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Argument Leads To Cheating

"After an argument with her husband on the way to a wedding, a wife gets seduced by the best man."

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The evening wasn't going well! My wife and I had been invited to the evening reception at a friend's wedding. On the way, we had an argument and so had ended up sitting at the reception not talking to each other.

My twenty-five-year-old wife Jane was beautiful and sexy and looked stunning in the short dress she was wearing. I had been looking forward to being with her and having a good time, but that was spoiled now. 

The DJ put on a slow song and the best man came over and asked my wife to dance. It wasn't unusual for her to have a friendly dance with someone else sometimes so she accepted and followed him to the dance floor. Being a slow dance they were close together. His hands held her at the waist and hers held his shoulders as they moved slowly around. I just sat and watched. 

The first song finished and they stayed dancing for the next. Paul, the best man, pulled my wife closer so they were now against each other. He put his arms around her waist resting his hands on her back. My wife continued to hold his shoulders. I could tell they were talking but had no idea about what.

A third slow song started and they stayed dancing. I was a bit shocked when he gave her a quick kiss on the lips and she didn't seem to tell him off. I was more shocked when he kissed her again but for a little longer. Their lips met a third time and this time, it was a long kiss.

It looked like their mouths opened and I was sure their tongues were exploring. Paul's arms were around her pulling her tight against him. My wife now had one arm around his back and the other hand was on the back of his head.

When the song finished and a fast song came on, they broke their kiss and separated. Paul held both her hands and said something to her. I saw Jane nod and then he went to carry out some best man duties and Jane came back to our table.

"You kissed him!" I said when she was seated.

"Yes I did," she snapped back, "and I enjoyed it." She went on, "You've been a miserable sod tonight and he was nice to me and fun to talk to and he complimented me. When he kissed me I realised I wanted him to. If you'd paid me more attention lately maybe I wouldn't have." This was what our argument had been about. "You weren't interested in me and he was, so yes, I let him kiss me and I kissed him back. He's a very good kisser and knows just what to do with his tongue. If you think I'm going to be sorry for kissing him, I'm not. I really enjoyed it and I'm not sorry at all that I kissed him. If you don't like it you will just have to put up with it! "

I was stunned and sat there not knowing what to say. She then said. "He asked me if I would dance with him again when more slow dances are played. I said yes I would."

"But, but," I tried to speak, "you said you'd...? But he'll want to kiss you again!"

“I certainly hope so. Yes, I'm going to kiss him and I'm going to enjoy it. I'm looking forward to it. If you can't handle that you can always go home and I'll get someone to give me a lift."

I didn't know what to do but I certainly wasn't going home. I wouldn't be able to sit at home thinking about Jane dancing with him and kissing him while I wasn't there!

We sat there not talking. I was trying to decide what I was thinking and what I should do. Jane spent most of the time looking over at where Paul was. He smiled at her often and she smiled back. She was singing to herself and tapping to the music clearly in a better mood with herself but not with me.

When the DJ announced another slow set, Paul excused himself from where he was and immediately headed to our table. Jane took his proffered hand and without looking at me, rose and let him take her to the dance floor. As they walked across the room his arm was round my wife's waist.

When they reached the dance floor he drew her against him and his arms went round her. My wife put her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder as they started dancing. They had only been dancing maybe a minute when my wife moved her face to his and kissed him. This time it was my wife starting the kiss. It was a long slow kiss and I had no doubt their tongues were meeting. They kissed for most of the first song.

When they stopped kissing on the lips, Paul started kissing and nibbling Jane's neck and her ears. Jane loves this and it turns her on a lot. She had her eyes closed just enjoying what he was doing. They went back to kissing and Paul's hands dropped down to hold her bottom. Soon my wife's hands followed suit, holding his bottom while both of them pulled each other hard against themselves and just kept on kissing.

When the slow set ended they walked to the edge of the dance floor and kissed again. Paul had to attend to the bride and groom. Jane went off to the ladies. When she came back she went over to Paul and spoke to him. I thought I saw him put something in his pocket and then Jane came back to me. She sat down and looked as if she was daring me to complain.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked sarcastically. 

"I think you could see I did," she snapped back.

"Yeah, I saw."

"I told you what to do if you didn't like it. I'm going to enjoy tonight even if you're not and if that means dancing with someone and kissing him then that's what I will do. I came out dressed nicely for you expecting to have a lovely time and then go home for some fun together but you decided to cause an argument and blew your chance. So now I'm going to enjoy dancing with someone."

"And letting them feel your ass?"

"Yes, that felt nice too and you're not going to make me feel bad for any of it. It's your own fault, so you can put up with it." We went back to not talking.

When another slow set started it was Jane who went to get Paul and lead him to the floor. She immediately put her hands around his neck and kissed him as she pressed herself against him. His hands went straight to her ass pulling her tight to him. As they turned, Jane broke the kiss for a moment and looked at me and gave me a finger sign. Then she went back to kissing him.

