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Accidental Adultery

"After a fender bender the kindness of my new neighbour has me acting in a way a wife and mother never should."

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Competition Entry: The Ultimate Seduction

Author's Notes

"Maybe not as seductive as some of the amazing stories already submitted that I have read, but I hope it’s enjoyable enough to read, with its real life everyday parenting drama."

I gripped the steering wheel of my SUV so tight my knuckles turned white. I was holding back my overwhelming desire to explode, and all I wanted was to scream out at the top of my lungs; I hate my life.

I turned my head to look at my seven-year-old daughter Mellisa; it took all my strength to not just scream at her right now. But in my most calming and relaxed mommy voice, I said.

"Honey, how many times has Mommy told you to put your ballet shoes back in your backpack when you have finished practising at home?"

I turned on my indicator and did a U-turn to return to the house to get my daughter's ballet shoes. We were already fifteen minutes late for the school run; I didn't need this shit today of all the mornings; today, I needed to be at work on time.

"You are such a little turd! Now I'm going to be late for school as well," my eleven-year-old son Jackson said to his sister.

"Mommy, Jackson just called me a turd," Mellisa screamed and now beginning to cry.

"Jackson, for fuck sake, you aren't helping," I screamed as I tore back up our street to get Mellisa's fucking ballet shoes.

The shock of hearing me swear, stopping them both dead in their tracks; you could count on one hand the amount of times they had heard me use the F word. But I was no longer in the mood to listen to their squabbling.

Dan, my husband, and I fought again this morning before he left for the airport on another bloody business trip. My oldest daughter Kylie had thrown a temper tantrum at breakfast when I made her change her clothes. The skirt she had been wearing was not appropriate for a fourteen year old to be wearing to school. It barely covered her ass.

And to top it all off, I had a sales report due at work, and it wasn't finished, so yeah, right now, I hated my life. I sat tapping my bright red gel nails on the steering wheel while Mellisa went in to get her ballet shoes.

"Mom, what is she doing in there? She has been gone for ages," Jackson said, and he was right; she was taking too long.

I held my hand on the horn, blasting it a couple of times, eventually she finally came out holding her shoes.

"God, your such a pain in the butt, turd face," Jackson said as Mellisa got in the car.

"Mommy, Jackson called me a turd face again," Mellisa screamed, starting to cry her bloody crocodile tears again.

I'd had enough. Jamming the car in reverse, I tore out onto the road reversing right into the rear door of a brand new Range Rover parked behind me on the street. I swear that it wasn't there when we pulled into my drive. The car stopped suddenly, on impact, sending my coffee in the cupholder flying, drenching my white silk blouse and skirt.

It was the last straw. I screamed at the top of my lungs before I burst into tears. I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't deal with the fucking kids, my job or Dan, my husband being a complete and utter prick. They all seemed to be working against me, to drive me insane; that was it they wanted to see me put away in a madhouse somewhere.

There was a tap on my driver's window. I looked up, and through the tears pouring out of my eyes, I saw an incredibly handsome man, maybe mid-fifties. His hair was salt and pepper grey, and he had big, beautiful, kind blue eyes.

It was as if time had stood still, for a second, yes I could hear Melissa screaming in the back and Jackson screaming at her to shut up, and I vaguely heard Jackson also say, “Holy shit, dad's going to kill you for wrecking the car,” but my mind was saying, Where did this gorgeous angel of a man appear from?

And then, just like that, the slow-motion stopped, and reality kicked back in. Turning in my seat, I looked at both the kids.

“Are you two ok, you’re not hurt, are you? And Mellisa, unless you are hurt, stop screaming; it's just a tiny fender bender. Ok, you are fine," I said, undoing my seatbelt and opening my door.

"Are you ok?” The handsome guy said to me as he took my hand and helped me out of the car, his touch sending a shot of lightning through my entire body.

"Yes, I'm fine, but I better check my kids,” I said, smiling at him, which seemed ridiculous considering I had just crashed into his car.

I opened Mellisa's door and hugged her. She was fine. Jackson was already out of the car and masterfully assessed the damage and wrote a report in his head to tell his father what a shit driver his mother was.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned and looked directly into those damn eyes; what was it with this guy and his beautiful damn eyes and those perfect white teeth. Christ, he could be on the cover of GQ magazine; he was that handsome.

"Are you sure you and the kids are ok," he asked again, sounding genuinely concerned.

"Yes, we are fine, but I'm not so sure about the car," I said, looking at my rear fender hanging down on the ground and tail lights smashed all over the road.

