit by a boomerang. It always hurt like hell.”

“So this was one hundred percent Brad’s idea?” Serena settled a little.

“Front to back and one of the girls in the office gave him Terronce’s number. He is a dancer-stripper over at the nine-T-nine club. He does strip shows for parties and is an escort. The girls say he has no real interest in sex, only in the pay.”

“You knew about Terronce?” Serena grew more depressed.

“His stage name is Terrible Terry according to the girls at work,” Steve’s voice had a humorous tone.

“Would you like to fuck me?” Serena was searching for revenge.

“I didn’t hear that and if you ask again I may go totally deaf,” Steve’s voice rose to a higher pitch.

Steve wanted nothing to do with anything that might get him a trip to Siberia or worse.

“So I’ll have to catch him myself and run his ass over,” Serena now sounded vicious.

“My hearing is getting worse by the minute.” Steve knew Serena’s temper.

“Steve, you know I can’t just let this pass are you going to help me or not.”

“Absolutely not, I have a family to feed. In fact, I’m done with both sides of this fight,” Steve was sincere.

Serena hung up she knew this was a dead end road.

After a couple more glasses of wine, a short review of how she got into this and a couple discarded ideas Serena remembered Bill Norton.

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Bill was Brad’s counterpart at a competing firm and he previously hit on Serena at a convention which pissed-off Brad. Bill’s reputation as a womanizer made her think he could be the answer so tomorrow she would give Bill a call.

It was then Serena remembered Bill had given her his business card. She dug in her purse knowing she had not thrown it away. Serena finally turned it upside down to empty the contents and spread them out on the floor and there it was. A black business card with a gold lettered Bill Norton at the top, a picture of a British Norton motorcycle centered and contact information across the bottom.

“Bingo,” Serena said aloud, “It even has his private cell number.”

Serena typed a short message, “Hi, how are you? Remember me? Serena T.?”

She thought he would answer sometime the next day but, within a few minutes there came a reply, “Are you 5'2 brunette 38D and a smile that could melt polar ice?” It was lame however, it was a very accurate physical description.

Serena wondered how he remembered. “Three months you didn't forget?” Serena quizzed.

“Can't forget a major cause of global warming.” Bill’s answers were goofy but flattering and better than anything she had heard in months.

“What can I do for you?” Bill pressed.

“Do lunch tomorrow or Sunday?” Serena was not ready for another disaster than evening.

“Time and place?” Bill quickly replied.

Serena’s hideout seemed logical. “Old Gaffer’s pub at 2pm Sat?”

Serena nicknamed the place “Oh Gee’s”, it was a no-tell bar on the outskirts of town. Her girlfriends liked the code because they could use it without any boyfriends or husbands knowing.

“2pm will see you.” Bill signed off no questions asked.

Serena wondered why Bill had not asked about what caused her to call.

Bill Norton was known industry wide as a very serious guy. Bill was no one to mess with in any way especially if, he found out you were the source. Being on Bill’s bad side was like having some kind of death wish or at least the urge to spend the rest of your days in a catatonic state. Bill was the one guy Brad probably would not make trouble for although Serena wished he would.


 Old Gaffer’s was always quiet at two in the afternoon and always dimly lit. It featured several nooks where privacy was assured. The disinterested staff had been selected for their, I don’t give a shit attitude.

Serena arrived a half hour early and found her favorite secluded table. She wanted to have a drink to calm her nerves before meeting Bill. She left a message with the waitress she was expecting a tall guy in a suit and gave her a ten dollar tip. She had nearly finished her drink when Bill entered. The light afforded Serena a view of his tall figure as he asked the waitress where she might be. The waitress brought him to Serena’s nook and Bill politely asked what she was drinking, ordered another and a drink for himself. Bill also tipped the waitress prior to delivery.

Bill sat across from Serena and carefully began by spacing his words to inquire about their meeting.

Serena’s anger about the trick Brad had not gone away but, she did not allude to it. Instead she came straight to the point, “Bill, you indicated at the convention you are skilled in the bedroom and I thought I might like to find out for myself,” Serena continued, “have you ever done a video?”

