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A Whiskey and a smoke

"An unexpected turn of events when the bachelor weekend goes awry"

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Author's Notes

"Jay has a bachelor weekend planned when his wife leaves for a week. But, his original plans turn into something a bit more interesting."

“Hey Jay, long time no see. You want the usual?”

“Hey Seamus, good to see you again. How about we do an eighteen year old this time.”

The lady at the next table looked over at me with a questioning look as Seamus walked back to the bar to get my whiskey.

Grabbing a table on the railing of the upper patio deck, I was rewarded of one of my favorite views. The snow-capped mountains swathed in fluffy white clouds and a blue sky. I can sit for hours and just relax, enjoy, and sip my drink as the day passes away without a care in the world.

And, I had that opportunity to just sit and relax for bit on this late Thursday afternoon. I dropped my wife off at the airport this morning, and completed my work downtown early. As I was passing by my favorite pub, I decided to stop in and visit the lads, have a fine dram of whiskey, and continue with my writing.

As I opened my computer, Seamus placed my drink on the table. “Come back in about fifteen minutes with another drink will you Seamus. I have a feeling that this one will go down faster than I expect.”

“Sure thing Jay, dinner special tonight is nothing special. Just the usual fare, if you want a bite to eat before heading home,” Seamus quipped as he laid the dinner menu on my table.

My fingers were typing away and the story was coming together as Seamus brought me another drink. My mind was as creative as ever and I was on a roll. But, for some reason, I hit a stumbling block after my third drink. Typically, as the drinks flowed, so did the story. To take my mind off of things, I lit a smoke and stared out at the mountains to clear my head.

After a few drags, the juices began to flow and I started typing again. I heard a faint cough, but kept going with my thoughts. But, then the cough became a bit louder. Looking over at the lady at the next table, I became aware that the smoke from my cigarette was drifting directly onto her.

She spoke up and said, “You do know that stuff will kill you.”

“Yeah, I know, it is a bad habit. If the smoking won’t get me, then something else will,” as I took a sip of whiskey.

“That’s a bad excuse,” she responded.

I had heard it all before and really wasn’t in the mood for a lecture so I just continued my writing. But, once again, I hit a road block. Looking around the patio, I noticed that the lady at the next table was the only one on the deck with me. She kept spinning her wedding ring around on her finger and she continually looked at her phone. She was waiting for someone, and they were behind schedule.

I lit another smoke and took a long pull on my whiskey, almost draining it as I looked out at the mountains again. The sun was beginning to set by this time, and the sky was beginning to glow a dark red. Into my vision came the lady from the table next to me. She stood in front of me on the railing taking in the same sights as me.

I had to admit, I was blessed with seeing two nice sights; the mountains and the wonderful curves of the lady. She reminded me a lot of one of my ex-girlfriends; long curly blonde hair, short, busty, and curves in all the right places. I sat there awhile and enjoyed the view until Seamus came up to see how I was doing. I ordered another whiskey and told Seamus to wait a minute.

Raising my voice, I called out to the lady, still at the railing, “You need another glass of wine?”

She turned her head to me and drank the rest of her glass, “I really shouldn’t right now.”

I raised my voice a bit louder, “Seamus, another whiskey, and a wine for the sexy lady on the rail.”

The lady turned and gave me a wave and said, “Really, no need to get me another. I will be fine.”

Seamus had already left by the time she gave me her rebuke. I nodded and kept watching her spin her ring and check her phone every few minutes until Seamus returned with the drinks. I cleared my throat several times and waited for her to turn around. She never took the bait.

Finally I called over to her, “Hey sexy, your drink is here.”

She turned around as I raised a full wine glass to her.

“You are quite stubborn aren’t you?” She said turning around completely and smiling at me. 

By this time, I was in one of my cocky moods and answered, “Just come over here and get your drink.”

“Demanding too,” as she approached.

“Glad to meet you too, my name is Jay by the way.”

“Megan,” was all she said as she held out her hand expecting me to shake it.

Instead, I took it as if she were royalty and kissed the top of her hand. She began to blush a bit as I released it.

I handed her the glass of wine. “Have a seat, join me for a drink. Looks like you could use some company.”

“Thanks for the drink, you didn’t have to do that,” she said as I pulled out a chair for her to sit down.

“I can’t leave a damsel in distress without a drink,” raising my glass to her.

“What makes you think I am a damsel in distress?” She said clinking my glass.

“If you spin your wedding ring around your finger any more, you are going to rub the gold right off it. And, looking at your phone every two minutes isn’t going to make your date get here any sooner.”

