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An Old Friend

"My girlfriend goes out to a nightclub. I get a surprise when I go to pick her up from an old friend"

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My girlfriend’s name is Louisa. She stands at five foot, six inches with a petite, size 6/8 frame and 32B breasts. She has long, dark brunette hair which she wears straight a lot of the time. She also has sparkling hazel eyes which she makes look even more seductive by using dark eye shadow. Her best features for me though are her long sexy legs. I like to encourage her to show them off more by wearing short skirts and dresses along with high heels. The tight fitting clothes she sometimes chooses also compliment her ass beautifully. To me, she truly is one of a kind and I consider myself lucky to have gotten her from school considering the amount of guys that wanted her.

Louisa is more of a career minded girl. She never paid attention to trying to be popular or getting with boys in school. She didn’t lose her virginity till she was sixteen and that was to me. Louisa adores me and I can tell by the way she treats me in our home life. We have sex on a regular basis and she tells me how much better I’ve gotten since we first started fucking. She has a high sex drive and even calls me boring if I come home from work late in the morning and I don’t want sex. I was able to change her over time from the more innocent angel she once was to the wild horny devil she has turned to now.

Louisa and I have been together for over five years. We are both twenty-two now and engaged to be married. We’ve had our problems and issues in our relationship but we’ve always found a way to pull together and sort our problems out. One of our issues now and again, is her behaviour at clubs and parties when she is drinking. When she is drunk, she isn't shy about kissing guys and letting them touch her body wherever they like. I have no doubt that there are some guys, including my own friends; who have explored her body a little more than they should have.

We had broken up a couple of times during the first year of our relationship over this but we realised how much we really love each other and we got back together. This story isn’t the first time she’s ever done something with another guy but it is the time I’ve chosen for my first story. We were both 19 at the time. I was in full-time work and she was in her first year of university.

Because of my line of work in the entertainment industry, it is a rare occasion for me to get weekends off to be able to go out partying with her as much as she likes. This doesn’t stop her from going out though as she has plenty of girlfriends to enjoy her nights out with. There are also a few guys who are always willing to be involved with her and I have had my doubts about her going out with them. Whenever I question her about them though, she always replies that they are just being friendly. I guess Louisa still has an element of naivety about her.

While Louisa has been at work during the day, I’ve been sleeping for my night shift. I stir as I wake to some irregular movement under the bed covers. As my eyes shift into focus, I lift the covers to find my girlfriend seductively sliding her lips up and down the shaft of my cock. She looks up at me then closes her eyes and continues working my cock in her own slow, erotic way that she loves to do. When I eventually blow my load into her mouth, she eagerly swallows every drop before climbing up me and kissing me on the lips smiling.

When I get up, Louisa tells me she is going out with her friend Ronnel tonight. This makes me nervous straight away. As much as I like Louisa having a best friend that she can rely on for anything, she is a bad influence. Ronnel is a gorgeous Indian looking girl. She is tall with sexy long legs standing a couple of inches taller than Louisa. She has a slim but curvy figure, along with long dark hair. 

She is the sort of girl who more enjoys being single and likes seeing who she can pull in the bars and clubs. She has never stayed faithful to any of her boyfriends. Ronnel isn’t shy towards girls either and Louisa has even told me how they experimented in college. I know when it is just the two of them and Ronnel does pull, Louisa can feel a little left out and Ronnel will have no problem influencing her to have some fun of her own.

Watching my girlfriend get dressed before I went to work was arousing enough. After getting out of the shower, she dresses into her underwear for the night. She slips into a sexy, shimmering satin and lace thong, and matching bra. Then sat at her dresser in her high heels and underwear, she prepares her makeup and styles her hair. She adds loose curls to her dark brunette hair that falls to her mid-back. I’m hard just seeing her sat there getting ready for the night.

