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A Married Woman Discovers What She Has Been Missing

"A woman married young and only knew one lover. That is, until she rediscovers herself and realizes how younger men are attracted to her."

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My name is Dee. I am a forty-three-year-old mother to three. Twenty-four years ago, I married my middle school sweetheart. Terry and I met in elementary school and were always friends. Once we got older and hit puberty, we discovered the opposite sex, and we started dating at the end of the seventh grade. Like everyone else, we said we were dating when we only would talk on the phone. We went out on an actual date when we were in ninth grade.

We lived in a tiny town. It was the type of town where everyone knew everyone. We all went to church on Sundays, went to the church barbeques, and the county fairs. Terry and I dated since the ninth grade, but I remained a virgin until the summer after graduation when I was eighteen. I decided to sleep with Terry then only because we didn't want to be virgins as we went off to college.

Terry and I went to State College and left our small town behind. It was a culture shock for us both. The fun times were not holism community events. Now, it was partying, drinking, and going to bars. I got a lot of attention in high school and college. My five-foot-eight-inch frame, with my long blonde hair and big 38DD tits, always caught the eyes of others. Although I would get many propositions, I was faithful to Terry. We were raised on those values, and I was sticking to them.

We finished college, Terry graduating with a business degree and me with a communications degree. Terry was offered a job with a firm in the city. I wasn't that lucky. I was sending out my resumes but got no offers. I returned home and worked clerking at a law firm I worked at through high school.

Terry and I stayed together in a long-distance relationship for six months. He returned home for a visit and proposed to me. I quickly said yes. We made plans for us to get married and we would buy a house in the suburbs.

Our dreams came true within a year as we married and closed on a house. I was not actively searching for a job since Terry didn't feel I needed to work. Before long, I was pregnant with our first child. Our son was born, with another son and daughter to follow.

We were so happy living our dream. Terry worked hard and made very good money to support us all, and I was the happy housewife and mom. As the kids grew older, Terry and I could not have as much alone time as we always had. I was frustrated but accepted that it was what we had to put on hold to raise a family. 

The kids got older. Our oldest was now fifteen, an active teenager, and very busy. My days seemed empty now. I searched for things to stay involved in, but nothing kept my interest for long. One day, as I went through my closet to get rid of some of the older clothes I had accumulated, it hit me. I took a long look in the mirror and noticed I was not the woman I used to be. I was always complimented on my looks and my figure. I wasn't heavy, but I'd put on a few more pounds than I am accustomed to having. I needed to tone my body up and decided that since I had a lot of time during the day, I would join a gym and get back into shape.

I stood naked in the mirror and started to look where I thought I needed to concentrate when I began my workouts. I felt my legs and ass just needed some toning. I was always active in dance, gymnastics, and cheerleading, so my legs and ass were always tight. I always got compliments on them. I knew I could drop a few pounds and would love to tighten my tits. At forty-three, gravity was starting to take its effect.

I told Terry what my intentions were that night. Not like he cared, but he did tell me to do as I wished. The following day, I went to a gym only a few miles from our house. They asked me what I was looking for in joining the gym. I told them what my hopes were. They signed me up, and with my membership, I was set up with a personal trainer for the first four visits, so I have a routine to work on my goals.

I made my first appointment with the trainer for tomorrow morning. My trainer was Sam. He was in shape, and I could tell he had worked out for a long time. Through my visits, we would talk, and I found out Sam had been working out since he was a teen. He played football and got a scholarship to play in college, where he studied nutrition and physical education. I met with Sam for the four sessions, and he told me that if I followed the routine he set up for me, I should see some results quickly.

I started my journey the next day and followed Sam's routine to the tee. The gym was very friendly and kept clean. As the days went on, I would meet the regulars there. They were all very friendly and helpful. I enjoyed going there.

As the weeks went by, I could see a difference in my appearance. I lost weight. My abs were tightening up to where I was starting to wear crop tops to show them off. I even noticed my tits looking firmer. I felt so good about myself. I began to dress differently. I was wearing tighter clothes and more revealing ones.

