The late autumn sun was still powerful enough to make its presence known, but it didn't stand a chance against the strong coastal breeze coming off the North Sea. Still, stopping to stare out at the distant horizon, it felt good on my face when the wind dropped for a second.
"Shall we go and get a coffee," Dan whispered, his lips brushing my ear. His burly arms were wrapped around my waist and his manly frame supported me as I leaned back. I felt his chest rise and fall as he breathed, and despite the weather's best efforts, I caught a whiff of his musky aftershave as he continued kissing the nape of my neck.
"If you keep that up, Darling, it won't be coffee I'll be wanting," I giggled, feeling the first twinges in my belly. Then I deliberately pushed my ass into Dan's groin and wiggled my hips.
"Jesus, Andrea, it must be the sea air or something," Dan teased, pushing his groin against my pert bottom. "That's the only thing I can think of—"
I stopped listening, contemplating everything that had happened since yesterday afternoon and concluded that maybe hubby was right. Perhaps it was the salty breeze that had ignited my libido. I couldn't think of any other reason why we'd been fucking like bunnies since our arrival in Scheveningen.
We were enjoying a long-awaited weekend break, a birthday present from Dan that we never seemed to get around to using. In fact, my birthday was so long ago I'd forgotten entirely about my gift until I arrived home from work last Friday afternoon — and promptly tripped over two overnight cases parked in the hallway. My loud profanity courted no response.
After searching the first couple of rooms, it was apparent nobody was home, although it seemed someone had been cleaning. Everything looked spick and span, not quite up to my standard, but as the saying goes, one mustn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
In the kitchen, I finally found a note from hubby: Hello gorgeous, I'll be back at quarter past five, just taking the kids to grandma and grandpa. I've reserved dinner for eight, so at the latest, we must be on the road by five-thirty to get there on time. Please be ready. Love you, Dan. And he'd signed off with three kisses. With a thousand questions racing through my mind, I glanced at my watch and cursed.
"Shit, I'd better get a move on," I muttered, shaking my head at the unexpected inconvenience but smiling because of Dan's effort. I had fifteen minutes before Dan got home and thirty to get ready.
We parked the car and registered at the hotel with fifteen minutes to spare. It wasn't the grandest building on the boulevard, but it was old, had character, and, most importantly in Scheveningen, had free parking. After a delicious peppered steak dinner and sorbet dessert, we took a short stroll across the boulevard before heading to bed.
Maybe the sea air did affect me because even though I could have slept for a week, the moment we entered our hotel room, I fucked my husband's brains out. He'd hardly started unbuttoning his shirt before I knelt before him and unzipped his flies. It was quite a while before I drifted into a dreamy sleep, his seed buried in two of my orifices.
And, this morning, waking up with an itch between my legs that needed scratching, Dan deposited another load over my face after I woke him with a sloppy blowjob.
After a continental breakfast in bed, we explored the old town of Scheveningen. Happily, there were a lot of cute little shops and boutiques selling everything one expects from a seaside town. Although we couldn't afford it, our credit card took a spur-of-the-moment hammering.
I regretted spending more money than we could afford, but Dan seemed upbeat and proposed we stroll back to the hotel along the beach. Not wanting to spoil the mood, I agreed. Despite my initial misgivings about walking in the sand wearing inappropriate shoes, the combination of wind, water and sunshine gave me a boost. Knowing it would be a long time before we did this again, I stopped to stare at the horizon and felt my spine tingle when Dan wrapped his arms around me.
"C'mon, Andrea, forget the coffee; let's go to the hotel," hubby said, his growing hardness pressing into my bum. Hubby's command interrupted my reverie, and combined with a sudden harsh North Sea gust, I nodded. Turning my back to the water, I began trudging behind him towards the boulevard.
A man with an expensive-looking camera stood on the thoroughfare and was taking photos of the landscape, or that's what I assumed. I didn't give him much thought until we reached the steps leading to the pavement and saw that he'd stopped shooting pictures and hurriedly approached our position. We started climbing the steps, and the young man slowed his pace so that when we reached the last stage, he was there to greet us. As my hubby stepped onto the thoroughfare, this stranger offered his hand to Dan.
Introducing himself as Rick, he handed a business card to hubby, who passed it to me.
Richard Visser, photography service.