She had earlier decided to wear a short tight purple dress and she bends over in front of the wall length mirror, stepping into the dress and pulling it up her body. The dress hugs her body perfectly and stops just at the bottom of her ass, making her legs look even longer. The bottom of the dress has a lace trim too of about four inches; so I’m sure in the club lights the bottom of her ass would be visible to the keen looking eye. The top of the dress also has a lace trim around it; giving a peak at the embroidered flower pattern shining on her bra. Louisa looks stunning, and she will be turning a lot of heads tonight as she walked past in her silver 6 inch heeled strapped shoes.

Louisa finishes off the look with a pair of dangling diamond earrings and a matching necklace. She stands in front of me and asks what I think. I am so hard looking at her that I want to fuck her there and then. With her long, curled, dark brunette hair falling over her eye on one side of her face; some seductive red lipstick on; and her figure in that dress; she looks perfect.

I give my girlfriend a long passionate kiss goodbye, making sure to feel that luscious ass of hers before she left for Ronnel’s house for early drinks. She hikes a leg up to my waist, wrapping it around my back and presses her hips against me. She holds me by the head and gives a penetrating look into my eyes.

“I want a long, hard dick in me tonight,” she says before planting kisses up my neck.

I am already hard but when I hear her say that, my dick starts to ache.

Then proceeding to lick then bite my earlobe, she whispers closely into my ear, “and it might not be yours.”

She hitches up her dress showing me the diamond band around her waist. It’s a long necklace type piece of jewellery she wears around her waist. It’s covered in diamonds and has a dangly piece at the back that falls down the centre of her ass and another dangly piece at the front which touches the top of her thong. It’s another compliment to her already sexy body and goes well with her belly button piercing she has. She wears it when she knows she’s going to have sex and was proving her point that she was going to get fucked one way or another tonight.

Louisa loves to tease and knows how to stir jealousy in me. I know that she is being playful but I also know jokes are half meant. I wait for a time when she decides to make it a reality again after her efforts to remain faithful. How she is looking and feeling in her outfit, I can’t help but feel tonight will be that night. She walks away clasping her handbag giving me a tormenting smile. Before leaving, she blows me a kiss and tells me she loves me.

The night goes normal for us as it usually does when I’m working and she is out. Louisa texts me now and again, and I give my typical replies. At about 1am though, she sends me an out of the ordinary text. She tells me she has met James and some of his friends in the nightclub. They’ve all been hanging out together and having fun.

James is a Middle Eastern looking guy. He is good looking with a toned body. All three of us used to work together before we went our separate ways in other lines of work. James and Louisa had a love hate relationship at work but you could tell they were attracted to each other in a way. I could tell how they really felt and it made me jealous when I saw them in their friendly moods; flirting and making suggestive comments.

Louisa even called his name out once during sex and there had been certain experiences whilst at work which had gotten me annoyed at the two of them. For example, I had glanced over at them when she walked past him holding a tray of food. James gave her a light slap on the ass and Louisa just looked over her shoulder smiling.

James got more confident with her over time and would ask her what underwear she was wearing. She would happily undo her trousers to show him, even turning round to show what her ass looked like in them if he asked too.

I displayed my disapproval with her behaviour many times and we would have serious discussions at home. She would only reply that she is having fun and not doing anything that bad. I would often think what they were up to at work on the occasional shifts I wasn’t there. They sent each other dirty texts; spoke on webcam in her nightie on a few occasions; and still continued to text even after he had stopped working there. She also admitted to getting naked and playing with herself on webcam for him. Even though they did eventually stop talking to each other, I was yet to realise how quickly old flames reignite and how easily she would be seduced by him again.

Straight away when I read that they are together, my imagination goes into overload with thoughts of her in that sexy slutty dress and high heels grinding up against him. A knot turns in my stomach and my thumbs are shaking a little as I write a reply text. I ask her what kind of fun she is talking about, even adding a ‘: P’ at the end. It probably wasn't the best idea, as I’m not too keen on finding out the answer.