Bill did not give her the reaction Serena expected. He only slightly raised an eyebrow and said, “With your looks you could have most any man help with that,” Bill knew there was more, “Something tells me you have an agenda and I want to know why you would choose me.”

Serena was aware of Bill’s reputation as a ladies man. Her mistake was thinking he would jump on her offer and the rodeo would ensue. Now she needed to either give him the reason or try to bullshit her way through. She carefully studied his stern continence and decided to give him the reason including the fact that she and Brad were separated. Serena told Bill the story as he sat quietly and didn’t make a sound indicating compassion, support, disgust or empathy. She finished with, “So are you interested or do we shake hands and pretend we never met?”

Bill gave Serena a look that chilled her slightly, “Conditionally I will help you out,” He leaned across the table, “But, you must understand I have decorum to maintain with my company. I cannot afford to be an embarrassment to my company. Getting involved in a marital war and ending up in court would be expensive and embarrassing,” Bill was gentle but straight forward, “If we are to do something as risky as making a video, you must agree to certain conditions.”

Serena realized doing this would be more than a simple fuck but, she had come this far, “And what are the conditions?”

“First, I want disclaimers in writing stating I will not be called into any court proceedings for any domestic disputes or as a divorce witness,” Bill was emphatic, “Second I want a contract witness in attendance.” He leaned back, “Third we must do this on my premises and not in some sleazy hotel.” Bill again leaned forward, “Fourth since I am not being paid, you must agree to my sexual preferences and submit to my desires unconditionally.”

Serena was awestruck by Bill’s boldness and his demands. They were far outside of anything she could have imagined. But somehow this seemed very erotic it made her feel it was risky and dangerous. This was a lot to process yet it was strange how quickly his demeanor and demands made her desirous. Serena picked up her drink sipped it slowly to buy some time. She studied Bill’s face trying to imagine what the rest of his demands would entail.

Before she could say yes or no Bill gave her the final ultimatum, “If you agree to continue there is no need to speak. Go to the ladies room, remove your panties and bring them to me as a token of agreement. When you come back sit next to me and spread your legs. I will want to evaluate your pussy.”

He then added, “Take your purse with you. If you change your mind, just leave, I will finish my drink.”

Serena hesitated for a few seconds before picking up her purse. As she walked toward the ladies room she could hardly believe how erotic she felt. The ladies room was conveniently in line with the exit. She slowed down as she came to the door hesitated and went in.

Serena leaned against the wash basin, took a deep breath, pulled her skirt up and slid her panties down and off. She was unaware until she removed them that she had become very wet and they would give away her horniness. She patted them with a paper towel but, it did not dry them. The blow dryer worked much better.

Serena walked back to the table watching Bill for some sign but, he did not even look up. She slipped into the seat next to him and dropped the lacy panties on the table. He picked them up and put them in his shirt pocket, “For my collection.” Bill displayed an eerie smile.

“Now pull your skirt up and spread your legs,” he ordered in a deep quiet voice.

Serena wiggled to lift the skirt past her naked ass and divided her legs as Bill’s hand went under the table to squeeze her inner thighs and explore her lower abdomen. His fingers were long, his hands felt powerful and her wetness was oozing around her labia. He probed her and found her G-spot very quickly.

Serena gasped and couldn’t prevent a gush that ran down her leg. His fingers next attacked her clitoris with a vicious tapping drumbeat and a rotating massage. Serena desperately tried to control her breathing with no success and soon a muffled squeal escaped her lips and her grip in her glass tightened. She shivered so hard her orgasm caused the ice cubes to rattle.

Bill pulled his hand from under the table and pushed his fuck-finger into her mouth. Serena had never done anything remotely like this, sucked on it staring into his eyes. He then put his trigger finger in his own mouth with the eerie smile returning he said, “I wanted to make sure you weren’t going to poison me.”

Serena giggled and gradually regained her composure and slipped napkins under the table to dry herself.

“You can inspect my place tomorrow morning if that is convenient. I will have papers for you to sign and a list of my requirements.” With those words Bill stood, kissed her hand and walked out of the place.

Written by LeanAngle
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