“What makes you think I am waiting for a date?” Megan responded with her head cocked to one side.

“The signs are quite evident. You are a nervous wreck. Three glasses of wine in an hour tends to give it away too,” I said pointing to the empties on her table.

Megan looked away and stared at the mountains for a moment.

“Where are you from? Let me guess…Oklahoma or Texas?” I asked changing the subject.

“What makes you think I am not from here?” Megan replied in a terse tone.

“Damn girl, why are you so cranky?”

“I am not cranky, just pissed,” Megan said as she drained half of her glass of wine.

“How late is he? Maybe I will take his place tonight.” I said in a cocky tone.

“If you must know, I am from Nebraska.”

“Well Megan from Nebraska, welcome to our beautiful city.”

“Why are you typing so much? It’s the end of the work day,” Megan said to change the subject.

“Oh this stuff. It is just a business proposal. I wanted to get it done before tomorrow morning so I could leave work early and take a long weekend.”

“By the sounds of your typing, it almost seems like it is a book,” Megan said peering at my computer screen.

I grinned as Megan completed the sentence. “It just may turn out to be a book by the time I am done.”

“Better have a good editor for that book,” Megan said as she took a sip of her wine.

“Can you do me a favor Megan?” I asked sliding my chair back.

“Depends on what it is,” she retorted.

“I need to hit the facilities, can you watch my stuff?” as I rose from the table.

“What makes you think I won’t just walk off with your stuff?”

Pointing at the door and the corners of the bar I said, “Because those cameras will catch you red handed and I would hate for Seamus to chase you down the street.”

Megan shooed me away with her hand as she took a drink of her wine and leaned back in her chair. I couldn’t help but notice her full breasts as they strained against her thin white silk blouse.

As I returned back to the table, I noticed Megan sitting in my seat and staring at my opened computer. Watching from afar, I noticed her making corrections and scrolling through my writing. I lit another smoke and eyed her closely as she kept scrolling through my story. I swung around to the railing and turned towards her. I watched her closely for another five minutes. She didn’t even notice me staring at her.

“I see you enjoy my proposal,” I said.

Megan jumped a bit. “What makes you think I like it?”

“Because your eyes are glued to my computer screen, your face is flushed, your nipples are poking through your blouse, and you have been drinking your wine like it is water.”

“Oh,” Megan said looking at her empty glass.

“Shall I get you another glass so you can finish?”

She looked at the door and at the other tables.

“He isn’t here yet. Looks like he stood you up. But, I won’t tell your husband,” I said after she looked around.

With a look of defeat she said, “Fine, I'll have another drink. And what makes you think I am not waiting for my husband?”

“Let’s just say I can tell you have a date. And it isn’t with your husband. I’ll get your drink,” as I strode off to the bar again.

A few minutes passed before I arrived with her glass of wine. I was feeling really good and really didn’t have a care in the world. The whiskey was working its magic.

“So, what do you think? You enjoying the story?” I asked setting another glass of wine on the table.

“Actually, it is pretty good. Needs a few changes and edits. Well written, flows, and, does a nice job,” Megan said taking a sip of her wine and shifting around in her seat. The skirt she had on had rode up past her bottom as she crossed and uncrossed her legs.

“What job are you talking about?” Prodding her on.

“It does its job, ok,” Megan said in an excited tone.

“Why don’t you admit it? The story really turned you on. It got your panties all wet. You wished you were the woman in the story,” I said in a cocky tone.

“You really think I want to be that woman? You are absolutely out of your mind,” Megan replied in a sarcastic way, her hand shaking a bit. But, her lustful eyes and body language said otherwise.

I noticed a tall, lanky, unassuming man come through the door.

“I think your date just arrived. Better compose yourself, otherwise he may think you are all hot and bothered for him.”

Megan looked towards the door as I sat back down at the table. The man was coming closer to us. She closed the laptop so he couldn’t see what was on the screen.

In a business-like manner I said to Megan, “I really appreciate you helping me with the proposal. If you think of anything else, please call me or send me an email.” I handed Megan my business card as the man stood next to her.

“Thanks Jay, I hope the insight helps. I will be sure to give you ring if anything else gets my juices flowing,” Megan said as she shook my hand and winked at me.

Megan played it beautifully as the man said, “Hi. Are you Tina?”

“Hi. You must be Bob. Yes, I am Tina.”

I choked on my drink as the exchange was made. Was she Tina or Megan? Who knows, I probably won’t see or hear from her again anyways. It was good banter and fun to see her squirm as she read my story.