The reply from her is what I am expecting. I read they’ve all been dirty dancing and she and James have kissed a few times but nothing heavy. I know where there is kissing, there is touching and can only imagine where James has been having his first feels of my girlfriend’s body. I read it several times and my thoughts of their activities get worse with every read. Shortly after, another text comes through saying that I shouldn't be worried. She goes on to say it's only harmless fun and she will be waiting in bed ready for me to fuck her senseless. I giggle a little at the remark but that feeling of jealousy and worry still sticks in my mind.

She's an attractive girl and has no problem pulling at clubs. I also know how she melts into guys when she is dancing with them. She is a passionate girl with a very sensitive body. She loves it when her ass is touched and has a sexy look in her eyes when she is turned on.

It is now 3:30am and I am very eager at this point to get home to my stunning girlfriend and take advantage of how horny she is likely to be after her night out. Louisa is always horny and wild when she is drunk and keen for sex; something I have no problem with providing her with after a boring night at work.

I get a phone call from her in the office asking me to come and pick her up when the club closes at 4am instead of having to pay for a taxi. I explain to her that I won’t be able to leave early even if it is half an hour as I’m due to finish at 4:00am.

Fifteen minutes later, I get another brief phone call from her:

"Hey darling, I was just calling to let you that James lives pretty close by and him and the guys are having drinks at his afterwards so Ronnel and I are going there."

I can hear the wind rushing and laughing in the background.

"Who are you with now?"

"Just one of James’ mates who has followed me outside this time. "

I’m feeling uneasy. I can hear the unmistakable sound of a soft moan then the break of a kiss.

"Babe, what's going on?" I ask with my heart beating faster.

"Sorry baby. James' friend has me up the wall. He's been at it all night trying to get with me but I've been pushing him off," she says laughing as if this is a game to her.

"And what about James? You've been pushing him off too I hope."

"Well...he's been luckier but nothing is going to go past what happened in the club. I promise."

"What do you mean by luckier?" I ask afraid of the answer.

“I’ll tell you later in bed.”

“I’d rather know now so I’m not waiting.”

She hesitates but replies, "Ok, well…erm…I let him finger me on the dance floor it felt really good."

"How good?"

"Like... orgasm good."

I've given her orgasms from rubbing her clit in the past, but one thing I've never been able to achieve with her is giving her an orgasm from sex or fingering her. It's not that I can't find her g-spot and she always says she feels close but can't seem to let go with me.

Clarifying what I had just heard, I ask her, "He gave you an orgasm by fingering you?"

"Yeah and baby it felt amazing. Not just him fingering me but everything about him tonight and the way he has been touching my body has made me feel incredible. Come and get me quick, please. I love you and I want you so badly.”

Not sure how to reply to that statement, I simply say, "Ok sexy, I'll be there soon."

"See you in a bit, love you."

"Love you too."

There is another sound of kissing before she hangs up and for the next hour, my feelings of being eager and excited turn to anxiety and doubt. To say I felt de-masculinized was an understatement. I sat there thinking to myself how I could possibly go home and fuck her now? How could I fuck her struggling to make her orgasm after another guy just did it first time with his fingers?

When I arrive at James’ house, all the lights are on and the front door is open. I approach the front door and can hear some rock music coming from someone’s room further within the house. The house is full of smoke and as I look through the first door along the corridor, which is clearly the living room, I can see a near empty vodka bottle; some crushed beer cans and a couple of large empty coke bottles.

A guy holding his phone while smoking a cigarette comes down the stairs ahead of me further down the corridor.

“Are you lost, mate?” is all he says as he stands in front of me, giving me an intimidating stare awaiting an answer.

I explain who I am and I am just there to collect Louisa. The look in his eyes lightens, and while still holding the fag in his mouth and looking back to his phone, he gives a light laugh and tells me that she is with James in his room on the top floor. He then continues to head outside shutting the door behind him.

The house itself was three stories high, so I begin heading up the staircase. On the second floor are a couple of bedrooms and a bathroom. I have to walk past both bedrooms in order to keep going up the stairs. As I peek into the room playing the rock music, I can see Ronnel wearing only her black lacy French knickers and a top which has fallen on one side showing her black lacy bra. The room is filled with dense smoke as they have been smoking, which by the smell, I can only assume is weed.