Beneath that was an address in Scheveningen. I assumed Richard on the card, and Rick standing before me were the same person. I gave him a quick once over, and although he wasn't my type, he was good-looking. Short, spiky hair, multiple earnings, and a piercing above his left eyebrow lent him a roguish look, as did a golden tooth. The five o'clock shadow covering his strong chin was thick enough to suggest his shaver had been broken for quite a while. It was easy to see how he could make an impression on young wannabes desperate to become models.
Despite his facial jewellery, the rough Hague's accent as he explained why he'd approached us couldn't disguise that he was well-educated. And although he was wearing a thick winter coat, his broad shoulders and flat stomach made me wonder how frequently he visited a gym.
That said, Rick was polite, and while he talked to my husband, he kept throwing me glances like he could not believe his good fortune.
"And the long and short of it," he said, "is one of the biggest names in fashion is launching a new marketing plan this year. Instead of using well-known, overpaid, and anorexic-looking models, they want real people: old, young, and all ages in between. Thin or fat, tall or small, it doesn't matter, so long you're a regular Jack and Jill, and they're serious about it. A few other photographers and I have been commissioned to find all these new faces, and that's why I've spent the last few months on the boulevard here."
"So what has this to do with us," I heard Dan ask abruptly, extracting his hand from Rick's.
"Well, when I saw your gorgeous-looking wife through my viewfinder, I knew today's search was over. I know beauty when I see it and your wife has it in spades." He then blinded me with a million-watt smile. "And, because I've never been one to waste an opportunity," he continued, without seemingly taking a breath, "I wondered if I could interest her into letting me take some photos of her. When I've put them through my photoshop program, I'll send them to the modelling agency and see where it goes from there." Shrugging his shoulders and holding out his hands in a gesture of hapless innocence, he added, "You know, no guts, no glory and all that."
Considering I was wearing a long duffle coat, perfect for a walk on a windy day but not flattering when it comes to appearances. I wondered whether Rick was a superhero with x-ray vision or the biggest bullshiter this side of the North Sea. Saying nothing, I glanced toward Dan, seeking his reaction, but the young photographer put me on the spot before hubby could respond. "What d'ya say, Darling? It won't cost you a penny." Rick winked as hubby turned towards me.
Dan's expression was neutral. I had no idea what he wanted me to say as he stood there revolving the business card in his fingers. Then, after shrugging his shoulders, Dan reread the card and stared into my eyes. "Do you believe it, and is this what you want?" he asked.
I didn't know what to say. Surprised by the speed with which things were happening, part of me was intrigued, and I'm honest enough to admit that each time Rick called me beautiful or gorgeous, my ego grew. However, one hears so many stories about conmon taking advantage of gullible women, and I wanted to avoid joining their ranks. I was about to confess my trepidation to Dan when Rick spoke again.
"Look, Darling, my studio is five minutes away. As I've said, I'll pay for your time. Normal rates are five hundred an hour, but it probably won't take that long. Perhaps thirty or forty minutes at the most, but I'll still pay you for the whole hour, considering it's a Saturday. C'mon, you might enjoy it. What d'ya think?"
"Maybe we could," I said, raising my eyebrows at Dan. "It couldn't hurt, and five hundred euros would pay for this weekend."
I guessed Dan was thinking the same thing. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the cost of living has soared through the roof in the Netherlands. Although we're not destitute, we've had to forgo luxuries we used to take for granted.
We were only enjoying this weekend because Dan had bought the gift with a no-money-back closure, and the expiry date was next week. As always, all Dan cared about was my happiness, and I knew he wouldn't want to put me in any uncomfortable situation, but the lure of some easy money undoubtedly crossed his mind.
"Look, Andrea, it's your weekend," he said, "so you choose what you want to do." But the look in his eyes sent a loud and clear message.
My mind was made up, but I hesitated, prompting Rick to sweeten the deal.
"Tell you what—" With a confidence bordering on arrogance, he pulled a wallet from his back pocket. "Here's a hundred and fifty euros just for the few minutes it takes to come and check out my studio. If you're still not convinced of my honourable intentions after that, that's fine; I'll let you enjoy the rest of your weekend."
A few minutes later, we were outside a brightly-lit atelier filled with photos and portraits of models, some famous and others not so well known. Until then, I'd treated Rick's proposal as a bit of fun, a pleasant way to spend an hour doing something I'd never contemplate if I'd been at home, but I could see Dan was as impressed as me. One thing was obvious: the quality of the photographer. As we exchanged glances, I saw Rick grinning in the corner of my eye. Ironically, it was the roguish smile that sealed the deal.
