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A Roll In The Hay

"When a traveller turns up, throwing your world upside down, fun ensues among the hay bales"

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Your heart raced wildly as you rode your impressive steed for all he was worth. Cantering up and down, you urged him on between ragged, gasping breaths. Faster. Harder. Your thighs tensed with every rise and fall of your body as the wind billowed through your hair, loose strands fluttering across your face. You galloped hard, across the green meadows that gradually rose in elevation, until finally coming to a halt at the old oak tree that sat proudly and so prominently at the top of the valley.

Dismounting, you gasped for air. Wildfire, your thoroughbred steed, snorted as you fondly patted his strong neck. The ride was exhilarating as ever. You glanced over the vast patchwork of greens and yellows that spanned for as far as the eye could see, your farm only just about recognizable as a small dot in the far distance. Sanctuary. You sat, resting your back against the trunk of the famous oak, feeling the warmth of the late summer sun tingling upon your forearms.

This spot your escape. A refuge for all those times. Times when you needed to be alone, to gather your thoughts; one that over the years had listened to you curse and shout as well as shed more than a tear or two. A wry smile crossed your lips as you remembered back to that first time. How you had run as fast as your legs would carry you after your first heartbreak, Ryan Harrison. Your first school crush all those years ago.

And now you found yourself here once more. Not so much heartbreak but a growing sense of anguish. An unexpected curve ball that had knocked you for six, turning your world upside down. An internal torment that played in your mind as you yearned to fight the most primitive of urges. If you could turn back time, part of you longed to take another direction. Yet, even as you consider this, you already sense the self-doubt pulling back in the opposite direction in equal measure. The angel and devil on your shoulders in a tug of war.

Whilst friends had moved on, seeking the lure of bright lights, you had always been a country girl at heart. A local through and through. Despite the schoolgirl heartbreak of Ryan Harrison and a few others along the way, you had found love and settled in the only place you had really ever known. A job at the florist had been enough in those early years, a place where you heart swooned when Clint first walked through those doors. Marriage ensued and the start of a new adventure where your dream of a farm and accompanying stables slowly became a reality through a mix of sweat and hard graft. Life had been great, the stables growing and allowing you to peruse the pleasures of riding.

The accident had, however, changed everything. Something so innocuous but it devastated Clint. A man used to being able to do everything physical, now reduced to needing support. Even the most basic of tasks became so much more and, despite your enthusiasm, you could see the energy drain from him. Staying strong, you had pushed him on, comforting him in his darker moments whilst saving your tears for times of solitude. Many a time you had found yourself at this very spot; indeed, more times than you dare remember.

Managing the farm and the stables, along with his care, had been hard yet you were made of stern stuff. You made ends meet, giving all you had, the support of those around you helping where they could. And ,when a young traveller walked up the farm track offering to work for merely shelter and food for a few days, little knew how it would turn your world upside down.

Jake was only in his mid-twenties, the city had already eaten him up and spat him out. Quitting his job, he was looking to find himself, traveling with no particular path or destination. You remember being guarded at first, wary of a stranger, but Clint had took an instant shine to him and offered him to kip down in the barn and three square meals for a days graft farm. An offer that was gratefully accepted.

His arrival, breathed new life into Clint and, as you watched them laugh over a beer, it was though he could see some of himself in this young stable hand. And, as you watched from the kitchen window, you couldn't disagree. Your eyes danced over his chiselled good looks and dark scruffy hair. Relaying stories and adventures, Clint seemed to thrive on the young man's presence and, over the days that followed, dinners where often a three-way affair.

Despite your initial reservations, his help was most welcome, the more physically demanding work coming as a huge relief. Working the top field in half the time you ever could, gave you time to focus on the stables. And his arrival did not go unnoticed by the female young stable hands who swooned for his attention. You smiled as you overheard a couple of the girls whispering about the new stud. And it wasn't restricted to just the stable hands.