My dick immediately hardens watching Ronnel sat on the edge of the bed with her legs spread. One guy has his hand down the front of her lace knickers and is kissing her, while she has her hand round the cock of another guy sitting on the bed next to her. As the guy fingering her is moving her knickers, I am able to catch a few looks at Ronnel’s beautiful brown pussy. As much as I want to stay and watch this Indian sex goddess fuck these two guys, I know I need to find Louisa and find out what she is up to alone with James.

I continue up and around the stairs until I can see the door to what I think to be James’ room. My fears feel like they are coming true, as the sounds emanating from James’ room make me realise exactly that what I thought would happen when they met, is happening. Louisa isn’t a quiet girl and the door is just hanging on its latch from where it hadn’t been closed properly.

Even though my heart is sinking further with every step, I have to see it to believe it, and so pushing the door open ever so slightly; I am able to get a full view of the bed. There she is, my love, straddled on top of another man. Louisa is riding him with her hands on his chest with every inch of his dick inside her as she grinds her hips on his body. James just looks up admiring her and holds onto her ass. I can tell she must have been eager to get his dick in her because her dress is still on, albeit her shoulder straps are down her arms with her dress pulled down so her bra is showing. Her thong is still on too just pulled to the side; and her dress hiked up around her waist. Even James still has his jeans and boxers round his ankles and his shirt open.

The look on her face tells me she must be in pure ecstasy; not lifting off him much keeping his dick buried deep inside her. The sounds coming from her are amazing. I am listening to her moan in ways I've never heard before, moans of intense pleasure. She is throwing her head back every time his dick hits the right spot, which by the way her moans are intensifying must be a lot.

I watch his hands slide up her sides and hold her lovely slim waist. James lifts up her dress till Louisa decides to pull her dress off over her head. James’ hands roam her body touching every part of her bare skin. Her grinding continues for a few more minutes; her pace quickening and her moans getting louder. Louisa’s nails are now digging into his chest and I know what is coming and the jealousy feeling inside me is building fast. My girl, who I love, is about to have her first orgasm from sex, given to her by another man.

Shortly after my first seeing them, she throws her head back as a massive surge of pleasure floods her body and she lets out loud moans. Her moans turn to screams and her mouth, still red and glossy, opens wide. Her hands brush through her thick curly hair and down her face as her hips thrust forward one more time; her body shuddering on top of him. As the feeling within her subsides, she slows down grinding slowly over him.

I can’t believe what I have just seen. I had been trying hard to get her to have an internal orgasm for years. I have been able to get her to have an orgasm from her clit with ease, by either my tongue or my fingers, but never an internal orgasm from sex. Yet here was a guy making her cum with no difficulty, like it wasn’t even a challenge. 

With a cheeky smile on her face, Louisa’s body collapses over James. Her beautiful brunette hair falls over her face hiding her. Louisa then leans in locking them into a passionate kiss. I look away and sit against the wall, trying to take in all the information I had just been hit with.

James now starts giving moans of his own pleasure so I return to my position in front of the door peeking through. James had now taken off his jeans and boxers and I knelt there witnessing my half naked girlfriend on her knees between this guy’s legs. She is sucking his dick in a way I’ve never seen her do before.

She is usually slow and erotic when giving blow jobs. She likes to wrap her hand around my cock and begin by slowly kissing around it, teasing me by looking up at me with a smile. Louisa then proceeds to lick my cock all over while steadily stroking my shaft. Her pace alternates between a slow and fast rhythm before she finally wraps her lips around the head enveloping my cock with her mouth. She will often switch from sucking and licking my cock but still keeping her hand wrapped firmly around the base or shaft. Most of the time her eyes will be closed; adding to the intimacy of her own pleasure in sucking my dick. Every now and then though, she will look up at me into my eyes, and then seductively close them again. Louisa’s technique sucking dick is equal to the eroticism and intimacy we share while having sex. Maintaining our passion for each other during sex, often leads to long intense orgasms for us both.