Following Rick through the door, I was surprised to see a young woman sitting behind a desk. It was Saturday, after all.
"Rachel, this is Mr and Mrs Detroit, more commonly known as Dan and Andrea." Then, gesturing to the young woman, he explained that Rachel was his wife and told her why we were there.
"Have you ever done modelling?" Rachel asked as we shook hands. For a split second, I felt virtually naked and vulnerable under her gaze, but Rachel's sweet smile helped me recover my nerve, and I shook my head. "Don't worry, Rick is one of the best," she said, clearly proud of her husband's skills. "If he thinks you're good enough, then you don't need to worry about a thing. He's got an eye for spotting talent."
There was no way I could tell if Rachel was telling me the truth, but her kind words helped me relax, and my enthusiasm gradually returned.
"Okay, down to business," Rick announced, removing his jacket. Shapely muscles flexed beneath the Steve Jobs-type sweater and confirmed my earlier assumption about him being well-built.
"Rachel Darling, be a luv and warm up the studio for us," he said while fishing out his wallet again.
"Right, Dan, here's the rest of the money, and please make yourself at home. The coffee machine is over there, and there's a remote control for the television lying around somewhere."
"Isn't Dan coming with me?" I asked, my uncertainties surfacing again. Rick slowly shook his head. "Sorry, Andrea, but with us three plus all the lighting and other equipment, there isn't enough room for a fourth person. You don't mind, do you?"
Dan and I exchanged glances and silently communicated as married couples do. Hubby's reassuring smile helped me relax, and I nodded. If he was okay with everything, then so was I.
"Go and enjoy yourself," he said softly in my ear, and moments later, I entered the studio.
At the back of the stage was a large screen painted green, and Rick explained that he could project different types of backgrounds on it. To the sides was a collection of clothing racks and various props, including a contemporary-looking couch with comfortable cushions. Lighting equipment was everywhere, and perched on a tripod was a very expensive-looking video camera pointing at the stage. Although I knew little about photography, I could see he'd spent a lot of money on his studio, and I realised that this was a serious business.
To my left, Rachel stood next to a make-up table and a swivel chair that she turned towards me. "Not too much make-up, Rach, just enough to compensate for the lighting," Rick called from the set while manhandling the couch.
Unsure of myself, I took off my duffel coat and sat in front of Rachel. It was only a couple of minutes before she spun me around to see my reflection in the brightly lit mirror. What a difference a bit of make-up in the right places can make. Rachel was indeed an expert, and I complimented her. Seeing her reflection glow with pride made me feel warm inside, especially when Rick came and nodded approvingly.
"Nice job, Rachel," he said, giving her a quick kiss.
"It helps that Andrea is naturally beautiful," she replied, and I blushed. "It made my job a lot easier," she added and returned Rick's kiss but with more vigour. Watching them in the mirror, they seemed momentarily oblivious to my presence, especially when Rachel's aroused nipples appeared through her off-the-shoulder t-shirt. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, I wondered how long I'd have to sit there.
However, seeing this beautiful young woman getting turned on had a curious effect on me, and the growing bumps in the tight garment held my gaze. When they eventually stopped kissing, Rachel looked at my reflection, and the lusty glint in her eyes said enough. Knowing they would have taken things a lot further than kissing if I hadn't been there, a mental image of them making love flashed through my brain, and my spine tingled.
Seeing Rachel hungrily lick her lips, I couldn't help but think wistfully about the vagaries of youth, which also made me conscious of my age. Although thirty-six isn't old, I couldn't help feeling slightly jealous of Rachel's tight body. Mind you, I was a mum of three kids, and Rachel was in her early twenties; talk about apples and oranges.
"Do I need to change outfits?" I asked, trying to get things back on track. My soft woollen dress was comfy but not what I would have chosen for a modelling career audition. Its mid-thigh length showed off my legs, and the wide neckline gave me options. Wearing it off one shoulder, I'd display a lot of flesh on that side, or I could hang it off both shoulders and reveal a good portion of my cleavage.
Instantly, both of them shook their heads, and Rick began explaining what he wanted from me. "Don't be shy," he said, "and try to forget that you're a mum. You're a model for the next hour, and I want to see if you can seduce the camera. Some women are natural, but others see the camera and freeze. Just pretend it's your husband and you're trying to get him to do something for you, something he hates."
