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Amy's Chat Room Visitors

"Amy's real life encounters meet her chat room fantasy world for a glance at what might be possible"

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Eric had been away on business for over a week and I was really feeling horny. I knew it would still be a few more days until I saw him and could relieve my frustration, so I pulled up our Lush page to see if I might find something to satisfy my needs.

It wasn't long before I was approached in a chat room by a man who noticed I was on line. He commented on how much he liked my profile images and how hot they made him feel. He also wanted to know if I'd like to see a few of his.

"Absolutely!" I replied. "Let me see them."

A moment later I was looking at several images of his really beautifully tanned 9" cock. When I responded how nice it was, he replied that it would look even nicer sliding inside of me.

"Too bad you don't live in San Diego," I joked.

Then came the truth detector as he replied, "I do."

I could feel my temperature start to rise as I sat staring at the screen. The fine line of the Lush fantasy and reality worlds could certainly be breached here. He asked where my husband was tonight.

I hesitated for a moment and then replied, "Out of town."

Before he could answer, a second man joined the conversation. He told me that he had seen my profile before and was glad to finally catch me on line. He too said he loved my photos, as well as my stories. I asked which story he liked the most.

"Amy and The Stranger," he replied, "Because I can imagine myself as the stranger."

This made me really wet and I asked if he had a 10" cock like the story. My mouth hung open when the reply came back... "Yes."

"Let me see it," I said.

Moments later, an image arrived with him holding a ruler along side his massive 10 1/2" cock.

Suitor Number One now replied that he thought we should meet.

"Way too soon," I typed. "We hardly know each other yet."

He asked what I wanted to know about him.

"Which of my pictures turns you on the most and why," I questioned.

He answered that it was a tough question because he loved them all, but that if he had to pick just one it would be the black and white photo of my husbands cock getting ready to penetrate me. He said he could tell how small and perfect my pussy was. how he loved my little clitoral hood and imagined how tight I must be. He said he liked fantasizing that the cock in the photo was his about to fill my tiny slit with his warm cum. I told him I was planning on piercing my little hood soon and I asked if he thought that would be sexy.

"Definitely," was the reply.

"Where are you from?" I asked.

"Del Mar, CA," he said.

Hmmm.... Two well hung suitors within driving distance of my home. That's way too convenient I thought.

"What photo of mine is your favorite Number Two?" I typed.

"Definitely the one of your tanned body lying on the bed with cum on you," he said. "Tell me more about that one."

"Well," I replied, "That was from my honeymoon and it was quite delicious. My husband had awoken me that morning and wordlessly removed my white virginal teddy. He then placed me on all fours and proceeded to fuck me really long and slow from behind while I used the little vibe you see in the background on my clit. We came so hard together. His beautiful cock pumped me full of cum from behind and then he pulled out and rolled me onto my back, finishing me by giving me his last few spurts on my tummy and belly ring. It was fucking hot!"

"You look so tiny," Number One replied. "How big are you?"

"5'-3" and 101 lbs," I answered.

"How big are your tits?"

"Depends. 32DDD or 32E."

"That is just fucking unfair," he replied before asking "Are you afraid of trying to take a 10" cock in real life?"

"A little," I typed. "I've never had one that big. You'd be the first one. You would be gentle with me?"

"Definitely!" he replied. "For someone as small as you, I would be very gentle. I'd let you be on top so you could control things. I wouldn't want to hurt you and scare you off forever."

"That's perfect! I affirmed. "My favorite is being on top. So tell me, do you cum a lot? I've always thought a bigger cock means more cum."

"Yes I do, he typed. I've always seemed to produce copious amounts of it. So much that some women are turned off by it. Is that a problem for you?"

"Definitely not!" I answered. "I love being covered in cum. The more the better. It's wonderful. It makes me feel so sexy and desired at the most primal level. How could any woman feel degraded by the fact that a man finds her so utterly attractive that his need to conquer her and mate with her as his chosen one, results in him having the uncontrollable desire to release his semen all over her? It survival of the fittest. The most viral man inseminating the most desired female."