But this time, something in Louisa was different and her attitude towards her sexual behaviour had changed.

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With James, she is bobbing her head up and down his cock furiously while her hand matches the pace of her lips up and down his shaft. Her glossy red lips are sliding all over his cock and his dick is glistening from her saliva. It looks sloppy and slutty, acting like an animal forcing that cock into her mouth. She sucks his cock making sure her tongue never stops touching it and sucking hard I assume.

Louisa grabs hold of the base of James' cock with one hand but she easily has room for her other hand too. She aims his dick up his body before sucking on his balls. Releasing her grip slightly, she takes her tongue and licks all the way up his shaft. She then circles her tongue around his swollen head, looking up at him every time. She does this again two more times and before taking the head of his cock in her mouth; sucking gently while twisting her hand round his cock. After a short while, she starts to take more and more of his large dick in her mouth. Her lips slipping further and further down his shaft.

James holds her head, his fingers grasping her hair forcing her further down. I’m thinking her throat must be stretching from the size of his head and that she must be struggling for breath. However, every time he lets her up for air, she comes up smiling then eagerly takes his cock back in her slutty mouth.

It is when she is sucking him that I see the full extent of James’ dick. It is amazing and I can understand why as a girl, Louisa would be keen for it. I wouldn’t say I have a small dick, as it’s still quite thick and girls I’ve had sex with have never shied away from it but it is still only 5.5 inches.

One thing that Louisa said drew her to other guys was her disappointment that she had a boyfriend who wasn’t at least average in size. A common factor in all her other ‘lovers’, is that they were all above average. Some she claims are even as long as nine inches and James was no different. It stood hard and tall, I guessed about eight or nine inches, smooth and slightly curved. His shaft was thick too; so much so that Louisa could hardly wrap her small hands completely around it. Her lips gripped it tightly and her mouth looked like it was at the limit of how far she could hold it open to fit his cock in.

James takes hold of her hair and looks like he is pushing her down forcing more of his cock into her mouth. I have known Louisa to be more vigorous sucking my dick after drinking and getting turned on in the clubs but not to the extent of what I was watching now.

James moves his hands to Louisa’s shoulders and gives her a nudge off. Still eager to get more of his cock in her mouth, she resists his hint to stop sucking him and James therefore gives her a harder push. Louisa just smiles at him while still holding his cock, wiping her lips. With Louisa on her knees still in between James’ legs, Louisa unclips the clasp on her bra and slowly slips the straps off her arms. She then seductively begins to massage her breasts while James takes his shirt off, now lying naked on the bed and caressing her thighs.

As James begins to sit up, his hands gently slide up from her thighs to her waist and Louisa wraps her hands around his neck pulling him closer. They lock together for yet another hot, passionate kiss with both their tongues fighting one another’s. James’ lips move across her cheek and down towards her neck, kissing and licking it all over on each side and across her throat. Her hands caress over his head and her nails brush through his hair holding him against her. Continuous moans of delight and pleasure emanate from Louisa as her erotic smile never leaves her face; biting her lip too. The sound of her moans change and I know from my experience with her that James is using his teeth on her skin.

James proceeds to grasp a firm hold onto Louisa’s body and rolls her over onto her back. She gives a slight squeal from the unexpected movement but then giggles as his lips never leave her soft skin. Only now he is kissing further down her body, starting at her shoulders then kissing down her skin. He pays special attention to her breasts before shuffling down and kissing over her belly.

James’ lips continue to kiss her skin in all the places I know she likes and his hands firmly but sensually caress the rest of her body. I watch as he touches Louisa in some ways I never thought they would work like they did on her. The tones coming from her moaning tell me that he is working her in a way I don’t know how and I watch eagerly at the places his hands touch to get her to moan in such a way.

The level of jealousy in me is overwhelming seeing how this guy is making my girlfriend feel. She grinds her body around in a way I’ve never seen. I know she’s had sex with guys before but how she was feeling now was something different; a new type of pleasure which she has never got from other men. Seeing how she is with this guy and how she reacts to the things he is doing is different too. Knelt there watching, I can sense the passion and lust between the two of them.