Although I laughed, I understood what he wanted and nodded. "I'll do my best," I said, not entirely sure I could deliver as I let him guide me toward the couch.
"You'll do fine," Rick announced, holding my hands and looking into my eyes. "Trust me, I know you will." This attempt to inspire more confidence was helpful, and after taking a deep breath, I approached the stage. For the next fifteen minutes, Rick took countless pictures of me standing, sitting, and lounging on the couch, all very decent, innocent, and not what I'd expected.
Somehow, I'd convinced myself that Rick's skill would transform me from being a boring soccer mum into a glamorous, sexy siren, but nothing was further from the truth. There was no denying the quality of his work when we looked at the photos on his laptop, but it wasn't what I would have called sexy and not what I wanted.
Guessing this was a one-in-a-million chance, I silently vowed to do better. Clearly sensing my disappointment, Rick put a hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye, his expression warm and friendly.
"Don't worry, we're just getting started. These pictures are good, but we need to sell you to the marketing men, so now I want a more playful Andrea, okay?"
When I asked him to elaborate, he repeated his earlier comment that I needed to seduce the camera, not be its mother. As I returned to the couch, Rick said, "C'mon, Andrea, you can do it."
"I'll try," I said, smiling.
"Nooo, don't try — do it. You've got to believe me, you're hot. I know it, Rachel knows it, but you need to convince the camera you're hot. So, stop being modest and stop worrying about what the neighbours will think. This is your chance, but you need to use this opportunity to get freaky. There's nothing you can do that'll shock me, so give it your best shot."
"Do you mean—"
Rick interrupted. "Stop trying to analyse what you're doing; just pretend you're trying to give your husband a hard-on."
My cheeks flushed, and wide-eyed, I turned to look at him. Rick had the camera to his face, hiding his expression, but his mischievous smile was unmistakable. Wanting his approval, I stretched the dress off one shoulder, exposing my bra strap and a portion of my breast. Luckily, I was wearing one of my sexier lingerie sets, and Rick's wolf whistle certainly boosted my ego.
"Is this what you mean?" I asked, a slight tremor in my voice.
"That's it, Darling, you look bloody fantastic."
When I looked across the studio to Rachel, she winked and gave me the thumbs up. Encouraged, I continued, and Rick's camera kept clicking away. In a rare moment of brilliance, I used my arms to push my boobs together, and much to my surprise and Rick's delight, the barely-hidden breast popped into view.
"Yesss, that's the spirit, Andrea. Pretend you want to make love to the camera. Don't worry about us being here, go for it."
Receiving another enthusiastic nod from Rachel, I decided in for a penny, in for a pound, and caressed my breasts. "Is this what you want to see, Darling," I purred, pinching my nipples. It took only a few seconds for my body to react as expected — my buds getting extremely hard.
It had been a long time since anyone other than Dan had seen my aroused breasts, and I was afraid my insecurity would inhibit me, but the constant clicking of the camera bolstered my increasing self-confidence.
"Jesus, I can't believe I'm doing this," I whispered, moving a hand between my thighs.
Determined to impress this young couple with my ability to seduce the camera, I began kneading my exposed breast, pulling and pinching the hard nipple just how I liked it while continuing to rub my rapidly moistening pussy. Another wolf whistle from behind the camera helped me take the next step.
Letting my inhibitions fly, I pressed harder against my sex. Despite being fully clothed, this was one of the hottest things I'd done in years. That I was doing it in front of strangers only made it more exciting. I glanced at Rachel through half-closed eyes and saw her erect nipples were now more pronounced. Her lusty gaze was unmistakable, and when she started biting her bottom lip, I wondered just how much Rachel wanted to join me on the set. As we stared at each other, I became aware that I couldn't hear the camera anymore and shifted my attention to her husband.
Although he probably thought I hadn't seen him adjust his growing erection, I had, and the size of his bulge definitely got my juices flowing. It was then that I subconsciously realised I wanted to see Rick's manhood in all its glory. So, when he asked if I would lose my bra, my heart skipped a beat.
In less time than it takes to read this sentence, I did my version of the infamous Jennifer Aniston scene in Friends, where she removed her bra without taking off her blouse. Of course, reaching under my dress meant I raised the hem above my waist for a second or two. I hadn't thought about the consequences of my actions until I saw Rick staring at my crotch like a hungry lion looking at vulnerable prey.