"Yes, I think it will need to be towed, or if you can move it may be I could put it back in your drive for now, so we aren't blocking the road?" He said. I just shook my head in agreement. As I watched my entire day completely crash off the tracks like the train wreck, my life currently was.

"Hey, mister, you aren't thinking about moving mom's car, are you? You better not, not until we have taken some photos to prove you parked right behind us," Jackson said, sounding way more mature than I give him credit for.

"Um yeah, maybe that's a good idea," I said, reaching in and grabbing my phone from my handbag.

"Yes, of course, I assume my insurance will want some pictures for my claim," Mr Handsome said, taking out his phone as well.

We both took several photos from different angles, and we started exchanging details. I found out his name was Anthony, and he was our new neighbour; having just purchased the empty house across the street, he had apparently just pulled up and was meeting the power company to reconnect the power when I hit his car.

It was about then my darling seven-year-old decided to embarrass me even more than I already had when she pointed out that she could see my nipples through my silk blouse, which was now obviously transparent from the lukewarm coffee that had splashed all over me.

"Mommy, I can see your boobies. Why is your shirt all wet?" She said, looking directly at my breasts.

I looked down and was horrified. Of all the days I had chosen to wear a transparent underwire bra, it was today when I ended up covered in coffee. Making my white silk blouse completely transparent, so there I was talking to a man that could have been a retired Chippendale dancer, with my tits on full display. I just wanted a hole in the ground to open up and swallow me.

Mellisa was right. You could indeed see my dark, thick, now very erect nipples very clearly. The fact that she had just blurted it out in front of Anthony had made his eye suddenly divert directly to my mostly exposed breasts. But being a gentleman, he turned away and began to move my car, which for the most part seemed to have come off worse than his. With my car now back in the drive, I went inside to change into some fresh clothes.

I called work and the school to explain the situation. I didn't need to call Dan. He called me! Screaming and yelling after Jackson had so nicely let his father know I had wrecked the car before I had the chance. After his rant this morning before he headed to the airport, Dan was the last person I was going to be lectured by today, so I simply hung up on him.

Anthony was kindly waiting for me outside, in the drive.

"Helen, I have taken a good look at my car, and it's really just the door; it's quite drivable. Please let me drop the children at school and you at your work. The power guys have just left; the power is on, and the removal company isn't due until later today. It's the least I can do in the situation.”

I looked at him and his beautiful kind eyes and figured what choice did I have and besides, he was going to be our new neighbour, so probably not a serial killer.

"Ok, that would be great thank you, Anthony," I said as I grabbed my reports and handbag from the front seat of my car.

"Great, but please call me Tony. All my friends do," he said as he flashed me the gorgeous smile with those perfect teeth.

As I climbed up into the lush interior of the Range Rover, I again felt exposed when I caught Tony looking at the lace tops of my stocking-clad legs. I had changed my blouse, bra and skirt, but the skirt I had chosen was decidedly shorter than the previous one. And as I sat down, it had slid up, exposing the tops of my stay-ups.

I lifted up and pulled my skirt down as much as I could, but it wasn't enough to conceal the better part of my exposed thighs.

I looked at Tony, and he just smiled. I got this tingling sensation through my entire body. Knowing he was checking my legs out, I could feel my pussy reacting as my panties suddenly became very moist.

After we had dropped the kids at school, Tony headed to my work under my instruction of where it was. On the way, he drove through a Mac Donald's to replace the coffee I had worn earlier.

"Sorry for staring at your legs before; it's just my late wife only ever wore stockings, never pantyhose, and seeing your beautiful stocking clad legs bought back some very fond memories for me," he said as we sat in the drive-through cue.

"Oh, You lost your wife, Tony? I'm so sorry to hear that. Was it recently?" I asked, forgetting all about his roving eyes.

"Two years ago, she had cervical cancer. We found out way too late to do anything about it. She was gone within five months of the diagnosis. It's why I moved back out East. I thought it was time to move on with my life, and I'm from around this area originally, so I have come back to open my new practice," he said as he again glanced down at my legs. Subconsciously causing me to slide down in the seat a little bit to expose a little more of my lace covered thighs.

"Oh Tony, I'm terribly sorry for your loss that must have been so hard on you, to lose your wife and so young as well," I said, feeling genuinely sad for him.

"Thank you, Helen. I appreciate the sentiment, but we had a good life together, and I know she is in a better place now," Tony said, looking at me with his beautiful eyes.