Going to the gym, I stopped wearing baggy soccer shorts and a sweatshirt and started wearing either yoga shorts, yoga pants, tank tops, or a sports bra. I even noticed my son's friends sneaking glances at me. I have heard statements that they made referring to me as the MILF. I felt good about how I looked and how the people complimented me on my new look. Everyone except Terry, that is; he didn't even seem to notice.

My frustration with a lack of a sex life continued to build, and I found that the only pleasure I was getting was self-pleasure. My trips to the gym helped with that self-pleasure since many of the men there were the subject of my fantasies as I masturbated.

As the weeks passed, I looked forward to going to the gym for the workout and the friendships I cemented with others. One of the guys was very standoffish. He didn't interact much with others. Jamal was a tall black man with a well-defined body. He didn't bother anyone; if I said hello to him, he would nod in reply. He wanted to get his workout in and get on his way. I could respect him for that.

One day, I was starting a new set on the bench press and put on a heavier weight. We usually worked together and would spot for the other, but no one seemed to be around then. I thought to myself. I would be okay. I should be able to do this. I started my set, and near the last few reps, I could feel my arms getting tired. I struggled with the previous rep and didn't think I would make it. Then I felt it get lighter as Jamal saw me struggling and came to my assistance.

I felt relieved that he was there and thanked him. He warned me that I shouldn't be lifting without a spotter. It's too dangerous. I told him I was well aware of the dangers, but no one was around when I started. He told me to look for him whenever I needed a spotter. He would be happy to help me.

That day, we changed everything between Jamal and me. He and I became gym buddies and got to know each other well. We not only worked out together, but we got to know each other personally as well. He knew about my kids and husband; he couldn't believe I was forty-three and had three kids. He said I must be the MILF in my son's peer group.

That is when I grasped how the workouts have been transforming me. I have to be honest. It did turn me on to know others are now looking at me in such a sexual way. I learned a great deal about Jamal as well. I learned he was twenty-three years old, single, and worked swing shifts at a warehouse. That explains why some weeks we would never see him. He worked days and would work out at night.

I missed Jamal during the weeks he worked days. There was an emptiness at the gym when he wasn't there. Although I must confess that I can't say the void wasn't there when he was there. Life at home wasn't improving between Terry and me, so my self-pleasure was more constant. The problem with that was Jamal was the subject of my masturbation. I thought of him and me in many different ways, and it always gave me amazing orgasms.

I felt like a young schoolgirl every time I was around Jamal. My stomach felt like it had butterflies in it, and my heart pounded. Our ritual was that after workouts, we would walk out together, and Jamal would walk me to my car as we talked. I don't know where I got the courage, but I asked Jamal if he wanted a coffee before going home. After asking, I felt like time had stopped, afraid that I had made a fool of myself because I asked. I was relieved when Jamal agreed. I felt my body melt when I heard him say yes.

Jamal told me he would drive and bring me back to my car. We went to a local coffee shop about three miles away. We sat on their patio since it was such a lovely day and continued our conversation. I asked him if anyone was in his life, and he assured me that he and his last girlfriend were done. He went on to say it was a nasty break-up. I reached across the table, touching his hand and telling him how sorry I was. When I touched his hand, I could feel my body tingle from touching him. At that moment, I realized how deep my feelings for Jamal went.

Jamal referred to how he would love to find someone to have a long-term relationship with, as I have with Terry. Without thinking, I told him there was no such relationship. Things never look like they are. I saw a look of concern on his face. He reached across for my hand. He asked me whether I was okay. I guess I had it in me for too long because I do not know where it came from, but the floodgates opened, and I told Jamal everything about how my sex life is non-existent and how Terry hasn't touched me for two years now.

Jamal was so supportive and gave me comfort. We talked for a long time, and he made me feel much better. We finished our coffee and made our way to Jamal's car. We got in the car, and I reached over, touching Jamal's arm. I thanked him for being there for me. Then, without thinking (which was probably a good thing; if I had thought about it, I would have stopped myself), I leaned over and kissed Jamal on his lips. He didn't protest, which made me kiss him more passionately. Jamal reacted to me and kissed me back. Our passion grew as our hands caressed each other.