Number One now reasserted himself as he could feel his competition pulling ahead.

"What is your favorite photo of yourself Amy?" He asked. "The one of me in black and fishnet chained up on my back. I think my tits look really good there."

Did you get fucked well that night too?" He asked.

"Yes, it was Valentines Day. After I was chained up, Eric performed the best oral on my freshly waxed pussy, sucking and licking my pebble hard little clit while stroking my G spot with his fingers. When I was really close to coming he pulled me by my ankles to the side of the bed and stood there as he fucked me while holding my ankles back over my head. I came about three times in in succession and was totally worn out. I wanted to finish him well by sucking his cock. He was lying on his back and I would go all the way up to the tip and then back down on him. His precum always tastes so good that I like to keep him right on the edge of cumming so I can enjoy it longer. When he got close, I was going to stroke him really slow until he came really slow though my fingers, but he grabbed the back of my head and forced me all the way down on his cock so he could cum down my tiny little throat. He just held me there tightly as I struggled and gasped. I'd never had a man force me to take his ejaculation like that before, so deep in my throat and against my will. It was really exciting. Animalistic. I love the taste of his cum and feeling him pump it into me like that while my throat clutched the head of his penis is something I want more of now. I don't want to tell him to do it though because that was the exciting part, being taken totally for his pleasure in that moment without asking.

Eric isn't as big as either of you, so I'm not sure if my throat could handle you, at least not in that position. I might need to be laid back with my head off the side of the bed and then have you take me like that so my throat could open enough.

Number Two replied, "Would you like that Amy? Would you like me to come over so you can experience that?"

I sat starring at the screen again wondering what I should say. My gut told me I couldn't, that I shouldn't, not with Eric out of town like this. But I wanted to and I really needed to be fucked.

"Do you think I could handle it all?" I asked. "I can assure you that the experience will be like no other you've had he replied. And you've already made up your mind that you are going to open your throat tonight and make it happen."

Number One replied. "Maybe you should test a 9" cock before you go that big?"

I smirked at the competition as my fingers tapped the keyboard. "Maybe I need 19" of cock tonight..."

There was silence as I typed in my address. "If you want to tap this, be here in an hour. Door will be open, along with my mouth and legs."

Safety in numbers I thought. One stranger alone in my house, a little dangerous. Two strangers that don't know each other, now there is a check and balance there.

Forty-five minutes later I heard the door open followed by footsteps coming up the stairs. I lay back on my white bed sheets with candles lit and my red corset with black fishnet stockings on. I could see his handsome frame as he stepped into the room. He was tall and lean with dark hair and spoke not a word as he approached the bed. He pulled his v-neck tee shirt off over his head then sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his hand up my inner thigh as I heard the sound of the door again.

Moments later, a very muscular and tall blonde man entered then room and said, "It looks like I am still number two again as the name suggests."

"So you are Number One!" I said as the first to arrive kissed his way up my neck.

"It appears I am," he said before standing up again.

"Drop the shorts then Number One," I replied.

He unhooked his fly and let them fall to the floor as his cock sprang forth from its commando position. It was long and thick and tan just like the photo. Very impressive I thought.

"And what about you Number Two?" I questioned.

He stepped closer and after removing his shirt to reveal his chiseled abs, dropped his shorts as well. He was wearing briefs that snuggly held a cock so big that it damn near came out of the waistband. As he rolled the briefs down, his cock was able to hang freely about 7" long.

"Damn dude, I gushed. "That is very impressive. I can't wait to see it at full staff."

Number Two came closer and grabbed one of my ankles, dragging me to the edge of the mattress before letting go and allowing my feet to fall to the floor. Number One flanked me on one side as Number Two did on the other. I was able to finally see both cocks up close and personal now. Number Two took my hand and placed his around his flaccid penis for me to stroke. It was thick and heavy even before his erection began and with each successive stroke more blood flowed into it as I watched it grow.

