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A Walk On The Park Side

"Two lovers meet to make up for lost time"

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They were married, just not to each other. They'd first met twenty years earlier. He'd been her first, she was the first one that he'd fallen in love with and the one all others were compared to. 

He was working away from home as he had for the last seven years. She was having a weekend away, seeing another old friend but had come down a day earlier to see him first. This was the first time they'd seen each other in fifteen years.

Dinner at the hotel was busy but neither of them particularly noticed. As they sat at the table across from one another, the smiles and conversation flowed easily, followed by the occasional brushing of hands across the table or feet under it.

Once they'd finished eating, they grabbed their coats and headed out through the lobby. It was late September and already the sky was darkening with clouds skidding overhead as they made their way through the streets. He had his hands in his coat pockets while she had her arm linked through his, the other arm across her as she held onto his elbow. 

The buildings stopped at the junction ahead. They crossed the road and walked to the fence along the edge of the clifftop, watching the waves landing against the beach below. He guided her along the pavement to a path leading down to the beach.

As they zig-zagged their way down the cliff, they laughed as they took it in turns to spin each other around the corners. When they reached the beach, they walked along toward the pier, the lights on it illuminating its length to the groups of fishermen clustered around the end. While walking along the wooden boards of the pier, the breeze stiffened and they moved tighter together. As they stood at the end of the pier, the waves crashed beneath them blocking out all other sounds, but there was nothing more they needed to say to each other. 

They walked back along the sheltered side of the pier, glad to be out of the wind. As they passed the breaks in the shelters, the wind whipped at her skirt, trying to lift it from her knees. Several times she had to quickly steady it and hold it down against her thighs. They didn't pause whilst crossing the road at the foot of the pier, entering the park that led back towards the hotel.

The path through the park was wide and the lights that lit it were spread out and only on one side, leaving dark pools between the puddles of light. As they slowly made their way up the darker side of the path, he stopped and turned her towards him, his hands slipping inside her coat to her waist. Pulling her closer, her hands slid up his arms and passed over his shoulders as their lips met gently. 

He pulled her body against his as their mouths opened and their tongues brushed together. As they kissed, his hands moved up her back. She slowly pulled away from him, letting one of her hands trail down his arm, her fingers catching his at the last moment and they started walking further up the path.

A short way along, she turned slightly off the path towards some trees barely visible in the dark, turning as she reached one and pulling him to her again. This time his hands started slightly lower and slipped under the hem of her top, first feeling the waistband of her skirt, then the soft, smooth touch of her skin. Their mouths broke contact but they both stayed against the tree. He slowly kissed along her cheek. Her head tilted to the side allowing her hair to fall back, exposing her neck to the cool air for a moment.

His lips slowly kissed their way down her neck, causing a sigh to escape her mouth. One of her hands moved up the back of his coat until it was cradling the back of his neck, making sure his lips and tongue didn't leave the sensitive skin on her neck. He wasn't sure at first, but he felt some pressure from her hips as her bum lifted from against the tree to push her pelvis against him with urgency. One of his hands dropped slowly from under her top to exploit the gap between her and the tree, gently cupping her bum. His other hand slowly moved up her side under her top until coming into contact with her bra strap. 

His thumb moved back towards him, tracing along the equator of the cup, finding her nipple through the fabric and feeling it harden under his touch. She moaned gently into his ear, resting her head on his shoulder. His hand cupped her breast as the other moved from her bum to her back under her top again, his thumb tucking into the waistband of her skirt. He pulled it slightly away from her and slipped the tips of his fingers in. 

His hand moved around her as he gently squeezed her breast before sliding under the bra from underneath. He moved back slightly to give his hand room to push down into her skirt, his fingers feeling the patterns on her underwear as they moved down. He could feel the outline of her lips through the thin material, running his middle finger along the middle. Pressing lightly, he could feel them moving apart for him and could feel the warmth and dampness leaking from her. She moaned again, louder this time and her hand dropped from his back; she moved it between them, sliding it over his as his fingers continued to stroke gently at her lips. 

The extra pressure caused her underwear to move between her lips so that his fingers were moving against her flesh. He easily moved the fabric to the side and let his finger move along her, moving back to gather some of the juices leaking from her before moving forward again. As he started to rub them into her clit she could feel the reaction growing in him as well. She released his hand and turned hers to rub against the bulge in his trousers. His mouth left her neck and searched for her lips again, finding them as another moan came from them, muffling it. 