At one point as they went round and his back was to me I thought it looked like he had his hands under the back of her dress but I couldn't tell for sure. I watched and each time his back was to me it looked the same. Did he have his hands up my wife's dress? After the first song, more couples joined the floor and as Jane and Paul were the other side of the dance floor this time, I could no longer see them.

My friend came over and asked if I would help take their presents to his parents' car that was parked out the back of the hotel. I went and helped. It took quite a long time, and I knew the slow songs would have finished long before I got back. When I got back, Jane was not at our table. I assumed she was in the ladies. She didn't reappear until more than half an hour later and then she just walked over and sat down.

"Where have you been?" I snapped. Jane looked daggers at me for my tone. 

"With Paul," she spat back at me.

"With Paul? Doing what?" 

"It's none of your business."

"You're my wife. Of course it's my business!"

"Kissing. What do you think we've been doing?"

"Well, the way his hands were all over your ass who knows."

Jane stared at me furiously and then said, "What I do or don't do is up to me and not you."

"So it wasn't just kissing?"

"Right, I thought you would be better off not knowing, but you asked for it. Sit there and shut up. I'm going to tell you how it is and you can just deal with it."

This is what she told me.

“When we danced the second time and he put his hands on my bum I thought about telling him no. But then I decided you had been so horrible that I wanted to make you suffer so I let him do it and put mine on his. After a little while, I decided it felt nice and I was going to enjoy the feeling and serves you right! Of course, he was hard and it pressed against me but I thought so what it's not doing any harm. I noticed it felt a little bigger than yours but thought no more of it."

I gulped at that as she went on, "Near the end of the dances, he asked me if I was wearing panties. I told him that was a personal question and he would just have to wonder. When the dance finished and I knew I was coming back here I suddenly got a wicked idea. I went to the ladies and took my panties off. When I went over to him I discretely handed them to him and told him that now he knew! He put them in his pocket."

I looked at her in disbelief. "I came back here thinking that now Paul knew I wasn't wearing panties and you didn't and it served you right. Then the thought that Paul actually had my panties made me feel even more like I was teaching you a lesson even if you didn't know it." 

"What happened then?" I asked.

"When we danced the third time I was happy to let Paul feel my ass again and it felt even more like getting at you as I knew now he was feeling it only through my dress and not my panties too. Paul commented that he liked the thought I had no panties on. I told him he was very naughty saying that but that I found I liked the idea too. Then one time when my bum was facing away from you I felt his hands go up the back of my dress and squeeze my bare bum. I told him off and he said sorry but he couldn't resist feeling it just once. I laughed and said 'Well you've had your feel, now behave!'"

"Was that all that happened?" I asked nervously.

She continued, "When I was again facing that way his hands went up my dress again. This time I was too busy kissing him to say anything. I think he took this as it being OK as soon he stopped moving around and just had us swaying with my bum on the side away from you. His hands went up to feel my bare ass again and this time stayed there feeling and squeezing it as we swayed. I knew I should stop him but I felt, what the hell it's still not doing any harm? It gives him a bit of fun, it's nice that someone wants to do that and it also made me feel deliciously wicked at getting my own back on you for spoiling the evening."

I stared at her as she carried on, "Very soon I found I was liking him feeling me and just stopped worrying about it. I have to say that all this time I could feel his hard cock pressed against me and that made me feel wicked too! Especially as I could now tell it was definitely bigger than yours. I started to feel quite a thrill from having my bum groped and a hard cock pressed against me. Then lots more people started dancing and we both realised you could no longer see us."

"Paul was really groping my bare ass and had started telling me how nice it felt. I was just lost in being paid attention to for a change. One of Paul's hands left my ass and he cupped one of my breasts with it. I didn't even try to stop him. I was just letting him have some fun, having a good feel of me, and by now was thinking so what if he does? It's not hurting me and you won't know so I decided to just let him. It was also feeling good too which also made me not stop him."

I gasped at this revelation.

"He squeezed and stroked my breast through my dress. While stroking his hand went to the part of the top of my chest where the neck of my dress left it exposed. He stroked across the very top just where my neck was and then stroked over both the tops of my breasts which were exposed by the low neckline. I knew I should be stopping him but I didn't. His hand stroked lower still and the tips of his fingers brushed just under the edge of the neck of my dress. Still, I did nothing. He then put his hand inside my dress and cupped my bare breast. Despite how wrong this was I felt my nipple stiffen as he stroked over it and even lightly, squeezed it. 'Stop it,' I told him, 'someone will see.' Not, 'stop it you can't do that,' or, 'stop it this is wrong,' just, 'stop it someone will see!'"

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“You let him feel your breast! Why?"