I know I go on about Tony's eyes, but I feel myself melting a little more every time I look into them, God he was so fucking good looking.

"You mentioned you were opening a practice here. Are you a doctor?" I asked.

"No, I'm a dentist. I'm looking for a practice manager if you know someone that might be suitable. Or maybe you would like to work for me," he said smiling.

"That wouldn't be a good idea," I mumbled under my breath, apparently loud enough that he heard.

"Oh, and why wouldn’t that be a bad idea?" He asked, catching me off guard as it was meant to be more a thought than a statement.

Looking at him, a little shocked he had heard me, I knew exactly why that would be a bad idea. Because we would be fucking like rabbits every day. But I could hardly say that now could I.

"Because friends and family should never work together. Isn't that some sort of a rule," I managed to get out, realizing just how wet my pussy was becoming the more I talked to him.

"Oh, you consider us friends already. I like that. And I like you, Helen," Tony said with a beaming smile.

Oh God, he just said he likes me. Calm down, Helen, you just met the man. He is being friendly, that's all. You are a married woman with three kids, It doesn't matter that just looking at this Adonis of a man is making your panties soaking wet.

We pulled up out the front of my office building, and Tony put his hand on my hand as it rested on the centre consul.

"What time would you like me to pick you up," he asked.

Again, my entire body was hit with that electric shock, that special spark l hadn't felt for years. His touch instantly turned my stomach into butterflies.

"What? No, you don't have to do that. You have the removalists coming today. No, I will order an Uber, Tony. But thank you for your kind offer," I said, wanting to lean over and kiss him for his kindness and after what I had done to his car.

"It wasn't an offer. I will pick you up; your car is wrecked. I feel responsible I should never have parked across your drive; it's the least I can do. And besides, I enjoy your company; it really has been a pleasure driving you to work," Tony said, looking directly at my legs again and then back up to my eyes.

I have no idea what came over me, but I leant over, kissing him lightly on the cheek. Then I got out of the car, purposely giving him a good flash of bare skin above my stockings as I climbed out. Leaning back into the car, I said.

"4:00 pm; I finish at 4:00 pm, and thank you, I'm not sure why I'm even telling you this, but I like you too, Tony," I said, closing the door and giving him my sexiest walk a married mother of three can give as I sashayed away from the car.

I reached the front door to the office. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw Tony was still there watching me the entire way.

"Helen, are you ok? I heard what happened! Is the car badly damaged?” Tania, the receptionist, said as I walked through the reception foyer.

"Yes, great, everything is just great, thanks," I said as I breezed through the foyer with a spring in my step, feeling giddy with lust.

I made a direct beeline for the ladies restroom, as my panties were soaking wet and uncomfortable. I hiked up my skirt and pulled my panties down, wiping the crotch with toilet paper. My goodness, I thought I hadn't been this wet in, well... forever.

Curious just how wet I was, I ran my fingers through my pussy lips before pushing two fingers inside my dripping gash, instantly causing my pussy to gush even more juices over them. Sitting on the toilet, I discarded my panties, and with one hand, I began thrusting two fingers deep in my pussy; with the other one, I rubbed my erect, sensitive clit. Within less than a minute, I was moaning my way through the most incredible orgasm I'd had for a long time.

And yes, the entire time, I imagined my fingers were Tony's thick hard cock, plunging into me as he roughly pushed me over the bonnet of his car. Taking me from behind, not even asking me, just taking me because he wanted me, desired me. Making me his married slutty whore.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? Jesus Christ, Helen, get a grip on yourself," I said out loud, not even thinking anyone would hear me.

"Is that you, Helen? Are you ok?" I heard Carol, my best friend at work, ask me.

Oh shit, I didn't know anyone else was in here. Oh my, I hope she hadn't heard my moans of ecstasy as I finger fucked myself like a teenage girl earlier.

"Hi Carol, yes, it's me. I'll be out in a sec," I said, now red-faced with embarrassment.

"It sounded like you were in pain! I heard about the car this morning. Are you sure you're ok?" Carol asked, concerned I was hurt.

I quickly picked up my panties and stuffed them in my handbag, pulling my skirt back down as I opened the toilet stall door. I was still smoothing down my skirt as I came out. Now Carol and I know each other exceptionally well, and we know each other's darkest secrets. For instance, I know that even though she is married with kids, she is currently fucking our boss.

So it came as no surprise when she saw me; she knew something was up.