The triangle of cloth covering my sex, vaguely visible through my black pantyhose, seemed to bewitch him. It wasn't the fact he was staring that surprised me — it was how he kept licking his lips while readjusting the uncomfortable-looking bulge in his trousers that caused my spine to tingle.
For the briefest second, our eyes met. Though Rick immediately looked away, we both knew what I'd seen. Although it wasn't professional, the naked lust in his eyes matched what I'd seen in Rachel's eyes, which turned me on.
Quickly recovering his composure, Rick ordered Rachel to retouch my make-up for the next round of photos. Acting as if nothing had happened, he complimented me on my performance and asked if I was comfortable with how everything was progressing.
Treated him to a whispy smile, said I was enjoying every second, and couldn't wait to start again.
"You're doing great, Andrea," Rachel confided softly as she touched up my make-up. "I haven't seen Rick this enthusiastic for a long time." When she was finished, Rick told me to kneel on the couch and face the screen wall. Then he suggested I expose my shoulder while looking sexily at the camera. I did as he asked and heard the familiar clicking sound.
"Okay, Andrea, now let your imagination run riot, and let's see what you've got to offer."
Although Rick hadn't asked me specifically to do anything naughty or obscene, I knew I'd given him an erection and had seen that he was well-endowed. Despite the golden band on my finger, all I could think about was having this young man's cock fill my throbbing cunt, before this session was over. Although I could only hope for the best, I did wonder how Rachel would react if I made a play for her husband? Time to find out.
Looking over my shoulder at the camera, I arched my back and pulled the dress up my thighs.
"That's great, darling," Rick praised from behind his camera and immediately started shooting. "Can you turn it up a notch?"
"Of course I can," I muttered, raising my dress until it was bunched around my hips, exposing my peachy derriere to everyone in the room. Hubby had often said my bum is one of my finest features, and when I heard Rick's sharp intake of breath, I guessed Dan was right. However, my black pantyhose obscured my best asset and needed removal. Drastic measures were required.
Reaching between my legs, I dug my sharp nails into the fabric — and yanked my arms apart. A tearing sound filled the studio, quickly followed by a growling, "Fuck me."
"Is this what you wanted to see, Rick?" I turned my gaze to the young man. He didn't answer, but I heard the camera clicking and saw him pointing it exactly where I had hoped. The gaping hole in my pantyhose revealed not only my bum in all its glory, but my plump wet sex was also on view, albeit covered by my rapidly discolouring gusset.
"That's fucking gorgeous," Rick said, moving closer to the couch before dropping to his knees.
"Can you see how wet I am," I asked breathlessly while moving a hand between my legs. Sliding fingers beneath the thin sliver of fabric nestled snugly in my anal crack, I tugged my knickers aside. Rick's appreciative gasp suggested my goal was within my grasp. Aware that he was still pointing the clicking camera at my sex, I plunged my fingers deep inside my pussy.
"Fuck," I moaned, roughly fingering myself, "I could use a good hard cock right now, Rick." Such was my need for his big dick, the husky tone and sultry stare definitely weren't faked, and for a second, the young man stopped taking pictures and looked at me in disbelief.
"You said I had to give the camera a hard-on, didn't you? Or did you mean the cameraman's cock?" I grinned wickedly while watching him glance at his wife. "Is your cock nice and stiff?" I teased, withdrawing my fingers from my cunt and licking them. "Or am I being too presumptuous? You do want to fuck me, don't you?" I pushed my bum towards him for encouragement.
Hoping fervently that I hadn't scared him off, I glanced at his wife to gauge her reaction. Luckily, Rachel already had a hand up her t-shirt and was fondling her perky tits while busily rubbing the crotch of her jeans with the other.
"I see you're game, Rachel," I called across the studio. "Why don't you come over and join us?"
The idea of Rachel thrusting her cunt into my face turned me on as much as getting Rick's big cock between my legs. Without a word, Rachel nodded eagerly and started walking towards me while Rick still stood there, his mouth opening and closing like a fish on speed. However, the sausage-shaped bulge in his jeans was more defined now; he was clearly ready for action.
My mouth watered.
Having removed her T-shirt on the way, Rachel stood next to the couch and was now hurriedly undoing her tight jeans.
"C'mon Rick, what are you waiting for, you gormless git? Andrea's dying for some cock and I want some pussy. So stop fucking around and get your prick out for the lady."
Rachel's commanding tone woke the young man out of his daydream, and he started undoing his flies after carefully stashing away his camera.