“I told you to shut up and listen. I don't expect any comments. You are going to listen to what happened and put up with it, " Jane angrily told me. I was stunned and went quiet.

"Paul said it was a shame we couldn't go somewhere less busy. Without thinking I asked, 'like where?' Paul said it was warm out and the hotel had lovely gardens with plenty of quiet spots for a walk. I told him I would go for a walk, but just a walk. You weren't at the table so we just left there and then. Paul held my hand as he led me outside and then put his arm round my waist. People probably thought we were a couple and I found it didn't worry me."

I couldn't help saying, "It didn't worry you that they thought you were his girlfriend or wife?" but Jane ignored me and kept talking.

"We walked through the main garden area where there were other people walking and talking, and then Paul guided me to a quieter area. He took me to a place surrounded by bushes. Once there he pulled me to him and said, 'Now nobody can see.' I only intended having a little fun to teach you a lesson and hadn't intended letting it go this far but I was enjoying what was happening and I was very turned on. I could feel my pussy getting wet."

By now I was wondering what else she was going to tell me. 

"Before I realised it Paul had lifted my breasts out of the top of my dress exposing them to his eyes. I only realised when his hand left them so that he could look at them. I was about to say no and that I had to go when he said, 'Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful! Jane your breasts are stunning, just like you.' I couldn't remember the last time, if ever, you told me I was beautiful. Suddenly instead of wanting to stop him, I wanted this man, who told me I was beautiful, to see my body. I wanted him to have the pleasure of looking at me. I reached up and undid the ties holding the top of my dress allowing it to fall to my waist, baring my top half to his gaze."

I knew Jane's boyfriend before me had seen her breasts and had felt them, but nobody else had since we started going out.

"As he looked at me, I felt my nipples hardening and tingling. I could see on his face the pleasure it gave him to look at me. 'So beautiful,' he said softly. Paul reached out to my cheek and gently pulled my lips to his. It was a soft, sensual kiss. Different to the ones we had shared so far. He stroked my cheek as he kissed me. 'Just a moment,' I told him, 'this will feel better.' I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it open and then I pressed my bare breasts to his chest as we resumed the slow sensual kiss. I moaned gently at the feel of my hard nipples against his chest and my breasts squashed against him."

Hearing they had been kissing lovingly hit me harder than them kissing passionately.

"I was getting lost. I knew I should stop. I am a married woman and shouldn't be doing this, but I was enjoying that he thought me beautiful and I was enjoying everything we had done. Added to that, the part of me that was still angry with you was telling me 'serves him right!' All of this made me not want to stop. I didn't want to come back here and sit in silence feeling cross. I wanted to enjoy myself. I moved back to let him look at my breasts again. It felt good having this man I only met a short while ago looking at me topless and I loved the look of enjoyment on his face as he looked at me."

Jane continued, "Suddenly I wanted him to see more. I wanted him to see all of me. I pushed my dress down off my waist. It fell to the ground leaving me naked apart from my shoes. The look of surprise and total admiration on Paul's face made a ripple of excitement run through me. 'Jane you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,' he told me as he looked at my naked body, my breasts and my shaved pussy."

"Wait! Shaved?" Jane had never shaved her pussy before. 

"Yes, I shaved it today as a surprise for you but you blew your chance. Still, Paul really enjoyed seeing it so it wasn't wasted. Now shut up!"

I was stunned! Another man had seen what I had always wanted to see, Jane's bare pussy.

"Paul looked at me for a long time before he reached out and gently cupped both my breasts in his hands. Now I groaned at the feel of his hands on my breasts. I was beyond worrying about what we were doing. I was turned on and his touch sent pleasure rippling through me. So gently and tenderly he played with my breasts and excited my nipples which were like hard points sticking out from my breasts. He told me he loved my hard nipples and then he leant over and sucked one into his mouth. I moaned and held his head to my breast as he sucked my nipple and ran his tongue all over it."

Jane loved having her nipples sucked.

"One of his hands stroked the inside of my thigh and I parted my legs for him. His hand ran up to my soaking wet pussy. His fingers stroked my lips and then between them gathering moisture and then he pushed two fingers inside me. He sucked my nipples and finger fucked my pussy until I came. He held me as I shook through my orgasm."

Jane always had strong orgasms and here was my wife telling me about another man making her come! 

"I no longer cared that it was wrong. I wanted more. I pulled off his shirt and then knelt on the ground and undid his belt and trousers. I pulled down his trousers and boxers together and exposed his hard cock to my gaze. Now I knew what I thought I had felt, his cock is bigger than yours, probably a couple of inches longer and a bit thicker. I was mesmerised by the sight of the first cock I had seen since meeting you, and before that, I had only seen one, my previous boyfriend. I reached out and took it in my hand. It was long and thick and very hard. I stroked it slowly enjoying the feel of this new one. A big drop of pre-cum oozed out and I licked it off running my tongue over the head of his cock. I wanted more so I slid my lips down his cock and started sucking. Paul's hand rested on the back of my head encouraging me as I sucked my third ever cock."