They went over to the next table as I settled back into my seat and began writing again. The casual dull conversation I overheard from their table made me chuckle inside. Bob seemed like a nice guy, but he was as dry as a desert when it came to conversation. ‘Tina’ did her best to guide him along but it just wasn’t happening. But, they did finally leave and I heard her talking about dinner and the rest of the night.

They both waved at me as they left and I gave the cordial wave back. “Have a great evening. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do kids,” I said loudly as they passed by.


My watch said 9.30 p.m. when I opened the garage door. The dogs were barking and I realized that I had left them way too long. I was looking for a mess inside the house as I opened the side door. To my surprise, everything was in order and the pups just jumped all over me and ran around the house looking for their mom. “Sorry boys, mom is gone for a while. It is just you and me. The boys are going to be bachelors for a week.”

I let them out back and did the usual ball playing and rubbing their bellies. Itching to walk off some of my dinner, I leashed them up and bounded out the door with them for a long trot. The cool night and rapid walking was clearing my head of the whiskey. But, my mind was still concentrating on the next few sections of my story.

As I was walking into the house, my phone buzzed. A text from my wife. “Hi honey, made it to the folks ok, tired, will call you tomorrow before your concert. Night – love you.”

I replied, “Love you too baby. Give everyone my love. Night.”

I put the phone down and headed to my office to do a bit more writing. No time like the present to get all of my thoughts down.

My thoughts were interrupted by two chimes from my phone. I paused and thought about seeing who had texted me. I typed on for about twenty more minutes. Then two more chimes about three minutes apart. My mind thought, what does my wife want now, she should be in bed.

Picking up my phone, I had four texts from an unfamiliar number. Curious as to see what spam could be reaching my phone now, I opened the texts.

“Where did you go?”

“Did you finish your proposal yet?”

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“Are you ignoring me?”


I looked at the number and texts again and responded, “Who is this?”

Within seconds, “Megan,” with a few smiley faces attached.

“Hi Tina, I went home.”

Her reply, “Yeah, I figured that out when I came back looking for you. It’s Megan NOT Tina.”

“Then why did you ask where I went. And, you left the bar without paying your tab.”

Megan pinged back quickly, “Yes, I know. Thank you for picking that up.”

Being in an ornery mood I responded, “You owe me.”

“Excuse me?? You owe me the rest of your proposal.” A smiley face with a tongue sticking out was attached.

I pondered a bit. “Nice tongue, better put it to good use.”

A few momnet passed with her response, “Don’t you wish!”

“Are you teasing me Megan?”

A few smiley faces came up with her reponse, “Maybe.”

“You drunk texting me? How was Bob?”

Frowning faces from Megan, “Nice guy. But. Borrrring. Me…Drunk texting? Little ole me would never do that.”

“Did he wine you, dine you, and sixty nine you?”

Laughing faces appeared with her retort, “Ha. Yeah right. His version of a night out was a burger joint and a walk around Downtown.”

I responded, “Sounds like a ball of laughs and excitement.”

“Forget Bob. What about the rest of your proposal?”

I smiled and typed, “What about it?”

“You going to send it to me?”

I thought for a moment, “Maybe. On one condition.”

“What condition?”

Something clicked and I typed, “Tell me the truth.”


I quickly typed, “Admit it, you were dripping wet and excited reading it.”

A picture of a glass of wine came from her text, “You are lucky I am a bit tipsy.”

I grinned knowing I was working it out of her, “A bit tipsy? More wine at the Pub after Bob?”

“Yes. The story got me hot and bothered…OK. You happy now. I was horny as hell.”

I took a chance and sent, “You wanted to be the one being bent over. Spanked at bit. Getting it nice and hard.”

“Do I have to tell you everything that was going through my mind?”

I waited a bit, “Do you want to see the rest of my proposal?”

“Do birds fly? Of course I want to see it.”

I took it further, “I bet you are laying on your bed fantasizing about being bent over.”

“I am not in bed, I am at the pub.”

I grinned and sent, “Text me when you get back to your room with your email address.”

Several smiley faces blowing me kisses showed up.

I grabbed a whiskey and headed for my patio. I lit a smoke and waited to see if she really would text me the information I wanted. Twenty minutes went by and nothing. I finished my whiskey and headed down to shut down my computer and go to bed. My phone chimed as I was saving my last version of the story.

It was Megan. A selfie of her in her shirt half way unbuttoned staring into a mirror. An email was listed with the message. “I am waiting.”

I furrowed my eybrows, “You are lucky, I was about to go to bed.”