"OH my God, Helen, you just had a wank in the loos, didn't you? I thought you were hurt or something, you dirty bitch, spill the beans. What has you all hot and horny so early in the morning?" She said, slapping my ass as I went to the sink to wash my hands.

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"Carol, I have so much to tell you, and I need some advice, but I can't now. I have to get the sales figures done before the sales meeting today, we will chat later, and yes, I'm horny as hell right now!" I said, wiping my hands and rushing out the door.

The sales meeting came around far too quickly; I even skipped lunch to get it done in time. Thankfully it all went well, and then after, I had time to relax and catch Carol up on all my news. When I was finished telling her everything, she had a wicked smile on her face.

"You're going to fuck him, aren't you? I mean, from what you have told me, you are totally on heat for him right now. And let's face it, Helen, it's not like Dan is taking care of your needs. You are a beautiful sexy woman in her prime you need to be fucked properly. Not when Dan feels like it and a half-hearted attempt at that. When was the last time he made you orgasm?" Carol asked, knowing what a disaster my sex life currently was.

"I don't know, Carol, you're right; of course, Dan hasn't given me an orgasm in years, but I'm just not that woman; for better and worse, you know me. But God, he is so damn good looking; he simply oozes sex appeal. He touched my hand, and my pussy started gushing into my panties; I'm afraid once I give into temptation, I might not be able to stop!" I said, my still naked pussy leaking at just the thought of it.

Handsome, intelligent and punctual, I thought as I walked out the front of the office with Carol in tow. There he was, waiting for me in a different car. Carol just gasped when he got out of the car to open the door for me. She hugged me close.

"Helen, you fuck that man because if you don't, I will. Holy shit, you weren't exaggerating. He's fucking gorgeous." She whispered in my ear before letting me go.

"Hi," I said, as I placed one foot in the much lower Ford Mustang to get in. Now, this car was really low, and as I put one foot in and stretched my legs apart, my skirt rode up my legs much higher than I had anticipated and by the time my ass hit the seat. I'm sure my naked pussy was on full display to Tony from where he was standing. But If he did see, he did say anything.

"Tony, thanks again. You didn't have to do this. You know my friend would have dropped me home," I said.

"Are you kidding me? What, and miss you flashing me those beautiful legs of yours," he said, making me blush bright red. Oh, he definitely seen more than he should have, I thought to myself, and just that thought had my pussy leaking once again.

"Where is your Range Rover?" I asked as he pulled away from the curb.

"You wouldn't believe it, but an incredibly beautiful woman ran into it this morning, so I had to get a loan car while it's getting repaired," he said, looking at me, making us both laugh.

On the ride home, we talked like we had known each other forever. He was so easy to talk to, I found myself confessing things I really shouldn't have. Like Dan and I were having some problems in and out of the bedroom.

Dan was a good husband and great father. The kids adored him, but he was a workaholic, and it was taking its toll on our marriage. He was missing Birthdays, Anniversary's and the sex had simply dried up. The last time we had sex was over four months ago, and even then, he left me hanging. I had to finish myself off in the bathroom with my vibrator.

So after we pulled into Tony's drive, and he had put the Mustang in park, I found myself again thinking about what Carol had said. I couldn't deny the fact my pussy was on fire with desire. I would be surprised if I didn't have a big wet patch on the back of my skirt when I got out of the car.

"Tony, I should apologize to you. I shouldn't have mentioned all the things I did on the way home. I don't want to give you the wrong impression of me." I said, worried he thought I was too forward.

"Not at all Helen, I'm thankful you consider me a close enough friend to confide in," Tony responded once again, putting his hand on mine only this time my hand was in my lap.

I never attempted to pull my hand away. If anything, I wanted to take hold of his hand and push it up under my skirt to quench the desire that was burning through me.

"It just you're so easy to talk to, and I feel very relaxed and comfortable in your company," I said.

"Well, then I will share a secret with you. I find your company immensely pleasurable. You are the first woman I have met since my Barbra passed that has given me hope that I can move on with my life. So I'm grateful for that, thank you," Tony said, his eyes burning into my very soul as he spoke to me.

"What time would you like me to be here to take the kids to school tomorrow," Tony said as he got out of the car, racing around to open my door again.

I couldn’t help but wonder if he was hoping for another flash of my pussy; now, he knew I wasn't wearing any underwear. Sure enough, Tony lifted the door handle and pulled the door back towards himself, so he was facing me. What the hell? I thought this little game was making me just as horny as it was him. So I slid sideways in the low seat, opening my legs causing my skirt to slide high over my stocking tops. I put my right foot on the drive and spread my legs overly wide to climb out.