Although I never knew for certain, I always thought Jane sucked her previous boyfriend as she had happily sucked me less than a week after we met. Now I knew she had sucked him if Paul was her third. 

"I was loving how big and how hard it felt in my mouth. I moved my lips up and down as I sucked and used my hand to stroke the part that wouldn't fit in my mouth. Paul was constantly leaking pre-cum and I was licking it all up and swallowing it. I was no longer doing this to get back at you, I was enjoying sucking this man. I kept sucking and stroking him until he came in my mouth. I enjoyed swallowing it all."

Right from that first time, Jane had always swallowed my come. 

"After I made sure to suck and lick him clean, he was still hard! Can you believe that? He didn't need an hour's break like you do! I stood up and led him by his cock to the nearby bench and made him sit down. I knew what I wanted now. I lowered my pussy slowly onto his cock the only one other than yours to enter it."

" You let him fuck you! “ I gasped, but she just ignored me and carried on,

"It felt good stretching me with its thickness and when I had it all in, I could feel how much deeper it was. To start with I just enjoyed the feeling of being so full as I sat on him kissing him and whispering how good his cock felt. After a while, I wanted to feel his cock fucking me so I started moving up and down. It felt amazing having that hard thickness moving in and out in long slow strokes. It feels much better to have that extra length to slide up and down. I had an orgasm just from going really slowly. His extra length felt that good. That made me want it faster, so I started moving up and down much faster and I soon came again only harder this time."

Now my wife was telling me it was better with him! 

"Suddenly I wanted to know what it would be like to be really fucked by this man and his big cock. I climbed off him and lay on the bench. I spread my legs and told him to fuck me hard and fast. Paul pushed into me in one long stroke making me groan at the way he filled me. Paul fucked me hard and fast, while I just kept urging him to fuck me, having to be careful not to be too loud and give us away to anyone passing. I had another really intense orgasm before he told me he was going to come. I told him to come inside me and I wrapped my arms and legs round him holding him in me and coming again as he pushed deep and unloaded his hot semen deep in me. He came long and hard, really filling my pussy, and so did I, much harder than I ever have before." 

I was speechless! My wife had let another man come inside her and was sitting next to me with his sperm in her. 

"As we lay on the bench after coming, with my legs and arms still holding Paul tightly inside me, I thought about the fact that I had just cheated on you, and I realised I liked it. It felt really hot that I had let another man fuck me and you didn't know. I decided I wasn't going to tell you, and I wouldn't have done if you hadn't pushed me. Paul was still hard and he asked if he could fuck me again. I told him I wished he could but I had to get back to you. So we kissed and he pulled out, which still felt good, and we dressed and I came back in here."

I was trying to process all this. Jane had come harder with him than she had with me and she would have let him fuck her again if she could! 

Jane then put me on the spot, "So that's where I've been, and it's up to you. You can put up with it and we can go home and I will still be your wife, still love you and still have sex with you. Or you can decide to go home on your own and I will move back to my parents' house and we will be over. Oh and one more thing before you decide."

As if that wasn't enough, there was something else? 

"Paul asked me on a date next Friday. I said yes. We will go out for a meal and dancing and then I expect we will go to his flat for sex before he brings me home. So if I come home with you, you have to accept that happening."

I was stunned by what my wife had told me but I knew I didn't want to lose her. I took her hand and pulled her onto my lap and told her I didn't want her to move out. I loved her, and I accepted her offer. As she sat on my lap she smelt of sex, actually, she smelt of semen. I went to kiss her but she stopped me and told me she was still cross with me for the argument so I had to suffer for it tonight. She said we would be back to normal in the morning.

She stood up and said, "Let's go home now. " I realised that the leg of my trousers was wet and that she had leaked on the back of her dress and my leg. Oh well, nothing I could do about it! 

As we walked out to the car we passed Paul, and Jane said she wanted to say goodbye. She stood there right next to me and gave him a long deep kiss. When they parted she reached down and squeezed his cock. "See you Friday," she told him. 

Jane went on her date with Paul and he fucked her twice before he bought her home at 2 am. They now go on a date once a month and she usually stays overnight at his flat. She keeps her pussy shaved now, she says she does it because Paul likes it. At least I get the benefit too.

She has told me that they have sex at other times that I don't know about. She says it gives her the extra thrill of cheating when I don't know. Recently, she told me that the cheating turns her on so much she is also fucking other men without my knowledge. They are not longterm like Paul. Mostly they only get to fuck her as a one-off as that really fuels her excitement of cheating on me. 

We have a loving marriage and our sex life is very good too. Jane will do just about anything with me so I don't complain. 

Written by Tdicky832
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