James starts to move back up Louisa’s body and brings his lips back to hers. Once again her arms wrap around him as they embrace in another kiss. The way James’ hands are roaming over her body, make me know he has complete control of her and her sensations. James’ hand slides down the front of her body then over her thighs. His fingertips, followed by his whole hand, slips into the top of her thong and he circles his hand around her clit. A few days later when I confront them both about it, James mocked me for not knowing how to touch a girl’s pussy.

Her back arches whenever his fingers slip into her and she moves her hips around in a rhythm that matches the movement of his hand on her clit. Her thong gets pushed down slightly but I can still notice the bulge in her thong from James’ hand. Within minutes, my girlfriend has another orgasm and her body convulses underneath him.

Her body shudders for a minute or so while he keeps his hand in her thong and I can’t help but keep thinking what he is doing to make her feel so good so quickly. His foreplay isn’t over though and he moves back down her body slipping her thong down her legs. Louisa is still in a trance caressing her own body. With his head placed at Louisa’s pussy, James begins to work it with his tongue.

Louisa must still feel sensitive from her previous orgasm; because her body twitches and shifts around wildly as the intense feelings from James’ tongue overwhelm her. She props herself up onto her elbows looking down towards James with her mouth open and moaning. She clearly loves the feelings he is giving her. James holds her waist, using his strength to keep her pinned to the bed. Louisa struggles and fights to move, her legs flying around. They start being flat on the bed then as the pleasure intensifies; her legs uncontrollably fly into the air. As I kneel there watching, I can only imagine what her body is going through right now.

Louisa tries to push James off as the feelings get too much for her but James responds by placing his fingers inside her pussy. This causes her to collapse back and her hands fly back to pulling at her hair, which is now a mess over her face. With his fingers inside her pussy, her breathing gets heavier and her chest and stomach move extensively. It’s not long before Louisa is having another orgasm.

When James’ assault on my girlfriend’s pussy is over, he kneels tall between her spread legs and strokes his cock. Louisa’s hand travels down her body and begins rubbing her own clit. This is the first time I have seen her rub herself. Louisa is still lying there shuddering with her back arched. She looks up at James and slips a finger between her pussy lips and into her pussy. Louisa then takes the finger to her mouth sucking on it with a seductive look in her eyes. When she pulls the finger out of her mouth, she bites her lip and directs her finger to James displaying a come hither motion.

With her legs bent and spread, Louisa lays there awaiting James to penetrate her pussy. James proceeds to tease her by running the head of his cock up and down her slit; and Louisa is moving her hips around trying to get his cock pointing at the entrance to her pussy. He pushes the head in slowly taking it out again. He repeats this several times with Louisa moaning for him, albeit moans of frustration. The pleasure is coming from the thickness of his swollen head stretching her tight little pussy.

He then leans forward resting on Louisa’s body and brushes the hair from her face, looking deep into her eyes. She responds with a smile and places a hand on his cheek and another round his neck. Her legs wrap around his back and James reaches between them and grasps his cock, placing the head at the opening to her pussy. He teases her for a moment and her hips move around trying to get his cock in her pussy. The look between the two of them is one of intense passion and intimacy, almost like love. Of all the moments I had seen her with another guy before this and all the time with James tonight, it’s this moment that feels the most intense.

I want to walk away, as the feelings for me become too much to handle. James’ hips push forward and immediately Louisa’s body arches up; her head looking back, pushing her shoulders off the bed too. James’ reaction is to begin kissing her exposed neck again with her moans encouraging him for more. James’ penetrations are slow at first; picking up the pace with every thrust. Their hands are all over each other and Louisa even starts to use her nails; I can see the trail of scratch marks left behind. Their bodies are shining from their sweat and their bodies slide over one another’s with ease.