The huge smile that spread across his face told me I had accomplished my goal. One open pussy flash achieved. I smoothed my skirt down my legs and smiled up at him; his face was beaming. I couldn't remember the last time my nakedness had made Dan smile and look at me like Tony was looking at me right now. Tony's eyes had a hunger in them I hadn't ever seen before, it was pure desire, and the fact my juices were now trickling down my inner thigh told me I needed to go home now before I did something I would regret.

I quickly headed down Tony's drive towards my house, looking back over my shoulder "08:15 am would be perfect. I'll have the kids ready, and thank you, Tony; you have no idea how much I appreciate this," I yelled back as I quickly walked away, desperate to get my vibrator as deep into my sopping wet pussy as I could and as soon as I could.

As I closed the front door, I noticed Tony was still watching me. God, I'm terrible, I thought as I leant with my back against the door, almost breathless. I had just knowingly flashed my naked pussy to a man I barely knew. And it felt amazing; just the look on his face made it worth it.

I was instantly brought back to the real world as I was assaulted with screaming, yelling, and a barrage of questions from my three kids. I rushed past them all with my hands over my ears, hoping to block out their noise and preserve the image of Tony’s face as I spread my legs open to his hungry eyes. I managed to make it to my bedroom and close the door, locking it, knowing just being closed wouldn't deter the horrible animals trying to get in.

I virtually tore my clothes off and grabbed old faithful from my underwear draw. Flopping back on the bed, I pulled my knees up and spread my legs wide, Mr Rabbit plunging easily into my very wet, naughty married gash. Instantly my mind relived the moment I parted my legs open wide for Tony's eyes. I could see his eyes widen, his pupils dilate as he realized not only was I not wearing any panties, but my luscious married pussy was dripping wet and opened just for his private viewing.

"Oooooh, Goood, oooooh, yeeeeeees, fuuuck mmmmh."

Oh shit, I hadn't come that quick in a long time, I thought as I extracted a very wet Mr Rabbit from my flooded burrow.

Bang, bang, bang, the fist pummeled my bedroom door, the handle rattling as it was turned repeatedly, "Mommy, Mommy, I need you. Why is your door locked?"

"Mellisa, please just give Mommy five minutes. I will be down shortly. I'm really busy with some Mommy things right now," I screamed out, wondering why I had more than one child; what was I thinking.

Getting up the next morning, I opened the curtains to see Tony in his drive with another car, a larger SUV. I quickly showered, laid out my clothes on the bed, and went down to start breakfasts and make the kids lunches. With the kids ready, I head back upstairs to get ready myself. Looking at the pantsuit I had laid out for work, I again thought about Tony and hung it back in the wardrobe.

Shrugging my dressing gown from my shoulders, I looked in the mirror and was instantly disgusted by the cotton mommy panties I had on. I peeled them off, opened my underwear draw, and found the very sexy sheer lavender Victoria Secrets lingerie I had bought for Valentine a couple of years ago, which Dan missed because he had worked.

Putting them on I looked into the mirror, I like what I saw. I then pulled on a pair of expensive French seamed stockings before slipping on a black flared satin skirt and a deep red silk button-up blouse. I did a couple of twirls in the mirror and loved the way the skirt flared out, exposing the intricate lace on the tops of my stockings.

I quickly put the curling wand through my hair, giving myself some beautiful long waterfall curls over my shoulders and down my back. Taking another quick glance in the mirror, I realized I didn't put this much effort into myself to go on a date with Dan.

'Kylie had already left for school, so God only knows what she was wearing today; hopefully, I wouldn't get a call from the school. Jackson and Mellisa were waiting for me in the living room, while the kitchen looked like a war zone, but I didn't care. I grabbed my handbag and ushered the kids out the front door.

Tony was already outside at the SUV and wolf-whistled when he saw me walking down the drive, I just smiled at him.

"Where is the Mustang," Jackson enquired with a disappointed look on his face.

"I took it back as it was not practicable for school runs, and it was a little difficult to get in and out of," Tony said, looking directly at me, his eyes roaming my entire body as he spoke to Jackson.

"That's too bad. I was hoping to show off to my friends at school today when I arrived in a cool car," Jackson said, climbing up into the Chevy Blazer.

"Yes, that's too bad. I quite liked getting in and out of the Mustang myself," I said, looking directly at Tony, hinting to him the pussy flash yesterday might not have been as accidental as he may have thought.