Quickly removing my dress, I watched this young couple undress and couldn't help recalling hubby's comment about sea air making me horny.
"How are we doing this?" I asked, conscious of my wanton needs but not wishing to take complete control.
"Get on all fours," Rachel ordered, "and Rick and I will do the rest."
Her naked body was breathtaking. Tall and slim, pert tits suited her frame, as did the neat landing strip between her legs. The hood of skin covering her clit peeked through her fat labia, and I couldn't wait to taste her. But, as Rick removed his boxer shorts, my suspicions about his size were confirmed. Not only was it longer than Dan's cock, but it was also thicker, and for a moment, I wondered if he'd fit in my mouth. I needn't have worried.
With Rick's impressive manhood bobbing in front of my face, Rachel pulled my buttocks apart and declared, "Let's give this horny bitch what she wants," and drove her tongue into my asshole while two fingers penetrated my dripping pussy. Almost simultaneously, Rick pressed his glistening helmet between my lips and thrust his hips.
As his cock entered my throat, it suddenly occurred to me that this was an afternoon of firsts. For some reason, Rachel had triggered me, and for the first time in my life, I was sexually drawn to a woman. I'd never had any lesbian or bisexual feelings — quite the opposite — but something about Rachel turned me on. I felt a click from the moment we shook hands, and feeling her tongue work its way past my sphincter, it was obvious she felt the same way.
Secondly, this was my first threesome. Hubby and I had occasionally discussed having one, joking about which of our friends we should invite. But that was as far as it went. It seemed neither of us was willing to take things further because it wasn't needed. Our sex life was good. And thirdly, and most crucially, for the first time in more than fourteen years of marriage, I'd succumbed to the temptation of forbidden fruits.
I'd known girlfriends who'd been unfaithful in the past, each thinking they could control the situation. However, many went too far, and their significant others discovered the affairs. In many cases, the marriages ended, and now I had unexpectedly joined that exclusive group.
Okay, this wasn't an affair — more a spur-of-the-moment fling — but I had no doubts about what would happen if Dan found out what I was doing behind his back.
Nonetheless, despite not wanting to hurt him, I wasn't going to stop what was turning out to be the best sex ever. I simply hoped Dan couldn't hear our moans and groans as waves of pleasure coursed through our bodies.
Rachel was a skilled lover. Whether she sucked my clit, fingered my pussy, or tongued my asshole, she quickly edged me close to an orgasm. The way she used her tongue and fingers kept me moaning and whimpering like a bitch in heat. And don't get me started on Rick's gorgeous cock.
Although Dan's manhood has never disappointed me, Rick's prick was something else. I'd never seen nine inches of solid cock let alone tried to swallow it, and the experience was truly enlightening. Now I understood why so many women said that size mattered. As I hungrily sucked, licked, and devoured Rick's prick as best I could, the craving to feel him stretch my cunt grew stronger with every passing second.
As if reading my mind, Rachel gave my buttocks a playful slap, straightened up, and moved beside Rick.
"C'mon Hun, time to change positions. We don't want to keep Andrea's hubby waiting; otherwise, he might come looking for her?"
After Rick removed his cock from my mouth, Rachel leaned forward and grabbed my head. In a surprisingly tender moment during this unexpected wild fucking session, she pressed her soft lips onto mine, and we kissed passionately.
I could have kissed Rachel forever, but I froze when I felt Rick's prick brush against my inner thigh. Realising what had happened, Rachel broke off our kiss and whispered the words I'd longed to hear for the last few minutes. "My husband will make you cum all over his cock, and you'll make me squirt all over your gorgeous face, you gorgeous, slutty bitch. Is that what you want?"
Unable to believe my good fortune, I nodded. Satisfied, Rachel looked up at her husband. "Let's do this, Baby."
For a nanosecond, nothing happened, and then Rachel lay back on the couch, her delicious-looking pussy just far enough away that I couldn't lick it but close enough that I smelt her moist, wanton heat. With a mouth as dry as the Sahara desert, I waited for her to move closer.
"Lick me, Andrea," she ordered. As her request sunk into my brain, Rachel eased her sex toward my mouth and reached for my head. Placing a hand on her landing strip, I ran my tongue along her juicy pussy and sought out her clit.