Louisa and James then roll over allowing her to ride him like before. This time though, her motions aren’t reserved to just grinding. This time her body is bouncing up and down with her pussy sliding all over his cock. James also thrust his hips upwards forcing his dick harder into my girlfriend’s pussy. His hands explore her body as Louisa keeps herself stable by keeping her hands on his chest. She looks down at James licking her lips and admires James’ physique beneath her. Her breasts bounce in time with her body and James reaches his head up to suck on her nipples.

As Louisa tires, she leans forward and bends her right leg further up his body and stretches her left leg flat along the bed, allowing her ass to stretch and her whole body looks perfect on top him as they kiss for several more minutes. James sits them both up and repositions her legs so they are both sitting with my girlfriend still on top. Their faces are only an inch from each other and the look in their eyes being one of pure lust.

Louisa continues to grind her hips over him for several more minutes before lifting off of him and getting onto her hands and knees. With her ass now in the air, James gets on his knees behind her and guides his cock back into her pussy. Louisa starts by moving her body forward and back into him several times. James once again revels in the feeling of my girlfriend’s wet, warm pussy gripping his cock. He takes charge, fucking her pussy hard and fast; looking like he is getting harder with every thrust. James takes hold of Louisa’s hair pulling her head back and my girlfriend’s moans turn to screams as he relentlessly pounds her pussy. Multiple orgasms take hold of my girlfriend and her body collapses on the bed; only her ass staying up from James’ hold on her waist.

James reaches forward and massages her breasts and then pulls her body up. Louisa’s head falls back onto his shoulder and her hands reach back holding James for support. James caresses her belly and breasts as he kisses the back of her neck again; just resting his cock inside her. James’ hand moves slightly further down her body touching her clit and Louisa’s ass pushes back into him. Her head turns to the side and James leans forward pushing his tongue out. Louisa does the same and the both just remain in that position licking each other’s tongues.

I could tell James is whispering something into her ear and she replies but I can’t tell what. She smiles and nods before she turns around and throws her arms around him, their bodies pressed together. His hands freely roam Louisa’s sexy body once more and Louisa’s hands caress James’ face, neck and chest. James’ dick still looks as hard as when they started. He moves a hand down between them and runs a few fingers over her wet clit.

Guiding Louisa onto her back again, James once again climbs on top of her. They kiss yet another time and his dick enters her pussy. James thrusts are hard at first but then the motions of his hips slow. Their hands lock together and his other hand caresses her face. A few minutes pass like this and James once again says something to Louisa, in which again she nods and smiles. Louisa’s hips then thrust forward and James gives a loud moan thrusting his hips forward too.

At this point, it only just dawns on me that they aren’t using any protection. James hadn’t put a condom on and Louisa isn’t on the pill either. Nonetheless, my girlfriend of five years had willingly just let another guy cum inside her. They kissed once more before resting in each other’s arms. I look at my watch and little under an hour had passed since I arrived.

Louisa then gets up and gets dressed, slipping back into her dress and standing in front of the mirror attempting to fix her hair. James stands behind her and kisses the back of her neck while holding her. They look at each other in the mirror before Louisa turns around and kisses him, before dropping to her knees sucking James’ cock clean.

I turn around and walk away, deciding to take another peak inside the room Ronnel is in. One of the guys is passed out on the floor while Ronnel is naked riding the other guy. I begin thinking what her pussy would feel like as I seriously contemplate fucking her in my own response to what I had seen my own girlfriend do tonight. I did end up fucking the slut three times and she was an amazing fuck. Louisa did find out as they tell each other everything and she took that as a cue to fuck Ronnel’s ex who was a bouncer in a nightclub.

I get in my car which is parked round the corner and phone my girlfriend. I lie to her, telling her I had been busy at work but I was nearly there and would be at his house soon. She simply says its fine and James has been taking care of her while she has been waiting for me.

I walk back round to the house and this time James leans out the window shouting me in. As I walk upstairs, I can’t help but peak into Ronnel’s room and watch her get a facial, receiving a thick load across her lips. My lust and desire for this slut grows every time I look at her now. I walk into James’ room and they both act normally, as if nothing had happened between them. Louisa is sat on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed holding a drink, although the shoulder straps of her dress and bra round her arms. James even offers me a drink which, despite my counteracting feelings to being with either of them right now, I accept.