His finger moved back between her lips before slowly pushing inside of her. He could feel her hips rocking against him as he slid in and out of her, his finger coated from her before he went back to stroking her clit. Her hand moved up to undo the zip on his trousers, pulling the waistband of his shorts down before sliding down to wrap around his shaft. Now it was his turn to have a moan muffled as she slowly stroked him while his finger carried on playing with her clit and sliding over her lips. Suddenly they heard a group of voices entering the top of the park.

She sighed as his finger pulled away from her and he pulled his hand from her skirt, his other hand pulling free from her bra before checking that it was in place again. She withdrew her hand from his shorts and he did his zip up as she quickly rearranged her underwear over her lips. By the time the owners of the voices appeared on the path, they were back slowly walking upwards with linked arms. The dim light made it impossible to see her blushing skin as they made their way back to the hotel.

As they walked back through the lobby, there was a queue for the lifts. They headed for the stairs, not wanting to be stood around waiting a moment longer than they needed. He took the card out of his pocket and opened the door walking in. As soon as he was through the doorway, he turned and eased her against the wall as the door clicked shut. He held her there as he made for her mouth again, pulling the jacket off her shoulders and down her arms, throwing it towards the wardrobe without looking. 

His coat soon followed as they took it off him between them. She was wearing a loose top with fairly thin straps holding it on her shoulders. His hands moved over the fabric as his mouth moved down her neck again, his fingers finding her nipples hard under her clothing.

His hands dropped to her waistband, searching for the zip and clasp. She was feeling his chest through his shirt when she felt her skirt fall from her. She stepped out of it, kicking it into the space behind the door. As his hands carried on exploring her, she started to unbutton his shirt. He had to stop to undo his sleeves before dropping the shirt on top of her skirt. 

She ran her fingers through the hair on his chest. She'd shaved it once when they'd first met but was glad of it now as she used it to gently pull him back against her. They kissed again as she reached for his belt. They kicked off their shoes. His mouth made its way down her neck again, making her hurry with the zip on his trousers, making them fall to the ground.

His mouth moved slowly along one shoulder as his hand moved up her back to the other. One of the straps of her top fell from her shoulder, pulled by his fingers, the other moved under his lips. The straps slowly slipped down her arms. She lifted her arms clear, letting the top gather around her waist before pushing it down over her hips to the floor. They both stood there for a moment, looking at each other. 

Her blue eyes passing over his chest, his stomach, pausing as her eyes moved over the bulge in his shorts, down to his thighs before moving back up to the growing bulge demanding her attention. His eyes moved over her pale skin, watching the way her breasts moved as she breathed, down to her stomach, down to her legs. He stepped forward again, kissing her. His hand moved around her waist to her back before slipping down the gap between the waistband of her knickers and the small of her back, cupping her bum and pulling her against him.

She moved him back slightly as she pulled his shorts down over his bum. As the waistband released him, his cock bounced between her thighs, resting against the silk that formed the gusset of her underwear. The material felt soft on his cock as she pulled him back against her as they kissed again. His free hand moved up her back and snapped open the clasp on the back of her bra. She added it to the pile of clothing on the floor as his hand cupped her breast, teasing her nipple with his thumb.

She pushed him back and guided him backwards into the chair beside the desk. He pulled her close and gently sucked on her pale nipple, feeling it harden under his tongue while his hand slid between her thighs, stroking the material to one side as his fingers slid over her lips. She bent over him, bringing her face to his, kissing him slowly while her hand gently stroked up and down his cock. His hands moved to her breasts, playing with her nipples to make them hard between his fingers. He released his hold on her as she slowly kissed her way down his body, dropping to her knees as she did so, the waves of her hair falling over her shoulders.

She looked up at him, seeing the expectation in his eyes. They'd discussed what this could be like several times before. She dropped a little lower, his hard cock still in her hand. Tilting her head to the side, she watched his eyes close as she kissed the base of his shaft, her lips slowly moving along his length. She gently kissed the top of him before slowly opening her lips around the head as her tongue circled him. 

He dropped back in the chair as her lips moved back up to the tip before sliding halfway down him. As her head moved up and down, taking in more of him each time, her head twisted slightly from side to side, making her tongue trace a number eight against the underside of his cock, making him moan. After taking as much as she was comfortable with in her mouth for a few minutes, she lifted her lips from his cock, her tongue giving a lingering pass over the tip. As she sat back on her legs, her hand took over slowly, stroking her saliva into his shaft while she watched his balls tighten. 

As she squeezed her fingers around him, a drop of precum oozed out of the tip. She pulled his cock towards her and his eyes opened as her tongue licked it from his head. He moaned as her eyes met his and slowly slid her mouth back down him. There was more urgency now, her mouth moving up and down his cock smoothly. His fingers slipped through her hair, resting on the back of her head and she sensed that he was getting close. 