Neighbouring farmers, Alison and her husband, had always been close friends. You often found yourselves meeting up for lunches and, quickly, she had become you closest friend. Bubbly and outgoing, she often had you in fits of laughter and, on that day, she had been no different as she turned the pick-up onto the farm driveway. The gravel crunched under the tires as they lurched up the dusty track alongside the green fields. With the windows fully open, the warm summer air blustered through your hair. As the vehicle rocked from side to side along the narrow track, you spotted a topless Jake out in the meadow, raking up hay bales in the heat of late afternoon. Eyes hidden behind your sunglasses, you watch as he worked, the heat of the day glistening upon his toned body.

“Well hello, who is that?” Alison interjected enthusiastically, her eyes widening as she took in the young man, checked shirt tied loosely around his waist, biceps flexing and defined chest glimmering with a layer of sweat in the heat of the afternoon.

“Oh, a passerby who Clint offered some casual labour work to," you answer, the casual tone in your voice making it evident that this was not the first time you'd taken in drifters.

“Can he rustle up another one for me? He’s delicious!” Alison enthused, her head turning as the truck rumbled up the sandy track.

"Alison!" you exclaimed, not sure whether she was serious or merely playing up.

“Oh, come on, live a little, imagine your hands on a rough and rugged guy like that. You can tell him to come over our way when he’s done and make sure he leaves the shirt off!” she brashly responded in so-typical Alison style.

You smiled but, before you could respond, she lent out of the open window, whooping and waving enthusiastically in his direction. Instantly embarrassed, you felt your cheeks blush at her outright forwardness as he turned towards the fracas, waving back. Not that you hid your gaze, enjoying the sight of his body.

"Whatever are you like Alison?" you gasped, much to her amusement, yet secretly enjoying the view.

That evening, you tried to apologize for Alison's behaviour but felt like a skittish schoolgirl around the local heartthrob, his eyes seemingly more intense as you both tried to hide your smiles with little success.

And, as the days passed, he invaded your thoughts with increasing frequency. Thoughts that woke feelings that had remained dormant since the accident. You had tended to Clint's needs but the physicality was gone, that feeling of being overpowered and at the mercy of his hunger no more. A craving that you had begun to yearn once more.

With those thoughts came torment, for you loved Clint with all your heart. You had continued to carry on with life, yet with every passing encounter it was as though you could feel a growing intensity between you and Jake. An innocent tender touch of your arm, or stolen glance across the table lasting that moment too long before you had to look away. The ease you felt as you stood and did the dishes, fits of laughter and smiles. All fuelling your thoughts, yet it had been so long and you questioned whether you were caught in a whirlwind.

Yet, when he had offered you a hand to mount your steed earlier today and you felt his large hand rest upon your thigh, you had instinctively lowered your hand to his, drawing his smouldering eyes to yours. You withdrew your hand almost instantly, as if caught out, but you had felt the connection. Flustered, you had barely been able to speak, fumbling a quick excuse before escaping the farm and galloping hard.

The farm was quiet by the time you returned, with Clint in town and the last riders and stable hands drifting away. A red glow formed in the sky as the sun began to disappear. After returning Wildfire to his stable, you walk across the farmyard courtyard, towards the hay barn, your brown boots echoing on the cobbled floor. Snug, fitted jeans and a white blouse completed your outfit, your skin glistening from your exertion across the countryside. The large door of the barn partially open, you strode purposefully. At the back of the barn, Jake was manoeuvring the heavy bales, using a rope pulley system that hung from the barn ceiling, stacking them high upon one another. For a second he did not see you, allowing you to watch him pull on the rope, lifting a bale with ease.

You cough to catch his attention. Turning to face you, his eyes instantly swallow you up, causing you to gulp as you feel his eyes upon you.

"Sneaking up on me?" he teases with a broadening smile, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Hello Jake," your respond, conscious of your need to control the conversation.

"It's a hot one out there," he answers, your eyes drawn as he steps closer. Instantly, you feel your heartbeat increase, a deep breath slipping from your lips.