“Seamus talked my ear off. Took me a bit to get out of the bar.”

I fired off a quick response, “Excuses. Excuses. Check your email in two minutes.”

“You going to bed?”

My eyes closed a bit feeling the effects of the whiskey, “Yes.”

“You sure you want to go to bed?”

Pausing a little I responded, “Why are you going to tease me.”


I sighed firing off another response, “I will believe it when I see it.”

I fired off the story to the email she sent and also sent a link to the Lush website with my user name. If my story didn’t do it for her tonight then maybe someone else’s would cure her craving for erotica and whatever else she needed.

My phone pinged again. A text with a picture of Megan bending over a chair. “I am waiting for my spanking. Your story did it to me.”

An obnoxious reply, “I haven’t done you yet. Read the rest of the first part of the proposal. If that doesn’t do it, try the website I sent.”

“Done me… yet??? Now who is the tease?”

I probed, “You do know I am married.”

“Yes, I know. Your wife is away this week.”
I answered with another question, “And how do you know that?”

“I saw her text to you saying she landed safely.”

I thought for a few moments, “What else do you know.” A few minutes passed.

“You want to bend me over.” This time a picture of Megan bent over the chair with her bare bottom showing.

I was tired and needed some sleep, “Very tempting Megan. But, I am off to bed.”

A few emoji’s with pouty and sad faces.


8.30 a.m. the next day

My phone buzzed as I was just finishing up some paperwork at the office. It was Megan.

“Did I send/write all that last night?”

I responed in a cocky way, “No, I think Tina, your alter ego sent it.”

“Very funny. Seriously. Did I send that stuff?”

My quick response, “How are you feeling this morning.”

“Like a freight train ran over me.”

I laughed to myself, “Thought so. I hope the wine went down well.”

“Felt worse coming up this morning.”

A small ping of sorrow hit me, “Sorry to hear that. Gatorade, aspirin, and a long nap will help.”

“I can’t, need to get some work done.”

I grinned and sent, “Megan, call off work, get some food, water, and asprin in you. Take a long nap. Trust me on this.”

“I need more than food and water.”

“Call room service,” I responded.

“You are no help.”

“I helped you last night,” I quickly texted.

“With what?”

“Do you not remember last night?” I texted.

“What...What did we do?”

A quick reply, “I did nothing except send you texts and emails.” About 10 minutes passes…

“Shit. I didn’t…that website…what was I doing on there…Those pictures…”

I laughed to myself, “Yes you did… You asked for the story and website. See what drunk texting will get you.”

“I cannot believe what I am reading and seeing on my computer and phone.”

“Believe it,” I waited for an answer. Crickets. No texts back.


I continued on with the rest of my day and was on track to get out by noon. More time for relaxation and indulging in a few beverages on my back patio before I set out for a round of nine holes and drinks with the boys. But, of course, my phone chimed in again with more texts.

My buddy Joe, “Hey, something came up and I cannot go to the concert tomorrow.”

“What? You are kidding me right?”

Joe responded, “Nope, sorry man. Can’t do it.”

“She better be pretty darn awesome.”

“She is. Smokin’ hot,” Joe quickly replied.

Another round of texts flew in a few minutes later.

Bubba, a golfing buddy, “I am out tonight. No golf for me. Wife is not feeling well.”

Jimmy, my golf partner, “Yeah, I am out too. Hot date tonight.”

Will, the fourth in our golfing party, “Yeah, I am out as well. Got thrown to the wolves and have to watch the grand kids.”

Me to all the guys, “Really, you are freaking kidding me right. Y’all are dropping like flies over there.”

Bubba's response, “Sorry dude.”

Jimmy slid in, “There is always porn.”

Will's response, “You can come help me.”

Me to all the guys, “Guess I will just sit at home and be a bum. Looks like the bachelor weekend is shot.”

Jimmy texted again, “There is always porn.”


My weekend for all intensive purposes was shot to hell. I had set everything up for a guy’s weekend knowing that the wife would be out of town. I could scalp the other ticket to the concert tomorrow but I really didn’t want to go by myself. I guess it was time to finish up work, head home, buy a bunch of beer, get drunk, write my stories, and be a bum.

So, that is what the plan became. I finished up work around noon and packed up. Ready to roll for the weekend of boredom.

My phone chimed just as I was climbing into my car.

It was Megan, “Sorry about last night.”

“What are you sorry about?”

Megan sent a sad faced emoji, “Everything.”

“I don’t recall you do anything wrong.”