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A loud, deep moan filled the room as he started to cum. The salty-sweet liquid filled her mouth, more than she had expected, and she had to swallow to stop it from leaking from her mouth. She carried on sucking on him, making sure she got every last drop. He stretched his back as he caught his breath. He'd never been sucked like that, never had the chance to cum in his lover's mouth. 

As he helped her to her feet, she turned to the mirror over the desk and wiped away a drop of his liquid from the corner of her mouth. He stood behind her, his breath still ragged as he kissed her back, his hands reaching round to cup her breasts. She could feel his cock against her bum, not hard now but still solid enough. His fingers dragged from her nipples as his lips slowly made their way down her spine. As his hands fell free from her, they dropped to her last remaining item of clothing. 

He sat, kissing the dimples just above her pelvis as he slowly pulled at the lace and silk. His mouth moved down to kiss her cheeks as the underwear fell to the floor. His fingers on her hips gently turned her and she sat on the edge of the desk. He moved the chair so that it was in front of her and slowly lifted her leg so that her foot was resting on the chair and kissed her knee softly. She moved up to sit on the desk and lifted her feet onto the arms of the chair.

With her legs open, his eyes moved up the soft white skin of her thighs to the short trimmed hair between her legs, then down to the pink lips below, glistening in anticipation. He kissed the inside of her knee again, before starting to move up her thigh, the gap between each kiss getting smaller the higher he got teasing her. She tilted her body back as he leaned forward, her shoulders resting against the glass and moved her bum onto the edge catching him by surprise as she closed the gap between his lips and hers. He gently sucked on the soft flesh at the top of her thigh, hearing her sigh, before lifting her knee over his shoulder. His lips kissed hers, his tongue slipping between them, spreading them as he tasted her. 

He moved down so that the tip circled the entrance to her pussy, making her moan gently before moving back up towards her clit. He sealed his lips around it and started to suck gently. His tongue started to move in circles around it, spiralling inwards gradually. Her hand grasped at his head, trying to find purchase on his short hair. He braced against it, keeping the touch of his tongue light on her. 

His hand slipped up under his chin and he slowly slipped a finger into her wet vagina. It slid in easily, quickly getting coated with her juices as it started to slide in and out of her as his tongue continued to work on her clit. He could feel her gripping onto his finger in time with her moans and his tongue licking over her clit. She lifted her other leg over his shoulder and across his back as he slipped a second finger into her. Her moans became louder as she squeezed his fingers together as they moved inside of her. Her hips started to rock back and forth as his fingers continued to slide in and out of her, causing his mouth to either lose contact with her clit or crush his tongue against her. 

He pulled her right to the edge of the desk, making it harder for her to move without falling off on top of him. As he continued licking at her clit, making her pussy tighten around his fingers, he looked up at her, her eyes shut, mouth wide open, hand gently squeezing her breast, the nipple hard between her fingers as she breathed in gasps. Her legs lifted from his back into the air and spread wider as he brought her to orgasm. Her pussy clamping down onto his fingers in waves. Her grip on his head relaxed and he gently kissed her thigh as he moved each leg from his shoulders. 

They both sat there; he watched as her flustered skin slowly returned to its normal colour, the movement of her breasts becoming more smooth as she caught her breath. His hands were resting on her thighs when she opened her eyes. She looked down at him studying her naked body. She eased herself off the desk and sat astride his legs. He leaned forward and kissed her chest before moving down to suck on her nipple as her hand reached down between them to wrap around his hardening cock. She felt him moan into her breast as she stroked him slowly before feeling his fingers stifle over her lips, his middle finger splitting them with the other's either side of them, squeezing her lips between them as they slid back and forth. The base of his middle finger pressed against her clit as the tip circled around the wet opening of her pussy. 

His finger slowly eased into her. Her juices made sliding into her easy, despite still being tight after her orgasm. She murmured as his finger slid out of her and over her clit, rubbing the wetness into it. She turned her hand around so that her palm was against the underside of his cock. As her hand moved down to his base, her fingers reached down and massaged his balls before stroking up his shaft again. 

She stood and moved forward until she was against him, and lowered herself onto him. His cock struggled to fit into her and moved forward, causing her clit to slide down him as she dropped onto his thighs. She tried again, reaching down to hold him in place as she slowly lowered herself onto him, moaning as she felt her pussy spreading around his tip. She paused before lifting slightly and moving down a little further with each stroke. 