"Look Jake, I don't really know how to say this but," you begin, before pausing, the words increasingly hard to say out loud.

"Are you okay?" he asks as you feel the heat growing in your cheeks.

"It's probably just me, but you know all your help has been so appreciated," you stumble, feeling his eyes upon you.

"Okay?" he answers, quizzically.

"I am flattered by your attention but I -" you spurt nervously.

"You what? You mean earlier?" he questions.

"I'm a married woman, old enough... well, to be -" you splutter, your eyes noticing his dark stubble that adds to his rugged look, his eyes so intense, almost pulling you in uncontrollably.

"Is that all you see yourself?" he says confidently, his smile broadening.

"Pardon?" you muster, feeling the heat in your cheeks rise as his response throws you.

"You are so much more than that," he responds, stepping towards you, the barn feeling much smaller by the second, his compliments throwing your thoughts into chaos, and adding to the reddening of your cheeks.

"Jake ,please," you stammer with an increasing quiver to your voice, feeling his presence close alongside you.

"Don't tell me you haven't felt it. Haven't felt our attraction," he continues, an ever-growing assurance to his tone that seems years beyond his youth as your bodies become ever closer. The tension feels unbearable, your skin tingling as he places his hand up to your cheek, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, his rough, large palm brushing against your skin, all the while his piercing eyes devouring you.

"How long since the accident?" he asks, his eyes intently locked on yours.

"I'm sorry," you respond inquisitively, almost pleadingly, knowing this is leading away from your original intentions but unable to resist.

"How long since you have craved to be devoured?" he continues, his tone confident and assured, his words leaving little to the imagination.

Despite wanting to resist, his words hit home as you remember back the two and a half years since the accident. God, you loved Clint but you had barely made love since that date, the physical difficulties that you knew emotionally hurt your husband so much. You had comforted him as best you could, orally pleasuring his needs, but you could count on your fingers when you had been truly satisfied. As much as you fought the thought, Jake was touching a nerve, waking a sexual, almost animal urge.

"This isn't right," you continue, your voice beginning to crack as you struggle to keep focus. You feel your skin tingle as his larger frame dwarfs you. Your heart flutters as his fingertips lightly dance across your soft skin.

"Don't fight it," he continues, unmoved, unwavering. You feel as though you're under a spell, as he leans in, his mouth towards your ear whilst an arm wraps around your waist, fingertips caressing your back through the fabric of your blouse, pulling you tight against him. You can feel your breathing deepen as he takes in your sweet perfume and that intoxicates him further, his lips now only millimetres away from your neck. Still you wait, transfixed to the spot as his hand continues to caress your back, fingers gradually tracing along the arch of your spine. Feeling his hot breath tingling against your soft skin, his lips finally touch you, placing gentle butterfly kisses upon your neck, the tip of his tongue tasting your beautiful skin.

You gasp, your body shuddering as his lips sensually kiss every inch of your neck, his stubble lightly grazing against your skin as his lips savour your taste. You mind races, logic telling you to stop this now, knowing how wrong you are behaving. But, try as you may, you feel yourself submitting, succumbing to this young man: aach assured touch of his hand and touch of this soft lips against you, eating away at any futile resistance, your heart overcoming your head.

You stagger back, resting your body against the wall of stacked hay bales, feeling him press up tightly against you, cocooning your body. You whimper and tilt your neck further, exposing yourself to the sensual feeling of his lips on your skin, and you fractionally part your legs, allowing his hand to slip between, brushing against your tight snug jeans, his touch light yet firm enough to tease through the material.

You can feel waves of suppressed desires flood over you, your body suddenly alive with each touch as shivering electric pulses shoot down your spine. You imagine his own excitement growing as he explores your tight body, testosterone pumping through his veins, his heart beating firmly against your chest.