Megan's quick response, “I got drunk and texted you like some horny college student. I don’t even really know you.”

“We all have our moments.”

A few smiley faces showed up, “Let me make it up to you… Please.”

“What did you have in mind? Coming to my place and bending over for me. LOL.”

Megan responded, “How about dinner and a show.”

“What kind of show?”

Megan responded with pictures of Broadway tickets for the show tonight.

“On one condition.”

Megan's reponse, “What condition is that?”

“You go to a concert with me tomorrow.”

Megan quickly texted back, “What time is the concert?”

“It is an all day concert.”

A few sad smiley faces showed up, “I am supposed to fly home tomorrow night.”

I was getting bold, “Reschedule your flight. Go home on Wednesday.”

Megan's response was a bit slower this time, “I don’t have anywhere to stay.”

“There is always my house or the hotel room.”

Megan replied, “I am married you know.”

“Yes, I know. But you know you want to stay.”

A long pause, “What will I tell my husband?”

My cocky side came out, “Tell him you met someone and are going to be his sex slave for five days.”

A longer pause from Megan, “Yeah right, like he will let me stay if I say that. Plus, I don’t have any clothes for that long.”

I fired off right away, “You won’t need any clothes. If you do, there ARE clothing stores here.”

Megan responded quickly, “Ummm…You want me to run around naked?”

I was in full cocky mode, “Tell me Megan, What stories did you like last night? I know you really want to be the other woman, just like in my proposal.”

I watied for her reply, “I don’t remember much from last night.”

I grinned, “I think you do.”

She fired back, “Why do you say that?”

I attached a video, “Because the video you sent to me was time stamped this morning at six a.m.”

A few minutes passed, “You weren’t supposed to see that.”

“Who was supposed to see it? Bob?”

Megan responded quickly, “Not Bob.”

I asked, “Your husband?”

Almost instantly, “No, definitely not my husband.”

“That only leaves me.”

Megan responded with a smiley face, “Why do you say that?”

“When you start out the video saying ‘This is for you Jay’, it is quite evident.”

Megan's response, “Give me a minute to think.”

I gave her a time limit, “You get thirty minutes.”

Megan's quick response, “Did you like the video?”

I pushed her, “Your time is ticking.”

I started my car and headed home. What was I thinking? My wife is gone and I am propositioning another woman - again. One I had just met last night. And only briefly. I had cheated before with women I had known and gone on business trips with or met via my biker club. But nothing like this. My mind wandered even more as I approached my exit.

I pulled into a liquor store close to my house. Looking at the phone for any response from Megan. It had been twenty minutes. I decided to see what she had come up with.

I sent off a text to her, “What kind of wine do you want and how much?” A few moments passed.

“I would expect you know what I drank after last night at the bar. You did buy me a few drinks.”

I laughed, “ That is true, How many bottles you want?”

“My husband was not too happy with me. I still have to change my flight plans.”

I raised my fist in the air, “Sorry to hear about your husband’s frustrations. You know you want to spend a week with me. Get on that flight change. Try for four o’clock on Wednesday.”

Megan sent an emoji with a kiss, “So certain of yourself aren’t you? Bit cocky too. Anything else I need to know?”

I fired off a cocky response, “Yes, I am certain of myself, and you will enjoy my cock buried in you. I hope you like Seafood.”

A smile emoji was returned, “I love seafood. Hold off on the wine for now. Need to recover a bit.”

“I will send the restaurant information when I get home.”

Megan asked, “What do I wear for dinner?”

“It is a five star restaurant. Dress to impress.”

Megan responded quickly, “I don’t have any fancy clothes.”

“Looks like you are going shopping.”

Megan quickly replied, “You are incorrigible.”

“That is why you want me.”

Megan – a few emoji smiley faces with her tongue sticking out and one blowing me a kiss.

About twenty minutes later, I emailed and texted Megan the name of the restaurant and the time of the reservation. I also sent her a link to a few boutique retail shops close to her hotel downtown. Within a few minutes she replied.

“What should I do with my bag? You picking me up?”

I fired off, “Make your checkout for tomorrow. We will pick up your bag after the show. I will meet you at the bar in the restaurant.”

Megan replied, “As instructed, checkout is tomorrow and flight is at four thirty.”

I leaned back in my chair on the deck smiling.  A wekend I thought was gone to boredom had turned into something interesting.  But, what was I going to do with this lovely vixen I had just met?  Who knows, but I do believe the rest of the night and the forthcoming days will be very eventful if my plan comes to fruition.


Written by Austin_342002
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