Jamal whispered, asking me if I wanted to go to his place. I wanted him. I'd thought about him for months now. I was not going to stop now. I nodded my head yes. Jamal started his car and drove a short distance to his apartment. We quickly walked up to his apartment, and as soon as we entered, Jamal took me in his arms and kissed me again. Our passion was immense as we ripped each other's clothes off.

Now, only being with one man and never thinking about others, I was unprepared for what I was about to see. I undid Jamal's pants and pulled his boxers down, and out popped the most enormous cock I have ever seen. My eyes widened, and I blurted, "Oh my god, you're so big."

I reached out and took hold of his big black cock and caressed it as his hands grabbed my tits. We made our way into Jamal's bedroom. I couldn't believe I would do this, but I knew I wanted it. Jamal placed me on the bed and moved on top of me. Feeling his body against mine was electrifying. His mouth moved to mine, and we kissed again. His hands moved to my tits as he caressed and groped them. I moaned louder as he drove down over my body. His mouth wrapped around my right nipple as he sucked it while his hand moved lower over my stomach and between my legs. I opened my legs wider as his finger started to rub my clit. My breathing got heavier as my moans became louder.

Jamal lowered between my legs as his tongue licked up my wet slit and sucked my clit into his mouth. I lay there, raising my hips into Jamal's face. God, I was in heaven with his tongue licking me like he was. I couldn't believe the pleasure I was experiencing. Terry was not into oral giving or receiving. He thought it was dirty, so it was something we never did. My body was tingling as Jamal continued to lick me. I was squirming on the bed, my hands grabbing handfuls of the covers as Jamal's tongue licked my pussy. He slid two fingers into me and caressed my special spot. That was it. He drove me over the edge. My breathing became heavier, and my body started to shake. I tensed up as I screamed out to Jamal that I was cumming.

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Jamal licked me as I rode the most explosive orgasm I'd ever had. I lay there numb as Jamal moved up on top of me. He kissed me again. Tasting my pussy juice on his lips and tongue was the first I tasted myself. It was quite a turn-on for me.

I felt Jamal's cock lying on my leg as he was on top of me. I needed to give him the pleasure he just gave me. I was scared. Although I was much older than Jamal, I was more inexperienced than him. I wanted to give him a blow job. I was never against doing it, but I was scared since I had never done anything like that. Then again, what will I do if he cums? I was always told that was disgusting and that good girls never did anything like that.

I couldn't wait any longer. If I did, I would chicken out. I pushed Jamal onto his back and reached down to take hold of his cock. I was too ashamed to tell him I never did anything like this, so as I stroked his cock, I moved down Jamal's body. My eyes locked on his cock. I couldn't believe his size and started second-guessing if I could take him in my mouth or pussy. Then I thought about a few minutes ago when Jamal licked me into a wild, fantastic orgasm. I wanted more of that.

I moved down Jamal's body, kissing and licking as I moved down. The contrast of our skin was so hot. I settled between Jamal's legs, still staring at that magnificent cock. I was still amazed at the size and girth. Although I accepted that my husband didn't want oral, that didn't mean I never thought of it. I would wonder how it was. It must have been enjoyable, or so many people wouldn't do it. Well, this was my time to find out. I leaned into Jamal and licked up and down his cock. I was amazed that something so hard was so soft and silky. Hearing Jamal let out a gasp excited me. I wanted to give him more pleasure. I wrapped my lips around Jamal's cock and slid my mouth down. I didn't take him very far into my mouth, but from his reaction, he liked what I was doing.

The more he moaned, the faster I sucked his dick. Looking up into his eyes, I could see the pleasure he was experiencing. That turned me on so much. I couldn't believe people told me all my life that this was not something a "good girl" would do. I loved it, and I wanted more of it. Hearing Jamal tell me how good it was and don't stop sucking him was something I had never experienced. I loved hearing him tell me how good it was and how he wanted more.