As I sucked on Rachel's swollen nub, I pushed two fingers into her cunt and immediately felt her tense up beneath me. Then, while Rachel entwined her fingers into my hair, I felt Rick's large bulbous dome slide along the length of my slit. I whimpered as he continued sliding his cock forward, and when he pressed his engorged dome against my clit, I couldn't help groaning.
"Oh please Rick, don't make me beg," I cried just before Rachel smothered my pleas with her dripping wet cunt.
"C'mon, Baby, give this slut what she wants," I heard Rachel say as Rick placed his cock between my juicy pussy lips.
"Here, let me help you," I mumbled into Rachel's delicious sex. Although her juicy pink folds distorted my words, Rick got the gist of what I was saying when I reached between my legs and grasped his manhood. As I tightened my grip, I felt Rick grab my hips and quickly thrust his cock into me.
The sensation of Rick's engorged helmet bludgeoning into my silken tunnel took my breath away. The sheer force of Rick's lunge forced my face into Rachel's groin, which she reinforced by pulling my head against her soft, wet sex. Luckily, Rachel's bucking hips stifled my cries as Rick's cock pressed deeper into me, stretching me like never before.
"Fuck, you're so big," I gasped as Rick's pelvis finally ground against my buttocks. Having only experienced normal-sized cocks, his monster was something else. It almost certainly felt like he'd split my cunt in two, something I'd never experienced before.
"Jesus, this feels sooo fucking good," I hissed, the thick mushroom-shaped dome plunging deeper inside me than any man before. "Oh God, please don't pull out," I whimpered weakly as Rick pulled his hips back.
"Don't you worry, darling," he chuckled, the tip of his erection still inside me. "If it's a fucking you want, it's a fucking I'll give you," and he slammed his manhood into me again.
"Finger me, finger me hard, Andrea; I wanna cum so bad," Rachel cried out as I returned my splintered attention to the young woman. Her pussy juice was so sweet I didn't want to stop licking and sucking. But, hearing the desperation in her voice, I shoved my fingers into her gaping hole.
"Is this what you want?" I asked, ramming her and curling my fingers to hit the right spot.
"Fuck yes," was all Rachel could utter when I attacked her clit with the same vigour she'd done to me. I felt her long, delicate fingers slide through my hair, seeking a proper grip, and she pulled my head even harder against her soft apex.
For the next few minutes, my world consisted of this husband and wife tag team and our impromptu fuck session.
Rick's magnificent prick slid smoothly in and out of my dripping wet cunt, like an exquisitely engineered piston, while Rachel did her best to smother my screams. Whenever he mashed against my buttocks, his cock sent tingling sensations coursing through my body, making me shudder uncontrollably. Happily, my initial fears of being fucked by such a giant prick had been well and truly banished, and Rick's long deep thrusts were turning my insides to jelly.
And then there was Rachel.
I hadn't let on how close she'd been to making me cum when she went down on me, but if she'd kept up her onslaught for another couple of minutes, I'm sure my screams would have been heard on the beachfront. Now, it was my turn.
Although it was my first time with a woman, feeling Rachel's hand on the back of my head while she ground her cunt onto my face, I guessed I was doing something right. Mind you, it wasn't difficult — I'd enjoyed what she'd done to me, so I copied her technique.
Admittedly, I hadn't expected Rachel to jolt her hips quite so passionately when I buried a finger in her arse, but I did my best to keep her clit between my lips as she wildly bucked beneath me.
Then, unexpectedly, above Rachel's uttered obscenities, my slurping, and Rick's prick plunging deep into my squelching cunt, I heard a phone ringing.
It wasn't just anybody's phone chirping away; it was mine. And the unique ringtone belonged to the only person not in the room.
Rachel asked if I needed to get my cell phone. I shook my head. "It's Dan, probably wanting to know how things are going."
"And how are things going?" Rick asked, still driving his cock into my depths.
"Fucking wonderfully," I muttered, "but maybe we'd better wrap this up soon before he gets suspicious."
"No problem," Rachel said, bucking against my face, "because I'm about to cum."
"I'll give you an orgasm to remember, you gorgeous slut," I mumbled and increased the force and speed of my fingers and tongue in her holes and on her swollen bud.
"Oh God, don't stop; I'm cumming," Rachel cried, violent spasms racking her body. Hot, sweet nectar drenched my fingers and covered my chin as I tried to swallow as much as possible. Unfortunately, Rick's vigorous fucking hampered my endeavours, although Rachel didn't seem to notice.
My whimpers matched the powerful rhythmic pounding Rick was giving me, and my stomach cramps increased.