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My other hand reached for Number One's already rock hard erection as I pulled him to me with it and stroked each of them simultaneously.

I couldn't take my eyes off the trophy cock though. As it lengthened and thickened, the girth grew to where it was actually larger than my own little wrist that held it. He was shaved which made it look larger yet and the head was the same size as a plum. I felt a hand sliding up my thigh and then a finger tracing my little slit, gently wanting to test it.

"Your little pussy is even better in real life than the photos," Number One whispered. "So tight, so smooth, so wet - I can't wait to "tap that" as you said. Do you want me to tap your little pussy now Amy?

"I do." I said. "Please don't make me wait any longer!"

Number Two grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and dragged his now fully erect cock across my check. I opened my mouth for him and took just the head of it in. It already felt like there wasn't any room left for more.

"Like you imagined?" he asked.

"Bigger" I replied.

"Good, let's see then about all of us getting what we want now." Number Two stated.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"You with your head hung over the side of the bed fearing the moment that you will open your throat for me, Number One here fucking that perfect little pussy of yours in real life instead of beating off to a photo of it on line and you getting double teamed by two strangers until you are worn out and covered with their cum."

I looked at him for a moment and then said, "Yes, that is definitely what I want. Please don't make me wait any longer."

Number Two pushed me onto my back before grabbing an arm to spin me around with my head hanging freely over the edge of the bed for himself. Number One eased his way onto the bed and pushed my legs up with a hand behind each knee. I felt the warmth of his tongue as it ran up my little slit while Number Two cradled my neck. I felt the large head of his cock part my lips as Number One opened my legs. I could tell he was positioning his cock in the same way as then photo that he loved so much to get a mental snapshot. Slowly he spread me open and began to enter me.

"I promise I am going to fuck you really well Amy," he said as his cock penetrated me.

Number Two slowly fed me his cock in small increments. He supported my head and slowly stroked my throat as he encouraged me to each new milestone.

"That's it Amy," he said. "Good girl. Just open your throat and relax it as much as you can."

I could tell he was already deeper into me than Eric could ever reach and as he passed the spot where my gag reflex was stimulated, I could feel a fullness at the nape of my neck. He reached down and guided my hand to my throat so I could feel his cock moving in and out through the outer wall.

"Good girl," he said. "You are taking it all like a pro. I can see the outline of it through your neck as I'm fucking you."

As he increased his pace to a slow thrusting, I felt Number One's cock penetrate deeper. Inch by inch, in and out, as my pussy lubricated his shaft until he was giving me full and purposeful strokes.

All I could think was "I'm doing it! I'm actually taking the entirety of both of these massive cocks at the same time."

As Number Two worked my throat with precision, I let my tongue tickle the top side of his very hard cock.

"Let's see those fabulous tits of yours," Number One said while unfastening the buttons of my red corset. Number Two assisted, releasing buttons from the top of the red corset down until meeting him in the middle. With the last one released, the corset sprung open to allow me to finally breathe and my nipples to hardened in the cool air.

"Fuck you are gorgeous!" Number One blurted. "You have the tightest body I've ever seen!"

As I was pounded from both ends, my generous round the breasts bobbed up and down as I was shared. My mind raced. There definitely was no going back now and I hoped that I would leave this encounter with no stone unturned.

I absolutely love sucking cock and this one was the experience of a lifetime. Number One didn't know it, but the juices lubricating his own extraordinary cock were not from the fine job he was doing, but rather from the image I had in my head of what I must look like as I took this oral challenge on like a champ. If I was Number Two I'd want to have my cock down a throat like mine too. A petite woman with killer tits, laid out before me with her jaw willingly stretched open as far as possible. Her teeth scraping me with each stroke as I watched her struggle to breathe and wondering if I am going to pump her full of cum.