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As yo succumb to him, you begin to gently rock your hips, enjoying the feeling of his fingers pressing between your legs. He responds, pressing a little firmer, feeling the contours of your womanly flower beneath the denim, causing you to dampen the delicate lace beneath.

Removing his lips from your neck, your eyes meet once again, a deep smouldering intensity to his eyes as he reaches the abrasive rope that hangs from the pulley above.

Sensing your uncertainty, he mouths, "Trust me," your eyes locked on him as he brings your hands together. Watching almost mesmerized, mouth uncontrollably falling open as he loops the rope around your wrists, the gradual tightening of the abrasive material against your tender skin creating shivers of unbridled anticipation. Tugging on the rope, he pulls your arms and bound wrists above your head.

Deprived of your touch, there came an overwhelming feeling of vulnerability. You feel your heart pounding and your breathing quicken as you squirm against the rope.

Watching you intently, he places a hand on your thigh, his fingers stroking back and forth against your jeans. You instantly whimper as the material caresses and rubs back and forth, suddenly even more sensitive to his touch. You were like putty in his hands and you could see him getting off on the dominance.

"I've wanted to fuck you from the moment I set eyes on you," he whispers, words filled with intent and a passion that almost make your knees buckle, the rope lightly grazing your tender wrists.

"Oh God," you muster, breathlessly.

His hand moves from your thighs, tenderly allowing his fingers to dance north. Gently he begins unbuttoning the first button of your blouse, your eyes locked in the movement of his fingers. The angel on your shoulder pleading you to stop this, images flash before your eyes, but you remain still as buttons are unfastened one by one. The loosened material of your blouse falls from you, revealing your bra strap across your shoulder. You feel his fingers slip under the material, caressing your skin as they slide against your waist, his lips returning to your neck, gradually edging further below. Again you let out a soft moan, his touch sending wicked sensations coursing through every inch of you. As he steps back, your blouse loosely hanging from your body, you feel his eyes feasting on you like an animal stalking its prey; the intensity bordering on the insane.

You look at him, your head desperately telling you to put this to an end, but the words do not come. The burning lust consuming mind and body in equal pleasure, he had found your key and was turning it as you increasingly yearned to feel him inside you.

Bringing his hand to your cheeks, he guides you towards him, your lips gently touching. Immediately, you feel the sexual tension that has been simmering, explode, as tongues begin to explore one another with an increased intensity. You whimper, your soft moans stifled as he bites down gently on your lip, his large hand cupping the underside of your breast, feeling you through the lace of your bra.

His lips press hard against yours as you melt into his embrace and his hand caresses your aching bosom. The tease of his touch makes your nipples pebble beneath the intricate lace. His mouth slips from yours as he pushes back the lace enough to expose your nipple, lowering his mouth towards it. Instantly, you feel your nipples harden; the darting, circling and sucking sending wild sensations through you.

Closing your eyes, you throw your head back, feeling the burn in your bound wrists as his lips leave your breasts, working their way down to your waist. Fingers pop your jean buttons and hands pull at the snug denim, tugging them off your thighs to reveal black panties. Dropping to his knees, his hands caress their way back up your inner thighs. Dirty hands smear against your soft skin, his fingertips dancing their way up your legs, caressing you back and forth, feeling your now exposed panties become wetter and wetter with each stroke. God he was good, maybe your absence heightening your feelings, desire coursing through your veins.

Kneeling beneath you, his mouth kissing against your inner thighs, the brush of his stubble against your skin, you gasp, the need to feel his mouth upon you becoming desperate, a deep urge begging for more. Everything was so wrong but you were beyond caring. You knew the risk but it was too late. You wanted and needed him, finding yourself swaying your restrained body more vigorously, offering no resistance to this dark and broody alpha male.

Here you were, hidden in a stable, hands tied above your head, the rope marking your wrists as the young stud knelt between your legs. The most primitive of animal needs taking hold as you allow your body to slip a fraction more towards his mouth, instantly feeling the rope burn that little bit more around your wrists. Your eyes fill with a lustful glaze as he peels your panties down your thighs and finally takes his mouth to you, an instant wave of pleasure shuddering through your tied-up body.