We all sit around the room chatting and laughing over different subjects. Louisa isn’t talking much, just spending a lot of time smiling at James. James walks around the room grabbing another beer from his fridge beside his desk. When he walks back to the bed where he was sitting, he stops to taunt me by caressing his hands over my girlfriend’s bare shoulders and planting kisses on her neck. He compliments me on owning such a magnificent girl.

“Owning?” I think to myself.

I never once thought of Louisa as something I owned but the look in her as James said it brought out some kind of animal lust in her at the idea of being someone’s possession to use as he saw fit. She gets herself comfy sat back on the bed with her back against the headrest, and eventually allows her leg to lie across James while he is sat next to her. This gives me a great view up her dress but James also takes the chance to be bold and starts caressing her thigh.

The more I didn’t say anything and the more Louisa didn’t object, the more confident James was around me; and he was allowing his hands to caress higher until he was even touching her ass. After a while, her dress is back up around her waist and at times he gets his whole hand over her ass then carries on touching the rest of her leg. I don’t know why I didn’t say or do anything as I wasn’t the least bit happy about it, and when I saw him give her ass a sly squeeze in the middle of him talking, I instead announced I was going to the toilet.

I had only been away a few minutes clearing my head but when I come back in the room, I stand in shock. Their mouths were once again pressed firmly against each other’s. James had just about finished pulling her thong down her legs and has just pulled them off her ankle just after I walk in. Louisa’s leg then slowly slides up his and James’ hand returns to caressing her leg, ass and now lower back as her dress is lifted higher.

They both alternate between French kissing and kissing each other’s necks. I don’t even think they noticed me walk in. With her leg hitched up so high, I can see her beautiful shaved pussy which is glistening from how wet she is; probably from the creampie James had given her earlier. James then takes his hand around the back of Louisa’s thigh and his fingertips begin sliding up and down her pussy between her lips. Louisa moans and I still can’t believe it.

Louisa’s legs spread with her knees bent and I can see how open her pussy looks from James’ cock, before James slips his fingers into her. I take a quick look and learn what technique he uses on her and then I manage to pull myself together enough to myself known. Louisa jumps in horror and picks her thong up and runs into the bathroom. James appears shocked too and to my surprise a bit embarrassed. He apologises and says he got carried away, complimenting my girlfriend in different ways, some of which felt inappropriate (like how nice her pussy felt to touch.) When Louisa finally comes out, we agree to leave and head downstairs.

As we leave the house, I open the gate to the garden and Louisa turns back walking towards the house where James is still stood in the doorway. Louisa presses against him and french kisses him again right in front of me. Louisa’s leg hikes up as high as his waist wrapping it around his body and his hands move to firmly holding her ass. I shout out to her but they carry on, moaning in the night.

Eventually, they pull away from each other and she walks away giving him a smile and wave over her shoulder. On the way home, I try to get an explanation from her about what they were doing when I walked in on them, choosing to keep my knowledge of them fucking to myself for now. She cries profusely, constantly apologising and saying she is so drunk and got carried away. She explains that the leg over thing was just her teasing me and that James took it too far. When I ask her about her night, she gives very little detail about it. She only really states that she is horny and that it’s only my dick she wants and that she wants me to fuck her when we get home.

Because she isn’t on the pill, she insists I wear a condom but I assume this was to hide the feeling of James’ cum inside her. We have sex like we usually would after a night out, only this time I have some new moves to try on her. For me the feeling wasn’t all that great, as her pussy still felt wide open from James’ massive dick. Although we do have great sex for the next few nights and she is curious where I had learnt the new tricks that she now loves so much.

I confront her about what I saw and that I want to know what happened at the club and anything else that’s happened between them as I remind her about what they used to be like at work. Cleverly, she climbs onto of me and buries my cock in her pussy again. My cock is so hard, as she seductively tells me every detail of their ‘relationship’.

Written by Jason2013
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