I was lost in the enjoyment I was having from sucking Jamal's cock. I was shocked when he pulled me off his dick. I wondered if I was doing it wrong. He guided me onto my back as he moved on top of me. I could feel his big, heavy cock resting against my wet pussy. It made me moan softly, knowing he was close to my intimate parts.

He looked down at me, smiling. "Not that way. I want to fuck you, and I want to feel my big black cock deep in your hot pussy."

My body tingled; I so wanted that as well. Then, I did not know who it was making me say such things, but I could hear myself telling Jamal, "Yes, oh god, yes, I want you in me. I want your cock in me to fuck me. Please fuck me."

Jamal shifted his weight and guided his cock so its tip was at my opening. Looking up at him, I felt his cock open my pussy as he slowly pushed into me. The deeper he went, the louder I gasped and moaned. He filled me; it felt like I was losing my virginity again, feeling the pain as he pushed in. The deeper he pushed, the more I wanted it. I wrapped my arms around Jamal, holding him tight as he started slowly thrusting in and out of me.

Hearing Jamal tell me how good his cock felt in my tight pussy increased my cravings for him to fuck me. I told him how good he felt in my pussy and how I wanted him to fuck me. Who was this lady? I have never said anything like this.

Jamal's thrusting increased, and he rammed in and out of me. My breathing became heavier. A slapping sound filled the room as Jamal's skin banged harder onto mine. I begged him to fuck me faster. I raised my hips to meet Jamal's hard thrusts. My moans turned to screams of pleasure. I tightened my arms around Jamal as my body tensed and convulsed, and I felt an earth-shattering orgasm.

My body went limp as I lay there with Jamal still on me. My mind spun as I felt I had lost all control of my body. As I regained my composure, I realized Jamal didn't cum. I suddenly felt guilty that Jamal gave me the best orgasm I had in my life, and I didn't make him cum.

When I told him that, he smiled and said, "Oh baby, don't worry your pretty little head. We have only just begun. We will both share many orgasms today."

You need to understand that I am not used to sex like this. My experience would be hubby crawling on top of me fucking me in the missionary position, and once he came, he was done if I finished or not.

With that, Jamal moved off me and brought his dick to my mouth. I knew what he wanted and opened my mouth as I took his sloppy cock. I moaned as his hard, black cock slid between my lips. Tasting my pussy juices on him. I loved it. I wanted it. I sucked him for a few minutes when he got on the bed. He told me to ride him. I straddled his hips, taking hold of his cock. I lowered myself onto him. My eyes rolled back as I felt his big, thick cock slide back into my wetness. As I lowered onto him, I couldn't believe how deep he was in me. I placed my hands on Jamal's chest and steadied myself as I slowly rocked up and down on his cock.

I loved his cock so deep in me, and I rode him faster and harder. Jamal encouraged me to ride him faster and deeper. My pussy slid up and down on his hard cock. My tits bounced as I rode faster. His hands reached up as he cupped my tits and, in a stern, deep voice, ordered me to fuck him faster, take him deep. He told me how he would fill my cunt with his seed.

Hearing Jamal ask me to fuck him faster and how he was going to cum in me turned me on, but it turned me on to listen to him tell me he was going to fill my cunt. I have always been a proper girl and never cursed. It felt good to be a bit naughty. I responded to his words as I begged for his cock and told him how he felt so good deep in my cunt. Then pleading for him to cum in me.

I rode faster, and my juices were boiling from deep within me. I thrust hard to feel him deep in me, and with one last hard downward thrust burying his dick deep in me, I screamed as I experienced yet another orgasm. As I rode the waves of my orgasm, Jamal held my hips and thrust upward into me. I could see the look in his eyes and knew he would cum. I pushed down to meet his upward thrust. Jamal screamed as he drove his cock deep in me and held it there as he shot stream after stream of his young cum into me.

I collapsed on top of Jamal as we held each other for the longest time, just lying there, not saying a word. His cock was still in me. I could feel his cum starting to ooze out of my pussy. Although I didn't want to move, I got up and went into the bathroom to clean up. Once I returned, I crawled beside Jamal in bed and lay in his arms.