You can sense his urge, a growing need to ravish you building within him as he brings his mouth to you, his tongue eagerly lapping against your already moist slit. You whimper as he guides you to lift one leg up over his shoulder, opening yourself up to him further, allowing his tongue to flick against your sweet, soft, ever so inviting pussy. The sensation of his tongue is mesmerizing, the young lover teasing you as he slowly allows his tongue to lap against you, allowing the tip of his tongue to flick over your swelling clit. You feel your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your skin feels ever warmer. Trying to hold back any noise, soft whimpers still escape your lips as he continues to gorge on you.

His mouth working you into a frenzy, you wriggle your body against him as he toys with you, his tongue gradually pressing that little further, parting your drenched folds, into your wet pussy. Unable to remain in control, you moan softly with pleasure as his tongue pushes you to the ragged edge. Gasping, your moans quickly blur into one as you teeter on the edge, savouring the intense sensations until you can take no more. You "fall" suddenly, thighs tensing as you orgasm quickly and powerfully.

"Oh my God," you pant as your orgasm claims you.

Rising to his feet, you watch him through stormy eyes, your body still convulsing from the magic of his mouth, your mind lost to wonders indescribable. Beneath his shirt, his defined and muscular body brushes up against your hardened nipples. His eyes meet yours, his gaze so intense, so penetrating, as you feel him. Nothing is said but you can feel the tension in the air, the confinement of the hay-lined stable adding to the intensity of the erotic encounter.

You watch as he unbuttons his jeans, eyes feasting upon his wonderful body as he allows the pants to drop from his hips, bunching up around his ankles, his own arousal, erect and prominent. You bite down on your bottom lip, the restraints around your arms increasing the feeling of being so powerless. Not that you would stop him, not now. How you would explore and devour every inch of him, imagining raking your nails deep into his skin, if only you could touch. But, instead, he had the power, the control, and you were helpless, a feeling like nothing you'd felt before.

His hands grip your thighs, fingers tightly pressing into your skin, and lift you from your feet. Your jeans and panties discarded, you respond, flicking your body from the floor, enough to propel your legs up, your calves wrapping around this, angling your body towards him. Flexing his biceps, he holds you with ease, guiding you into position expertly, ensuring your tingling pussy rubs against his hard shaft.

“God, you are so beautiful!” he mouths, the corners of your mouth smiling in response.

"Take me," you plead with an air of desperation. Your words barely, audible he obliges, stepping forward, pulling you against him. Your hands flex against the rope with an overwhelming feeling of vulnerability as the restraints make you powerless to his advances. His toying drives you wild; the gentle writhe of bodies, the movement causing your hypersensitive mound to rub against his cock, the delicious sensations almost unbearable. You part your lips, words barely escaping as you pant longingly, soft whimpers surround a pleading beg that causes his dark eyes to sparkle.

Resting himself against your womanly flower, he gently presses forward whilst lifting your thighs towards him. You gasp, feeling him slowly part your wet pussy folds, his impressive manhood gradually penetrating your slick wetness. Gentle at first, taking that bit deeper with each flex of his hips, your pussy still clenching tightly from the earlier exploits of his tongue. Your arms feel numb, the burn in your arms building more and more as your body rocks with greater ferocity. His hands cup the underside of your thighs as he takes you with increasing desire.

Flexing at the hips, he thrusts deeper and harder, sweat forming across his brow. You can feel his breath hot against your skin, wonderful sensations shivering through you as you feel his pent up passion explode. You pant, the rope grazing your skin as you swing with more force, helpless but lost in emotion as though floating in the air, being pleasured like you were the only woman alive. You buck your body against each thrust, feeling him sink that bit deeper, your legs beginning to tense as he fucks you harder.