She rocked back and forth, moving his cock within her. She moaned as she moved, her clit grinding against him. He sat and watched her as she rode him. Her pussy tightened around his cock. His hand moved up to cup her breast as the other held her hip. 

Her eyes were closed as her hips rocked against him. She had one hand on his shoulder, the other was up in her hair. He leaned forward sucking her breast into his mouth, the hand on his shoulder moving behind him to hold him there. 

She felt his legs flex under her. His arms reached around her and held her against him. She lent back as he leaned forward, sucking on her nipple as he stood up, her legs wrapping around him as he did. Her arms clasped to him as he carried her to the bed and laid her down on it. Her legs spread open to allow him to move within her again. 

He started slowly, pulling out of her until just his head remained inside her before making her back arch as he pushed back deep inside her. His hand slid down to her behind, then continued to move to the back of her thigh, lifting it so that her knee was near to his armpit. She moaned as she felt him sink even deeper into her. After a couple of strokes, unthinkingly, she lifted her other leg, feeling him fill her. He could feel her tightening around him and was torn between bringing her off again or stopping himself from coming a second time. He gradually came to a stop deep within her before slowly dragging his cock from her as he got up. 

She looked at him puzzled but took his hand as he helped her off the bed. He moved the chair back from the desk and stood her in front of the mirror. She understood what he wanted and bent over slightly, her hands on either side of the mirror. He stood behind her and pulled her upright, cupping her breasts as he kissed along the back of her shoulder to her neck. 

She felt his wet cock sliding up between her legs and spread her feet slightly to give it room. It slid easily over her lips, pushing towards her clit and she rolled her hips in response, moaning as his head made contact with her as well as from his mouth on her neck and his fingers toying with her nipples. He started slowly thrusting along her lips as she rocked back against him. Then he pulled back slightly further and rolled her hips, bending her over again. Her pussy hand tightened again since he'd last pulled out and there was resistance as he pushed his way into her at first but then her opening relaxed and his cock dived deep into her again. 

She moaned loudly as she felt herself open around him to be filled again. She opened her eyes to look in the mirror, at his hands on her hips, the way he made her breasts move as he thrust into her. She looked past herself and into his eyes as he watched her in the reflection. He lifted her leg up onto the desk and she looked down in the mirror to see his cock as it slid into her. The sight of it disappearing as he pushed between her lips was too much for her and she felt her pussy tighten around him again. 

He reached around her and slid his hand over her trimmed mound. He got some of her juices on his fingertip and started to rub it into her clit, her moans becoming louder as he did so. He felt her cumming around him, milking him for his load as he stayed deep within her, stationary. As her grip on him lessened, he slowly eased free from her, keeping hold of her hips as he left her. He turned her around and sat her back on the edge of the desk. He lifted her legs. 

She looked down and saw his cock rubbing against her lips, reached down to steady it and felt him enter her again. No teasing this time, he slid all the way into her in one smooth stroke. She pulled his body closer so that she could moan into his shoulder. He moaned too, as that wasn't the only thing going into his shoulders, the other one felt her nails dig into his flesh. He started stroking in and out of her again, taking his time while he could. She felt so tight, so good around him as he lifted her legs on either side of him. 

He slowly started to increase the rate of his strokes and she moved back from his shoulder and looked hungrily into his eyes. As he felt her legs wrap around him, he knew what she wanted. He also knew he wouldn't last much longer. She knew too by the grip of his fingers on her hips and she reached down between them. Rubbing her juices into her clit, her pussy tightened around him as he continued to fuck her. 

Her fingers slid down to her lips, feeling his cock wet as it slid between them. She heard him moan at the touch of her fingers and squeezed gently. It was all he needed to tip him over the edge, and thrusting deep within her, he came. The feeling of his warm load spraying deep inside her, along with her fingers still stroking her lips and clit made her pussy spasm again, milking the cum from his cock. 

They stayed there, holding onto each other as they recovered. She moved her legs to release him but his hands held them around him. He gently lifted her from the desk, his cock slowly slipping from her, as he carried her to the bed, pulling the sheets clear before laying her on the mattress. She pulled the sheets over them as he got in next to her, and then, as he lay on his back, she draped her thigh over him. He sighed as he felt her body pressed against him, her hand slowly moving down over his chest. 

She adjusted her weight and climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. He looked up at her body as their fingers interlocked, studying her stomach, her breasts, her face as she broke into a mischievous grin. She climbed off, first him, then the bed, keeping hold of his hands, pulling him off the bed to follow her. She glanced behind at him as she led him towards the shower, pulling him into the large cubicle behind her…


Written by Aeroeng
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