We lay there forever, just holding each other and chatting. I thanked Jamal and told him I had never been with a lover like him. I then apologized as I told him about my limited experiences in bed. I think he got excited hearing how inexperienced I was, and soon I watched as his dick started to come back to life. I thought, "Oh my god, I have already been fucked twice and had two mind-blowing orgasms. Will there be a third?"

God knows I wanted more. I never wanted them to stop. With my head on his chest, I moved my hand to his growing cock and slowly caressed it. With that, Jamal yelled out, "Damn, girl, you want some more of that big black cock, don't you?"

I lifted my head off his chest and looked up at him. "Is that so bad?" I asked.

"Not at all, baby. I'll fuck that tight married cunt all day. You're going to become my black cock whore."

I have never heard Jamal talk in such a way. He was always a gentleman. I have to admit I do like the rougher, nastier Jamal. It turned me on more.

"Yes, I am yours, your dirty black cock whore." I moved down and took Jamal's dick into my mouth as I started working up and down on him.

"That's it, you little cock sucking whore, suck my cock. Show me how much you like being a cock sucking slut."

I worked my mouth up and down on Jamal. I felt his hand on my head as he pushed my mouth down on his dick. I struggled to take that big, thick cock into my mouth. I squirmed and tried to take more. Once I gagged on Jamal, he let go of my head, and I gasped for air.

Jamal stood at the edge of the bed as he moved me onto all fours. He stood behind me. He leaned down with his mouth inches from my ear he whispered, "Now I'm going to fuck you like the cheating whore you want to be. You will become my bitch and learn to please my cock, won't you slut?"

My body tingled as I heard Jamal call me names. I responded, "Yes, Sir, I will do as you wish."

"That's a good whore."

With Jamal behind me, I felt his cock press into my soaking wet pussy. Jamal took hold of my hips and thrust his cock deep with one hard thrust. I was so wet that his dick slid in easily; I groaned as I felt his cock deep in me.

Jamal fucked me hard and deep, not caring how rough he was, as he pounded his dick deep into my pussy. With every hard thrust, he drove my head into the bed. I felt a hard sting. I realized Jamal was spanking my ass as he told me to beg for it.

I quickly complied as I begged. "Oh yes, yes, please fuck me. Give me your big black cock, fuck your dirty whore's cunt, fuck me!"

My body shaking and breathing heavily, I pushed back onto Jamal's cock. I screamed as I exploded in my third orgasm. Jamal didn't stop. He pounded faster, calling me all types of names as he rammed it deep. His hands tightened on my hips as he thrust deep and emptied his balls deep in me. As he continued to thrust in and out of me as filled my pussy with his cum it drove me into yet another orgasm. Jamal slowed his thrust down as his orgasm subsided. As he pulled his cock out of me, I collapsed onto the bed. Not able to move, gasping for my breath. Jamal lay beside me, holding me as he cuddled next to me.

I couldn't move or want to until I noticed the time. I had to hurry home to ensure I met my kids when they arrived. I cleaned up and said my goodbyes. I was flying high the rest of the night. I never felt so satisfied as I did that night.

I quickly got everyone out of the house the following day and headed to the gym. I got to the gym before Jamal did, but when he walked in, I felt flushed and my pussy wet. While Jamal was warming up, I walked over to him and whispered to him. "You look like you're going to need some cardio later."

He smiled at me, asking, "You willing to give me that hard cardio?"

I smiled and winked at him as I replied, "You bet I am."

We finished our workout routine and spent the rest of the afternoon getting our heart rates up at Jamal's place, and oh god, did we get our heart rates up.

Jamal and I have continued to enjoy each other for the past three years. I will always be grateful to him because he brought my inner slut out of me and showed me how to enjoy and crave sex. He gave me the confidence to put myself out there where I have connected with other men, both young and old, at the mall, grocery store, park, hell, I even hooked up with one of my son's friend's father. I have continued and will continue to make up for all those years I didn't enjoy myself in the bedroom. Yes, I know I am a slut, but I have embraced that title and am very proud of it.

Written by Soccermom
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