You whimper, trying to ride the crashing waves of pleasure for as long as possible until, finally, with yet another powerful thrust, you feel yourself let go. You cry out uncontrollably as the most intense orgasm explodes from within, your pussy clenching tightly around his thick shaft which he drives deep, grinding powerfully, your juices flooding him as he holds you tight against him.

Panting breathlessly, he unties the rope, a sense of relief in your arms which you loop over his head, resting your tired arms around his neck as he lifts you with ease. Sitting back on a hay bale, he gentle lowers you gingerly to your feet before him, your mind reeling, lost to the wonderful sensations still pulsing through you.

You look at him, seeing the lust in his dark eyes, a wicked smile etched across his face. Taking his hand, you step between his parted legs. You to step right in, feeling his mouth on your waist, a kiss against your skin, his hands caressing the curves of your body. You take your fingers to his hair, toying with his dark locks as you feel his fingertips trace the curves of your waist, slipping down your body, causing you to gasp as his fingertips find the slippery mess between your thighs. 

Breathlessly, you push him back, needing more than his fingers. Your eyes meet his as you straddle him, lowering your beautiful naked body on top of his wonderfully youthful body. Holding the base of his cock, you guide yourself onto him, watching his eyes dilate and mouth gasp open as you feel the tip of his cock, seeping with excitement, slip between your drenched folds.

Supporting yourself, you slowly allow him to penetrate you, You feel so tight, your pussy moulding around his throbbing manhood, like a well fitting glove. Powerfully, he wraps a muscular arm around you, pulling you further onto him, savouring your body against him. As you rock on top of him, your body squirms, feeling his thick manhood filling you deep as you gyrate erotically on top of him. You kiss passionately, tongues lashing wildly as his hand glides up your back, fingertips gripping your hair as he bites down on your lip.

You ride him hard and fast, moaning loudly as you rut like wild animals. Wrapping your arms tighter around his neck, you bury your mouth into his shoulder, stifling your whimpers as the wet coupling sounds grow. Your head is spinning and mind melting as you gyrate on top of him, your tight pussy increasingly clenching around his throbbing shaft. Wrapping his arms tightly around you, he groans, his cock twitching with excitement as you continue to fuck, increasing in speed and desire, his hands now exploring every inch of your body, nails running down your back and over your firm ass.

“Lean back,” he gasps, his breath hot against your slick skin. Obliging, you place your hands on his thighs, angling your body away from him. Raising his thumb to his mouth, you watch as you continue to buck against him, the sight of his cock rocking deep in your pussy sending you into meltdown. With a knowing look, he slips his wet thumb between your legs. Pressing against your engorged clit, caressing you expertly, your mouth opens wide as you feel him press against you. Moaning deeply, you fling your head back, bucking your hips against him whilst he teases your sweet bud, tattooing every letter of the alphabet over your sweet clit.

“Oh Christ,” you cry as he continues to play, feeling your arousal grow, your nails digging deep into his skin as you ride him frantically. The sensation of his cock filling you, plus the rocking of his wet thumb against your engorged clit, sends pulses of pleasure through every inch of you, your skin tingling with delight. Deep moans fill the rickety old barn as you feel yourself succumb once more to your young lover.

Your legs tensing, you writhe in pleasure, trying to keep that heightened pleasure for as long as possible, beads of sweat coating your creamy flesh until you can hold on no longer. With a final buck of your hips and circle of his thumb, yet another wonderful orgasm ripples through your body. Your mind melts with sexual pleasure.

As your pussy clenches around his throbbing cock he, too, finally groans with delight, his balls constricting before his cock spasms. Powerful pulses explode through him as he cums deeply in you, filling you with his hot seed. Lost in the emotion of the situation, he continues to hold you tightly, his arms locked as you rock upon him, feeling his pulsing cock inside you fill you.

"So are you going to send me to Alison's then?" he whispers as his fingers run through your hair. You smile feeling more alive than ever.

"Let me think about that," you answer with a giggle, your eyes finding his, putting your lips on his.

Written by Whispered_Words
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