We dropped the kids at school, and Tony continued to my work, it was a warm day, and Tony turned on the air in the car. The vent had been pointed right at my lap, and it blew the thin light material of my skirt up over the tops of my stockings, exposing the bare skin of my upper thighs. I made out not to notice and didn't smooth my skirt back down.

It was fun to watch Tony squirm in his seat as his eyes constantly gazed at my stocking-clad legs. And I couldn't help but notice the apparent prominent bulge beginning to form in his pants. We drove in silence for quite a way with Tony's eyes more on my legs than on the road. So I finally spoke, breaking the silence of sexual tension.

"Is this the type of stocking your wife Barbra used to wear for you?" I said, looking him directly in the eye with a seductive smile.

I followed Tony's eyes down to my legs and watched intently as he ran them up and down. I also became acutely aware that there was less than an inch of flimsy material now covering the sheer see-through panties I had on. Which were now soaking wet from the pure desire to be the married slut Carol wanted me to be, and I was close to becoming.

"They look very similar, of course; as you know, with stockings, it's all in the texture and the fineness of the material. I wouldn't be entirely sure unless I touched them," Tony said, pushing the boundary a step further towards me committing adultery and becoming his married whore.

"Hmmm, I see, so you can only tell if you touch them. I guess that would be ok not like it's that big of a deal, and besides, you're right; the more expensive the stockings, the finer the material is and the better they feel. But I should warn you these are very expensive French stockings, and they feel exquisite; one-touch might not be enough," I said as my eyes glazed over in lust at the thought of Tony running his hands all over my legs.

"Well, If I'm going to get to feel your magnificent stocking-clad legs, then I will need both hands, so why don't I find somewhere quiet to park so I can really examine them properly," Tony said, turning off the main road.

I took my phone out and rang my boss, "Hi Greg, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to make it to work today until probably lunchtime. I'm having trouble with the insurance people and the car," I lied, smiling at Tony letting him know I was completely his for the entire morning.

Tony drove another few miles until we came to a national park just on the outskirts of town; driving past the cars in the main parking area, he continued on through the park gates onto a dirt road and finally pulled over in a secluded wooded area.

Tony climbed out of the Blazer and came around and opened my door; my pussy was literally on fire, and my stomach doing backflips. Standing next to me, he placed his hands on my legs and slid them slowly up over the detailed lace top, making my body shudder as his fingers touched my bare thigh only inches from my pussy.

My legs felt like jelly as Tony's hands slithered ever so slowly towards my burning cunt. I'm sure he would be able to feel the heat coming off from it, because I could smell my own sex, it was leaking so profusely. Unable to resist any longer, my legs slowly parted my skirt, riding up enough that my soaking wet panties were on display.

I closed my eyes, and when Tony's thumb pushed the sheer fabric of my wet panties firmly against my swollen clit I jumped, almost cumming on the spot. His thumb began to make firm little circles on my clit, I opened my eyes, looking straight into his before I pushed my mouth to his, and we kissed like frenzied teenagers.

Tony dragged me down out of the car, kissing me the entire time before spinning me around and pushing me forward, my hands now on the seat. I felt my skirt flip over my hips, and Tony reaching up, pulling the gusset of my panties aside; he slipped two fingers inside of me while he fumbled with his other hand undoing his pants.

I felt Tony knees hit the back of my legs as he bent down, then I felt the head of his cock as it lodged against my gushing cunt lips. With one powerful push, Tony's cock split my cunt lips apart and speared deep into me. There was no foreplay now romantic talk; this was pure lustful fucking, he wanted me, and he took me! Turning me into the married whore I desperately desired to be for him.

Tony thrust into me hard and fast; it took all my strength to stop myself from crashing forward as he rammed his beautiful thick cock into my slutty married cunt. I screamed out as I came over and over on his beautiful cock. Then, he slammed into me with a single powerful thrust, and I felt his hot cum flood my uterus.

It was all over in five minutes, but it was the hottest sex I had ever had. and I knew it wouldn't be the last. I was his now. I was Tony's married whore. With his thick cock still throbbing inside of me, he pulled on my hair, twisting my neck around to face him. He kissed me again, forcing his lips against mine as he worked his still hard cock in and out of me.

"Should we head back to mine for round two?" Tony asked.

"You better be good for rounds three and four as well! Because you have just awoken my inner slut, and she needs to be fucked," I purred into his ear.

Written by Kevtheledge63
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