Number Two withdrew himself slowly from me and held me up so I could watch my pussy straining to wrap itself around Number One's shaft. He pulled the steel ribbed corset from below me and cupped my tits with both hands.

"Perhaps we should change things up a little," he said, lying down on his back.

"Perhaps we should," agreed Number One as he withdrew too, leaving me momentarily cockless.

I rolled onto my knees and crawled up Number Two until I straddled him. I had to lift myself to a nearly upright position before I was high enough to insert his cock into me. My small pussy stretched to its limit but he fit thanks to Number One doing the honor of prepping me for the main course. As I lowered myself onto his remarkable endowment I could feel sensations deep inside me where no object had ever reached before. I lay forward onto him as his hands gripped my ass and his hips began to slowly thrust.

"You don't have to be gentle now," I said in his ear. "Pound me with that monster."

Number One now appeared behind me and I realized the sudden precariousness of my situation. A 10" cock was inside me already and now a 9" one was about to come calling at my back door. I started to pull back but Number One gripped me tightly around each of my triceps and held me in position, firmly planted on his pole. I felt the familiar rush of the Valentine's Day dominance Eric had perpetrated on me running through my body and realized this was going to happen in the same way. Moments from now I would be double penetrated against my will. There would be no stopping it. Two men were going to take what they wanted. One's cock in my pussy and the others in my ass simultaneously as they shared me.

Number One stood flat footed straddling me and inserted the head of his cock into my ass without asking. I writhed at the added pressure as he very slowly fed himself into me.

"Oh my fucking god!" I thought. "This is definitely not going to work."

"Relax," Number One whispered. "You can do it. You wanted this from the moment you invited two strangers over at the same time."

He was right, I did. I wanted this. I wanted two big cocks in me together. I released my tension and let go as Number One fully entered my ass and they sync'd their thrusting to my screams.

I don't know how to describe it other than almost being an out of body experience. The thought of my tiny body taking on two massive cocks and not breaking. My whole body convulsing with orgasm after orgasm as they took me over and over until I surrendered from exhaustion.

Number One withdrew and I rolled off of Number Two onto my back as he placed a pillow under my head.

"You both need to cum," I said.

I thought back to the on line conversation I'd had with Number Two as I watched them each stroking their own cocks above me. How much was a copious amount? I thought.

I think you can tell a lot about a man by how he makes himself cum. Is he vigorous or slow. Is he gentle with his own cock or rough. Does he squeeze it tightly or lightly. We were about to find out with Number One as he began to go off.

Number One pointed his cock downward as long spurts of his payload painted my little slit and filled my belly button. I reached down and squeezed his cock firmly from the base to the tip to empty him, before sliding my fingers down through his cum and into myself to rub my clit while I awaited the main event.

Number Two was working his cock with long firm strokes punctuated with occasional short breaks or fast increases in pace. I rubbed my cum covered clit harder as a shiny string of precum grew longer from the tip and he began to moan softly. I reached up and took his cock from his hand to finish him myself.

Suddenly, I had the uncontrollable desire to take his massive load in my mouth instead of watching him come on me. I lurched forward and using my newly acquired deep throating skill opened my mouth and let his cock slide into my throat in a single motion. The shock of the move caused his instant release as I looked up at him with wide open eyes while he filled me.

My lips could feel the pulsing as Number Two pumped semen deep into my throat. I grabbed his ass and dug my nails in as I felt it fill me until it began spilling from my lips and dripped from my chin.

"Holy fuck! That is a ton of cum" I thought as I pulled off of him only to find he was still spurting. Shot after shot of thick whiteness hit me in the neck and tits as I watched in awe. He threw me back onto the mattress and kept stroking himself as he continued to orgasm and cover my entire pussy before shaking the final drips all over me like little pearls.

Covered from head to toe in Number Two's cum I now knew what a copious amount was and I fucking loved it.

"I think we all got what we wanted," I said.

Written by DreAmy1
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