Now it was my turn to plead: "Keep going, Rick, I'm almost there."
Removing my fingers from Rachel's sex, I reached between my legs and encircled the photographer's slick shaft with my forefinger and thumb.
"I'm cumming, Rick. Give me everything you've got," I hissed, tightening my grip. The tension heightened as my legs began to shake, but it was gratifying to feel him up his game for the few seconds before I tumbled into delicious oblivion.
Shutting my eyes, I saw shooting stars and heard a rush of wind. Waves of passion emanating from my sexual core rippled through every muscle and sinew, causing me to shudder uncontrollably. In contrast, my stomach muscles began wildly contracting as I gasped for breath. Cum flooded my sheath as Rick pumped effortlessly in and out of my pussy, even though I squeezed him, trying to milk him for all he was worth.
"Rick, come here," Rachel ordered. "I want to watch you spray Andrea's face with all your hot thick spunk."
When she saw me looking at her, Rachel licked her lips and said, "I love it when he cums over my face."
I would have preferred to feel him unload in me, but the idea of getting a facial while his wife watched approvingly was tremendously arousing.
"Almost there, Babe," Rick grunted and immediately withdrew his meaty shaft.
Wanking vigorously, Rick moved towards my face. Breathlessly, he ordered me to lick his balls while he continued masturbating. Resting a hand on his muscular thigh, I moved my head towards his balls just as Rachel's grasped her husband's cock.
Either she had small hands, or Rick's manhood was bigger than I'd reckoned because she couldn't encircle his girth. It didn't stop her from jerking his dick as hard as he'd done to himself.
Rick's hips frantically bucked forward, making my task difficult, but there was no denying the effect Rachel's touch had on him.
"Fuck, I'm cumming, Rach…Jeeesus, don't stop."
Rick pulled his hips back as thick spunk erupted from his glistening dome. Fascinated, I watched a long string of cum fly, rising above my face seemingly in slow motion until it arced, descended, and splattered onto my forehead and hair.
Rachel's triumphant smile caught my eye as she pumped another salvo of hot cream from her husband's cock, which she aimed at my face. "Open wide, Andrea," she giggled as Rick's cum splashed my cheek. "Here's another load."
While a salvo dripped onto my breasts, Rick grunted hard as Rachel extracted a third load, and just in time, I stuck out my tongue to catch the young man's hot cream.
"Mmmm, you taste delicious," I moaned as yet another load flew toward my hungry mouth.
"You look like a true cum-slut," Rachel purred, squeezing the last drop from Rick's giant prick onto my glazed lips.
"Dan, it was a pleasure meeting you," Rachel beamed as she stood in the shop doorway beside her hubby. "And Andrea, you were fantastic. When Rick's finished working on your photos, we'll send them to our contact. Then, once the agency has seen your photos, they'll be falling over themselves to sign you. We'll be in touch in no time."
After shaking hands with Dan, she leaned forward and kissed me on the cheeks. When her lips touched my skin, erotic images of Rachel hungrily licking Rick's warm seed from my face filled my head. I enjoyed the charged moment for a second, but feeling the heat between my legs increasing, I quickly pulled my head back.
With cheeks as red as roses, I thanked Rachel for all her help and backed away, unable to take my eyes off the beautiful younger woman. She looked irresistible with her sparkling eyes and impish smile. Glancing at Rick, I dropped my gaze to his crotch and fantasised about what I'd let him do to me the next time we met.
"I can't wait," I said, aware of a tremble in my voice. Recovering my composure, I smiled at Rachel. Looking at her delicious nipples protruding in her loose t-shirt, it was good to know I wasn't the only one thinking about getting fucked.
Dan obviously couldn't help staring at the young woman, and for a split second, my guilt resurfaced. Needing to escape the charged situation, I grabbed hubby's hand and gave it a subtle tug. "Let's go back to the hotel room, I want to freshen up before dinner."
As we sauntered along the boulevard, I asked Dan if he'd been bored in the waiting room.
"No, I watched some television."
"That's nice, see anything good?"
A wry smile appeared. "Well, at first, I thought the television was out of order because I couldn't get any channels. But I soon discovered the problem."
"What was it?"
"Now, that's the interesting part," Dan said dryly. "You see, it wasn't broken, it just lacked a signal."
"I see," I replied, although I didn't really.
"But I only realised that when someone switched on the camera in the studio and I saw you posing on the couch."